Weak, uneven and excessive heating of the oven. The benefits and harms of infrared heaters Is battery heating harmful to health

  • 15.06.2019

harmless, unless of course it is made in the basement of unknown materials. But what a heater can do to the air can be really dangerous. And the danger here is the following - heaters dry the air. As you know, the level of humidity in the living room should be in the range from 40% to 60%. If the humidity level becomes less than 40%, i.e. the air becomes dry, then it becomes harmful to be in such a room.

Why is dry air dangerous? The main danger lies in the fact that the mucous membranes of the human body begin to dry out in dry air. The parched nasal mucosa ceases to perform its protective function, and the body becomes susceptible to infection by viruses, i.e. colds. In addition, the parched nasal mucosa does not retain dust, which is why it enters directly into the throat and lungs, often causing allergic reactions.

Sometimes dry air causes problems with the eyes. The eyes do not receive the necessary degree of hydration, due to which they become irritated, red and start to hurt. In addition, with dry air, oxygen saturation of the body worsens, with all the ensuing consequences.

But dry air is dangerous not only for humans. Furniture and other household items can also suffer. So, for example, wooden objects from large changes in humidity (in summer they are moistened, in winter they dry out) can warp, bend and even crack.

Which heaters are the most harmful? Fan heaters are the most harmful. Those. a heater, which is a plastic case with a rotating fan and a hot heating element. Such heaters are traditionally the cheapest, they heat the room very quickly, but they dry the air the most. And besides that, they still consume oxygen, which can lead to suffocation. Therefore, such heaters are not recommended for permanent use. Although this heater is very cheap and, at first glance, allows you to save money, but then you can spend more on medicines and in the end there will be no savings.

Oil coolers are a metal case filled with oil. Unlike fan heaters, oil coolers do not consume oxygen. And this is their great advantage. But they dry the air in the same way as fan heaters, and therefore, they are almost as harmful to health.

Convector heaters are more efficient than oil heaters, but due to the fact that the air in them passes through the heating element, they also reduce air humidity. Therefore, in terms of harmfulness, they are no better than oil coolers.

Infrared heaters do not dry the air. The infrared radiation of the heater heats the entire space around it. At the same time, there are no elements heating up to a high temperature in the heater, so the air does not dry out. This type of heater is considered the safest for humans.

How to deal with dry air? First of all, it is worth purchasing a special control and measuring device - a “psychrometric hygrometer”. It is inexpensive, but it allows you to constantly control the level of humidity in the room. If the device shows that the air humidity is less than 40%, then it's time to sound the alarm.

You can solve the problem of dry air in the following ways:

Replacing a "harmful" heater with a harmless one;

Periodic opening of windows and ventilation of premises;

Use of humidifiers.

The market offers a huge number of humidifiers, the meaning of which is to constantly saturate the air with water vapor. Some of them look stylish and can even serve as a room decoration. By the way, the most common aquarium with fish also moisturizes the air. Therefore, aquariums are recommended if there is a constant problem of dry air.

Today we will touch on one of the burning issues of our time - is an infrared heater harmful to a person?

Ever since man tamed fire, he has been able to heat his premises (albeit at first caves) in accordance with his desires. Now the winters seemed not so severe and were much easier to bear.

In our time, the idea of ​​using heaters has not changed much: we also strive to give the cold season more comfort than it can provide us. A number of technical inventions - heaters - cope with this task. They are various types actions, various shapes and sizes.

Let's talk about infrared heaters. There are many myths and misunderstandings around their harm or benefit. Let's try to find out for ourselves "with what they are eaten" and whether they are really so unhealthy, as they say in the media.

The principle of operation of an infrared heater

The idea of ​​creating an infrared heater was adopted from nature itself, namely from the Sun. This white-hot ball of gas and plasma sends into the universe not only billions of tons radioactive particles, but also thermal radiation waves. It reaches objects solar system, warms them, transferring the life-giving energy of the luminary. The principle of operation of an IR heater is not much different from the operation of the sun. Is that it is deprived of the ability to be a source of radioactive particles.

miracle rays

Electromagnetic waves come in various wavelengths. We see some of them (visible spectrum from red to purple), and the other, most of their range remains hidden from human eyes. Invisible are wavelengths shorter than violet (ultraviolet) and longer than red (infrared). The IR rays of interest to us are located between red visible light (wavelength 0.74 microns) and short-wave radio emission (1-2 mm).

