Business on handmade postcards. How to make money on handmade postcards

  • 23.09.2019

trendy postcards

I spent a week exploring Australian Melbourne. There are a lot of gift shops in the city: from bottle openers and books to designer poufs. I will describe the concept of stores gradually, because. each of these places is a storehouse of ideas.

To business. Postcards! What could be easier? On the Russian market there are plenty of them, but ... have you ever chosen a postcard for someone? Most of them are greetings from the union: new year - champagne and garlands, wedding - “Happy Anniversary”, birthday - a stupid joke from the site There are no chips. Then in Melbourne, one of the shelves made me very happy. I love to give and send postcards, so I regularly face the problem of choosing. How nice it would be if some enterprising guy who reads TJournal and communicates with bloggers created his own brand of postcards!

Cool congratulatory slogans and trendy pictures - that's the basis!

So, we think over: - Corporate identity of our brand - Portfolio of trendy postcards - We go to a printing company - choose paper - We print - We sell

A few explanations: 1) find a cool designer. Only cool postcards will sell quickly. Do not be stingy 2) the first print runs can be ordered from a printing company, then search and go to the pulp and paper mill. In the meantime, remember where you last printed business cards. 3) pricing. The cost of printing a good postcard is about 50 rubles (at the factory, of course, it is cheaper, but wholesale is needed). Retail should be set for 80-90 rubles. People easily part with that kind of money for a smart product. I saw handmade postcards for 150 rubles. It's expensive for a supplement. Of course, they buy, but definitely not every second. Calculate the profit yourself: from 20,000 rubles for 500 postcards. 4) sale. On the Internet, it is not very convenient to sell goods for 90 rubles. Therefore, we immediately remember where we buy postcards: bookstores and flower shops are what came to my mind first. We start cooperation. Without going into details, you need to convince companies that they will earn money with you. Returning to the Internet, you can try to sell postcards in packages: for example, before the new year, when people buy them in bulk. 5) where to get ideas for postcards. Read fashion publications and cutting-edge bloggers. This is one way

And remember, a postcard is not just a piece of paper, it's an emotion. Powerful emotions. People write personal greetings. We like to make people close to us happier. This is a very good business.

Looking deeper, you are the one who will promote a culture of gratitude in our information age. If you like giving more than receiving, you will definitely like this idea 😉

By the way, you will always be in trend :)

If you implement my ideas, write, we can discuss the option of cooperation and mentoring.

The Malemark project is specialized in making postcards. This is interesting option congratulations on various holidays. Everyone can be the owner of such a gift, regardless of gender. But still, ladies, that is, women, are always honored with these cards much more often, since much attention is paid to the relationship between a woman and a man in the Malemark project. There is another popular Jack Cards project, based on sending pre-prepared postcards.

The Malemark project on its website has several dozen postcards available for purchase with a fully prepared congratulation speech. They are all finely sorted into different topics, such as for special important events(for example, wedding anniversaries), invitations (like invitations to a wedding or birthday), conciliatory, festive (on) and many others. There is also an image search for keywords.
Prices are also always different. For example, products standard size at Malemark prices it is equal to two dollars, and the size of a business card is only one dollar. All of them are also supplied with envelopes. The Malemark project has and ready-made options, which are designed for special occasions in life and in price they are slightly inferior to other postcards.

Such a super business idea, as a congratulation of men, came to its author, Herman DeBoard. He came up with them as a joke, while studying at the university, while studying the relationship between a man and a woman at one of the lessons. His funny postcards, which were designed for guys, took into account the psychology of women. After that, a rather interesting business idea appeared to make your own website, which will host electronic modes congratulatory. The success of the site creation pleasantly surprised the founder, and since 2009 the Malemark site has been formed, which is
Examples of products from the Malemark project serve to give joy and mood. It can also be one of the best birthday gifts, moreover, if the model is made under interesting design and with beautiful speech. Can serve as an assistant for making a speech that you find it difficult to pronounce. is very popular at the moment. Samples of the Malemark project can be purchased through the online store and through the counters in offline stores in America.

