Schemes of the simplest frameworks. Do-it-yourself frame house - construction stages

  • 27.06.2020

At present, they have gained more and more fame and popularity in Russia. Moreover, the choice of technology in construction is not of great importance. With the same regularity, both technologies and technologies are used. During the construction of a low-rise frame house, it is possible to quite effectively use the most modern building materials and the latest achievements of industries.

The need for the construction of such houses has recently grown very much, so many decide to start building a frame house on their own. Because the technology of its construction is not too complicated.

When planning the construction of a good one for your family, firstly, they determine its purpose. You need to clearly know what time of the year the family will live in it, all year round or only in the spring-summer season. The method of its insulation will depend on this choice. Initially, a frame house is an elementary simple design, consisting of vertical racks and a certain number of horizontal strapping, which must be carefully and efficiently. During the construction process, all voids found are filled special materials with low thermal conductivity. And then, already when facing internal and external walls, different building materials are used.

Based on this, we conclude that the appropriate type of insulation will directly depend on the time of operation of the house and on the weather conditions under which this frame house will be built. As a heater and use, or - these are universal materials.

Foundation work

As a rule, a frame house is built no higher than 2 floors. Moreover, it is worth noting that the second floor is of the attic type. Therefore, it makes no sense for such houses to build a deep foundation. in the best way for there will be an erection, prefabricated from reinforced concrete blocks.

In the final calculation of the number, as well as the width of the wall sections, you must take into account all possible mechanical loads on the floor of the building. Beams are usually installed in increments of 30 cm to 60 cm. The choice of the width of the boards is selected in accordance with the finishing material. When sheathing, a distance (20-30 cm) is needed due to the plasticity of this material and its inability to withstand an insignificant load. Moreover, if you sheathe with chipboard sheets, then the distance can be increased to 35-60 cm.

When installing windows () during the construction of a frame house with your own hands, it is necessary to comply with exact building codes. Firstly, the window area should occupy 18% of the entire wall area. Secondly, in a house where you plan to live only in the spring-summer period, there will be enough frames with single glazing. When living all year round, use frames with double, and preferably triple glazing.

The final stage of construction is the device and installation of the frame. In addition to external beauty, the role of distributing significant external loads falls on the roof. Here are the main elements of the supporting roof - rafters and rafter legs, they are divided into hanging and inclined, diagonal connections, ridge run. At With When building a frame house with your own hands, sooner or later you will think about the material for the roof. Currently, a wide range of necessary materials is presented on the construction markets.

To summarize: building a frame house with your own hands is not an easy task! The main rule - when assembling the structure, strictly follow building codes and established rules. And then your frame house will delight you and your descendants.

Among all prefabricated structures, frame houses are the most popular. Such buildings have many advantages. They are quite light, so they do not need a strong foundation. Due to its good thermal insulation qualities, such a house can be used not only as a summer cottage, but also for permanent residence. In addition, frame buildings are easy to build with your own hands, which is why many developers choose this option. In our article, we will describe in detail and step by step how to build a frame house.


Do-it-yourself frame house construction can be carried out using Finnish or Canadian technology. But the basic principles of construction frame houses both technologies are the same. Regardless of the choice of technology, we build a frame house, adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Choice of materials. The basis of such buildings is the frame. It can be made of wood or steel elements. More often, private developers prefer to build a frame house with their own hands using a wooden frame made of timber. Such buildings are economical, environmentally friendly and quick to install. If you decide to build your house on steel frame, then its price will be more by 1/3. However, these structures are slightly lighter, which allows for a lightweight foundation. Also on a steel frame, you can safely use steel fasteners.
  2. After the installation of the foundation, they begin to manufacture the floor of the future house. How to make a floor, we will describe in detail in a step-by-step guide.
  3. After the installation of the floor, they begin to erect the frame of the walls, ceilings and roof.
  4. Further, the frame made is sheathed with wood sheet materials. The built house is insulated. Window and door openings are being installed.
  5. Now you can start laying engineering communications and performing external and interior decoration walls.