It has been scientifically established that almost all the radiation contained in a heated solid body is located in this area. And only with an increase in temperature, the body begins to acquire a glow that is perceptible to the eye (red, white).

The infrared heater just acts as a heated body with a deflector that creates a concentrated beam of heat rays that do not come into contact with air. The degree of heating of the room depends on two design features: quality of the deflector and the temperature of the heated elements.

Varieties of IR heaters

comparison table infrared heaters

ViewPeculiarityTemperature of heated elementsNote
QuartzThe radiation is filtered by quartz glass.450-500 degreesThe safest for home heating.
HalogenInstead of a vacuum, a gas is used in the flask.2000 degreesGood for heating large rooms, rarely used at home. Gases from the flask can be harmful to health if it is damaged.
CarbonCarbon heating elements600 -700 degreesThe spiral is practically not subject to damage under the influence of high temperatures. This makes carbon heaters very durable and reliable.
MycathermicPlates covered with mica60-80 degreesThe highest efficiency (up to 85%), safety and novelty, because of which this type is only gaining popularity.

Harm or benefit?

Is infrared heater harmful to humans? Since this question is increasingly disturbing the minds of people, it means that it cannot be unfounded. The principle of operation of such devices is akin to the operation of a blue lamp for the ears, which were usually forbidden to look at because of the danger of damaging eyesight.

Of course, in large quantities everything will be harmful. But, observing the correct dosage of IR radiation, it is possible to accurately warm up locally illuminated tissues due to the ability of thermal rays to penetrate several centimeters under the skin.

Moreover, such radiation destroys harmful microorganisms. Unlike ultraviolet, which is the killer of all living things, the infrared spectrum is widely used during the restoration of health after severe injuries and various diseases. It helps to speed up tissue regeneration, give a feeling of relaxation, and also help to relax the nervous system.

Opinion of scientists

The results of recent scientific studies have confirmed the positive effect of long-wave infrared rays on human health and immunity. But this applies to short-term impact. Otherwise (with prolonged directed heating), doctors say, the skin is overheated and dried out, which adversely affects its condition. In addition, burns of the retina and lens are possible, so experts strongly do not recommend looking at the heated elements of heaters.

Everything in moderation

It will be useful, having come from a frost, to warm up near a heat source, but sleeping in the immediate vicinity of an IR heater is harmful and dangerous. From a working device hanging under the ceiling, or standing in the corner of a room, there will be exactly as much harm as from a fireplace. Are you afraid to sit by the fire? But an open flame is a powerful source of infrared radiation.

5 simple ways to avoid the harmful effects of radiation

To reduce the harmful effects of the heater on health, follow a few simple rules when choosing a device and installing it:

  1. Place the device under the ceiling or in the far corner of the room and do not keep it constantly pointed at people. In this case, the room will warm up, and you will not be directly exposed to radiation.
  2. It is recommended to avoid installing an infrared heater in the bedroom and children's room. And if it is needed there, try not to direct it to areas where people are permanently located.
  3. Do not chase heavy-duty heaters. In practice, it is enough that they heat only the walls, ceiling and floor, and they will gradually give off heat to the room.
  4. Carefully study the instance you like. Ask a consultant about all sorts of nuances of operation, ask about the reliability of the manufacturer. For more information, before buying, you can familiarize yourself with the device on the Internet, read independent reviews about it.
  5. When choosing a heater, do not try to buy the cheapest one. It is possible to reduce the cost of the unit only through the use of low-quality materials that release hazardous elements into the air when heated, which will certainly harm health.

Thus, an infrared heater is an excellent alternative to other types, and with proper and careful use, it practically does not harm human health. It is able to create coziness and warm you even in severe frosts.

Infrared heaters are very popular today. They are positioned by manufacturers as economical, durable, super-efficient devices. It would seem that this is an ideal solution for organizing additional heating.

