Ready-made projects of baths 5 to 4. Brick bath projects

  • 03.03.2020

Bath is a great place to relax. It is not surprising that many owners of their own land, in addition to the house and utility rooms, want to build a steam room there.

In this article, illustrated with a photo, we will look at how to build a bathhouse with our own hands, having planned everything in advance. We are sure that our detailed instructions will be useful to you and planning a 4 by 5 bath will be an easy task for you (see also the article “4 by 5 by 4 by 5 bath is a pleasant bath in every respect”).

Buy a project or plan on your own?

Of course, the easiest way is to purchase a project created taking into account your individual requirements regarding the following components:

  • the number of rooms;
  • room sizes;
  • features of the arrangement of shelves;
  • the presence of a second floor;
  • the possibility of arranging a rest room, etc.

However, the price of such a project will be quite high, which will eventually increase the overall construction estimate and then the steam room will no longer be so long-awaited.

Advice. You can use typical projects, which are presented in abundance on our thematic resource. Here you will find drawings that have already been verified by other hobbyists water procedures. In any project taken as a basis, it is easy to make changes that will satisfy all your requirements and desires.

If you decide to plan a steam room yourself, then you must necessarily provide for the following:

  • locker room
  • steam room;
  • washing;
  • placement of the furnace;
  • ventilation.

If you want to build a room for your family, then in this case you need to develop a 4 by 5 bath plan, which will allow at least a small company to be comfortable in it.

The main features of planning a bath for the whole family

Building functional steam rooms that can fit a family of four or five people is not only profitable, but also practical, because you can always invite friends over.

Below is a detailed diagram of a 5x4 bath with a description of all the rooms that it includes:

  • dressing room;
  • washing;
  • steam room.

How to equip a dressing room

The dressing room is necessary in order to protect the room from the cold, and it will also serve as a kind of vestibule, which will help maintain the microclimate inside the steam room.

Advice. If the room is adjacent to another building or is in close proximity to it, then you can refuse to build a dressing room, which will significantly save on construction.

The layout inside the 4 by 5 bath provides for certain requirements for the dressing room:

  • ideal size - a meter wide and one and a half meters in length;
  • necessarily insulated walls that do not let in gusts of cold wind and frost;
  • the presence of good lighting - here you can even do big windows;
  • the presence of benches for sitting, shelves for shoes and hooks for clothes.

How to equip a washing

The layout of the 5x4 bath necessarily provides for the presence of a washing room. Here you can even install a washing machine, thereby freeing up space in the house.

Certain requirements are also imposed on the washing room, adhering to which, you can equip this room with maximum comfort:

  • the minimum washing area is calculated based on one square meter per person;
  • the optimal size is 1.8 by 1.8 meters, and if you plan to install a bench or a couch there - 2 by 2 meters;
  • between the washing room and the steam room there should be a thin partition and a door.

Advice. Be sure to install in a washing shelf or bench. This will allow you to rest there after the steam room. Also, children or adults who are contraindicated in the steam room will be able to relax on the bench.

How to equip a steam room

And the last thing that the 4x5 bath plan suggests is the arrangement of the steam room, which, in fact, is the main room in the entire building. There are also certain requirements and rules that must be followed.

First of all, pay attention to the level of comfort - it should be free to fit at least two people, and preferably three, which will allow those who wash to control each other's well-being, thereby increasing the level of security.

The shape of the steam room is most often square, but the shape of a small rectangle is also acceptable. The stove is usually installed in a far corner, which will allow better control of the temperature and microclimate in the room. The hood is made near the exit.

It is also important to properly equip the shelves, which may have different shape and appearance:

  • small beds with provided lining under the head;
  • ordinary benches with a back;
  • convenient and comfortable bench, reminiscent of a deck chair.

There are also rules for arranging shelves that have been proven over the years, which are also recommended to be strictly observed:

  • the minimum width of the seating shelf should be forty centimeters, the optimal width of the seating shelf is ninety centimeters, and the width of the lying shelf with legs bent at the knees is one hundred and fifty centimeters;
  • the length of the shelf must be at least 180 centimeters;
  • between the upper and lower shelves there should be a space of at least 35-50 centimeters;
  • the distance from the top shelf to the ceiling must be at least one meter.

While arranging the steam room, pay special attention to the shelves, because mistakes in creating them will spoil the impression of even the most luxurious bath!

In conclusion

Creating a bath plan for the whole family is not as difficult as it might seem. Choose among the projects presented on our website, the most suitable for you. If something does not suit you in it, make changes to it, taking into account the above requirements (find out here how a 5 by 5 bath is built for suburban area from timber).

This will allow you to build a bath according to all the rules, but also taking into account your wishes. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Bath 4 by 4 layout inside

A compact bath 4x4 m is the perfect solution for a small area. Even in the conditions of such a modest design in terms of its dimensions, it is possible to quite successfully arrange all the necessary premises, resulting in a full-fledged, functional and comfortable bath.

After reviewing the information below, you will learn about the most optimal options for locating the interior of a 4x4 m bath, choosing the rational dimensions of each of them, the features of interior decoration, as well as additional related nuances.

The drafting of any bath, and a 4x4 m building is no exception, begins with the location of the most important rooms of the building in question, i.e. steam room, washing room and dressing room.

Important! If a 4 by 4 bath will be built from logs (namely, this material is most often used in the construction of structures of such a modest size), keep in mind that the interior space will be somewhat smaller as a result compared to the exterior. In the process of performing calculations, subtract the thickness of the log from the inside of the used logs (in the case of a felling "in the paw"), or add an additional 250 mm to this thickness (in the case of a felling "in the bowl"). This will allow you to perform the required calculations as correctly as possible.

For example, if a bathhouse is built from logs 400 cm long and 24 cm in diameter, cut into a bowl, the internal dimensions of such a structure will not exceed 3x3 m. Consider these points in advance, correctly choosing the dimensions of the logs and the cutting method, focusing on the desired internal dimensions baths.

When designing a project, remember the following important nuances:

In the process of designing a compact bath, a number of additional important nuances must be taken into account:

The layout of the bath can be complemented by a terrace or porch, at the discretion of the owner. In general, with the design of the internal layout of a 4 by 4 bath, there are usually no difficulties. It is only necessary to first familiarize yourself with all the possible nuances of the work performed, so that in the future you do not have to redo anything.

Bath layout options 4x4 m

Basic information

The simplest version of a 4x4 m bath is a building consisting of one room that simultaneously serves as a dressing room / dressing room and steam room. An electric or conventional wood-burning stove is installed in the corner of the steam room. The room is equipped with 2-3 shelves 50-60 cm wide or more, if free space allows. Along with this, such a layout option is extremely inconvenient, because it is much more comfortable when there is a washing room and a rest room in the bathhouse. Moreover, in a space of 4x4 m it is quite possible to equip them.

The standard layout includes a rest room that simultaneously functions as a dressing room and dressing room, a steam room, and a washing room. The stove, as a rule, is equipped in the steam room. As a result, the adjacent room (usually a rest room) is heated by the heat coming from the wall adjacent to the steam room.

If the budget allows, you can even build a small bathhouse with a 4x4 m attic. The first floor is reserved for a steam room and standard accompanying rooms, and on the second you can make a billiard room, an additional lounge or even a full bedroom.

One of the most popular and successful options for the internal layout of a 4x4 m bath is shown in the following image.

The proposed project includes an attached terrace measuring 150x400 cm. There is enough space to install a compact table and chairs. In the warm season, it will be possible to pass the time here with a cup of tea or other drink after visiting the steam room.

The entrance leads to the waiting room. This room can be simultaneously used as a rest room, dressing room, storage space for firewood and other accessories. The stove is installed in the steam room. The firebox door of the heating unit is led out into the dressing room.

The installation of the furnace is carried out with the obligatory fulfillment of fire safety requirements: the walls around are sheathed with refractory material, a sheet of metal 10 mm thick is laid in front of the furnace furnace.

Also very successful is the 4x4 m bath project, presented in the following image.

In accordance with the previous recommendation, the interior space here was first divided into 2 identical parts, one of which was equipped as a result for a spacious rest room. The other half was again divided in half, subsequently taking one part under the steam room, the second - under the washing room. In this project, the furnace firebox is carried out from the washing room.

If desired, you can install the stove against the wall of the steam room adjacent to the rest room so that the unit is fired from a large room. In these moments, the owner is guided by his personal preferences.

For comfortable operation of the steam room in the cold season, the project can be completed with a small vestibule, as in the image below.

The area of ​​​​the interior of the steam room is determined in accordance with the expected number of visitors. In general, the washing rooms of compact baths are in most cases made of a minimum size so that there is enough space to install a shower cabin and, if necessary, a toilet bowl. This option will allow you to take more free space in favor of the steam room.

Advantages and additional features of the 4x4 layout

Despite such modest dimensions, the space of 4x4 m is quite enough for arranging all the necessary premises:

  • steam rooms;
  • dressing room / rest room;
  • washing room / bathroom;
  • terraces/porches.

Having a covered terrace is a big plus. First, there is an additional equipped place for recreation. Secondly, if there is a terrace, bad weather will not be able to overshadow a visit to the bath.

Along with this, if the space is limited to the strictly considered 4x4 m, in order to equip the terrace, you will have to significantly reduce the dimensions. interior rooms. In general, the owner will still have to sacrifice something in order to make the most efficient use of the available spaces, and what exactly - everyone decides for himself.

Interior dimensions

An important step in drawing up the internal layout of any bath is to determine the optimal dimensions of each room, taking into account the available space. It is customary to carry out calculations in accordance with the estimated number of people who will simultaneously be in the equipped room. For example, 1-2 people will be more or less comfortable in a steam room with an area of ​​​​3-6 m2, for 2-3 people you need to equip a room of more substantial size - an average of 4-8 m2, etc.

The information given in the following table will allow you to quickly orient yourself and correctly determine the internal dimensions of each bath room.

As noted, the main premises of any bath are a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room, as can be seen in the following image.

Key information for each of the listed rooms is provided in the following table.

Table. Bath rooms

PremisesBasic information

If earlier the dressing room was used mainly as a dressing room, as well as a place for storing dry firewood and other bath accessories, now this room is often additionally equipped as a rest room. To do this, it is enough to place a table, chairs or a corner in the dressing room, as well as a TV and musical equipment, if space allows and there is a need for that.
When calculating the area of ​​the dressing room, be guided by the following rule: for 1 visitor at least 1.3 m2 of free space. At the same time, the space occupied by furniture and technical equipment is not included in the mentioned 1.3 m2.
To ensure the required level of air exchange and, in general, greater comfort of use, an adjustable window is installed in the dressing room.
Important! The door leading from the dressing room to the steam room is installed with the expectation that it opens strictly towards the first.

