Osp f1 10 12 mm thick. What is usb plywood and how is it used

  • 29.08.2019

Oriented strand board (OSP, OSB) is a name not very familiar to the mass consumer, although for almost thirty years of use, professional builders have managed to get used to this new material and evaluate its qualities.

And the quality of the OSB is such that, being a product of wood processing, this plate approaches wood in terms of warmth, environmental friendliness and moisture resistance. In terms of strength, it is much superior to it, so many compare it even with metal.

Some of the creation history

The idea of ​​finding a replacement chipboard, having improved its characteristics, came to the mind of the Americans in the early 80s of the last century. The task was to find a technology for the production of a new material directly for construction, while the material should have higher characteristics than existing wood materials.

This is how osb appeared - another product that is made by pressing wood chips impregnated with special formulations. The process takes place at high temperatures and under pressure.

And although initially such materials were developed exclusively for construction work, today the consumer qualities of OSB are appreciated all over the world, and boards are used not only in the construction industry, but also in furniture production, where OSB is increasingly replacing related materials - chipboard, plywood. As a rule, the strength of the new material is used in the load-bearing elements of furniture.

Some physics and characteristics

The excellent performance is the result of a well-thought-out arrangement of layers in the “sandwich” of these boards.

OSB is called oriented because it is the directions of the split wood in the layers that create a special rigidity structure that makes it strong, like metal. Inside the fibers are arranged in one direction, and outside the layer is laid in the opposite direction.

This arrangement explains the unique properties of OSB - it acquires extraordinary elasticity along the central axis and at the same time high bending strength.

This board is called “improved wood” because during production its surface is treated with a fire-resistant and water-repellent composition. Therefore, OSB boards have characteristics that distinguish them favorably from many other similar building materials:

  • are resistant to changing weather conditions (humidity and temperature);
  • easy to handle with traditional woodworking tools;
  • have increased strength and properties to hold fasteners;
  • consist almost entirely of good quality wood chips, unlike chipboard, where woodworking waste is used in production;
  • are not destroyed by water, and in case of long-term wetting, they restore their original properties as they dry.

Importantly, the material is environmentally friendly, like wood.

Where is it applied?

Oriented strand board has received the greatest application in construction, furniture production, container and packaging. Great for application:

  • in sheathing of internal and external walls, subfloor;
  • in the device of a covering of roofs;
  • in the manufacture of hard parts of upholstered furniture;
  • in the construction of stairs, rack structures;
  • in the manufacture of wooden packaging, etc.

In home construction, the possibilities of oriented strand board (OSP) are truly endless. It is used in the manufacture of sandwich panels for frame walls. At the same time, the use of osp noticeably accelerates the pace of construction and other work. The slabs are used as a companion to various types of interior and exterior cladding. They cover partitions inside and outside buildings.

They are used as lathing in the construction of roofs, while the material has a special ability to withstand wind and snow loads.

OSP is also used as a load-bearing joist and a solid flooring slab, and is also applicable as a basic floor covering.

What are oriented strand boards?

OSB boards are divided according to the field of application in construction into OSB1 (with low moisture resistance and mechanical strength), OSB2 (with low moisture resistance, but excellent mechanical strength), OSB3 (simultaneously high performance strength and moisture resistance) and OSB4 (super strength and ultra moisture resistance, corresponding to the high-tech class of the panel).

The most popular type of panels today is the third type, which combines best qualities with a relatively reasonable price. These panels are used in outdoor finishing works - plates are glued on them artificial stone for finishing facades.

Plates also differ in the presence of coatings on them. Sheets are produced varnished, which greatly increases their resistance to moisture. Laminated board is another kind of coated OSB. This view is used during construction work, for example, when concrete is poured and formwork is installed. Reusable use will not spoil the appearance and properties of such a plate.

In addition, osp board can be tongue and groove ready for easy installation.

Who is producing?

For a quarter of a century, the technology has been mastered by many foreign manufacturers, including Georgia Pacific and Lousiana Pacific Corporation (USA), German Glunz, Canadian Ainsworth and Arbec, and many others.

