How to use casein for weight loss. How to take casein protein

  • 15.10.2019

Good day to all. For a long time we have not touched on nutrition issues, today we will try to fix it. Let's talk about casein protein or just casein.

Casein is the main protein found in cow's milk. It accounts for about 80 percent, the remaining 20 is whey protein. Casein protein obtained from whole milk by ultrafiltration. Thanks to the gentle processing method, the output is a high-quality product with a good composition of essential amino acids.

The main difference between casein protein and whey protein is the rate at which it is absorbed by the body. Casein has a slow absorption rate. After casein enters the stomach, it transforms into a kind of clot, which is digested quite long time, gradually saturating the body with the necessary amino acids.

When to Take Casein Protein (Casein)

I think everyone understands that in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to combine the intake of whey and casein protein. Let me remind you that it is absorbed much faster. This is its value. It is indispensable in situations where it is necessary to quickly saturate the body with amino acids: immediately after sleep and after intense training.

Casein should be taken if a long break in meals is foreseen: before bedtime and in between main meals. The slow absorption of casein from the gastrointestinal tract gives it anti-catabolic properties. What does it mean? Catabolism is the process of breaking down muscle tissue. Simply put, casein minimizes muscle breakdown during long breaks between meals (sleep, work, study, etc.).

How to take casein

To prepare a drink, you need to dilute one portion of the powder in a glass cow's milk. For this, it is best to use a sports shaker, since casein protein is usually poorly soluble, and stirring it with a spoon in a glass is simply torment.

The portion size is selected individually depending on body weight, fitness level and energy needs of the body. As a rule, 30-40 grams of powder is enough to provide the body with nutrients for 8 ocloc'k.

In addition, casein can be used in fat burning. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite while providing the body with essential nutrients. In this case, 15-10 grams of powder per serving is enough.

So, today we learned all the subtleties of the reception protein shakes. Let me remind you that immediately after sleep you need to drink a serving of whey protein, in between main meals, use a serving of casein, before and after training, take one serving of whey protein and refuel with casein protein at night.

By following these simple rules, you will provide your body with the necessary amount building material that develop into large, strong, sculpted muscles.

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Casein is a milk protein that is obtained as a result of the enzymatic separation of cottage cheese and whey from milk. It is widely used among component parts sports nutrition and other substitutes, useful elements of food. Also known as "calcium caseinate" among athletes. The main supplement where it acts as the main ingredient is casein protein.

What is casein protein?

Casein protein is one of the most popular proteins in sports supplements. It has the lowest biological value (in relation to other types of protein) and breaks down very slowly. In addition, due to its presence in the body, it causes other types of protein to slow down. Due to this procession, the anabolic response decreases. But, even with such characteristics, professional athletes have found benefit in its use. It is used as a "passive" protein.

How does casein protein work?

Many inexperienced athletes try to compare whey and casein protein with each other, and this is a gross mistake. They cannot be put on opposite scales, as they complement each other rather than compete.

By itself, calcium caseinate is found in the separated curd mass and consists of microparticles. These particles are absorbed by the human body for a rather long time, in comparison with the second derivative of milk - whey. But, due to the high percentage of aminocarboxylic acids, and in particular glutamine, which after training destroys the catabolic effect and preserves muscle fibers during their destruction. There is always more of it in casein than in whey or egg white.

A feature of its action is the fact that after it enters the stomach, it forms a kind of lump. For a long time, it is divided into the very microparticles that are also absorbed for a long time. Here, this is what another of his positive quality- providing the body with essential amino acids for 5-6 hours.

Do you need this supplement?

Due to the specific characteristics and application, anyone will have a completely logical question - is this supplement even needed?

Given that its cost is several times less than the cost of other types of protein, it must be consumed precisely during those periods in which the body especially needs protein, namely:

  • During training with increased intensity;
  • During periods of weight gain (at night);
  • During progression of dietary deficiency;
  • during muscle catabolism.

Now, we can safely answer the question - casein protein will never be superfluous. In general, calcium caseinate is difficult to obtain from ordinary foods, since it is mainly contained only in cottage cheese. And, for people who are engaged in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, power extreme sports, for a visible effect, you need to get about 1.4-1.8 g of casein per kilogram of body per day. The percentage of casein content in cottage cheese is small, so the price will be about the same, but the effectiveness is different. At least despite the fact that a milkshake is made from casein, and pure cottage cheese does not have a special taste.

