Consumption of metal tiles per 100m2 of roofing. Description of the stages of material counting. Doing our own calculations

  • 09.08.2018

Before starting any construction, it is better to purchase material with a margin - it is better to leave a little more roofing material for repairs than to look for exactly the same metal tile in the middle of construction, which, given the variety of models on the market, may not be so easy. But the correct calculation will save material, avoid the need to cut sheets a lot, risking worsening their quality, and in general will reduce the time spent on building a roof, so you should not neglect it.

Care must be taken to ensure there is sufficient clearance between curbs on hillsides and downhill for traffic. The rubber conical boots should then encircle the pipe and be able to completely cover the hole and flex when the panel is moved.

Thermal movement is a force of nature, it occurs continuously every day and is the main source of roof leaks. Like us, a durable seam roof will last for a long time with a trouble-free service life. Designers must learn how to account for thermal motion and the forces involved. . He was with major metal manufacturers building systems for 40 years.

Principles and calculation algorithm

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a roofing material is two dimensions of sheet size: nominal and effective. The last value is the dimensions of the metal tile sheet, taking into account the fact that the sheets will be overlapped. To calculate the number of sheets, the effective, not the nominal size, is important, most manufacturers indicate both parameters.

Richard is a product development manager for building research systems who designs and licenses planed seam systems, clips and accessories. He has been building rooftop roofing systems for over a decade and developed a mini storage system for a major metal building manufacturer while working in his product development department.

Local Roofing Specialists Vs Calculating Roofing Contractors

Was your area recently engulfed in a storm that included hail? Hail chasing is big business. There is a huge electronic infrastructure that allows contractors to find storms, assess their extent, determine affected areas, know the size and value of houses, work with insurance companies, and even offer invisible roof views if they want to!

In addition to dimensions in millimeters, sheets are measured in waves. On the market, you can most often find sheets with 3 and 6 waves. When calculating the roof, they need to be combined, it is preferable to use larger sheets: they are more difficult to install, but provide greater tightness.

We are very careful about these "assault hunters" and encourage the use of local, experienced contractors who are properly licensed and insured to work in your area. We encourage the use of contractors who will still be "out there" if problems arise along the way and your roof needs maintenance.

Metal roofing is suitable for protecting your home

Our aluminum roofs as well as other metal roofs have been widely used in heavy hail areas with great success. We guarantee that our products will not leak after a hail storm, and we also guarantee that the coating on our products will not chip due to hail. Another great advantage of aluminum roofing is that it will resist hail just as well when it is many years old as it will when it is new. This is not the case with most other roofing materials, which become soft or even brittle as they age, making them more susceptible to hail.

The second important parameter is the dimensions of the roof slope. The slopes are already measured according to the finished crate at one of the last stages of construction, although it is better to calculate the metal tile in advance and, if necessary, adjust the dimensions of the slopes so that the material does not have to be cut. For each slope, the length and width should be measured separately, and all valleys and additional elements that need to be covered with roofing material must be accurately measured.

Insurance discounts and metal roofing

This is the highest rating, and to pass the test, products must withstand impact from a 2-inch steel ball dropped from 20 inches in the air without splitting or falling apart. This is important and few roof types can pass this test. However, many insurers will require you to sign a "cosmetic damage waiver" in exchange for a discount. This failure means that if you have a severe storm that causes cosmetic damage to your roof but doesn't expose the panels in some way, they won't replace your roof.

The calculation for each slope is made separately:

  1. The first stage is the measurement of skates;
  2. The choice of manufacturer and specific model of metal tiles. Sheets from different manufacturers have different dimensions, so this issue is fundamental for the calculation;
  3. For each slope, determine how many sheets wide it will be closed. The full width of the slope is divided by the effective width of the sheet of metal;
  4. Then you can count the number of sheets in length, combining, if necessary, sheets with a different number of waves, in the line of each model from 2 to 5 or even more standard sizes sheets. Also, almost all sellers of metal tiles offer to order sheets to the size of the slopes - this will not be cheap, and long sheets will require high professionalism during installation, but will significantly improve the tightness of the roof;
  5. All small surface areas of additional slopes are calculated. Sheets on them will most likely have to be cut, but when cutting, the multilayer coating is damaged, which causes corrosion at the cut sites. Inaccurate cutting can significantly reduce the life of a roof without repairs;
  6. By adding the number of sheets for all the slopes, you will get the final result;
  7. To check yourself, you can use one of the calculators. Special programs can, without your participation, calculate the roof for a simple two-pitched roof. If you did the calculations manually, the resulting figure should not be significantly less than the one offered by the calculator.