The key functions of this room are fully evidenced by its name. For maximum ease of use, the washing room is equipped with both cold and hot water supply. Heating of water is carried out by the forces of the furnace, electric water heater or other available methods.
Make up the washing project in such a way that as a result each visitor is given free space in the amount of at least 1-1.2 m2.
Washing equipment is at the discretion of the owner. For example, you can get by with installing a conventional pouring tray, but it is much more comfortable to place a full-fledged shower cabin in the sink.
The design of the main bath room is carried out taking into account many important nuances and additional points, including:
- dimensions of the furnace and features of its installation;
- free space between the heating unit and objects closest to it;
- the approximate number of people visiting the steam room at the same time;
- dimensions of shelves and their number, etc.
If you follow current requirements, the steam room should be designed so that each visitor is given at least 1 m2 of free space if a person sits while in the bath. The above quadrature does not include the space occupied by the interior of the steam room, aisles, etc.
It is recommended to make the steam room at least 200-210 cm in height - this will ensure optimal heating performance and will make it possible for every average visitor to comfortably use the bath. With regard to the length and width of the steam room, it all depends on the features of the project. Along with this, it is necessary that either the length or width of the room exceed 2 meters.

Special attention deserves the issue of designing shelves as one of the key elements of arranging a steam room.

So, if they lie on the shelves, their width should be from 90-100 cm, and the length should be at least 180-200 cm - such dimensions will be comfortable for most visitors with an average body constitution.

If the space of the steam room is not enough to equip the "lying" shelves, you will have to limit yourself to installing shelves for sitting. Recommended dimensions of such elements: length - in accordance with the size of the steam room, width - 40-50 cm.

Sauna plans with separate steam room and shower room: a - sauna for 1-2 people with accommodation in a sitting steam room

The lower shelves are traditionally made the narrowest - in this part of the steam room it is the least hot, which is why children usually sit below. Make a project with the expectation that between the topmost shelf and the ceiling of the bath, as a result, there will be at least a 1-meter gap. The recommended distance between the shelves themselves is 350-500 mm.

Plans of baths with a combined steam room and shower room: a - for 1 person; b-for 2 people; c - for 3 people:
1 - steam room-shower room; 2 - dressing room; 3 doors; 4 - shelves for sitting; 5-stand; 6 - furnace; 7 - bench; 8 - shelf-bed; 9-bed; 10 - chair; 11 - table

If desired, the owner can change the recommended dimensions at his discretion. It is only necessary to control that, as a result, it is convenient for each visitor to the steam room to be in it and, at the same time, the basic safety provisions are observed.

Possible options for the configuration of the shelves in the steam room are shown in the following image.

With regard to the internal lighting of the steam room, there are only 2 recommendations:

    materials of manufacture and design of lighting fixtures should be designed for use in a bathhouse;

    the installation of fixtures should be done so that there is enough light in the steam room and the light, at the same time, does not “hit” the visitors of the bath in the eyes.

We design the interior decoration of the bath 4x4 m

In addition to the nuances of the internal arrangement of the bath rooms and their dimensions, special attention should be paid to the finishing of each room. Traditionally, natural and environmentally friendly materials are used in the internal arrangement of the bath, the favorite among which is wooden lining.

Materials for interior finishing works

Wood is a natural material that meets all the basic sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for the internal arrangement of buildings and rooms with high humidity and temperature.

Wood, as opposed to different kind artificial "brothers", in the process of heating does not emit components harmful to human health. Besides, natural material characterized by excellent thermal properties, impressive durability and relatively low thermal expansion.

However, not every type of wood will “feel” equally well in a bathhouse. Since ancient times, Russian steam rooms have been finished mainly with the use of larch, cedar and linden. Among modern options, the abachi tree is highly respected - the lining made from this material is ideal for finishing bath rooms from the inside. Basic information regarding the materials mentioned is given in the following table.

Table. Properties of materials for finishing bath rooms


In the process of heating, this material releases a number of different essential oils, under the influence of which the air around is saturated with a pleasant smell. In addition, the emitted essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human body.
During operation, the linden does not lose its original color, which makes it possible to think much less often about the need to re-carry out repair and finishing work in the bath.
Rapidly gaining popularity material for the improvement of internal bath rooms. Tropical wood is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity, contributes to the effective preservation of heat in the bath, almost without heating up during operation.
The material has a visually pleasing yellowish tint and an almost uniform texture, making the finished finish look very beautiful.
The material perfectly “feels” in temperature and humidity conditions typical for a steam room. In the process of heating, cedar wood releases a pleasant aroma of needles.
When choosing a cedar lining, keep one very important point in mind - low-quality material during operation can begin to intensively release resin, so it is recommended that finishing be done exclusively using high-quality boards designed specifically for the planned event.

Edged or tongue-and-groove board made of hardwood is great for ceiling sheathing. Conifers, on the other hand, are not suitable for finishing floors - during the heating process, many of them emit resin, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, leads to burns.

Walls in the steam room

Finishing the steam room should be done using wood of the highest quality possible, because. It is in this room that the most severe operating conditions are created.

Important! When lining the steam room with clapboard using nails, fastening must be carried out according to the “sweat” method. The boards are not covered directly after sheathing, because. when heated, any paint and varnish materials begin to release substances harmful to humans.

When designing the interior of the steam room, be sure to provide for the arrangement of a high-quality heat-insulating layer - thanks to it, the heat will remain inside the room as long as possible, which will avoid excessive and inappropriate heating costs. Thermal insulation is usually mounted in combination with hydro-vapor barrier materials, which provide a longer service life of both insulation and finishing materials. If you wish, you can buy a combined material that combines the functions of insulation and vapor barrier, for example, based on mineral wool foil coated.

The sheathing of the steam room is best done using hardwood. Among the favorites are abashi and linden. A more budgetary and quite good option is aspen.

The floor in the steam room

When designing a floor, you can opt for a leaky or non-leaky wood structure or a solid concrete floor. Concrete floors are usually finished with tiles. The advantage of this option is a longer service life compared to wooden structures.

Boards require much more frequent repairs compared to concrete and tiles. If a wooden flooring is chosen, it is better to take a cut or tongue-and-groove board for its arrangement. The flooring elements are attached to pre-arranged beam logs. The floor construction is traditionally performed with some (usually 2 mm per 1 m) slope towards the drain hole.

The decoration of the rest room is at the discretion of the owner - here the temperature and humidity conditions are not as extreme as in the steam room, so the choice is limited mainly by the owner's preferences, affordable budget and project features.

Washroom finish

The walls in the washing room can be sheathed with clapboard made of larch, or any of the materials mentioned earlier. The main requirement is that the finish should be as resistant to moisture as possible.

In view of the above requirements, the most preferred finish for the washroom is softwood, such as cedar or pine. These materials normally tolerate contact with moisture, while maintaining key performance and aesthetic qualities for many years of service.

Video - Bath 4 by 4 layout inside

To be the owner of a suburban area with a dacha or a cottage for permanent residence, and at the same time not to have your own bath - probably few people will agree to this. It's not just about being able to have a good wash in comfortable, self-created conditions, without fear of any unsanitary conditions. Bath - since ancient times, almost the most indispensable element of any farmstead, a symbol of the solidity of the owners, a kind of personal medical institution, and often a favorite place for the whole family to relax and meet with their closest friends.

If the area is large, then the owners in terms of choosing a bath can afford a lot. But what about those with limited space? It's okay, and on a small "patch" of development it is quite possible to fit not only the bath itself, but also an additional living space. An example is a 5x4 bath with an attic, the project of which will be discussed in this publication.

It would seem that you can fit in such a small area? Don't jump to conclusions...

Choose a ready-made project, or plan it yourself?

If you give a search query on the Internet about baths of the right size, then, for sure, you will receive many options coming from specialized companies involved in the production and assembly of ready-made building kits. There is plenty to choose from - both in terms of wall material, and in terms of layout, and in terms of the degree of insulation of the room, and in many other parameters.

However, it also happens that the owners are not fully satisfied with the layout of the bath building. Another situation is family budget does not allow to overpower such an acquisition at once, and future owners are forced to carry out a gradual accumulation of stocks of building materials, so that in the future, as soon as they are ready, they can build a bathhouse on their own.

In this case, why not try to plan your own building? It is clear that any capital structure requires architectural calculations - but they can be ordered, already having the outline of your own project in hand. And the initial sketches and calculations are able to be carried out by each owner of the site and independently, if he has basic knowledge of mathematics, drawing skills, and roughly imagines what he wants to get in the end. And if you have experience working with graphical applications on a computer, then the task is even more simplified.

And having on hand finished project, you can either independently select the necessary materials, or contact the same company where, according to the drawings, they can make a complete set for construction.

The article will not consider the technological processes of construction - separate sections of the site are devoted to this. The main goal is to show how to correctly provide everything you need for a small wooden bath with an attic on your project.

Bath foundation

Any building needs a reliable foundation, the role of which is played by the foundation. Which option is preferable?

  • For a small bath, a shallow strip foundation is quite suitable. It can be erected on almost any soil, and its depth, belt width, degree of reinforcement, etc. - already depend on the size of the building and the characteristics of a particular site.

For all its merits, it is still not without flaws. So, significant earthworks are expected, a large consumption of cement, sand, gravel, especially when you consider that the recommended height of the base for a bath is about 500 mm. It will be absolutely not profitable on a cross-sectional site, where there is a significant level difference on the building spot. And one more minus - concrete will require no less for full maturation, and during this period all further construction work is suspended.

  • Another type of concrete foundation is a monolithic slab. Although she is not afraid of seasonal fluctuations in soil, she will require a lot of building materials, and for a small wooden bath this option seems redundant.

  • The columnar foundation allows you to significantly reduce the cost of building materials. In addition, it allows you to raise the building itself to the desired height, and helps to "fit" into a moderately rugged area. The supports are made of bricks on a concrete base, or they are completely poured with mortar or using pipes. Poles are placed at the corners and along external walls building and additionally, for reinforcement, along one or more lines inside the quadrilateral.

It would seem - the optimal solution, but it is also not without vulnerabilities. So, on heaving, clay or loamy soils, especially with a close location of aquifers, such a foundation will be unreliable. In addition, although the volumes of concrete pouring are low, its maturation period is not at all reduced by this.