So, for complete confidence in its need, we will collect all the advantages in one list and emphasize:

  • Contains a high percentage of different amino acids in the composition;
  • High content of glutamine;
  • Appetite suppression for weight loss;
  • Supply of muscle fibers with the necessary elements for several hours;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Preserves muscles during the drying period;
  • Slowing down the catabolic process;
  • It is possible to use for those who do not perceive lactose.

From this we can conclude that with a correctly and competently written program for taking such a sports supplement, it can become a good and indispensable assistant not only an athlete of power sports, but also a simple iron lover.

Side effects

As for side effects, that's a pretty definite question. With all confidence, we can say that casein protein does not cause any negative effects. Unless, of course, its use occurs in strict norms prescribed by the manufacturer. In the case of a specific exaggeration with the dosage, the case can turn into an upset stomach.

It is also necessary to remember that you should not buy dubious casein in dubious packages or from your hands. There is a high probability that this is a cheap fake that can really harm your health. To avoid such cases, it is recommended to always buy a sports product only from trusted and popular manufacturers. You need to understand the line when you overpay for a brand, and when this amount becomes a guarantee of your health, and you pay for casein, tested by more than one thousand athletes.

Based on the many years of experience of many athletes who have repeatedly entered the stage as a performing athlete, it has been noticed that casein has a lot of interesting features. These features depend on what it is combined with, under what conditions it is used and for what purposes this kind of protein is used.

During the period of mass gathering

Casein will give its results if it is a supplement for whey protein;

By consuming casein protein before bed, the catabolism process becomes slower, and the catabolic hormone cortisol does not exert its destructive effect on muscle fibers;

Before going to bed, an increased portion of casein is needed, because at night there is a decrease in anabolism and muscles need protection all night, before the first meal;

Such a protein will become an assistant if a person does not have the opportunity to eat throughout the day. Also, due to the increased portion, you can supply the muscles with essential amino acids for the whole day.

On drying, to reduce body fat

Here it should be taken as a “night light”, but whey will also remain the main protein. In that order, this combination will help save desired material and actively expend fat.

Casein is actively used to reduce or eliminate hunger.

Practice shows that in the right combination with fast protein, the drying process proceeds a little more efficiently than with casein alone;


For allergy sufferers, it will become indispensable in the diet, because its component is significantly different from the composition of whey and egg protein.


There has always been an internal dispute between weightlifters and other security officials, which of the proteins is the most effective - casein or whey? This dispute was relevant until 2009. Now, after detailed research in the three most important criteria, certain conclusions can be drawn.

The first criterion is the stimulation of muscle growth

In 2009, it was revealed that due to the higher rate of protein absorption and the different composition of amino acid elements, whey protein has more benefits in terms of stimulating muscle growth than casein.

In the conclusion of a study in 2011, Wets DW proved that whey protein had the best effect on muscle growth when taking these two types of supplements.

The third experiment was also carried out in 2011. Pinning's B stated that in the elderly (over 60 years of age), muscle anabolism, with some separation from casein, was affected by whey protein.

In 2012, Burd NA and Yang Y found that after intense strength training, the synthesis process is faster and more reliable due to its stimulation with whey protein than with casein.

The second criterion is the process of losing weight

Studies of the second criterion in the big picture showed that whey protein also comes a step ahead of casein. This is manifested both in the fact of protecting the muscles and in the fact of increasing heat generation. But, by the fact of appetite suppression, fast protein is left behind.

In 2011, researcher Abou-Samra R proved that when casein is taken 30 minutes before a meal, calcium caseinate suppresses appetite better than other types of protein.

Such gaps in the characterization of casein are due to the fact that it contains a large number of calcium. Due to the combination of calcium with its other components, it is far from the last place in the ranking of protein varieties. Do not forget that calcium hydroxyapatite is responsible for the regulation muscle contractions and participates in the process of blood clotting.

The third criterion is the assimilation

As a result of large studies, in which several professional volunteer bodybuilders were involved, it was concluded that whey protein is absorbed by the trained bodybuilder much faster than a casein supplement. From here, a completely logical result was summed up: whey protein is a fast protein, casein is a slow one.

But, the experiment did not end there. Observations continued for several more hours, and it was at this time that the casein showed itself. After 1.5 hours after ingestion, the whey protein ended its action, due to the fact that it was completely exhausted by the body. And, casein continued to be absorbed for another 5 hours. From here, another positive quality appears: feeding the body with amino acids for a long time. With an allowed increase in the portion of casein, the duration of the feeding time also increases.

Today, casein protein is one of the indispensable supplements for many athletes, which include professional bodybuilders who were or are performing athletes, masters of sports and Olympic champions.

