Projects of beautiful frame houses with a garage. Frame house with garage

  • 03.03.2020

Projects frame houses with a garage are in high demand among private developers. After all, according to financial costs and labor intensity, such projects are the most economical, and the presence of a parking space significantly increases the level of comfort. For example, a one-story frame cottage with a garage will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than a brick one of the same size.

Features of frame buildings

Principle frame technology lies in the fact that a rack-and-beam structure is being built from wood, and the walls are filled with economical thermal insulation materials. Modern frame structure multilayer. The basis of the walls is a wooden frame, along which sheathing is carried out on both sides (DSP, chipboard, OSB or wood), and insulation.

Advantages of frame housing construction:

  • A small one does not require a massive foundation, usually a cheap columnar foundation is enough. In the case of a two-story building, you need.
  • The use of wood as the main material for construction allows you to reduce the load on the foundation. However, there are problems of fire safety of the building.
  • It is possible to use any type of heating, but taking into account fire safety. Helps reduce the risk of fire treatment wooden parts special substances - flame retardants enhancing fire retardant properties. Non-combustible materials should be used as thermal insulation.
  • frame houses with an extension are practically not subject to shrinkage, so you can immediately proceed to finishing exterior and interior walls. Most often for exterior finish choose siding, plaster or lining.

They try not to do a cement screed in such houses, so as not to increase the load on the foundation. In addition, good insulation is required. wooden structures from wet processes.

At any stage of operation, you can make a residential or economic extension to the frame house with your own hands, expanding the area and building capabilities.

Projects of frame houses with a garage

If you are just planning to build a frame house, then immediately choose a project with a garage, even if the family does not yet have a car. This is much more profitable than building a separate garage later or attaching it to a previously built house. In the general building, it is easier to organize heating, lighting and ventilation in the garage.

How to add a garage to your house

Attaching a garage to an existing house is possible in the following ways:

  • Organization of an entrance from the street without the possibility of getting into the garage from the main building. This is the most safe way, but in this case, you will have to give up a certain convenience.
  • An extension, which is supposed to be entered both from the street and from the house. In this option, at the entrance from the main building, a ventilated vestibule, which will protect the house from noise and exhaust gases.
  • Construction of a carport. Sufficient protection from precipitation, saving money and land area. It is better if there is a wall covering the parking space from the direction of precipitation.

The minimum pressure on the ground allows you to attach the garage to the frame house in close proximity without the risk of subsidence and deformation of the base. The foundation for the extension does not have to be the same as that of the main building. For small garages, columnar or strip foundation. Walls can be built using the same frame technology. An equally popular option is the walls of foam blocks.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden garage

A garage made of timber or other wooden material is not common. But if we are talking about building a garage and a frame house with our own hands, this option is quite acceptable.

A wooden extension has the following positive properties:

  • affordable cost;
  • the possibility of building with your own hands;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of attaching to any building, it does not have to be a frame house;
  • low operating costs;
  • environmental friendliness of the material (wood);
  • wooden garage fit the simplest - columnar.

However, wooden buildings have significant shortcomings:

  • the risk of fire is higher than in other types of houses;
  • the tree absorbs moisture, with poor ventilation, this can cause mold;
  • poor sound insulation of walls and ceilings;
  • attraction for rodents and pests.

Pros and cons of building a garage from foam blocks

The most popular material, which is most often chosen by private developers for attaching to a cottage, is foam blocks. To build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands, you do not need special equipment and experience in construction. In addition, the cost of a block structure is often lower than the cost of construction from other materials.

The extension of the garage from foam blocks has many advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness (in second place after the tree);
  • ease of drilling and processing;
  • decay resistance.

In addition, it is important to know what disadvantages are inherent in a foam block garage:

  • Fragility. On the one hand, due to the fragility of the block, it is easy to process, on the other hand, this can lead to cracks.
  • The foam block extension shrinks by 2-3 mm per meter, so you will have to wait at least six months for finishing.
  • High water absorption of foam blocks.

Frame house with garage and attic wooden materials more appropriate than from foam blocks. Such a building has a more harmonious appearance, although the difference can always be hidden by exterior decoration.

Do-it-yourself frame garage construction

Examples of frame houses with a garage can be easily found on the Internet. The main question is how to build such a structure correctly.

Construction stages

The main and attached buildings transmit different loads to the ground, as a result of which the buildings can move relative to each other. It follows from this that the attachment of the extension to the wall of the main building should not be rigid. For this, an expansion joint is provided, which, roughly speaking, is a gap between the house and the garage.

In the construction of an extension with your own hands distinguish the following stages:

  1. Foundation preparation.
  2. Building a foundation.
  3. Roof device.
  4. Frame sheathing.
  5. Gate installation.
  6. Interior decoration.

