Casein protein - why is it needed and what products contain it? Casein for weight loss: how to take and reviews.

  • 15.10.2019

Casein is a complex protein made by curdling milk. It has a very high nutritional value, as its share in raw milk reaches 80%.

Thanks to modern technologies managed to get its more perfect variety - micellar casein: it is not exposed to heat treatment, which means it retains even more useful properties.

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Casein is a long lasting source of protein, so casein protein certainly included in the diet of intensely trained athletes, all those who seek to gain muscle mass: casein is also used for weight loss.

Its action is based on the fact that casein immediately precipitates in the stomach and is processed rather slowly, satisfying the need for proteins in muscles and other tissues for a long time. At the same time, deposition in the form of fat reserves or transformation into useless waste and slag is excluded.

This is unique property casein protein prevents muscle catabolism, which is extremely important for athletes. But the product is of no less interest to women who, firstly, want to lose weight, and secondly, to acquire a toned figure with strong muscles.

The long period of its assimilation allows women and girls to not feel hunger for longer and it is easier to endure dietary restrictions.

Isolate or casein?

Protein Isolate contains over 90% pure protein. During its production, special attention is paid to the thorough removal of all carbohydrates and fats using multi-stage filtration, microfiltration and ion exchange technology.

The use of the isolate contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass due to protein synthesis, which increases by 68%, but the isolate is not able to maintain it.

Casein also reduces the breakdown of muscle tissue (after taking it, catabolism is reduced by 34%), but has virtually no effect on muscle growth.

Thus, each tool has its own strengths, therefore, when choosing, it is advisable to consult with a trainer and / or doctor.

The best ways weight loss

How to take casein

For those who train intensively, it is useful to take casein to prevent the destruction of muscle cells due to their strong overstrain. It is recommended to do this immediately after training or at night.

As a result, the intensity decreases pain after training, and the set of muscle mass is accelerated. The tool will begin to act immediately if you know how to drink casein (best in the form of special cocktails for athletes). Casein for weight loss is taken according to the same principle.

In order to avoid problems with digestion, it is recommended to take casein no more than 4 times a day for 20-30 g. The last dose at night will make the breakdown of muscle cells less intense. If there are severe digestive disorders, then it is better to refuse it.

How to lose weight on casein

Numerous reviews indicate that the inclusion of casein in the diet with its balanced characteristics really helps to lose weight, which is due to:

  • decreased appetite due to a feeling of satiety;
  • metabolism activation, due to which more fat is burned;
  • increased activity during the day.

However, it is important to know how to drink casein for weight loss. The best option is a liquid cocktail, the basis of which can be water, juice, low-fat milk or filtered whey.

In order for the cocktail to mix well, you will have to use a shaker or mixer, simple mixing will not work. The dosage in one serving is 20-30 g. You can take such a protein shake 2 to 4 times a day, and also use casein instead of dinner.

Its important advantage is that you can lose weight without experiencing constant feeling hunger and without losing muscle mass, since the concentration of amino acids in the blood remains the same 15 minutes after ingestion, and after several hours. However, without adequate physical activity and balanced diet nutrition is indispensable.

    It is difficult to meet a person who has not even heard of casein protein. For most people, it is associated with some kind of dairy products, and few people think about its significance for healthy eating. Someone takes it to gain weight, someone simply ignores it, and someone has long and successfully used casein for weight loss.

    Casein - what is it?

    What is casein protein?

    Casein is a complex protein found in large amounts (approximately 80%) in the milk of mammals.

    It is obtained by curdling milk with special enzymes. If to speak plain language, then it is casein that is the “culprit” of the formation of cottage cheese.

    It may seem funny that although mankind has long been familiar with casein, it was previously used exclusively as a component of building materials, glue, paint and, oh horror, plastics. Gradually, it evolved into a flavoring agent and a component of preservatives.

    To date, casein occupies a leading position among those used in sports nutrition proteins. Its features allow both to lose weight and gain muscle mass, depending on the method and mode of its use. Moreover, when using casein protein, fat is burned, and muscle mass remains unchanged, which makes it an indispensable product for drying athletes.

    If we talk about its effect on the human body, then it is no different from other protein products and does not harm. Of course, there are exceptions.

    Casein is contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance and pancreatic diseases. In these cases, its use can lead to disturbances in the digestive tract or nausea.

