Mix flower. What is Kalanchoe mix and how to care for it? Cyclamen how to care for at home after buying in a store, flowering

  • 03.03.2020

Phalaenopsis mix - what is it? And why mix? The addition to the name - a mix, in principle, does not really matter to the grower.

It simply means that this species is a hybrid form, well adapted to home conditions. Such an orchid does not pose any special requirements for and is not very picky about the conditions.

If experienced orchidists prefer species forms of phalaenopsis, then for beginners, growing this type is a pleasure.

In this article, we will talk in detail about Phalaenopsis Mix itself, home care after the store, and other nuances of growing.

perennial, with an average life expectancy of 7 years, plant. Green, fleshy leaves grow from a rosette in two rows.

Phalaenopsis multiflora.

In nature

If we exclude the commercial component, when the name is given for systematization, and rely on the scientific, then Mix - these are plants of the same species, but different colors . Accordingly, this species has a place to be, since pollination occurs constantly.

External characteristics

Peduncle height

Phalaenopsis itself is small. Depending on the hybrid, there is a variety in the size of leaves and peduncle.

The peduncle may be from 30 cm to 1 m in an adult and healthy plant.

The average size usually about 50-70 cm.

number of leaves

The normal amount is 10-12 leaves. There must be at least 3 sheets. Different forms of the mix have different sizes of leaf plates, sometimes reaching up to half a meter.

Diameter, flower shape

Flower size or diameter varies from 2-3 cm to 14-15 cm. Its shape resembles a fluttering butterfly or moth. Hence the name of this variety of orchids.

Features of flowering

Of the features of flowering, you can select it. Some phalaenopsis bloom up to six months.

The bulk of the hybrids bloom up to 3 months and can bloom up to 3 times a year. It is the long flowering, beauty and richness of the color of the flowers that fascinates many.

Phalaenopsis-mix can bloom up to six months.


Soil selection

  • it is necessary to cut all the roots to the point of growth. There is a chance to reanimate, even if there is only one leaf left;
  • cutting off the roots, check the growth point;
  • places damaged by rot are cleaned to a living (green) place;
  • the places of cuts and strippings are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon.

Rotten roots.

We leave phalaenopsis in this state for thorough drying of the place of cuts. Such a process can take quite a long time, sometimes up to 5-7 days. During this period, the leaves may become lethargic, lose turgor, but you should not be afraid. This is due to lack of moisture. As soon as the plant begins to recover.

As soon as the cuts are dry, the phalaenopsis is placed over a container of water and every two days it is dipped into a solution of water with 10-15 minutes. Such a procedure accelerate the appearance of roots.

As soon as the roots grow to 5 cm, the orchid can be planted in the ground. You should know that The resuscitation process is quite long and can take up to six months.

Reproduction methods

There is only one way that can be used at home - vegetative.

At the very base of the flower, shoots grow, which flower growers call.

When a sufficient number of roots appear on them, they are separated from the uterus and moved to moss - sphagnum.

Therefore more experienced orchidists do not cut off the peduncle after flowering due to the development of children on it.

The most popular varieties of hybrids

It should be recalled that phalaenopsis mixes have a diverse range of colors and are similar in terms of conditions and care. The difference lies in the size of the leaves, peduncles and flowers. More powerful requires high humidity and additional nutrition.


Cambria is the commercial name for a hybrid orchid derived from five "parent" varieties. Bred specifically for growing at home. Fully adapted to room conditions.

Pretty elegant flower. The flowers are yellow and red, edged with white and pink.

The peduncle grows quite long. It can contain from 5 to 20 flowers that bloom from one to two months. With age, the number of flowers increases significantly.


Hybrid, heat-negative. Glossy lanceolate leaves are light green in color. Pseudobulbs are small, but strong enough.

Peduncles are considered long, holding 2 to 7 colors which may increase with age.

The coloring of large, reminiscent of "Pansy" flowers is varied in iridescent shades.



Stunning Phalaenopsis Orchid. Long peduncles with huge flowers for orchids, various colors.

Flowers can reach a diameter of up to 14 cm with a peduncle of 1 m, which can carry up to 15 flowers at the same time.

Requires increased watering and additional nutrition.

Royal Phalaenopsis.


The word "Multiflora" in the name of the orchid indicates that it has many small flowers on the peduncle. In addition, the multiflora peduncle constantly grows and bifurcates during the entire flowering time, forming more and more new buds.

Famous for the number of flower stalks which may appear from leaf axils 1 to 4, with profuse flowers. On four peduncles, their number can reach up to 70 pcs. Flowering occurs 2 times a year, mainly in spring and autumn.

Photo of Phalaenopsis Multiflora ‘Spunky’.

From the manufacturer "Concord"

Apparently, Concorde is the name of a phalaenopsis nursery or supplier in the Netherlands.

Phalaenopsis Concorde Mix.


Different from other hybrid species large flowers, the diameter of which reaches 15 cm. Prefers high humidity and can't stand the breath.

Requires regular ventilation where the plant is.


Varieties of Grandiflor varieties from supplier Cameleon Orchids.

What is the difference between phalaenopsis mix and phalaenopsis mini?

It must be recalled that Mix - these are plants of the same species, but different color shades and sizes. It is not a hybrid, nor a variety. So denoted trademark orchids. Therefore, comparing different concepts is inappropriate.

Important! A mix is ​​a group, and a mini is a size.

The name "mini Mix" may refer to a mini mini phalaenopsis with the commercial prefix "mix".

What to do if the top is broken?

In this case, do not despair. Firstly, in order to avoid a repetition of breaking off the top it is customary to tie the peduncle to a support if it is too high. But still, if this happened, then it is important to understand in which direction the peduncle grows and where it develops. Since pruning is done in the direction of growth.

The age of the plant should also be taken into account.. For the young, not yet flowering plant the fragment of the top is not dangerous. In an adult, the part below the level of the kidney is cut off.

Besides, the broken part can be put in water and try to propagate.

If the entire crown is broken off, then it is necessary to wait for the appearance of lateral shoots - children. If the growth point remains, then new leaves will grow on top of the broken ones.

It must be remembered that you need to cut it with a disinfected sharp knife, and treat the cut points with activated carbon powder.