Foundation preparation and foundation pouring

First of all, it is necessary to remove the vegetative layer of soil (about 15 cm). Then the site for the construction of a frame garage is leveled and broken down. The main task of laying out the foundation is to determine the location of the axes of the attached structure. To fix the axles on the ground, wooden stakes are usually used.

Further, a foundation pit is dug out according to the shape of the foundation, on the bottom of which a mixture of sand and gravel is poured, and then a layer of rubble. The minimum height of the layer of sand and gravel cushion and rubble is 15 cm, but not more than 25 cm. For the foundation of an extension to the house, a depth of up to 60 cm is sufficient.

A formwork is installed around the perimeter of the excavated foundation pit. Then from reinforcing bars frame is formed and concrete solution is poured.

After the foundation is erected, the strapping is done. The lower trim of the extension is made of boards 100x50 millimeters. For garage doors and corner posts, you can use a bar with a section of 100x100 millimeters. Vertical racks are installed in increments of 60 cm, which avoids difficulties when laying insulation. The step of the rafters and the floor lag is also taken equal to 60 cm. Top harness done in the same way as below.

Roof device

For the roof of an extension to the house, boards of 100x25 millimeters are suitable. On the outer wall they support the Mauerlat, to which the rafters are attached. Then the waterproofing is laid and the crate is installed on top of it.

When laying the rafters, you need to make a joint between the roof of an existing house and the garage roof. For this, the extension rafters are attached to rafter system roofs of an earlier building.

To cover the roof during the construction of an extension with your own hands, you should use flexible materials (corrugated board with a section height of less than 10 mm, soft tiles).

Frame sheathing

Any frame structure must be reliably protect from moisture. Used for sheathing sheet materials, siding, lining or edged boards. Ideally, you need to buy the same material as for the facade of the house.

Gate installation

Most often for a garage from wooden frame choose swing gates. To save space and convenience, you can install a lifting type gate. For example, automatic sectional-lifting or up-and-over doors.

Interior decoration

The most common option used to finish the walls of the garage from the inside is plasterboard sheathing. Suitable here GKLVO- Moisture resistant drywall sheets with fire protection. They are recognizable by their grey-green color and red markings.

Drywall walls can be finished with any suitable material, for example, plaster with decorative compounds or paint.

Video: frame garage construction technology

Frame houses are gaining more and more attention in the construction market. And buildings with a built-in garage in terms of functionality and convenience are not inferior to stone cottages. The Sayala Dom company from Pestovo invites you to take a closer look at the projects of such houses and their advantages. Here you will find conveniently planned buildings with excellent characteristics of heat, sound and moisture insulation.

Advantages of frame houses

We build turnkey frame houses with a garage. These are lightweight buildings made of wooden parts that are quickly and easily erected. With a sufficient layer of insulation, they are suitable for permanent residence in all latitudes of Russia. Their benefits include:

You can buy a house with a garage for year-round use or order its project from Sayala Dom. In summer, it will be cool in it, because the tree “breathes”, and in winter it will be warm due to a sufficient layer of insulation.

Benefits of an in-house garage

Projects of frame houses with a garage are beneficial both in functional and economic terms. Their main advantages:

  • the garage is on the same level with the house and is connected to it by a passage door or vestibule;
  • the car room does not freeze through due to the expanded heating network;
  • saving the space of the site due to the "merging" of two buildings into one;
  • increased protection of the car due to the close proximity of the garage to the living quarters.

The cost of a frame house with a garage depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house itself and outbuildings, the number of floors and finishes. To clarify the price of the project, contact the consultants.

Frame houses for permanent residence with a garage from Sayal

We are building on a turnkey basis. This means that you do not need to constantly be on site and monitor work processes. Every day we will provide a report on the construction stage for your peace of mind. Benefits that you will receive from cooperation with us:

  • we have own production, where we harvest lumber, including timber for frames;
  • we work not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region;
  • transportation of blanks over a distance of up to 500 km is free;
  • favorable cost of construction according to standard projects and individual developments;
  • we change projects from the catalog according to your desires for free.

You can view projects and prices on the pages of the catalog. Photos and descriptions will help you make the right choice. For consultation with a specialist and ordering construction, call us by phone or write to the mail. We will build your dream home!

A house and a garage in a single complex provide clear advantages over two separate buildings.

  • First of all, it is a lower cost of construction.
  • Saving the area of ​​​​the site, the compactness of the structure.
  • In such a garage, it is much easier and cheaper to arrange heating.
  • The ability to access the garage directly from home, the convenience of technical rooms.

For obvious reasons, the cost of a frame house with a garage is significantly lower than the price of two separate buildings. Savings come from adjacent walls, a common foundation, and simpler roofing. The whole building turns out to be compact, and this is clearly seen in the photo of such objects. In Moscow, construction sites are never too large, and saving space will not be superfluous.