At the same time, many buyers are confused by the possible harm of infrared heaters, which is not just talked about by “grandmothers on the bench”. We will help you sort out a difficult issue. The article presented by us is based on the opinion of experts who have studied the effects of infrared radiation on the human body.

The source of infrared radiation is any heated body. A significant part of the radiation incident on the earth is infrared rays. Do heating devices, the principle of which is borrowed from the heavenly body, pose a real threat to human health and environment? Worth sorting out.

Unlike UV radiation, which triggers photochemical reactions and acts essentially only on the skin, infrared radiation has a predominantly thermal effect and the ability to penetrate deep into tissues.

Distinguish between natural and technogenic sources IR radiation, the first includes:

  • solar radiation;
  • thermal waters;
  • Forest fires;
  • active volcanoes;
  • heat and mass transfer in the atmosphere.

All these processes and phenomena are well known to us, the influence of which on the body can hardly be attributed to the factors that create a real threat.

Contact with infrared radiation is inevitable - we encounter it every day: at home, on the street, at work. It can have both beneficial and destructive effects.

Technogenic sources of infrared radiation are:

  • electric and coal arcs;
  • discharge lamps;
  • electric heaters;
  • electric stoves with a spiral;
  • generators;
  • engines;
  • furnaces;
  • infrared lasers;
  • plasma installations;
  • nuclear reactors, etc.

Thus, it is quite obvious that this radiation is a factor continuously affecting the human body.

IR rays occupy the region of the electromagnetic spectrum, located between red visible light and short-wave radio emission.

Infrared radiation itself is conditionally divided into:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • longwave.

The length of the waves emitted by the body directly depends on its temperature: the higher it is, the shorter the waves, and the heating intensity is higher.

A person with a normal body temperature radiates energy with a wavelength of 9.6 microns. And it is this radiation (9.6 microns or more) that is the most comfortable and safe for the body. The range of operating wavelengths of the IKO is 3-10 microns, which in principle is considered acceptable

The principle of operation and advantages of devices

In traditional heating systems with the use of radiators or convectors, heat from heating devices is intensively removed into the surrounding space and then distributed throughout the entire volume of the room by mixing the air.

This mechanism of heat transfer is called convective. The principle of operation of infrared heaters is radically different: the infrared energy flow heats objects directly, and not the air in the room.

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All energy from the device almost without loss reaches people and objects in the area of ​​its action. And the air heats up already from them. It is important to note that heating with infrared units is local in nature, i.e. located outside the access of its rays, you will not feel the heat. But this is by no means a minus, but rather a plus in many respects.

In particular, when there is no accumulation of warm air mass under the ceiling - a phenomenon that is very characteristic of convective heating.

Thanks to this feature, ICOs are an excellent solution to the problem. economical heating rooms with high ceilings. Radiators are also useful in situations where only certain working areas require heating.

When organizing additional heating with the help of this equipment, you can afford to slightly reduce the temperature in the main heating system without the slightest risk to health.

The temperature felt by the person in the right areas will still be comfortable, despite the cooler air. Thus, the "IR-additive" allows you to reduce energy consumption and save a lot on heating.

Radiators installed under the ceiling or built into it do not create any problems when installing other equipment, furniture, interior items. Compact floor models can be easily carried between rooms, taken on the road.

Thanks to ICO, it is also possible to solve some specific tasks - for example, to create thermal curtains before panoramic windows, glass stained-glass windows, domes and other translucent structures, the heat-shielding properties of which may not be sufficient.

Aimed at window construction IR radiation contributes to its trouble-free cleaning of ice and snow - precipitation simply melts without having time to freeze. Steps, porch, paths leading to the house, exit from the garage can be cleaned in a similar way. Such high-quality work cannot be done by human hands.

As for the energy consumption of infrared units, their power can range from a couple of tens of watts to several kilowatts. Despite the decent "gluttony" of devices, they are considered highly efficient, since about 90% of the energy consumed is converted into heat.

The following article will acquaint you with the criteria, the contents of which we advise you to read.

Types of units and their features

Distinguish the following types ICO:

  • electrical;
  • diesel;
  • gas;
  • hot water devices.

The use of diesel and optimally on outdoors, for heating residential premises this is not the most the best option. Such equipment is as economical as possible, but to ensure its quality and safe work removal of combustion products is required.

