Cat litter test. What is the best litter for kittens

  • 14.06.2019

Cats are one of the most popular pets. But it's one thing when you have your own house, and another thing when you live in an apartment. And here comes the need to purchase cat litter and filler for it.

There are several types of fillers that differ in the raw material base. Wood - consists of sawdust pressed into granules. They perfectly absorb odors and moisture, rarely cause allergic reactions. Fillers made of bentonite clay, zeolite or mineral - well clumped. Silica gel - are created from synthetic materials with high absorbency. Well, the last type - corn, are made from the processing of corn cobs.

We've compiled a list of the best cat litter based on expert reviews and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors in the pet industry, but we selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. happy paws
  2. pussy cat
  3. Zoonic
  1. Fresh step
  2. Ever clean
  3. catsan


  1. Cat's Best
  2. Crystals
Hypoallergenic With odor protection Absorbent Clumping Flavored Antibacterial

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.


Absorbent / Hypoallergenic / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • Good quality budget litter that may well provide hygiene and no unpleasant odors in your pet's litter box
  • Due to the special form of crystalline granules - the manufacturer's own development, it does not stick to the paws of the animal
  • Has good absorbent properties. One "portion" of filler can last for a week
  • Environmentally friendly for humans and animals, does not cause allergies and other negative reactions
  • Odors are reliably "sealed" in the structure of the granules, so that the room does not have the characteristic smell of a cat

Hypoallergenic/ clumping / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • It has unique absorbent properties. Thanks to the use of natural microfibers, the degree of absorption is about 700%
  • Consumption is very economical - the main portion is used in the cat's toilet from 4 to 6 weeks
  • The formula contains 100% biodegradable natural ingredients. The litter can be flushed down the toilet for easy disposal
  • Very handy for a large package. 40 liters of product can last more than half a year of use
  • The product is of high quality, inherent in most German products.

Show all products in category "Hypoallergenic"

With odor protection

Flavored/ clumping / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • The main advantage of the filler is the absence of a pungent odor. It has a light fragrance coniferous tree, but at the same time there is no feeling that you live in a pine forest. This is facilitated by a natural base, without additional flavorings.
  • The filler consists of large granules that have antibacterial properties and quickly dissolve in water. However, it is not recommended to wash it off in large batches.
  • Suitable for trays equipped with a hygienic net
  • Thanks to special technologies for processing raw materials, the filler is quite economical. 16 liters can last more than 3 months per cat
  • It is optimal for both adult animals and kittens - the natural aroma of wood does not scare away animals and contributes to a quick addiction to the litter box

Clumping / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • Instantly absorbs moisture. This was achieved thanks to the natural mineral components that have undergone special technological processing.
  • The fraction of the filler is quite small. It is good for small kittens if a litterless litter box is used.
  • It has a gray-pink natural color, when wet it darkens a little. In the tray, the pet feels confident, as if he is on real soil.
  • The filler quickly seizes, turning into hard lumps. But you need to clean the tray in a timely manner, as kittens love to play with these lumps and scatter them around the room.
  • Packed in a multilayer paper bag, stitched on top with synthetic thread. This combination allows you to 100% avoid moisture penetration into the package.

Show all products in category "Odor protection"


Antibacterial/ Absorbent / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • The filler is easily removed as solid waste and does not need to be completely changed every day. A complete replacement can be carried out once a week - this is quite enough
  • The smell manifests itself inversely with the amount of filler in the cat litter - the more you pour, the longer you do not change
  • The composition contains particles of quartz sand and chalk, micropores on the surface of which effectively absorb moisture, like a sponge
  • It has antibacterial properties that prevent the development of microorganisms and unpleasant odors three times more effective than conventional filler
  • Does not contain asbestos and bleaches, absolutely safe for human and animal health

Show all products in category "Absorbent"


Antibacterial/ clumping / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • The filler clumps well, does not fall apart during disposal, which means comfortable cleaning without unnecessary debris
  • The main advantage is economy. For kittens up to 6 months old, it lasts 3-4 weeks. But with large animals, problems may arise - the filler may not be able to cope with a large amount of moisture.
  • Granules do not stick to wool and paws, almost do not let unpleasant odors through, do not generate dust
  • The basis of the filler is clay, production is carried out in accordance with all international safety and quality standards
  • Produced by a domestic manufacturer, which positively affected the price of the product

Antibacterial/ clumping / With odor protection

Main advantages
  • The filler differs from most analogues in the almost complete absence of dust and high absorbing qualities.
  • Patented innovative formula with activated carbon completely eliminates unpleasant odors without masking them
  • High quality clay provides heavy duty clumping combined with improved ammonia vapor control. But in order for the effect to correspond to the declared one, you need to pour a layer of at least 8 cm into the tray
  • Long-lasting freshness is achieved thanks to unique ability filler emit fragrance only in direct contact with the pet's paws
  • Does not contain synthetic ingredients and flavors, which means no harm to your animal's health

Show all products in category "Clumping"


Antibacterial / Flavored/ clumping / With odor protection

Together with a fluffy pet, a small kitten, a lot of things come to our house to carry out its normal life: bowls, toys, a sleeping place, a cat. The filler of the latter must be carefully selected so as not to leave odors, absorb reliably and please both you and the animal. Often a kitten will show which cat litter he prefers by simply refusing to go to the toilet with a different litter.