As you can see, the construction technology is quite simple, but to build a frame house with your own hands, you need a construction scheme and drawings. Detailed diagrams, according to which it is easy to build a house on your own, can be found on the net, but it is much easier to work on a specially designed project, so do not be lazy and order it. When you have a blueprint or diagram in your hands, figuring out how to build a house will not be difficult with our step-by-step guide.

Preparatory work

When building a frame house with your own hands, work begins with the preparation and marking of the site for construction. Preparatory work includes the following steps:

  1. First you need to clear the construction site of debris, stones, unnecessary green spaces.
  2. If there are irregularities or a slight slope in the territory, then the site must be leveled. That is, all the hills should be cut off, and soil should be poured into the recesses.
  3. Next, you need to mark up the future building on the site. In order to transfer the data from the project documentation to the site, you need to mark the axes and dimensions of the building with the help of pegs and a cord, it is also worth breaking down the internal load-bearing walls. If we are building a frame house with our own hands, then it is very important that all angles are strictly 90 degrees.


If you want to know how to properly build a frame house, then first you should familiarize yourself with the foundation sequence. Since the walls of such a building are quite light, there is no need to equip a massive capital foundation. In this case, we build a house on one of the following grounds:

  • shallow-depth monolithic or prefabricated strip foundation;
  • columnar base structure;
  • pile screw bases.

The easiest way is to build a columnar base under a frame house. The pillars must necessarily be located at the corners of the future house, at the intersection of the walls and with a certain step under the external and internal load-bearing walls. Usually the pitch of the pillars is taken equal to 2 m. The installation of the base is carried out in the following order:

  1. Under each post, dig holes of the required depth. To do this, you can use a shovel or motor drill.
  2. At the bottom of the pits, a sand cushion 100-150 mm high is made. Wet sand is carefully compacted.
  3. After that, a wooden formwork is installed. It should rise above ground level by at least 30 cm.
  4. The inner surface of the formwork is lined with roofing material, which will act as a waterproofing and facilitate the dismantling of the formwork.
  5. Concrete is poured into the formwork to a height of 5 cm.
  6. After curing concrete mix reinforcement frame is installed. At the same time, it should not approach the formwork closer than 50 mm. On top of the frame, it is necessary to leave reinforcement outlets 15 cm long, which will make it possible to tie together the structure of the pillars with the grillage.
  7. Concrete is being poured.

Important: in addition to reinforced concrete, poles can be made from ready-made concrete blocks, bricks, steel or asbestos pipes with concrete poured inside.

For the manufacture of the grillage frame, rods with a cross section of 12 mm connected with wire are used. The formwork for the grillage is made from the boards. After installing the reinforcing cage, it is associated with the release of reinforcement from the pillars. After pouring and tamping the concrete mix, 300-500 mm long studs are inserted into the grillage. They will then attach the frame of the house.

Base binding

After setting the mortar and dismantling the formwork, horizontal waterproofing of the base is performed. To do this, lay two layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic. Usually, a beam with sides of 15 cm is used to perform the strapping.

Attention: the cross section of the strapping beam is directly related to the pitch of the posts. The larger it is, the larger the cross section of the beam is needed to avoid sagging.

If you are building frame houses with your own hands, step-by-step instruction to install the strapping, you will definitely need:

  1. The bar is mounted on a foundation base along its perimeter. At the same time, they strictly control the length of the walls and constantly check the data with the project. Docking of the beam is allowed if its length is not enough. The joints should be directly above the posts. In the corners and at the docking point, the bars are connected into a “half-tree”, fixed with nails and corners.
  2. The beam is attached to the base with bolts and studs. To do this, holes are drilled in the timber and foundation heads. Fasteners, if possible, should be deepened into the material.


To know how to build a frame house correctly, you need to understand the process of making the floor of the future structure. For a log, it is worth taking a beam with a section of 100x200 mm. The lag step is selected based on the width of the insulation boards. Usually it is taken equal to 60-70 cm. The logs are attached to the strapping beam with the help of corners and nails.

After that, the installation of the floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We attach cranial bars to the installed lags, and we lay rough roll boards on them.
  2. Then the surface of the log and roll is covered with a waterproofing membrane.
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid on top of the membrane.
  4. From above, the entire structure is closed with a vapor barrier membrane.
  5. Next, the floor is covered with OSB or moisture-resistant plywood.