Among existing species The most widely used protein in bodybuilding is casein. It is a multi-component protein. It is obtained in the process of enzymatic curdling of milk. This protein, unlike others, ensures the supply of amino acids to the athlete's body over a long period. This is due to the fact that casein, getting into the stomach, forms a clot, whichqdigested for quite a long time.

Reception of casein protein slows down the process of digestion of other proteins, leads to suppression of appetite. It, unlike other types of protein, has a much higher anabolic effect. However, given that it provides long-term nourishment of muscle tissue with amino acids, bodybuilders usually take it just before bedtime.

Casein shows much less effectiveness in increasing mass than other types. Its reception for a set of muscles is advisable when the athlete has a decent amount of whey protein.

Weight gain with casein suggests right choice reception time. This type of protein is best taken at night. This helps to slow down the rate of catabolic processes, protects the muscles from the influence of cortisol, called the stress hormone.

Eight hours spent in sleep implies a lack of nutrition, which entails a slowdown in anabolic processes. The use of casein allows you to provide good anti-catabolic protection for this period of time. Whey protein is best taken during the day.

Casein protein is great for curbing hunger. It allows you to save muscle mass during the drying period. To reduce subcutaneous fat without losing muscle, it is recommended to take casein 60 minutes before bedtime, and whey protein during the day.

Athletes who want to lose weight are recommended to drink casein protein from two to four times a day - in morning hours, before training, between meals, 60 minutes before bedtime. The advantage of this protein is that it becomes an excellent substitute for egg and whey if the athlete suffers from individual intolerance to these proteins.

How to take casein?

A single intake of casein protein is from 30 to 40 grams. It is diluted in milk, juice, plain water. Diluted casein has a curd flavor that can be varied. To sweeten the cocktail, cocoa, fruits, jam are added to it. It is most convenient to prepare the mixture in a mixer or shaker.

It is not recommended to consume more than 40 grams of casein at a time. Exceeding the optimal dosage can cause indigestion. Casein can cause individual intolerance. It is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, problems with digestion. If the allergy has manifested itself, you should switch to a different type of protein.

The supplement should be purchased from well-known manufacturing companies that value their reputation. Casein from a less popular company is permissible to buy only in cases where the results of laboratory tests are attached to the protein. It is more profitable to take a pure product, rather than a mixture of proteins.

Benefits and possible side effects

The use of casein gives an increase in muscle mass and increases strength indicators. This supplement becomes an excellent source of protein when an athlete is allergic to whey or egg protein.

Casein protein contributes to the preservation of muscle tissue during the drying period, helps in the process of losing weight. It is well absorbed and digested, great for diet food. This protein contains almost all amino acids, except for glycol, which is synthesized in the body, being easily replaceable.

The simplicity of the technology for obtaining casein has led to the fact that this protein is produced by many companies, not all of which, unfortunately, produce a quality product. This imposes certain requirements for the purchase of this supplement. You should not purchase products from an unknown company, about which there is practically no information.

Casein protein has no effect negative impact on the body. Side effects occur when the dosage is not observed. If you systematically abuse the protein, its excess will adversely affect the liver and kidneys. It is enough for an athlete to consume from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of his own weight per day to ensure growth and progress from training. Professionals who use pharmacology require twice as much protein.

The leader among additives is considered Gold Standard 100% Casein. This is a complex produced by Optimum Nutrition, which contains 34 grams of protein in one compartment, 24 of which are casein in its pure form. This product is a leader among analogues, it is a valuable source of protein that suppresses catabolism and stimulates muscle growth.

The second line is Elite Casein, produced by Dymatize, containing 24 grams of protein per serving. The complex is a protein of the highest quality, which provides the athlete's body with all the necessary amino acids, helps the athlete get the desired muscle gain.

Closes the top three casein produced by the company MusclePharm. The amount of protein in the product is 80%. It helps to stimulate muscle growth, demonstrates high efficiency in combating the process of nocturnal catabolism. The enzymes and prebiotics that make up the product help improve protein absorption.

In fourth place is CaseinPro produced Universal Nutrition, presented on sale with vanilla, biscuit-cream, chocolate flavors. The basis of the complex is the purest micellar casein. The amount of protein in one serving is 24 grams. Its reception allows you to save your own anabolic environment.

Honorable fifth place goes to MRM 100%. This is micellar casein, characterized by a gradual and slow absorption process, a unique composition of amino acids. It has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. Ease of assimilation of a product is provided with biologically active enzymes which are contained in additives.