How to choose a litter for a kitten?

Cat litter can be made from various materials. A high-quality filler should carefully absorb moisture and lock in odor, be easy to clean and be quite economical, which is especially important if you have several kittens and adult cats at once, in addition, it should not emit any harmful substances. The following types of cat litter are currently the most popular:

  1. wood fillers for kittens are made from sawdust compressed into granules. When wet, such a granule disintegrates, and sawdust reliably absorbs odor and moisture. Such fillers are quite cheap, but at the same time, they are very effective. Wood pellets are non-allergenic and can therefore be used on even the smallest kittens. In addition, fillers with a special granule size are produced for them - smaller than for adult cats. The only downside is that some of the bags get large wood chips that can injure the kitten. But they are usually clearly visible to the naked eye and easy to remove when pouring filler.
  2. Clumping fillers from minerals and clays. Fillers are very convenient to use, since their granules swell and stick together when exposed to moisture, forming a lump, which is then easy to remove with a special scoop or simply by sifting the contents of the toilet. Most often, special minerals are used as raw materials for such fillers - opalcristoballites and several varieties of clays. The disadvantage of such a filler may be that it can stick to the kitten's fur and spread around the house, and also not always completely eliminate the smell.
  3. Silica gel fillers are synthetic crystals, which are superior in their absorbent properties to other types of fillers described above. In addition, other substances are often added to such fillers, which increase the reliability of odor absorption and even freshen the air in the room themselves. However, silica gel litters are more suitable for adult cats and are not recommended for kittens, because the synthetic materials included in their composition can cause allergic reactions.

Types of fillers for kittens

The following brands of cat litter are the most popular on the market.

Cat litter - how to choose and use it so that there is no characteristic unpleasant smell in the house.

When a new pet appears in the house, it is worth taking care to purchase a suitable tray and backfill. A capricious animal may refuse to use sand or finely chopped newspaper. Commercially available special fillings are easy to use, well eliminate unpleasant odors. You can familiarize yourself with the main types of product and the ratings of the most popular cat litters to make the right decision.

Types of cat litter

On sale you can find the following types of fillers for cat trays:
  • Mineral. They are the most popular in their niche. Clay is used for their manufacture, they belong to the clumping type. The advantages are adequate price and ease of use. The disadvantages include the inability to retain the smell, the ease of spreading around the apartment on the paws of the animal, the impossibility of disposal into the sewer
  • Clay. It happens both clumping and absorbent. It is made in the form of granules, so it will not be difficult for the owner to pick up desired product both adult animals and babies. The advantages of such backfill include low price and natural composition. The disadvantage is the increased formation of dust from the product, animals easily carry it around the apartment on their paws.
  • silica gel. Represents opaque granules, belongs to expensive types of backfills for trays. It has many advantages: it needs to be changed a couple of times a month, it absorbs odors and moisture well, bacteria do not multiply in it, animals do not carry it around the house. The disadvantages include a high price and a loud crunch when the animal begins to rummage in the toilet. It is not used for kittens, as if swallowed, the life of the animal is in danger.
  • Woody. Made from pressed sawdust. Refers to clumping products. The main advantages include: reasonable price, natural composition, safety. Animals quickly get used to such a filler, it can be used for kittens and flushed down the drain. The only drawback is the increased formation of dust and the scattering of the product into small pieces as it is used.
  • Corn. Rarely found on sale, the price for it can be high. It is made from corn cobs, it belongs to the clumping species. To positive aspects product is its naturalness and good consumer properties. The only drawback is the difficulty of acquiring
It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the above products is better or worse. A lot depends on individual features animal and owner preferences.

How to choose the right cat litter? What to look out for

When choosing a filler for a cat tray, you can be guided by the following rules:
  • The owner needs to calculate their financial capabilities. When the animal gets used to a certain type of such a product, it will not be easy to transfer it to a cheaper analogue.
  • If a lot of cats live in the house, it is better to give preference to an absorbent composition, since the clumping one will be constantly wet, the animals will be able to spread it everywhere on their paws and wool
  • Consider the age of the animal. For kittens, formulations with small granules and a natural composition are preferred. Large-granular fillers of mineral or silica gel type are suitable for adults.
  • Do not buy products with fragrances. Firstly, the fragrance itself can cause an allergic reaction in a cat. Secondly, the animal may simply not like the smell, and it will refuse to use the tray.
  • For allergic cats, it is better to use natural formulations to avoid exacerbations of the disease.
  • The economics of the product must also be taken into account. For example, clumping species retain their functions longer, they are gradually poured into the tray as they are used. Absorbent compositions must be discarded completely and replaced with a fresh portion weekly.
  • The filler should please the pet. If the cat is reluctant to use the tray, throws the product out of the toilet, you should think about replacing the composition
Important! You should not immediately buy a large pack of backfill, as it is not known whether the product is suitable for the animal or not.