Useful videos

Watch a video of what Phalaenopsis Mix might look like:

The video below talks about post-purchase care:

This video is about orchid diseases and their treatment:


Group of hybrid phalaenopsis orchids mix - one of the most popular among all home floriculture. Although it is considered adapted to home growing conditions and is not so demanding on conditions and care, it still requires some attention and care.

Only in this case one can hope for good development and full bloom.

In contact with

Guzmania is a rather unusual plant that, despite the peculiarities of life (the development of the root system of Guzmania occurs due to its strengthening on the bark of trees), a novice grower can also grow at home. Most importantly, follow simple rules for the care of guzmania mix. Further about this, as well as about the features of transplanting and propagating the plant (photos and instructions are attached).

Guzmania is an epiphytic evergreen perennial, which in some cases can behave like an annual plant, that is, it blooms for only one season. Although the plant is native to the rainforests of South America, it has taken root perfectly at home.

In room conditions, the leaves of the plant can reach 0.5-0.7 m. They are distinguished by a smooth structure, rather wide, and have a straight shape. Gathering together, the leaves of the plant form a bromeliad rosette, ending in luxurious flowers.

An adult plant is able to reach a height of about 0.7-0.75 m, the crown diameter is almost the same as the height of the crop. At home, unfortunately, guzmania is not able to reach this size: its height does not exceed 0.35-0.4 m.

Attention! Guzmania begins to bloom only by the 4th year of its life. Six months after the start of flowering, the plant begins to die, but young small sprouts grow.

The flowering of the plant begins with the arrival of spring and ends by mid-autumn. At the same time, the flowers themselves look rather modest, but the blossoms have an incredibly exotic bright appearance: the rosette has a yellow-orange color and reaches a length of about 5 cm.

Under natural conditions, about 130 varieties and varieties of guzmania grow, but only a few of them take root perfectly in room conditions:

  • Mosaic. In length, the leaves can reach 0.5 m. The color of the leaves is very unusual: dark green or brown transverse stripes brightly flaunt on them. Flowering begins at the end of winter (usually with the advent of February). The inflorescences are very large and bright, the number of flowers in one can reach 20-25 pieces.

  • Reed. This variety is represented by a large number of varieties, among which Guzmania minor can be especially distinguished. This is a compact plant (in comparison with other varieties it is considered dwarf), during the flowering period it is covered with a large number of small small flowers. white color. Flowering begins with the arrival of winter / spring.

Reed Guzmania, grade Minor
  • Blood red. The leaves of the plant are different decorative look: form a kind of glass. Thyroid inflorescences usually consist of 10-12 small fiery red flowers.

blood red
  • Donnatella Smith. The leaves are rather unusual, with a scaly structure, forming a kind of loose rosette.

  • Single-eared. The variety is distinguished by leaves of a yellow-green hue. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, with a large number of white flowers. The flowers are pyramidal. Flowering lasts for two months of spring, starting in April.


The subtleties of plant care

Despite the myth that guzmania is a very capricious and difficult to grow plant, in practice it turned out that this representative of the tropics is quite capable of taking root at home. The main thing is to follow simple rules:

Advice. After watering, water should not stagnate in the soil. It is better if it is overdried than flooded with water, otherwise you can bring the plant to death.

Plant transplant

Since Guzmania develops rather slowly, it does not need frequent transplants: it will be comfortable in the same pot for several years. Transplantation is most often carried out only in two cases: when the plant was purchased in a shipping container or when it was propagated.

In the first case, the steps will be very simple. First you need to prepare the soil in a pot where the guzmania will “live”: it should consist of peat, soddy soil, sand (large fraction) and sphagnum (or you can use a ready-made soil mixture). Put a small drainage layer on the bottom of the container.

Guzmania is propagated by dividing the bush

Carefully remove the plant from the container and place in a pot with a prepared drainage layer. Then fill it with prepared soil and compact it slightly. Be sure to water both the soil and the plant itself.

Plant propagation

The process of reproduction of guzmania is carried out mainly by division. An adult plant during the flowering period gradually forms small shoots, which eventually turn into full-fledged young plants.

By the time the young sprouts have reached a size sufficient to separate from the mother bush (about 15 cm in length), it will already begin to die. After the young process is fully formed, you can separate it from the mother and transplant it into a separate container according to the same principle that is described just above.

That's all the subtleties that you need to know to successfully grow Guzmania at home. Good luck!

How to care for guzmania: video

In many homes, decorative houseplants can be found on window sills. Among them, the Fittonia mix flower is often found. Care and requirements for this species indoor plants does not require special skills and labor.

The plant belongs to the accantaceae family and is native to South America. In nature, there are about 10 of its varieties. Herbaceous perennial plant may differ in external color, shape of leaves and stems. Leaves can take on different colors. Ranging from light green, green, pink, to bright red. decoration indoor flower are the presence of silver veins on the foliage.

Stems can be erect and creeping. An adult plant can reach a height of up to 50 cm with a branched and lush crown. During flowering, the plant produces an inflorescence in the form of an ear with small flowers. yellow color, reaching a length of up to 5 cm. Flowering begins in the spring and summer, from the month of May and lasts for 2 weeks, until the inflorescences dry completely.

Fittonia mix: basic requirements for growing

Fittonia is unpretentious plant, but still has certain requirements for care. They consist of the following steps:

  1. Daily moderate watering and irrigation.
  2. Provide optimal flower temperature regime and humidity.
  3. Choose a suitable place for a potted plant.
  4. To ventilate the flower and supply fresh air.
  5. Transplant at least 1 time in 3 years, as the pot is filled with the root system.
  6. Timely fertilize with special fertilizers.
  7. When diseases and pests appear, carry out preventive measures to fight them.

Important! With proper and timely care for Fittonia, it will delight the owner for a long time with its abundant foliage and inflorescences.

Home Care

Plant care consists of several stages:

  • lighting;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • fertilizers;
  • soil composition.

In order to avoid problems when caring for a tropical flower, it is important to follow certain rules.

Soil and fertilizer for the flower

The soil for Fitonia must be nutritious and loose so that oxygen can flow to its roots. The soil mixture can be bought ready-made, which is designed for a suitable kind of plant. And also do it yourself by mixing from equal parts Components:

  • leafy land;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • coniferous soil;
  • chernozem.