Gas infrared heaters are used with great success for heating outdoor areas, gazebos, balconies, verandas, hallways, garages, hangars, technical rooms

The most popular and bought are electrical devices. Most simple devices This type of heating coil (tungsten) is placed in a transparent glass quartz tube. Such equipment has a short warranty period (only 1-2 years) and a relatively affordable price.

The power consumption of the devices is 1-2.5 kW. The main disadvantage is the presence of visible radiation, albeit not very intense. For people with hypersensitive eyes, regular "contemplation" of such devices can be highly undesirable.

ICOs with a carbon fiber base are more durable (they can work without interruption for 5 or more years), but they are also expensive. Visible radiation is also present.

Ceramic appliances are the most good choice among electric infrared heaters. Their heating coil is securely "hidden" in a ceramic shell: there is no visible glow from the devices. The manufacturer's warranty for such equipment is from 3 years. Ceramic heaters have a wide range of power consumption - this is their important advantage.

Depending on the installation method, IKO are:

  • wall;
  • floor;
  • ceiling.

Ceiling units are most in demand today - they completely exclude the effect of convection, which means they do not tolerate dust.

Electric infrared heater in unique design can become not only a reliable source of heat in the house, but also a real highlight of the interior

In the “family” of infrared devices, there are newcomers that have appeared on the consumer market relatively recently. This, with the features of the work and device of which, as well as the selection guidelines, will be introduced by the article recommended by us.

Popular myths about emitters

Despite the mass obvious benefits, the question of the harm of IR heaters stops many from buying. Let's try to debunk the most common prejudices regarding radiant heating equipment.

Myth number 1. IR heaters are dangerous a priori

It is impossible to speak categorically about the dangers of infrared equipment. This is tantamount to saying that the Sun is 100% evil. After all, their action is similar.

On a hot summer day in the sun, especially without a hat, you can easily go down with a heat stroke. But if you choose the right time for a walk, put on a scarf and sit in the shade, the sun's rays will bring exceptional benefits.

The same applies to infrared emitters. Sitting "in an embrace" with a device of dubious quality is definitely dangerous. And a well-chosen and located device of a proven brand will not bring any harm: on the contrary, it will improve well-being, have a tonic effect on the body and save money on heating.

The effectiveness and safety of infrared radiation at a reasonable dosage has been proven by many scientific studies. A weighty argument in favor of IR radiation is its widespread use in medicine and production (including food).

Correctly dosed infrared radiation has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, stimulating and circulatory effects. Do not take it as an absolute threat to health

Myth #2. Devices burn oxygen

Not a single heater burns oxygen - this is an ordinary "bike". Oxygen is an oxidizing agent, and combustion is, in fact, a special case of oxidation, accompanied by the release of heat. Oxidize the oxidizer? This is some unscientific bullshit.

It is more correct to say that heating equipment can “dry” the air (and with it all the mucous membranes) in the room. After all, a decrease in the relative humidity of the air is a natural process when it is heated. Only house dust can “burn” the heater.

By the way, do not believe the advertising slogans of manufacturers that there are good heaters that do not dry the air at all (read - their products), but there are bad ones (that is, all other companies). All heating units reduce the humidity in the room. ICOs in this matter are no worse, and no better than others.

How to deal with "drought"? In order to breathe easier in the house during the heated period, the rooms must be regularly ventilated, daily wet cleaning maybe buy a humidifier.

High-temperature IR devices must not be used in fire hazardous areas. To avoid burns, do not touch the surface of the operating device

What is the real danger?

One of the most likely harmful effects of PPI is drying out of the skin. The surface of the skin, being under the influence of an infrared source, heats up and moisture evaporates from its surface. But since the subcutaneous layers do not have time to heat up, the body does not sweat. Because of this, the skin "dries out", sometimes burns are obtained.

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real danger for operation are devices operating from gas cylinders

In the operation of infrared heaters, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions specified by him in the instructions attached to the product.