How to use cat litter? detailed instructions

Below is step-by-step instruction how to use cat litter:
  • To begin with, you should choose a cat litter box in which the animal fits freely, can row and bury the filler without hesitation.
  • The toilet is filled with a maximum of 10 cm of the selected filler
  • If clumping species are used, then it is necessary to remove the lumps formed after cat excrement after each trip of the cat to the potty. In the case of absorbent species, the contents of the toilet should be completely changed every 5 to 10 days.
Properly selected backfill can greatly simplify the care of the animal and get rid of the unpleasant smell in the room.

How often do you need to change cat litter?

How often to change the cat litter will depend on the number of animals in the house as well as the type of product being used. For example, absorbent fillings are changed about once a week, when they become obviously wet in appearance and the animal refuses to use the tray or expresses obvious displeasure: it hits the side with its paw, meows loudly. In the case of clumping species, the owners can add the missing amount of product after each removal of excrement.
However, just cleaning the litter is not enough, you should also periodically wash the cat litter itself. To do this, the pot is cleaned of residues, washed with water. For cleaning, you can use disinfectant cleaners, applying them in small quantities to the bottom and walls of the toilet. Then you should carefully wash the traces of the filler and excrement with a rag or sponge. After that, the tray is washed several times under running water, wiped dry and filled with a fresh portion of the product.

Can you flush cat litter down the toilet?

As a rule, manufacturers of wood and corn formulations allow small portions to be flushed down the drain. In the case of mineral, clay and silica gel fillers, this is prohibited.
The best method for disposing of such waste is to throw it in an individual plastic bag in the trash. This will help avoid clogging sewer pipes, and the smell of used filler will not be felt in the house.
Information on whether cat litter can be flushed down the toilet should be found on the packaging.

Rating of the best cat litters

Below is a ranking of the best cat litters according to consumers:
  • Fresh Step Extreme Carbon Plus. Belongs to the absorbent type, holds well bad smell, does not spread throughout the house. Contains activated carbon, which inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria in the tray. It should be changed once a week
  • Kuzya Woody. Backfill made from sawdust. Consumers note good quality product, its economy. Many are attracted by the naturalness and ease of use.
  • Crystals No. 1 Silica gel litter for cat litter boxes has an antibacterial effect. Holds odors well, does not dust and does not spread around the apartment. Economical, a pack of 12 liters is enough for a medium-sized animal for almost 3 months

Filler for small kittens - which is better

If a kitten has appeared in the house, then the question may naturally arise: which cat litter is better for kittens? For starters, you can use the product that the breeder uses, as it will smell like mom and help the kitten get used to the new toilet faster. For babies, it is better to choose compositions with small granules and refuse to use silica gel species, as their creaking and rustling can scare the kitten. A good option- wood composition, as it is natural and will not cause negative reactions in a small pet.

Making cat litter: video

Below is a production video cat litter:

There is nothing difficult in choosing the optimal backfill for a cat litter box. It is important to take into account not only your own preferences, but also the readiness of the pet to use a particular type of product.

Cat litter performs several functions at once:
- absorbs moisture (dampness in the tray can cause the cat to stop using it);
- absorbs an unpleasant smell;
- allows the animal to realize its natural desire to "bury" excrement;
- simplifies cat care by making litter box cleaning less frequent.

If a cat or a cat does not seek to "hide" traces of its life, you can do without a filler at all by installing a tray with a grate: all moisture will drain to the bottom. True, in this case, you must constantly monitor the condition of the tray, try to rinse it after each use and wash it thoroughly at least once a day - otherwise the stink cannot be avoided. If such careful control of the tray is not possible, you will have to resort to one of the "folk" options for fillers.


Sand absorbs moisture quite well. It copes with the smell a little worse: it weakens it, but does not completely absorb it. Therefore, if you use sand as a filler, you will have to put up with the fact that the toilet will almost always smell like cat urine. In addition, the grains of sand are very light - therefore, when the animal buries its traces of life, the floor next to the tray will be covered with sand. However, this trouble can be avoided by using high trays with sides. The sand in the cat litter is replaced every 2-4 days.


Newspapers torn into small pieces are the old “folk” way of arranging a cat tray, very popular, but at the same time quite troublesome. In order to make it convenient for the cat to use the tray, it is necessary to tear the paper finely enough, and it soaks very quickly. You have to change the paper in the tray every day, in extreme cases - every other day, and it does not cope very well with the smell.

You can purchase a tray with a grate - then the moisture will flow down, and the newspapers will get wet more slowly. To avoid smell, empty such a tray several times a day.