In our country own production recently mastered by the Kalevala company (Karelia), in addition, there are branches of some foreign manufacturers of these panels in Russia.

Summing up

Now that we have found out the characteristics of these plates, we can summarize: is it worth buying them for your home, will they be suitable for your renovation?

So, let's briefly name all the advantages of this building material.

These boards have a lot of advantages:

  1. Special strength(strength parameters, including indicators of elasticity, strength and tensile strength, are such that these materials are used even in the construction of buildings in seismic zones).
  2. Special moisture resistance(Impregnation with resins and wax makes the oriented chip panel capable of being in water for more than a day, while its swelling does not exceed 25 percent, and when dried, the panel returns to its original properties).
  3. Lightness of the material(the plate weighs from 15 kg to 40, depending on the dimensions).
  4. Excellent sound absorption(strong coupling of the plate components due to resins prevents the penetration of extraneous sounds).
  5. Ease of processing ( it is not difficult to saw, cut the OSB board, it is easy to sand, putty, it is easy to paste over with wallpaper, tiles, paint).
  6. Environmental Safety OSB on high level, exceeding all previously existing plates (state standards of manufacturing countries are established for production). Therefore, in quality samples, the content of resins and other substances harmful to human health does not exceed the limits established in this state. As a rule, materials manufactured in accordance with these quality and environmental standards carry the ECO label, while these products meet the E0 or E1 classes.

Osp boards, in addition to undeniable advantages, like all other materials, have their drawbacks. These include, for example, the fact that formaldehyde, which is still included in the composition of these products. In case of poor-quality production or violation of production technology, this substance can cause considerable harm to health if it evaporates within the premises.

At the same time, the use of slabs for street decoration is completely safe.

When erecting various buildings for residential and other household purposes, an ordinary consumer often needs to buy a building material that would be both of high quality and affordable, inexpensive. So that they can cover large areas and, moreover, it fit for finishing, including finishing.

OSP boards seem to be just the material that can solve most of the tasks - it is suitable for both external and internal work, for partitions and walls, roofs and ceilings, structural elements of domestic structures. So it is worth taking a closer look at this truly universal material.

USB slab is a building material, for the manufacture of which wood such as aspen and pine is used. The basis of plywood is large-sized chips, for gluing which resin is used under pressure and high temperatures. Today, such material is very popular in the field of construction. Builders are actively involved OSB boards almost everywhere: when arranging the lathing under the roof and even for cladding walls and floors.

Characteristics of building materials for the house

Previously, it was believed that this material came from the well-known chipboard, but this is far from the case. The main difference between these materials is the location of the chips. In the upper layers, it has a longitudinal arrangement, and in the inner - transverse. As a rule, the number of layers is 3 or 4. But this does not interfere with using.

Standard product markings

Many manufacturers produce USB (usb) plates according to the following standard markings:

Cons Osb (osb)

As for the minus, it is difficult to find something worthwhile. It is important to follow the precautions that are developed when working with wood. For example, when processing OSB boards, you need to protect your health from wood tar, which is a carcinogen. To do this, wear respirators. When comparing the advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards, it should be understood that the number of pluses here is much greater than the minuses.

And other information is given in this article.

Sheet dimensions and panel thickness

Manufacturers of material for panels and boards offer sizes that are determined taking into account the processing of edges:

The thickness parameter in this case can vary between 9-22 mm. It all depends on what type of stove. Delivery of material is carried out in packages, in which the number of sheets reaches 35-100 pieces.

What should be the thickness of plywood for laminate on a wooden floor can be found here

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What is OSB board

Technological progress cannot be stopped. Often, the country's woodworking industry offers the consumer new wood processing products that are ideal for repair and construction work. OSB plate, one of such building materials. Now we will try to consider it in this publication.

osb board specifications application

OSB is - (oriented strand board). Translated from English - oriented strand board (OSB, OSB).

What is OSB board? The building material is a heterogeneous, but durable sheets of compressed wood chips, large in size. The size of chips and chips can reach 150 mm. Manufacturers use a mixture of softwood and hardwood.

