Installation of osb on a concrete floor. Rules for laying orientation particle boards on wooden floors

  • 23.06.2020

Most types of floor materials produced today require the creation of an even, solid base for installation. In most cases, as such, the device is made of concrete or sand-cement screed in the house. However, there is a worthy alternative, which is the installation of OSB boards (OSB) on wooden logs. The result is a solid, even rough base suitable for laying any floor covering. What is special about the OSB plate, what can replace the concrete screed? This, as well as how to install OSB on logs with your own hands, will be discussed in the article using information in video format.

Oriented strand board, material characteristics

For the first time, such material began to be produced and used in North America. Soon pressed particle boards were used and began to be produced in Europe. OSB is several layers of compressed large chips of predominantly coniferous wood glued together. It is characteristic, and this is the feature of the material, that the chips in adjacent layers are mutually perpendicular. Due to this, the material is much stronger than wood with the same thickness, especially in bending. In addition to high strength, the material has a number of other positive characteristics, such as:

  • light weight;
  • convenience of cutting fragments of any shape;
  • has thermal insulation qualities;
  • the material is hardly flammable;
  • not damaged by insects, rodents, microorganisms;
  • there is the possibility of further surface treatment (polishing, varnishing or painting), which makes it possible in some cases to use the surface as a finishing floor covering.

According to the degree of moisture resistance, OSV-plates are of four types. For flooring, OSB 2 is used, which is intended for the installation of load-bearing structures in conditions of normal humidity, and OSB 3, which is applicable in high humidity. The second type is suitable for arranging the floor base along the logs for further parquet and laminate flooring. Under linoleum, it is better to use the third, moisture-resistant type of OSB board, since condensation can form under it. The base of the floor from a moisture-resistant plate can even be used for laying tiles.

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The choice of the required thickness of the OSB-plate

In order for the base of the floor, made by the OSB slab along the lags with your own hands, to be in no way inferior in strength to the screed, you should correctly select the thickness of the sheets and correlate with the lag step. Pressed chip material is stronger than solid wood, so the ratio in this case is somewhat different.

For the floor, sheets with a thickness of 9 mm or more can be used. With this size of the plate, the step between the supporting bars should not exceed 25 cm. A thickness of 16 mm corresponds to a lag step of 35-40 cm. A sheet 22 mm thick will not bend at a distance between the bars of up to 60 cm. With a step of bars of 80-90 cm, OSB with a thickness 25 mm.

Important! It should be noted that with increasing sheet thickness, its cost increases significantly. To calculate the most advantageous variant of the OSB timber / sheet ratio, several options should be compared. You can take into account the width of the insulation, respectively, a convenient distance (step) between the bearing bars, and in fact select the required thickness of the plate.

The choice of timber for the lag

The peculiarity of the flooring of the plates is that at the points of their joining, the logs must be wide enough to securely fix both joining elements. Therefore, it is desirable that the width of the upper side of the lag be at least 4 cm (preferably 5-6 cm). It should also be taken into account that it will be necessary to fix additional fragments of the beam (perpendicular to the lags) in the places of the longitudinal joining of the plates. As a log, a beam from any coniferous wood of the second or third grade is quite suitable. Humidity should not exceed 20%. If the logs will be in conditions of high humidity, it is advisable to choose a larch or aspen bar. Before installing carriers wooden beams they should be treated with antibacterial and moisture-repellent impregnations, which will significantly extend their service life.

How to make a do-it-yourself OSB floor base

OSB sheets can be laid on logs installed on the ground floor and as interfloor partitions of private houses. This material is also used in apartments, when load-bearing wooden beams are installed on a rough screed or floor slabs. The differences will be only in the way the lag is mounted. From the point of view of do-it-yourself flooring, you can consider the simplest option, when the bars are installed with a certain step on a concrete or cement-sand screed.

To work, you will need the tools listed below:

  • jigsaw;
  • perforator with a drill 6 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • a water level or a laser level (over a large area), or a spirit level with a length of at least 1.5 m for small areas of the room;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • hammer.

In addition to the main ones (OSB, log beam, insulation), you will need Consumables, such as:

  • fast mounting dowels 6 cm X 6 mm;
  • black self-tapping screws for wood (the length of the self-tapping screws, - the thickness of the plates plus 25 mm);
  • mounting foam;
  • sealant (silicone).

Work begins with the installation of the lag. They are installed in parallel. Their step should be calculated so that the distance corresponds to the thickness of the plates and the width (so that adjacent sheets fit well on the same lag). The bars closest to the wall should be at a distance of about 20 cm from it. In the places of longitudinal joining of the plates, transverse sections of the bars are additionally installed. When fixing the lag to the screed or slabs, their horizontal position is regulated by linings made of wood chips.

Insulation is laid between the bearing bars. In its quality, you can use polystyrenes (polystyrene, foam), or mineral wool. The latter should be protected from moisture from the side of the rough screed, for which a vapor barrier membrane is used.

On the prepared frame of the bars, OSB sheets are laid and attracted to the logs with self-tapping screws. First you need to make the installation of whole plates, and then cut out the missing fragments with a jigsaw, having previously marked the material. OSB should not be laid close to the wall, but leaving small gaps of about 1 cm, which are necessary for the possibility of thermal expansion of the material. The resulting gaps for sealing are filled with polyurethane foam.

The seams between the plates at the points of their joining can be filled with silicone sealant, especially if tiles are supposed to be the finishing floor layer. To reinforce the information received visually, you can watch this video

Important! A properly arranged floor base made of OSB boards along the logs (as in the video) is a durable structure that is in no way inferior in performance to a screed. After installing the plates, you can immediately start laying the finish coating using the same technology as on the final screed. No additional processing (priming, for example, or leveling) surface made by OSB

Wooden floors in a private house lose their presentable appearance over time. Numerous layers of paint are cracking and flaking at the edges. And because of this, often even a newly painted surface looks sloppy. To tidy up such a floor, you have to completely clean the boards, process the wood, and then periodically re-stain.

Therefore, when carrying out the next repair, many homeowners make a different decision. Specifically: to lay one of the modern decorative coatings over the wooden floor - laminate, parquet board, linoleum or carpet.

To implement such an idea, it is necessary that the base of the floor is suitable for laying a decorative coating. That is, it was perfect. flat surface, verified in a horizontal plane, without protrusions, "ladders", bending sections. This can be achieved by installing OSB on a wooden floor.

Characteristics of OSB boards

General information about OSB boards

Unique physical and mechanical characteristics, at a relatively affordable price, make OSB boards increasingly popular in various fields of construction. With the help of this material, floors are perfectly leveled and laid, and with minimal effort, low cost and time saving. In addition, even an inexperienced homeowner in the construction art can handle the installation of plates on the surface on their own.

Before studying the installation technology of OSB boards, it is necessary to briefly consider their characteristics and compare them with other similar materials.

It must be said that oriented strand boards are superior to other materials of a similar purpose in some of their technical and operational characteristics. But, due to their design features, they most often cannot be used as a floor finish.

Oriented strand boards are made from wood chips laid in several layers in a longitudinal-transverse manner. On the outer layers, chips, as a rule, are placed along the length of the slabs, and on the inner - across. The layers are fastened together under pressure with polymer resins.

Thanks to this technology for the manufacture of OSB-boards, they have improved physical and mechanical properties compared to some other similar building materials.

The main characteristics of oriented strand boards are shown in the table:

The characteristic features of OSB-boards during their installation and operation can be described as follows:

  • High moisture resistance. When tested in laboratory conditions, the material was completely immersed in water for 24 hours. As a result, the swelling was only 18÷25%. And at the same time, the plate was not destroyed, and its strength was preserved.
  • Durability and long service life. Oriented strand boards are able to withstand high loads and extreme conditions. Due to the multilayer structure of the material, the plates hold the fasteners well.
  • Ease of installation of sheet large-format material.
  • The low cost makes such stoves affordable, even if the amount allocated for repairs is limited.
  • OSB boards, manufactured in accordance with technological requirements, consist of 96% natural materials. Therefore, they can be called conditionally environmentally friendly. If the plates are purchased for use in residential premises, you should choose a material marked E1.

Due to their technical characteristics, oriented strand boards are excellent for subflooring under decorative flooring.

  • The plates have a perfectly flat surface. Therefore, they can easily level wooden floors, equipped with an ordinary wooden board and deformed during long-term operation.
  • Each slab covers a fairly large floor area. The most common sizes are 2240 × 1220 mm and 2500 × 1250 mm. And this corresponds to 2.98 and 3.125 square meters. When laying them, the surface will have a minimum number of butt joints. Therefore, they are ideal for arranging a base for flooring, consisting of small format elements - parquet board, parquet, vinyl tiles, etc.

  • OSB boards are self-supporting and have a stable geometry. Therefore, they can be used as a rough floor covering, fixing them to frequently installed logs or sparsely left floorboards. Thanks to the same qualities, it is possible to strengthen the old one with plates, increasing its bearing capacity and rigidity.
  • Since the plates consist of several layers of wood, which in itself has sound and heat insulating qualities, the coating of them is to some extent able to protect the room from extraneous noise. In addition, an extra layer fixed to the wood floor will help reduce heat leakage from the rooms.

  • OSB boards are not afraid of moisture, so they can be used to create a subfloor structure on logs. Moreover, by sheathing the logs with them both from above and from below, it is possible to fill the resulting space with one of the insulating materials.

In the table below, for greater clarity of information, the comparative estimated characteristics of various board materials made from wood raw materials and having approximately the same purpose are given.

Name of estimated parametersEvaluation on a five-point scale
Final average grade2,86 3,00 3,28 3,57
MDF Chipboard glued
Strength2 3 4 4
Resistance to external atmospheric influences1 2 3 3
Dimensional stability2 3 3 3
Weight2 2 3 3
Manufacturability of machining3 4 4 5
Manufacturability of painting surfaces5 3 3 2
The probability of defective material (stratification, the presence of sinuses, knots)5 4 3 5

Varieties of OSB-plates

Today, construction stores offer several varieties of oriented strand boards. They differ in characteristics, and therefore - in purpose. Therefore, when choosing a material for a particular area of ​​​​construction or repair, this factor must be paid attention to.

  • OSB-1 - this material has very low moisture resistance and strength, does not differ in special quality. Therefore, such plates are used most often only for auxiliary work.
  • OSB-2 - these boards are already much better, but their moisture resistance indicators are still not outstanding. They are intended, as a rule, for use in dry rooms in those structures where contact with moisture is completely excluded.

  • OSB-3 are versatile products that can be used for surface cladding both in dry rooms and in rooms with high humidity. They sheathe walls with them, lay them on wooden floors when leveling them, equip the floors along the logs.
  • OSB-4 have a thickness of 15 ÷ 25 mm and are most often used for the construction of load-bearing structures in rooms with any level of humidity or even outdoors. They can also be used for flooring as a subfloor.

Plates can have different linear dimensions, but those dimensions that have already been mentioned above are more common. However, this parameter must be paid attention to when purchasing the material. So it will be possible to reduce waste when cutting them.