Wood sawdust is a good alternative to factory fillers. It is convenient to dig them, they retain both moisture and smell well - such a tray begins to smell only when all the sawdust becomes wet. Therefore, sawdust is one of the the best views"folk" fillers. If you use a tray with high sides and sprinkle sawdust in a layer of 8-10 centimeters, you can clean the cat litter every 5-7 days. True, there are some inconveniences: sawdust "dusts", in addition, the smallest particles of wood "stick" to the cat's paws and spread throughout the apartment.

A thin layer of pieces of newspaper can be placed on top of the sawdust - then there will be less dirt on the floor. Wet paper should be changed daily.

Fuel granules (pellets)

Wood pellets intended for solid fuel boilers are wood waste compressed into pellets and practically do not differ from wood fillers for cat litter. When wet, they crumble into small sawdust, and no less effectively absorb moisture and odor. Pellets are poured into the tray in a thin layer, as they are used, their volume increases by 4-5 times. If you use pellets, you can clean the tray once every 7-10 days.

Cats are cleaner than dogs and rarely shit anywhere. However, taking a cat into the house, you should take care of the availability of a cat litter box in advance. If you do not want to spend money - make a tray with your own hands.

You will need:

plastic pallet or hard carton;

Self-adhesive film or a piece of oilcloth;

Mosquito net.

The easiest way is to make a toilet out of a plastic pallet. Take a mesh material (mosquito net, etc.), cut a rectangle according to the inner size of the pallet, glue the edges with tape or self-adhesive film so that there are no injuries when changing the toilet. Pour a 1-2 cm layer of sand or sawdust into the pan, cover with a homemade net and the tray is ready.

Instead of a metal mesh, you can make a cardboard mesh: cut out a suitable rectangle, glue it completely with a film and make holes with an awl. The distance between the holes should be no more than 1 cm.

The net is needed so that the animal does not wet its paws when urinating. Solid excrement is easier to remove from the net than it is to flush it down the toilet along with lumps of sand. Just shake the net over the toilet and flush.

The toilet can also be made of cardboard - cut a box that fits the size, strengthen it by pasting it with a film or oilcloth. A simple tray does not suit you? Decorate the toilet with a cat head and letter stickers.

Cutting the tray out cardboard box, make one side slightly larger than the rest. Cut out something like a cat's head (semicircle and ears) from the remaining cardboard and glue it to the elongated side. Paste over the tray with a film or oilcloth, stick letters in the form of a nickname of a cat or a cat on the head element.

In some cases, the choice of cat litter is something everyday, automated. The owner of the cat comes to the supermarket and takes the first bag with filler that comes across, which he pours into his pet. Representatives of the cat rarely oppose any particular filler and take it for granted. However, if the host appears increased attention to the comfort of your pet, it will be useful for him to learn about which cat litter is best.

Of course, the request thus posed leaves room for reflection. Better for whom? Sometimes the opinions of a person and a cat do not agree with each other at all, leading to protracted conflicts. The owner, as a rule, is interested in economical consumption and the ability not to change the contents of the tray for a long time. The lack of smell is also a nice bonus. But what can we say about the needs of a cat? Let's look into this difficult conflict of interest in more detail.

When talking about the cat's perception of different types of fillers, care should be taken, since we cannot make accurate judgments about his attitude on this issue. The owner is left to be guided by the simplest behavioral reaction - the pet either agrees to "recognize" the filler, or sabotages it and looks for a toilet in another place.

AT general view cat requests can be outlined as follows:

  • The filler should be as close as possible to natural materials;
  • Filler particles should be easily mixed, for ease of instillation;
  • When instilled, there should not be any loud or creaking sounds that give out the presence of a cat and irritate his hearing;
  • The advantage will be the absence of any flavors in the filler, created, rather, to please the sense of smell of the owners.

Often cats adapt to any filler that the owner brings. Moreover, they are surprisingly not whimsical in this matter. The exception is cases of allergy to the composition, when the cat is physically unable to use a particular filler to satisfy natural needs.

By the way! A large selection of fillers for the tray is a relatively new phenomenon for our country. Back in the last decades of the twentieth century, torn newspapers, sand or earth from nearby beaches were quite common. Such fillers were by no means hygienic and threatened to infect both the pet and its household.

The role of the burial ceremony

The characteristic knock of clawed on the tray is well known to all owners of felines. Cats bury their feces with varying degrees of vigor and frenzy. Some prefer to scatter the contents almost all over the apartment, some even refuse this procedure at all, causing bewilderment of the owners.

natural background

In the wild, waste products serve as a kind of passport or identity card, according to which an animal that may suddenly find itself in the territory of a cat can read the following information about the owner of the site:

  • gender;
  • health status;
  • hormonal background;
  • mental condition.

The cat, as an extremely cautious and prudent animal, prefers to do without evidence and remove all traces of his stay as far as possible. Therefore, burying excrement was originally one of the ways to ensure the safety, one might say - the anonymity of a clever predator.

