Closed tray for cats. Do-it-yourself concrete drainage trays How to make a cat tray

  • 03.03.2020

We are more accustomed to when, out of necessity, dogs walk while walking on the street. However, there are times when a dog litter box is a must in the home. During the illness of your pet, when the bitch gave birth to puppies, or if a very small dog lives in your house. In these cases, many use homemade dog toilets.

Today there is a large selection of types of trays for dogs. Which to choose? How do you know what your pet needs? In order not to get lost in the variety of dog toilets, let's look at their characteristics, and you can make your own choice.

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A tray for small breed dogs should be chosen with low sides so that the dog can climb into it. Filler is usually poured into it or a special absorbent foam is placed. It's perfect for a puppy too.

A dog litter box with a grate on the bottom and medium height sides is suitable for adults of small breeds. It does not need to be filled with filler.

For medium breed dogs, you can buy trays in pet stores that imitate a small piece of the lawn. This is a rectangular structure with small sides or even their complete absence, but filled with plastic grass imitation. Even in such a tray, a removable column for males can be installed.

Trays with a column are presented in different price categories. Inexpensive ones are made of plastic, with a plastic sect. More expensive models are made in the form of a small clearing with a column resembling a fire hydrant. In such models there are even built-in sprayers for cleaning the "grass". The photo below shows the device of such a tray.

In all these trays there is no need to add filler. They have almost no sides, or they are very small. These trays are well suited for medium-sized pets.

For dogs of small stature, you can buy a place for him to relieve himself without a column, but with very high walls. Rest assured, he will find where to pee!

And for especially shy pets, they came up with trays - booths. They are completely closed, not counting, of course, the entrance. Inside you can put a reusable film or pour filler. In more expensive models inside the toilet booth is a plastic weed.


All dog trays are made of plastic. Some are more expensive plastic, others are cheap. And you can divide all types of trays into trays with large sides and trays with small ones. On the one hand, the larger the animal, the higher the sides should be. As well as the capacity of the tray. On the other hand, for males of medium breeds, a rim may not be needed at all.

Trays made of cheap plastic with a mesh coating, for draining the urine of the animal, absorb odors very quickly and retain them for a long time. Therefore, you will have to wash it after each use, but judging by the reviews of the owners, this will not save you from an unpleasant smell. Those who have used such trays are advised to lay a reusable special diaper in a plastic dog toilet with a mesh. So you reduce bad smell. The photo below shows a special tray on which you can immediately lay such a diaper.

Of course, the cat tray cannot be called do-it-yourself, but it can also be used as a dog one. Suitable for puppies or small dogs.

Video "How to teach a dog to a home toilet?"

In this video, the owner of the puppy will tell you how she teaches him to use the toilet.

The benefit of making your own drainage trays is that the molds can be made to fit your needs, while store-bought ones sometimes have to be cut.

Trays of semicircular shapes are considered ideal for water throughput, but it is not so easy to make them, and therefore we make the calculation of drainage trays, first using boards or sheets of plywood, preferably laminated, and then the procedure is as follows:

  • We build a U - shaped form, if necessary, strengthening the boards metal corners- this part is called formwork.
  • Sawing plastic sewer pipe of the corresponding diameter in half. The main thing is that the pipe should have smooth surface, because this will make the concrete surface flawless.
  • It is better to immediately make 8-10 formworks so as not to stretch the work time.
  • Let's start making concrete. If you do not have a concrete mixer, then you will have to work with a chopper to mix bulk materials with water.
  • We make a concrete solution from cement M-400, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1: 2: 4. The correct solution is a viscous solution.
  • We quickly pour the finished solution into the formwork and press the halves of the plastic pipes with force. For additional strength, you can put pieces of reinforcement on the bottom of the formwork, and then pour the solution.
  • We try to vary the level with the depth of planting plastic pipe in order to achieve the same dimensions as possible. If necessary, it is necessary to put some kind of load on top of the pipe. Complete solidification of concrete lasts about 28 days, but you can withstand the molds for about a day and carefully disassemble the formwork, as well as pull out the pipe.

For the manufacture of formwork, flat boards with a thickness of 25 mm are taken and wood screws are used in order to better hold the structure.

All formwork must be laid polyethylene film 200 microns, so that water does not flow out of the concrete mortar through the cracks.

At the exit, the tray should turn out rectangular shape with semicircular inside. In addition, there should be no cracks, bulges and pits.

A dog in the house is always a joy and pleasure from communication. A four-legged pet will cheer you up, cheer you up and listen attentively. However, there are some things to consider when you decide to adopt a dog in your home.

For example, accustoming a dog to a tray.

What is a dog tray?

This is a great problem solver. Of course, in order for your dog to get used to a new tray, you will need iron nerves, Olympian calmness and hellish patience! Of course, there are such pets that can understand the owner perfectly. And there are those with which the owner will have to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. The tray is a galvanized or plastic pallet in which a rubber mat or grate is located inside.

There are also trays with high sides and with a special slot for the pet to enter. For males there is a special tray in which a special post is installed.

What kind of dogs go to the tray?