Surface preparation for OSB flooring

In order for OSB boards to lay perfectly on top of plank floors, and during operation there were no problems in the form of squeaks and deflections, before installing them, it is necessary to perform a series of preparatory work:

  • An audit of the plank base is being carried out to detect rotten boards and logs. Creaking and deformed areas of the old flooring are revealed.
  • In addition, it is necessary to check the condition of the insulation, if it is present in the general “pie” of the floor structure. Thermal insulation must not be damp, sagging, damaged by rodents, etc. Sometimes you have to change it too.

You can check the evenness of a wooden floor using a building level or rule. The tool is installed on the surface across the boards. If a gap has formed between the boards and the tool, then the floor is deformed and needs to be repaired.

The unevenness of the old wooden floor is by no means uncommon. Over many years of operation, it is not only subjected to high loads, but also “tested” by changes in humidity. A wet board deforms when it dries - it can bend, wrap itself in a “propeller”, etc.

If the floors are not cleaned up, then the laid OSB boards will not rest on the entire board surface, but only on the raised sections of the boards. And what will be the result?

During installation work, plates having a small thickness will take the form of irregularities in a wooden base. It will not be possible to lay a laminate or a parquet board on such a surface in a quality manner due to the peculiarities of the interlocks.

Oriented strand boards of large thickness do not have pronounced flexibility, so it will not be possible to press them tightly against an uneven base with fasteners. And this means that the coating will begin to creak either immediately after installation, or after some time.

There are two ways to level a wooden floor:

  • Dismantling deformed boards and replacing them with new, even ones. The option can hardly be considered cost-effective, so they resort to it infrequently.

  • Surface scraping with special equipment.

The second option is possible if the boards have risen above the main surface to a not too high height.

If the boardwalk sags, it means that too thin a board was used for it. Or the lags under it are spaced with too much step. If thin OSB boards are used to level such a floor, they will begin to sag along with the plank base. Well, along with them, the decorative coating will begin to “dance”. In such situations, if the state of the lag itself does not cause any complaints, it is necessary to use OSB 18 ÷ 22 mm thick for sheathing the surface.

However, we repeat, this is only possible if the plank flooring is mounted on strong, reliable logs. That is, they also need to be inspected by temporarily removing two or three floorboards.

If the floors were leveled with sanding, then upon completion of the work, the boards must be well cleaned and then coated with a special antiseptic impregnation.

Installation work on laying OSB on a wooden floor

OSB boards are laid on a wooden floor in different ways. Often it depends on what kind of flooring will be laid on top.

  • For example, if it is planned to lay laminate, parquet board, vinyl tiles, etc., then the laying should be planned so that the joints of the flooring parts do not coincide with the joints of the OSB boards.
  • If there is no desire to calculate the location of the flooring elements, then you can choose the option of its transverse masonry. That is, lay the OSB boards so that the joints of the finishing flooring elements are perpendicular to the joints of the base plates.
  • Or, if you like, you can choose to lay the finish coat diagonally, at an angle of 45 degrees. By the way, such a mounting scheme, for example, a laminated board, is relevant in rooms with uneven walls. This option will visually hide the flaws in the geometry of the room.
  • Before starting laying, it is necessary to check the evenness of the corners. And it is advisable to start installation work with the smoothest of them.
  • Another common problem is the divergence of opposite walls in the form of a trapezoid. In this case, it is necessary to make a preliminary marking and adjust the plates laid along the walls along it. Leaving narrow wedge-shaped strips along the walls in the hope of then filling them with scraps is absolutely the wrong approach.

Mounting tools

To perform installation work, of course, you will need some tools and auxiliary materials:

  • To cut OSB boards, you need to have a hacksaw on hand, electric jigsaw or/and a hand-held circular saw. A cut made with an ordinary hacksaw will not be very accurate, and it takes incomparably more time and effort. Therefore, the best option is a jigsaw. Even a novice master can handle this tool. Working with a circular saw is somewhat more difficult, but faster, and the cut is the most even.

If there are no such tools at your disposal, you can look for the possibility of renting. Many shops practice similar services.

  • To fix the plates on a plank surface, you will need
  • You will need a tape measure, a long metal ruler, a construction square, a paint cord for beating straight lines and a black marker.
  • Fasteners - black self-tapping screws 35 mm long.

There is a lot of controversy about black self-tapping screws, which, they say, do not provide reliable fixation. It is difficult to agree with this - with a prepared, leveled stable base, prohibitive loads are not expected. And such a self-tapping screw can break off only by very very catastrophic destructive effects. But in such a situation, no other fasteners will help.

Installation of OSB boards

So, the installation process consists of several stages and is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step along the longitudinal wall of the room is to beat off a line that will immediately show how even it is.
  • The edge of the slab, which will dock with the wall, must be marked and trimmed so that it takes the direction of the wall and the shape of the corner into which it will be laid. The outer lines of the slab must remain perfectly flat, with a factory edge. Therefore, it is not recommended to touch at least two sides of the sheet.
  • When laying the slab against the wall, it is necessary to observe a deformation gap, which should be 10÷12 mm. In order for the gap to be the same, expansion wedges can be used. Another option - before starting work, an elastic damper tape is glued at the bottom along the perimeter of the walls.

  • All sheets of the first row may have to be adjusted along the line of the wall so that on the outside their edge forms one straight line. In order to make it easier to observe this border, focusing on the outer edge of the first sheet, using a paint cord, a straight line is beaten off on a plank floor from wall to wall.

  • Along this line, all the plates of the first row are laid, and then fixed. Between the plates it is necessary to leave a gap of 3 ÷ 5 mm, in order to avoid the occurrence of squeaks or even deformations during the thermal expansion of the material.

  • The second row of sheets, whatever size they may be, is laid so that their joints do not coincide with the joints of the sheets of the first row. That is, a shift is made according to the type " brickwork". It often happens that the Ostyaks of the last sheet of the previous row become the beginning of the next one.
  • The last row will also have to be adjusted, but already to the opposite wall. Well, the very last sheet - and to the corner.

  • The plates are fixed to the base with self-tapping screws. They are screwed strictly vertically in increments of 350 ÷ 400 mm. And their hats should be recessed into the thickness of the plate by 2 ÷ 3 mm. In order for the plates to be fixed as firmly and reliably as possible, it is best to fasten them not only around the perimeter. As an option, draw two diagonal lines, and also screw self-tapping screws along them with the same pitch. This is especially important if the base is covered with large, whole sheets of OSB.

Some craftsmen use nails for fastening. But this is not recommended, since squeaks may occur during further operation of the coating.

In fact - this is all the secrets of installing OSB-plates on wooden base. As you can see, the task is not so difficult, and any owner should cope with it.

* * * * * * *

A few last words. Although oriented strand boards are considered suitable only for arranging a subfloor, some craftsmen easily turn them into a decorative coating. For this process, special technology and varnish are used. At the same time, the surface of the floors is no less aesthetic and durable than when laying expensive materials on it.

One more thing. You should never forget about your health, your own and your loved ones. Absolutely environmentally friendly OSB can be considered products of the E1 or E0.5 emission class with the designations "Green" or "ECO".

Such materials are made without components harmful to human health. As a rule, these are products of European manufacturers that fully comply with the technology that meets the strict environmental standards of the EU. However, the cost of such products is somewhat higher.

Some Russian manufacturers, unfortunately, do not care enough about the health of the consumer. And most often, adhesives containing formaldehyde resins are used as a binder. The cost of such materials is low.

When purchasing OSB, each owner himself must decide what is more important for him: the price of the material or the health of his family. And to make sure the selected plates are clean, you should ask the seller for a material quality certificate.

The informational content of the article will be supplemented by a video, which shows the nuances of installing OSB-plates on a wooden base.

Video: Leveling a wooden floor with OSB boards

You can entrust the installation of floors to craftsmen, professional builders. They will do the floors quickly and efficiently. True, it is far from cheap. You can save money by laying the floors yourself. Moreover, the device of the floors is not anything particularly complicated. It is only necessary to carefully study the technology of their installation and put into practice the knowledge gained correctly, in a certain sequence. Below we will talk about how to make OSB floors yourself, choose the material, what tools you need, about the work that needs to be done.

Osp is, let's say, a sandwich, which can consist of 3 or more layers. Two (upper and lower) layers are pressed boards made from wood shavings. The shavings are laid lengthwise in the outer layers of the slabs and across in the inner ones. Therefore, the board as a whole is called oriented strand board. Chips can be impregnated with boric acid, wax, formaldehyde resins. Between the layers there is a heater, which can be used as polystyrene foam, as well as polyurethane foam.

OSB board price

smallpox stove

ManufacturerLengthWidthThicknessprice, rub.
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 6.3 390
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 8.0 435
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 9.0 450
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 9.5 450
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 12 620
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 15 860
Arbec L.P. Norbord2440 1220 18 990
Kronospan2440 1220 9 420
Kronospan2440 1220 12 540
Kronospan2440 1220 15 695
Kronospan2440 1220 18 820
Kronospan2440 1220 22 995
Kronospan2500 1250 9 440
Glunz2500 1250 9 680
Glunz2500 1250 12 890
Glunz2500 1250 15 1120
Glunz2500 1250 18 1330
Glunz2500 1250 22 1620
Kalevala2500 1250 9 460
Kalevala2500 1250 12 600
Kalevala2500 1250 18 910
Kalevala2800 1250 12 730

OSB is mainly used in construction and furniture manufacturing. Marked and used as follows:

  • OSB-1 - for the production of furniture, packaging or surface cladding;
  • OSB-2 - in dry rooms for the installation of load-bearing structures and surfaces;
  • OSB-3 - in rooms with high humidity;
  • OSB-4 - for structures that are subjected to heavy loads, as well as located in places where humidity is high.

OSB can be lacquered on one side, laminated, grooved, or double or four sides.

The plate is a rectangle with the following dimensions:

  • thickness from 8 mm to 38;
  • length - 2440 mm;
  • width - 1220 mm;

Above we have given the dimensions of a standard plate. Sometimes on sale you can find OSB with dimensions - 1.25 meters by 2.5.

The advantages of OSB are as follows:

  1. low cost;
  2. light weight;
  3. easy and well processed;
  4. durable;
  5. moisture resistance;
  6. does not dry out, does not exfoliate, does not rot;
  7. mold and insects do not start.

Unfortunately, there are restrictions on the use of OSB. When pressed, the chips are impregnated with resins that contain toxic substances. They constantly emit volatile compounds of these substances into the environment. Therefore, when choosing a plate, you need to pay attention to how much of these substances is emitted by a particular brand of plate, and in which area it is allowed to use it.

OSB flooring

There are two types of OSB floors. The first consists of a concrete screed, waterproofing, an intermediate black floor, the OSB itself. The second type is waterproofing, logs, preferably a subfloor, OSB.

Materials and tools

It is better to buy a plate grooved. There should be tongues on two opposite sides, and grooves on the other two. This board is easier to install.

The lag is a bar. In construction, for the manufacture of logs, they mainly use timber with dimensions of 5 by 5 centimeters or 5 by 7. The number of logs depends on how the structure itself will be arranged. flooring. If there is no subfloor, then the number of lags increases.

The price of a bar

If you plan to put the floor on the screed, then you will need a rail, because it is impossible to lay the slab directly on the screed, even if waterproofing is laid on it. Any wooden product must breathe, that is, take in air and give off accumulated moisture. It is for this that they make a gap between the floors and the screed. Otherwise, from the moisture accumulated in the product, and the tree already stores moisture in itself, and even absorbs it from the screed, it will begin to rot and, in the end, will become unusable, no matter how well it was made.