Be sure to provide drainage at the bottom of the pot. For it, you can use expanded clay or small pebbles.

Top dressing should be done with mineral fertilizers, with a dosage halved. Start fertilizing with the onset of spring, until the end of autumn, at least 2 times a week. In winter, the plant does not need top dressing.

Watering Fittonia mix

Indoor flower requires abundant watering, in spring and summer. It needs to be watered daily as the soil dries out. It is better to use purified or settled water. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to provide the flower with moderate watering, 2-3 times a week. In winter, water no more than once a week.

Every week to irrigate the flower clean water room temperature from a spray bottle. And also carry out wet cleaning of the leaves with a soft cloth from dust and dirt.

Important! It is better if the soil in the pot with the plant is a little dry than waterlogged. Excessive watering can adversely affect the root system, rotting begins.

Lighting, air humidity and optimal temperature

Indoor flower Fittonia prefers high humidity indoors. To provide it with suitable wet conditions, you can organize a pool next to the flower. Pour water into the cup so that it evaporates, and also place the pot on the aquarium. It is allowed to place the pot in a cup of water, placing drainage in it so that the roots of the plant do not touch the water.

The indoor flower is a photophilous plant, it needs bright sunlight. At the same time, it is impossible for direct rays to fall on the plant. To avoid leaf burn, it is better for him to provide paper shading. In winter, Fittonia is important to provide additional lighting from artificial lamps. With a lack of light, the stems of the plant may stretch. Pots should not be allowed to be placed near heating pipes, this will negatively affect the appearance of the flower.

The temperature regime should not exceed 25 degrees in the summer. In winter, the temperature should not drop to 18 degrees. Sudden jumps and changes in temperature can lead the flower to death. 23 degrees is considered optimal. With a slight increase in it, the plant needs to increase humidity.

Winter Care

In winter, the plant should be given more attention. Care for him is necessary daily, carried out to the fullest. It consists in the following points:

To prevent death decorative ornament at home, it is important to competently and timely provide care, especially during the winter dormancy.

Features of breeding Fittonia

Reproduction of Fittonia is best started in spring or mid-summer. It is done in several ways:

  • layering;
  • dividing the main bush;
  • cuttings.

The division of the bush is propagated in the spring. To do this, separate the roots into several parts, removing rotten rhizomes and clods of earth. Choose pots with a diameter of 2 cm more for the “dives”.

For cuttings in spring or summer, prepare a cutting, 5-7 cm long, so that it contains at least 2-3 leaves. They are pre-soaked in a root solution and placed in containers with sand, deepening by 1 cm for rapid growth, containers with seedlings are covered with polyethylene on top, creating the effect of a greenhouse. Open bags daily to air out for 5 minutes. After new shoots appear, the film must be removed.

Reproduction by layering is in a simple way. From the mother bush, take the lowest layer, remove the leaves from it and bend it to the soil, sprinkling it with a small amount. After the layering takes root, it is separated with a sharp object and transplanted into a separate pot.

Transplant at home

Fittonia transplantation of an adult bush is carried out in the spring, no more than 2-3 years later, as the pot is filled with rhizomes. Young plants can be transplanted every year. Important conditions for transplantation are fertile and loose soil, as well as a drainage layer.

It is necessary to choose the right container. It is better to choose a pot larger by 2 cm. Due to the branched root system the best option a wide and shallow container will serve.

Important! You should not pick up pots with large diameters, the plant can slow down growth.

Pest and disease control

Like many indoor plants, Fittonia can be subject to diseases and pests. Although it is more rare, pests can appear on it. The most common and well-known are:

  • scab;
  • spider mite.

The appearance of a scale insect can be seen with the naked eye. Brown plaques appear on the leaves. After their appearance, the plant begins to dry out, which can lead to death. To fight, you can use a soapy solution, carefully treating all parts of the plant. In severe cases, fungicides are used for irrigation.

Appearance spider mite more often occurs at low humidity, dry air. On the inside leaf is formed cobweb. To combat this pest, it is necessary to treat the bushes with insecticides.

Diseases may appear on the flower due to improper care. They differ in certain ways:

  1. Leaves curl. Most often occurs with a lack of moisture and bright lighting.
  2. Bush yellowing. Appears when the soil is heavily waterlogged.
  3. If the leaves fall, the stem becomes bare, the plant requires pruning to form a new crown.
  4. Sluggish stems are formed if the temperature has dropped below the optimum.
  5. Fading and dull leaves appear in high and bright room lighting.
  6. Foliage falls with an excess of moisture, and dry air.

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the plant requires proper and competent care. In response, it will thank its owner with abundant multi-colored foliage. It will also become a home decoration.

Cyclamen mix is ​​a charming flower. Bright green leaves with an additional ornament, as well as the charming beauty of flowers, drive many flower growers crazy. With regard to this flower, there is an opinion that it is impossible to grow it at home. This is not true.

Knowing the basic tricks for caring for him, you can achieve such an amazing plant in your house.

CYCLAMEN MIX is a representative of the genus of plants of the subfamily Myrsinaceae of the Primrose family. This variety is a hybrid. It is bred by breeders from Persian and European varieties. It is a perennial, herbaceous plant. The growth rate is average.

It is used in folk medicine, as well as in the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations.

ATTENTION! The tubers are poisonous. Be careful!

Widely used for both indoor cultivation, and for breeding in open field.

Cyclamen grows 10-15 years. Flowering - annual, occurs in winter period. It can produce up to 70 flowers per year.

Cyclamen is native to Asia and the Mediterranean. Cyclamen has always been considered the patron saint of women., being a symbol of motherhood and love. Ancient priests claimed that the plant brings happiness to the house. Cyclamen flowers were used in magical rites and decorated with wedding ceremonies. Cyclamen was also credited with the properties of a love potion.

It was brought to Europe in the 17th century. But due to the fact that pigs were fed with its tubers, it was nicknamed "pork turnip". Two centuries later, it began to be grown as a houseplant in England.

Appearance description

The root of this flower is a thickened tuber. The leaves are basal, oblong, green in color, with gray and golden patterns. Flowers solitary, on powerful peduncles. The color of this species always changes smoothly from one color to another.

