Connection of broken wires in the wall. What to do if the flush cable is damaged Repair instructions

  • 15.06.2019

What to do if you interrupted the wiring in the wall? Usually, in such a situation, a person is lost, but nothing terrible has happened, the electrical wiring can be successfully repaired with one's own hands in one of the following ways.

When drilling walls for fixing objects, rarely does anyone think about the fact that electrical wiring is laid in the walls. But even if you remember and mentally look at the possible path of wires from the junction box to sockets and switches, there are still no guarantees that the drill will not get into the wire.

Electrical wiring is especially often damaged when installing stretch and suspended ceilings. The corners holding the ceiling or a baguette are mounted on the wall with self-tapping screws and their fastening line runs just at the level of the wires.

According to the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), the connection of wires with a twist during the installation of electrical wiring is prohibited. When connecting conductors concealed wiring In the wall, this rule must not be violated!

It is best to replace the entire length of broken wire from the junction box to the point of its connection, but this is not always acceptable.

Since the broken conductors are short, the connection can be made using terminal blocks. But in this case, a junction box will have to be installed for the terminal block, which is laborious and not always satisfactory.

The proposed technology for connecting broken wires in a wall under plaster was tested by me in practice and showed high reliability. Hidden wiring has been working in my apartment for more than 16 years with several similar connections, two pairs of conductors had to be connected when moving the meter, one pair was connected in two places when moving the wall and two pairs when moving electrical outlets.

When repairing electrical wiring, it is imperative to de-energize it!

Repairs should begin with a very careful removal of plaster in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamaged wires. This work is done with a chisel and a hammer. As a chisel when laying electrical wiring in the wall, I usually use the rod from a broken screwdriver with a sharply sharpened end of the blade.

With such a chisel, it is good to make small strobes in the wall when laying hidden wiring, for example, when moving an outlet, or installing an additional one.

When the wires of the hidden wiring are exposed, it will become clear whether one wire, two or three is interrupted. What metal are the electrical conductors made of, copper or aluminum.

Connection of broken copper wires of electrical wiring

Connection broken copper wire in the wall by soldering ensures the reliability of the contact of the wires is not worse than the undamaged one and allows you to close the connection with plaster without installing a junction box.

Broken one of the two copper wires

An autopsy showed that one copper conductor was broken, the second wire was not touched, and the insulation around it was not damaged.

To repair, you first need to select the plaster to the sides of the damage site by 3-5 centimeters to a centimeter depth under the damaged wire area. This is necessary to create conditions for connecting wires. Next, you need to disconnect the wires and cut the insulation along the center.

A prerequisite for obtaining a reliable mechanical connection of aluminum wires is the use of a washer type Grover. The assembly of the connection is performed as follows. A grover is put on the M4 screw, then an ordinary flat washer, rings of connected wires, then a simple washer and nut.

The screw is screwed into the nut with the maximum possible hand force. It remains to cover the connection with electrical tape.

For protection against mechanical damage the resulting connection should be closed with an insulating tube. From above, you can once again wrap one layer of electrical tape.

According to the technology described above, several broken aluminum wires are also connected. Just need more screws and jumpers.

Based personal experience I dare say that the connection of aluminum conductors concealed wiring according to the technology described above, will ensure its trouble-free operation until the end of its service life, provided that the load current does not exceed the allowable one.

1. How to find the place where the power cord is broken? In order not to cut the wire in different places, you need to do this: connect a working electrical appliance (iron, stove, etc.) through it, and then turn on the radio in the medium wave range. Now take the cord in your hands and go through it from beginning to end. When you touch the place of the break, a crackling sound will be heard from the receiver.

2. Using a transistor receiver, you can find a hidden wiring route in the wall. To do this, you need to plug in some kind of weak source of interference, for example, an electric razor with a disconnected noise filter. Set up the receiver in the medium wave range (but not to the station) and start driving it along the wall. When crossing the wiring route, the crackle from the speaker will increase.