For the subfloor, an edged board or plywood, OSB itself, can be used.

To make a screed, you will need cement of a grade of at least M-300 and sand. You can prepare the solution yourself, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made dry sand-cement mixture in the store. Consumption per sq. m. is indicated on the packaging. A concrete mixture, which includes filler, gravel, crushed stone and the like, should not be done at home. Manually, a high-quality concrete mortar cannot be prepared forever.

For a better and even floor filling, you will need beacons.

In Russia, a plinth is usually installed on the floors. It also serves as a decorative detail, and closes the gap between the wall and the floors. The slot is made specifically, based on the expansion of the board with increasing temperature. If it is not planned, then you can do without the plinth.

The slab is usually fastened to the beam with nails and glued with glue. So, we need both glue and nails. When installing floors, screw nails or self-tapping screws are used.

To seal the cracks, you will need wood putty. So, you will also need a spatula. You will need a wooden hammer, a mallet for rallying the plates, a metal hammer.

Stages of floor installation

All laying of any floor is divided into three main stages:

  • Preparation;
  • main works;
  • cleaning.

The last stage is known to all. Therefore, we will not consider it.

Preparatory stage

In the future, we will conduct all the arguments, bearing in mind that the installation of floors is carried out in a residential area. In utility rooms or buildings, floors are laid in the same way and in the same sequence as in the apartment. Only the restrictions are less and the requirements are lower. We will break all stages into stages. Let's call them steps and present our reasoning in the form of step-by-step instructions for performing work.

So, preparatory work.

Step one. Choose the type of floor. That is, we decide whether we will put it on a screed or on. If we choose lags, it is better to first draw a drawing of their location. It will help to correctly calculate the number of lags.

Floor board thickness, mmGap between lags, mm
20 300
24 400
30 500
35 600
40 700
45 800
50 1000

2nd step. We calculate the scope of work, draw up an estimate of costs.

3rd step. We are purchasing materials. When purchasing a stove, be sure to pay attention to the fact that it meets sanitary standards. It is advisable to buy lumber, a board for a subfloor, a bar, a rail already dried and treated with fire-fighting and antiseptics. If it was not possible to purchase such lumber, then you will have to buy an antiseptic and process the wood yourself.

4th step. We process the plate, remove burrs and irregularities from the edges. We treat the lumber with an antiseptic and put it to dry. It is laid in layers. A gasket is made between the layers. It is needed so that the material breathes, dries evenly and quickly. The wood dries for at least a day. The temperature during drying should be +10 degrees and above.

5th step. If the floor is laid for the first time, then the debris remaining after the construction work is removed.

If the OSB is laid instead of the old floor, then the old one is, of course, when it cannot be used as a rough one. The floor must be dismantled carefully so as not to damage the plaster on the walls. To do this, take out the nails and remove the board, then remove the logs. We release the floor rail (each) from the grooves, move it to the side and remove it.

6th step. We install beacons to level the floor. At least three marks on each wall. We draw a line between them. Between the wall and the line, the measurement at any point is reported to show an angle equal to 90 degrees.

The price of beacons for leveling the floor

beacons for the floor

OSB floor installation

If the floor will be mounted on a screed, then we will have to perform several actions.

1. We install beacons for pouring the screed. The distance between them should be no more than 50-60 cm. So the screed will be more even. We check the installation of beacons by level. If there is a slope, we level it.

2. We prepare the solution. It should not be too liquid and too thick. We fill in the place prepared for the screed, level the solution with the rule flush with the installed beacons.

brandPacking, kgPrice, rubDescription
Weber. Vetonit 5000 (Vetonit 5000)25 550 Self-leveling floors Vetonit 5000 is a mixture that sets quickly, dries quickly and is applied by hand. Cement based for leveling all concrete substrates. The mixture does not contain casein.
Self-leveling floor Osnovit T4520 296 Fast-hardening self-leveling floor for leveling the base surface with a layer from 2 to 100 mm. Allows you to create a finish coating, on which after 3 days you can lay ceramic tiles, or after 7 days linoleum, carpet, laminate, parquet, cork or wooden floors.
Self-leveling floor Prospectors fast-hardening25 280 Purpose - for high-quality leveling of floor surfaces inside all types of buildings and structures for subsequent coatings (linoleum, tiles, parquet, etc.). Recommended for dry and moderately damp areas. Layer thickness 5-80 mm.
Bulk floor finishing Weber. Vetonit 3000 (Weber Vetonit)25 660 Vetonit 3000 is excellent for the final leveling of floors inside the premises themselves, not only in residential buildings, but also in various offices and public buildings. The surface, which is leveled, can be covered with stone tiles, various PVC coatings, vinyl tiles, as well as textile carpets.
Self-leveling floor Eunice Horizon universal20 250 Composition: cement, fine mineral filler, chemical additives. Thickness of the applied layer: from 2 to 100 mm.

The screed will set in a day, it will be possible to work on it. But she will gain full strength no earlier than in two weeks, depending on the temperature in the room. The higher the temperature, the faster the screed gains strength. Hence the conclusion: heavy objects can be placed on the newly laid floor no earlier than after 14 days.

NameApplication areaRough baseLayer thicknessConsumption kg/m2Drying timePrice
Floor tie, 25 kgPreliminary leveling of the surfaceConcrete, cement-sand base10-50 mm20 24 hours128 rubles / pack.
Mix self-leveling universal Ceresit CN 175/20Making screeds, repairing floor defects, leveling the base for floor coveringsConcrete, gypsum, cement-sand bases60 mm16 72 hours340 rub./pack.
Floor tie BOLARS Base, 25 kgLeveling the base for the finish coatConcrete, cement screed10-100 mm18 24 hours217 rubles / pack.
Floor liquid finishing Vetonit 3000, 25 kgFloor finishingConcrete, cement-sand screedUp to 5 mm1,5 4 hours622 rub./pack.
Self-leveling self-levelling floor GLIMS-S-Level, 20 kgFloor finishingConcrete, gypsum screeds, base levelers2-30mm3 kg (layer thickness 2 mm)24 hours478 rubles / pack.
Self-levelling floor Perfekta Multilayer, 20 kgBasic surface levelingConcrete, cement, gypsum bases2-200mm14 (layer thickness 10 mm)2-3 hours312 rub./pack.

3. After the screed has seized, we check its level. If there are irregularities, slopes, fill in an additional layer of mortar to level it.

If the screed turned out to be even, then we lay waterproofing on top of it. You can use a simple roofing material or any other material intended for these purposes. We lay the rail on top of the insulation. We would advise you to lay it both along and across, in the form of rectangles, the sides of which are aligned. Their dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the plate or be slightly smaller. We coat the rail with glue.

We also allow the installation of plates without the use of rails. In this case, the concrete screed is smeared with rubber glue.

4. Put the plate on the rail. We take a mallet and knock down the plates as tightly as possible. The tongue must fully enter the groove. Ideally, there should be no gap between the plates.

5. We fasten the plates with the rail using nails or self-tapping screws.

6. If there are gaps, then we close them with glue or wood putty. It must be selected according to the color and texture of the plate. The putty dries for 24 hours. After the putty dries, it needs to be sanded twice. Large skin the first time and small the second.

wood putty price

putty on wood

Video - Laying OSB on concrete

If the OSB is laid directly on the logs, then it is better to install them along and across. The fact is that OSB is a complex structure and it is not known how it will behave after shrinkage, shaking, shrinkage. And laying logs in the form of rectangles will reduce the load on the slab itself and reduce the likelihood of defects. All other actions that need to be performed are exactly the same as when installing the floor on the screed.

Let me give you one piece of advice. The best, in our opinion, OSB flooring is a design that provides for the installation of an intermediate subfloor. It will give the entire floor additional strength, stability and significantly reduce the load on the coating itself, i.e. on the slab. As an intermediate floor, you can use the slab itself, and plywood, and the old floor. But the latter can only be used when it is well preserved and does not have serious defects. It must be removed from all old paint, align, repair cracks. Scratches, sand, treat with an antiseptic, and only after these preparatory work can the slab be laid. Actually, both on plywood and on OSB, which will be the subfloor, all defects and cracks also need to be repaired. The remaining steps for laying the final floor, we have already described above.

Video - Do-it-yourself OSB floor (on logs with insulation)

Have you ever wondered why the problem with housing has been solved in America for a long time? It's simple, they massively build prefabricated frame or panel houses, such buildings are cheap, and the time from “beginning to housewarming” is only two weeks. In a similar way, the problem with housing in cities was solved in our country, when in the 60s panel houses. But in those days, the state was not engaged in construction in the villages, no one used accelerated technologies for low-rise buildings. Now everyone takes care of their housing on their own, in connection with this, frame and panel houses have become so widespread.

For all operational characteristics, frame houses fully meet the most modern requirements. Except one. On TV, we are often shown the consequences of a tornado in the same America, many wooden structures are scattered around, entire cities are wiped off the face of the earth. And all because most of their houses are frame-type, such houses cannot withstand hurricane gusts of wind. But do not worry, we do not have and will not have a tornado, this drawback can be ignored.

Ways of sheathing frame houses

What is a frame house? A frame is assembled from wooden beams, either edged timber from pine and spruce is used, insulation is made, the internal and external surfaces of the walls are sheathed with various materials. For these purposes, drywall, plywood, boards, plastic panels and OSB boards can be used. Here we will stop on the last material (OSB boards). Let's talk about technology, you will get some practical advice on how to perform such work quickly and with minimal financial costs.

Choice of slabs

We recommend working with 12mm thick boards, but you can use thicker or thinner boards. Although we advise you to take our advice: thinner ones are a concern for strength, thicker ones will cost you dearly.

The slabs must be dry, for long-term storage it is necessary to use a canopy. Work should only be carried out in dry weather. The number of plates is determined based on the total area of ​​​​the walls of the building; it is not very difficult to make calculations. However, it must be borne in mind that the amount of unproductive waste will always be at least 10%. The more complex the architectural characteristics of the house, the more waste there will be, keep this in mind when purchasing the material.

General sheathing rules

There are many various options finishing of frame houses, both internal premises and facade walls. We will consider only one of these options - sheathing of external facade walls OSB boards. How you will sheathe the interior - does not make much difference.

Can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position, leave a gap of 2÷3 mm between the plates. To facilitate the process of setting the gap, you can use a simple device. Find any plastic strip with a similar thickness and use it as a template, after fixing the slab, the strip is removed and used during the fixing of the next slab.

The distance between the stops of the slab should be 40 ÷ 60 cm. This must be borne in mind during the construction of the frame, it is better to use mineral or glass wool as insulation. Fasten the plates with spiral or ordinary nails, self-tapping screws and other hardware. The length is selected taking into account the thickness of the slab, while it should be borne in mind that the nail must enter the body of the timber to a depth of at least 40 mm. It is desirable that the caps of the fasteners have an increased diameter.

Nails should be driven ≈ 30 cm apart, at the joints of the sheets, nails are driven in at a distance of ≈ 15 centimeters. The distance from the edge of the board to the nail must be ≥ 1 cm.