It would be natural to ask the question - why does the cat need this behavioral rudiment at home? After all, being surrounded by affection and care, he realizes that he is never going to attack. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the work of centuries-old repetitions of behavior patterns. Excrement burying is one such pattern.

behavior pattern

This behavioral pattern has been passed down from generation to generation - kittens learned from their mothers how to bury and adopted this action, regardless of whether it suited the changing conditions or not. So this pattern, which previously had undoubted practical significance, began to be emasculated until it turned into a self-valued ritual. Having mastered the instillation, the cats continue to reproduce it.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the cat does not perceive the home environment as neutral and friendly. A predator in spirit, he is always busy with his own survival, no matter the conditions.

How to understand that the cat is opposed to the filler?

The answer, it would seem, is elementary - if the cat does not like the contents of the tray, he does not use the tray. In part, this conclusion is correct, but in reality, with a tray, each domesticated predator builds its own system of relationships, hidden from the eyes of the owner. As already mentioned, leaving a waste of life, the cat always leaves evidence, which makes it vulnerable to other "predators" that overcome it in strength. However, vulnerability is only part of the overall picture, which we will now reveal.

The way in which a cat leaves his excrement is always a kind of manifesto that he presents to his household, especially if he lives under the same roof with other cats. The following paragraphs clearly describe in which situations the change in behavior has nothing to do with the rejection of the filler:

  1. Hierarchy. The question of dominance is raised by a cat under any conditions - be it the only pet in the family, or one of the pets. In any company - human or cat - this predator will show its ambitions and prove its superiority. BUT The best way to show other applicants for the territory that she has one owner - to mark possessions. Any strong-smelling substances that a pet can emit from itself are used. Saliva, urine, feces - all these are unequivocal evidence of a willingness to fight for their "patrimony" and lay claim to it. In such episodes of confrontation, domestic predators refuse to bury their waste;

  2. Family situation. Cats, just like people, are not alien to psychosomatic phenomena. The inaccessibility of human language for them does not mean at all that they are not aware of the events taking place in the house. Cats are sensitive to changes in the emotional background of both their owner and other household members. Disorders in the family can cause changes in the behavior of pets - both subtle and dramatic. An oppressive environment sometimes even leads to disruption of the internal organs - for example, being under stress, a cat can ignore the tray for days. The same principle applies to burying the contents of the tray;

  3. Shyness. Probably, the selected characteristic is not entirely correct, but it most briefly conveys the essence. Some cats are uncomfortable with the need to dig in the tray in full view of the owners. This little common behavior is due to a lack of a sense of security. In this regard, the pets are trying to do their own thing and leave the tray incognito. If you notice such an unusual trait in your cat, then do not rush to run for another filler. It makes sense to think about purchasing an enclosed toilet-house, which will make it easier for your pet to manage his needs.

Types of filler for the tray

Different sources bring their own methods of classification, depending on the chosen criterion. We will present two classifications that are the easiest to understand.

By type of material

The materials used for filling range from simple sawdust and newspapers to complex chemical compounds. About what is better - long-proven methods or innovative formulas, we will talk further.

Table 1. Classification of fillers by type of material


The most common and affordable type of filler in terms of money. It is compressed sawdust, which may vary in size and color from batch to batch. When urine gets on them, they swell and crumble. Wood filler is universal, suitable for both kittens and adults1. The naturalness of the materials, allowing the cat to quickly get used to the smell and consistency of the contents of the tray and minimizing the possible manifestations of allergies;
3. Ability to choose different sizes granules depending on the size of the cat;
3. Due to its friability, the filler is allowed to be flushed down the toilet, since sawdust easily passes through water pipes
1. The weightlessness of sawdust allows the cat to throw them over long distances;
2. Filler particles remain on the paws of cats and are carried around the apartment;
3. Large consumption of funds.

It is made from corn cobs, acts as a "relative" of wood filler in terms of hypoallergenicity and absorption method. It differs from its natural counterpart in its price and prevalence - corn fillers are less common and more expensive1. Natural ingredients make cats easily addictive;
2. Corn filler is consumed more slowly than wood filler;
3. Sawdust quickly absorb moisture and remove odor
1. The specificity of the aroma, which often scares away cats and is not liked by the owners;
2. The lightness of the filler allows the cat to take it out of the tray.

This filler is suitable for beginners getting acquainted with the tray. In terms of cost, mineral filler is similar to wood filler, but it is consumed more slowly. Clay balls do not cause disgust in cats and allow them to quickly adapt to new conditions1. Excellent liquid absorption: clay can stand for several days without needing to be changed;
2. Swelling lumps are easily removed by throwing them into the trash can;
3. Economical consumption and infrequent tray changes
1. Despite the ability to absorb urine, the mineral filler is powerless against its pungent odor;
2. When clay is buried, dust is generated, which can cause allergic reaction at the cat;
3. Mineral pellets are not suitable for kittens

Belongs to the group of mineral fillers and is made from volcanic minerals. It absorbs unpleasant odors, absorbs liquid, provided that it is evenly distributed in a 5 cm layer. Changes once a weekSame as mineral filler

Synthetic filler that overtakes all competitors in terms of ability to absorb and retain moisture. With a sufficient layer thickness, these white granules can stand up to three weeks. Due to updated technologies, this filler is the most expensive of the entire line.1. With repeated use, the mixture does not get wet, does not swell or fall apart;
2. Does not get stuck in the cat's paws, thanks to the sliding material;
3. Polysilicic acid prevents the growth of bacteria in the tray;
4. The mixture is hypoallergenic due to the absence of dust when the cat digs in traces
1. Due to the sharp edges and the specific nature of the material, the granules make a sharp, crunchy sound when they are mixed, which scares away cats.

