How to make high-quality bricks yourself.

  • 14.06.2019

Business idea: brick production at home, how to open a mini workshop?
Where do we do business: private house, workshop, rented premises
Main costs: purchase of equipment for production, purchase of materials, electricity
Required equipment: brick making machine, molds
Consumables: sand, cement, water, dyes
Initial capital: from 200,000 rubles. up to 1,500,000 rubles
Payback period: from 6 to 18 months
Possible profit: from 35,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles

Brick is a unique material that combines high strength and good warmth and soundproofing characteristics. What's more, it is also easy to operate and operate, eco-friendly, flame retardant, earthquake resistant, durable, non-shrinking. All buildings that are made of brick do not need any special maintenance and control.

Payback mini brick factory

Practice has shown that a mini brick plant can pay off in a few years. Accordingly, this business is highly profitable and promising. Since this business option does not require the installation of treatment facilities, it will be possible to organize production in any industrial premises. The purchase of equipment is accompanied by the provision of design estimates, service maintenance and commissioning, as well as training of personnel.

Equipment for independent production of bricks.

Brick Making Equipment

With the help of a universal, mobile, automatic semi-dry pressing press, it is possible to produce brick products from any type of clay, as well as from screenings, flour, shell slag, waste from brick factories.

The press includes an automatic rotary table, divided into 3 sections: 1. loading 2. molding 3. outlet.

The device is very efficient in operation. This equipment can be used in the field. With its help, silicate, facing, colored bricks are produced, which are later given the texture of torn stone. Our market offers a huge selection of equipment for the production of bricks at various prices. Inexpensive option- This machine tool, which allows the production of bricks in three standard sizes. The principle of its operation is based on the compression of the working mixture (clay, sifting, cement) in a special matrix-form by manual pressure. The machine contains a dosing device and a hopper that allows loading. It is worth noting that the machine is easy to operate, it can work without electricity, which is very important.

Another popular type of equipment is "hyperpress". The hyperpress is equipped with a standard matrix designed for the manufacture of more than 30 positions of bricks and facing tiles. It is important that the production of hyper pressed bricks is more economical and cost-effective.

Mini brick production line.

Machine for the production of bricks.

The set of equipment can also include molds for the production of bricks.

Brick production technology.

Before organizing a business, it is necessary to select and study the production technology. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the use of traditional technologies that involve the production of bricks by plastic molding can only be profitable if it covers about 30 million pieces per year. Indeed, in such a project it is necessary to invest at least 1 billion rubles.

Another, more accessible technology for the production of bricks is hyperpressing. The material that is made in accordance with this technology is very common and used, and also has good quality characteristics. In addition, the degree of its frost resistance and strength is several times higher than that of its "traditional counterparts".

Brick production is carried out using waste from industries such as mining, asbestos, cement, and metallurgical industries.

The next stage is the drying of the brick. This process is very responsible and difficult. If for this purpose we use a brick mini-factory, then the cost of finished high-quality bricks will not be too high, since the amount of defective products will be small. In the process of evaporation of moisture, the particles in the workpiece will approach each other as surface tension increases, which will reduce the volume of the brick. Shrinkage continues until reaching 15% of the indicator. After that, a decrease in volumes is noted, although the physically bound liquid is still not completely evaporated. To make the drying process better, it is necessary to use an equipped rack with a canopy. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the bricks are well ventilated and that direct sunlight does not fall on them. The duration of the drying process is influenced by temperature, humidity, as well as the mobility of the outside air. As a rule, this process takes from 6 to 15 days. It is worth noting that such a raw brick has a rather low water resistance, so the walls of a building erected from such a brick must be protected from moisture.

Financial plan.

Profitability of brick production.


To operate the machines, you will need three people, whose duties will include monitoring the operation of the machines, filling the mixer with raw materials, and receiving the finished brick. It is worth noting that modern brick mini-factories are very safe and practically harmless. To fully staff the plant's staff, do not forget about the warehouse worker who will be responsible for keeping records of raw materials and finished products.

You may also need a driver with a cargo vehicle.