Popular varieties


If you are new to growing cyclamen, we recommend starting with mini cyclamen. He less whimsical in care than other varieties. More compact. The height of its flowering stems grows up to 10-15 cm. They are ideal for growing in the house, in flower beds, in the garden, on terraces.


This variety of cyclamen is one of the smallest. Its height is about 10 cm. The flowers are small, bright colors, from white to carmine. With proper care, it blooms from late autumn and all winter.

Where and how to plant it?

Cyclamen mix should be planted in August-September. During this period, the phase of its active growth begins.

ADVICE. Pick up a small pot. Its size should be slightly larger than the tubers.

The order of planting cyclamen is as follows:

  1. Put a layer of drainage in the selected pot at the bottom. It can be expanded clay or crushed stone.
  2. Before planting, water the prepared soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. This must be done in advance so that it dries out a little.
  3. Fill the pot with earth and plant the tubers.
  4. Tubers do not need to be deeply deepened.
  5. Water the flower. Increase the amount of water as leaves appear.

Lighting and location

This flower is not a fan of bright light. He feels great on the western and eastern windows. We do not recommend placing it on the north window, because due to lack of light, it can wither. Direct sunlight is strictly unacceptable. Under their influence, burns are formed on the leaves. The plant dies.

Soil Requirements

An important requirement for the soil is the level of its acidity. Cyclamen mix needs a medium of neutral acidity (pH 5.5-6). This is determined using special strips that can be purchased at flower shops.

If there are none, the study can be carried out using table vinegar. So, a little vinegar is poured onto a handful of earth: if nothing happens, then the environment is acidic; if there are a lot of bubbles, then the medium is alkaline; if there are few bubbles, then the medium is neutral. To prepare the soil, you need to take in different parts leaf and sod land, sand and humus.

How to care?

Caring for this flower will give you enough worries. It is important to follow the rules of each stage of flower development:

IMPORTANT! During the summer months, do not fertilize, hardly water, and place in a cool, shady spot.

Common Problems

Like all plants, cyclamen mix is ​​also subject to attack by pests and diseases. Among them can be identified.


  1. spider mite(leaves are affected, discolored dry areas appear on them).
  2. Aphid(leaves curl, turn yellow, sticky secretions of aphids are observed).
  3. Multi-claw mites(young leaves are deformed, coarsen. White seals are observed on the flowers).


  • non-infectious rot(leaves wither and turn yellow, tubers are rotten and soft).
  • Leaf bronze virus(brown pattern on the leaves, deformation, abnormal growth, necrosis of leaf veins).
  • Annular mosaic virus(Fingerprint-like patterns are observed on the leaves).
  • Anthracnose(neither new leaves nor new flowers grow).
  • Fusarium wilt(the leaves wither, turn yellow, fall off. After that, the plant dies. The root vessels become brown).
  • Gray rot(fabrics become soft, covered with white rot).
  • Root-knot nematodes(there are swellings on the roots, similar to beads, the plant stops growing).

Reproduction features

Frankly, cyclamen is difficult to propagate at home. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. Our plant can be propagated in 2 ways: seeds and tubers.


They can be bought at the store. Please check the expiration date. They retain their sprout properties for only 2 years. You can also collect the seeds yourself, but for this you will have to pollinate the flowers several times. To do this, with a cotton swab morning hours you need to spread pollen from one flower to another. After harvesting, they need to be set aside for 2 months for their final ripening.

Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in Zircon for 24 hours. The optimal time for sowing is August.

As a substrate, peat is mixed with vermiculite or leafy soil in equal parts. Seeds do not need to be deeply buried in the ground: spreading them on the surface, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. The optimum temperature for germination will be +20 degrees Celsius (at a higher value, the seeds will hibernate, and at less than +18 degrees Celsius, they are more likely to rot). Landings must be periodically moistened and ventilated.

Shoots begin to appear after about 4-6 weeks. From this moment on, the bowl with seedlings is placed in a well-lit place (but without direct sun) with a temperature of +15 - +17 degrees Celsius.

When the seedlings have small nodules and 2-3 leaves, they dive into separate containers. A week after this, the plants are fed with mineral fertilizers (the dose is reduced by 2 times from that indicated on the package). Cyclamens grown from seeds bloom 12-18 months after planting. It happens that flowering begins even later (after 3-4 years).

REMEMBER! Cyclamen mix is ​​a hybrid, so harvested seeds alone may not convey the characteristics of the mother bush.


This must be done during the dormant period of the flower. In spring and summer, tubers can be removed from the ground. The tubers are cut so that each part has roots and buds.

Necessarily cuts must be treated with fungicide or crushed coal. After drying, the tubers can be planted in individual pots. The pot should be covered with a jar or glass. It is important to create a greenhouse effect. If you buy tubers in a store, pay attention to their condition. They should be firm, not wrinkled, free of stains or rot.

Although cyclamen mix is ​​capricious, it is very beautiful. Knowledgeable flower growers will always note the presence of such a flower in a house or flower bed, and will appreciate your efforts. Moreover, having acquired such a plant, your eyes will be provided with beauty even in the winter.

Cyclamen belongs to the Primulaceae family. In total, there are more than 20 varieties of such perennial plants with tuberous roots. Distributed in the Mediterranean, in Northeast Africa, Iran. In Turkey, it is often found in the wild.

Certain species have been planted for a long period, both in gardens and in apartment conditions. Two types of cyclamen are intended for indoor cultivation. Namely: Persian and European.

European cyclamen is called "alpine violet". Throughout the year, it feels great on the windowsills in the apartment, provided that the temperature is maintained at + 18 ... + 20 ° С. Not tied to a specific humidity mark. Blooms profusely from spring to autumn. Compared to the Persian cyclamen, this plant is not often found in flower shops. The latter refers to the parent species for many modern hybrids.

Its history dates back to the 16th century. At that time it was used by Europeans. He showed off in the botanical garden, which was owned by Queen Elizabeth I. Soon, cyclamen lost its demand, but after a few centuries, breeders began to work hard on its development, thanks to which today there are a large number of its hybrids and species. In nature, Persian cyclamen blooms from the beginning of winter to the end of spring. The flowering period depends on the region of its growth. Most often it has flowers of light pink color. Sometimes they are raspberry or cherry.