You know this expression: paper will endure everything. That's why, in any postcard, you can write down whatever you want or what will give good mood to a person. They are even made to brighten up a difficult day for a person. Herman's idea can be attributed to interesting business ideas. Similar unusual business you can also come up with ideas, since a simple student Herman was no different from others.

My opinion tends to make postcards at home, because it is not necessary to have some kind of room in order to embody new ones. Since the manufacture and sale can be carried out under conditions own apartment. And most importantly, that there should be a flight of fancy, and there should be inspiration for your creative application.

You can make them in the following way. Take PVA glue colored paper, beads, multi-colored ribbons of various thicknesses and blank cards.

It would be best to decorate the front side with small beads in the form of some kind of pattern or, if on front side the drawing was already ready, then you need to overlay beads along its contour, giving it some originality.
In this way, you can easily work on exclusive invitations to a wedding or some kind of celebration, but, in any case, this type of decoration can be useful in many other moments.
Many people who decide to get married do not know in what form to provide wedding invitations. And invitation cards made with beads, which can be quickly purchased in online stores or are the most suitable creative option at a low price.

Such creative originality in the manufacture of postcards can make a great impression. And the owner of this invitation will in no case be able not to come to your wedding.
Once you feel that you are able to make them to order, you can post advertisements for the manufacture of your own options, which will bring you quite a lot of profit, but of course it all depends on your desire to make your own business.

In conclusion, I can say that making postcards for men is a very profitable business that does not require special skills.

There are business niches that most entrepreneurs are not even aware of. Such a niche, for example, is the business of postcards - few ordinary people know that there is a system for exchanging postcards called postcrossing, and the average postcrosser spends solid sums on his hobby.

Postcrossing has been around for a very long time. Postcard collectors are fans of their craft, they do not spare money for rare items. The exchange system has about 270,000 postcrossers, and the number of exchanged postcards is in the millions.

What is a postcard for postcrossing? This is a regular postcard with a postmark. reverse side, measuring 10 by 15 centimeters. The average price of such a postcard is 12-20 rubles, and the cost is from 5 to 8 rubles. If you have your own printing house, the unit cost can drop to 2-3 rubles apiece.

The main feature of a postcrossing postcard is the release in a small print run. On average, such postcards are produced in the amount of 500-1000 pieces, which is of considerable value to collectors.

The postcard is printed on coated paper, or on "Alaska", which is often used to make various boxes and packages. It is most profitable to print postcards in small printing houses, since in industrial volumes the cost price will be very high due to the low circulation.

You can also try some photo machines for printing, since the size of a postcard is similar to the standard size of a photo card. There are a lot of options for reducing the cost of production, you just have to think carefully and patiently calculate everything.

The weight of paper for printing postcards for postcrossing varies from 250 to 300 g/cm3. Accordingly, if we build the logistics of supply, the weight of 1000 postcards will be about 4.5 kilograms - an excellent solution, given that the search for printing houses can not be limited only to your country. Sometimes in the near abroad and the CIS it is much cheaper to print, and the customs for printing is more than liberal.

Of course, for success in this business, you need to establish some kind of marketing and have a good understanding of the most popular postcards. For example, postcards depicting cities, objects of national culture and everyday life are traditionally very popular. Often they buy postcards on a humorous theme, periodically there is a wave of popularity for a retro style.

Postcrossing business is a creative, exciting and interesting activity. And most importantly, it does not require large investments and almost eliminates the risks - the postcards will be sold out sooner or later anyway.

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  • Where to begin?
  • Purchase of materials
  • Product Advertising
  • Sale of products

business on postcards handmade began to develop quite a long time ago. However, fortunately for us, such earnings are still not very common, and the competition is quite tolerable. At the same time, the activity will develop creative skills, a sense of taste in any woman and give a lot of pleasure from making products. What needs to be done to make money on postcards will be discussed in our article.

Where to begin?

A woman who really wants to do successful business on sale beautiful postcards handmade, must master this business to perfection. Look on the Internet for various master classes, video tutorials and read numerous articles. Be sure to find communities involved in the manufacture of these products, they will help you good advice and recommendations.