It is not worth hiring an accountant for a permanent job, thanks to changes in legislation, small businesses must submit reports every three months, so it will be enough for you to use the services of such a professional once every three months.

You will also need a cleaning lady and a caretaker.

Sales issues

The most important thing in this business is sales. Please note that if the brick production line is idle, you will lose a large amount of money. Therefore, you must take care of the uninterrupted sale of bricks. The main consumers of bricks, as a rule, are construction sites, but most of them already have contracts with factories, so concluding a contract with them can be a very troublesome business. Another active brick consumer is the private sector. It is this area that should help your company in the first stage. If you produce quality products, then you will very soon gain high popularity.

It's good to have a house in the country! But what if there is a plot, but there is no money for building materials? So, we need to build from what we have!

Materials for making bricks and blocks

Today everyone is used to buying ready-made building materials. And our ancestors did everything with their own hands. And their houses were strong, warm, cozy.

The current craftsmen also began to make bricks with their own hands for the construction of a country dwelling. To do this, use a variety of materials.

You can make the following building materials at home:

  • concrete cinder blocks;
  • adobe bricks;
  • terrablocks.

With diligence, work and patience, you can do all the work without any purchased mechanisms. Yes and financial investments material can be kept to a minimum.

Forms for bricks and blocks

Of course you can buy them. But if it is decided to do everything with your own hands, then the molds for pouring should be built independently. Moreover, ready-made bricks are useful not only for building a house, but also for building a poultry house, a garage and other utility rooms.

If possible, metal molds can be made. But the easiest option is to put them together from plywood or wooden planks.

They make either single forms, or double, or fused multi-piece. First, knock down the walls of the box. The bottom of the mold is best made retractable. But the covers are not attached in any way, but simply superimposed on top. It is recommended to stuff cone-shaped knobs on them to get voids in bricks and blocks.

Although some craftsmen manage to make bricks without covers at all. Their bricks and blocks are cast, solid, without voids. In this case, the material leaves more, and the thermal conductivity of the walls is higher. That is, housing is less warm, since it is easier to share the temperature with the environment.

If the mold is made for casting two or more blocks or bricks, then partitions are inserted inside. They can be made both stationary and removable. Last option considered more successful, since the bricks can be removed without any problems after removing the partitions.

Forms for the manufacture of blocks and bricks differ only in their size. Moreover, everyone chooses for himself how large his building materials will be.

concrete cinder blocks

This option is the most expensive of the three above. But, nevertheless, by making blocks on their own, and not by purchasing, the master significantly saves money.

For concrete cinder block you need to take:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 6 parts sand;
  • 10 parts filler.

Expanded clay or gravel acts as a filler. But a thrifty owner can replace purchased ingredients with ordinary garbage, which is easy to pick up both in his yard and from neighbors or (forgive me, people with an aristocratic upbringing!) in a landfill.

It is important to use something that does not rot and does not shrink as a filler.

These are:

  • broken glass;
  • stones;
  • pieces of brick;
  • plastic;
  • small metal parts.

When combining ingredients, it is necessary to measure the parts, based not on the weight of the materials, but on their volume.

Calculate the volume of the filler by a method based on the law of Archimedes.

To do this, you need a container of a known volume and water. First put the material in it. Then fill everything with water, filling the container completely. After that, it remains just to calculate how much water fit, subtract this number from the known volume of the container. Just that figure will remain, which will be equal to the volume of the measured material.

adobe bricks

For the production of building materials of this kind, the following ingredients are required in equal volumes:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • wet manure or;
  • filler.

As a filler are used:

  • shredded insulation fibers;
  • reed trifle;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • chopped straw.

It is possible to add lime fluff or cement to the mass to increase strength.

If there are difficulties in finding peat or manure, experts advise making your own stabilizer for bricks. To do this, vegetable tops, leaves, weeds are dumped into a special pit and poured with a clay solution. After three months, the rotted mass can be used as an ingredient for making an adobe solution.


It is even easier to use ordinary earth as a material for bricks and blocks.

For earthen bricks, you should take not upper layer soil in which plant roots are found in large numbers, and located deeper. Silty soils are not suitable for work.