Reviews of athletes about taking casein protein

Bodybuilders, as a rule, speak of this type of protein extremely positively. Athletes who make a choice in favor of casein from trusted and well-established companies receive a truly high-quality and effective product.

There are negative reviews, but they are few, left by athletes who have purchased poor quality protein products from a manufacturer with an appropriate reputation. Casein, according to reviews, does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is easily digested and absorbed by 100%.

Judging by the discussion of the timing of protein intake, its use at night allows you to get a more pronounced effect than in the daytime.

Active exercise increases the need for protein. Science is constantly discovering new ways to increase the effectiveness of training and reduce weight. Therefore, protein supplements help to cover the daily allowance and contribute to the growth and maintenance of the athlete's muscle mass. These supplements contain a concentrated source of protein to supplement your daily diet. Supplements come in the form of a drink, bar, powder.

Protein supplements are indicated for very high protein requirements (strength, speed-strength exercises). Casein protein has the trade name calcium caseinate (powdered substance that can be mixed with milk or water), but is the main ingredient in protein supplements and meal replacements.

General information about proteins

The process for making protein powder is simple. Water is removed from ordinary milk by evaporation and milk powder is obtained. In addition to proteins, dried milk contains fats and sugars (lactose). Manufacturers try to remove carbohydrates and lipids to increase the concentration of protein (in the normal state, whey contains 65% protein).

Due to the extraction of carbohydrates and lipids, the percentage of proteins rises to 80% in concentrate and up to 95% in whey passed through a fine separator. Then, flavor and aroma enhancers are added to the final product to give it the best taste qualities. Proteins are classified according to the raw material from which they are produced. By type of raw material, protein can be:

  • whey;
  • casein;
  • lactic;
  • soy;
  • meat (beef);
  • wheat;
  • egg.

All types of proteins have different properties and mass. For example, the most popular is whey protein (about 45%). Next, casein protein, soy and egg. They represent another 45% of the range of proteins. Meat and wheat protein are less common.

Proteins have the following benefits:

  • accelerate anabolism by analogy with ordinary food;
  • do not interfere with the anabolic action of food;
  • are a supplement to the daily diet.

Excessive consumption of supplements leads to a decrease in the amount of regular food. It's more of an alternative than a supplement.

In 2006, W. Kreimer proved that the intake of proteins (0.3 grams per 1 kg of weight), carbohydrates (1.1 grams) and fats (0.25 grams) after muscle development training is accompanied by a drop in testosterone levels. So The best way not to harm yourself is to observe the measure in everything.

Features of casein protein

It is also called "curd" protein. It is made by curdling milk. Casein protein consists of large protein molecules, they are digested and absorbed longer than whey (“sustained release protein”). But it inhibits the breakdown of proteins by 34% (prevents catabolism), unlike whey. But casein has not lost its main function, as evidenced by its effect on the cells of the muscle layer. The main reason for the slow absorption of casein is the appearance of sediment in the stomach when reacting with an acidic environment.

The usefulness of that sediment is that a person does not need to often consume proteins, by analogy with whey, to maintain the required amount of amino acids in the blood. For the same reason, casein protein is recommended to be consumed at night, shortly before bedtime. Casein protein acts as a protein link between too infrequent snacks.

Casein contains a slow-digesting protein, many amino acids (which means it has a great biological value), but is not rich in arginine. The biological importance of sodium caseinate is lower than that of caseinate hydrolyzate. It resists the divergence of muscles during active loads.

Casein is highly saturated with glutamine, an amino acid that strengthens the immune system and preserves muscles. It contains 20% more glutamine than whey, egg or soy protein. Casein protein is more affordable than its counterparts. Forbidden for those who do not digest lactose.

Doctors advise endurance athletes to consume 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day, and strength athletes 1.4-1.8 grams. Of ordinary products, most of all it is found in cottage cheese. According to the degree and method of purification, there are calcium caseinate and micellar casein. Micellar casein is more pure. Its differences:

  • High cost, almost 30% more expensive than whey.
  • It takes a long time to digest (3-5 hours). That's why the best time use - night or late evening.
  • Animal protein (includes essential amino acids).
  • (isoleucine, leucine and valine) about 15%.

How to take casein protein

Often casein is mixed with water (not boiling water), milk, juice to choose from. The amount of diluent is not important. At high temperatures, the protein will denature (curl) and lose some of its properties. Casein can replace any meal. But completely change their snacks - the best way than breakfast or dinner.