  • Pile-screw foundation - probably, of all the existing ones, it is best suited for a bath. Piles screwed into the ground to a depth below the freezing level are not afraid of winter swelling and the close location of the top water. The sections of piles protruding above the surface can be brought to a single desired height even with a strong difference in ground level, and interconnected by grillages, they become an excellent basis for attaching beams or logs of the lower trim.

To install such piles, the efforts of 3 ÷ 4 people will be required without the use of special equipment, earthworks are minimized. Although the technology involves filling the pipe cavities with concrete mortar, it is not at all necessary to wait for its maturation - you can immediately proceed to further installation. Thus, in a few days the foundation will be ready.

So, the starting position is the given size along the axes of the walls of the bath - 4 × 5 m. The thickness of the walls, just for example, is 250 mm.

The bath plan must first be “entered” into the area

In the case considered in this article, nine supports will be enough - four at the corners of the building, one additional one at the center of each side, and one at the intersection of the center lines of the building:

The supports are connected by longitudinal and transverse jumpers - grillages. Usually a channel is used for this.

After mounting the lower coronal beam along the grillage, you can install basement beams or logs right away (depending on the type and height of the planned floor). After appropriate waterproofing and insulation, they will become the basis for flooring.

Features of the bath foundation

During foundation work on the construction of a bath, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the structure. This applies to the height of the plinth and the well-thought-out system for discharging used water.
Nuances of construction bath foundation with drain dedicated to a separate article of our site.

External walls and internal partitions. Room planning

From what to build the walls of a wooden bath? Nowadays, there are several options for this.

  • An ordinary log house made of logs - in the old Russian traditions. It is usually made of coniferous wood, which creates a unique microclimate in the bath. The diameter of the logs is from 200 to 250 mm.

Methods for laying crowns log cabin can be different - “with the remainder”, “in the corner”, “in the hook”, “in the cloud”, “in the paw” - all this requires considerable carpentry skills, that is, it will hardly be possible to do without the help of a specialist at this stage of work .

A log cabin involves caulking the gaps between the logs - the primary one, during the laying of the crowns, and the final one, after the walls have sagged. Jute, linen tow, felt, moss (“cuckoo flax”) and other natural materials are used as the material.

  • Timber walls - it is believed that they are much easier to build, since blanks, with high-quality material, do not require special carpentry finishing, with the exception of corner lock joints. Between the bars it is easier to lay the insulation material, as they must fit snugly against one another.

The design itself is easier - the material is used in sizes from 100 × 150 to 150 × 150 mm, rarely - 200 mm.

  • Much more expensive, but incomparably more convenient - profiled bars, for example, the so-called "carriage". Such beams or logs are profiled, that is, they have a “thorn-groove” or “bowl” mutual conjugation system.

High-quality profiled beam, “carriage” is very convenient in work

When laying the crowns of profiled timber with the simultaneous installation of insulation, a solid surface is obtained with practically no serious cold bridges. Often, sets of such bars are sold with ready-made roll insulation materials, which are precisely designed for the size of the grooves. To "bundle" the corners, special cuttings are used, for example, the "Norwegian castle".

  • Recently, frame structures are gaining more and more popularity, including in the construction of baths.

On the foundation, along the lower strapping belt, a wooden frame is mounted, which is then sheathed outside and inside with natural or composite materials, and a powerful layer of insulation is laid between its posts. Of course, such a design is much cheaper and easier to implement, and with proper assembly and high-quality thermal insulation, it looks little different from a real wooden log house and fully copes with the task of preserving heat in the bath. True, whatever you say, it is still not able to convey the real atmosphere of an array of natural coniferous wood - the presence of a “foreign” insulation affects.

  • For internal partitions in the bath, either natural beams, profiled or ordinary, or frame structure. Often they also put "five-walls" - with an inner wall made of the same material as the outer ones.
  • The type of wood is also important. For a bath, with its high humidity content, coniferous wood will be the best solution. Pine is famous for keeping heat indoors very well. A spruce frame will be less prone to putrefactive processes. Fir is characterized by increased strength and a pronounced antifungal effect. The best option, of course, is larch - this wood is practically not afraid of water, and only hardens under the influence of moisture. However, the cost of larch timber or logs is very high, and not everyone can afford such a luxury. In addition, when heated strongly, larch gives a too sugary resinous smell, which may not suit everyone.

Deciduous tree species are practically not used for baths, with the exception, however, of aspen, which has a natural antiseptic effect and heals the bath atmosphere due to this.

  • However, back to our project. With the foundation and the outer contour of the building figured out - it's time to outline the interior.

In order to carry out full-fledged bath procedures, it is imperative to provide a steam room, a washing room, a rest room or a dressing room in the bath. It would be nice if, when entering from the street, a person does not immediately fall into the dressing room, but into the vestibule - this will reduce the loss of precious heat. Let's try to place all these rooms in our project, for example - like this.

These sizes should be sufficient. The length of the steam room allows you to arrange a two-meter floor, which will accommodate even a tall person in full growth and there will be room for a stove-heater. A sink in a small family bath does not need too much space - you can install a shower tray or a standard size cubicle (900 × 900 mm) and hang a tilting tub with cold water for wrapping. The area of ​​the dressing room will allow you to install a table with chairs (couch) for several people there. In the hallway in the free space, you can install shelves for storing bath utensils.

For external walls (for example), a material of 250 mm thick was used, for internal walls 100 mm will be quite enough.

We plan to install doors. At the entrance, you can put a door wider, 800 or 900 mm, 2000 mm high. Doors to the washing room and to the steam room of this size are not needed - there is enough canvas of 600 mm, 180 mm high. At the same time, one should remember the recommendation - all doors in the bath, with the exception of the entrance, should have a threshold of about 150 mm - in order to exclude "creeping" drafts along the floor.

Pay special attention - without exception, all doors are placed so that they open towards the exit from the bath. This is a special safety requirement: in emergency situations, it is much easier to jump out, there will not be a “plug” in the doorway.

Since the bath is located on a plinth 500 mm high, plus the lower crown beam has another 200 mm, it is required to provide a ladder, at least the simplest one - wooden. In the example under consideration, these are three steps (the role of the fourth is already played by the floor surface), 175 high, 233 mm deep each.

As planned, we are planning a bathhouse with an attic. So, it is necessary to place a ladder to climb to the attic. Performing it outside is not too much good decision. After bathing procedures, it is extremely inconvenient to go outside, in the cold, wind, rain, to climb into a residential attic. Let's try to install a ladder - for this there is a convenient place formed by separating the hallway wall.

Here the stairs practically do not bother anyone. Plus, its convenience is that it rests on the outer wall and on the partition. The installation of such a ladder structure is much easier to carry out than just “hanging”. It turned out 11 steps, each 255 mm high. A bit cool, but here you won’t run away too much.

You need to think about ventilation (ventilation) of the premises and their natural lighting. So, we “install” windows. Two windows in the rest room will give good illumination, one will illuminate the stairs to the attic, and one more - the vestibule.

Windows in the rest room and vestibule - for ventilation and natural light ...

The height from the floor to the window sill was taken as 1100 mm, the height of the window was 1000 mm and the width was 700. In the tambour, there was a smaller window 500 × 500 mm.

Such an arrangement and number of windows is not a dogma at all, and if the number or size seems excessive to someone, then they can be changed. But it is also necessary to provide for a window in the washing room - it should not be large, as it will serve for the most part to ventilate the room.

... and one small one in the washing room - for ventilation

The drawing shows a window at a height of 2 meters from the floor, with dimensions of 500 × 300 mm.

In general terms, the layout of the bath itself is finished. You can try to visualize what we got:

Everything is quite convenient and rational. You can move on to the attic structure.

Attic - truss system and roof

Roof installation and roofing is an extremely important and voluminous issue that requires consideration in separate publications. Here, more attention will be paid to the choice of design, in relation to the project already being developed.

If the bath is planned with an attic, then, most likely, it means a full-fledged living space, which, for example, can serve to accommodate guests who have arrived. In addition, it will be very convenient for the owners themselves to relax after a good bath, without going outside, but going upstairs to a furnished room.

This is said in order to clarify - the attic should not be a dark "nook" in which you can neither turn around nor stand up to your full height. So, you need to carefully calculate the parameters of the truss system.

So, the beams of the attic floor were laid and fixed on the finished walls, the flooring was made, which will later be brought to the level of the insulated bath ceiling (attic floor). Above is the truss system, which rests on beams or on the upper crown (Mauerlat). What type of truss system to choose?

  • You don’t even need to talk about a shed - on the scale of such a small bath house it will be simply impossible to build an attic.
  • A gable roof is a very big question, and here's why. Let's look at the diagram:

This is a drawing drawn to scale. With a span of 4 meters and a normal roof slope (45 °), the height in the ridge part will be only 2 meters - and this is without taking into account the structure itself and the necessary insulation of the roof slopes from the inside. Even if we assume that it is possible to hem the ceiling at a height of 1800 mm (which in itself is not enough), then you still get an extremely narrow “pencil case”, only 500 mm wide (green rectangle). It is simply not necessary to talk about some amenities in such an attic.

You can, of course, make a gable roof with a steeper slope. But here, too, the possibilities are limitless. We increase the slope angle to 60 °, and in the center of the attic it will already be possible to walk without bending down, but also in a strip of only about one and a half meters. But on the other hand, the height of the skate has already grown to 3.6 meters! And each, even a slight increase in the angle, will lead to a sharp increase in the bulkiness of the roof structure, its complication, weighting, since long runs will require lumber of a larger section. Plus, the windage of the roof is rapidly increasing, that is, its exposure to wind loads.

  • It’s a different matter if you plan the attic according to the “broken pattern” shown in the figure below.

"Broken" design gives a huge gain in usable space

The lower rafter legs are placed at an angle of 75 °, the upper ones - 30 ° to the horizon. The result is a quite decent room with a height of 2 and a width of 2.9 meters, with a total length of the building - about 5 m. And at the same time, the total height of the entire roof structure is only 2.86 m, which is not so much.

Even on a small building, the mansard "broken" roof looks very organic

Of course, such a truss system will be more difficult to implement, as it includes a considerable number of load-bearing and reinforcing parts.

The main elements of the truss "broken" system

1 - attic floor beams.

2 - side drains (they often go along the lining of the walls of the attic).

3 - run.

4 - attic floor beams.

5 - lower rafter legs.

6 - upper rafters.

7 - central racks.

8 - ridge beam.

For the rafter system, high-quality lumber is needed - beams, or boards (round timber is used less often). The cross section of the rafters depends on the length of the span (the distance between the two support points of the rafter leg) and the installation step. There are corresponding formulas for calculating, but you can also be guided by averaged values, for example, from the table below:

Cross-section of the rafter leg, mmDistance between support points (span length), mm

3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
40×140 1400 1000 - -
50×180 1500 1200 900 -
50×200 - 1500 1100 700 -
60×220 - 1200 900 -
Round timber, Ø mm
130 1000 700 - -
140 1400 1000 700 -
150 1500 1300 900 -
160 - 1400 1000 700 -
170 - 1400 1100 -
180 - 1500 1200 900
160/200 1300 1000 700 -
180/200 - 1000 -
200/200 - 1200 1000 700
220/200 - 1500 1300 900

The design is quite complicated in execution, but it's worth it. Even above a small bath 5 × 4 meters, a spacious room is obtained, where you can easily organize several beds or a cozy lounge for relaxation.

The pediments on both sides are sewn up with wood with mandatory insulation, windows are cut through them. In addition, if desired, you can install skylights on the slopes of the roof - this innovation has already received wide recognition from homeowners.

You can, of course, change the design of the roof, place the gables on the wide, 5-meter side of the house, and the slopes on the short side. True, in this case, it will be necessary to think over a different location of the stairs to the attic - so that it, preferably, is located along the gable part.

Roof - at the choice of the owners. Slate has already lost its former popularity, a simple roofing material will “devalue” the appearance of the built bath too much. The best option in terms of "price - quality" ratio is probably a metal tile or roofing corrugated board, they both look original and will serve for a long time.

By and large, the main design of the structure of the bath is made. Certainly, there is still a lot of work to be done.

First of all, it is necessary to think over the model and location of the sauna stove. It is recommended to stop at the option of a factory-assembled ready-made stove-heater, in which the furnace part can be taken out into the dressing room.

In the steam room there are only heated surfaces and a red-hot heater, and from the rest room-dressing room it is easier to carry out the firebox and control combustion. In addition, if the stove is equipped with a transparent fireplace glass, this will add a special comfort to the room.

How to install a stove in a wooden bath?

Mounting a heater in a wooden building always involves special precautions. How to install the stove on a wooden floor- in a special publication of our website.

The issues of laying engineering communications, waterproofing and insulation, finishing and equipping the bath with the necessary accessories and accessories are not considered in this article - these are topics for separate detailed conversations.

Video: construction of a log bath with a "broken" attic

Bath 4 by 5 by 4 by 5 - a pleasant bath in every respect

If you have a country house or cottage, then a weekend spent in nature will be memorable for all family members. And how can you call a vacation good if there is no bath in it. From this article you will learn the subtleties and problems when building a 4 by 5 by 4 by 5 bath with your own hands.

Bath project 4 by 5

If you do not want to experience inconvenience while in the bath, you should think carefully about the layout of your building. The layout of the bath 5 by 5 by 4 provides for the placement of no more than 3-4 people.

Advice! In order for the layout of the building to suit you to the fullest, you must think through everything to the smallest detail, while not forgetting to take into account the aesthetically pleasing appearance of the building.

A properly designed bath project will allow you not only to comfortably spend time in this building, but also to perform all bath procedures in it. It will also provide an opportunity to place all the necessary equipment indoors.

Designing a bath project is not a very simple task. Experience, accuracy and professionalism in this case is very important. However, using the services of professionals, you will come to extra expenses, it is quite possible to do everything yourself.

If funds allow, then you can order any project of your building from specialized companies, even if you plan a 5 by 4 5 bath. Professionals in their field will help you draw up a project, taking into account your requirements and wishes.

Bath 5 to 4, approaching the ideal

The future owner of the bath must remember that in order to carry out construction work on the arrangement of this building, the most important thing is correct execution all stages.

Advice! You can build a bath yourself, but the safety instructions must be followed in full. This will allow not only to properly erect the structure, but also not to get injured at the same time.

Here are some tips on how to build a bath from a 5x5x4 beam.

So, where to start building:

  1. try again for initial stage make the construction phase as easy as possible for yourself, that is, choose a more convenient and inexpensive type of foundation, depending on the type of soil on your site;
  2. taking into account your financial capabilities, you must determine what material you will build the walls of your building from. The price of building materials that can be used in construction work is important, but you must also choose exactly the material with which you can build a bath yourself;

  1. after you, together with your family members, decide what size you want to build a room for bath procedures on your site, decide immediately whether you will install a bath or shower in it;

Note! I would like to warn you right away that when building a wooden structure on your own, you should invite at least one professional carpenter to your team.

So, as soon as a professional in his field succeeds in cutting “in the paw” or “in the cloud”.

  • another problem in the construction of a bath can be the choice of a suitable place for this business. When planning to place a bath complex on your site, you must first of all ensure that the bath does not adjoin a residential building;
  • construction on the site must also be dealt with taking into account its relief. So, for example, if you have a slight slope on your site, then it is best to place a bath in this place, since in this way you can ensure a natural flow of water;

  • if you do not plan to bring sewage to your bath, then make sure that the drainage pit is not located in close proximity to the source of drinking water;
  • at the same time, you must also take into account the interests of your neighbors on the land, so that you cannot cause inconvenience to them by your actions;
  • if you want to build a structure for taking bath procedures “in a black way”, then its distance from the rest of the buildings on your site should not be closer than 12-14 m;
  • you must also take into account the direction of the wind, so that during the heating the sparks could not get on the buildings adjacent to the bath complex;
  • the requirements for the location of the bath "in white" are not so strict, so if you are planning to build it, then you can do it at a distance of no more than 5-6 m from other buildings on your site.

The bath complex can be combined with a summer kitchen, if you have it separately on the site. And this option is more preferable.

When a 4 by 5 by 5 bath is being built on its own, you have to take into account a lot of different nuances. So, for example, if you want the rays of the sun to enter your building, creating cozy and soft lighting in it, then you will need to place the windows in it in the southwest or west.

A building with such small dimensions is best built with a veranda or terrace, where in the warm season you can relax in the evenings with the whole family or a small group of friends. The ideal option for the location of the complex for taking water procedures is its placement near a river or pond, if you do not have such an opportunity, then place a pool next to this complex, you can plunge into it after visiting the steam room.


Now you know what nuances you should take into account before you start building a complex for taking water procedures on your own (see also the article “3 by 5 by 3 by 5 bath project - description and prices”).

You can get more information about this topic from the video in this article.

Bath 5 to 5: project, layout

The standards of bath buildings, regulated by the size of 6x6 meters, do not always fit into the location of a suburban area. Without resorting to any tricks, you can save a little space by reducing one meter of the building on each side. Such an infringement will not make any special adjustments to the plan, and with a bath size of 5 by 5 meters, quite comfortable rooms can be made.

Layout Features

The bath project is the basis of all construction. Therefore, before making any gestures towards the acquisition of material, it is necessary to plan everything in order to know the approximate amount of what will have to be bought. To do this, let's go through all the bath rooms with smart words and talk about the squares and partitions that separate all the rooms.

This is the entrance hall, where there are cabinets for storing various things and sometimes they adapt a place for storing firewood, provided that the bath is heated in this way.

Rest Team

The name speaks for itself, there are benches, a table and places for undressing. Of course, this is a place where you can relax during bath procedures.

washing department

There are no tricky explanations either - here the attendants take a shower and clean themselves up after accepting the main procedure carried out in the room, described in the next paragraph.

steam room

Sanctuary of all bath buildings. Here are the beds and the main tool - the oven.

There are no problems with the concepts, now we will deal with the calculations of the area for each department. It is necessary to measure out your squares to all rooms so as not to disturb the balance of comfort inside. Despite the compact appearance, from the outside, a 5x5 meter bath invites imagination to fly when preparing a plan for the construction of a bath. Going inside the log house, you can feel the entire volume, from which it will be repelled, “cutting out” meters for each compartment.

Let's start in order. The hallway comes first. This is not the main room, and in order for one person to calmly enter the dressing room without touching the stack of firewood prepared for the furnace, it is enough to determine four square meters for him. That is, the dimensions are 2x2 or even 2x1.5 meters. To save space and maintain order, you can build special shelves in the hallway. Firewood will lie neatly in them without falling apart on the floor.

The rest room is a room whose design should be taken more carefully. Often in the layout of the bath 5 by 5 meters, they are combined with a dressing room. The size of the room depends directly on the maximum number of people taking the procedures. But the dimensions should not exceed the total area allocated for the steam room and sink. Although, many resort to such a layout.

In the steam room, it is necessary to plan the squares in such a way that each person has about one and a half meters, taking into account the interior decoration, which “steals” centimeters of space. Benches must be positioned so that there is at least 0.5 meters from the door to them. Install the oven away from the shelves or purchase a model with a protective screen. In any case, it should not interfere with the adoption of procedures.

Unlike a steam room, you can save on the size of a sink. Since usually everyone takes turns washing, unlike the steam room, 4 m / 2 is enough for two people to “clean up” at the same time.

Possible room arrangements

More often in the design of bath rooms 5 by 5 meters, standard schemes are used. At the entrance there is a small dressing room, followed by a rest room. From it there is a staircase to the attic floor, if the layout is considered in this version. The door to the steam room and washing room can be made separately. At the same time, to go to the shower, you will first need to go to the rest room. Not everyone is satisfied with this option, and more often, the washing department is usually made a walk-through. The door to the steam room is mounted in the washing department. Thus, “waving a broom”, you, having taken a cold shower, calmly go out into the rest room.

Baths with an attic floor

In order to slightly expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath of 5x5 meters, many use projects with attic floor plans. If you decide to use this option, be prepared to increase the cost of the entire project. Because the amount of material needed increases dramatically.

Choosing what to build

Today there are no particular differences in the choice of material for the construction of a bath. Modern technologies make it possible to painlessly replace any shortcomings. In brick buildings, interior lining with clapboard gives individuality and comfort, and if it is necessary to give presentability to a stone bath, it can be finished outside with a block house or siding panels. But still, in order to make a choice, consider the main characteristics of wood and stone.


Projects of a bath from a bar of 5x5 meters, logs and any other materials belonging to this class are a kind of tradition adopted by our grandfathers. Real Russian baths are made of wood, with all the ensuing characteristics.


Although, many give him second place in the choice of material for the construction of a bath in terms of percentage, it cannot be said that he is inferior in popularity. Bricks make solid buildings. Baths, laid out in accordance with all the rules, will stand for quite a long time without additional care.

Today, various derivatives of bricks have entered the market. These are cellular blocks of various modifications. The fillers used in production give them various characteristics, but such material is relatively inexpensive.

Construction features

Yet, unlike stone, building a 5x5 bath by assembling a log house from any processed or unprepared wood is much easier. This affects not only time costs, but also the need to lay a simple foundation. Under a bath of such dimensions, it is possible to fill in a shallow strip foundation, provided that they do not pass through the thickness of the earth ground water. It is also allowed to lay the foundation of solid blocks with dimensions of 40x20x20. The second option is easier because you do not need to reinforce the trench.

The log cabin is laid out from an untreated log. In the process of laying, all the crowns are adjusted to each other and the connecting bowls are cut into them. If possible, a log house is assembled from more technologically advanced materials: glued laminated timber, profiled, or rounded logs. Wood of natural moisture is used in construction. The level is determined by indicators in percentage terms from 12 to 18%. It is also acceptable to use a drier tree. Log cabins made of such wood shrink less and do not crack over time. Finishing work after the assembly of the log house can be started no earlier than after 6 months. During this time, all the crowns will settle, find their place.

In a bath of 5x5 meters, as in buildings of other dimensions, additional wall insulation is not always required. The natural structure of wood is a good insulator. Additional work is carried out only when finishing steam rooms, where it is necessary to create a steam barrier. In the washing department and the rest room, sewing is not required. The natural appearance of the tree creates the necessary coziness and comfort.

In general, when finishing and conducting communications in a bath with dimensions of 5x5 meters, the same technologies are used as in the construction of buildings of other sizes. It is necessary to comply with all standards for plumbing and laying sewer. Electricity is carried out according to all safety regulations. A specialized cable and sockets with moisture protection are used.

A bath 5 by 5 meters is already a full-fledged building on the inner square, which can be made into comfortable rooms for bath procedures and relaxation. The main thing is to use every meter wisely.

The price of building a log cabin of a 4x5 bath without finishing under the roof is 226,000 rubles

  • The foundation is columnar. 2 blocks in a pedestal (for one-story houses) and 4 blocks each in a pedestal on a cement screed (for houses with an attic). Concrete blocks, full-bodied, 200x200x400 mm in size. Pedestals are installed on a compacted sand cushion. Sand (PGS) is provided by the customer.
  • External walls - profiled beam of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) Profile "block house" or straight.
  • In total, there are 16 crowns in the log cabin of one-story baths. There are 17 crowns in the log house of baths with an attic.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed timber with a section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrink jacks. Fencing - a handrail from a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm. Steps at the entrance.
  • The height of the ceiling of the first floor in cleanliness (from the floor log to the floor beam) for one-story baths is 2.15 m (+/-50mm); for saunas with an attic 2.29m (+/- 50mm)
  • The second floor is an attic. Clear attic ceiling height (from floor beam to ceiling beam) - 2.25 m
  • The height of the roof in the ridge for one-story baths is 1.20 m.
  • The pediments are a frame made of boards of natural humidity with a section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. Exterior finish gables - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. Wind protection - NANOIZOL "A" (for buildings with an attic).
  • In the pediments of one-story buildings, a door (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pc. For each pediment, under the ridge) are installed.
  • Ventilation hatches are installed in the gables of buildings with an attic (3 pieces for each gable).
  • Eaves and roof overhangs 200 mm wide (for one-story buildings) and 300 mm (for buildings with an attic). Cornices and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm.
  • The device of window and door openings with a dressing crown, without the installation of casing bars.
  • Assembly of the house / bath at the customer's site.

The price of a turnkey 4x5 bath with a foundation and a stove is 349,000 rubles

  • The foundation is columnar. 2 blocks in a pedestal (for one-story baths) and 4 blocks in a pedestal on a cement screed (for baths with an attic). Concrete blocks, full-bodied, 200x200x400 mm in size. Pedestals are installed on a compacted sand cushion. Sand (PGS) is provided by the customer.
  • Waterproofing - roofing material in one layer.
  • Strapping - a bar of natural moisture with a section of 150x100 mm. On the outer perimeter, the strapping is laid in two rows. Beam processed protective composition.
  • Floor logs - a board of natural moisture with a section of 40x150 mm per edge, with a step of 600 mm.
  • Draft floor - a board of natural humidity with a section of 22x100mm. Steam, waterproofing - NANOIZOL S.
  • Floor insulation - 100mm KNAUF/URSA mineral wool (or equivalent). Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • The finished floor of the first floor is a dry tongue-and-groove floorboard (spruce/pine AB) 36mm thick. Each fifth board is fastened with screws (for the possibility of further flooring).
  • External walls - profiled beam of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) Profile "block house" or straight. There are 16 crowns in total (for one-story baths) and 17 crowns (for baths with an attic).
  • Partitions of the first floor - profiled beam of natural humidity with a section of 145x90 mm, straight profile. They cut into external walls with a depth of up to 30mm.
  • Mezhventsovy insulation - jute cloth 6 mm thick
  • Interconnection - on metal dowel(construction nail 6x200mm, 250mm).
  • Corner connection - "in half a tree." The outer corners of the log house are sewn up with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm in two rows.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed timber with a section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrink jacks. Fencing - a handrail from a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm filled with carved balusters. Steps at the entrance.
  • Terrace floors - dry tongue-and-groove floorboard (spruce/pine AB) 36mm thick. Fasten with self-tapping screws to each board. Boards are laid in 5 mm increments.
  • Terrace ceilings - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • The ceiling height of the first floor in cleanliness (from floor to ceiling) is 2.10 m (+/- 50mm) for one-story baths and 2.25 m (+/-50mm) for baths with an attic.
  • The filing of the ceiling of the first floor (except for the steam room) - lining (spruce / pine AB) 12.8 * 88 mm. (joint for layout is allowed)
  • The second floor is an attic. Clear attic ceiling height (from floor to ceiling) - 2.20 m
  • Floor insulation - 100 mm KNAUF / URSA mineral wool (or equivalent). Vapor barrier NANOIZOL V.
  • Attic floors - dry tongue-and-groove floorboard (spruce / pine AB) 36mm thick. Each fifth board is fastened with screws (for the possibility of further flooring).
  • Sheathing of the walls and ceiling of the attic - lining (spruce / pine AB) 12.5 * 88 mm (a joint for layout is allowed).
  • Attic wall insulation - 100mm ROCKWOOL basalt mats (or equivalent). Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • Partitions of the attic - a frame made of a bar of natural moisture with a section of 40 * 75 mm, sheathed on both sides with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 12.5 * 88 mm. Partitions are not insulated.
  • Rafters - farms from a board of natural humidity with a section of 150x40mm., 100x40mm. Are established with a step of 900-1000 mm.
  • The pediments are a frame made of boards of natural humidity with a section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. External finishing of pediments - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. . Wind, moisture protection - NANOIZOL "A" (for baths with an attic).
  • In the pediments of one-story baths, a door (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pc. For each pediment, under the ridge) are installed.
  • Ventilation hatches are installed in the gables of baths with an attic (3 pieces for each gable).
  • Lathing - a board of natural moisture with a section of 22 * ​​100 mm, with a step of 300 mm. Counter-lattice - rail 20 * 40 mm, along the slopes of the rafters.
  • Roofing - ONDULIN (burgundy, brown, green) or galvanized corrugated board. Underroofing vapor barrier - NANOIZOL S.
  • Cornices and roof overhangs 200 mm wide (for one-story baths) and 300 mm (for baths with an attic). Cornices and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm.
  • The staircase to the attic is single-flight, on bowstrings made of planed timber with a section of 145 * 90 mm. Floorboard steps. The handrail and the fence in the attic are a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm.
  • Finishing the walls and ceiling of the steam room - lining (aspen B) 14 * 90 mm (a joint for layout is allowed). Reflective insulation on a foil basis - NANOIZOL FB. Counter rail - 10 * 40 mm (ventilation gap - 10 mm). Before sheathing, the timber base of the walls is treated with a protective composition for baths and saunas NEOMID 200.
  • Two-tier shelves made of planed board (aspen B) 28*90 mm. The width of the step - 40 cm (height - 50 cm); lounger width - 60 cm (height - 110 cm).
  • Installation of the ERMAK 12 / ERMAK 16 furnace with a hanging tank (stainless steel 35 l) for heating water.
  • The basis of the furnace - a brick in one row. Cutting furnace portal - brick.
  • Fire insulation - basalt cardboard, ceiling and roof passages, a reflective screen made of smooth galvanized steel on basalt cardboard, inflow sheet.
  • The flue - vertical, with an output in a roof through a ceiling. Starting pipe - stainless steel 0.5 mm, stainless steel gate valve, stainless steel starting adapter, sandwich pipes 115 * 200 mm (stainless steel 0.5 mm * galvanized 0.5 mm), galvanized head.
  • Installation in the washing shower tray 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. The outlet of the drain outside the perimeter of the bath is a sanitary PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
  • Windows - wooden, double-glazed, with a seal and fittings (screw hinges, twist locks). Inward-opening doors. Dimensions (h*w) 1200*1500 mm; 1200*1000 m; 1200*600mm; 600*600mm; 400*400 mm. Windows are installed in casing boxes.
  • Entrance door - wooden, paneled, deaf (spruce / pine A). Size (h * w) 1800 * 800 mm (for one-story baths; 2000 * 800 mm (for baths with an attic). Handles, hinges. A padlock is installed on the front door.
  • Doors interroom - bath, frame (aspen A). Size (h*w) 1750*750 mm. Handles, hinges.
  • in windows and doorways casing bars (swarms) are installed.
  • Sealing of corners, joints, junctions - plinth spruce / pine A / aspen AB.
  • Finishing of windows, doors - architraves spruce / pine A on both sides, aspen AB
  • Nails for fixing parts - construction black.
  • Nails for fastening lining - galvanized 2.5x50 mm
  • Nails for fastening the plinth, layouts - finishing galvanized 1.8x50 mm.
  • Loading, delivery up to 400 km from Pestovo, Novgorod region, unloading of a set of material.
  • Assembly of the bath at the customer's site.
  • BONUS. Steam room accessories. Stones - gabbro-diabase 40 kg.

We have compiled for you a convenient table of differences in the configuration of baths for shrinkage and turnkey.




Columnar foundation of concrete blocks 200*200*400



Double strapping from a bar 150 * 100 mm



Floor logs from a board 40 * 150 on the edge with a step of 600 mm



Draft floor from a board 22*100/150 mm



Floor insulation with hydro and vapor barrier



Finished floor - dry tongue-and-groove floorboard 36 mm



Walls and partitions made of profiled timber of natural humidity with a section of 145 * 90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm)



Assembling a log house on steel dowels



Corner connection - in half a tree



Mezhventsovy heater - jute



Rafters - trusses from a bar 40 * 100/150 mm with a pitch of 900/1000 mm



Lathing - board 20*100/150 mm



Roofing– ondulin / galvanized corrugated board C20



Roof eaves and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard spruce / pine AB



Window and door openings with dressing crown, without installation of casing bars



Window and door openings with installation of casing bars



Installation of windows and doors



Ceiling filing - lining spruce / pine AB



Insulation + vapor barrier of floors / attic



Finishing the walls and ceiling of the attic - lining spruce / pine AB



Finishing the walls and ceiling of the steam room - lining aspen AB + shelves



Furnace and chimney installation



Installation in the washing shower tray 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. Conclusion of the drain for the perimeter of the bath



Staircase to the attic



Finishing: plinth, platbands



Loading a set of material, its delivery up to 400 km from our base, unloading at the customer's site




Cost, rub)

unit of measurement

Foundation installation on screw piles or reinforced concrete foundation


decorative trim plinth - pickup ()


running meters

Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 500 * 500 * 100 mm under the supporting pedestals ( )


Protection (lining board) of the first row of strapping from a larch board 50 * 150 mm ( )

running meters

Protection (lining board) of the first row of strapping made of larch board 50 * 200 mm ( )

running meters

Double strapping from timber 150x150mm

running meters

Double strapping from timber 150x200mm

running meters

Device floor log from a bar 150x100mm

running meters

The device of floors from a larch terrace board "velveteen" (for open terraces)()


m*2 floor

Installation of finishing floors made of tongue-and-groove larch floorboard 27 mm ( )


m*2 floor

External walls made of profiled timber with a moisture content of 145x140mm, partitions made of profiled timber. humidity section 145*90 mm


running meters exterior walls

External walls and partitions made of profiled chamber-drying timber with a section of 145x90 mm


running meters exterior walls

And baffles

External walls made of profiled kiln-dried timber with a section of 145x140 mm, partitions made of profiled kiln-dried timber with a section of 145x90 mm


linear meters of external walls

Exterior walls made of profiled timber. humidity with a section of 145x190mm, partitions made of profiled timber eat. humidity section 145*90 mm


linear meters of external walls

External walls made of profiled chamber-drying timber with a section of 145x190mm, partitions made of profiled chamber-drying timber with a section of 145*90mm.


linear meters of external walls

A set of kiln-dried lumber ( )


m * 2 building area

Conjugation of crowns on wooden dowel


Assembling a log house using a SPRING ASSEMBLY FORCE ( )


running meters external walls and partition walls

Assembling a log house with a screed of crowns in height with steel studs


running meters external walls and partition walls

Corner connection "groove-thorn" (warm corner)


one corner of the log

Corner connection “in the bowl” ( )

from 30 000

house kit

Interventional insulation - holofiber()


linear meter of the outer walls of the log house

Increasing the ceiling height by 14 cm (+ one crown in the log house)


running meters exterior walls

and partition walls

Insulation 150mm

m * 2 insulated area

The device of a ladder on a bowstring made of glued laminated timber, with wide steps, turned pillars, balusters and a figured handrail.



Roofing - metal tiles RAL 3005 ,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m*2 roof

Roofing - polymer-coated corrugated board(RAL 3005,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m*2 roof

Installation of a drainage system (PVC, DEKE)


running meters roof slope

Installation of corner snow barriers ( )

running meters roof slope

Installation of tubular snow barriers ( )


running meters roof slope

Attic device: sparse flooring from edged boards along the ceiling beams, a door in one of the gables + a dormer window in the opposite gable

m*2 ceiling

External finishing of pediments - block house spruce / pine AB 28 * 140

m * 2 gable area

External finishing of gables - imitation of timber 18*140 mm

m * 2 gable area

Treatment of the entire building with a fire-retardant composition NEOMID ( )

m * 2 building area

Surface treatment with NEOMID terrace oil ( )

m*2 floor

Treatment of the walls and ceiling of the steam room and washing varnish NEOMID "for baths and saunas" ( )

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Processing the ends of the log house with NEOMID TOR PLUS ( )


Treatment of shelves in the steam room with NEOMID oil ( )


m*2 shelf

Finishing of walls and ceiling with larch lining 14*90mm ( )


m * 2 walls and ceiling

The device of the "flowing floor" in the washing ( )


m*2 floor

Finishing with a pair of clapboards OSINA A, including shelves - OSINA A

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with a double clapboard LIPA A, including shelves - LIPA A


m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with double clapboard LIPA EXTRA, including shelves - LIPA Extra more more)

35 000


Installation of PVC windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows

from 4000


Installation of PVC windows with double-glazed windows

from 5000


Installation of a heat exchanger in the ERMAK furnace, installation of an external tank (stainless steel 60l) on the washing wall, hot water supply with metal-plastic pipes



Installation of a tank (stainless steel 50l) on a pipe above the stove, with a tap outlet to the washing room

13 000


Installation of another ERMAK oven (

12 000/16000


Chimney device made of stainless steel 0.8 mm thick (protective screen, stainless steel inlet sheet included)

16 000/20000


Delivery over 400 km from Pestovo, Novgorod region.


Construction change house 2.0 * 3.0 / 4.0 m ()

from 21 000


The whole country rests on such workers

Alexey Gennadievich!!! Due to the lack of time, I could not write to you in any way - many thanks for the work of your employees in the construction of the bathhouse, two young men, unfortunately, I don’t know their names, they worked clearly and harmoniously, the quality of the bathhouse is EXCELLENT !!! The whole country rests on such workers. All friends and relatives also noted the impeccable work of the guys, as a result of which they dreamed of a bathhouse.

The guys built us an amazing bath

I want to express my deep gratitude to Alexey (general director), Zorin Sergey and Chistyakov Vladimir (builders)! In early August, the guys built us an amazing bathhouse, taking into account all our wishes. The delivery of materials was made on time, the construction was completed even ahead of the time agreed earlier, the quality of materials and work was at the highest level. In general, just a fairy tale! I advise you to build only with Russian carpenters!

"Price quality"

The work is pleasing to the eye. Fast, high quality, on time. I thank the team of guys (Evgeny, Dmitry, Sergey) and the general director Alexei Roslov for the work done. I ordered a bathhouse with an attic 6x6 project B-20 with minor changes, “for shrinkage”. All work has been completed ahead of time and quality. All my wishes were taken into account. I was very pleased with Alexey Roslov's attitude to his work. He always promptly and competently answered all my questions, settled controversial issues. The team, despite the young age of the guys, worked quickly and smoothly, at the end they gave advice on caring for the timber and conservation for the winter. Next year I will do the finishing with the same team. "Russian Plotniki" wins in all positions in comparison with other large companies. “Price-quality” is about them. Thanks again. I will recommend to everyone.

Own bath on the site is the dream of many. It's nice to come at any time and take a steam bath with a broom, then drink tea on the veranda, while not timing the time, because every hour of visiting is paid. In addition, today the choice of building materials is rich and varied, so building a bath yourself is not so expensive.

The bath can have different sizes, you should choose based on the size of the site, the budget and the number of people who will go to bathe. The 4x5 m bath project is one of the most popular options, which is close to ideal -.

Bath project 4 by 5: advantages

  • a bath of this size is quite compact, so its construction is possible even in small areas. At the same time, a 5 by 4 bath will be fully functional: all the main rooms will fit in it, and a bath project of this size may also include a veranda, a toilet, etc .;
  • in the steam room of a 4x5 bath, 3-4 people can fit at the same time. Of course it is small company, but for family use, a building of this size is optimal;
  • low fuel consumption and quick heating of the steam room. The larger the steam room, the higher the fuel consumption and the longer it takes to wait until the desired temperature is established in the room. The 4 by 5 bath is small, so the necessary conditions are quickly achieved in it;
  • simplicity of design. The bath is small, so its construction will not cause difficulties, and you can easily;
  • low cost of building a bath. This advantage follows from the previous one: there will be no difficulties in erecting such a building, installation is simple, so there is no need to pay builders, you can do everything yourself. But even if you decide to hire a team of workers, you will have to pay a lower cost than for building a large bath. In addition, the consumption of materials for the construction of a bath 4 by 5 is less, therefore, its cost is also lower.

Bath 5 to 4: projects, photos

Purchasing a ready-made project is a simple and convenient way, but it is paid. If you want to save money, you can find a ready-made project on the Internet or develop your own. Bath 5x4 is small in size, so drawing up a drawing on your own should go without

Despite the small dimensions of the bath, projects can be different. When drawing up a drawing, it is necessary to indicate the dimensions of all rooms, determine the location of the stove and shelves, consider where windows and doors will be located, as well as ventilation products, chimney, pipes and electrical wires.

The standard layout of a 4x5 bath includes a steam room, a washing room and a rest room. In some cases, for example, in small baths the steam room and the washing room are combined. But a 4 by 5 bath is quite spacious, so the layout of a 4x5 bath, a sink and a steam room separately, is easily implemented, and it makes no sense to deprive yourself of amenities by combining these rooms unnecessarily.

The size of the steam room depends on how many people will steam in it at the same time. For rational use of space, it is better to make bunk shelves. The minimum size of the steam room is 2x2 m.

Washing can have different sizes. Many make it the size of a steam room, while others, on the contrary, reduce it to such a size that only a shower cabin can fit in it.

If you need to increase the capacity of the bath, then it is better to do this just at the expense of the washing room, since this is the room that they enter one at a time, while the whole company sits in the steam room and rest room.

The rest room should be such that it fits a table and chairs. Usually it is this room that is the largest, since several people often go to the steam room, and everyone else sits here. If the rest room serves as a dressing room, then you must also provide a place where you can leave shoes and outerwear.

If you want to go to the bathhouse when it's cold outside, then a small vestibule would be a reasonable option. It will be enough 1 m wide and 3-3.5 m long. It is better to place the entrance on one side, in which case you will have a place to store firewood and other necessary things.

Despite the small size of the 4x5 bath, the photos of the layout inside prove that various additional rooms can be made in it for greater convenience. For example, if you put a toilet, then visiting the bath in the cold season will be much more convenient.

Having your own terrace will give you the opportunity to relax in nature, breathing fresh air and admiring the surrounding landscape.

It would be best to build a bath next to a pond, but not all sites have access to a pond or river, in which case a bath project with a pool would be a good option. After warming up in the steam room, it is useful to plunge into cool water; this procedure strengthens the body and increases its protective functions.

A simple bath project 5 by 4 m

This project provides for three rooms: a steam room, a shower room and a rest room, which also serves as a dressing room. There is nothing superfluous in this project, the bath is simple, and its rooms are quite spacious.

The shower room has a sufficient area, so you can install not only a shower cabin in it, but also put an additional font.

The absence of a dressing room has a drawback: the cold from the street will fall directly into the rest room, so this project should be chosen by those who plan to go to the bathhouse only in the warm season.

Bath project 4x5 m with a porch

In such a bath, as in the previous one, there are only three rooms. But here is a spacious steam room, while the shower room is small. Thanks to the spacious steam bath, the capacity in this bath is larger, so if you go to steam with a large company, it is better to choose this option.

The disadvantage of the project is the lack of a full-fledged vestibule, it is combined with a rest room.

Bath project 5x4 m with a terrace

In this project, the steam room, washing room and relaxation room are quite small, but there is a terrace here, which is a considerable advantage. This project is optimal for those who go to the bath only when it is warm outside. Having your own terrace is a great opportunity to relax between visits to the steam room not in a stuffy room, but in the fresh air.

The 4x5 bath project is a great option for small areas. As you can see in the photos above, the layout of the 4x5 bath makes it possible to place everything you need, while its construction will be inexpensive and will not cause difficulties.

Own bath is an indispensable tool for meeting friends and relaxing after a busy day at work. But for many people, contacting a construction company to build a turnkey bath is too expensive. And they prefer to build on their own.

This is a rather complex process in which a huge number of details must be taken into account. Already at the stage of designing and budgeting a future bath, many questions may arise. We hope that this article will help clarify many of them.

There are no ideal building materials. Brick baths have their pros and cons, which must be considered when choosing a project.


  • long service life. With a reliable foundation and proper operation, a brick bath will last much longer than similar buildings made of wood and other materials;
  • safety. A brick building is much better protected from fires than wooden buildings;
  • variety of architectural forms. Strength structural elements brick bath allows you to create buildings of complex configuration, original layouts and roof shapes.

Minuses brick baths also have. Among them:

  • relatively high cost. The construction of a building made of bricks will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than timber or concrete structures;
  • the need for additional thermal insulation.

Choose a project

foundation type

When building baths, three main types of foundation are most common.

foundation typeDescriptionIllustration
Monolithic or prefabricated strip baseA reinforced concrete strip is poured under the internal partitions and along the perimeter of the walls of the building, which is subsequently waterproofed and insulated. In the process of building the foundation, the vents necessary for the ventilation of the underground space of the bath are equipped.

ColumnarSupports are installed at points of increased loads - under heavily loaded girders, load-bearing walls, in the corners of the building. Supports can be made of various materials, namely:

Blocks (buried to the point of permafrost and surface);
concrete poured into a fixed formwork with a reinforced frame inside.

ScrewScrew piles are screwed into the ground. Further, heads are installed on them, a reinforcing cage is laid, a strapping from a bar or a concrete grillage is poured.

When building a brick bath, the best choice would be a deep strip foundation. Its construction takes more than one day and is quite expensive, but you can be sure that the foundation will not sag under the weight of massive walls.

Strip foundation for a brick bath - photo
The plan of the trench for the strip foundation - corresponds to the position of the future walls, partitions and the stove of the bath

Video - Strip foundation. Choice and ground rules

Video - Strip foundation - technology

The depth of the foundation and the width of the foundation also play an important role. When determining these parameters, it is necessary to build on the type of soil, climate and wall width. The foundation should be laid below the freezing level of the soil, and to determine its width, it is necessary to take the estimated thickness of the walls and add 10 centimeters on each side.

Files for download - approximate calculations of strip foundations of various configurations and areas. The thickness of the tape, the amount of reinforcement, the estimated cost of materials are indicated in the documents.

Wall masonry type

It can be lightweight and solid. With continuous masonry, bricks are laid in at least two rows without voids between them. With a lightweight one, two walls are laid out of bricks, and voids are left between them, which are filled with heat-insulating material (fine slag, basalt wool, etc.).

During the construction of baths, as a rule, a lightweight type of masonry is used, since it allows you to reduce the weight of the walls and, accordingly, the load on the foundation. It is also important that with lightweight masonry, much less brick is consumed.

Tip: solid masonry should be used only in cases where increased structural strength is needed.

The best option for laying walls is silicate brick ( white color). You can also use clay (red). It is more durable, but also more expensive.

NamebrandThe sizeAppearanceRetail pricePicture
Single solid brickM100250x120x65Ceramic, solid, groovedRUB 10.11
M125250x120x65Ceramic, solid, single, groovedRUB 11.48
M100250x120x65Full bodied, smooth12.55 rub.
M175250x120x65Full bodied, smooth14.12 rub.
M100, M125, M150250x120x65mmFluted19.6 rubles

GOST 530-2012. CERAMIC BRICK AND STONE. Are common specifications. Download file

Brick prices

Calculation of the number of bricks

To avoid unnecessary expenses, it is necessary to accurately calculate the amount of brick that will be needed for masonry. To do this, the area of ​​​​the outer and inner walls is first calculated separately, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball door and window openings is subtracted from it and the resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the walls.

Also, when calculating the required number of bricks, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the mortar joints and the thickness of the bricks. Beginners often do not take this into account and buy 30-40% more bricks than what is really needed for construction.

Tip: Trying to make these calculations yourself is not necessary at all. On the Internet, you can find building tables and services for calculating the required number of bricks for masonry, taking into account their size and seams.

Video - Building a brick bath with your own hands

Video - A good example of building a brick bath

Location and size of premises

In the simplest projects, a bathhouse can consist of just one room in which you can soar, wash, and change clothes. But such options are not very comfortable. Classical Russian baths provide for the presence of three rooms: a dressing room, a steam room and a washing room.

dressing room

This room plays the role of a dressing room. It can also store fuel for the stove (coal, firewood) and bath accessories. Often this room is used as a rest room and, in addition to wardrobes, armchairs, sofas, and a table are installed in it.

Dressing room - wardrobe

According to technical standards, each person in the dressing room should have at least 1.3 square meters of area. And this is not counting the area occupied by boxes with firewood, cabinets, hangers, etc. The recommended area of ​​the dressing room is up to 6 square meters. There should be a window here.

Tip: it is important that the door to the steam room opens towards the dressing room. If the door goes towards the dressing room, it will be easier to open it in an emergency, if someone becomes ill in the steam room.

In this room, according to technical standards, each person should have at least 1.2 square meters of area. As for the washing equipment, it depends on the financial capabilities of the owners of the bath and the total size of the room. The most budget options include washing in a regular trough or a pouring bowl. With a large washing room and a sufficient budget, you can install a full-fledged bathtub, a shower cabin and even a small pool in this room. True, in these cases, you will have to bear the additional costs of conducting water supply.

Tip: with sufficient space in the washing room, you can install a special table or trestle bed for massage.

Video - The device of the Russian bath

steam room

This is the main room in the bath. And it is necessary to calculate its dimensions with special care.

HeightIt should not exceed 2.5 meters. Otherwise, the steam will be small and it will be unstable. It is also not recommended to make the ceiling very high, since in this case you will have to spend much more time on kindling.

SquareIt must be determined based on the type of stove and the number of people who will use the bath. If a metal stove is used in the bath, it is necessary to make a steam room slightly larger than with a brick stove. The distance from the shelf to the metal stove must be at least 1.25 meters, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned, since these types of stoves heat up the air a lot.

For each person in the steam room there must be at least one square meter of area. And this is without taking into account the area of ​​​​the stove (on average, the stove also occupies about 1 square meter) and the fire-prevention distance to the walls. It turns out that, for example, the area of ​​​​a comfortable steam room for three people should be at least 4.5-5 meters.

Tip: in order to save money, you can close up the spaces under the shelves and thereby reduce the heated volume of the steam room. This will reduce fuel costs. Indeed, in this case, the heated volume of the heated area will decrease, but not to the detriment of the spaciousness of the room.

Construction and type of oven

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the material of the future furnace. It can be both brick and metal. Each material has its own advantages.

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • They warm up the room well and cool down for a long time.

Metal ovens:

  • heat up faster;
  • are cheaper;
  • have less mass.

Sauna stove prices

sauna stove

Video - How the sauna stove works

It is calculated based on the area of ​​the steam room and its structural elements. First you need to measure the total volume of the heated room. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account heat losses, therefore, each square meter of surfaces not covered with thermal insulation will add 1.2 cubic meters to the total volume of the steam room, glass door- 1.5 cubic meters. If, for example, a volume of 8 cubic meters was obtained as a result, an 8 kW oven will be needed for the steam room.

Furnace type

The main thing is to decide on the type of heater. It can be either open or closed. Open-hearth stoves heat up very quickly, but cool down just as quickly. The stones in them heat up to 200-250 degrees.

Furnaces with a closed heater heat up for a long time - an average of 2-4 hours. However, they take a long time to cool down. The temperature of the stones in them reaches 400-500 degrees. Also, the advantage of such stoves is that the smoke from them does not penetrate from the steam room into other rooms of the bath.

Video - All about sauna stoves

Where to install the stove

It can be installed both directly in the steam room itself (for example, in the center or in one of the corners), and in the adjacent room, namely the dressing room or shower room (in the latter case, the heater is located in the steam room, and the firebox door is located in another room or even on street). In the steam room, stoves with a shortened fuel channel are installed, in adjacent rooms - with an external fuel channel. It is also necessary to take into account the type of fuel for the furnace. If gas is used for kindling, it is impossible to put the stove in the steam room.

In the center of the steam room, only an electric stove with a wooden protective rim around can be installed, since the use of metal models is fraught with burns for people in the bath.

Location selection

The location of the bath depends on many factors.

The building is preferably located near a reservoir. This is especially true for baths, to which it is not planned to conduct plumbing. At the same time, they should be located so as not to be flooded during the flood, so it is best to place them on a hill.

It is better to place the window on the west side, since in the evening there is much more sun from this side.

The bath should be located on the leeward side of the rest of the buildings so that in the event of a fire the fire does not spread to it. True, for brick buildings this is not as relevant as for wooden ones, but if possible, it is still worth following this rule. The distance to other buildings must be at least 5 meters. But this rule must be observed, since such a distance is directly indicated in the technical and sanitary standards.

The front door should be located on the south side, since snowdrifts in winter are much less on this side.

Tip: if the area of ​​​​the site is small, and the owner wants to place several buildings on it (for example, a tool shed, a summer kitchen, a bathroom), it is better to combine them with a bathhouse. Otherwise, you may not meet the distances between buildings established by technical standards.