3. For hidden wiring, aluminum wire in PVC insulation is often used. It breaks easily. Broke off in hard to reach place wire can be extended.

A piece of wire of a slightly smaller diameter than a broken wire is wound tightly, coil to coil, the extension cord is also made of aluminum. Then the resulting spiral, like a nut, is screwed onto the end of the broken wire with force. The junction is isolated.

4. It is not always possible to clean the electrical wire from plastic insulation without damaging the wire. To prevent this from happening, first bend the wire and gently press the tip of the knife against the insulation. The insulation layer will come apart before the blade touches the metal. After that, the insulation can be easily removed with pliers. You can remove the plastic insulation from the wire without damaging it, using an aluminum clothespin. Two recesses are sawn in her sponges, the tip of the wire is inserted into them, the clothespin is squeezed with fingers and the wire is pulled out with effort.

5. The varnish coating from the surface of a thin wire (0.2 mm in diameter or less) will be removed by a soldering iron: putting the wire on wooden stand, run a hot sting over it several times. Under the action of high temperature, the varnish immediately comes off the surface of the wire.

6. If during the repair of electrical wiring there was no insulating tape at hand, then polyethylene will help out. Wrap the wire with a plastic film tape, melt it with a match fire and insulate the connection with a heated mass.

7. An electric lamp in a chandelier, floor lamp or wall lamp has burned out. Pulling it out and replacing it is a piece of cake. But don't rush to do it with bare hands. The lamp base is often so tightly screwed into the socket that when you try to unscrew the lamp, its bulb breaks. To protect yourself from possible injuries in such cases, an unusable rubber ball, cut off so that it can be put on the bulb of the lamp, will help. If, when replacing a burned-out electric lamp, it still crashed, do not rush to use wire cutters or pliers. In many cases, the lamp base can be turned out with a bar of soap. In this case, of course, you need to take precautions: turn off the light or unscrew the plugs.

8. Sometimes the power cord of an electrical appliance must be kept close to the mains plug in order to turn on the appliance at any time. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the simplest holder from a clothespin. The clothespin is attached with screws to the wall near the outlet and the power cord is inserted between the clamps.

9. Products sometimes freeze so tightly to the bottom of the refrigerator evaporator that they can be torn off with great difficulty. Enough to put on the bottom of the evaporator polyethylene film, and the products will no longer freeze to it.

10. On particularly hot days, refrigerators sometimes do not cope with their duties, and the temperature in the cell is above zero. A refrigerator can be helped by placing a small fan at the back of it so that the air stream hits the condenser.

11. You can get rid of the rattling and noise of the motor of the old refrigerator in the following way. You need to take a rubber band, bandage or tube, wrap one turn around the compressor and secure both ends with tension on the side walls of the refrigerator. The vibration of the compressor will decrease, and the noise will also decrease.

12. Cracks on inner panel refrigerator doors are best sealed with polystyrene glue. Thin cracks are rubbed with a finger moistened with glue. One or two layers of fabric impregnated with glue are applied to large ones, after which the patch is carefully smoothed and overwritten.

- is one of the most important elements our being. When it is, we do not notice it, but as soon as interruptions occur, our life loses its former comfort. And the problem due to which there is no electricity can be very small. In this article, I would like to talk about how to fix a broken aluminum conductor.

Let's start with the fact that many people live in Soviet-built houses. At the stage of Soviet construction, aluminum wires were laid in the apartments, designed for the loads of that time. In the 21st century, the number of appliances in the apartment and consuming electricity has probably tripled. Based on this, there was a need for copper wiring with an increased cross section. The increased load and time affected the aluminum wires, so we can observe such a picture in the wiring - with any touch of the wires, they crack and break off. It often happens that they break off right near the exit from the wall, the protruding end of the wire does not reach even 2 cm. Forget about twisting and soldering, this will be very tedious and very painstaking work. You can do it easier. Based on the PUE, we learn that conductors made of copper and aluminum can be connected with a bolted connection. WAGO terminal blocks will act as our bolted connection. We buy WAGO terminal blocks - for 16 A, preferably clamp-on, as well as a small piece of copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm. After the above - we clean all the ends of the wires and insert them into the WAGO terminal blocks, after which we clamp them. I know that many electricians do not like terminal blocks. They consider them not reliable and so on, but in the apartment the terminal blocks for 16 A will withstand, so you should not bother and come up with unnecessary work for yourself with chasing the wall and welding the twist.

