Clematis Vyshinsky cardinal, plant cultivation. New Clematis Flower Varieties Soil Requirements

  • 14.06.2019

Clematis is a climbing vine that belongs to the buttercup family. The mature plant has a woody stem and is a perennial plant that readily grows in the subtropical and temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. More than 300 species of this flower are already known, and each of them has characteristic differences. The word "clematis" in Greek means "climbing", therefore, all creeping and climbing plants were included in this group.

In our country, clematis is not just a liana, but a unique flower that will envelop the entire garden with its beauty. Regardless of the variety of clematis, each of them will surprise you with its juicy greenery, bright, unusual shades, shapes and a very delicate smell. With it, you can decorate a lawn, a house, a fence, a gazebo, a balcony or an old tree that you don’t want to remove from your site. On average, clematis blooms for about 3-4 months, which distinguishes it from other perennial flowers.

There are clematis varieties of 3 pruning groups, so each of them requires special care and proper pruning.

Second group. Clematis, included in this group, bloom twice a season, which distinguishes them from other varieties. All flowers require regular pruning, but the minimum part of the plant is cut off. If you make a strong pruning, then, most likely, the bush will not withstand frost and will die. This is explained by the fact that the vine did not stock up enough nutrients for wintering.
The most optimal time for pruning clematis of this group is summer, that is, after flowering has stopped. The next one is held in late autumn, when you need to prepare a flower for wintering.

Third group. This includes clematis varieties that bloom for a long period of time, which is more than 3 months. All varieties included in this group are called herbaceous clematis, these are large-flowered hybrid, purple and Texas varieties. They begin to bloom in July and until late autumn. This group is distinguished by luxurious, large flowers that appear on young shoots and are unpretentious. To prepare clematis for winter, you do not need special efforts and additional events, the only thing is cropping. To perform high-quality and correct trimming of the vine, you will need a sharp pruner or a sharp knife. The shoots are cut in such a way that the cut is 7 cm higher than the kidney. The best time for pruning clematis of this group - early spring or deep autumn. A fairly large part of the stems is pruned, leaving only a vine 20 cm long. If you want early-flowering vines, then pruning is performed 50 cm from the ground.

Terry varieties of clematis

Today in the world there are several hundred varieties of clematis, which are distinguished by double or semi-double flowers. In most cases, double flowers in many species appear only on last year's shoots, so it is very important to carry out regular pruning and provide the bush with good care. Despite all the beauty of the flowers of this creeper, terry varieties clematis are more in demand among amateur flower growers and professional breeders. However, it is worth remembering that care for clematis varieties in any case must be correct. Known such species: Jacqueman, Purpurea Plena Elegance, Tudor, Princes, Vititsella, Multi Blue, President.

Clematis Kaiser

This hybrid variety clematis, which was bred in 1994 in Japan, so it is considered a novelty in our country and is not common. Clematis Kaiser flower is a climbing plant with medium size and a height of not more than 1.5 meters. It blooms in May-June and compares favorably with other varieties with its large, double pink flowers. Their size can be up to 14 cm, and the flowers cover almost the entire vine. The second time the bush blooms in July-August, but flowering is no longer as intense as in spring. If you read clematis: a description of the variety and reviews of gardeners, then most people use it to landscaping their local area. After all, it is ideal for landing along fences, house walls, arbors or decorative buildings.

Clematis Kirite Kanawa

This variety stands out for its double flowers, they are dark blue or deep blue, they can reach 13 cm in diameter. Contrasting yellow anthers are visible inside the buds. Clematis Kirite Kanawa blooms from May to September, but in summer it has a short break, which helps to survive the heat. Liana flowers in the second flowering are also terry, but there are slightly fewer of them. This type of clematis is considered unpretentious and reliable. It grows quite quickly, reaching up to 3 meters in height. Of course, the vine needs support, for which it can cling to its powerful leaves and stems. If it is not possible to equip a support, then the branches can be put on an old tree, shrubs or fence. Plants are quite winter-hardy, therefore they are suitable for growing in our country on balconies.

Variety Kirite Kanawa was bred in 1986 in the UK and named after a popular opera singer present at royal wedding Lady Diana and Prince Charles.