Terrablock Ingredients:

  • 1 part clay;
  • 9 pieces of land;
  • 5% fluff;
  • 2% cement;
  • filler (slag, garbage, crushed stone, expanded clay, crushed insulation).

You can mix the ingredients for the composition with your feet by placing it in a pit, a large bath-type container. There is an option to do this with special devices- soil mixers, reminiscent of concrete mixers in miniature.

Drying bricks

Concrete bricks and cinder blocks dry out in good warm weather in one to two days. But adobe and earth building materials have to be kept under a canopy for a week or even about half a month. A canopy is needed to protect bricks and blocks from precipitation and sunlight.

Moreover, adobe and terra-bricks are first dried in a horizontal position for 2-3 days, and then turned over on a barrel. After a few days, they are transferred to the opposite side, then upside down.

If brick production takes place in winter period, for drying, it is necessary to equip a room with walls, a ceiling and heating.

It is very important to remember when building a house from adobe or earthen bricks: finishing should not be carried out earlier than a year after the walls were erected!

This rule follows from the fact that buildings from this building material have a tendency to strong shrinkage.

Video on how earthen bricks are made using a simple homemade machine

Construction never stops - it is little affected by the crisis and weather conditions. People have built and will continue to build, because the need for housing for a growing population does not disappear anywhere. Used to build walls various materials, and one of them is clay brick.

Since it is in great demand every day, the prices for it bite. The manufacturer can raise the cost quite strongly, since the client will always need to buy a brick - construction is impossible without it. So it turns out that the construction of the house has to spend a lot of money. However, there is an opportunity to significantly save money, because clay bricks can be made with your own hands at home. One person is quite capable of coping with this kind of task, but it will take a fair amount of time. You can do it yourself the following types bricks:

  • Ceramic, or red fired;
  • raw, or red unfired;
  • adobe - red unburnt with the addition of straw.

What is needed for production

Before starting any work, it is necessary to collect the right materials and tools. Without them, you will not have effective production, and therefore try to have all of the following at hand, namely:

  • low-fat and oily clay;
  • clean sand;
  • water;
  • nails (you can also use self-tapping screws);
  • boards;
  • straw;
  • cement;

And so, we have everything from which bricks will be made. But nothing will come of it without tools. So prepare:

  • container for kneading;
  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • construction trowel;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • tandoor for firing.

The right preparation process

Since the most important element of a brick is clay, it must be of excellent quality and without any impurities. Fortunately, finding clay is quite simple, because it is common almost everywhere in our latitudes. But if there is no opportunity to get the mineral on your own, then buying it will not hit your wallet. In any case, it is much cheaper than buying ready-made bricks.

If you decide to make adobe without firing, then it is important to take care of the straw in advance. There is no fundamental difference here - it is suitable from almost any plant: wheat, rye, barley, oats and others. The main thing to take care of is to choose a good, not rotten straw and chop it, because a large one is not suitable for a small brick.


It is recommended to produce bricks according to their standard dimensions. According to the standards, the length reaches 25 cm, the width is 12.5 cm, and the height is no more than 6.5 cm. Once the forms are made, it is necessary to wet the walls with water and lightly sprinkle with cement - this way it will be easier to remove the almost finished brick from the molds.

To make the dough, mix sand, clay and water (if necessary, straw). Once the dough is ready, fill in the forms with it. Check that the future brick fills all the corners and cracks. After that, you need to level the top with a trowel and press the forms.

You need to let the composition harden a little. As soon as you notice that the brick has hardened, you need to turn the mold over and it will usually fall out easily. At this stage, it is not ready yet - there is a long drying procedure ahead.

As a rule, it takes from 6 to 15 days - it all depends on weather conditions and air humidity. The higher the temperature, the faster the brick will be ready for use. Highly important advice: Do not attempt to dry in direct sunlight. This method can lead to the formation of cracks, and therefore it is better to dry in the shade.

Do not stack the bricks tightly together - there should be gaps between them through which air will circulate, which will significantly speed up the drying procedure. In addition, it is in this situation that drying will take place evenly, which will positively affect the strength of the finished product.