Each of the bath rooms is finished differently.

steam room

Of course, this room must be sheathed with wood. But not every breed is suitable. In order not to get burned when touching walls or shelves, preference should be given to species with a minimum wood density that heat up more slowly: maple, aspen, alder, linden, northern pine.

Tip: due to high humidity and temperature changes, the tree will quickly darken. This is quite normal, you do not need to think about repairs, noticing this.

In this room, by definition, there will be maximum humidity, so it is best to tile the floor. Of course, you can also choose wood (preference should also be given to rocks with a minimum density), but no matter how moisture resistant it is and no matter what compositions are processed, gradual darkening is still inevitable.

Tip: ceramic tiles do not get damp, but cool quickly, so touching them with bare feet is not very pleasant. You can install special wooden pallets on top of the tiles, then using the sink will be much more comfortable.

Prices for ceramic tiles

floor tiles

dressing room

Any materials are suitable for finishing this room: lining, stone, tile.

Tip: With a limited budget, there is no need to choose the most quality materials. The room will have low humidity, room temperature, so even if you decorate the walls with cheap pine clapboard, it will take a long time to make repairs in the room.

thermal insulation

This aspect is very important. After all, if the building does not heat up well, all the titanic work on its construction will be down the drain. It is necessary to start work on the thermal insulation of the bath from the very first stage - the construction of the foundation and the arrangement of the floor in the bath.

Particular attention should be paid to the vapor barrier of the steam room and washing room. Under wood paneling foil insulation is laid (for example, mineral wool) or foil up to 250 microns thick is attached to the insulation layer. It is imperative to insulate both the walls and the ceiling of the room. To warm the dressing room, you can use not foil, but cheaper kraft paper.

To improve thermal insulation, it is necessary to place windows as low as possible and make high thresholds in the steam room. The area of ​​the window glass is also important. The larger it is, the greater the heat loss. Therefore, the project should not provide for large windows. Determining their size is very simple. The window area in the bath should not exceed 5% of the floor area. And of course, all the cracks in them should be caulked, and the frames should be tightly fitted to the bindings.

Advice. Double glazed windows will also help reduce heat loss.

Kraft paper prices

kraft paper roll


In traditional baths in white, an equipped ventilation system of the supply and exhaust type (with forced or natural circulation) is required. It includes an outlet for air flow and exhaust holes. Air inlets are best placed under the bottom of the stove so that the air heats up faster. The exhaust duct is located just below the ceiling. If the stove is located in a steam room, the exhaust duct must be located at the maximum distance from it. In large steam rooms with powerful stoves, two exhaust channels can be made.

Tip: It is necessary to place special dampers on the outlets in order to control the air flow in the steam room.

Video - Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath

The construction of medium-sized baths, standard projects 4x5 and 4x6, individual construction of medium-sized premises, the current project of a 6x4 log house in a small video from the user.

The origin of the rite of purification through a visit to the steam room is rooted in the deep past. The Russian soul is deeply convinced of the healing properties of the bath. Hot steam not only gives strength to the body, it pacifies the mind. There is a strong opinion that when a person visits a steam room, an additional source of energy is activated, due to which life expectancy increases.

Features of the construction of medium-sized baths

Proper construction of the bath will ensure its functionality for a long period of time. Therefore, designing for an average family appeals to modern building materials, at the same time, based on the experience of our ancestors. Wooden structures that have survived to this day provide unique information about how our predecessors built several centuries ago. Ancient wooden architecture brought to us the most basic information, namely, how to save wood from destruction for tens or even hundreds of years.

The most optimal choice for a wooden bathhouse for an average family is a building measuring 4.0x5.0 or 4.0x6.0 meters. Depending on the desire and capabilities of the customer, as building material for the construction of walls, a rounded log, profiled timber or frame is used.

The main step before starting construction work is to determine the exact place where the future building will be located, and only after this stage construction work should begin.

It's important to know that

When designing a bath room, it is advisable to pay attention to which side of the world the window openings look at. If possible, it is desirable to place the windows of the rest room to the west so that the evening sun creates a unique comfort against the backdrop of the passing day.

A foundation must be laid under a bath of any material. As a rule, a strip foundation is laid, with a height of at least 0.5 m and a width of 0.3 m. Some people prefer to install the structure on piles of a screw foundation, as a kind of especially strong foundation that can withstand the significant weight of the structure installed on it.

At a distance of two meters from the foundation line, they have drain hole, into which a sewer pipe is laid, laid in a specially dug trench.

The thickness of the walls is at least 18 cm, therefore, a log with a diameter of at least 18 cm is used for a log house. But wood is a natural raw material, so the diameter of each tree trunk differs from one another. When erecting walls, logs are selected in such a way that the alternation of thick and relatively thin logs is observed. Due to this laying, the building has a peculiar appearance.

When forming the walls, the wood of deciduous trees is laid in their lower part, and conifers are used in the upper part. The best material for building a log house is cedar wood. Part of it is used for internal partitions of the building, part - for interior decoration. Between the stacked logs, in order to avoid the formation of cracks during the shrinkage of the wood and the shrinkage of the log house, a special material is used for their caulking. In most cases, jute rope is used. Recently, a new insulating material, flax fiber, has gained great popularity. Environmentally friendly, non-flammable heat insulator, specially designed for construction purposes.

Roof coverage also depends on the capabilities of the client. The roof covering can be either tiled or slate. The arrangement of the attic space of the bath is very diverse and depends on the features of the design itself. In some cases, the attic is equipped for housing, in other cases, they simply store bath paraphernalia and utensils, some customers ask to include a garage in the project and equip it.

Internal arrangement of the bath

The location of the shelves inside the steam room is very important. The upper stationary non-removable shelf is placed at a distance of at least 0.9-1.0 m from the floor level. A wider, middle shelf is placed between the lower bench and the upper shelf.

It's important to know that

If the floor of the steam room is tiled or ceramic tiles, the bench should be installed in such a way that it supports the shelves.

Historically, the bath building consisted of two rooms - a steam room, which carried an additional load as a washing department, and a dressing room, with the function of a vestibule, a dressing room, a rest room and even a furnace. Modern projects even suggest the presence individual rooms under the steam room, locker room, dressing room. Medium-sized buildings already have additional premises or zones, including a relaxation area, which can include a small pool or hot tub, a modest gym, or a treadmill.

The material for construction is also very different. Today, in addition to wooden baths, you can find stone, gas and foam slab, expanded clay concrete or built of brick. Depending on the project, they can exist in direct connection with the house, be located on the ground floor of the dwelling, or be a separate building on the site. The most popular are baths from a log house or erected separately, at least 15 m from a residential building. In modern construction, instead of logs, planed profiled timber is most often used.

Project selection

The bath project is selected based on many factors, the fundamental of which is binding to the size of the existing territory. To do this, a place is chosen for the future building, where the bathhouse will organically fit in, or into an existing ensemble, or harmoniously enter the project of a residential complex planned for construction on the site.

Bath project 4 by 5 meters

The room is medium in size, intended for use by a large family. In its structure, the bath contains three main rooms - a steam room, a dressing room and a large room used at the discretion of the customer. In some individual projects, it is turned into a collection of small, but very functional spaces. It can be a pantry combined with a shower bathroom, or their separate location. It can be used as a whole for a large relaxation area or combined with a miniature gym where exercise equipment is installed. With internal changes made to the project in terms of the position and transfer of walls and doorways, it is possible to organize additional rooms and make an addition in the form of a second vestibule, which is so necessary in winter to retain the masses of cold air coming from the street into a warm bath room.

As a heating system, a heater stove is used, located in the steam room in such a way that one of its sides is part of the dressing room wall. As additional source heat install water or gas heating, again, depending on the capabilities of the owner and his desire.

With the seasonal use of a bath according to a 4 by 5 project, it makes no sense to plan a heating system. Unused area under heating system can be used as a terrace or veranda, as an additional place to relax outside the walls of the room. Under the terrace, as a rule, flower beds or a flower garden are broken, so the initial choice of a place for finding a bath on a site is very important, since sunlight is needed for flowers and it is necessary that the building does not block the power source for green spaces.

Bath project 4 by 6 meters

A variety of projects is very inspiring with its uniqueness, originality,. The development of medium-sized premises is very popular - 4.0 by 5.0 and 4.0 by 6.0 meters. Modification of baths with dimensions of 4.0x6.0 meters has an undeniable advantage, since rectangular shape allows it to be positioned in a very favorable way in relation to the house. When choosing a project with an attic, the value of such a room increases significantly, since as the building is ready, you can live in it and continue building the site. In the future, a bathhouse with an attic floor will be perfectly reformatted into a small guest house. You can also attach a veranda, terrace or unheated pool under a protective dome to it.

Video of the current project of a bath from a log house 6x4 meters

Standard equipment

The following structural elements are included in the standard package of a bath from a planed profiled beam:

  • support-columnar foundation;
  • strapping, or the base of the bath - is made of bars, 150x100 mm in size;
  • floor logs with a step of 0.7 m - a bar is used, 150x40 mm in size;
  • the main walls are made of timber, 100x150 mm in size;
  • internal walls are made of timber laid on edge. The profiled beam has straight sides with chamfers and is equipped with a groove and tenon.

Flax-jute or jute cloth is used as an insulating material for the interventional opening of the log house, mineral or basalt slab wool, 50 mm thick, is used for the ceiling and floor. Steam and waterproofing is desirable to use from TM "Izospan".

For the device of the subfloor and the roof sheathing, a softwood edged board is used. The use of pine wood is acceptable. The finished floor is covered with floorboards made of coniferous wood. As a rule, larch is used for a tongue-and-groove floorboard, 27 mm thick. All elements of forced drying with a maximum moisture content of not more than 15%.

The standard package of the 4 by 5 and 4 by 6 project from planed profiled timber includes covering the ceiling, floors and corners with a plinth in all the interior of the bath.

The height of the ceiling of the steam room according to the project is 2.1 m with a sheathing of aspen lining. Aluminum foil heat reflector is used as thermal insulation. The premises of the washing department and the dressing room are not sheathed with wooden clapboard. A shower tray is installed in the washing department.

It's important to know that

As a rule, the provision of furnace equipment is not included in the projects under development for baths.

The ventilation system is represented by an outlet - a ventilation window that goes outside. The roof is made of red ondulin as standard, but if the customer wishes, the color or the material itself can be changed.

If there is an attic floor in the project, its implementation comes from frame panels with pine clapboard trim.

All window openings are equipped with insulated joinery - double-glazed wooden double-leaf frames. Polished or paneled doors are hung in the doorways of the main rooms;