If gas heating equipment is intended for use in an open area, it should not be used for space heating

When using gas infrared devices in the house, it is necessary to install them in rooms with an area not less than indicated by the manufacturer and regularly ventilate the room

If you believe consumer reviews of infrared units, then the effect of "baking" during their operation is quite common, especially the skin in infrared saunas suffers. The effect of intense infrared radiation on people has been studied for a long time - both by physiotherapists and specialists in charge of labor protection.

With prolonged or unmetered exposure, IR rays are considered a highly harmful factor. In physiotherapy, the effect of the use of radiant heat is considered beneficial with strictly regulated "portions" and a short duration of exposure.

Permissible intensity of infrared irradiation of the surface human body(with a long stay in a room with an IR source) is regulated by SanPiN

IR heaters are also dangerous for the eyes - thermal damage to the lens and retina can provoke the development of cataracts, as well as contribute to the progression of existing problems with the organs of vision.

Infrared rays directed directly at the head cause migraine, nausea, deterioration in general well-being. Such complaints are especially frequent from the owners of ceiling radiators.

Whether an infrared heater will bring real harm depends in each case on such points:

  • The length of the waves emitted by the equipment. The most favorable for the human body are long thermal waves; short ones, penetrating through the skin and even the bones of the skull, do not work in the best way;
  • Radiation intensity. The body reacts positively to IR rays with an intensity of up to 100 W / m2: activity increases biochemical processes, vivacity appears, appetite improves. But the radiation intensity over 150 W/m2 can be dangerous: it depresses the immune system, leads to irreversible cell damage;
  • individual susceptibility. Some people respond well to the effects of infrared rays, while others instantly feel worse. You should always listen to your feelings.

It is also worth remembering that there are a number of diseases in which IR heating is contraindicated regardless of wishes (tumors, cardiovascular diseases).

Ways to avoid negative impact

To reduce the possible harmful effects of heaters, follow a series of simple rules when choosing and installing them:

An ideally placed heater gives off heat to walls, floors, furniture and does not cause discomfort to a person.

With this table, you can determine optimal height suspension of IR units based on their power. But these data are averaged, each specific case requires a more accurate heat engineering calculation.

Heating schemes are now widely used country houses based on infrared systems heating. Features of their device and operation are described in detail here. This article analyzes the specifics of an effective version of the PLEN.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1 A short answer from an expert about the dangers of infrared units:

Video #2 Reviews and impressions of real users of IR devices:

Quality ICOs, chosen and placed according to basic security rules, will not do any harm. They provide high thermal comfort and good energy savings.

With the onset of autumn colds, citizens freezing in their apartments are thinking about buying a heater. Some prefer models proven by many years of practice, others are not afraid to take risks, choosing fashion news. Infrared heater is one of such novelties. What is this device, how does it work, what are its advantages and are there any disadvantages? The main question of interest to buyers: the harm of an infrared heater - true or myth? Rumors about this are quite common - are they true?

What is infrared radiation

In order to dispel myths, challenge or confirm what manufacturers say about the safety of IR devices, it is necessary to turn to the physics of the process, to understand the principle of their operation and the effect of this type of radiation on a person.

Longwave IR devices are effective and do no harm

Electromagnetic radiation and wavelength

IR radiation is compared to sunlight. It is known that the electromagnetic rays emitted by the Sun have properties that depend on the wavelength. According to this parameter, they are divided into several groups: gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, light, infrared, microwave and radio waves. Infrared radiation is the waves that heat our planet. Thanks to the rays coming from the Sun, the Earth remains warm.

Modern IR devices operate on long wavelengths that are safe for humans in the range from 7 to 14 micrometers.

According to the wavelength of the emitted rays, infrared radiation is divided into three groups:

  • from 0.75 * 10 -6 to 1.5 * 10 -6 m - shortwave;
  • from 1.5 * 10 -6 to 4 * 10 -6 m - medium wave;
  • from 4 * 10 -6 to 1 mm - long-wave.

Safe radiation range for humans

Scientists have found that each of us is also a source of energy. The waves emitted by us represent IR radiation of the long-wave group in a small range: from 6*10 -6 to 20*10 -6 . Studies have shown that radiation in the range emitted by humans does not cause harm. For safety reasons and to eliminate harmful effects, in accordance with the requirements of the standard, modern IR heaters operate on safe wavelengths from 7 to 14 micrometers.