If the roof area is small, you can also calculate the roof "by eye". The simplest formula is to add 10% to the roof area, so you get a rough idea of ​​how much roofing material you need. With an accurate calculation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe materials used is only 5% larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes, on the scale of a private house this gives significant savings, although for a small outbuilding the accuracy is not so important.

It will be like signing a waiver for your car that says your insurance won't cover hail damage if it doesn't prevent the car from running. Our usual suggestion is not to sign a waiver and therefore not to take the premium discount.

You can be confident knowing that you have a hail resistant roof, but also that the roof will be replaced if the storm hit is strong enough to cause cosmetic damage. We believe that declining compensation for cosmetic damage is, in most cases, not worth the premium discount.

An example of the calculation of metal tiles

Take for example a simple building with a gable roof without additional slopes and decorative elements with a long ridge of 9.5 m and a length of two equal slopes of 6 m. Dimensions of the selected profile: for all types, the useful sheet width is 1.1 m, and the length is 10, 6, 3 and 1 wave (respectively 3.5 m, 2 ,1m, 1.05m and 0.35m.The step of one wave in any model is 0.35m.

And, from the point of view of insurance companies, we understand this. They love metal roofs for hail resistance, but they also know that if they have to replace a metal roof, it will cost more than standard roofing. We appreciate the insurance companies' reasoning behind the cosmetic disclaimer. However, this may not always be in the best interest of the homeowner, especially in areas prone to frequent heavy hail.

Working with the Right Roofing Specialist

So, if you have a metal roof and it gets hit by a hail storm, what should you do? Again, no matter what type of roof you have, if your area gets hit by hail you will have a lot of contractors knocking on your door and roaming your area. Many will actually be several hundred miles away, although they will often get a local address that cleverly disguises this fact. Some may even tell you stories like they were sent by your roof manufacturer to be inspected.

  1. 9.5 m of the width of the slopes are divided by the standard usable width. It turns out 8.63 sheets - 9 sheets, of which the last one will have to be cut;
  2. The 6m length of the slopes is divided by the length of the wave step. We get 17.14 waves, the most economical way to close the slope is one sheet in 10, 6 and 1 waves laid in series. A margin of a few centimeters is useful for mounting the cornice.

As a result, you will have to cut only three sheets of metal tiles, cutting can be ordered from a specialist, and not done on your own, risking damage to the material. The calculation of a metal tile for a complex-shaped roof will be less accurate, and the more small elements that need to be covered with a roof, the more sheets will have to be cut and the more scraps will eventually be.

They may also push you to simply sign a document allowing them to make and settle a claim on your behalf. Don't do this unless you know and trust the contractor very well, and make sure they are local and experienced with your type of roof. You lose all control once this document is signed, pledging to use them as your contractor.

If you have a metal roof that gets hit by hail, we suggest you do a visual inspection first. If possible, look at the upper windows to the lower roofs. Do you have a ladder that will allow you to safely look down into the roof? We're not suggesting getting on the roof, but simply seeing it as best as we can. Use binoculars if helpful.

Any preliminary calculation, whether done on a calculator or by hand, better shopping roofing material "by eye". It is especially important to accurately calculate the number of sheets of metal for a complex roof with a large area, in which case you will most likely have to do the calculations manually - most calculators do not take into account all the parameters of a complex roof.

Space and functional hail

Do you see evidence of more extensive damage, such as locks or seams that have opened up, or fairings and slats that have broken? If you see this more significant damage, then we suggest contacting the contractor who installed the roof to have a look at things. If this contractor is not available, check with your roof manufacturer to see if any of you are in the area.

If you see cosmetic damage but no functional damage, it gets a little tricky. If the cosmetic damage is so minimal that you're wondering if it's really caused by hail, you're likely to completely ignore it if you want to, especially if your metal roof has a high-end finish. However, ignoring a larger cosmetic hail can be a problem if you ever have to undergo a home inspection in order to sell or refinance your home or obtain insurance coverage.