Walls and ceiling

We continue to make frame houses with our own hands - step-by-step instructions for mounting walls:

  1. For the manufacture of the frame, you can use a beam of coniferous wood. To begin with, it is necessary to assemble the span of the wall at the construction site, and then install the assembled structure on the strapping.
  2. The distance between the racks of the frame is usually determined taking into account the width of the insulation boards that will be laid between them. If mineral wool is used for insulation, then the pitch of the racks should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the heat insulator for its snug fit.
  3. The frame posts are fixed with nails to the lower and upper horizontal element. For additional fixation, you can use mounting brackets.
  4. To increase the rigidity of the frame, jumpers are mounted between the vertical posts. They are staggered.
  5. Window and doorways arranged in the places specified in the project. To do this, racks are mounted along the edges of the opening, jumpers are mounted above and below the window opening.

After assembling all the spans, they are mounted on the strapping frame in this order:

  1. The first span is attached to the floor and fixed with props.
  2. Next, a second span is installed. It is attached to the floor and the side post of the first span.
  3. All subsequent spans are connected to each other by means of nails.
  4. For the installation of spans in a strictly vertical position, jibs are used - diagonal struts, which are fixed at the corners.

Installation of internal partitions is carried out similarly to the installation of the outer frame. After that, the whole structure is tied on top with a board to give additional rigidity. Then the walls from the outside are sewn up with oriented strand boards.

The ceiling is mounted on the upper trim:

  • To do this, grooves are made in the beam into which the beams are inserted.
  • They are additionally fixed with nails and steel corners.
  • By internal partitions mount support bars. They are connected to the top and bottom trim.
  • Then the ceiling shield is nailed. It is better to make it from grooved boards.
  • After that, a vapor barrier layer is laid. The material should also be wound onto the ceiling beams.
  • Now the insulating material is laid out.
  • The thermal insulation layer is covered with a waterproofing film.
  • The draft floor is laid from the boards.


To know how to build a frame house yourself, you need to understand the sequence of arranging the roof:

  1. Rafter pairs are assembled on the ground into a structure, like a truss, and rise up to be installed on the upper strapping bar. The overhang of the rafters should be within 350-500 mm. The first to mount the rafter pairs on the gables.
  2. All subsequent rafter pairs are installed between them in increments of 700 mm from each other.
  3. The rafters are connected by a ridge beam, which is attached to the "paw floor".
  4. Next, a solid or thinned crate is made, which is laid on a waterproofing membrane fixed on the rafters with a counter-rail.
  5. Now you can lay the selected roofing.
  6. At this stage, you can announce to your family members and acquaintances about the completion of the installation of the housing box.

Wall insulation

For insulation of the house, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or polystyrene are used. The thermal insulation layer must be at least 50 mm thick. Insulation and decoration of the walls of the house are carried out in the following order:

  1. Thermal insulation material is laid between the racks of the frame. If two layers of material are used, then the joints of the plates in the layers should not coincide.
  2. FROM inside the walls are covered with a layer of membrane vapor barrier, which is attached over the insulation to the frame racks with a stapler.
  3. Then the walls from the inside of the house are sewn up with OSB, moisture-resistant plywood or clapboard.
  4. From the outside, the walls of the house must be protected from moisture. For this, a waterproofing membrane is attached to them.
  5. Then a crate of slats is stuffed onto the walls, which will allow ventilation of the walls of the frame building.
  6. The selected one is sewn over the rails finishing material. For exterior finish facade of a house built frame technology, can be used vinyl siding, lining, etc.

How to build a frame house with your own hands - video lesson:

It has long been known that frame construction is the fastest and most economical construction option. wooden house. Frame houses have several varieties, namely:


  • frame.

The technology for building a frame house, depending on the insulation used and the construction assembly used, is divided into Finnish and Canadian. The basis of any frame building is laid wooden frame with a heater embedded in it, which most often acts as a fire-resistant mineral wool. Sheathing of the house is made with siding, clapboard, imitation of timber and other materials. Thanks to its lightweight and durable construction, a frame house can become an object for the implementation of design ideas for home decoration.