Advantages of IR heaters

Studies on the topic: are infrared heaters harmful to humans, have shown that they not only do no harm, but are also useful. Long-wave infrared radiation has a detrimental effect on pathogens. This property is actively used in medicine. IR lamps are used in:

  • therapy;
  • surgery;
  • dermatology;
  • dentistry.

An infrared heater in your home will strengthen the immune system and protect against colds and other diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Warm air is concentrated on the floor and walls

Other advantages of IR heating technology:

  • Do not overdry the air, as the vapor remains in the air. This has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes that block the path of pathogenic microbes.
  • Oxygen molecules are stored in the air, making it easy to breathe. They do not burn out as they do when using fireplaces or other devices.
  • A warm zone is formed on the floor. The higher the ceiling, the lower the temperature. This makes it possible to always keep your feet warm, while your head remains cold.

Important! IR radiation is a method of heat transfer with instantaneous heating of objects that fall into its zone of action. When heated, the walls and floor give off their heat to the air, the temperature of which will decrease as it moves away from the surface of the walls and floor.

The design of modern fireplaces is carefully thought out, does not pose a danger to children and pets

In what cases IR devices can harm

Returning to the question of infrared heaters - whether they are harmful or not, we note that if the range of infrared rays does not go beyond acceptable limits, they are absolutely safe. But this is only if the manufacturers do not violate production standards.

The effect of infrared radiation on the skin

The harm of an infrared heater to human health is possible when the device emits medium-wave or short-wave rays. If you are exposed to the "wrong" IR waves, then your skin heats up. The penetration depth depends on the wavelength:

  1. Long-wave rays affect the keratinized layer of the skin without causing harm to health.
  2. Medium-wavelength rays are able to penetrate into the upper layers of the skin, causing it to dry out. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes covered with fine wrinkles and begins to peel off.
  3. Short-wave rays, penetrating under the skin to a depth of 4 cm, with prolonged exposure can cause burns of the first and second degree - redness or blisters.

Attention! Short and medium wave devices can damage your skin and cause burns.

Powerful halogen IR devices installed in large public spaces

The effect of short and medium IR waves on the eyes

Not only the skin, but also the eyes are exposed to the rays. The retina of the eye is a photosensitive tissue consisting of protein substances that harden and coagulate when exposed to high temperature. The same happens with the lens of the eye.

It follows from the foregoing that the use of IR heaters with medium and short waves is fraught with eye disease and visual impairment. With constant exposure to the "wrong" rays, cataracts can develop. Prolonged exposure to a room with an IR device turned on may cause headache, since being under its influence is similar to the fact that you are bareheaded under the scorching sun for a long time.

Attention! Infrared heaters manufactured in violation of standards can cause visual impairment and eye diseases. An incorrectly selected device causes a headache.

Use of low-quality materials by the manufacturer

Can an infrared heater be harmful to a person if you have foreseen everything and chosen a model in accordance with the recommendations? Unfortunately, maybe if the manufacturer turned out to be dishonest and used low-quality materials. When heated, they release harmful substances. They cannot be seen or felt. The negative impact is expressed in the deterioration of well-being and health.

Important! Latest Scientific research confirmed the positive effect of long-wave rays on human health and immunity, but only with a short exposure!

Rational use of infrared technology eliminates harm to humans

How to choose the "right" heater

When choosing heating equipment, it is necessary to take into account its safety, technical features and appearance. Modern devices are produced in beautiful design, which you can choose for your interior. Safety remains the main criterion.

Varieties of IR heaters

Modern heaters based on infrared radiation are divided into several types:

  • Quartz - the safest for use at home (the temperature of the heated elements is 450-500 degrees). Quartz glass is used as a radiation filter.
  • Halogen - suitable for large rooms, rarely used at home (element temperature 2000 degrees). A gas is pumped into the flask instead of a vacuum, which can be hazardous to health if the flask is damaged.
  • Carbon - durable and reliable devices with a temperature-resistant spiral (heating of carbon elements - up to 600 -700 degrees).
  • Micathermic - mica-coated plates that heat up to 60-80 degrees. The novelty, which is gaining popularity, is characterized by the highest, up to 85%, efficiency and safety.