Video - calculation of the cost of a gable roof

Metal tile is considered one of the best options for arranging the roof. It has unique performance and quality characteristics that ensure a long service life without overhaul. To optimize costs and correctly draw up a laying plan, they first calculate the metal roof tiles. And only after that proceed to the installation.

In the case of cosmetic damage that is more obvious and obviously caused by hail, we suggest contacting your original roof installer for an inspection. They can help you assess the extent and risk of damage and determine whether contact with your insurance company is appropriate.

A contractor who is knowledgeable about your roofing system will also be able to help determine if repair work or replacement is needed. If the original contractor cannot be located, contact the roof manufacturer and ask who is local to you who has roof experience.

Why is it necessary

In most cases, the volume of roofing material is determined by the area of ​​the roof. 10-12% is added to this value and the material is purchased according to the calculated volumes. However, after laying, it turns out that some part remained unclaimed. In this case, the owner understands that the costs have been increased. What to do in order to avoid such situations?

Again, be careful with "stormtroopers". Never let anyone on your metal roof if you don't know and trust them, and don't know they test your metal roof system. Insurance companies determine whether roofs should be "summed up" based on how many hail hits are visible in a certain area of ​​the roof. It's easy for unscrupulous contractors to go into a hidden area on your roof and "create" hail hits that weren't actually caused by hail. Don't fall victim to any of these scammers.

Metal roofs offer homes great protection from hail and other harsh weather conditions. By being a careful consumer, you will be able to secure acceptance right decisions for your home now and in the future. Tim Martin and Cindy Kimmel. To protect the valleys, it is good to use snow guards. On this roof, you can see the snow guards climbing up the valleys on the roof. This causes the snow to pack into the valley and possibly damage the roof.

Firstly, carefully familiarize yourself with the assortment, standard sizes. Then you need to act according to this scheme:

  • Correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. To do this, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of each slope, but also the valleys. It is in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof that the material is most consumed.
  • Choose the optimal one. Also, the selection criterion is the cost of a metal roof for 1 m 2.
  • Draw up a laying plan, taking into account the overlap and cut points.
  • According to the data obtained, a cut plan is drawn up. It is important to take into account the possible marriage or inaccuracies in the performance of work. Therefore, it is recommended to make a small margin - 2-3% of the total volume.

Subject to the implementation of these stages, the consumption of material will be optimal. Only non-business waste will remain, which is inevitable even with optimal cutting.

The old man puts roofing systems to the test in the winter with heavy snow accumulations. Installing a proper system that retains snow and will hold when various conditions, takes into account several factors, but it is unknown variables that cause the greatest headache at the installers. It is extremely important to have a plan for the worst case scenario that your rooftop may have. The best place for this - in the workplace.

You can calculate exactly how many snow guards your job requires in seconds by entering key data. This picture speaks for itself. Notice the incredible snow buildup where the top roof hangs lower. Also pay attention to a large number of snow on the ground and hanging from the roof. This is a dangerous situation.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the calculation of the roof of metal tiles and the purchase of material, it is necessary to do a number of preparatory activities. The main one is on the roof. It will act as a base for installing a moisture-proof film and base material.

Eliminate These Five Common Snow Hold Mistakes

Too Little for Late - When people solve the problem of snow retention, it's not important or too expensive to install. Even if your project can be built in good weather, plan for that blizzard to come along. The most common mistake seen in a box is placing the second line just above the first, which overlays big weight to the second row of guards. The calculator determines the number of snow guards needed based on peak-to-corner measurement, roof pitch, rib spacing on panels, and snow load. By placing a second row of snow guards on half of the roof, it distributes weight evenly between the two rows of guards. Not enough snow guards. Whether using isolated snowpack placement or placing one or two rows on the bottom, failure of your snow system is pretty much guaranteed. Use several stepped rows evenly spaced on the slope and protecting the valleys with raised snow guards. This will allow the snow to fall into the valley and possibly damage the roof. Keep in mind that drifting can take place over high roof to the bottom and plan accordingly. Permanent roof seams should have snow retentions that are either attached to the seam or glued rather than screwed through the roof. This script sets the failure from the start. reputation and guarantee. Be sure to use a seasoned system to ensure superior performance. By this we mean testing in the field with a large number of satisfied customers. Look for a manufacturer recommended by your peers with a reputation for quality. Information is vital importance to ensure a well-designed plan that is done in a hurry or from an unacceptable company is risky.