What you need to know about frame houses

Before erecting the walls of a frame house, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of its use: it will be a temporary dwelling ( country house) or a house for permanent residence. The design itself is a combination of vertical racks and horizontal strapping. The building can be assembled block by block from ready-made wall panels, or a three-dimensional "skeleton" of the building can be erected on a finished foundation, and then sheathed with sheet material.

The decision to build a wireframe panel house do-it-yourself will save a lot on building materials and land works. In addition, such houses have significant advantages: structural strength, the shortest construction time and low cost of materials. Manufacture of roof trusses and wall panels made from dried lumber, which completely eliminates the possible shrinkage of the structure.

On a note: Work on the construction of a frame building can be carried out all seasons, since there are no “wet processes” in the assembly process.

When building a house, it should be taken into account that a typical “pie” of a frame house wall does not have a ventilation gap. This entails the formation of condensate under the skin during temperature changes, which in turn leads to damage to the wood. To avoid this, you can install an additional frame, which will increase the total, but will reduce the possible costs of reconstructing and repairing the house in the future.

Choosing a foundation for a frame house

When laying the first stone of a future home, you need to be 100% sure of the strength and reliability of the building. That is why the choice of foundation should be approached very carefully. So which one to choose? There are several options suitable for the capacity of the future home and the geological conditions of the site.

    A strip foundation is the best option for dense soils and shallow freezing of the earth. Suitable for one-story building, has a uniform draft, high reliability, at the same time labor-intensive and materially costly.

    Column foundation - made of concrete, brick, wood. Suitable for all types of frame houses, durable with minimal investment.

    Pile foundation - is used if there is a layer of silt or peat in the soil layers. Screw metal piles are able to withstand the weight of a two-story frame building. It is the most economical option of all listed.

    A monolithic slab is the most expensive version of the foundation, which at the same time serves as the floor of the first floor of the house. There is a high probability that the slab can tilt the house, so this issue is resolved during the design and study of the soil of the site.

On a note: Due to the fact that the frame house has light weight, material costs, time and effort for laying the foundation can be successfully reduced.

Do I need to insulate a frame house?

Comfortable living implies the warmth and comfort of the hearth, which is why the insulation of a frame house is considered the most important stage in its construction. Thermal insulation of the walls not only prevents the penetration of cold into the room in winter, but also serves as protection against heat in summer. The technology of warming the walls of a frame house consists in laying a layer of insulation between the racks of the frame.

There are the following types of insulation:

    Mineral wool is the most common material for insulation. It is produced in the form of plates and rolls, has excellent sound and heat insulation. It is toxic, poorly perceives moisture, as a result of which it must be used in conjunction with additional waterproofing.

    Ecowool - natural material, which includes shredded newsprint soaked in salts boric acid. Non-toxic, quickly mounted, however, the installation itself requires the involvement of specialists.

    Polyfoam is a lightweight and cheap material that does not absorb moisture, which means that it does not need additional moisture-proof membranes. The disadvantage is flammability, in which toxins are released, and poor sound insulation.

    Polyurethane foam is a liquid component that is applied to the surface of the walls through a sprayer, foams and hardens, thereby providing good thermal insulation. Non-flammable and non-toxic, has a high cost compared to other insulation technologies.

On a note: When insulating with mineral wool, preference should be given, and it must be laid in layers of 50 mm overlap in order to exclude the penetration of cold.

Vapor barrier walls - whim or necessity?

In order to avoid the ingress of water vapor into the insulation, which entails damage to it and the loss of heat-insulating properties, the vapor barrier of the walls of the frame house is installed. The vapor barrier membrane has a multilayer porous structure, which ensures air circulation not only through doors and windows, but also through walls.

Membrane on one side smooth surface, on the other - rough. Moisture settling on the rough side gradually evaporates, preventing the formation of mold and fungus inside the wall. It should be remembered that the installation of the membrane is carried out with a smooth side to the insulation, and a rough side inside the room.

On a note: The vapor barrier membrane should be glued with special adhesive tape, excluding the formation of gusts and folds. Otherwise, the insulation will become unusable after 2-3 seasons.