Always be prepared that as a result of drying, your brick will decrease in volume by about 15% - it's all about moisture loss. In the future, he will continue to lose it, but will not change in size.

So you think you've already made a good construction material? But this is not the final yet - it is important to check its quality. This can be done with a simple but effective way. We just take one of the bricks and simply break it into two parts. We look at it throughout its thickness: if the clay has the same color everywhere, then the drying went evenly. If you see any differences, then the brick is not completely dry. Using it in construction, after some time cracks will be noticeable, and in the end everything will come to the complete destruction of the building.


If you want to make the material as durable as possible, it must be fired. Fortunately, a homemade oven (tandoor) can be built at home using an ordinary iron barrel without a bottom. It must be placed on brickwork and make a fire. The brick is laid in the barrel itself and does not allow the fire to go out for a whole day. It is impossible to cool it on its own after this time - wait until it cools down by itself for 5 hours.

Brick is by far one of the best and most common building materials. It is used by both private builders and professional companies. There are small and large enterprises that are engaged in the manufacture and sale of these products. You can also create own business, which will meet your requirements, and will also become a source of income. However, in order to obtain high-quality bricks, it is necessary to observe specifications and follow the manufacturing process. The production of bricks at home does not involve the use of expensive equipment. The most important condition is proper preparation raw materials.

Manufacturing features

Forms can be boards that are pre-knocked together. Subsequently, raw materials are placed in them. It is necessary to make molds of such dimensions that the finished product corresponds in size and appearance traditional brick, which has dimensions within 25x12x6.5 cm. The lid will allow tamping the raw materials that fit into the molds. The production of bricks will be faster if you make several templates.

Work technology

The inside of the mold must be moistened or sprinkled with dry cement in advance. Next, the prepared solution is laid. As the form is filled, it is necessary to compact the mixture so that all corners and voids are filled. Excess solution should be removed with a spatula. Next comes the turn of the lid, which fits on top. At the next stage, a certain time is expected, after which it is necessary to turn the form over and remove the resulting semi-finished product. The room should be equipped with shelving under a canopy, on which bricks are to be laid for drying. Natural shrinkage will occur within 15%. At this stage, it becomes a catalyst for the convergence of substances in the mixture.

In this case, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided. The production of bricks is carried out in a room that is well ventilated. Drying lasts from 7 to 14 days. It must be remembered that the manufacture of bricks without firing is one of the fastest and easiest methods for obtaining the described building material. As the only, but important drawback, it is considered that the resulting products can only be used to form partitions inside the premises. This is due to the fact that moisture can have a destructive effect on them.

Area of ​​​​use of raw

It will be possible to use raw material in the arrangement of partitions and walls, which will be located inside buildings. It can be buildings, as well as baths, which are used for economic purposes. However, it will be necessary to perform waterproofing from the inside without fail. This material can also be used in the construction of capital walls in buildings that have one floor. In this case, the roof must be wooden.

Carrying out brick firing

The production of bricks at home involves the implementation of firing at the next stage. This will allow you to get high-quality building material. In the conditions of industrial enterprises, special furnaces are used for this. Whereas at self-manufacturing you can build a product that is made from available materials. To do this, a recess of up to 0.5 meters should be prepared in the ground. Above it, with a deviation from the bottom of 20 cm, a metal barrel should be installed, which is devoid of a bottom. Holes should be made in the walls of the container in which fittings are installed. On the resulting shelf, you need to lay semi-finished products that have undergone preliminary drying. From above the barrel is covered with a sheet of metal. In the prepared recess, a fire should be made.

The nuances of firing

Brick production technology involves compliance with a certain temperature regime to ensure the quality of the finished product. During the first eight hours, the temperature should be kept within 200 degrees. The firing process is carried out from 12 to 16 hours, during which the temperature must be kept from 800 to 1000 degrees. The next 4 hours, the temperature regime should be gentle, from 500 to 600 degrees. Gradual temperature adjustment will allow you to get the desired result, eliminating the occurrence of cracks. You can make a fire with coal or wood. The filled container should cool with a well-closed lid. Only after that it will be possible to release the brick by checking its readiness.