Today's cyclamens differ from wild varieties in the size of their flowers. Compared to their predecessors, they are larger. The color can be snow-white, pink, scarlet, dark purple. Hybrids with multi-colored and corrugated petals have gained immense popularity. In recent years, there has been a demand for mini hybrids in Europe. They are small shrubs with large flowers. This type of cyclamen can be grown in garden conditions and in places where a cool climate reigns.

Modern floriculture, depending on the size of plants and flowers, classifies cyclamens into 3 groups.

Mini cyclamen. These include: "Silverheart", "Midori", "Janetto", "Libretto", "Silverado". Such plants differ in flowers of large sizes. As a rule, they exceed 4 cm. Fragrant cultivars can often be found in this group. Pots with a diameter of 6-10 cm are suitable for growing.

Midi cyclamens. These include: "Kanto", "Laser", "Sterling" and others. Have the average size sockets. Planted in pots with a diameter of 10-13 cm.

Maxi cyclamen(standard or large-flowered): Concerto, Rainier, Sierra, Winter Ice series. The size of the growing pots is 13-20 cm in diameter.

Cyclamen goes on sale in the first months of autumn. The plant is especially loved for the fact that it pleases with its long flowering in the winter. With the onset of spring, cyclamen ceases to bloom. He loses leaves, and here many flower growers make a mistake - they throw away the plant, because they think that it is gone. If you provide cyclamen with proper care, it will actively bloom for more than one year.

Care for cyclamen at home


Cyclamens love the light, but the best place for their habitat - eastern and western windows. If the plant is located on the south side, it is important to protect it from direct sunlight. The room where cyclamen grows should be regularly ventilated.


The temperature regime plays a significant role for the successful cultivation of cyclamen. The best temperature in the cold season is 10-12°C. A higher number will cause it to drop leaves and stop blooming. If the plant was grown in a greenhouse, the appropriate conditions must be created in the apartment. At home, it is not always possible to keep cyclamen cool. To facilitate acclimatization and extend the flowering period, you need to accustom cyclamen to a higher temperature in stages. It must be placed on a cold window and regularly ventilate the room.


Cyclamen is a plant that loves high humidity. During the growth of the leaves, they need to be sprayed. As soon as cyclamen begins to bloom, such manipulations are not necessary. To increase the humidity indicator, you can create a water mist near the plant. You can also put it on a pallet with wet pebbles. In winter, cyclamen should be placed at a great distance from central heating batteries.


Frequent watering is preferred, but the amount of water should be moderate. Its temperature can be a couple of degrees below room temperature. Before the appearance of peduncles above the leaves of cyclamen, you can water it directly into the pot, then pour the water into the pan and drain its excess. When the plant has lost all leaves, watering should be reduced, but it is important to ensure that the substrate does not dry out completely.


A fertilizer containing useful mineral components will help prolong the flowering of cyclamen. You need to feed the plant 1 time in 2 weeks.


As soon as flowering stops and the leaves turn completely yellow, this will indicate that cyclamen is preparing for a dormant period. At this point, it can be transplanted by transshipment into a large-diameter pot with turf or peat substrate. It is important to monitor the location of the tubers - they should be at the level of the substrate or slightly protrude above it.

The soil

It is necessary to create aeration of the cyclamen root system. It is desirable to use a breathable substrate of coarse fiber peat. For the mixture, you need to combine leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in equal amounts. If desired, it can be purchased ready-made.

rest period

From May to June, the tuber is dormant. The plant is completely losing its leaves. Their appearance is possible not earlier than by the end of July. During this period, cyclamen should be placed in a cool, dry place.


Under room conditions, the cultivation of cyclamen can last up to 7 years. After this period, it is no longer suitable for reproduction, so you need to buy a new one. Reproduction of cyclamen is a troublesome business. For industrial purposes, it is propagated using seeds. You can do this yourself by dividing the tuber.

Depending on the variety, the duration of the period from sowing to flowering may vary. As a rule, it takes 7-11 months. It is advisable to sow seeds at the end of March. So, during the growth period, cyclamen can do without additional lighting, and it will begin to bloom in mid-autumn. For seed germination, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions. The air temperature should be around 18°C. High humidity and lack of light are welcome. So that the crops are in the dark, they are covered with a black film for three weeks. At lower temperatures, cyclamens will germinate a little later. If they are above 20 °, germination will be slow. You can start diving seedlings after the appearance of 3-4 full leaves. During a dive, the young tuber is completely covered with earth.

Diseases and pests

Cyclamen is not too attacked by infectious diseases and pests. May be affected by cyclamen mites. Signs will be deformed leaves, crooked peduncles and curved buds. Infection with these ticks can be detected on early stages not so easy. With a strong defeat, preparations for the destruction of pests do not always cope with the goal.

  • If the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow, but the flowers remain healthy, you need to control the temperature in the room. If it is above 18 degrees, you need to lower it. At low temperatures, it is necessary to check whether the soil has dried out.
  • Cause yellow leaves may be untimely watering the plant.
  • Gray rot appears at high humidity in a room with a low temperature. Frequent ventilation will help solve the problem.
  • Peduncles and leaves may begin to rot due to waterlogged soil. Abundant and frequent watering can lead to the fact that the roots of cyclamen begin to rot.

Video review

It is worth familiarizing yourself with what care should be for a cyclamen flower at home, because at home you need to perform certain actions so that it blooms and feels good at any time of the year. The tips in this article can help you solve this problem.

Here you can find recommendations for watering, transplanting and solving the main problems that a houseplant may have in winter, summer, spring or autumn. Other tips are easy to find using the search on the site or in the thematic section of the project.

Cyclamen how to care for winter and for the winter at home

Cyclamen loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, prefers relative coolness - the air temperature should be in the range of 12-16 ° heat. Cyclamen is watered after the top layer of the substrate dries well. It is advisable to “water” the plant from below, placing the pot for 5-10 minutes in a wide container of water. You need to feed cyclamen every 2 weeks with a fertilizer intended for cyclamen.

Cyclamen how to care for at home after buying in a store, flowering

Many flower growers are inclined to believe that after buying a cyclamen in a store, you need to transplant it. It is necessary to do a transplant using the transshipment method. In winter, when the plant enters the flowering phase, it needs light and abundant watering, but the air temperature should be low. Twenty-degree "heat" can cause the death of cyclamen.

Cyclamen how to care leaves turn yellow, buds fall and leaves dry

Yellowed and dried leaves, fallen buds are signs that:
- the bulb of cyclamen was carelessly damaged;
- the plant is kept in too dry or too warm air;
- the flower is overmoistened or vice versa, it is too dry, forgetting to water it on time;
- cyclamen needs top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

All of the indicated causes of leaf fall in cyclamen are true for the cold season, in spring or summer the plant wants rest, and leaf shedding is a natural phenomenon for it.

Cyclamen plant and bulb care, flowerpot

Cyclamen needs to be provided with bright diffused light and coolness - 6-12 ° heat for this plant will be more than enough. Cyclamen likes fresh and humid air, so it is advisable to spray the plant, especially in the summer heat.

It is better to water the flower in the lower way, placing the pot in a container of water for a time sufficient to moisten the topsoil. At this point in the care of cyclamen, special attention should be paid, since water should not fall on the top of the bulb, so as not to cause it to rot. When transplanting cyclamen, a flowerpot is selected that is 4-6 cm larger in diameter than the planting bulb, otherwise the plant will not bloom.

How to care for persian cyclamen flower

Persian cyclamen blooms 3 months a year, the remaining 9 months of the year fall on a dormant period. However, not only flowers, but also leaves of the plant have decorative qualities, so cyclamen is good without flowers. When caring for a plant main problem represents the maintenance of a low temperature for a person, but comfortable for a plant, of 6-12 ° heat. At higher temperatures, cyclamen simply will not bloom. Otherwise, caring for cyclamen is no different from caring for familiar houseplants. Bright, and at the same time diffused light, timely watering and fertilizing, removal of faded flowers is a truism that even novice flower growers know.

How often to water Cyclamen, diseases

Many cyclamen diseases are associated with proper watering. From an excess of moisture, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, the bulb undergoes rotting. You can avoid such troubles by carrying out the bottom watering of the flower, through the pot tray. It is better to water cyclamen, although rarely, but abundantly, focusing not only on the condition of the soil, but also taking into account the intensity of lighting and the outside air temperature.

Cyclamen flower how to care during dormancy

During the dormant period, watering of cyclamen should be severely limited - the plant is resting and does not need moisture. Watering is carried out only after the earth has lost almost all moisture. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that water gets on the walls of the pot, and not on the bulb, otherwise the cyclamen may rot.

Plant Cyclamen European care at home

European cyclamen prefers bright and rather cold, by human standards, places. It is not easy to create such conditions in an apartment, but cyclamens fans have found a way out of this situation. They put a pot with a plant between the window frames, or they themselves build a semblance of a third frame, specially fencing off the flower from home heat. The flower itself can get the necessary amount of moisture if you place the pot in a container filled with gravel or expanded clay covered with water. The plant needs Fresh air- in a room where they smoke, or in the kitchen, it is likely to disappear.

Cyclamen mini mix care, reproduction, cultivation and transplantation

Cyclamen mini mix is ​​a mixture made up of small plants of this species. Flowering mini mix begins in November, and stops in April. During this period, cyclamen should be watered 2 times a week, and every 2 weeks fed with complex fertilizer. In spring, the plant needs rest and a cooler place is selected for the pot, where it remains until the very end of summer. Cyclamen reproduces by tubers. When planting, the tubers are not buried, leaving a leaf and flower bud above the ground. The pot for cyclamen is selected close, otherwise the plant will refuse to bloom.

Highly beautiful flower! I tried to grow it, but my first experience was unsuccessful - cyclamen disappeared. How difficult is home care? Can it be made to bloom? all year round? One of my good friends is fond of cyclamens. I love being at her house. All window sills are lined with these flowers. And they bloom almost all year round. Some stop blooming, others start.

Among its neighbors on the windowsill, this plant stands out for its bright beauty and abundant flowering. How to grow cyclamen how to transplant it - let's look at it in detail. This representative is notable for the fact that it blooms in autumn and winter. If you are interested in the process of growing cyclamen yourself, you can buy seeds. It is also quite possible to get new plants by dividing the root. It should be borne in mind that the process of growing this flower from seeds is quite long, until it grows a tuber and blooms, it can take a long time.

The flowering process of a houseplant begins around November and ends by March. Five-petal flowers on a graceful thin stem are very beautiful - an unusual shape with bent petals. The leaves are also very decorative - they are somewhat similar to a heart, an openwork white (or silver) pattern adorns the dark green "canvas". Thanks to the efforts of breeders, hybrids of this flower are periodically born, which differ in shades and patterns on the leaves.

Photo of cyclamen flowers:

The most remarkable quality of hybrids is the possibility of year-round flowering. Individual varieties can be planted in open ground, used as garden flowers. There are approximately 20 varieties of this plant, however, for home growing the most commonly used Persian, European, Neapolitan (ivy) variety.

The most common, popular representative is considered Persian cyclamen. The flowers of this species can be of various shades: white, pink, dark red, lilac. The plant usually reaches 30 cm in height, has a large tuber with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The Persian variety can be grown both at home and on garden plots. If you want to plant it in your country house, then choose a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight, for example, near trees or shrubs.

Persian cyclamen, photo:

The purple variety has characteristic, which distinguishes it from its counterparts - from below, the color of the sheet has a purple hue. Also, in this species, the tuber does not protrude above the soil; upon closer examination, the entire tuber is covered with roots. Purple cyclamen retains its leaves all year round (there is no dormant period). The color of the flowers varies from white to all shades of red, the leaves have notches along the edges. The plant gives color mainly in summer (June / early October), its other name is European cyclamen. The flowers of this variety have a very pleasant aroma.

European cyclamen (purple):

Cyclamen Neapolitan(ivy):

Among the varieties of cyclamen, you can even find those that grow on mossy tree trunks. In this case, the tree does not suffer, since the root system of the plant does not go deep under the bark. In summer, wild cyclamen blooms and smells (the aroma is somewhat reminiscent of lilies of the valley), and with the onset of autumn it “falls asleep”. The height of wild representatives does not exceed 10 cm, they reproduce by seeds, and insects help them. Caucasian cyclamen grows wild, can be grown at home, propagated by seeds, dividing tubers. It can also be planted in a summer cottage.