It is much easier to carry out heating and lighting in a shared garage with the house. At the same time, less fuel will be spent on heating the garage, since it is enclosed in a common insulation circuit. Often the projects of such cottages provide for an additional entrance to the garage directly from the living quarters, which is not only convenient, but also contributes to overall safety.

Why frame?

Frame technology has a number of advantages over traditional construction. First of all, a frame house with a garage will cost less than bricks, blocks, etc.

There are several ways to save money here:

  • the use of lightweight columnar or pile foundations;
  • relatively low material consumption of construction;
  • low transport costs and the cost of lifting equipment;
  • saving on labor costs and short construction time.

The technology itself involves the implementation of a set of works in the shortest possible time. In this case, turnkey construction does not misfire and eliminates the appearance of long-term construction. Frame houses with a turnkey garage are completely finished buildings that do not require insulation and finishing. V frame walls insulation is immediately laid, and the inner and outer skins are designed in such a way as to create an optimal temperature and humidity regime in the walls themselves.

Cottages with a garage from SK-Posad

The SK-Posad company offers design and construction of frame cottages in Pestovo and the Moscow region. We can order the creation of houses with a variety of configurations. Projects and prices of cottages are displayed on the website. Each project can be evaluated appearance, as well as his floor plans, which give a good idea of ​​the layout of the building.

We provide a range of services related to the construction of frame houses, from design to commissioning. We can choose a draft, architectural design, projects of individual engineering systems or full set documentation, which takes into account all the details of the upcoming construction. In any case, we guarantee the high quality of our services.

Today individual and standard projects frame houses with a garage and a terrace, as well as cottages, are in demand more than ever. The reason for everything is the cheapness of such buildings. For example, the cost of a one-story frame cottage with a terrace and a garage is 3-4 times lower than the cost of a brick cottage of a similar area and design. The same can be said about two-story cottages with a terrace. The article will give examples of adding a garage to a frame house made of various materials.

Features of frame houses

The frame cottage is, in fact, the frame itself, which, as it is built, is sheathed with heat-insulating materials and fiberboards (most often OSB).

Among the main features of such houses are the following:

V Western Europe usually build frame houses with a garage for two cars at once
  1. Usually, a reinforced strip foundation is equipped under a frame cottage (if we are talking about two-story buildings, this is a must). However, if it comes to a small one-story building, then a cheaper columnar foundation can be used;
  2. The house is completely wooden, which, on the one hand, allows the foundation to be loaded to a minimum, on the other hand, good fire safety of such an object must be ensured. By the way, ready-made drawings and photos of such cottages can be easily found today on the net;
  3. Window installation, cutting doorways should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house;
  4. You can heat a panel frame house with anything, the main thing is to ensure fire safety. It’s worth saying right away: even under the condition that the walls of the house are treated with a special refractory compound, a frame house from a small hearth can flare up like a match. This, perhaps, will be its main drawback;
  5. For interior and exterior decoration, it is not recommended to use heavy Decoration Materials type of natural and artificial stone. If the house is two-story, then on the second floor cement screed doing is prohibited;
  6. The design of a house with a terrace allows you to attach any room to it, and not only wooden, but also any other (foam block extensions are popular. For example).

A reinforced strip foundation is usually installed under a frame residential building.

Ways to add a garage to a frame house

If the initial drawings and projects of the house did not provide for a garage or a carport, then you should not worry: it is easy to make an extension to such houses.

Actually, there are 3 ways to add to the house:

As for the foundation for the extension, it is not at all necessary to make it the same as that of the main house. Even for a garage, a columnar foundation will be enough.

The base for the garage is built in the following way:

  1. A pit (pit) is dug, at the bottom of which you need to put a sand and gravel cushion, and then a quarry. A pillow is a mixture of sand and gravel in equal proportions. Booth is broken brick, glass, fittings and so on. The total layer of rubble with a sand and gravel cushion must be at least 15 centimeters, the maximum allowable level is 25 centimeters (this already depends on the depth of the foundation, but under the garage they usually dig a hole up to 0.6 meters deep, no more);
  2. A reinforcing frame is installed;
  3. Formwork is being formed;
  4. The foundation is poured with cement mortar.

Next comes the building of walls. the best way how to build them - using the same frame technology as the house itself. Today, drawings and photos of such projects can be seen by everyone - there will definitely be no problems with this.

An example of a project for a one-story frame house with a garage

The buta layer can be from 15 to 25 centimeters.