Making a lot of bricks

An installation for the production of bricks, or rather for firing, can be designed for a more impressive amount of building materials. To do this, a furnace is equipped using a container. Its shape should resemble a design narrowed upwards. Raw is laid in it, covered with sand or soil to provide thermal insulation. After that, a fire is made inside, and the temperature regime should remain the same as the one described above. Production is also possible at home. For this you will need to use special machine, which compresses the prepared mixture into a denser mass. For work there will be no need to use electricity. While the process will be quite simple.

Alternative brick options

The production of clinker bricks involves the use of somewhat more sophisticated equipment. Products are formed using semi-dry pressing technology. This has the potential to save energy. In production, a vacuum press is used, which is sometimes replaced by a lever press. In some cases, the wizards use a tape installation. After the blank is formed, the brick is sent for drying. For this, special electric fireplaces are used that maintain a high temperature. Refractory clay is the most important raw material. It is characterized by plasticity and a high temperature threshold. When preparing a solution, metal oxides or minerals that belong to the group of kaolins are added to the ingredients. This results in stronger products.

Production of ceramic bricks

Production ceramic brick at home involves the preparation of raw material, its formation, as well as subsequent quarrying, is not suitable in its original form for the formation of high-quality bricks. The mass is brought to readiness, during which processing measures are carried out. This may be natural or mechanical. During the drying stage, the percentage of moisture content in the products is reduced to 6%. Such an indicator is needed so that cracks do not form during firing, and also not deformed. finished products. If chamber dryers are used, they will be able to provide temperatures ranging from 120 to 150 degrees. Depending on the humidity of the raw material, as a rule, this stage takes no more than 3 days. The final step is firing. For its implementation, ring or tunnel furnaces will be required.

Production of silicate brick

The production of silicate bricks involves the use of autoclave synthesis. In order to make one unit of material, 9 parts of quartz sand, which is pre-screened, additives, as well as one part of the last component, must be special.

At first, you can start making bricks to solve your needs, if you succeed and like it, then you can start organizing your own small business. Brick will always be in demand, as it is the main building material.

So where to start making bricks at home? Naturally from clay. The most important thing is to find the right clay. You can find it both on the territory of your site and in quarries that are located in your district. The quality of the products you make will directly depend on the degree of fat content of the clay.

Clay brick production

Let's start from the very simple method selection of the required quality of raw materials for the production of bricks. You can try out some clay samples from some areas. It is necessary to take half a liter of clay, add a small amount of water and stir thoroughly until the clay absorbs all the water and starts to stick to your hands. Having prepared a thick dough, it is necessary to roll a ball with a diameter of about forty to fifty millimeters and a cake - about a hundred millimeters. This procedure must be done for each sample of raw materials separately. Then, it is necessary to dry the cakes, balls in the shade for 2-3 days. In the event that cracks appear on them during drying, this means that the clay used is very oily and sand must be added. If cracks have not formed, and a ball thrown from a height of a meter does not crumble, then the fat content of the clay is normal. Non-oily clay will not crack, but it will not be strong - in this case, it must be mixed with a fatter clay. Clay or sand must be added in several steps and the quality of the mass that is obtained each time must be checked. This must be done until the moment when you get the normal composition of the raw materials and find out the optimal proportion.

There are two ways to produce clay bricks:

Plain burnt red brick;

Brick unfired (raw).

For Let's start with the production of unfired bricks. With its proper manufacture, drying, from good raw materials, it will not yield to red burnt brick. Raw brick is mainly used in the construction of small buildings - sheds, verandas, baths. The production process of this brick includes the following:

1. We make molds. For the production of molds, you can take boards with a thickness of twenty to twenty-five millimeters. You will also need sheets of plywood in the amount of two pieces. Adjusting the size of the form standard size bricks (25x12x6.5 cm). The top and bottom covers of the molds should be with conical protrusions that will form voids in the brick. These protrusions improve the contact of the brick with the mortar. The details of the forms are connected with ordinary nails measuring 5-6 cm. The lid, which is located at the top of the form, is removable. In order for the brick production process to be successful, not one form is made, but several - this will be faster.