Frame house cladding technology

Initial data - the foundation has already been completed, the lower strapping row has been laid, vertical racks have been mounted at the corners and perimeter of the frame house.

  • We recommend starting the installation of the first OSB sheet from the corner of the house. In terms of level, fix it to the corner posts of the house, immediately fix the second sheet to the other side of the corner. During work, carefully check their position with a level. If you make a mistake on the first sheet of a few millimeters, then at the opposite corner your millimeters will turn into centimeters. Correcting such a mistake is very difficult. To fully guarantee the accuracy of the upholstery with sheets of walls, we advise you, as in many cases during construction work, to use strong ropes stretched along the walls. They will help you accurately maintain the parallelism of the sheet installation lines.

  • Mount in a circle, leaving space for window and door openings. Do not forget that the sheet must be reinforced around the entire perimeter of the openings; in some cases, additional beams or special load-bearing racks will have to be installed for this purpose.
  • Upholstery of the house with slabs from the corner greatly simplifies and speeds up the construction process - there is no need to install longitudinal braces. In the future, these cuts still have to be removed - extra costs time and material. But you can’t do without temporary transverse braces, otherwise the frame will be too unstable.
  • To facilitate the process of attaching the OSB () to the bottom harness, we advise you to fix a small bar at the place where two large sheets of OSB fit, after which you can fasten the sheet with screws or nails to vertical racks. If you have problems with horizontality, on some sheets you can “sacrifice” the gap, make it a little larger or completely eliminate it. If this defect is on 3-4 sheets, then you can not be afraid of any deformation due to linear expansion of OSB sheets.
  • Work in a circle from bottom to top.

  • Install interior load-bearing wall studs only when at least three house frame walls are assembled and sheathed.

Finishing sheets can be done in any way. But we would advise you to additionally protect them with plastic panels or siding - this will significantly increase the life of the entire building.

OSB sheets in frame house allowed to decorate the outer walls of the house. Outside, OSB sheets are finished with either a ventilated facade, such as siding or plaster.

What thickness sheets to use for outdoor work

OSB sheets have an outer and an inner side. The outer side consists of coarser fibers - it should be screwed in outward.

What membrane is used to cut off moisture

Use a quality waterproof membrane. Better, one that is used under the roof

Groove for thermal expansion of sheets

Leave 3-5mm between sheets as space for expansion

How far to fasten the screws

How to cut the crate profile

Scissors for metal

MASTERMAX 3-ECO membranes

material three-layer waterproofing super-diffusion membrane (PP fleece) MASTERMAX 3 ECO - Masterplast application vapour-permeable underlayment roofing film, secondary protection against moisture and snow, placed directly on thermal insulation density, g/m2 115 g/m2 (±20 g) vapor permeability (Sd), m 0.05 max. pace. use, °C +70

What is expensive waterproofing material used for?

Over time, every material ages. This also applies to waterproofing membranes. To leave the water resistance of the walls of the house from LSTC at the proper level, you should use a high-quality moisture-proof membrane.

Required Tool

  • Screwdrivers
  • Self-tapping screws with pressure washer
  • Steam waterproofing
  • waterproofing membrane
  • self-tapping screws for metal

What it is

OSB (Orient Strand Board or OSB) is an oriented strand board (OSB) in which each next layer of chips is laid across the previous layer. After that, the layers are glued together with waterproof resins and placed under a press at high temperature. Types of OSB

OSB boards (OSB) were created for use in the construction of low-rise wooden houses in the relatively warm and dry climates of the United States and Canada. This probably explains the fact that in the humid climate of Russia, moisture-resistant sheets of the OSB-3 class are widely used. OSB classification is based on their possible use in construction.

Depending on the production method, moisture resistance and strength, there are four types of OSB.

  • OSB-1 - has low mechanical strength and low moisture resistance.
  • OSB-2 - has high mechanical strength and low moisture resistance.
  • OSB-3 - has high strength and is resistant to moisture.
  • OSB-4 is a high-tech type, has increased strength and rigidity, very high moisture resistance.

In addition, OSB is divided according to the type of coating into lacquered and laminated, which are used under the formwork. And also according to the degree of processing - into polished and unpolished.

Imported OSBs are divided into European and North American, depending on what standard they were manufactured to. The American standard is more stringent. This applies to strength requirements, dimensional tolerances, and environmental compliance. However, the water resistance of North American OSB is noticeably inferior to European ones.


OSB was first made in 1982 in North America at one of the woodworking factories. In the USSR, the appearance of OSB dates back to 1986, when a plant for their production was opened in Belarus.

Production technology

For the manufacture of OSB, flat chips up to 180 mm long and 6 to 40 mm wide are used. Chip layers are laid in such a way that the inner layer is laid across the sheet, and the outer layers along the sheet. Usually OSB sheet consists of four layers, which achieves greater rigidity and reduces the ductility of the finished sheet. To increase the protective properties of the sheet, synthetic wax and a boric acid salt are added to the adhesive resin. Then, during the process of heat treatment at high temperature and subsequent hot pressing, the finished sheet is obtained from the chips. Properties

The main properties of the OSB sheet are strength, rigidity, low specific gravity, ease of processing.

OSB satisfies all the requirements for wood boards, but at the same time has the quality characteristics of wood. At the same time, OSB, unlike wood and plywood, is not subject to rotting, delamination and warping. In addition, they are not hygroscopic and are not affected by insects.

At present, thanks to a radical improvement in the quality of adhesive resins, it has been possible to establish the production of environmentally clean sheets OSB.

Advantages of OSB board

  • The obvious advantages include their resistance to moisture and increased strength, as well as a small specific gravity.
  • OSB processing is not difficult. They are easily drilled, planed and sawn.
  • The OSB sheet securely holds the fasteners. These indicators are more than twice as high as those of chipboard.
  • Application The use of OSB is due to their properties.
  • They are used for wall cladding, and with any kind of external coatings.
  • They also make a continuous crate under the roof from OSB, regardless of its type.
  • In addition, OSB is widely used for the assembly of subfloors and flooring, and is also used as supporting surfaces.
  • Load-bearing structures are made from OSB sheets in wooden housing construction, as well as removable formwork in the production of concrete work.
  • High-quality packaging and sandwich panels are produced from OSB.

OSB processing

  • OSB is processed in the same way as a massive tree. In this case, it is desirable to use milling cutters, saws and drills with hard alloy nozzles. In this case, the feed rate should be somewhat lower than that used for processing solid wood.
  • Sheets should be supported to avoid vibration during processing.
  • It is possible to cut OSB both on stationary machines and with the help of hand tools.
  • Plates, during processing, to reduce vibration, it is desirable to fix.

Fastening OSB occurs, in general, in the same way as fastening solid wood products, with screws, nails and staples. To increase the strength of the connection, ring and spiral nails are used. Smooth nails are not recommended.

When installing load-bearing structures, fasteners made of stainless materials should be used.

Since, with a change in humidity in the OSB, changes in volumetric characteristics may occur, safety gaps should be left between the OSB sheets, which will protect them from deformation.

Features of the use of OSB, OSB

OSB slab, according to technology, should be transported and stored in such a way as to avoid damage during installation. For storing Osb, it is most convenient to provide a closed warehouse space with good ventilation. It is also possible to store Osb under a canopy so that they are not exposed to the risk of precipitation. In case of impossibility of storage, laying of Osb slabs according to the technology under a canopy, it is necessary to prepare for laying a flat horizontal surface in the form of a platform and ensure isolation from the ground. Wrap the pallet with a film, cover with a tarpaulin or in some other way protect it from moisture, while at the same time allowing air to enter the plate. Possible options for protection technology and pallet stacking are shown in the figures.

Osb floor installation technology

Osb with straight edges should be connected according to the technology on the floor logs, observing a temperature gap of at least 3 mm around the plate. When installing an Osb floor between walls or in the case of "floating floors", a gap of 12 mm must be left between the Osb and the wall according to the laying technology. The slabs must be laid on the floor with the main axis perpendicular to the joists. The connection of the short edges of Osb according to technology should always be on the logs. Long edges not laid on joists should have a tongue-and-groove profile, an appropriate support or connecting brace. If the room where the flooring is being laid does not have a roof, then during precipitation, drainage should be provided.

OSB or OSB (oriented strand board) is a relatively new building material that has become a successful alternative to plywood and chipboard. The role of OSB in frame construction, when insulating standard houses. Especially often, with the help of OSB, floor surfaces are formed and leveled. Today we will talk about how to do this correctly.

Types of OSB boards and their characteristics

OSB - boards consisting of several layers of wood chips pressed and glued with waterproof resins. Its gluing is carried out in 3 layers. In the outer layers, the chips are laid along the length of the panel, and inside - perpendicularly. This arrangement gives the OSB strength, allows you to firmly hold the fasteners.

The following types of OSB are used in construction:

  • OSB-2 - panels with low moisture resistance. They are used only for interior work in dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 is a versatile material. Withstands high humidity both indoors and outdoors. A large margin of safety allows it to be widely used in construction.
  • OSB-4 - the most durable and moisture resistant plates. They are used to form load-bearing structures in conditions of high humidity.

For the construction and leveling of floors, OSB-3 sheets are usually used, which perfectly withstand the load from furniture, equipment, and the movement of people.

When leveling small floor defects, it is enough to use OSB boards with a thickness of 10 mm. Surfaces with significant bumps and potholes will require a material of 10-15 mm. If it is necessary to create a floor on logs, then the thickness of the OSB boards used should be at least 15-25 mm.

OSB boards are used as an even and solid base for various modern coatings - parquet, tile, linoleum, laminate, carpet. The main functions of oriented strand board are:

  • Creating a floor surface. OSB is a popular material for creating a subfloor on logs. At the same time, the flooring of the slabs can be carried out both on the upper side of the log and on the lower side.
  • Surface leveling. Installing OSB on a wooden or concrete floor will help create a completely flat surface suitable for laying a finishing coat.
  • Floor insulation. OSB board is 90% natural wood chips with high thermal insulation properties. Accordingly, the OSB floor does not allow heat to escape and keeps it indoors.
  • Noise insulation. The multi-layer dense structure of the OSB reliably absorbs any kind of noise.

Consider several popular technologies for laying OSB on different bases.

Installation of OSB boards on a concrete floor (cement screed)

Let's start with the simplest situation - leveling the concrete base with OSB slabs. Work is carried out according to this scheme.

Debris is swept from the concrete base, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner. The surface must be absolutely clean to ensure adhesion of the mounting adhesive. The base is covered with a primer. This also contributes to better adhesion of the adhesive to the base. In addition, the primer creates a dense film on the surface, which does not allow the screed to “dust” during operation.

OSB is laid out on the surface, if necessary, trimming is performed with an electric jigsaw or a circular saw. On the wrong side of the OSB, a rubber-based parquet adhesive is applied, using a notched trowel for uniform application. Glue the sheets to the concrete base.

Additionally, OSB is fixed with driven dowels. For guaranteed retention, the dowels are hammered around the perimeter every 20-30 cm. If the floor is even, the installation is carried out in a dry living room, then it is enough to fix the dowels at the corners of each slab (subject to the mandatory use of high-quality glue!).