In terms of its qualities, it most closely resembles a “natural” tray, representing clay granules that swell upon contact with a liquid. With such a filler, you can safely start acquaintance of the kitten with the tray, if you choose the granules of the appropriate size1. Natural materials allow the kitten to quickly identify the tray and get used to it;
2. Due to its similarity with the earth, it causes a positive reaction in pets;
3. Possibility to choose suitable option from a wide range
1. The first and last significant disadvantage is the dirtiness of the clay - its traces remain on the cat's paws and wool, gradually filling the apartment

If your plans include transferring a pet to another type of filler, then it is necessary to implement the plan gradually. Otherwise, the cat may stop recognizing the tray and find another place unexpected for the owner. In the early days, it is advisable to mix the old and new fillers so that the cat's sense of smell gets used to the smell of the new contents of the tray. Over time, increase the dose of the new filler until it reaches 100%.

According to the method of absorption

In addition to the type of material from which the filler is made, there are also methods of absorption:

  1. absorbent;
  2. clumping;
  3. * Some publications classify the silica gel option as a hotel group, but we classify silica gel as a clumping material.

We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two types below.


This category of fillers includes most natural options - wood, clay, mineral. The price of absorbent fillers is lower, however, they are consumed faster due to the fact that, due to swelling and decaying granules, it is often necessary to change the tray completely. The target audience of such fillers is families with one or two pets. Otherwise, the expenditure of funds will be uneconomical and will cause losses.


  • Small cost;
  • Effective odor removal;
  • The presence of lines designed specifically for kittens;
  • Hypoallergenic (in most cases)


  • Increased squeamishness of cats to a partially contaminated tray;
  • The need to change content frequently

Ease of handling is offset by the need to change absorbent pads dailyEase of handling is offset by the need to change absorbent pads daily


Clumping fillers also absorb moisture, but they do it in a different way - by creating "colonies" of lumps that can be easily removed, leaving unaffected granules. Clumping fillers include synthetic mixtures, since organic materials do not have this property. Formally, a clumping filler can be based on natural materials(for example, clay), but they undergo mandatory chemical treatment. This type of filler is literally created for families with a large number of cats, since they are effective only when poured in a bulk layer (up to 10 cm).


  • Economic consumption
  • Does not require frequent washing tray: old pellets are replaced by new ones


  • Not biodegradable;
  • Chemical treatment in rare cases causes allergies in pets;
  • The filler must not be flushed down the toilet;
  • Undesirability of use for kittens.

How to use cat litter?

There is no universal answer to this question, since the use of a filler directly depends on two criteria:

  • type of filler;
  • tray type.

Since we have already gone through the types of filler, let's move on to the next paragraph. Before going into the details of dealing with different types contents for trays, briefly highlight existing types trays.

Tray types

  1. Open tray. The most common and a budget option used by most hosts. The price of such trays ranges from 100 to 2000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, the quality of the plastic and the size. There are both rectangular and corner options (for ease of location in the room). For open type any of the fillers listed above are suitable. They should be cleaned as often as the selected filler suggests. Wood chips are usually changed once or twice a day. Silica gel can stand for several days (provided it is cleaned of solid waste). The main disadvantage is the openness of the toilet and the resulting unhygienic, especially if your pet loves to rummage through the contents and scatter them;

  2. Closed tray. We considered this option in the context of shy cats who do not dare to go about their business in full view of the owners. The closed tray design comes to the rescue for timid pets. The advantages of this design do not end with convenience for the cat: the owner may like the isolation of the closed toilet and the inability to scatter the filler outside of it. The cost of closed trays varies from 800 to 4000 rubles. Keep in mind that it is too early to let kittens into such units, because they have a rather high threshold. The disadvantage of this tray follows from its advantage: the closed design complicates the process of cleaning and washing. Based on this nuance, it makes sense to select synthetic fillers for such trays that do not require frequent changes;

  3. Bio toilet. The innovative model is ideal for owners who often leave their pets unattended for long time. The price of such units covers several price categories, starting from 1000 and ending at 70,000 rubles. As with other electronic gadgets, the cost depends on the number of built-in features. Dry closets are able to independently sift the contents and rid them of accumulated lumps, moving them into special bags, which the owner later throws out. Moreover, some models have built-in automatic notification that is triggered when the packages are full. Clumping fillers are suitable for such trays, since dry closets are designed for sifting formed clots - they do not recognize wood dust. As a rule, for dry closets, depending on the brand, it is supposed to have its own type of filler, indicated by the manufacturer along with instructions for its use. In some cases, such a filler is included (as in Japanese models). The main disadvantage is the probable clogging of the valve, which the owner alone cannot cope with - you will have to call in specialists.