Usually, a tray for dogs of small breeds is installed in the house. Dogs that go to the tray:

  • Chihuahua
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Pomeranian and miniature spitz
  • Chinese crested, etc.

How to potty train a dog?

First you need to purchase a toilet in a pet store. When you choose it, be guided by the size of your dog (be guided by the size of an adult dog). Don't buy a small litter box, dogs don't like to urinate in cramped conditions. It is best that the tray does not have high sides, and that its grate is even and tight, because. if the grate dangles, it may scare your pet away. The cat tray is not suitable for dogs in all respects. Although sometimes the owners manage to accustom their dog to use the cat litter box.

There are two types of tray:

  • With diaper holder
  • With a grid without using a diaper

If someone in your family suffers from allergies or you are not at home for a long time, then choose a tray with a diaper, because. it absorbs liquid and odor well and does not allow the odor to spread throughout the house.

The option with a grate (plastic or rubber) is more economical, because. will not require the regular purchase of various absorbent bedding. Dog urine will drain into special grooves under the grate and your dog's paws will be clean and dry.

But if you have a male, then it is better to choose a special tray for dogs with a post, because nature will take its toll and make the boy “lift his paw”. And if he does not have such an opportunity in his toilet, he will begin to do this on the corners and walls of the room.

Tray for dogs with a post

This tray is designed specifically for males. He will teach kids to go to relieve themselves "correctly", adult dog will feel comfortable using a specially designed bollard, and not furniture that may be in his way.

A dog post litter box is larger and deeper than a cat litter box and is filled with sanitary pads rather than sand. The grid, which is attached on top of the tray, helps the dog keep his paws dry and clean. The column is not rigidly fixed, it can be installed anywhere in the tray. The material from which this tray is made does not cause any allergies and it is non-toxic, does not absorb odors and is easy to clean - these are, of course, the main advantages of this type of tray. In order for the dog to consider the tray as his own, you need to put it near the bedding or bowl of food.

For an active pet, a large dog tray is more suitable, which is not satisfied with the dimensions of the home toilet. As a rule, large breeds of dogs walk outside, and litter boxes that fit them are only useful when your dog is sick.

Tray for dogs with weed

With the help of such a toilet, you will teach your puppy to go to one place, and after it the dog will be able to go for a walk on the street, because the grass is the same as on the street. This toilet will help you replace winter walks with decorative dogs. A mat with a grass imitator will give your pet a special pleasure, after which the dog will relieve his need without a miss.

The system of this toilet will not allow the smell to seep out for up to seven days. Covering the toilet will allow you to clean up the dog's feces without any problems, this will save you money on previously offered diapers.

Currently, there are many modifications of dog trays on sale. However, it is quite possible to make such a device on your own.

Tray with sides

Let's take a closer look at what a tray with sides is and how convenient and necessary it is for your dog.

Tray for dogs with sides is convenient for dogs who raise their paws when going to the toilet. At the same time, a stream of urine often hits the surface of the wall, and when it drains, it ends up on the floor, which adds to the inconvenience when washing out the tray and removing the smell.

The sides can be quite high - it is more convenient for slightly larger dogs, trays for small dogs have lower sides. However, when purchasing a dog litter box with sides, you should carefully observe how your dog will use it, whether it is comfortable and does not feel discomfort when using this type of tray.

How to make a do-it-yourself dog tray

When making a dog litter box, keep in mind that the size of the litter box should be large enough for the dog to feel comfortable in it. The stability of the tray is also important, so that the dog does not get scared on the first visit and visits the tray with pleasure. In addition, the tray must be made of a material that is resistant to moisture, because the tray is a place where moisture often enters.

There are situations when your four-legged friend, for some unknown reason, refuses to go to the tray intended for her. Why did the dog stop going to the tray what to do in this case?

Refusal of the dog to use the litter box

Here are some of the reasons and solutions when a dog refuses to use the tray:

  • Inconvenience of use - the tray is unstable or your dog does not like it for some other reason. It is necessary to understand what exactly scares the dog from using his toilet. Perhaps she is not satisfied with the filler? Try another. Change the napkin for grass, set up a post for your dog.
  • Too high sides for a small lap dog - Your dog may find it difficult to climb into a tall litter box. Try using a tray with lower sides.
  • Maybe your dog has grown up and is showing himself to be a leader? Installing a bollard can help solve this problem.
  • A likely reason for this behavior may be a lack of your attention. And your pet is trying to get your attention. Not the most pleasant way ... What to do? Spend more time with your pet, show your love for him, and scold him for mistakes as little as possible. And even more so, do not punish the dog after violating the rules of decency - humiliating your pet, you will only further alienate him from yourself and will not solve the main problem.

By carefully treating your pet, you will be able to notice any mistakes in the behavior of your pet in time and resolve the issues that have arisen in a timely manner. After all, it is the owner who knows his dog better than others and can better understand the reasons that prompted the pet to act in this way.

Man has long been friends with cats. We are responsible for what our pet eats and in what conditions he lives, so a cat toilet is an important thing to do in your pet's life. Having made a pet out of a cat, people began to wonder how to make living together in one area comfortable for both parties.