When laying between the plates, expansion joints with a thickness of 3 mm are left. Along the perimeter of the room, between the OSB and the wall, the seam should be 12 mm. These gaps are necessary to compensate for temperature and humidity expansions (bulges) of the OSB during operation.

At the last stage of work, the OSB base is cleaned of dust and debris. The seams between the wall and the slabs are filled with mounting foam. Its drying time is 3-4 hours. Excess dry foam that protrudes beyond the surface is cut off with a sharp knife.

Installation of OSB boards on boardwalk

Laying OSB on an old wooden floor helps to level the surface and prepare it for the installation of the finish coat. Installation is carried out in this way:

  1. To begin with, with the help of a level or a rule, the localization of irregularities (bulges, depressions) of the boardwalk is determined.
  2. Boards that “walk” or rise too high above the general level are attracted to the joists with dowels, sinking them into the material. In some cases, to eliminate the creaking and unsteadiness of the boards, the floor has to be sorted out with the replacement (repair) of the lag.
  3. They clean the influxes of paint from the flooring, bloating and protrusions are washed with a grinder or emery cloth.
  4. OSB boards are laid out on the floor, with the seams of each next row shifted. Cross-shaped joints should not be! Dilatation gaps are provided (between the plates - 3 mm, along the perimeter of the walls - 12 mm).
  5. Holes are drilled in the plates. Their diameter should match the diameter of the wood screws that were selected to fix the OSB to the floor. Holes are drilled along the perimeter of the plates every 20-30 cm, countersinking is performed under the caps of the self-tapping screws.
  6. Self-tapping wood screws attract the OSB to the floor. The recommended length of self-tapping screws is at least 45 mm.
  7. If you want to make the floor more durable, mount the second layer of OSB. The seams of the overlying and underlying layers should be laid with an offset of 20-30 cm.
  8. Deformation gaps near the walls are filled with mounting foam, which is cut off after drying.

This completes the process.

Laying OSB on logs on a concrete base

In the presence of a concrete base (for example, floor slabs), the installation of a log and sheathing them with OSB sheets allows you to create a flat floor without the use of wet leveling screeds. And also to fit insulating, moisture and noise insulating materials into the structure.

Consider the technology of creating an OSB floor on logs on an existing concrete base. Logs (wooden bars) are fixed to the concrete floor with dowels or anchors.

The wider the distance between the lags, the thicker the OSB boards used. If the pitch is 40 mm, then the minimum OSB thickness is 15-18 mm, if the pitch is 50 cm - the thickness is 18-22 mm, if 60 cm - 22 mm or more.

Thanks to the lags, space is created between the OSB and the concrete floor. It can be put to good use by laying insulating material. For example, the floors of the first floors are often cold, so a heat insulator can be laid between the joists: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, XPS, etc. If there is a wet basement under the ceiling, the floor structure is supplemented with vapor barrier films or membranes.

OSB boards are laid across the log. The seams between adjacent plates (in width) should go strictly in the middle of the log. During installation, it is recommended to leave expansion gaps (3 mm - between the plates, 12 mm - between the OSB and the wall)

The sheets are fixed to the lags with self-tapping screws or nails (spiral, ring). Step of fasteners: along the perimeter of the sheets - 15 mm, on intermediate (additional) supports - 30 mm. Nails (or self-tapping screws) fixing the plates along the perimeter are placed at a distance of at least 1 cm from the edge (so that the OSB does not crack). Fasteners are selected so that their length is 2.5 times greater than the thickness of the plates used.

How to fasten OSB boards on logs in an ordinary city apartment, see the video:

Creating a subfloor from OSB on logs

Laying OSB on wooden joists is the easiest way to get a durable and reliable subfloor. This technology is especially appropriate with the existing columnar, pile, pile-screw foundation. Work order:

  1. Logs are mounted on the foundation. The step of the lag should correspond to the thickness of the OSB boards used (the larger the step, the greater the thickness).
  2. Perform a rough floor roll. To do this, retaining bars are nailed along the lag, OSB boards are laid and fixed on them. The surface facing the ground is covered with waterproofing preparations, for example, bituminous mastic.
  3. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of the OSB.
  4. Thermal insulation material is laid, for example, foam plastic, mineral wool boards, ecowool, etc.
  5. Close the insulation with another layer of OSB. Fastening is carried out in the same way as when laying OSB on logs on an existing concrete base (the technology is described in the previous paragraph).

At this point, the work process is considered completed.

OSB processing for different finishes

A strong, hard and even surface makes OSB a universal base for all modern views finishing floor coverings. How to cover the floor from OSB? Here are some popular solutions:

  • Lacquer or paint. In this case, OSB boards will act as finishing floors, which will only require decorative finishing with paints and varnishes. OSB sheets do not require any additional preparation, it is enough to clean them of dust and apply 2-3 layers of varnish (paint).
  • Roll materials - linoleum and carpet. When laying rolled materials, it is necessary to ensure that the joints between OSB boards are flush with the rest of the surface. All irregularities should be removed with sanding paper. Expansion gaps - fill with elastic sealant.
  • Tile(ceramic, vinyl, quartz vinyl, rubber, etc.). In order for the tile to be held on the base of the OSB, it is necessary to ensure its immobility. For this, lags are placed more often than required by the thickness of the sheets. The step between the fastening elements is also reduced. The tiles are glued onto the OSB using a special adhesive suitable for the wood surface and the tile used.
  • Laminate- topcoat, which is fixed in a "floating" way, without rigid fastening of the lamellas. This coating is quite rigid, so it is not necessary to prepare OSB for laying laminate. Minor irregularities that may be at the joints of the plates are leveled by the substrate.

What exactly to choose - it's up to you.

Using OSB makes it possible to inexpensively and quickly level an existing wood or concrete floor. And if necessary, create it from scratch on the logs. The OSB surface will not require expensive finishing, additional leveling, coating with moisture-resistant compounds. This is an excellent choice for those who want to create a quality floor with minimal effort.

Orientation of OSB boards OSB OSB Boards consist of three layers. Chips in separate layers are located crosswise. This structure provides a high level of:

  • Size constancy;
  • Fracture resistance (flexural strength);
  • Shear strength inside the slab.

Since the OSB board consists of three layers, it has a longitudinal and transverse axis. The longitudinal axis coincides with the prevailing direction of the top layer chips. It is parallel to the direction of the inscriptions (markings) applied to the plate on the edge of the plate. On milled panels, the longitudinal axis is perpendicular to the markings on the panel surface. The strength and modulus of elasticity of the plate in bending along the longitudinal axis is 2 times greater than that of the transverse axis. Therefore, during installation, it is necessary to observe the correct orientation of the slab specified by the designer (especially in single-layer building structures).

2. Acclimatization of plates and protection against water and humidity OSB OSB OSB

Plate acclimatization

Before installation on the construction site, according to the recommendation, it is necessary to acclimatize the plates min. 48 hours to equalize their humidity with the ambient humidity at the place of application.

Approximate values ​​of board humidity:

  • Installation conditions.
  • Approximate material moisture content
  • Premises with constant heating 6 - 9%.
  • Premises with intermittent heating 9 - 10%.
  • Room without heating 16-18%

OSB boards during their storage and use must be protected from water. After installation on the outside of the building, on the walls and roof, it must be covered with appropriate insulation to protect against adverse weather conditions. The edges of OSB 3 boards (especially at the edges) are exposed to high humidity, may swell moderately (in accordance with the norm). In this case, before installing the final elements (eg asphalt shingles on the roof), it is necessary to evenly sand the slab joints (to ensure an even surface).

To prevent damage to OSB boards, it is necessary to eliminate excessive moisture, which can be caused by:

  • Using materials that are too damp or wet;
  • Installation on non-dried objects built using "wet" processes;
  • Errors during insulation work (water leakage into the building, improper installation of a vapor barrier, etc.);
  • Insufficient weather protection ( external walls and the roof must be protected with appropriate insulation immediately after installation).

3. Cutting, milling, drilling OSB boards

The slabs can be processed in the usual way used for processing solid wood. It is best to use cutting tools and drills with a cutting part made of hard alloys. The feed rate depends on the tool being used. It is recommended to reduce the feed rate moderately compared to the feed rate used when processing solid wood. The slabs must be fixed in such a way that the slabs do not vibrate during processing. It is allowed to cut slabs with the use of hand power tools

4. Mounting plates

Fastening rules:

  • The minimum diameter (section) of the staples should be 1.5 mm with a length of 50 mm;
  • For OSB board, you can use nails as for solid wood, screws or staples.
  • When mounting load-bearing structures, it is necessary to use connecting elements made of stainless materials (galvanized or stainless steel).
  • Strengthening the strength of the connection can be achieved by using special nails; ring or spiral (the use of nails with a smooth core is not recommended.).
  • The length of the connecting elements must be at least 2.5 times the thickness of the board to be attached, but in no case less than 50 mm; the distance from the connecting element to the edge of the slab must correspond to seven times the diameter of the connecting element (i.e. when using nails with a diameter of 3 mm - at least 20 mm);
  • the maximum distance between nails driven into the edge of the slab should not exceed 150 mm;
  • the maximum distance between nails hammered in the middle of the slab should not exceed 300 mm; plates with even edges are mounted on supports (ceiling frame, ceiling beam);
  • fastening of OSB boards of small thickness must be started from the middle of their upper part and evenly continue fastening in the direction to the sides and down (to prevent swelling and deflection of the board).

5. Dilatation gaps (lat. dilatatio - expansion) OSB OSB OSB

  • When installing the plates as a supporting structure of "floating" floors, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 15 mm wide when they are joined to the wall.
  • When installing plates as wall cladding, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 10 mm wide when they are joined to the foundation;
  • If the length of the surface on which the boards are mounted exceeds 12 m, it is necessary to leave expansion gaps between the boards with a width of 25 mm every 12 m.
  • Since volumetric changes can occur in the boards (mainly due to changes in ambient humidity, which affects the material), it is necessary to leave expansion gaps between them, which prevent waviness or other undesirable phenomena on the boards. plates with even edges - it is necessary to leave gaps between them at least 3 mm wide when joining. plates with milled edges ("comb - groove").
  • When docking, dilatation gaps are formed by themselves. Expansion gaps 3 mm wide must also be left when joining plates with other structures, for example, with a window frame, doors, etc.

6. Surface protection and paint coating on the OSB board

We recommend to carry out the so-called test painting, which can reveal the incompatibility of the paint with the substances contained in the board. When painting, follow the instructions and rules developed by the paint manufacturers. For interior surfaces to be painted, we recommend using sanded boards. To paint the surface of the boards, you can use the usual colorless or colored paints used for painting wood.

ATTENTION!!! - When painting or immediately after painting, chips may come out from the surface of the boards, and when using water-based paints, chips may partially swell. Such occurrences are not grounds for complaint.