Natural and synthetic resins and paraffin are added to the adhesive composition used to join wood chips and sawdust into a monolith. The sheet impregnated with adhesives and water-repellent substances additionally receives the property of moisture resistance.

The manufacturing technology makes it possible to form a plate from three or four layers of chips. Moreover, in each layer, the chips lie in one direction, and in the next in the other. In the outer layers, the chips are oriented along the slab, while in the inner layers, across. Hence the name - oriented strand.

How osb boards are made

Some time ago, building materials were imported to us from Europe, North America and China, but now its production has been established in Russia, as its popularity is steadily growing. Let's look at what osb is in the manufacturing process.

OSB production

Manufacturing technology includes several stages:

  1. Initial processing of wood - the raw material is subjected to heat treatment in a humid environment to soften the wood.
  2. Removal of bark and possible damage of natural origin using special machines.
  3. Splitting wood into chip fraction.
  4. Drying wood chips and shavings in drying chambers.
  5. Impregnation of raw materials with adhesive and water-repellent substances.
  6. Leveling layers (each separately) in conveyor machines and orienting chips in the right direction.
  7. Applying layers in the required sequence.
  8. Hot pressing.
  9. Grinding the outer layers of the plate.
  10. Cutting sheets to desired dimensions.
  11. After packaging, the building material goes to the retail network.

OSB slab specifications

For convenience and to avoid confusion during construction, the material is divided into strength classes. In European quality standards, OSB classification is divided into 4 categories depending on the level of moisture resistance and strength:

  1. OSB 1 - used only for dry rooms, as it is afraid of moisture. It is also suitable for furniture production, provided that it is veneered with precious wood or for packaging or sheathing. It is not a structural material.
  2. OSB 2 is a denser and stronger board, but also not moisture resistant. This is already a structural slab that can be used for the construction of walls or partitions indoors with a normal level of humidity.
  3. OSB 3 is already a moisture-resistant, fairly dense board. It is used for construction and repair work inside and outside the premises, subject to short-term contact with water.
  4. OSB 4 is a particularly durable and moisture resistant building material. Suitable for all types of construction work, up to the cladding of building facades, with or without subsequent coating with a finishing material. Application in continuous contact with water is possible.

There are OSB quality standards for North America, which include 3 categories, but we, for obvious reasons, will not consider them.

Building material advantages

What is better OSB or plywood? Advantages OSB boards Compared to good old-fashioned plywood or chipboard, these are undeniable. These are a number of advantages that must be voiced:

  1. The material is quite smooth, little prone to chipping at the sawing sites.
  2. OSB board is strong and flexible, light weight. This will facilitate delivery to the place of work and operations performed with building materials.
  3. Moisture resistance (not all types). The material is glued and treated with resins and wax, which makes it resistant to water.
  4. Long service life - antifungal additives that make up the impregnation make OSB resistant to fungus and mold. Category 3 and 4 boards will never rot.
  5. Along with solid wood, OSB board has an excellent level of sound insulation.
  6. Work carried out with OSB does not cause difficulties. It is easy to saw, drill, plan. It holds almost any fastener perfectly.
  7. Low price.

OSB plate application

The scope of OSB plates is quite large.

Manufacturers of frame-panel houses widely use building materials for structural parts, up to bearing heavy loads.

The construction industry makes heavy use of OSB as formwork for pouring foundations.

They level floors and ceilings with it, make partitions and full-fledged walls out of it, and also carry out facing work.

OSB plate technical characteristics harmfulness

The adhesive compositions used in the manufacture of OSB may contain substances hazardous to the human body - formaldehyde, phenol, methanol.

How to recognize the presence of such substances in the bowels of the plate? You can protect your health by buying building materials with formaldehyde emission class E1, where the permissible content of these substances is minimal.

Pay special attention to the smell coming from the OSB board.

If a representative of a trading company tries to assure you of the safety of building materials, and an unpleasant, sharp chemical smell, it is worth refusing to purchase.