    Important features of casein

    It can be said that the main hallmark casein is exactly what the body absorbs for a very long time. In comparison, whey protein is absorbed twice as fast. But it is this property of casein that ensures a long and uniform supply of essential amino acids to the body. This allows you to minimize catabolism and reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the body. Thanks to this, casein comes out on top among substances that promote weight loss without harm to the body.

    Casein protein is taken as a shake, mixed with milk or juice. Such use causes a long-term feeling of satiety in the body.

    And amino acids enter the body within 5-8 hours after ingestion. Which is a very big plus, because it prevents the destruction of muscles during periods of sleep and lack of food. Apparently, this feature of it influenced the fact that it was also called the “night” protein. In a word, drinking casein after dinner for weight loss is just what you need to get a quick and optimal result.

    Based on the above, we can distinguish the following features and benefits of casein:

    • loss of appetite;
    • anti-catabolic action;
    • uniform saturation of the body with amino acids for a long time;
    • high gluten content;
    • affordability due to ease of production;
    • contains all amino acids except glycol, but her body can synthesize itself;
    • completely broken down during digestion.

    If we talk about the use of casein for weight loss, then you should pay attention to micellar casein, since the process of its absorption by the body reaches 12 hours. This allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

    A Brief Overview of Other Types of Protein

    Protein is used in the body construction material for muscle tissue. In sports nutrition, proteins are dry concentrates, which are 75-90% protein. In addition to casein, there are five other main types of protein. To compare them with the properties of casein protein and draw a personal conclusion, you can read the following short review all these varieties of protein and comparing the features and order of administration.

    Whey protein is made, as the name suggests, from whey. As a percentage, it accounts for 20% of all proteins in milk.


    • high rate of assimilation by the body, literally within one and a half to two hours;
    • contains all the essential amino acids.

    Admission procedure

    Take whey protein in small doses every three to four hours as a shake. It is ideal to take immediately after a workout. To reduce catabolism, it is recommended to drink in the morning immediately after sleep.

    Dairy is made directly from milk. As a result, it is 20% whey molecules and 80% casein molecules.


    • it is an inseparable whey-casein protein blend;
    • has an average absorption rate;
    • contains immunoglobulins, alpha-lactulbin, polypeptides, etc.

    Admission procedure

    Since the composition includes both whey and casein protein, then, depending on the desired result, milk protein can be taken both after training and at night.

    Soy protein is a vegetable protein and is made by dehydrogenating soybeans.


    • suitable for use by vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance;
    • unlike proteins of animal origin, it contains a larger amount of and;
    • lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood;
    • has a low rate of absorption by the body.

    Admission procedure

    The use of soy protein is carried out between meals, as well as before and after training.

    Egg protein is considered the standard of protein and is made from egg whites.


    • has the highest rate of assimilation by the body;
    • characterized by high biological activity;
    • is the most expensive protein, so it is extremely rare in its pure form;
    • high content of amino acids;
    • suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

    Admission procedure

    Egg protein intake is carried out before training, then within an hour after it, as well as at night.

    A complex protein is a mixture developed by specialists in nutrition and sports nutrition with a different content of two or more proteins.


    • the maximum content of useful substances and amino acids;
    • the content of slowly digestible proteins;
    • also used for weight loss;
    • increases endurance.

    Admission procedure

    Complex protein is taken depending on the percentage of various proteins. Most often it is consumed after training, between meals and at night.

    The effect of casein on mass gain

    It is good to use casein when gaining mass, as it reduces catabolism by more than 30 percent. But it is worth taking it in combination with other proteins. So during the day it is recommended to take whey protein every three to four hours, and drink casein protein after training and / and before bedtime. This will minimize the effect of cortisol on muscle tissue and prevent the destruction of fibers.

    Many mistakenly believe that when mass gaining, you can not drink casein after a workout. But this is a false opinion that is refuted modern research. In the first few hours, the body does not need proteins, but carbohydrates, and the muscles themselves begin to “build” after a few hours. So in this case, the increase in muscle mass does not depend on the rate of protein absorption.

    - one of the most common proteins in bodybuilding, a multi-component protein that is the result of enzymatic curdling of milk. Casein is digested longer than all other types of protein, when it enters the stomach, a clot is formed from it, which is digested for a long time and provides the body of the athlete with amino acids long time. Also, casein protein has the ability to slow down the digestion of other types of protein and suppress appetite, compared to other proteins, casein has a slight anabolic effect, but its advantage is in long-term muscle nourishment with amino acids, so athletes often take it before bed.

    casein for weight gain

    Casein will be less effective than other types of protein at gaining muscle mass, so purchasing this type will be reasonable if you have enough whey protein (preferred for mass gain). If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then it is best to take casein protein at night, this way you slow down catabolic processes and protect your muscles from the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. During sleep, you will be 8 hours without food, anabolic processes will slow down, so strong anti-catabolic protection is needed. During the day, it is more effective to take whey protein.