7. Application of OSB OSB OSB A1

  • A1 Roof detail with prefabricated roofing
  • A2 Roof detail with prefabricated wet environment
  • B1 Roof detail with asphalt pavement
  • B2 Asphalt roof detail for wet environment
  • C Detail of the external load-bearing wall
  • D1 Detail of internal load-bearing wall
  • D2 Detail of internal partition
  • E1 Floor detail with "light" floating floor
  • E2 Floor detail with "heavy" floating floor

Basic principles for the use of OSB boards in wooden structures and buildings

When designing and manufacturing reliable wooden structures with a long service life, it is necessary to follow the basic principles of wood protection. Without a solution constituent parts structures from the point of view of building heat engineering and checking the temperature and humidity inside the structure, it is impossible to guarantee the mechanical strength and stability of wooden structures, as well as their resistance to the destructive effects of biological factors. To ensure a long service life and reliability of new wooden structures and buildings, it is necessary to analyze all designed structures in terms of possible diffusion and condensation of water vapor or the temperature-humidity ratio, as well as the corresponding stable moisture content of the wood, for compliance with the requirements that establish environmental parameters for the use of OSB boards .

The main difference in the possible limitation of the influence of water vapor penetrating through the structure follows from the method of analyzing the properties of the vapor barrier layer. Vapor barrier layer of a building structure, which limits the penetration of water vapor from the environment into the building structure, due to the equalization of temperature and water vapor pressure in the indoor and outdoor environment. During this process, as a result of decreasing the temperature below a certain value, condensation of water vapor can occur. The resulting condensate can have a negative effect on the properties of the building structure or reduce its service life. Limiting the penetration of water vapor into the structure means limiting diffusion (penetration of water vapor caused by partial pressure) and moisture flow (penetration of water vapor caused by air current). In the specialized literature, one can find a classification of materials for a vapor barrier layer according to the equivalent diffusion thickness. The equivalent diffusion thickness Sd (m) determines the air gap, which provides the same resistance to water vapor as the corresponding layer of the building structure.

Note: The Sd value is not the diffusion resistance value of the structure layer, given in m/s-1). A significant increase in humidity in the outer layer compared to the calculated model at the site of material damage is caused by the spatial distribution of moisture and their unequal properties.

The difference in material properties can be caused by the following:

  • violation of technological discipline
  • poor-quality connection of certain types of materials and their contact with openings and surrounding structures
  • compound aging

Humidity and OSB boards OSB-2

Carrier boards for use in dry environments (12% humidity resistance) OSB-3 Carrier boards for use in humid environments (humidity resistance 24%) OSB boards are classified as OSB-2 and OSB-3 according to the standard.

Humidity class 1

It is characterized by moisture content in structural materials, which corresponds to a temperature of 20°C. and relative humidity of the ambient air, exceeding the value of 65% for no more than a few weeks a year. The average stable moisture content of most conifers does not exceed 12%.

Humidity class 2

It is characterized by the content of humidity in structural materials, which corresponds to a temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of the ambient air exceeding 85% for no more than a few weeks a year. The average stable moisture content of most conifers does not exceed 20%.

Humidity class 3

It is characterized by climatic conditions that contribute to an increase in the moisture content of materials compared to humidity class 2.

General Recommended Principles for Designing Ceilings and Floors

9. Ceiling structures

OSB ceiling structures OSB OSB

Mounting: Mount plates with even edges on load-bearing beams with an expansion gap of 3 mm. Plates with tongue-and-groove edges must be glued together with glue (for example, polyurethane) to increase rigidity. Mount all plates in such a way that their longitudinal axis is perpendicular to the beams.

  • Make sure that all faces perpendicular to the longitudinal axis lie on the beams. The width of the expansion gap along the perimeter of the walls must be at least 15 mm.
  • fasteners: Nails 2.5 times the thickness of the slab, minimum 50 mm, with helix or grooves if possible. Screws with a length of 2.5 times the thickness of the board, at least 45 mm. (recommended screws with a minimum size of 4.2 x 45 mm). The maximum distance between nails is 150 mm at the joints of the boards, 300 mm at the plane of the board. Nails are driven in at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge of the slab.
  • Humidity Under the wooden ceilings of the first floor, located above the base, waterproofing is laid directly on the base to protect against moisture (film). During installation, protect the ceiling structures from possible exposure to rain. When the ceiling is open, holes must be made in it for the drainage of water.
  • Recommended max. center distance between racks: min. the recommended plate thickness is 15 mm. 18 mm. 22 mm. Center distance between racks - 300 mm. 400 mm. 600 mm. 800 mm.

Note Center distances between uprights are indicative. Dimensioning is carried out taking into account the length of the slab and a certain exact value of the load on the slab.

10. Floor constructions on the bearing crate

The installation principles are the same as in the case of ceiling installation. When installing the boards, first lay a soundproof layer on the supporting bars (pillows) to absorb the sound of footsteps.

11. Designs of "floating" floors

Structures of "floating" floors OSB OSB OSB The floor structure consists of one OSB slab (OSB, OSB), "comb-groove" thickness. 18 - 22 mm or from two plates (recommended) thickness. 12 - 18 mm (min. 9 mm). The distribution surface of the floor can consist of a single OSB slab, for floors that do not have high requirements for dimensional stability, or in cases where no concentrated load is expected (in places above the tongue-and-groove joint). Otherwise, use a two- or multi-layer floor structure.

  • The slabs are laid on sound insulation to absorb the sound of footsteps (rigid mineral wool or polystyrene mats intended for use in floor constructions).
  • Separate layers of plates are laid in mutually perpendicular directions and connected by gluing along the surface or by screws.
  • When using screws, we recommend connecting the boards in both directions or laying an intermediate layer between them (extruded microporous polyethylene or PSUL sealing tape) to prevent possible creaking. OSB-2 and OSB-3 are manufactured as structural boards with the appropriate permitted tolerances. Therefore, they can be used as a base for a classic parquet floor.

12. General recommended principles for the creation of structures for external and internal load-bearing walls

OSB boards OSB OSPOSB OSB OSB Installation

  • OSB boards used for walls are mounted vertically or horizontally.
  • When installing load-bearing walls, it is recommended to use boards that correspond in length to the height of the walls (to facilitate the determination of the required dimensions and the installation of boards).
  • When installing plates horizontally, it is necessary to place strips of plates or stiffeners under all joints and free edges.
  • The slabs can be fitted with a wooden frame structure on one or both sides.
  • Plates are allowed to be mounted on the outer and inner sides of load-bearing walls.

Dilatation gaps

To prevent possible water absorption, the expansion gap between the frame and the concrete foundation must be at least 25 mm wide. Expansion gaps can be formed by installing the entire wooden structure on wedge pads, and the entire gap under the carrier wooden frame fill cement mortar. If the frame is installed directly on the foundation, then it is necessary to provide its chemical protection and raise the plates above the foundation level to a height of at least 25 mm. An expansion gap of at least 3 mm wide must be left between the walls and along the perimeter of door and window openings.

fasteners Nails with a length of 2.5 times the thickness of the slab, at least 50 mm, if possible, with a spiral or grooves. Screws with a length of 2.5 times the thickness of the board, at least 45 mm (recommended screws with a minimum size of 4.2 x 45 mm).

Nails are hammered at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge of the slab, in load-bearing walls - at a distance exceeding 7 times the diameter of the fastening material (at least 20 mm). - 625 mm.

Thermal and waterproofing boards

As an additional heat and sound insulation, it is recommended to use mineral wool from the front side. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the method of fastening this facade system. When using slabs for wall cladding on the outside, the diffusion resistance of the slab to the penetration of water vapor must be taken into account. On the other hand, slabs mounted on the inside of the wall can serve as a structural element with diffusion resistance (provided that the joints of the slabs and structural elements are sealed with appropriate insulating tape). When using tongue-and-groove plates, the tape can be replaced by gluing the tongue in the groove with glue (PUR, PVA). The junction of the lower edge of the wooden structure with the foundation must be covered with a protective waterproofing compound (for example, based on bitumen emulsions). Recommended max. center distance between individual fasteners (nails, screws) Plate thickness; 9 - 12 mm. 12 - 15 mm. 15 - 22 mm. At the edges of the plate; 100 mm. 125 mm. 150 mm. On the surface of the plate; 200 mm. 250 mm. 300 mm. For load-bearing walls, the center distance between fasteners is determined by static analysis. 13.

Mounting plates Before starting the installation of slabs on the roof structure, it is necessary to check the location of the rafters in the axes, whether they have a curvature and distinctive dimensions. Curved and other sized rafters adversely affect the properties and appearance roofs. The slabs are connected in such a way that the faces perpendicular to the longitudinal axis lie on supports (rafters, slats, etc.) along their entire length. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the location of the rafters in modules with a span of 833 mm or 625 mm. In the case of a different or longer span (> 833 mm), in order to improve the surface of the roof structure, it is necessary to choose the option with longitudinal battens or boards 80 - 100 mm wide.

Using rails mounted with a pitch (in axes) of 417 or 625 mm, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the thickness of the slab (depending on the load). Plates with an even edge Between the plates there must be an expansion gap 3 mm wide. To level the roof surface and accelerate the temperature equalization of the slabs, it is recommended to strengthen the longitudinal edges of the slabs with steel H-shaped brackets.

Tongue-and-groove plates

To strengthen the roof structure and increase the diffusion resistance of the structural layer, glue the edges with glue (eg PUR, PVA). Fasteners Nails with a length of 2.5 times the thickness of the board, i.e. 50 - 75 mm, if possible, with a spiral or grooves, galvanized or stainless steel, with a diameter of at least 3 mm. Screws with a length of 2.5 times the thickness of the slab, but not less than 45 mm (recommended screws with a size of at least 4.2 x 45 mm). Nails are hammered at a distance exceeding 7 times the diameter of the fixing material, but not less than 20 mm.

Environmental influences (temperature and humidity)

The boards are used in the roof structure as a material with diffusion resistance. In rooms with normal air humidity of 50% (residential and office premises, etc.), they can be used in structures without a vapor barrier, provided that the expansion gaps of the boards are sealed with an appropriate insulating tape or gluing tongue-and-groove joints.

Environmental protection

Recommended max. center distance between individual posts and fasteners: Center distance between rafters; 600 mm. 800 mm. 1000 mm. Min. recommended plate thickness; 12 mm. 15 mm. 18 mm. Recommended distance between fasteners on the plane of the slab and the edge of the slab; 150 mm. Roof slope 40° or more - 150 Roof slope 30° - 40° - 200 Roof slope

Note. Dimensions are determined based on the adjusted value of the static load on the slabs. Boards that have been exposed to water (e.g. rain) must be dried before installation and roofing. The plate has a slippery smooth surface. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the safety of installers when working on slabs mounted at an angle. When carrying out installation work on the roof, it is necessary to strictly observe the safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards established for work at height.

14. General principles of storage and warehousing of OSB boards (OSB, OSB)

OSB storage (OSB, OSB)

  • For storage of plates it is most convenient to provide a closed storage room with good ventilation.
  • It is also possible to store the slabs under a canopy in such a way that they are not exposed to the risk of atmospheric precipitation.
  • If it is not possible to store under a canopy, it is necessary to prepare a flat horizontal surface and provide insulation from the ground with a layer of film, as well as wrap the pallet with film.