Materials for exterior decoration of the house

Serves not only as the "face" of the house, but at the same time protects it from bad weather. Finishing a frame house on the outside is carried out using a variety of materials, the main of which are:

    Siding is an affordable, durable and aesthetically pleasing material that protects the walls of the house from snow, wind and rain. Currently, there are many varieties of siding - steel, wood, cement, vinyl. Fastening is carried out on a wooden crate and can be made on its own.

    Decorative brick or stone - create the illusion of a stone cottage. A huge selection of all kinds of colors and textures allow you to turn a frame house into a work of art. The disadvantage is the weight of the structure and the high cost of materials.

    A block house is a high-quality and economical option for finishing a house, reliably protecting it from bad weather. Self-assembly allows you to significantly reduce the cost of facing work.

On a note: If desired, you can combine various methods of decorating the facade, which will help give the building additional respectability, maximum security, as well as visually lighten, or vice versa, add volume to the structure.

The technology of building a frame house allows you to build a building of this type for a period of 2 to 5 months, and weather conditions do not affect the construction. Frame houses keep the temperature indoors 2 times longer than houses made of blocks or bricks. However, in Russia they have not yet received due demand due to the insufficient number of professionals in this field.

Frame house construction technology video:

When you decide to build your house, you must choose the technology of its construction. This choice depends on many factors. First of all, everyone thinks about the cost of future construction. So, the financial costs for the construction of a brick or log house will be $530-870 per 1 m². But the price of the frame wooden house equal to $350-625 per 1 m². Moreover, the process of building frame houses takes only about 3 months.

If you decide to build a frame house with your own hands, then it is important to decide what it will be - frame-frame or frame-panel.

Tools and materials

  • perforated metal brackets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • pins;
  • a hammer;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • shovel;
  • shields;
  • beams;
  • bars;
  • lags;
  • boards;
  • OSB or DSP boards;
  • ruberoid.

Features of the construction of frame houses

At the heart of the frame of the house are the lower and upper trims and vertical wall racks. After the construction of the foundation, the house is supplied with external and internal cladding, between which a heater, a vapor and water insulator are mounted. The final stage of construction is the exterior and interior decoration.

If we talk about the features of the device of the panel and frame-frame construction, then they are almost the same, since in both cases there is a frame. However, there are still some differences.

The erection of the shield frame of the house is carried out from ready-made shields, which were obtained in the factory. Such buildings are installed mainly on a tape-type base. The construction of the shield frame of the house cannot be carried out without the use of special equipment, which is used to deliver the material to the building site, after which a crane must be used, which is needed to install the shields and the roof of the house.

Before mounting the shields, it is necessary to install a base under them, which are separate trusses made of wood and having upper and lower trims.

Logs act as the upper strapping of the trusses that underlie the shields of the house, and the floor will be built along them.

There is another option for mounting the base for shield walls; a mortgage crown made of timber can act as its role. In this case, the floor logs are not connected to the mortgage crown and walls.

The shields are fastened to each other according to the tenon-groove connection principle, metal plates can be used as an analogy for this type of fastener, for this, after the installation process, the shields will have to be strengthened with an upper harness made of timber.

A wooden frame-type house, as a rule, has a roof made of rafters. They are mounted on the building or attached to the roof trusses.

The frame of a house made of panels has many advantages, including the ease of erecting walls, saving time on construction, the stability and strength of walls due to strapping, and the possibility of building at any time of the year. In addition, such houses do not shrink, which implies the possibility of finishing immediately after construction.

The technology for the construction of frame-frame buildings involves the arrangement of the frame on a mortgage crown made of logs, the last of which are mounted on the foundation. Do-it-yourself frame of the house is made of logs or beams, but the frame racks are mated together by the beams of the upper and lower strapping, as well as horizontally located jumpers. The structure acquires rigidity due to the jibs mounted between the racks of the frame.

Installation of roof trusses is carried out on the side walls, and lathing is laid on the surface of the rafters. The construction of such a wooden house can also be done at any time, and special equipment is not required for the work.

Figure 1. Ways to connect the bars at the corners.