The modern market for pet products offers different types: from the simplest devices to automatic complexes

The problem of choosing a cat litter is especially acute for everyone who keeps a pet. And the question of how to choose a toilet for a cat is very sensitive, because when choosing it is necessary to be guided not only by the requirements of the owner, but also take into account the preferences of the pet itself. Let's try to figure out what it is - an ideal cat pot.

The modern market for pet products offers different types: from the simplest in terms of device to automatic complexes. Cat litter can be purchased at both low and high prices. So each owner can choose an option that suits both his beloved animal and himself. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the variety of trays that stores offer us, you can make a cat tray with your own hands.

So, there are the following types of cat trays:

  • normal;
  • with mesh;
  • with high sides;
  • closed tray or tray-house;
  • auto.

The problem of choosing a cat litter is especially acute for everyone who keeps a pet.

open options

One of the most popular and common, as well as cheap types of toilet for a cat is a regular tray. It's rectangular plastic container with low sides, to which filler is added. The advantages of such a device include low cost, it is easy to wash and change the filler in it, it is easy for a cat to climb into it. There is a minus: the contents may be outside when the pet begins to bury his feces.

The mesh tray is a modification of the regular tray. A mesh is attached to a regular cat litter box, which allows the liquid feces of the animal to drain, while leaving the paws dry. This option is selected for pets who do not like the filler. Pros: low cost, pet does not get dirty, easy to clean and wash, can be used without filler. Cons: does not get rid of the unpleasant smell, requires cleaning after each visit to the toilet by the cat.

Both of these options are easy to place in an apartment or house, as they are quite compact.

A high-sided litter box is perfect for cats who like to dig into their litter. Such a tray is equipped with an additional side, which makes the walls higher. This edge can be used as a holding device for the film, which is covered with a tray. After using the toilet for animals, the side is removed, and the film with the contents is thrown away. One of the advantages is that such a pot is easy to clean, it allows the filler not to spill out. When using such a toilet, you need to decide how to hide it from prying eyes, since it is much larger than a regular tray.

Automatic cat toilet (video)

Tray house and automatic tray

An indoor cat litter box is a two-tier structure with a fixed tray at the bottom and a door and a vent at the top. The door opening can remain open or closed, it all depends on the wishes of the owner and the skills of the pet. The cat litter box is ideal for families with small children or other animals. The toilet hidden inside the structure allows the owner of the animal not to worry about the fact that someone will delve into the filler and contents, except for the pet itself. Pros: it retains an unpleasant smell well, the cat will not defecate by, the filler will remain in its original place and will not be scattered on the floor, ideal for shy animals. Cons: rather high cost, you have to disassemble the structure when cleaning the toilet of the cat house.

Cat litter can be purchased both at a low price and at a high price.

An automatic tray is a complex that cleans itself and adds filler, has an aesthetic appearance. It is equipped with filters that eliminate unpleasant odors. A special sensor lets the system know that it is necessary to clean the contents, which cleans only in the absence of an animal. After the cat has gone to the toilet, the used filler is thrown into a special bag by a conveyor, and a clean one is poured in its place. Pros: Eliminates unpleasant odors, self-cleaning allows the owner not to worry about cleaning, this complex independently disinfects the tray. Of the minuses, one can single out the high cost and the need to periodically replace filters that eliminate odors.

Each cat has its own tray

Before deciding how to choose a tray for a cat, you need to study the habits of your pet, find out his habits. Otherwise, a situation may occur when the purchased pot is not suitable for your pet.

Some cats cannot go to the toilet in front of strangers: they look for secluded places away from human eyes, where they calmly do their business. Other cats are not embarrassed by the presence of a person during a visit to the restroom. With this in mind, think about which cat litter box to choose - closed or regular.

Some cats like to keep their litter box clean and can only urinate in a clean litter box. And others may not like it if the filler has already been used a couple of times. There are animals that do not like filler, while others, on the contrary, are happy to delve into the contents of the tray. This is where an indoor cat litter box comes in handy. These points must be considered when it comes time to choose the right fixture.

Keep in mind that when there are several pets in the house, having individual pots for each is almost mandatory, since most animals do not like to share their nook with someone else.

Closed toilet for cats (video)

We teach the pet to the tray

Teaching a cat to defecate in a certain place can seem like hard work from the outside. In fact, everything is quite simple. One has only to be patient, be calm and not scream, and even more so do not poke the pet's nose into his feces. Quite quickly, you can accustom a kitten to the tray, since he has not yet formed habits.

You should start by choosing the place where you plan to put the toilet. A hidden tray will give you problems, as a pet in search may not have time to reach it. It has been noticed that small kittens run to the toilet almost immediately after eating, so it makes sense to first place the pot near the place where your pet eats, gradually shifting the container.

If you already have items that your cat has marked, then you should place this item in the tray, as it will be easier for the animal to navigate by its own smell.

Every day, put the kitten in the tray several times every day, as soon as you notice that he is about to relieve himself. After a few successful attempts, the kitten will remember where to go, and this will become his habit.

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