    Use of casein protein for weight loss

    Take casein protein if your goal is to eliminate hunger. Casein on drying is a means to preserve muscles. If you want to maintain muscle mass, but reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it is most effective to take whey protein in the afternoon and casein an hour before bedtime. During weight loss, it is recommended to take casein protein 2-4 times a day - in the morning, before training, in between meals and an hour before bedtime. It is very important for those athletes who are allergic to whey or egg protein.

    How to take casein protein

    Casein is recommended to take 30-40g at a time (you need to dissolve it in water, milk or juice). Plain casein without sweeteners will have a curd taste, you can diversify it by adding fruit, jam or cocoa to the smoothie. To prepare it, you should use a shaker or mixer.

    It is best to buy casein protein from well-known manufacturers who value their reputation. You can also buy casein from not-so-popular sports nutrition companies if they provide lab results for their products. Some manufacturers produce mixed protein formulas with different sources protein, most of these supplements are overpriced, casein is more profitable to buy separately.

    Do not take more than 40g of casein protein at a time. The use of this protein in large quantities can cause indigestion. Some people may be allergic to casein, signs of allergy can be abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, athletes with allergies are better off using other types of protein.

    Casein protein helps athletes build muscle mass and increase strength. It is especially useful for those people who are allergic to whey or egg protein. Also, casein is useful for weight loss, it suppresses appetite and helps maintain muscle during drying. It is easily digested and absorbed, so it is often used in diet food. This protein is highly valued because of the almost complete spectrum of amino acids, casein is able to satisfy all the needs of the body and the athlete's muscle tissues, it lacks only one amino acid - glycol, which is interchangeable and perfectly synthesized by the body.

    Making casein is not a complicated process, and therefore many companies produce this protein, which is not always of high quality. It is worth buying such sports complexes from companies with many years of experience and a well-deserved reputation. There is no harm from casein protein, like any other protein, in itself, but some athletes may take it in too high doses. If you do not follow all the recommendations for the use of products, then you risk ruining your health - the kidneys and liver will suffer from an excess of protein. It is worth remembering that a natural athlete needs 1.5-2g of protein per 1kg of weight for growth and progression, professional athletes who take additional pharmacology consume 3-4g of protein.

    5th place located micellar casein MRM 100%- a protein of slow and gradual assimilation, has a unique amino acid composition and has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. The supplement contains biologically active enzymes that help the athlete's body to effectively digest and assimilate amino acids.

    Fourth place in the ranking of the best casein proteins ranked Casein Pro by Universal Nutrition, this supplement is sold in 3 flavors - vanilla, chocolate and biscuit cream. This complex consists of the purest micellar casein, in one serving of the supplement contains 24 grams of protein. The intake of this protein helps to maintain the anabolic environment in the body.

    In third place is Casein from MusclePharm, which is 80% protein. Great for stimulating muscle growth, most effective for fighting catabolism at night. The supplement includes a complex of enzymes and probiotics that help to better absorb the product.

    Honorary second place occupied the complex Elite Casein by Dymatize, which contains 24g of protein per serving. Dymatize Casein is a high quality protein that is a great source of amino acids to help you build the muscle mass you want.

    Supplement Leader recognized complex Gold Standard 100% Casein from an American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. One scoop contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 grams is pure casein. ON is one of the best casein proteins on the sports supplement market and is a good source of protein to inhibit catabolism and promote muscle growth.

    Casein is a milk protein that is obtained as a result of the enzymatic separation of cottage cheese and whey from milk. It is widely used among the component components of sports nutrition and other substitutes, useful elements of food. Also known as "calcium caseinate" among athletes. The main supplement where it acts as the main ingredient is casein protein.

    What is casein protein?

    Casein protein is one of the most popular proteins in sports supplements. It has the lowest biological value (in relation to other types of protein) and breaks down very slowly. In addition, due to its presence in the body, it causes other types of protein to slow down. Due to this procession, the anabolic response decreases. But, even with such characteristics, professional athletes have found benefit in its use. It is used as a "passive" protein.

    How does casein protein work?