If you want to build a frame house with your own hands, but still do not know whether to turn your choice towards panel or frame technology, then it is worth considering that the price of a frame-frame building is 15-20% lower than the price of a panel house. Frame-frame houses, although they do not have restrictions in the choice of forms of architectural design, unlike panel houses. However, the time costs will be more by 40-50%.

When sheathing the frame of the house, you can use boards of the 2nd grade, it will cost much less. For comparison: the cost of the material of the 1st grade is $175 per 1 m 3, the 2nd - $115-135$ per 1 m 3. It is permissible to use OSB or DSP boards.

By building a frame house with your own hands, you free yourself from arranging boxes and niches for arranging communications, since as design feature buildings, it is possible to hide communications within the walls of the house, however, this can make it difficult to access them. Laying the electrical network in the walls should be given special attention, since the walls do not have fire safety.

The frame of the house has an insignificant weight, which is 35% less than the weight of a log house, which is very impressive, since log houses are distinguished by their lightness. Because of this, the construction of a frame house with your own hands can be carried out not only on a lightweight foundation, but also on weakly bearing soils, including sandy and marshy soils.

The sequence of building a frame house

A week after laying the foundation, you can begin to assemble the frame of the house. Often, in the process of pouring the grillage, studs are laid in it to fix the beam of the lower trim. If the wood intended for the frame has not been dried, then it needs to be mounted and sheathed with OSB as soon as possible. Timber before construction should be treated with an antiseptic.

The roofing material will be used for arranging waterproofing on the foundation and lag supports. Nails and screws will be used as fasteners.

The installation of the beam underlying the lower trim involves laying it on the grillage, on which the roofing material is laid. The beam must be laid on a horizontally aligned grillage. Irregularities can be eliminated with a solution.

You can join the bars of the lower trim by sampling at the corners. Although there are a lot of sampling options, it is recommended to use 1 out of 2, both can be seen in Fig. one.

In the corners, the bars can be connected with an anchor that fixes them to the foundation. The beams can be joined with nails, the minimum length of which should be 150 mm, 4 nails per corner should be used.

In those places where the bars are connected, a hole should be drilled with a diameter of 20 mm, a wooden dowel made of dried oak should be driven into it, it should be left 8-10 cm above the surface to fix the corner posts of the frame system.

In the absence of studs laid in the foundation, the beam can be fixed to the base with anchor bolts, the diameter of which is 16 mm. It should be driven into the base by 100 mm.

Next, you can proceed to fixing the beam of the lower harness with the help of anchors. Holes intended for anchors should be drilled in the concrete of the grillage. After that, in the strapping boards, it is necessary to form holes in the places intended for anchors. The beam must be fixed to the base by means of nuts, which are equipped with wide washers.

As soon as the bars of the lower trim were strengthened between themselves and to the base, it is permissible to start working with the vertical racks of the frame. At this stage of building a house with your own hands, corner posts should be mounted. If the lower trim beam in the corners was reinforced with anchors or nails, the corner post should be fixed with metal corners, for which it is preferable to use reinforced corners.

If dowels were used, then vertically located outlets should remain, and corner posts will have to be put on them. Why in the lower end of the rack it is necessary to make a hole with a diameter of 20 mm, its depth should be 1 cm more than the length of the protruding part of the dowel. Corner posts should be put on the dowel and strengthened with jibs.

The rest of the racks that make up the frame of the house can be attached to the strapping by cutting or using galvanized metal corners, the thickness of which should be equal to 2 mm. If you are building a house with your own hands, then you can prefer the method of attaching the racks with corners, which should be done using galvanized self-tapping screws designed for woodworking.

When reinforcing the racks by cutting, it is necessary to apply markings on the bar of the lower trim and equip the grooves according to the dimensions of the rack, their depth should be equal to the limit of 30-50% of the height of the bar, which makes up the lower harness. Regardless of which method of fixing non-corner posts it was decided to use, they must be unfastened with jibs. It is permissible to install 2 jibs on a rack or 1 long one on several racks at the same time.

If the frame of the house does not have a pre-created layout for the walls, it must be taken into account that the step between the racks at the locations of the openings may turn out to be different. That is why now it is just possible to make a layout with dimensions.

The frame of the house at the corners in the process of attaching the bars of the upper trim should be joined by cutting down. To the vertical posts, the timber that makes up the upper trim should be fixed by the same method that was chosen for fixing the posts to the lower trim. Fastening should be done with wood screws.

If fastening is done by cutting, then before putting the bars on vertical racks, it is necessary to form grooves for the racks in them, it is important to ensure that the grooves are located strictly vertically with respect to the grooves in the lower trim.

After the grooves are ready, it is permissible to install the beam in place, on the vertical racks, and after fixing it to the frame, this must be done to each vertical rack, using 2 nails, which should be driven into the rack by 10 cm.

When building a house with your own hands, the wooden frame must gain rigidity and stability, for this you should use diagonal ties, which are called mowing. Each rack in the house must be fixed with 4 jibs, 2 of which must be placed from below, 2 others - respectively from above. But from the temporary jibs that were installed earlier, you should get rid of.

If the staves have a smaller cross section compared to the main posts, it is preferable to fix them closer to the inner skin of the frame system, this will allow a heat insulator to be placed between the jib and the outer skin.

The technology in which a do-it-yourself frame house is built, at the next stage, involves the fastening of shelf beams, where you can use one of the existing fixation options. So, the installation can be done using perforated metal brackets for the beam, in addition, it is possible to fix it using metal corners. Another method is to fasten by punching.

It is possible to support the beams by cutting on the beams that make up the upper harness by arranging grooves at the end of the beams, the width of which is equal to the width of the beam. The depth of the groove should be 30-50% of the height of the beam. The edges of the beams should be fixed to the top trim using 2 nails, recessing them into the rack by 10 cm.

For small and short parts that will form the basis of the frame of the building, the remains of long elements should be used. Those that turned out to be bent or deformed at the time of production are also suitable. Some materials can be reused.

So, the boards that were used for temporary fastening can be cut into permanent jibs. As a temporary spacer, formwork elements of the base of the house are suitable. Such reuse of materials should be planned in advance, then they will have to be purchased in much smaller quantities than originally planned.

Improper storage of lumber can lead to deterioration, which is detrimental to the economy, so they should be carefully protected from getting wet and dirty.

It should be remembered that the burning of lumber that has been treated with an antiseptic does not apply to savings. In particular, the burning of such materials should not be carried out in a bathhouse, as this is dangerous to health.

A wooden frame house can not only be built on its own, but also done without the additional help of professionals, such technologies allow the building process to be carried out without skills in this area, because it is easier to build brick houses.

Do-it-yourself house frame will be easier to assemble if you purchase ready-made factory-made panels, and not wood for frame technology. However, it will be possible to save more in the latter case. After the end of the operational period, it is recommended that such houses not be repaired, but demolished and rebuilt, it will come out cheaper, and the foundation will no longer have to be mounted, since it will not collapse under such an easy building.

Frame house in most cases, it is a structure in which load-bearing beams and columns are used. It is sheathed around the perimeter with wood-shaving material, for example, clapboard, plywood sheets, OSB or chipboard. The gaps between wooden slabs filled with any available filler, which at the same time acts as a heater. It can be polystyrene or its derivatives, polyurethane foam, mineral wool and other heaters.

Overview and planning of a frame house construction scheme

The use of blocks and columns made of wood makes it possible to do without cranes and winches during construction. And the absence of bricks or cement slabs and blocks in the structure makes the structure light enough, which eliminates the need to lay a monolithic solid foundation.

But, when choosing the type of foundation, you need to be guided not only by the weight of the building, but also by the type of soil on which the house will be built. If the soil is heavy, clayey, then you can not do without. If there is enough sand in the soil, then you can get by with a shallow strip or column foundation. If there is any doubt about the type of soil at the site of the proposed construction, then you can contact the local architectural department. But, it is better not to neglect the foundation. Do not forget that the construction will be carried out from materials of wood origin, which, even with the appropriate water-repellent impregnation and treatment, do not need excessive contact with water at all.

There are two ways to build a frame house with your own hands:

  • build from ready-made fully completed blocks produced by the plant;
  • construction is carried out completely independently. In this case, not blocks are used, but raw materials.