Of course, the most important thing for a girl is constant practice, imagination and a great desire to work and earn money on postcards made by her own hands. Don't be nervous if things don't work out for you at first. Only experience and diligence will make you a real master, who will definitely have regular customers and a good business.

Purchase of materials

In order to make holiday products with your own hands, you will need to buy a variety of components. First of all, every woman who intends to start a business in the manufacture of postcards should have the following materials:

  • bases for products;
  • a set of regular and curly scissors;
  • paper curling tools;
  • pens, felt-tip pens, pencils (specially designed for inscriptions);
  • paints and brushes;
  • glue gun and glue;
  • paper and satin ribbons;
  • the cloth;
  • stickers for postcards;
  • varnishes;
  • envelopes;
  • tulle, dried flowers, ruffles, feathers and other decorations;
  • polymer clay.

It is very convenient for a girl who is just starting her business to purchase ready-made kits for scrapbooking, quilling and other applications. As for the cost of materials, to begin with, about 15,000 rubles should be allocated from the budget for the purchase of the most basic.

After all, it is known that craftsmen who are engaged in needlework try to improve, and over time they do work for which you have to pay just crazy money.

I followed a simple path, and at first I made postcards for celebrations only to my friends and colleagues. It seemed that it was unrealistic to earn a lot with the help of gift cards, but I liked making cards, so instead of formal standard cards, my friends and acquaintances received a unique, made in a single copy, postcard. I liked making them, people liked getting unusual postcards.

Once a friend of mine turned to me, he and his wife are about to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. And he wanted to please his beloved with something unusual. I asked them to tell a little about the memorable events in their lives during this period, and made a postcard (large), where these events were reflected at least briefly. In addition to the bouquet, my postcard made a splash! After that, orders went quite regularly, and for the new year, Valentine's Day and other holidays, I began to gradually make blanks that could be quickly completed into a beautiful little thing.

I do not raise the prices of my postcards - and this is my secret, because the circle of buyers is constantly growing due to the inexpensive cost of the postcard. It turns out that with a minimum of costs - I do not need a room, for postcards I use old book covers or brochures, and my only cost is the time for which I make a postcard. But again, I love doing it!

Remember when there was a fashion for notebooks with poems and wishes in schools? Even then, my notebook was the most beautiful, because I liked to decorate it, make unusual wishes-postcards for my classmates. And, despite the fact that I entered the accounting department at the institute, and spent my entire adult life in the accounting department of an ordinary enterprise, I did not leave my hobby.

When I got to the hospital with a broken leg, all the employees gradually became my own clients. I made postcards as a gift to the doctors who treated me, and then they ordered me postcards for their solemn moments. Postcards have become my second job, which brings joy. But in accounting I continue to work, however, only part-time.

Most of the time I give to my hobby. Today I do not have hired workers, because I believe that it is dishonest to pass off someone else's work as your own. Only 256 regular customers who know that you can rely on me. I will always make the ordered postcard just in time. Sometimes, for the content of a postcard, clients immediately give wish verses, and then I harmoniously insert them into the overall composition. If there is no congratulation itself yet, then I try to leave a place inside the card so that the client himself enters the words of congratulation.

Of course, it would be possible to expand the business, make connections with shops and so on, but, firstly, I don’t want to do this, I like to make beautiful elegant postcards. And, secondly, it will be necessary to document my activities, and this is the time taken from me.

Undoubtedly, after reading my article on KHOBIZ.RU, many will be surprised, because I could receive several times more for my products, but I think that it is necessary to do for the soul, and not for money. My postcards in our city are known, they are ordered by email, and I send the finished postcard by mail or by courier. Someone comes in person, and seeing my poor home, says that I need to set up a business more and more, but, honestly, I don’t want to do this. Big money destroys people, hardens them, and I will give people joy with my postcards.

If someone, using my experience, creates such a business, I will only be glad that the person had the strength and ability to launch a beautiful business. After all, it's great when instead of the same type of postcards in all stores, there will be handmade postcards made with love. Good luck to those who start such a beautiful business!

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU