Kalanchoe Kalandiva: cultivation and care at home. Soil requirements and top dressing

  • 12.06.2019

Kalanchoe kalandiva is a common indoor plant from the Tolstyankov family. Like other members of this family, it is a succulent. Valued by flower growers for abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. Under natural conditions, it is impossible to meet Kalanchoe Kalandiva, since it is an artificially bred species.

Botanical description of Kalanchoe kalandiva

general characteristics

Kalanchoe Kalandiva was originally derived from Kalanchoe Blossfeld.. Their most important difference is that the first flowers are terry, while the second is simple. In all other respects, these species are practically no different.

Kalandiva is a short plant with thick and succulent stems and leaves. The leaves are ovoid and opposite. In appearance, the leaf plates are glossy, dark green in color, with an uneven edge.

The flowers of this species are terry, collected in erect brushes. Coloring of flowers can be very diverse:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow.

With appropriate flowering lasts from December to June.

Kalanchoe kalandiva mini

It differs from it in a more compact bush size, usually no more than 15 cm, and a longer flowering period.

Kalanchoe kalandiva mix

Most often, the manufacturer refers to a mixture of different colors of Kalanchoe.

Growing Kalanchoe Kalandiva (video)

Care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe does not require any special conditions of detention. But for abundant flowering, you still need to follow a number of certain rules of care.


To grow this Kalanchoe, you need bright but diffused lighting. Therefore, it feels best on the windows of the eastern and western exposures.

Important! Kalanchoe unlike others indoor plants cannot be illuminated. By its very nature, it is a short-day culture. Therefore, if he increases the duration of the light period, then he will not bloom.

Temperature regime

In summer, the kalandiva will endure both 30 ° C heat and a temperature drop to 15 ° C without any problems. But in winter, he needs a stable temperature of 14 to 16 ° C. If this condition is not observed, then the plant does not lay flower buds, and therefore spring flowering can not be expected from it.

Watering mode

When watering Kalanchoe, moderation should be observed.. It, like other succulents, reacts quite sharply to excessive waterlogging. In the event of a bay, the plant will rot very quickly.

To determine the need for watering, you need to pay attention to the condition of the soil in the pot. If the surface of the substrate is dry, then you can start watering.

It should be watered no more than 1-2 times a month, and then quite a bit.


This type of Kalanchoe tolerates very well low humidity air, so there is no need for additional spraying. Once a month, you can simply rinse the plant under a warm shower, this will remove dust from the surface of the leaves and give them an extra gloss.

The soil

Any universal flower soil with a neutral reaction is suitable for growing Kalanchoe. The main thing is that it should be sufficiently loose and moisture-intensive.


It is worth feeding Kalanchoe only during the period of active growth, in winter time there is no need for fertilizers. At the same time, both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used for top dressing.

During the period of bud formation, preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, it is in these elements that the plant needs the most now. Also it is worth observing moderation when making nitrogen fertilizing. If there are too many of them, Kalanchoe will grow a huge green mass at the expense of flowering.

Transplant and pruning

When caring for Kalanchoe, do not forget about such care activities as transplanting and pruning. Young fast-growing specimens need an annual transplant, and old plants are enough to transplant 1 time in 3-4 years. In this case, you need to pay attention to the state of the root system. If the roots are tightly braided with an earthen ball, then it is time to transplant the plant.

Very often, after flowering, the stems of Kalanchoe are stretched and exposed. Therefore, in order to give the plant decorative look cut it. Also, this culture lays flower buds, only on the tops of young shoots, so pruning also stimulates more abundant flowering.

How to transplant Kalanchoe kalandiva (video)

Reproduction features

Kalanchoe kalandiva can be propagated both vegetatively and by seed. The seed method of propagation of this plant is almost never used by flower growers., since in this case maternal signs are very often not transmitted. As a result, instead of terry flowers, simple ones are obtained.

For these purposes, it is best to use well-ripened shoots, they will give the highest percentage of rooting.

After harvesting, the cuttings are planted in wet sand or in any other loose and moisture-intensive substrate. The rooting process is fast, mostly after 7-10 days you can see the first roots. Such plants bloom, as a rule, 6-7 months after planting.

Experienced flower growers also sometimes use leaves for propagation. But this method is extremely time-consuming, so it is used very rarely.

Ways to prolong flowering

There are several main ways to extend the flowering period of Kalanchoe:

  • The level of illumination must be sufficient. To do this, on cloudy days over the plant, you can turn on the backlight.
  • Before and during the flowering period, the plant should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • Faded flower stalks must be constantly removed.

The use of these not tricky methods of caring for Kalanchoe can significantly extend its flowering period.

Diseases and pests of a flower

Kalanchoe is a fairly unpretentious plant, so it is very rarely attacked by pests. Most often on it you can find the following insects:

  • Aphid. It is a sucking insect. It is located from the bottom of the sheet plates. It reproduces quite quickly, with too large a population it can completely destroy the plant. To combat it, you can use a solution of laundry soap or insecticidal preparations.
  • Shchitovki. They are also sucking insects. To combat them, you can use systemic insecticides, which have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant.
  • Whitefly. It is a fairly stable and dangerous pest of all indoor plants. Destroyed with insecticides.

Almost all Kalanchoe diseases are associated with non-compliance with the irrigation regime. The most common diseases are:

  • Viral and bacterial rot. They arise from the bay of the plant. In this case, transplanting the plant into fresh soil and removing all the affected parts can help, after which the cut points must be treated with brilliant green or charcoal powder.
  • powdery mildew. It is a fungal disease. Its appearance provokes too dry air and elevated temperature. To combat it, drugs of the fungicidal group are used.

How Kalanchoe kalandiva breeds (video)

Growing Kalanchoe kalandiva at home is not at all difficult. The main thing at the same time to follow the rules for care and then the plant will definitely thank you with abundant and long flowering.

Reproduction and care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva (mix) at home

Do you have a desire to dilute your collection of houseplants with a flowering and unpretentious specimen? In this case, Kalanchoe Kalandiva, obtained through the work of breeders, is perfect for you. This variety appeared thanks to Blossfeld's Kalanchoe, no less popular among gardeners for breeding at home.

The varieties are very similar both externally and according to the rules for caring for them. But still, there are some differences that you need to know when growing these two varieties at the same time. In addition, the Kalandiva mix variety stands out - an amazing combination of plants of different colors.

Care rules

Kalanchoe is one of those plants, the cultivation of which can be entrusted even to children. Caring for them is not difficult and every novice grower can handle it.


Regardless of the variety of your Kalanchoe, it will be Kalandiva mix or Kalanchoe Blossfeld, you always need to take care of good lighting. The plant does not like shady places and partial shade. This may affect the appearance of buds and flowering in general. Just don't overdo it. Be sure to come up with protection for the flower from the burning rays of the sun.

Temperature regime

You don’t have to additionally spray Kalanchoe Kalandiva, it develops well in dry air. Optimal temperature regime for cultivation varies between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius.

The flower is very afraid of drafts. Often they become the main cause of the appearance of gray mold on the leaves. If there are any, be sure to eliminate them.

high temperature and high level humidity can lead to the appearance of powdery mildew on the plant. Make sure that care is timely and proper.


Soft water is excellent for this process. Watering should be moderate, but regularly, as a rule, as the soil dries up. Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix will easily endure a lack of moisture, but will not forgive you for its excess.

Be sure to thoroughly wipe the bottom of the container and the pan after watering.


With the onset of the summer period and throughout the autumn, while the buds are being laid, nutrient mixtures are introduced into the soil. Ready-made fertilizers for succulents from a specialized store are excellent for this. Top dressing is carried out monthly, less often - twice a month. Special care during the flowering period at home is not required.

It is enough just to remove sluggish flowers in time and make sure that in the process of watering water does not fall on new buds.


In order for the transplant to be successful, it is necessary to purchase a special soil for succulents and choose the right container. Often you do not have to transplant Kalanchoe Kalandiva or mix at home. The first transplant will take place when, after the acquisition, you decide to change the temporary capacity to a permanent one. Further, everything will happen systematically or in case of emergency, such as rotting of the root system.


On all of the above, care for Kalandiva at home does not end there. There will come a time when you want to reproduce your pet. Usually, kalanchoe breeding Kalandiva is a cutting of its leaves or stem.

You can root individual shoots or leaves. As for the leaves, their rooting can be carried out at any convenient time regardless of the period of the year.

As for stem cuttings, they can only be obtained after flowering has ended during the pruning process.


Many flower growers, without waiting for the re-blooming of Kalanchoe, simply get rid of it. All this is due to a lack of information. Although the plant is unpretentious, it is still necessary to take care of it.

Even improper breeding can drastically change the behavior of your flower. To stimulate flowering, it is necessary to reduce the amount of lighting. Often, when grown at home, the plant is under constant lighting. For repeated flowering, the plant should receive no more than 10 hours of light every day.

Therefore, try in every possible way to protect the plant from excess lighting. You can hide it in a closet, close it with thick curtains or cover it with a plastic bucket. All these measures must be carried out before the appearance of the first peduncles. Then it can be grown in the same mode.

Caring for a flower becomes much more complicated if you want to enjoy its flowering. You need to give the plant everything the necessary conditions. Also, experts do not recommend getting carried away with top dressing, they can be the main reason for the lack of flowering.

Tips & Tricks

Do not be afraid of all the difficulties in caring for the plant. There are very few of them, as it seems at first glance. Kalanchoe Kalandiva enough unpretentious plant, which develops well at home, if the care is carried out correctly and timely, and diseases and pests will bypass Kalanchoe. For complete comfort, you only need to provide the plant proper lighting, the amount of fertilizer and watering.

Follow these rules if you want to admire the flowering of Kalanchoe several times a year:

  1. Give the plant extra light on cloudy days.
  2. It is necessary to remove the container with the plant in a dark room if it has already received about 9 hours of lighting.
  3. After the end of flowering and pruning, you need to send the plant to a well-deserved rest. Try not to disturb him, reduce the amount of watering and stop fertilizing.
  4. With the onset autumn period it is necessary to introduce special top dressings for succulents into the soil, and before the flowering process begins, replace it with top dressing intended for flowering plants.

Kalanchoe Mix combines compact size and luxurious flowering. His homeland is the hot tropics, hence the bright exotic colors: pink, red, yellow, orange.

To grow lush, as in the photo, Kalanchoe Mix, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it.

Blooming Kalanchoe Mix

  1. The plant loves the sun very much, so it is recommended to keep it on the windowsill. In those hours when the rays become especially hot, it is best to cover Kalanchoe with a light cloth or cover it with a sheet of plain white paper. It is a bad idea to rearrange the pot for a while, it must be in one place.
  2. The temperature in the room should be around 20 degrees. A slight decrease for Kalanchoe is not terrible, but excessive heat has a bad effect on it.
  3. With sufficient watering, the level of air humidity does not play a role.

If everything is done correctly, the plant will bloom in early February and will delight with its appearance until the end of March.

Care for Kalanchoe Mix

To make the flower feel comfortable, it is enough to remember and observe the following important points:

  1. Watering Kalanchoe is a responsible task. The plant loves moist soil, but does not tolerate excess water. Therefore, it must be applied in small portions every three days. If the room is hot, then more often. It is best to focus on the condition of the topsoil - if it is dry, it's time to water.
  2. Kalanchoe can not be sprayed. Moreover, it does not tolerate water on the leaves and stems, so when watering, you need to be careful so that the liquid gets strictly under the roots.
  3. The plant needs to be repotted once a year. You can do this at any time, except during the flowering period. Kalanchoe is suitable for standard potting soil. When transplanting, it is important to make sure that the new soil is identical to the old one in composition.
  4. Due to the frequent transplantation of Kalanchoe, additional fertilizers are rarely required. If the plant looks weak, the leaves begin to wither, you need to make a mineral dressing. Perfect option- means for cacti. Plants are fed as needed, but only in the absence of flower stalks.
  5. To form beautiful plant, it is necessary to periodically remove excess leaves and peduncles. It is also impossible to do this during the flowering period. Since Kalanchoe does not have very many leaves, it is usually enough to simply periodically remove old and drying ones.

Hairy or hairless succulent plants of the Kalanchoe genus range in size from a few centimeters up to three or four meters in height. Among them there are both epiphytes and creepers. In many of them, buds form in the inflorescences and on the leaves, and new plants develop from them.

The genus Kalanchoe has more than two hundred varieties. Its representatives are common in tropical Australian regions, and on the islands of Papua New Guinea or the Moluccas, there are several subspecies in Madagascar, in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, one in tropical America.

Part of the Crassulaceae family, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a fleshy upright perennial plant. This succulent native to South Africa blooms profusely in winter. Beautifully flowering and unpretentious, the Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva adapts perfectly at home, blooms profusely even in winter.

Description of the species

This succulent grows in a tropical rain forest on humus soil. It has ovate leaves, reaching up to seven centimeters in length and up to four in width, green, bare, with reddish edges. The flowers are numerous, they are collected in umbellate inflorescences and are up to one centimeter in diameter. They are mostly red or yellow in color. This species was bred from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Fanciful ampelous and garden forms also originated from him.

Outwardly, the plant looks like a small bush that attracts attention with its bright and at the same time delicate flowers, collected in neat "umbrellas". Despite the fact that his homeland is distant Madagascar, it grows well at home. A flower for the lazy - this is what Kalanchoe Kalandiva is often called.

How to care

It is easy to care for him, while flowering can please for half a year. Despite the unpretentiousness of this pet, the fact that it does not require much attention, there are still some secrets for its successful cultivation. Thanks to its "African roots", Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a photophilous plant. An excellent place to grow it is a well-lit window sill. But here the southern windows, where direct sunlight is very aggressive, it is still better to beware. Twenty degrees is considered optimal for keeping this succulent, however, the flower can easily withstand lower or higher temperatures.


This plant must be moistened in small portions, watering as the topsoil dries. It is interesting that Kalanchoe Kalandiva, whose photo indicates the fleshiness of its leaves, stores all the water in them. Therefore, to determine the need for watering, it is enough just to touch it. When a plant needs moisture, its leaves are soft and not springy, as in the case of saturation.

In addition, oddly enough, the flower does not need to be sprayed at all: it tolerates dry air much better. Similarly, Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​rather indifferent to the composition of the soil.


Kalanchoe does not like frequent soil changes. It must be transplanted no more than once a year, exclusively in early spring. It is possible to move plants of this variety into new pots only after full final flowering. In this case, a prerequisite is a thorough washing of the roots from the old soil.

Another feature: Kalanchoe Kalandiva requires a transplant immediately after purchase. The reason is that the shop soil is mostly peat, which is not quite suitable for this plant. As experienced flower growers advise, if for some reason it becomes necessary to transplant it during a period of abundant flowering, for example, after purchase, when you don’t want to injure the plant or deprive it of its abundant cap of tender and bright “umbrellas”, you should use the transshipment method so that the pet does not experienced a lot of stress.


You can get offspring from Kalanchoe by cuttings - leaf or stem, as well as seeds or babies. As a rule, even having rooted falling and already old leaves, there is a chance to get young plant. If in June they are planted in wet sand, covered with a glass, roots will soon form. Children or brood buds are planted in fertile soil substrates mixed with sand.

Seed propagation can be done from January to March. In this case, there is no need to cover the sowing with earth. Seeds only need to be slightly pressed down, covered with glass and shaded with paper.

Land for sowing is taken light, deciduous. The temperature in the room should not be below eighteen degrees. Crops need to be ventilated daily, if necessary - twice, turning the glass on the other side.

In this case, you need to ensure that the earth does not dry out. Water the substrate with room water. After the appearance of the first shoots, the glass with paper is removed. After a month, the seedlings must be dived into boxes and covered for a couple of days. plastic wrap. When the plants have several leaves, they need to be transplanted into pots, the optimal size of which is seven centimeters in diameter.

The soil

Nutrient soil mixture for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​made up of four parts of deciduous, two soddy soil, one each of compost and sand. In young rooted plants, the top is pinched. In July, the procedure must be repeated to form a bush, which develops, as a rule, four or five shoots.

Transshipment is done in August, when Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, which is fairly easy to care for, will develop well and its roots will entwine the entire earthen ball. Two plants can be planted in a pot. During transshipment, the earth mixture is made from four parts of compost, two humus and one each of sand and hardwood.

How to prune a plant

Many people acquire plants during their active flowering period, so they do not care about appearance. Just like other indoor dwellers, the descendant of Kalanchoe Blossfeld-Kalandiva also begins to lose its beautiful view after flowering. At this time, it is required to remove all wilted inflorescences and cut off its yellowing peduncle down to the leaves.

After some time, the plant will have numerous side shoots, and the plant itself will begin to stretch strongly, losing its compactness and beautiful shape. And to avoid this, the plant must be cut, cuttings.

All of its two-leaf side shoots can be rooted in moist soil or even in water. They will make excellent healthy offspring. The faded Kalanchoe must be formed by pinching the top of the head.

How to make Kalanchoe Kalandiva bloom

After the first flowering, the plant will need a period of rest. At this time, watering should be relatively light watering. It must be remembered that the kidneys of Kalanchoe are laid only in the season of short daylight hours. Of course, such conditions can be created artificially: within a month, you can place it in a place where it is possible to darken. However, the amount of sunlight should not be limited. In addition, Kalanchoe must be pinched for flowering. The last time it is done in November, after which the buds necessarily appear in winter. Otherwise, in March, you need to repeat the procedure again. At the same time, pinched tops can not be thrown away, but rooted, so that new plants also turn out of them.


After the Kalanchoe rests, it must be rearranged to its usual place and fed once a month. For this, fertilizers for succulents and cacti are suitable. During the flowering period, the plant can also be fertilized with top dressing intended for flowering plants.

Diseases and pests

Excessive watering, especially in winter, at low temperatures, as well as poor lighting, lead to stretching of the plant, while its leaves turn pale and shrink. Its stem may also begin to rot, and the plant will die. In this case, you need to root the top, no longer water the plant for a while, putting it in a bright sunny place. In turn, the lack of moisture in the summer months leads to dry brown spots on the leaves and to their abscission. In this case, the plant needs to be watered as the earthen coma dries up, but not zealously.

With a viral or bacterial lesion, weeping brown spots appear on Kalanchoe. In this case, the affected greens must be removed, and the plant itself must be treated with a fungicide. In this case, you need to water carefully, do not spray.
Kalanchoe is very rarely affected by pests, but sometimes aphids appear on it, which live on the underside of the leaves, feeding on the sap of the plant. As a result, the leaves dry up and curl up. You need to fight aphids with ready-made preparations sold in stores or with a solution of nicotine sulfate diluted in soapy water at a ratio of one gram per liter. After a day, Kalanchoe should be thoroughly washed, covering the soil with plastic wrap.

Kalanchoe kalandiva is one of the most common types of Kalanchoe. The plant has long and firmly settled on the windowsills modern apartments. Undemanding care, successful adaptation to home conditions and long flowering delight the owners and ensure the emergence of new fans. Under favorable conditions, the view of opening buds can be enjoyed for more than six months.

plant description

Kalanchoe kalandiva (also known as Kalanchoe kalandiva mini) is one of the selected varieties of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The hybrid differs from the "parent" in compactness and abundance of flowering. A bush 25-30 cm high is literally strewn with bright terry buds.

The plant belongs to succulents (capable of accumulating water and nutrients in fleshy stems and leaves). Multiple shoots erect, bare. Leaf plates are dark green, fleshy, glossy, ovate. The average length is 4–6 cm, located oppositely, the edges are slightly serrated.

Inflorescences in the form of a shield. The flowers are small (1–1.5 cm in diameter), double, with petals of bright colors. A feature of the species is long flowering (up to 8 months).

Video: what does Kalanchoe Kalandiva look like

Home grown species

Most often in the sale of Kalanchoe, kalandiva is found with an additive in the name "mini" or "mix". The first means the compactness of the plant (the height of the bush is not more than 15 cm). The second is not a variety or a separate species, it is a mixture of 3-5 plants with petals of different shades. White and pink are the most common, but scarlet, yellow, peach and purple look even more spectacular.

Kalanchoe kalandiva is an extremely unpretentious plant. But in order to bloom next year it needs "rest". Therefore, the optimal conditions for periods of active vegetation and dormancy differ significantly.

Table: optimal conditions in different seasons

Spring SummerBright diffused light. East or West windows. Kalanchoe has enough daylight hours lasting 9 hours. In cloudy weather, supplementary lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps is necessary.18–30 o C. The range is quite wide, which once again confirms the undemanding nature of the plant.Irrelevant. It does not need additional spraying (an exception is heat above 35 ° C). From time to time it is useful for the plant to arrange a warm shower. This sanitary procedure is effective at the same time. preventive measure against diseases and pests.
Autumn winterLight penumbra. Complete darkness is undesirable.The temperature at which flower buds form for the next season is 14–16 o C.The usual air humidity characteristic of modern apartments is suitable. It is advisable to remove the pot away from running radiators.

Embarkation and transfer procedure

Transplantation of Kalanchoe kalandiva (young plants up to 3 years old) is carried out annually, in early spring. For adults, one procedure every 3-4 years is enough. During flowering and "rest" he is not disturbed.

For each subsequent transplant, you need to take a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one. Optimal size for an adult plant - a container with a diameter of 12 to 18 cm.

Suitable soil

A substrate for cacti and succulents sold in stores is quite suitable. But experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the soil on their own. Kalanchoe kalandiva does not impose special requirements on it. Only neutral acidity and good aeration are important.

  • universal soil and coarse river sand (4:1);
  • leaf humus, sand, peat, turf and leaf land (equally).

At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 1-2 cm is required.

Transplant step by step instructions

  1. Water Kalanchoe abundantly, wait 10-15 minutes and remove the plant from the pot along with a clod of earth on the roots.
  2. Place it in a new pot on drainage sprinkled with fresh soil (a layer 3-5 cm thick). Add earth around the edges, compacting it a little.
  3. Water the plant moderately and remove in partial shade for 3-4 days. Then return to its original place, take care, as usual.
  4. The top layer of soil can be mulched with pebbles or small chips. This will retain moisture and also protect the soil from mold.

After buying a Kalanchoe kalandiva, an immediate transplant is needed, unless the plant blooms. Universal store soil not suitable for succulents. You should remove the flower from the pot and wash the roots to completely get rid of the "wrong" soil. And only then place it in a new substrate.

Important nuances of plant care

How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva? Unpretentiousness does not mean that you can completely forget about the flower. Even the most undemanding plants will not endure this. Most of the unintentional mistakes of the Kalanchoe kalandiva grower can survive. The exception is frequent and / or excessive watering, which provokes the development of rot. It is this aspect that should be given special attention when caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva.


Water Kalanchoe with settled water at room temperature about once a week. If the street is very hot - every 3-4 days. The next watering is needed when upper layer soil dries to a depth of 2 cm.

Waterlogging the soil can lead to rapid decay. Essentially, this the only way sure to kill the plant.

In winter, watering is reduced to once every 12-15 days. Pay attention to the condition of the leaves. If they are sluggish to the touch, lose their tone, are covered with wrinkles, the plant should be watered immediately.


To feed Kalanchoe, you need to use ready-made fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Natural organics do not fit categorically. The nitrogen that it contains will encourage the plant to intensively increase its green mass, and not bloom (there will be no strength left for this).

Fertilizer is prepared according to the instructions. The solution is watered the soil 1-2 times a month during the period of active vegetation. During the "rest" top dressing is not needed.

Video: how to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

Flowering time: how to make the plant bloom?

At proper care Kalanchoe kalandiva pleases the owners lush bloom, which lasts from the end of winter until at least July. Sometimes it stretches until autumn.

To do this, it is necessary to provide Kalanchoe kalandiva with a dormant period with low temperature, moderate watering and lighting. It is under such conditions that the plant lays color buds. In November, the bush is pinched, after which the buds should appear. If you did not wait for flowering in winter, the procedure must be repeated in March.

Some flower growers consider Kalanchoe kalandiva a "disposable" plant, which after flowering can only be thrown away. Indeed, it is gradually drying up. However, in this case, petioles (tops of shoots) should be rooted, from which new plants will be obtained. With proper care, they will bloom next winter.

rest period

When flowering ends, Kalanchoe kalandiv begins a dormant period. It lasts approximately 1.5–2 months. At this time, you need to limit watering and provide a low temperature (14–16 ° C), placing the pot in partial shade. You can, for example, put it under the table or on a shelf in the back of the room.

At the end of the dormant period, the plant is returned to its usual place, top dressing is resumed and watering is increased.


Kalanchoe kalandiva grows very quickly and in a year is able to form a bush with a height and diameter of up to 30 cm. Therefore, pruning is necessary for the plant. Young specimens should be pinched (remove 1-2 top leaves from each branch) as soon as they grow. As necessary, during the period of active vegetation, the tops of some shoots are cut off again until a bush of the desired shape is formed.

During flowering, the bushes do not touch, and after it ends, all flower stalks are cut off at the very base. This will encourage new shoots to grow.

For pruning kalanchoe you need to use sharp disinfected tools - a knife or a stationery blade. Do not break leaves and stems. Also, do not get carried away - at a time you can remove a maximum of a quarter of the volume of green mass.

It is possible to form Kalanchoe on a trunk (one trunk). Then it will resemble a miniature tree. To do this, choose the strongest stem, remove all the side shoots extending from it, without touching the apical ones. When the trunk reaches the height required by the owner, you need to pinch the top and let the side shoots develop. The lower 5-15 cm remain bare, all the growth on them is cut off.

What problems can a florist face?

For errors in kalanchoe care kalandiva, like any other plant, reacts negatively. First of all, the external decorative effect suffers. The most unambiguous thing about the fact that something does not suit him is the lack of flowering. In addition to the grower himself, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and insects can harm the plant.

Table: problems when growing Kalanchoe kalandiva and how to solve them (leaves become covered with brown spots, turn yellow, dry, etc.)

Photo gallery: typical plant diseases and pests

Aphids are one of the most "universal" pests of indoor plants; she does not disdain and Kalanchoe

Video: possible problems when growing Kalanchoe

How does a plant reproduce at home?

Reproduction of Kalanchoe kalandiva is carried out by stem or leaf cuttings. Since it branches intensively, there is a shortage planting material guaranteed not to occur. The main thing is to choose a completely healthy plant.

According to the same scheme, Kalanchoe is propagated by leaves. They are cut off, the petiole is removed, the “wound” is allowed to dry for 2–3 hours. Then they are placed vertically in the soil, deepening by 2 cm. True, the cuttings release roots quickly, and the leaves slowly (the process can take 3-4 weeks).

Kalanchoe can also be propagated by seeds, but at home this method is not common. Due to the fact that the plant belongs to the hybrid, it is difficult to preserve varietal characteristics, especially the doubleness and shade of the petals.

Video: reproduction of Kalanchoe at home

Any grower, even a beginner, can grow Kalanchoe kalandiva on the windowsill. This plant is reasonably considered to be very unpretentious in care. Having received very little attention from the owner, it will delight him for six months or even more with bright and abundant flowering, invariably raising his spirits.