Let's consider the second option in more detail.

The construction of any house begins with a plan or project. And for a frame building, an exception should not be made. When drawing up a plan, all the features are taken into account, the required amount of material is calculated. It is not worth neglecting the planning stage so that the construction stage is not subsequently hampered by a mismatch in the dimensions of the beams or sheathing material. Can choose standard project, in which all the nuances are already taken into account. If you want a house that is not typical, but individual, then it is better to entrust the design stage to a specialist. The project must contain floor plans, a drawing of the foundation, roofing and ceilings.

Foundation laying

The construction of any house begins with laying the foundation. As already written above, the type of foundation should be determined by the type of soil. If the soil is not clayey, prone to sprawling, then a strip, columnar or screw foundation can be laid. Last option suitable for almost all types of soil.

It is worth giving preference to this type of foundation also because, if necessary, it is easy to repair it, and it is provided good ventilation under the building. To improve waterproofing, a roofing material is laid between the foundation piles and the base of the house, preferably in two layers.

Period after laying the foundation

After laying the foundation before the start of construction, at least a month must pass. This time is needed for shrinkage. During this time, you need to spend everything preparatory work before the start of the main construction.

To build a house you need to purchase:

  • material for waterproofing between the foundation and the house. Most often it is roofing material in several layers;
  • lumber from which the house will be built directly. The length of the bars must be chosen in accordance with the size of the whole house. And the selected thickness will further determine the thickness of the walls;
  • fasteners in the form of self-tapping screws, dowels, brackets, anchor bolts and other things;
  • means for antiseptic treatment of wood;
  • polystyrene and mineral wool for insulation;
  • facing material. It can be plywood sheets, OSB or chipboard;
  • house roof material (waterproofing materials, lumber, roofing material, insulation);
  • superdiffusion membrane designed for vapor barrier of walls. You can add a regular vapor barrier.

Frame erection

After the pillars or foundation strip have been laid and held due date, you can attach the lower strapping from above. To do this, the boards are laid out on the foundation and fixed with anchor bolts. The number of joints should be minimal.

The foundation is laid out, the bottom trim is done. You can install a frame. It can be made of wood or iron. The latter option will be more expensive, but more reliable. To assemble it, you can use welding or steel fasteners in the form of brackets.

If a tree is chosen as the basis, then all parts must be treated with an antiseptic before starting work, and not iron bolts or brackets should be used as fasteners, but wooden dowels. If desired, the frame can be assembled not on the foundation, but separately, and then securely attached to the foundation.

You need to assemble the frame from the corners. Corners are made in pairs strong connection boards. After the corners are marked, the places of future doors and window openings are marked. It is not necessary to put up vertical racks too often. The distance between them should be determined by the width of the insulating material. It is worth remembering that the vertical racks will not be covered with insulation. These places will be cold. For greater stability, vertical beams or racks are reinforced with braces.

Once all vertical studs have been installed and leveled, the first floor ceiling crown can be laid if multiple floors are expected.

Installation of the roof frame begins, as well as all other installation work - from the corners. The ends of the roof frame are attached to the floor joists. The roof itself most often has the shape of a triangle. The distance between the rafters is also best correlated with the width of the insulation or material that will be used as a covering. You can also assemble the roof frame on the ground, and then install it on the house.


Options for cladding a house can be very different: lining, siding, block house. In any case, before starting the sheathing, a waterproof material is laid. It is overlapped with a margin of 20-30 cm.
First, the walls are sheathed with the selected material, then the roof and windows are inserted. The floors are laid last. Boards are hemmed under the laid logs, then all the gaps between the logs and the laid board are filled with insulation. Insulation, if possible, can be made two-layer: first, foam, and mineral wool on top (). After the insulation is completely laid, the floor boards are laid. They should be placed perpendicular to the lags. From above, you can sheathe the floor with plywood or OSB boards for smoothness.

After the floors are laid, you can do the interior wall cladding. First, all the gaps between the vertical and horizontal lags are filled with insulation. Then a vapor barrier film is applied on top. Only after that is sheathed with clapboard or plywood. For greater stability of the walls, internal bracing can be installed, both for external and intermediate walls.