2. Fill out the forms. Moisten the mold with a little water before filling. inner sides, and sprinkled with cement or fine dust. This procedure will make it easy to remove the workpieces. Clay dough must be laid out in molds and shaken well - so the solution will fill the corners. Excess solution is easily removed with metal plates. The form is closed with a top lid, aged a little and opened. On the racks for drying, the mold is turned over and the workpiece is removed.

3. We dry the blanks. This is a very responsible and not an easy process. During the evaporation of water, the particles in the brick blank are brought together by tension forces, and the volume of the brick decreases. The reduction in the volume of bricks should be no more than 15%. After this limit, the reduction in volume of the brick stops, although all the moisture is not completely evaporated. It is best to use a drying rack under a canopy or with a canopy. It is very important that the blanks are well ventilated, but not exposed to direct sunlight. Drying time depends on several factors: air movement, humidity, temperature - and takes up to a week to two under normal conditions. The production of raw bricks is ready.

4. We strengthen the water resistance of bricks. Raw brick has low water resistance, so the walls that are built from it must be carefully protected from moisture. For this you need to do:

Tie the seams in the masonry carefully;

Door and window openings must be provided no closer than one and a half meters from the corner of the structure;

The length of the roof overhang must be at least 60 cm;

When it dries completely, it is necessary to plaster the wall or revet it with siding or ordinary red fired bricks.

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Consider now the production of ordinary red or fired bricks. The firing of unfired bricks to produce red bricks is a very technologically complex process, and its implementation is not very rational in domestic conditions. But a small amount, for facing the structure, can be done by yourself. The whole process is divided into three stages:

warming up;



In domestic conditions, the firing process can look like this:

1. Warming up and firing. The burning of raw material can be carried out in a simple iron large barrel, in which the bottoms are cut, placed on a fire or an iron oven, not covered with a top. If you use a fire, it is better to place a fire in a pit 40-50 cm deep, and put a barrel on 20 cm legs - heating will be more even and it will become more convenient to maintain the fire. Bricks are stacked one on one, making small gaps. When the barrel is full, it is covered with a metal shield so that cold air. It is necessary to maintain a fire for eighteen to twenty hours on a fire or in a furnace. The firing mode is selected experimentally. What happens to the brick at the time of firing? During the firing process, hydrated and hygroscopic (chemically and physically bound) water evaporates from raw bricks, partial decomposition of carbonates occurs, organic impurities burn and uniform heating of the entire mass that is placed in the barrel. Clay minerals are destroyed, and there is a transition from its normal state to an amorphous one. The formation of a ceramic shard occurs at a temperature of 1150-1200 ° C for refractory clays and 800-1000 for low-melting ones.

2. Cooling. The cooling of the barrel loaded with bricks should occur gradually, the lids should be closed. By reducing the intensity of the fire in the stove or bonfire, you can adjust the temperature. One of the most crucial moments is the process of cooling bricks, which occurs after firing. It is necessary to block the flow of cold air and prevent a sharp change in temperature, as freshly baked brick does not tolerate this. If this is allowed, cracks may form. It is necessary to carry out a slow decrease in temperature, and only when it reaches 650 ° C can the process be accelerated. You can open the barrel when passing 4-5 hours after complete cooling.

After completing the work, you can check how high-quality the brick you made is. To check, you need to split it into two halves. With good annealing, the fracture will have the same structure and color. Fill the fragments with water and soak for a while. If the brick is well fired, then it will not collapse and differ.

The description of brick production is completed, this material will be useful for those who are interested in questions: brick production, brick production technology, brick production methods, clay brick production, brick production without firing.

Brick making machine

The work of this machine is to compress the mixture (cement, sifting, clay) with a manual clamp in a special form. The machine has a batcher and a loading hopper. Highly an important factor there is that the operation of the machine does not require connection to electricity and is very easy to operate.

Comrades, on YouTube there is a discussion of these machines right in the comments. It is quite possible to make such a machine yourself.

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