Wild cyclamen, photo:

It is difficult to resist the charm of cyclamen and not buy a blooming specimen! Even if it does not bloom, the head of leaves with gray-blue spots looks very decorative.

The question arises: where and when is it better to buy this plant? I would like to note that the most common type of cyclamen - Persian - they begin to sell in late autumn.

When choosing, I advise you to pay attention to those plants that have more unblown buds - the more of these, the better. Naturally your new flower should not have damaged leaves. They should be located low relative to the peduncles. It is also not superfluous to pay attention to the tuber. A properly positioned tuber should peek halfway out of the ground. This is important, since it will depend on how your cyclamen will develop further.

When buying, pay attention to the soil. Usually plants from a flower shop are sold in a poor peat substrate, unsuitable for normal cultivation for a long period. Such plants should be transplanted immediately, but only after the end of the flowering period.

For this:

  • carefully remove the plant from the pot, holding it close to the root by the leaves;
  • shake off the peat from the roots of the flower;
  • we check what condition they are in - if we see rotten ones, we boldly cut them to a healthy tissue;
  • soak the roots for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this procedure will disinfect the root system of cyclamen;
  • after disinfection, sprinkle the places of root cuts with activated carbon powder;
  • before planting, be sure to pour a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom of a clean pot;
  • as a substrate, any universal soil for indoor or flowering plants is suitable.

An experienced friend always tells me that cyclamen is an unpretentious flower, but you need to know some secrets.

  • Firstly, cyclamens do not like large containers. They like the corms to be cramped rather than spacious. That is, the distance between the nodules and the walls of the pot should be no more than 2-3 cm.
  • Secondly, cyclamen refers to plants that periodically "hibernate", that is, they need a dormant period that lasts about three months. At this time, the pot with the dormant cyclamen is placed in a cool place. It can be, for example, some kind of pantry, a toilet room, even the lower shelf of the refrigerator is suitable if the temperature there does not rise above 11 ° C. During the dormant period, cyclamen is not watered, except perhaps only when the soil in the pot is completely dry. One tablespoon of water per week will be more than enough.
  • Thirdly, this is perhaps one of the few plants that does not like bright sunlight. Be sure to shade the cyclamen pot, or better yet, keep it in a north window.

In order for this bright flower to delight you with lush flowering, you must adhere to certain rules. The plant should feel comfortable: acceptable air temperature, no drafts, proper lighting, timely watering - all these requirements must be observed.

How to care for cyclamen at home:

  1. The ambient temperature should not be higher than +12..15°C, if the mercury column rises above +20°C or falls below +10°C, the plant will not like it. There should be no drafts where the flower pot will be located. The presence of a heating radiator (or battery) near the flowers is also highly undesirable.
  2. This flower needs diffused light, light shade, since direct sunlight on the leaves is fraught with burns. The plant needs bright light only when it blooms, the flower reacts to excessive lighting by wilting the leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them.
  3. How to water cyclamen? This plant needs to be watered only through the pan! It is impossible to pour water from above, it should not fall on the tuber, flowers, foliage and other parts. The tray or saucer on which the pot stands is recommended to be filled with drainage expanded clay (thin layer).
  4. This plant prefers moist air. Here, again, expanded clay or small pebbles poured into the pan will help you. You can not irrigate the flower with water from a spray bottle. With the onset of a dormant period, it needs to be watered, but not as often as during active growth and flowering. If you notice that the leaves of the plant are turning yellow, this may also be an indicator of excessive dryness of the air.
  5. The soil for the flower should consist of equal parts of rotted foliage (leaf humus), peat, soddy soil, coarse sand, vermiculite and clay. You can also buy ready-made substrate for cyclamen (the cactus option is also suitable).

It is best to transplant in the summer. In late spring, the plant ceases to bloom, a dormant period sets in, at which time it is no longer watered, and the pot itself is laid on its side. Around July, slowly, in small doses, watering begins again, when the first leaves appear, you can begin to transplant the flower.

It has already been said that the feature of cyclamen is a minimum of land in a pot! But it will not be superfluous to repeat that the tuber should be a little crowded, it should be buried only partially - about a third of the tuber should rise above the soil level in the pot. After cyclamen transplants do not pour abundant water on the flower, the earth should only be slightly moistened. Only when the plant comes to life, actively leafing out, adapting to a new place, you can proceed to normal watering, fertilizing.

If buying a ready-made potted flower does not appeal to you, you are interested in going through this whole process yourself, then try to purchase quality seeds. Of course, you can choose planting material from existing flowers, however, you will have to first carry out the pollination process (with a brush or cotton swab). Pollination must be done repeatedly, from flower to flower, while the presence of different varieties is only welcome. When the plant has faded and the seed pods are ripe, pick them off without waiting for cracking. Wrap the pods in a clean cloth or paper; when dry, they will open on their own - this way the seeds will be preserved.

Seed box, photo:

For sowing seeds, you should choose a suitable soil. Substrates that are sold in flower shops are also suitable. Such soil most often contains peat, leaf soil, vermiculite. If you want to make such a substrate yourself, then you only have to mix equal proportional parts of these components. Do not forget about drainage (large foam balls or small gravel), there must be holes at the bottom of the tank.

The most commonly used two methods of sowing seeds:

  1. The seed is pre-soaked cold water(for two or three days), to which a couple of drops should be added every day detergent for dishes. This water should be changed daily, its temperature should be quite low.
  2. The second option is more familiar to flower growers and gardeners - pre-treatment (soaking) with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or Epin (2 drops per 200 ml of water). For seeds, 15 hours of such a “bath” is enough; after such treatment, even the old seed gets a “shake” and sprouts.

You can try these two methods at the same time, subsequently choose the one that is more effective and convenient for you.

Next to grow cyclamen from seeds, prepare a container with holes at the bottom, lay a layer of drainage, pour soil on top. Make grooves on the soil, lay the seeds there, or moisten the soil, spread the seed on top, sprinkle 2-3 cm on top with a layer of earth. Please note that there should be about 3 cm of free space between the seeds.

Further care of crops - cover containers polyethylene film, put them in a cool place. As mentioned above, the air temperature should not exceed +20°C.

Compliance with the temperature regime is extremely important for cyclamen, since when the degree rises, the transition to a dormant period is triggered, and when lowered, the seed may simply rot.