If you feel the need for such a smart unit as a bio-toilet, then below we provide short review the main firms involved in the production of such modified trays.

Changing the filler for a tray with a grate

Let us dwell on the change of the filler using the example of open toilets with a grate, since this version of the tray is the most versatile and does not require clarification depending on the type of construction and the manufacturer, which assumes its own rules for replacing the filler.

The grid performs several important functions. Firstly, it does not allow the pet to scatter the contents over long distances. Secondly, it blocks the cat's access to contaminated litter and possible infections, which prevents particles from spreading throughout the house. 3. Curious cats won't be able to taste the litter. The main disadvantage, which sometimes becomes decisive, is the inability to delve into the material. For some cats, this ritual is necessary, if it is not followed, they refuse to recognize the tray. Other cats only need to imitate the burrowing process to satisfy their behavioral pattern.

When using litter, the main thing is to adapt to the needs of the pet (or pets) and pour only as much litter as he needs. Most instructions say that the fill should cover the bottom of the pan without leaving empty plastic gaps. Some advise pouring material so that it lies in a layer, 3-5 centimeters thick.

The amount of filler also depends on how often you are going to change the contents and wash the tray. With a large amount of material, the toilet will stand idle longer, but there is a possibility of the spread of unpleasant odors. With an economical consumption of the filler, it will become unusable more often, which will require more active care from the owner.

Wood pellets are advised to put in a smaller amount, due to their swelling. Silicone balls don't have this tendency and can build up in a thicker layer, effectively retaining unwanted odors. Silica gel filler is best suited specifically for trays with a grate, since the pet will not have access to the balls that interest him.

Filler disposal

The issue of competent disposal of cat waste is quite acute, since calls from plumbers in connection with a filler that has clogged the water supply are by no means rare. Manufacturers of fillers insist that all materials, with the exception of sawdust, are not recommended to be flushed down the toilet. And this is true, with one exception. wood pellets it is also undesirable to contact with water in pipes.


As we know, sawdust falls apart when liquid gets on them, and turns into dust. The used filler increases in volume and takes up more space than its original consistency. Imagine the dangers waiting for water pipes when the loosened and swollen filler goes through them, and not in small quantities. In some cases, such experiments end successfully. Sometimes clogging occurs gradually, as the sawdust manages to partially slip through. And sooner or later, the owner of the pet is in for a surprise in the form of a clogged toilet.

However, if you know the measure - and it can only be learned by trial and error - it is permissible to throw away wood filler in small portions that the toilet can "swallow" without consequences for plumbing. If the owner does not get wet several times sawdust from the toilet with your own hands, before you get used to it - you can safely try this method.

Silica gel and clumping materials

All other fillers - silica gel and clumping do not dissolve in the aquatic environment, so the issue of their disposal is considered resolved. Purchase a special garbage bag in which you will put the used pellets, since it is undesirable to throw this waste into the general bin.

The cat tastes the litter

Particular attention should be paid to the topic of pets eating material for the tray. It is important to determine in time whether this action has become a habit or is a single attempt to try “something new”. It is common for felines to taste a lot of what surrounds them, and the filler is no exception. Due to the special importance of the bowel ritual, which we talked about above, the contents of the tray take on a special importance for cats.

It is not uncommon for a pet to try pellets during litter box training. Familiarity with the material involves different ways interactions with particles, especially if they are balls that can be rolled on the floor. Playful behavior in relation to the filler is especially characteristic of kittens, which can lie down in the tray, and try it, and roll on the floor, because they still have no idea what the tray is for.

The owner, in turn, needs to carefully observe all the actions of the kitten, since for his gastrointestinal tract, even with a natural filler, he risks ending in painful vomiting and diarrhea. Adult cats digest natural granules better, but their frequent entry into the gastrointestinal tract is undesirable in any case.

Silica gel litter is an immediate danger to cats. The balls in which it is produced are not subject to dissolution and, if it enters the pet's stomach, they do not break down even under the influence of gastric juice. Fixation of foreign material in internal organs the pet threatens with any complications, up to death due to intestinal obstruction.