OSB plate is undoubtedly worthy of your attention. The properties of the material make it possible to adequately compete with the well-known, old as the world plywood, chipboard.

In some cases, you may spend a little more money than when buying another material, but the durability and strength will pay off with interest. And the question, what is smallpox, is no longer a mystery to you.

OSB is a compressed three-layer material made from elongated coniferous wood chips - the so-called wood wool, the length of the chips is 60-90 millimeters.

The main feature of the material, as a rule, aspen and pine are the material for the manufacture of boards, is the different orientation of the wood chips in its layers.

In the middle, they are located at right angles to the covering layers, and in the lower and top layer- along the length of the entire plate.

The excellent mechanical strength of the material, which significantly exceeds the strength of DPS and plywood, is due precisely to this multidirectionality of the fibers.

It should be noted that the flexibility of the plate remains the same.

Three layers of the board are pressed under high temperature and pressure, impregnated with waterproof resins and waxes. Phenolic and formaldehyde resins are used as a binder.

Application modern equipment and advanced manufacturing technologies ensure the uniformity of the plate in all directions - there are no chips, cracks and voids in it.

An important difference between the plates is the ability to withstand heavy loads, not due to the use of a binder material, but due to the fact that long chips cope with the load perfectly, forming a structure without unnecessary overvoltages.

It has an optimal combination of high mechanical strength and elasticity.

  • OSB-1 - used at low humidity;
  • OSB-2 - used in dry rooms in the production of load-bearing structures;
  • OSB-3 - to create load-bearing structures at high humidity;
  • OSB-4 - are used if the structure is subjected to significant mechanical stress and is operated at high humidity.

Comparative characteristics and properties of plates

Plates are classified according to the European standard EN-300. Different connecting elements of the plates determine the scope of their application.

moisture resistance

To determine which media properties each type of slab can be used in, the thickness swell parameter is used.

To do this, the plate, after measuring the initial thickness, is placed in a liquid for a day, and then the magnitude of its swelling is measured.

In accordance with the standards, there are extreme permissible values ​​for the swelling of the boards.

The following table shows this clearly:

Thus, OSB-4 and OSB-3 boards have the same strength characteristics, however, if moisture resistance is taken into account, then the third type is more preferable.

Compared to OSB-4, OSB-3 does not look as convincing, but it should be borne in mind that the characteristics of OSB-3 boards are quite enough for construction. And the cost of such a plate is much less.


Modern technologies can ensure the production of any boards, but there are certain sizes of OSB boards:

  • 1220×2440 mm.
  • 1220×3660 mm.
  • 1250×6000 mm.
  • 1250×2500 mm.
  • 1250×3700 mm.


Due to their light weight, OSB boards are widely used in construction.

Environmental friendliness of OSB board material

OSB boards are made exclusively from high-quality chips. Spruce is mainly used, but sometimes pine is also used.

Is OSB harmful?

OSB boards use formaldehyde-free polyurethane resin binders. Thus, the content of harmful substances in the plate does not exceed the permissible level.

OSB have excellent fire, physical, chemical and biological safety.

QSB boards

Separately, it is worth highlighting QSB plates. Compared to OSB, they have some advantages:

  • excellent bonding of the layers is achieved due to the fine chip size. This allows you to use the QSB board on a par with OSB;
  • the smallest swelling coefficient among OSB boards - about 12%;
  • internal communication coefficient is increased by 30% in comparison with OSB-3;
  • the boards have a high resistance against pulling screws and also have good nail stability at the edges;
  • QSB edges are perfectly smooth;
  • plates have strength, uniformity and rigidity;
  • simplified installation due to a small number of connections;
  • since the plate has a high density - it can be processed different ways(sawing, drilling, milling) and not be afraid that it will be damaged;
  • the use of QSB plates allows for many types of structural connections;
  • boards are suitable for use in a humid environment of the second class.

QSB boards are used as load-bearing structural elements of the interior, as well as the main material for roofing.

They are used in the production of packaging and containers, for interior decoration.