OSB storage OSB OSB OSB storage (OSB, OSB)

OSB boards (OSB, OSB) must be laid flat on a flat surface. OSB boards (OSB, OSB) should not be in contact with the ground to avoid possible contact with water. The ideal base is a plank or slatted pallet. In addition, OSB boards (OSB, OSB) can be carefully laid on wooden slats of the same thickness, the distance between the slats should not exceed 600 mm. Storage of OSB OSB OSB Incorrect laying can lead to deformation and damage of OSB boards (OSB, OSB). When placing several packs one above the other, the wooden slats must be in the same vertical plane. OSB boards (OSB, OSB) with limited space can be laid on the edge. In this case, the slabs must not come into contact with the ground and must be supported by a special rack. OSB OSB OSB Protection OSB (OSB, OSB) The top of the packs must be covered with a protective panel to prevent mechanical damage.

If the plates are outdoors, they must be protected with a moisture-proof coating. Protection during transportation OSB (OSB, OSB) During transportation, OSB boards must be protected from atmospheric precipitation. Humidity OSB (OSB, OSB) Like other wood-based boards, OSB boards (OSB, OSB) are hygroscopic and their dimensions change in response to changes in humidity. Changing the amount of moisture in OSB boards (OSB, OSB) can lead to changes in the size of the boards, and this can cause problems during the operation of the boards. A 1% change in moisture content will generally increase or decrease the length, width and thickness of different grades of OSB (OSB, OSB).

What is OSB, their advantages and disadvantages, varieties of oriented strand boards and the rules for their selection, technology for mounting panels on logs and concrete base, decorative features.

Pros and cons of OSB flooring

Every year the demand for OSB boards is growing, which is not surprising, because the material has the following advantages:
  • High level of panel strength. It is achieved due to the fact that in different layers of the board the chips are perpendicular. With the right choice of tile thickness, the structure will be able to withstand large power loads.
  • Lightweight panels. The standard weight of a whole board is no more than 20 kilograms. Such material can be lifted independently, you do not have to hire a special team.
  • The structure is resilient and flexible, which allows you to bend the boards without fear that they will break. This is very handy if you want to make OSB floors with rounded or other shapes, as well as when working with uneven surfaces.
  • The panels have a high degree of moisture resistance. This effect is achieved through the treatment of boards with resins. When compared with other wooden building materials, this board will be less deformed when in contact with water or moisture.
  • OSB is convenient and easy to work with. Panels can be installed using simple construction tools - saws, drills and screwdrivers. The cuts are even, no additional processing is required for them. On the OSB, various fasteners are well fixed - nails and self-tapping screws. Installation of plates will not take much time.
  • The material has high performance in thermal insulation. Since OSB boards contain more than 90% natural wood chips, they perform the function of floor insulation. Therefore, such a floor covering will not allow heat to quickly evaporate and will maintain a stable temperature in the room.
  • OSB provide a good level of sound insulation. The panels are multi-layered, thanks to which they absorb any noise well.
  • Resistant to chemicals due to resin treatment.
  • Particle boards are environmentally friendly. They are impregnated with special solutions that will not allow fungus or mold to form on the boards.
  • OSB panels are budget and affordable.
  • OSB flooring perfectly levels the surface. The slabs can be installed on a wooden or concrete floor, while creating an even surface on which the main finishing material can already be laid on top.
  • They have a stylish color "under the tree", so that they do not require additional design processing.
There are not many shortcomings in the material. Of these, the following can be noted: when cutting plates, it is necessary to work in a mask or respirator, since wood chips and dust are harmful to the respiratory organs. Moreover, some types of low-quality panels can release dangerous carcinogens when working with them.

In addition, an OSB subfloor may contain a synthetic substance such as phenol. But in the last few years, manufacturers have been actively solving this problem and are switching to the production of formaldehyde-free panels. Such material is considered absolutely safe for human health. On its packaging you will find the label "Eco" or "Green".

The main types of OSB for the floor

OSB is a panel consisting of three layers of wood chips, which are pressed and glued in production with a waterproof resin. The direction of the chips inside the boards alternate: first along, then perpendicularly. Thanks to this arrangement, the plates are strong and hold the elements of the fastening system well.

In construction work, several types of OSB are used:

  1. OSB-2. For such plates low level water resistance, so they are used only for interior decoration of dry rooms.
  2. OSB-3. These are universal boards. They are resistant to high humidity both indoors and outdoors. The material is very dense, so it is used in construction work any complexity.
  3. OSB-4 panels. The most durable and moisture resistant type of plates. Often they are used to create structures in rooms with high level humidity.

Features of the choice of OSB boards for the floor

The most versatile material for flooring in a residential area is OSB-3. It is recommended to choose products manufactured by Western European manufacturers. Such panels meet European quality standards and have a high density.

The thickness of the OSB floor slab can be different, but in order for the panels to retain heat well, perform soundproofing functions, and also level the surface, it is recommended to choose products with a thickness of eight to ten millimeters. When mounting boards on logs, the recommended thickness of the panels is 16-19 mm. OSP-3 boards can withstand various power loads and people's movements well.

To well level small defects in the flooring, it is enough to use a material ten millimeters thick. If the floor is with strong bumps and cracks, then 15-25 mm slabs will be required.

OSB is often used on the floor under linoleum, parquet, tile or laminate. This material serves as a high-quality and durable basis for a decorative coating.

Technology for mounting OSB boards on logs

The choice of material and floor design depends on the purpose of the room, its characteristics. As a rule, two main types of laying OSB boards are used - on logs and directly on a concrete screed.

Advantages and disadvantages of fastening OSB panels to logs

This version of the installation of the subfloor is quite simple, it can be done in a few days on your own. OSB panels are dense, resistant to crumbling, moisture resistant, not afraid of contact with biological and chemical substances and, most importantly, perfectly attached to the bars.

OSB joist floors are a great alternative to concrete screed. Such installation allows you to save money on building materials. In addition, the surface can be easily insulated, and the wiring of communications will not cause problems - they can simply be placed in the cracks between the wooden bars.

The advantages of laying OSB on logs include the fact that with their help the bases are perfectly leveled even with the sharpest drops themselves. It turns out a smooth surface, and the floor structure is not weighted. If some panels become unusable, they can be easily replaced.

Of the disadvantages of this installation method, it can only be noted that the whole structure turns out to be quite high, about 90-95 mm, and this will make the room lower.

Preparatory work before laying OSB on logs

The beginning of installation work is the preparation of the foundation. First of all, we inspect the floor for damage, cracks, chips, depressions, mold and mildew. If large defects are found, then they should be removed before laying the logs. Minor flaws can be left, since the height of the lags will hide them anyway.

Mold and fungus must be removed without fail. If this is not done, microorganisms will attack the logs, and eventually the OSB boards. This will lead to premature damage to the flooring. All debris from the floor surface should be removed.

Logs can be installed on the floor with a slope, but the maximum slope level should be 0.2%. To determine the angle, you must use a water level or a long building one. If too large slopes are found, they should be leveled with a self-levelling compound.

The procedure for installing lags on the floor

The dimensions of the bars for lags are always calculated according to individual measurements. In this case, the products must be of the same dimensions.

After they are prepared, proceed to the installation according to the following scheme:

  • We install wooden beams around the entire perimeter of the room, fix them at the same distance from each other - 40 centimeters.
  • The distance between the wall and the material should be no more than twenty centimeters.
  • We fasten the logs to the base of the floor with bolts or self-tapping screws.
  • The upper surfaces of the lags must be in a strictly horizontal plane. Their evenness should be periodically checked by the building level.
  • If the room is damp enough, then the bars must be treated with protective agents against mold and fungus.
  • If necessary, we put insulation in the gaps.

How to fix OSB on logs

For laying OSB panels on the floor, you will need construction tools such as a tape measure, a hammer, a water level, a jigsaw and a puncher. Also, for the installation process, prepare special fastening systems for woodworking and a nail puller.

Laying on the floor should be oriented strand boards with simple edges. Well, if they have grooves that will help fasten the panels together. To correctly calculate the required number of sheets, consider the fact that seven percent of the material will be lost during cutting.

Do-it-yourself OSB floors are easy to install according to the following instructions:

  1. The plates are laid across the lags.
  2. The seams between the panels should be minimal and go clearly in the center of the log. Between the OSB, you need to leave a distance of about two millimeters so that the floor does not deform over time and does not begin to creak.
  3. Between the OSB plate and the wall we leave a larger gap - 12 millimeters.
  4. We fix the panels to the beams by means of self-tapping screws or nails (ring, spiral).
  5. The step of the fasteners along the sheet should be about 15 millimeters. On additional supports - 30 millimeters.
  6. Fasteners that hold the plate around the perimeter are located at a distance of about 1 centimeter from the edge. This is necessary so that it does not crack.
  7. The length of self-tapping screws or nails should be 2.5 times greater than the thickness of the plate.
  8. The gaps formed between the walls and the rough flooring must be filled with building foam or mineral wool.
Thus, with the help of OSB boards laid on logs, it is possible to prepare a rough base for further laying parquet, tiles or carpet on it.

Laying OSB panels on a concrete screed

The procedure for installing OSB boards on a concrete floor is preceded by a preparatory stage. From the base it is necessary to remove debris and dust. In order for the adhesive to adhere well, the surface must be clean. The base is covered with a primer. It will help the glue to better adhere to the panels, and will also prevent the screed from “dusting” during operation.
  • The panels are laid out on the floor surface. If necessary, cut the OSB with a jigsaw or saw.
  • Next, apply glue to the inside of the plate. To spread the product evenly over the surface, use a notched trowel.
  • We glue the chipboards on the concrete base. Additionally, they can be fixed with the help of driven dowels, which should be placed every half a meter.
  • Between each plate we leave an expansion joint, two millimeters thick.
  • Between the walls in the room and wooden boards, the gap is no more than 13 mm. These seams are necessary so that during the operation of the coating no swelling occurs due to temperature and humidity changes.
  • The last step in installing OSB boards on the floor is cleaning the panels from debris. We also carry out the sealing of all the formed seams with the help of mounting foam. It dries in three to four hours. Remove excess foam from the coating with a sharp knife.

Decorative flooring made of OSB boards

After the installation of OSB boards on the floor is completely completed, you can start finishing the flooring. If you plan to leave such a floor as the main one, then as an option, the surface can be completely varnished or painted, and skirting boards can be installed around the perimeter.

No additional preparation of OSB for painting is required. It is only necessary to clean the floor of dust and cover it with a couple of layers of varnish or paint. This can be done with a roller or a sprayer. Hard to reach places should be painted over with a brush.

There are panels that are more expensive, but they are already available with a glossy finish. Finishing such a coating will be very simple: just ennoble the perimeter of the room with a plinth - and that's it, the floor is ready for use.

If you are laying roll materials on top of the plates, for example, carpet or linoleum, then make sure that all the joints between the OSB panels are flush with the entire surface and do not protrude anywhere. Any small irregularities can be removed with sanding paper. Compensation gaps must be filled with elastic sealant.

For laying over OSB laminate, it is not necessary to prepare the panels. Small unevenness at the joints will be leveled by the substrate.

How to lay OSB on the floor - look at the video:

Installation of OSB boards is a way to inexpensively and efficiently level a concrete base. And if there is a need, then create a floor from scratch, fixing the panels on the logs. Such a coating does not need expensive finishing or impregnation with moisture-resistant solutions, and you can even lay it yourself.

Many floor coverings require a level base. One of options- OSB floor. It can be done on logs, on a subfloor, put on concrete. It is only necessary to choose the right class, material thickness and follow the installation rules.