On a note! If you choose a carbon or quartz heater for home use, harm is completely eliminated. This is the safest, proven type of heating technology for your home.

Modern IR heaters are different types. This allows you to choose the best option for your conditions and room sizes.

In order for the device to be functional, and for you and your loved ones not to be exposed to “wrong” radiation, when choosing an infrared heater, listen to the recommendations:

  • Do not buy heavy-duty appliances, the power of the fireplace should be selected at the rate of 100 W per 1 sq. m of premises. If the power is less, it will not be enough for heating, if more, then a high concentration of rays will adversely affect health.
  • Carefully study the model you like, ask the consultant about the features of operation, technical specifications and others important points.
  • Check with the seller which devices emit IR waves in the range safe for humans (7-14 microns ). Choose devices that meet this criterion, it will help keep you and your loved ones healthy.
  • Take an interest in the reliability of the manufacturer, give preference to well-known brands . Their popularity is due primarily to quality. By purchasing analogues of little-known companies at an attractive price, you risk your health.
  • Don't go cheap. Cost reduction can be the result of the use of low-quality materials, which, when heated, release harmful substances.

Important! To reduce the harmful effects of rays, care must be taken and correct installation fireplace. It is recommended to place the device in the far corner of the room or on the ceiling, do not keep it constantly directed at people. Avoid using the fireplace in the children's room and bedroom.

Video: checking IR heaters for efficiency and safety

From the foregoing, it follows that infrared devices can be harmful and useful. To ensure that the equipment you purchase is safe, be careful when choosing. Correctly, with all responsibility, the selected heater and its proper operation will help to warm up and create comfort in your home.

Infrared heaters are the most popular air heaters used by people in everyday life.

They are more efficient than oil radiators, "heat guns", consume a small amount of electricity, do not burn oxygen in the room, and generally do not have any negative impact on human health.

In addition to their direct duty - space heating, heaters began to be used in "infrared saunas", which also do not harm health.

Is there any harm from an infrared heater?

Any heating household appliance emits infrared rays. But the difference between a conventional heating battery and an infrared heater is significant. Such devices emit "waves" of different lengths and intensities.

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation invisible to the eye, the wavelength of which varies from 1-2 millimeters to 0.74 micrometers. The most intense source of such radiation is the sun.

In the warm season, the share of infrared radiation in the spectrum of the sun is at least fifty percent. Manufacturers often mention this, saying that allegedly sunlight is not harmful, which means that the heater will not have an effect on the body.

As you know, those infrared waves that penetrate under the human skin, as well as into its subcutaneous layers, have an effect on the body.

From the infrared heater, these waves are just emitted. But there is one nuance here. The closer a person is to the source of radiation, the greater the effect of infrared waves on him.

The effect of exposure to radiant energy depends on the intensity and wavelength, as well as the duration of exposure to it.

It is known that infrared rays, whose wavelength is from 0.8 to 1.5 microns, penetrate deep enough into the tissues of the human body and can have a negative effect on them.

Therefore, infrared heaters that operate on shortwave radiation are more harmful than those that operate on longwave radiation. You should pay attention to this when buying.

It is also known that in moderate doses, infrared radiation has no effect on the human body.

Infrared radiation is even often used for treatment different kind diseases.

However, such treatment is prescribed only for those who have no contraindications.

High intensity radiation can damage health. The same can be said about medium-power radiation if it "affects" a person for more than six hours.

For this reason, it is important to follow the rules for handling heaters:

  • If you want to install a powerful heater in the apartment, then try to make sure that it is not too close to you. You can buy a ceiling heater and install it at the maximum height. Try to position it so that the radiation beam is not directed directly at people.
  • It is not recommended to install an infrared heater in a children's room or bedroom. If there is an “urgent” need for this, again, do not point it at a person.
  • Heaters should not be too "powerful". Ideally, they should give off heat only to the floor, walls and other interior items.
  • Before buying, be sure to ask the seller about all the nuances, and ask the manufacturer of the devices.

Many unscrupulous manufacturers make air heaters from poor quality materials, which in turn can also cause health complications.