Every day, you should briefly lift the film - ventilate the seedlings, subject to these simple rules you will be able to see shoots approximately - it depends on the variety. After the appearance of pinkish shoots, the temperature should be reduced to +8..15°C. From the moment of germination, the growth of young livestock seems to slow down, this is due to the fact that the plants are actively growing roots. After about 4 months, they can begin to be planted in separate containers, by this time each seedling should have 2 or 3 leaves.

Subsequent cyclamen transplant to a permanent place of residence is carried out by transshipment along with a clod of earth. A pot with drainage holes, drainage material, appropriate soil - everything must be in order. Young tubers need to be completely buried, adult representatives, as mentioned above, should rise above the ground by half or a third.

You can start feeding after 6 months, complex compositions for flowering houseplants are optimally suited for this. Do not forget about high-quality regular watering of cyclamen.

The most convenient and uncomplicated method of reproduction is the division of tubers during transplantation. Well, if your flower has already grown a child tuber by this time. With the onset of a dormant period, you can independently cut such a tuber into pieces, the main thing is that roots + a kidney are present on each fragment. The cut surfaces must be treated with brilliant green or powdered well with crushed activated carbon. The tuber division method really works, try it and see. Another method of plant propagation by seeds is described above.

If you notice that your cyclamen is starting to fade, the leaves are turning yellow, what should I do? Most likely, the reason is excessive lighting. Move the container with the flower to a shady place or hang thick curtains on the window. Heat, dry air can also cause yellowing of the foliage.

A lack of iron can also affect the well-being of the plant: the leaves turn yellow in the same way, begin to fall down. This phenomenon is called chlorosis, however, adding the drug "Mikrovit K-1" (iron chelate) to the water for irrigation helps to cope with the problem.

Sometimes yellowing of the foliage may be due to the appearance of a spider mite - it is recommended to irrigate the flower with an insecticide. Make sure that the soil is moderately moist, too dry or too wet earth also leads to yellowing of the leaves of the plant.

With the onset of the dormant phase, the foliage of the plant fades and dries. The remains of leaves and flowers should be cut or cut off by hand, while making sure that the tuber is not damaged. By this time, as mentioned above, watering should be minimized, but the earthen ball near the tuber should not be too dry. If you have the opportunity to take the flower to fresh air, do it. The plant should always be in a cool shaded place, if you notice new leaves pecking, this will mean that the dormant period is over.

The beginning of the dormant period, photo:

Sometimes a flower, together with a pot, is added dropwise in a shady place on the site, transplantation is carried out when the plant “wakes up” from hibernation. At the same time, the soil and earthen clod are completely replaced, the tuber is inspected, damaged fragments are removed, a month after transplantation, top dressing is introduced during irrigation. You can buy ready-made earthen mix for cyclamen.

Another option for preserving tubers is described above - laying the pot on its side, transplanting in July or August.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? On the relevant forums, you can sometimes see a similar question. The answer to it is proper care, compliance with the rules when sowing seeds, transplanting, dividing tubers. It is very important to provide the plant with the required temperature and acceptable humidity. Literate watering cyclamen, timely fertilization - these are the basic needs of the plant, the key to its future lush flowering.

Separately, mention should be made of diseases and pests that threaten the plant and can affect its flowering. Timely treatment with insecticides and supportive drugs is very important. Regularly inspect the flower from all sides, take action at the slightest suspicion of the presence of intruders or a deterioration in appearance.

It is worth mentioning one interesting and healing feature of this decorative flower- it is a medicinal plant, whose anti-inflammatory effect was already known to Hippocrates. Today, with its help, sinusitis is successfully treated, drops, ointments, tinctures are made. As with any other herbal gifts of nature, cyclamen should be treated with caution, not too zealous with doses and frequency of treatment.

Cyclamen root, also known as a tuber, contains biologically active cyclamine (a substance of the saponide group), which provokes an increase in the secretion of mucous membranes and thereby helps the natural cleansing of inflamed ("clogged") sinuses. To prepare medicinal homemade drops based on the root of the plant, you need to take part of the tuber, grate it on a fine grater (or squeeze it with a manual garlic press). The resulting pulp should be filtered through a layer of clean cloth, and the resulting juice should be diluted with boiled (or distilled) water 1:4. Thus, you will receive a natural remedy for sinusitis and runny nose, instill it daily, 2 drops in each nostril for 7-10 days.

You can also grind 2 g of the root, pour 100 ml of boiling water over it, insist for about 1 hour, then dilute one teaspoon of the infusion with a liter of boiled water, drip into the nose.

An oil extract based on the root helps very well with overdried nasal mucosa. The squeezed juice of the tuber is mixed with the same amount of olive or sunflower oil, insist for about a day, after which they drip 3 drops into the nose for 7 days.

With all the information in mind, you will now know how to care for cyclamen, how to grow flowers from seeds, how to transplant the plant and propagate it by dividing the roots.

Its flowers resemble bright summer butterflies perched on a thin stalk, but the most amazing and valuable thing is that we can enjoy this splendor during winter snowstorms and cold weather.

In order for cyclamen to bloom in winter, home care for it should include quality summer rest. The root should not waste energy and nutrients on growing foliage. Despite the fact that this flower requires the same approach as most indoor plants, it is considered capricious, but the result fully justifies the investment of time and effort.

Hyacinth mix - a mixture of different in color, size and shape of flower petals related to This is a perennial that allows you to admire its beauty for many years. The flower has a juicy peduncle, the height of which, depending on the variety, varies between 15-30 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped. Hyacinths are simple and terry. Most of all, amateur flower growers appreciate this flower for a variety of varieties and forms, tenderness and brightness of colors, delicate and strong aroma.

Gerbera mix, which is not at all difficult to care for, prefers sunny places, therefore, with additional lighting, it can bloom from October to March. The ideal temperature for gerbera is considered to be a temperature of 20-23 ° C. During the active growing season, frequent watering with room temperature water is required. In winter, minimal watering is required. These flowers require well-drained soil to grow.

Among the diseases that can affect gerbera, root collar rot and gray rot are the most dangerous. The appearance of rot is prevented by proper watering and drainage of the soil. Other diseases are eliminated with the help of modern drugs.

Growing flowers such as hyacinth and gerbera at home allows you to observe their magnificent flowering in the cold season.