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"A-Iceberg" - 25 years with you. 5 million repairs completed.

Repair of electrical wiring in the apartment at an affordable price and with a guarantee of quality. Departure of the master on the day of treatment!

Burnt out wiring big trouble. In this situation, not only individual rooms, but the entire room may be de-energized. Then the problem must be solved promptly and not everyone will be able to do it on their own. Experience, knowledge, a special tool - this is the minimum that will be needed to complete repair work Therefore, we recommend that you seek help from qualified professionals. The A-Iceberg Service Center has everything necessary for this, and our craftsmen will repair the electrical wiring with high quality and in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to fill out an application on our website or call 8 (495) 213-33-33 and the departure of the master will not keep you waiting long.

Why does the wiring burn out

Electrical wiring fails for several reasons, among which the main ones are:

  • Short circuit. Bends, twisting of the wire leads to a violation of the insulation, which causes the bare parts to touch each other and cause a short circuit. Most often this happens with the cord in the plug area.
  • Connecting several powerful electrical appliances through a tee leads to overheating of the wires suitable for the outlet, as a result of which a short circuit occurs and the electrical wiring fails.
  • Breaking wire connections. As a result of mechanical damage, the wires break, which can lead to a de-energization of the room, and in the worst case, to a fire. Especially often this happens with inaccurate repairs, when the integrity of the cable is violated with a drill or a nail. In private homes, rodents can cause damage to wires.

Compliance with the operating rules will help extend the life of the wiring for the longest possible period.

Preparatory work

If the problem happened, and the repair of the electrical wiring became inevitable, then its elimination takes place in several stages. The cause is preliminarily determined and the location of the damage is searched.

Finding a reason

If, for example, you are working with a drill, and the light disappears in the room, then the reason is clear - damage has occurred at the drilling site. But often the reason is not so obvious, so you need to quickly search for it and you need to start with the electrical panel. Are checked circuit breakers, the safety of the fuses. Safety switches can be disconnected due to network overload, as well as as a result of loss of contact in the machine. Sometimes it is necessary to restart them several times, after disconnecting the most powerful electrical appliances from the network.


If the cause is not found, then it is necessary to look for the place of damage to the wiring. To do this, we will divide the room into several blocks (kitchen, bath, hall, corridor, etc.) and if you do not have light, for example, in the kitchen, then, first of all, it is checked junction box this block. Inspection of contacts, connections, wires. If they are not violated, then it is necessary to check the voltage on the power cable at the entrance to the box. Its absence suggests that the wiring is damaged somewhere in the wall.

Electrical wiring repair - basic methods

There are several ways to repair electrical wiring. Here are the three most commonly used:

  • Replacing the old cable with a new one. In the case of closed wiring, the wall breaks in order to remove the damaged area and replace it with a new one.
  • Laying a new cable along the wall surface parallel to the old damaged wire.
  • With three-core wiring, if one core is damaged, it is necessary to restore its functions and thus restore the power supply.

Features of repairing closed electrical wiring

Repairing closed wiring is more complicated than open wiring, so let's dwell on the main stages of just such work. First you need to determine how the cable is mounted - for this we drill through the wall near the outlet and determine whether it lies in a hollow channel. If yes, then we determine the place of entry and exit of the hollow channel and then we stretch a new wire through these holes. For this, a wire is used, to which a cable is fixed at one end. At a minimum distance from the exit and entrance, the ends of the old cable are cut and connected to a new wire, and then the junctions are insulated.