The use of OSB boards

Due to the extremely increased demand for OBS boards, there are currently many product options on the market that differ in the previously described parameters and technical characteristics.

OSB flooring boards

What should I pay attention to when choosing OSB boards for laying on the floor?

  1. Pay attention to North American and European products - they are usually of higher quality.

Products are manufactured in full compliance with all world standards and technologies, including the E1 standard, which determines the environmental safety of the product;

  1. Flooring can be done on wooden logs or concrete screed, depending on the room.

In the case of a screed, plates with a thickness of no more than a centimeter are needed, and if you lay on wooden logs, then the plates are needed more massive - up to two centimeters;

  1. OSB-3 boards are the leader in flooring.

They are the most popular on sale, provide structural reliability, are waterproof and high-density;

  1. To calculate the required number of plates, it is necessary to determine at what location there will be the least waste.

Cut the slab if necessary circular saw won't be difficult.

You should not use a jigsaw when cutting plates, because when working with this tool it is difficult to ensure a flat side surface.

OSB-slab on a concrete screed

OPS slabs are an excellent base for finishing coatings (tiles, parquet boards, laminate, linoleum) when replacing floors in rooms with a concrete coating.

Height differences and various defects are not uncommon on a concrete floor. OSB laying is able to make the surface perfectly flat, suitable for installing any type of coating.

The plate is made multi-layered and dense, which provides good.

The natural OSB base retains heat well. Typically, the slabs are laid on wooden bars and the surface is smoothed with a concrete screed.

If you want to ensure maximum resistance to deformation and rigidity - use two layers of plates.

Lay them with an offset, fasten the edges to each other with special glue, ring and spiral nails. A similar masonry in two layers is used for.

Maintaining small gaps between the boards will compensate for the expansion due to the absorption of moisture from the environment.

Draft and finishing OSB floor

In rooms that stand on a columnar or flood foundation, the floors are usually laid on multilayer boards or wooden logs from a bar. In this case, OSB floors can be used as a finishing or subfloor.

The base of the finished floor is laid in a maximum of two layers:

  • The first of them is mounted with a joint on the logs. Fastening to the lags is carried out with self-tapping screws with a pitch of about thirty centimeters.
  • With the help of spiral nails, the layers are connected, and if necessary, to ensure a more reliable fixation, glue is used.

The draft floor is installed on the underside of the log:

  • The surface that faces the ground is treated with a special coating, for example, bituminous mastic.
  • In the space between the lags, on the subfloor, insulation is laid and covered from above with a layer of material (glassine is suitable) for protection.

Some features of plate processing for different types of coatings

The unique properties of OSB boards make it possible to use them not only as self material for covering, but also for work on the preparation of the base different types coatings.

  • Installation of OSB boards under the laminate. There are no special requirements here, except for ensuring the evenness of the surface at the junction points.
  • Laying under carpet or linoleum. To ensure the most even transition at the joints of the material, it is necessary to use the thinnest plates treated with sealants. Provided that a single seam is formed during installation, expansion gaps are made from the side of the wall.
  • Clean finish. Tile wear protection required. This can be ensured by applying several layers of varnish, after cleaning the plate.
  • Laying tiles on OSB board. to install ceramic tiles, the OSB base must be fixed. To do this, you need to carefully fix the plates on the logs, and install the logs themselves more often.

Prices for OSB boards

The cost of OSB boards depends on several factors. First of all, this is the country of manufacture.

Plates made in America and Western Europe are more expensive than their domestic counterparts. The brand of the plate, the thickness of the plate and, in general, its main characteristics also affect the cost.

In the table, we can observe the dependence of the price of the plate on the country of manufacture and the geometry of the product

For a successful purchase of OSB boards, you must carefully study the characteristics of each of them and choose the material, first of all, based on this.

As a rule, OBS-3 slabs, due to their characteristics, are the most popular in the market. Although, perhaps, simpler models will be quite enough for you.

It is not necessary to shell out extra money for material properties that you will not need at all after. Do not rush - be prepared that it will take some time to find the best option.