Pros and cons of a wooden garage

Garage made of timber or other type of wood building material is quite rare today. But if we are talking about a frame house, then a garage made of timber is quite acceptable there. A garage made of timber or other wooden building material has the following advantages:

Of course, wooden buildings have their own significant drawbacks:

  • a house made of timber with a built-in garage will be unsafe in terms of fire resistance;
  • it is quite difficult to find ready-made (standard) projects and drawings of wooden garages, even in the global network there are very few such photos, so it is unlikely that you will be able to find a project for free, you will have to order it from a design bureau).

Pros and cons of a foam block garage

The timber garage is in second place in popularity among the owners of frame houses. The first place rightfully belongs to foam blocks. Sometimes a timber garage can even cost several times more than a regular foam block garage, especially since both buildings are equally easy to build.

The main advantages of outbuildings from foam blocks are as follows:

Of the minuses, in fact, only two can be distinguished:

In general, for panel house a frame garage with an attic and a terrace would be preferable to foam blocks. At least for the simple reason that it will not spoil the overall aesthetic appearance of the building itself.

Cracks may appear inside the foam blocks over time - this is one of their main drawbacks.

On the other hand, with the help of finishing, the visual difference can simply be leveled. Drawings of frame houses with a terrace today can be found even on the Internet for free, and a ready-made drawing can simply be brought to the design office for approval. As for the cost, then everything is far from being so clear.

Scheme of an extension of a wooden garage to a frame house

On the one hand, a building made of foam blocks can cost much less than a wooden one (but not always, it is worth noting). On the other hand, panels for an extension can be purchased at the same time as a house kit, so the difference in cost can be covered in this way. In this case, everything should be decided individually.

Do-it-yourself frame garage construction

Drawings of frame buildings with a room for a car and a terrace are not a problem to find, as mentioned above. The main thing is to build such a structure correctly.

This work consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory work;
  2. Foundation laying;
  3. Assembly of the frame (the most important stage, as you might guess);
  4. Roof installation;
  5. sheathing;
  6. Gate installation;
  7. Interior decoration.

Preparatory work is the digging of a shallow hole for the foundation (up to 0.6 meters), in which it is necessary to install a sand and gravel cushion, which has already been discussed above. Level the “cushion with a vibrating plate”.

Project of a house with a garage and an attic

For frame building ideal option the foundation will be cement monolithic slab. When the trench is ready, you need to install the formwork, pour concrete mix and wait until the latter hardens. The next stage is the installation of the “skeleton”, the frame of the future structure.

The lower strapping of this is made of boards of 100x50 millimeters, and the boards must be treated with special antiseptics without fail.

For gates and corner posts, you can use boards with a section of 100x100 millimeters, for the rest of the building you need rafters and beams 100x50 millimeters. Fastening is carried out with nails and self-tapping screws.

It’s worth saying right away that such work will take 2-3 people for several days, alas, it will not work to quickly build the frame of the structure. For the roof, you can use boards measuring 100x25 millimeters, experts recommend using wavy boards for sheathing. roofing material bitumen type.

Bituminous sheets are a good option, not only because they are very cheap. They also provide high-quality waterproofing.

Arrangement of the roof of a wooden garage-extension

However, many people prefer to use corrugated board or metal tiles, since if they are used, it will not be necessary to adjust the sheets to size. High-quality drainage (drainage) must also be provided.

Still, any frame buildings need very good protection from moisture. For sheathing a structure, it is best to use lining, and lining can be taken of class “C” (it is inexpensive, it is easier to lay it because of its relative softness). For interior decoration is also an option.


You can watch a video that describes the project of a frame house with a garage.

Frame houses with a garage can solve two problems at once: provide a family with comfortable living quarters and provide an individual parking space for a car enthusiast.

In the company "Russian Building" you can order the construction of a frame house with a garage according to an individual project. We guarantee optimal timing and high quality of all works for which we give a guarantee for a period of 1 year. In addition, we provide free delivery of our products to the Ring Road and the Moscow Ring Road.

Advantages of frame houses from "Russian construction"

On the pages of our website, you can choose from many projects of houses that will become comfortable housing for both you and your car. By carefully considering the layouts, you are sure to choose the best option for your family. Frame houses, which are being actively built in Russia and abroad, have a number of characteristic features that made them popular:

  • Fast erection. Only 2-3 weeks are required for the construction of even the largest and most complex projects. At the same time, you can move to a new building immediately after the completion of work.
  • Insulation around the entire perimeter and special attention to the corners guarantee the preservation of heat in the house, which opens up luxurious prospects for saving on heating.
  • Acceptable rates. Frame houses are much cheaper than block and brick ones, while they are absolutely not inferior to them in terms of performance.
  • You will avoid additional costs for finishing facades, because wood paneling looks very aesthetic.

When ordering a frame house from us, you always have the opportunity to choose an individual layout or adjust an existing project at your discretion. The result of the construction will be the embodiment of your dream of comfortable and spacious housing.