OSB is a sheet finishing and building material. The given name is made up of the first letters of the full name: oriented strand board. That is how it is deciphered. But there is also the name OSB and the Latin OSB (sometimes they also say USB, but this is from a completely different opera - this is a type of port in computer technology). The Latin name is the first letters of the English name Oriented Strand Board. The translation is the same as Russian name. And the OSB variant is just a transliteration (replacing Latin letters with Russian ones) from the English abbreviation. Both options are legitimate, but more correctly, after all, the OSB.

Composition and properties

OSB is made from long chips (6-9 cm) coniferous trees, which is mixed with resins and synthetic wax. The percentage of binders is low - 5-10% of the total mass. Small chips and wood dust from raw materials for OSB should be removed. This increases the strength and flexibility of the material, but increases its cost. Therefore, more expensive material of the same brand may be more practical.

What is OSB (OSB) - material from wood chips with resins

It is the binders - wax and resin - that give increased moisture resistance to the material. In the basic version, this sheet material already comes with increased moisture resistance (better tolerates moisture than, say, moisture-resistant plywood). Waterproof OSB has almost zero water absorption. On the one hand, this is good. Such material serves as protection against moisture penetration. On the other hand, not so much. There is no way to remove moisture from the room if the humidity has become high.

To increase strength and elasticity, the material is made multilayer. This can be seen on the cut and ends of the plate. In the outer layers, the chips are placed along the long side of the slab, in the inner layers - across. This makes it much stronger. In addition to increased strength and water resistance, the properties of OSB are as follows:

  • Doesn't rot.
  • Almost does not swell in water, after drying retains its shape.
  • Not affected by fungi and mold.
  • It burns badly.
  • High degree of elasticity.
  • Good sound insulation performance.
  • Easy to cut.
  • You can paint with any paint, use varnish.
  • Sheets can be glued.

All these properties, coupled with low cost, make this material popular. What can limit demand is the release of formaldehyde. This substance is contained both in the wood itself (natural content) and in the binder. For indoor use, choose materials with formaldehyde emission class no higher than E1. This is an absolutely safe material that can be used even for children's and medical institutions.

Classes, sizes, markings

OSB was invented in Canada, gradually appeared on the market in other countries. With a low weight, the material has high strength, which makes it popular in frame construction. There are two classifications of OSB boards. According to European EN 300, there is a division into four classes, which differ in the degree of water resistance:

The third class is the most commonly used. It has a sufficient level of strength and moisture resistance, both for indoor and outdoor use. If you want to make a floor from OSB, look at the slabs of this class. If you prefer to have a margin of safety, put the fourth class. But it's not easy to find it. Due to the high cost, it is produced infrequently.

OSB plywood - classes and their main characteristics

Sometimes in our market you can find an American oriented particle board. They have a different classification. It can be approximately correlated with the European one as follows:

  • Interior roughly corresponds to OSB2. Can be used for internal works in dry rooms.
  • Exposure 1 - similar in characteristics to OSB3. Withstand damp conditions for a short time, so they can be used in damp rooms or for exterior finish subject to the subsequent installation of a moisture-resistant finish.
  • Exterior - an analogue of OSB4 for sheathing the frame from the outside.

With the American and Canadian OSB (OSB), everything is also clear. If you want to make a floor from OSB, take Exposure 1. By the way, it is usually of better quality than domestic.

Which is better - OSB or plywood, OSB or fiberboard

About which of the sheet materials is better, we will talk about the use of OSB (OSB) for the floor. If we compare fiberboard and oriented strand board, then it is better to take the last material on the floor. It is less heavy, more flexible. Compared to plywood, it is cheaper. In general, it is difficult to compare with plywood, since this material, depending on the technology (glued or bakelite) and the source wood (coniferous or birch), has very different characteristics.

What can be said for sure:

  • Fasteners in OSB hold better. By 25% when compared with softwood plywood, and by the same amount when compared with fibreboard.
  • When moisture gets in, OSB almost does not swell. After keeping in water for 24 hours, its dimensions increase by no more than 10%. In this she clearly better than plywood and chipboard.
  • After drying, plywood and fiberboard delaminate, begin to crumble. For OSB, this is not observed. It dries up and looks exactly the same as before.

Based on these properties, the OSB floor will be more reliable. Water on the floor is not uncommon. So this is important. And formaldehyde is present in plywood and chipboard. And it can also be neutralized using a VASILOL primer. It absorbs formaldehyde and partially binds styrene. For complete safety, you can add STYRODET, which absorbs styrene. An additional advantage is the complete incombustibility of the material - this is very important for wooden and frame houses.

OSB floor by joists: sheet thickness and lag installation step

When arranging the floor along the logs, it is not necessary to lay boards on them. You can use sheet material. As an option - an OSB floor along the lags. The thickness of the sheet is selected depending on the installation step of the support: the more often the timber stands, the smaller the thickness of the plate is required:

  • Step lag 40-42 cm, the plate must be at least 15 mm thick. If a high load is planned, 18 mm is better.
  • Logs are installed after 50 cm, the thickness of the plate should be 20-22 mm.
  • The beam is fixed in increments of 60 cm, OSB is laid with a thickness of 23-25 ​​mm.
  • If a draft floor lies on the logs, sheets 10-12 mm thick can be laid on top.

We select a specific value from the range depending on the planned load. For example, for a summer residence, where massive furniture is not expected, you can take it thinner (from the fork that is given for each step of laying the lag). For a permanent residence, it is better to take a thicker one than to think later how to eliminate sagging.

As you understand, any of the options can be implemented - with any distance between the lags. How to choose? For reasons of economy. Consider the price. In terms of strength and reliability, they will be equivalent, but the price may differ. Each region has its own situation with prices for materials. Somewhere nearby they produce slabs, somewhere you can buy timber inexpensively. So consider each of the options and, based on the calculations, make a choice.

What else can be guided by when choosing a lag step? The dimensions of the OSB sheet - the joint of the plates should fall on the beam. Therefore, the distance between them is selected so that both plates rest on the beam.

What height should be the logs under the OSB? Depends on what properties the floor should have. If you need additional insulation and sound insulation, then appropriate materials can be laid in the gaps. In this case, the height of the lag is selected depending on the thickness of the materials. If you are making an OSB floor along the logs in the apartment, for sound insulation, it is worth putting a piece of vibration-damping foam rubber under each log. Stick the same gaskets on the ends that go to the walls. Rubber can be bought at auto shops, it is sold in strips glued to a sheet. Several of these strips with glue on the bottom of each support beam. This will help to make you almost inaudible to the neighbors below, and will also significantly attenuate the noise that is transmitted through the concrete structures.

OSB laying: installation rules

Although OSB does not change dimensions slightly, there is still thermal and moisture expansion. Therefore, when laying sheets indoors, we observe the following rules:

Under soft coverings (linoleum, carpet, vinyl tiles), the seams must be filled. To maintain the elasticity of the joint, an elastic sealant is used, which, after drying, “does not harden”.

How and how to attach OSB to logs and boards

When attaching OSB plywood to the joists, you can use self-tapping screws or rough nails. For greater reliability, fasteners are sometimes lubricated with glue (universal). Which is better, nails or screws?

So it is more reliable and convenient to mount the OSB on high-quality self-tapping screws. But this is if there are no restrictions on time and price.

Fasteners are installed around the perimeter of the sheet and in intermediate beams (if any). The step is not standardized. Focus on feelings. But the obligatory fixation of the corners, and then, along the long side, they put fasteners in increments of 40-60 cm.

Features of laying OSB on a wooden floor

If there is a plank floor that you want to cover with another floor covering, you need to level it. To do this, sheet building or Decoration Materials. One option is OSB. You can put a not too thick sheet on the boards - 10-12 mm is already enough.

First, the boards are leveled, eliminating irregularities. Then OSB boards are laid. They are positioned so that the long side runs across the boards. The laying rules are the same as described above. The joints of the sheets should fall on the board, preferably in its middle.

If some other material is already lying on the logs - boards, plywood, fiberboard - you can put OSB on top. In this case, the sheets must be positioned so that the seams of the lower layer do not coincide with the joints of the upper.

OSB on concrete floor

Concrete is a solid base, but very cold. And the usual screed is rarely perfectly even, so it needs to be leveled. Sometimes, over time, cracks appear in the screed. They also need to be sealed, since it is not worth laying a finish coating on such a base. There are two ways. The first is to lay logs on concrete, fill the gap with insulation, and lay OSB or other sheet material on top. This option is correct, and it is described above. But sometimes even those 5-8 centimeters cannot be stolen from a height, since the ceilings in the rooms are low. Then you can do it wrong - lay the OSB directly on the concrete.

Laying OSB slabs on a concrete floor is not quite the right definition. Rather, do not lay, but glue. Acrylic adhesive is used (not for tiles, but simply mounting universal adhesive). When choosing a composition, pay attention that it is compatible with concrete and wood, and brands may be different.

How to glue OSB on concrete

The glue is applied to the base, passed with a notched trowel with a tooth of 4-6 mm (more is possible, but the glue consumption will be large). The height of the tooth depends on the size of the irregularities that are present. The height of the tooth should be 2 times greater than the amplitude of the irregularities. But such an alignment will work only if the difference is not more than 4 mm. With more significant irregularities, it is necessary either to fill in the leveling screed, or to grind the existing one, removing the most significant protrusions.

Before laying OSB, concrete is primed. You can use the same glue diluted with water, you can use other acrylic primer. If necessary, you can find a primer with water-repellent properties.

The plates are not placed close to the walls, but leaving a gap of 5-8 mm to compensate for thermal expansion. The same gap is left between the plates. So that there is no empty space around the perimeter, a foam plastic of suitable thickness is rolled out under the wall or cut into strips.

To make it easier to maintain the gaps between the plates, you can use gaskets of suitable thickness. As an option - crosses for laying tiles. After laying each sheet, be sure to check its horizontalness, control the level with neighboring sheets. They must all be at the same height.

If in the future there will be a soft floor covering (linoleum, carpet, vinyl tiles), the seams must be sealed. They are filled with elastic sealant.

Note! It is important that the sealant remains elastic after drying. Then he will act as a compensator. Otherwise, it will just crumble.

OSB as a floor finish

Sometimes there is not enough money for finishing flooring. In this case, the OSB floor can be left without finishing for some time. But if the slab is not covered with anything, in places of intensive use, the chips can bulge. To prevent this from happening, it should be varnished in several layers. Varnish choose at your discretion, but keep in mind that there must be at least two layers. The view is quite normal, although not "luxury".

The consumption of varnish on the OSB floor is very large. The plate does not absorb moisture, but the varnish goes like a sponge. To reduce consumption, it is better to prime the chipboard first. Choose a primer for the selected varnish. And it is better to cover with soil twice. The consumption of varnish will still be large, but much lower than without impregnation.

One more moment. If you are using unsanded OSB, the surface may be uneven. This is typical for not very high-quality plates. If you varnish it without preparation, a lot of varnish will go away. If there is a grinder, sandpaper with medium or fine grain, you can remove the protruding parts, walk with a vacuum cleaner, then a primer and then varnish. If there is no grinder, when buying plates, pay no attention to the quality of the surface. If possible, take, after all, polished OSB.