    Many inexperienced athletes try to compare whey and casein protein with each other, and this is a gross mistake. They cannot be put on opposite scales, as they complement each other rather than compete.

    By itself, calcium caseinate is found in the separated curd mass and consists of microparticles. These particles are absorbed by the human body for a rather long time, in comparison with the second derivative of milk - whey. But, due to the high percentage of aminocarboxylic acids, and in particular glutamine, which after training destroys the catabolic effect and preserves muscle fibers during their destruction. There is always more of it in casein than in whey or egg white.

    A feature of its action is the fact that after it enters the stomach, it forms a kind of lump. For a long time, it is divided into the very microparticles that are also absorbed for a long time. Here, this is what another of his positive quality- providing the body with essential amino acids for 5-6 hours.

    Do you need this supplement?

    Due to the specific characteristics and application, anyone will have a completely logical question - is this supplement even needed?

    Given that its cost is several times less than the cost of other types of protein, it must be consumed precisely during those periods in which the body especially needs protein, namely:

    • During training with increased intensity;
    • During periods of weight gain (at night);
    • During progression of dietary deficiency;
    • during muscle catabolism.

    Now, we can safely answer the question - casein protein will never be superfluous. In general, calcium caseinate is difficult to obtain from ordinary foods, since it is mainly contained only in cottage cheese. And, for people who are engaged in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, power extreme sports, for a visible effect, you need to get about 1.4-1.8 g of casein per kilogram of body per day. The percentage of casein content in cottage cheese is small, so the price will be about the same, but the effectiveness is different. At least despite the fact that a milkshake is made from casein, and pure cottage cheese does not have a special taste.

    So, for complete confidence in its need, we will collect all the advantages in one list and emphasize:

    • Contains a high percentage of different amino acids in the composition;
    • High content of glutamine;
    • Appetite suppression for weight loss;
    • Supply of muscle fibers with the necessary elements for several hours;
    • Strengthens the immune system;
    • Preserves muscles during the drying period;
    • Slowing down the catabolic process;
    • It is possible to use for those who do not perceive lactose.

    From this we can conclude that with a correctly and competently written program for taking such a sports supplement, it can become a good and indispensable assistant not only an athlete of power sports, but also a simple iron lover.

    Side effects

    About side effects, that's a pretty specific question. With all confidence, we can say that casein protein does not cause any negative influences. Unless, of course, its use occurs in strict norms prescribed by the manufacturer. In the case of a specific exaggeration with the dosage, the case can turn into an upset stomach.

    It is also necessary to remember that you should not buy dubious casein in dubious packages or from your hands. There is a high probability that this is a cheap fake that can really harm your health. To avoid such cases, it is recommended to always buy a sports product only from trusted and popular manufacturers. You need to understand the line when you overpay for a brand, and when this amount becomes a guarantee of your health, and you pay for casein, tested by more than one thousand athletes.

    Based on the many years of experience of many athletes who have repeatedly entered the stage as a performing athlete, it has been noticed that casein has a lot of interesting features. These features depend on what it is combined with, under what conditions it is used and for what purposes this kind of protein is used.

    During the period of mass gathering

    Casein will give its results if it is a supplement for whey protein;

    When casein protein is taken before bed, the catabolism process becomes slower, and the catabolic hormone cortisol does not exert its destructive effect on muscle fibers;

    Before going to bed, an increased portion of casein is needed, because at night there is a decrease in anabolism and muscles need protection all night, before the first meal;

    Such a protein will become an assistant if a person does not have the opportunity to eat throughout the day. Also, due to the increased portion, you can supply the muscles with essential amino acids for the whole day.

    On drying, to reduce body fat

    Here it should be taken as a “night light”, but whey will also remain the main protein. In that order, this combination will help save desired material and actively expend fat.

    Casein is actively used to reduce or eliminate hunger.

    Practice shows that in the right combination with fast protein, the drying process proceeds a little more efficiently than with casein alone;


    For allergy sufferers, it will become indispensable in the diet, because its component is significantly different from the composition of whey and egg protein.


    There has always been an internal dispute between weightlifters and other security officials, which of the proteins is the most effective - casein or whey? This dispute was relevant until 2009. Now, after detailed research in the three most important criteria, certain conclusions can be drawn.

    The first criterion is the stimulation of muscle growth

    In 2009, it was revealed that due to the higher rate of protein absorption and the different composition of amino acid elements, whey protein has more benefits in terms of stimulating muscle growth than casein.