If you replace breakfast with casein protein, then very soon you will get hungry again. It is better to drink the daily norm in two visits, because it is difficult to digest large amounts of protein at a time. As a rule, they have a snack in between main meals.

Casein also acts for reciprocal purposes. It is suitable for both muscle growth and weight loss. Only proper nutrition, mode and physical activity will “decide” whether you will lose weight with it or increase weight. Casein does not directly lead to weight loss, because it does not stimulate the body to get rid of fat. Its main purpose (for athletes) is to supply muscles with amino acids to strengthen and increase them.

In the case of weight loss, you must first make sure that along with the absorption of casein, you are consuming 15% fewer calories than you spend. Losing weight during weight loss is obliged to monitor not only the burning of fat, but also the preservation of muscles, so as not to allow them to burn with fat.

In order for muscles not to break down, they need strength training and protein. Here the mechanism is quite simple. Casein protein for weight loss should be consumed at the rate of 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of weight. With regular exercise and diet, there will be a victory over excess fat.

Athletes and bodybuilders need protein all the time. To satisfy it, you have to eat kilograms of high-calorie meat, eggs and cottage cheese. An alternative option is to include slow-release protein supplements in your diet. They will provide energy to the body and nourish the muscles for the whole day without harmful fats and carbohydrates.

Casein - what is it?

Casein is a long-acting protein. The raw material for the production of casein is curdled milk with the addition of special enzymes. Once in the stomach, the protein does not dissolve in gastric juice, but is converted into a gel of amino acids. It takes 5-7 hours for the body to digest it. This is the difference between casein and whey proteins - the latter is digested quickly.

In the process of splitting the dietary supplement, valuable amino acids, phosphorus and calcium are released, which are necessary for the athlete's body for normal functioning at constant physical activity. Casein protein in its pure form is a white powder, the taste is not pronounced, it resembles cottage cheese. The preparation is natural, does not contain chemical additives and dyes.

Casein protein - composition

Micellar protein contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and valuable amino acids. The amino acid composition of casein includes 10 essential amino acids. In 100 grams of pure protein, they account for 47 grams:

  • arginine - 3.3;
  • valine (BCAA) - 5.4;
  • histidine - 2.4;
  • isoleucine (BCAA) - 5.0;
  • leucine (BCAA) - 9.1;
  • lysine, 8.5;
  • methionine - 2.6;
  • threonine - 4.5;
  • phenylalanine - 4.4;
  • tryptophan - 1.8.

Casein - harm or benefit?

How to take casein when gaining muscle mass and during drying? There is a universal scheme that athletes can focus on:

  • 40 grams of the supplement at bedtime - during the period of gaining muscle mass.
  • 20 grams of powder diluted in water or milk, 3-4 times a day between meals - during "drying".
  • 35 grams one-time if the athlete was forced to miss a meal.

Casein for mass gain

To build muscle mass, provide nutrition to the body and increase endurance, casein is drunk in the evening in the amount indicated by the muscle. It is allowed to mix it with whey protein - casein nourishes the muscles during the day, and whey protein is actively involved in the formation of relief, stimulates muscle growth during the day. Casein is taken post-workout to increase anabolism. To do this, it is mixed with whey protein in a ratio of 1:2.

Casein protein for weight loss

Casein for weight loss does not harm health if the dosage is observed. The shake is made from protein powder diluted in water. You can drink it at any time of the day, but daytime and evening hours are considered optimal, when the appetite awakens or there is a desire to eat sweet, starchy foods. Protein dulls, saturates the body with essential minerals and amino acids.

The frequency of administration depends on the initial weight and the desired result. The optimal weight loss scheme is to take a dietary supplement instead of 1-2 snacks. A single dose of powder according to this option is 20 grams. Casein can be taken 4-5 times a day between meals, without exceeding the daily dosage. For weight loss, 40-50 grams of the supplement per day is enough.

The best casein protein

The final result depends on the quality of the product. When choosing it, you should focus on the rating of casein protein and the reputation of the manufacturer. Poor-quality additives attract with low cost, but instead of the desired effect, they cause side effect. The following brands are deservedly considered leaders in the sports nutrition segment:

  1. Gold Standard by Optimum Nutrition. With one scoop, the body gets 34 grams of protein, which contains 24 grams of pure casein protein.
  2. Elite Casein by Dymatize. High-quality supplement, which includes all the necessary trace elements. One scoop contains 24 grams of protein.
  3. Casein by MusclePharm 80% milk protein.
  4. Casein Pro by Universal Nutrition contains micellar protein without impurities. The additive will please gourmets with the tastes of vanilla, chocolate, cream.