The process of repairing electrical wiring is quite complicated, so if you do not have certain knowledge, then it is better to entrust this matter to specialists from the A-Iceberg Service Center. Turning to us, you will receive high-quality work performed in the shortest possible time. You can place an order on any day of the week and, having agreed on the time of the arrival of the master, quickly get a quality job. You will be pleasantly surprised by the affordable price of the service, its speed of execution and the guarantees provided.

To order electrical wiring repair in Moscow, use the YouDo service. Verified and reliable craftsmen registered on the site are ready to repair wiring and other electrical-related items. Electricians quickly go to the call to any address in Moscow. In their work, they use professional devices and tools to achieve high results.

YouDo specialists will perform almost any service related to the repair of electrical wiring:

  • Wiring repair
  • Chasing walls and ceilings
  • Installation of residual current devices
  • Designing electrical wiring from scratch
  • Shield installation.

What services do electricians provide?

Electrical wiring is important system communication in a house or apartment, but if the operating rules are not followed, it can be dangerous. Any malfunction or breakdown of the electrical wiring is also dangerous. In case of a short circuit and other problems, you should urgently call a professional electrician.

Masters provide the following services for working with wiring:

  • cabling
  • transformer repair
  • repair of wires and cables
  • checking electricity meters
  • replacement of all electrical wiring
  • node change
  • installation of additional protection elements or their replacement
  • insulation resistance test
  • restoration of household sockets, switches and socket boxes

The specialist can also install additional sockets and switches, as well as lay another aluminum wire or cable from another material if the consumption and power of electricity in the house have increased.

When troubleshooting, the electrician will conduct a complete diagnosis of all wiring parts in order to determine the service life of which elements have come to an end. Having found such details, the master will replace or repair them. For replacement, the master will select high-quality and inexpensive parts.

To avoid problems with the repair of electrical wiring, it is necessary to carry out periodic Maintenance once every two years. When preventing the master:

  • check the protective device of the transformer
  • will test all the circuit breakers of the panel with the power circuit
  • diagnose wires and cables
  • inspect light bulbs, sockets and switches
  • check the voltage power in the network
  • test the entire security system

If, during preventive maintenance, the master finds that the circuit breaker or other elements are faulty, he will repair or replace them.

Repairing electrical wiring is a complex technical process that requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, you should not try to fix electrical problems on your own, but you should immediately seek help from an experienced electrician.

Sometimes, after diagnosing the entire network, the master may offer a complete replacement of the old wiring. If you live in a house where the electrical network was installed more than ten years ago, it is better to heed the advice of an electrician. Wiring has its own service life, after which more and more problems appear in it. In this case, it is much more profitable to carry out new wiring than to repair the old one all the time.

The cost of electrical repair services depends on the following points:

  • electrical wiring size
  • degree of complexity of the problem
  • price of replacement parts and materials
  • order urgency

Look at the approximate prices for electrician services on the Yudu website, and the master will name the final cost for the repair after diagnosing the electrical network and determining the causes of the breakdown. Annual maintenance and wiring checks have a lower cost.

The duration of repair work depends on the complexity of the breakdown and on the size of the wiring itself. It will take the technician about an hour to fix simple problems, and a complete or partial wiring replacement can take a whole day.

Private electricians and companies registered in Yudu work around the clock, seven days a week. They are ready to go to the challenge all over Moscow.

How to place an order

Fill out a simple application for Yuda to order electrical wiring repairs at a low price. Indicate your address and time for the arrival of the master, as well as briefly describe the problem you have. Electricians who are ready to quickly come and fix the problems that have arisen will leave their suggestions.

You can also view profiles of craftsmen and companies, comparing the cost of repairs and their work experience. Read the reviews of previous customers to find a reliable and trusted electrician, and the rating system will show the best professionals who repair electrical wiring inexpensively, quickly and efficiently.