Causes of behavior

If single samples of the filler are quite understandable, then how can one explain the constant attempts to eat or chew on pellets that were not intended for this? There are several reasons:

  1. Need to sharpen teeth. AT natural environment finding hard objects that sharpen the fangs of furry predators is not difficult. At home, they have to dodge to find a candidate for the role of "brush". Cat unpretentiousness allows you to use everything that lies badly. Hard pellets for the litter box seem like a great option for cats. Kittens, due to an acute desire to sharpen cutting teeth and scratch their gums, with a shortage of accessories specially designed for this, can also turn to the filler. Pets experience particular satisfaction when biting through the most dangerous material - silicone;

  2. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Normally, all the missing elements should be supplied to the cat's body with the appropriate food, making up for the lack of nutrients. Or with vitamin supplements that are bought at pet stores. Since the owners are often inattentive to the needs of the animal for vitamins, they go looking for them "on the side", choosing alternatives that are dangerous to health. As we already know, some litters contain both minerals and calcium (which is often lacking in cats), which provides them with additional interest from pets, who instinctively reach for what they lack. Then the unnatural behavior of the animal can serve as a hint for the owner and push to change the diet or care of the cat. If your cat has a habit of chewing on litter, consider a multivitamin supplement;

  3. Stress. Animal psychologists call the need to eat filler "food perversion." Sometimes she has no physiological reasons and is a reaction to the events taking place in the house. The arrival of a new family member, a new pet, or discord between well-known household members can provoke unpredictable changes in a cat's behavior. The use of the contents of the tray in food is just one of the possible scenarios in which habit changes will occur against the backdrop of stress. An unusual desire to eat food can be regarded as a symptom indicating that the cat is uncomfortable in the current atmosphere. In this case, it makes sense for the owner of the cat to reconsider his attitude towards the cat and figure out what confuses the pet;

  4. Boredom. One of the most common reasons why a cat shows an increased interest in the contents of the tray lies on the surface. The pet simply has nothing to do at home and he is trying to replace idleness with some kind of activity. Silica gel balls that make unusual sounds and roll quickly on the floor often cause curiosity and delight in cats. Remember that the cat's leisure is in your hands. You can diversify it with new toys or elementary attention to the pet.

To cope with the cat's need to gnaw everything, veterinarians advise purchasing a piece of calcite, which is sold in most pet stores. It sharpens teeth well, and the hardness of the material prevents the pet from swallowing it in pieces.

What to do?

Point recommendations tied to a specific cause do not always help due to the fact that to determine right reason more difficult than it seems at first glance. If there is no time to understand the motives of the pet’s behavior, but you want to achieve a positive effect right now, you can block the cat’s access to the granules. To solve the problem, use a toilet with several sections, which closes access to the pellets. These toilets include an open tray with a net, any closed trays and dry closets.

In some cases, the pet's unusual eating habits play a major role. So, some cats may like the taste of clay or corn pellets. Then the issue can be resolved by switching to another filler.

If you suspect signs of poisoning or intestinal obstruction in your pet due to the filler eaten, then be sure to take a sample of the material before visiting the veterinarian. This will help the doctor make a faster diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

Which filler is best?

There is no unambiguous letter among other filler manufacturers, if only because the market is constantly changing, new filler formulas are replacing the old ones. Keeping up with this process is quite difficult, so it's best to find a moderate (in terms of innovation and price) option that will be a good compromise between you and your pet. The lists of the best fillers change every year, and if you are interested in this question, then follow the periodically updated "trends".

It is worth noting that the “more expensive is better” rule does not apply to fillers. Granular clay can be cheap and ideal option for certain cats. Therefore, focusing on expensive brands is not worth it. Their price may be due to expensive transportation from the country of manufacture and does not affect the degree of quality.

Keep in mind that some brands or their lines may disappear from sale. It is likely that some positions declared in the table will soon be discontinued or replaced by analogues.

Table 2. Best cat litter


180 rublesClumping filler made on the basis of bentonite is sold in packs of 5 kilograms.

From 400 to 1600 rublesThe composition includes activated carbon and antibacterial substances that eliminate odors. Thanks to CarbonPLUS technology, the granules effectively absorb liquid. Available in packages from 3 to 15 kilograms

From 500 to 3500 rublesContains no chemicals or fragrances. Economical consumption and convenient way to dispose of the material. Refers to fully biodegradable products. Sold in packages from 2 to 17 kilograms

From 400 to 2800 rublesThe natural coniferous base allows you to quickly absorb odors and attracts cats with its aroma. Does not contain mineral dust harmful to the respiratory tract. It has two lines: Standard and Premium. Sold in packages from 3 to 15 kilograms

From 450 to 2500 rublesCapable of absorbing up to 100% of its own weight. Economical consumption allows you to use a package of 12 liters for a month. Does not stain the cat's paws when instilled. However, dust can be bad for the respiratory system. Available in bags from 5 to 30 liters

From 380 to 740 rublesThe microstructure of the granules absorbs a large number of liquids and effectively fights against unpleasant odors. Made from natural raw materials. Does not dust when instilled. Packing in 3.8 liters is enough for a month of active use. Sold in packs of 3.8 and 7.2 liters

Video - Understanding tray fillers


Starting to train your pet to the tray, stock up on patience and a sense of humor. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the nature of the cat. Cats will fall asleep in the tray, taste the filler on the tooth, examine the pellets with the interest of a scientist.

All these are inevitable behavioral features of felines. Choosing the best filler can only be done carefully through careful observation of the reactions of pets. Experiments with the material sooner or later will take place in all cats, and gradual addiction to the filler used will provide comfort to the cat and a calm life to the owner.