  • This common mistake endangers people, the landscape and cars.
  • Thinking about snow after the fact is too late.
  • Wrong layout and design.
Use of guards designed for exposed fixing panels at standing seams.

Then you can start choosing a specific one. First, let's look at the standard sizes.

  • Width. Full can be from 1160 to 1180 mm. It is necessary to take into account the necessary allowances for overlapping sheets. Based on this, the useful width is reduced to 1000-1160 mm.
  • Length. It can vary from 0.4 to 6 m. When choosing, it is important to consider the possibility of ordering models with a certain length. It is preferable to choose a size of 4.5 m as it is optimal for transport, processing and installation.
  • Thickness. The possibility of shifting sheets during installation directly depends on this parameter. However, too large a thickness of 0.7 mm and above will affect the complexity of the work. Most often they stop 0.5-0.6 mm.

You also need to pay attention to the height of the profile and a certain step of the wave. The average dimensions for arranging the roof of a private house are:

  • profile height - 21-25 mm;
  • wave pitch - 320-400 mm.

It is not recommended to make many cuts from a single sheet of material. This is due to the specifics of its design. The ends are also treated with protective materials, and the cut leads to a violation of the integrity of this layer. In the future, corrosion may occur on the internal metal base of the coating.

Doing our own calculations

It is best to calculate the amount of metal tiles using online calculator. But to check the calculations, it is recommended to duplicate them yourself. To do this, you need to know the dimensions of the roof and select the optimal sheets of material in terms of dimensions and thickness.

First of all, they are determined with the overhang parameter - how much the coating will protrude beyond the walls of the building. Thus, you can protect the house in its upper part from precipitation. Traditionally, when calculating the number of metal tiles, they do not use the dimensions of standard sheets, but the number of waves to cover the entire volume of the roof. To do this, take into account the distance between them, which is usually 350 mm. Let us calculate, as an example, the standard gable roof with dimensions of 8 * 4 m. In this case, the required number of waves will be 8000/350 = 23, i.e. in width, sheets of the following standard sizes will be optimal - 2220 * 1160. Three such sheets are required along the length of the slope. The number of waves they have is 6. Given the 4-meter width, you will need 4 rows of 1160 mm each. In total, you get 4 * 4 \u003d 16 sheets per roof slope.

Those. for an actual roof area of ​​32 m 2, 41 m 2 of metal tiles will be required. This amount of waste is unacceptable, as it is 22% of the total volume. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a different width. Let's calculate 8 wave sheets with a length of 2800 mm - 8000/2800 = 3 sheets. The total number will be 3*4=12. Let's check the flow again - 2800 * 1160 * 12 = 38 m 2.

Currently, the average cost of a metal roof for 1 m 2 of coverage with polyester protection is 450 rubles. In our case, when calculating the cost of a roof made of metal tiles, the money saved during the purchase is (41-38) * 450 \u003d 1350 rubles. And that's just for one roof slope. As the roof area increases, the monetary savings will increase.

For complex structures each slope is calculated separately. In addition to the total area, it is necessary to take into account such features of the roof.

  1. The number and size of the valley.
  2. Location of storm water inlets. The length of the overhang depends on this.
  3. The number of additional structures on the roof - pipes, air ducts, fan risers, etc.

Additional materials

In addition to arranging the roof, additional materials will be required. Their type and number directly depends on the shape of the roof. For it will be necessary to purchase a skate installed at the junction of the slopes, a cornice and end strips for him. Also, do not forget about special fasteners - self-tapping screws. The calculation also takes into account pipes and chimneys. For protection on the roof, steel plates are installed around them with an overlap on the pipe. In this case, the metal tile should not be mounted close to the chimney.

The total consumption of the moisture-proof coating should be 15-20% more in the total area of ​​the roof. This is due to the specifics of the installation - the film overlaps, and must be tucked along the edges. It is also important for her to choose the right optimal width in order to reduce the amount of non-business waste.

When calculating the amount of purchase of additional materials, you can use the following tips.

  • Quantity. For a properly installed crate per 1 m 2, 8 standard self-tapping screws are required.
  • The total length of the ridge exceeds the length of the roof by 20-30 cm.

Taking into account all these tips, you can make an accurate calculation of the metal tile on the roof, taking into account the specifics of its design. It is recommended to perform calculations in several ways to verify the correctness of the results.