    At the conclusion of a study in 2011, Wets DW proved that whey protein had the best effect on muscle growth with a single use of these two types of supplements.

    The third experiment was also carried out in 2011. Pinning's B stated that in the elderly (over 60 years of age), muscle anabolism, with some separation from casein, was affected by whey protein.

    In 2012, Burd NA and Yang Y found that after intense strength training, the synthesis process is faster and more reliable due to its stimulation with whey protein than with casein.

    The second criterion is the process of losing weight

    Studies of the second criterion in the big picture showed that whey protein also comes a step ahead of casein. This is manifested both in the fact of protecting the muscles and in the fact of increasing heat generation. But, by the fact of appetite suppression, fast protein is left behind.

    In 2011, researcher Abou-Samra R proved that when taken 30 minutes before a meal, calcium caseinate suppresses appetite better than other types of protein.

    Such gaps in the characterization of casein are due to the fact that it contains a large number of calcium. Due to the combination of calcium with its other components, it is far from the last place in the ranking of protein varieties. Do not forget that calcium hydroxyapatite is responsible for the regulation muscle contractions and participates in the process of blood clotting.

    The third criterion is the assimilation

    As a result of large studies, in which several professional volunteer bodybuilders were involved, it was concluded that whey protein is absorbed by the trained bodybuilder much faster than a casein supplement. From here, a completely logical result was summed up: whey protein is a fast protein, casein is a slow one.

    But, the experiment did not end there. Observations continued for several more hours, and it was at this time that the casein showed itself. After 1.5 hours after ingestion, the whey protein ended its action, due to the fact that it was completely exhausted by the body. And, casein continued to be absorbed for another 5 hours. From here, another positive quality appears: feeding the body with amino acids for a long time. With an allowed increase in the portion of casein, the duration of the feeding time also increases.

    Today, casein protein is one of the indispensable supplements for many athletes, which include professional bodybuilders who were or are performing athletes, masters of sports and Olympic champions.

    2013-02-21 Views: 184 789 Grade: 5.0

    For what articles are given medals:

    In this article, I want to draw your attention to casein protein. In my opinion, this kind of sports nutrition and protein product is underestimated and popular. I will try to restore justice and do justice to this wonderful product.

    Casein (in Latin Caseus - cheese) is a complex milk protein. At the same time, casein is the main protein in the milk of all mammals. Its share is 82%, and serum - 18%. When soured, the milk coagulates, and the casein precipitates in the form of curd clot. Accordingly, it is casein that makes up the bulk of cottage cheese.

    Casein properties

    Home distinctive feature casein is its storage function. This is due to its natural origin. Casein breaks down 2 times slower than whey protein, ensuring a uniform supply of the amino acids it contains. This property of it is actively used by masters and fans of iron sports, as well as people who want to get rid of excess weight.

    In modern sports nutrition, the so-called micellar casein is used. That is, consisting of suspended particles. When mixed with liquid, micellar casein forms a thick consistency that, when taken in the stomach, creates a comfortable (not heavy) feeling of satiety. No wonder! For example, in the product 100% Casein trademark Pureprotein 100g micellar casein has 88% pure protein and only 1.5% fat, and the carbohydrate component of this product is zero! Thus, casein supplies our body with essential amino acids for a long time, about 6-8 hours after ingestion. This is important not so much for muscle growth, but to prevent their destruction during sleep and long breaks between meals.

    Casein is also good for burning fat. It gives a feeling of satiety, eliminating hunger. Does not contain carbohydrates and is poor in fats. Prevents muscle breakdown during fat burning.

    How to use

    When gaining muscle mass, casein plays an important anti-catabolic role in long breaks between meals. Whether it's a night's rest or the absence of more than 4 hours of the opportunity to eat during the day.

    Taking casein before and immediately after a workout does not make sense. Since at this moment the body needs fast-digesting proteins and carbohydrates - whey protein and various gainers. That is, when gaining muscle mass, casein is taken once a day, at bedtime, in a portion of 40g.

    When burning fat, the main task of casein is to eliminate hunger and preserve muscle. Therefore, it must be taken 2-4 times a day in portions of 20-30g between meals and at bedtime.

    The best absorbed portion is 30-40g of dry casein, dissolved in water, milk or other liquid. Use a shaker or mixer to mix casein with liquid. Casein has a natural curd taste, which can be changed already in a cocktail by adding half a teaspoon of cocoa, syrup, vanilla or vanilla sugar.