Clematis Luther Burbank

From the name it is clear that Clematis Luther Burbank is named after the famous breeder from America, who began to breed these amazing flowers in his country. This variety reaches a height of no more than 5 meters and differs from others in its shoots that have a red-brown hue. About 10 shoots with bright green, leathery leaves can be present on one bush. Clematis flowers are quite large (up to 20 cm in diameter and consist of sepals. Their edges are wavy and pointed at the top. The color of the flowers is dark purple, they are covered with pubescence on the outside. summer time the color of the buds turns pale, but by autumn the color becomes saturated again. Inside the flowers there are yellow, large anthers. Its flowering is abundant and long. The first buds are formed in young shoots, where 9-10 flowers can be present, this is an ideal variety for vertical gardening.

Clematis Ernest Markham

If you need to provide blooming garden at the end of summer, then clematis Ernest Markham is the most suitable option. It blooms profusely and is late, as flowering occurs in July-October. Its flowers are slightly velvety, bright red, the liana is perfect for growing near arbors, fences, nets, trellises. Also, the stems are perfectly weaved along natural supports, shrubs or small trees. Many flower growers plant this variety of clematis in containers to decorate balconies that face the sunny side. Thanks to such a hedge, coolness and a decrease in temperature in the apartment are provided.

Clematis Princess Diana

This variety is also late flowering and was bred in the UK, where Clematis Princess Diana was grown as ornamental plant. He is willingly planted near arbors, fences and houses. This type of creeper does not need special care and pleases the owners with its strong, bright colors for several months. If you compare the Princess Diana variety with others, then this one is distinguished by its amazing color, tulip shape and an abundance of flowers that will delight the eye from July to August. By appearance flowers resemble tulips, which are directed upwards or to the sides.

Clematis Mrs Cholmondeley

If you need a plant with a long and abundant flowering, then Mrs Cholmondeley clematis is the most suitable option. Its flowers are quite large and have a light lavender hue, with light brown stamens inside. The variety belongs to semi-double and pleases with its flowering from May to August. He does not need strong pruning and unpretentious care. Quite often, Clematis Mrs. Cholmondeley is planted in prominent places or used to contrast with other flowers. For example, if there are yellow shrubs nearby, then clematis becomes a highlight in this composition.

Clematis Cardinal Vyshinsky

Reading many reviews about clematis Cardinal Vyshinsky, you can see that most of the people who grow it live in the northern part of the country. And this is easy to explain, because clematis Cardinal Vyshinsky is the most frost-resistant variety, it withstands external influences and gives beautiful flowers. The liana is up to 3 meters high, it is distinguished by bright red, large flowers with a diameter of 20 cm, which begin to bloom in June and delight others until September. The plant grows well in the shade and in sunny areas, suitable for landscaping any surface, including balconies and terraces. Since the bush has a powerful stem, it easily climbs supports, which can be used as shrubs, trees or fences.

Clematis Solidarity

This is enough new variety, which was bred in 2004, it was presented at the international exhibition in Holland "Plantarium 2005". The flower is velvety, red, sometimes has a stripe or spots white color on the petals. Inside the flowers, the stamens are purple, and the buds themselves are up to 16 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs from May to September. In appearance, Clematis Solidarity is quite compact, green, all covered with flowers, so it is often planted near arbors, trellises, riders, garden supports and other structures.

Clematis Little Mermaid

Nothing catches the eye like the Little Mermaid Clematis, as its flowers come in a unique coloration that mixes orange and pink colors. Inside the flowers there are bright yellow anthers, which favorably emphasize the color of the petals. The flowers themselves are round in shape and consist of eight leaves, flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Reading many reviews of Little Mermaid clematis, you can find out that this is an unpretentious variety and needs only pruning after full flowering, that is, in September. Clematis Little Mermaid reaches a height of 2 meters and perfectly braids any supports, therefore it is suitable for trellises, arbors or nets.

Clematis Ernest Markham

This is a late variety that pleases every year, is a profusely flowering. Its flowers are bright red, sparkling, velvety, have light brown stamens and a long flowering that ends in October and begins in May. Revising the description of clematis by Ernest Markham, you can see that its flowering period is maximum and is more than 4 months. It is ideal for landscaping gazebos, walls, fences, trellises and more. If necessary, clematis Ernest Markham is allowed on trees, shrubs and hedges. It is also suitable for growing on a balcony with a sunny side.

Varieties of white clematis

Among the mass of varieties, varieties of white clematis are considered the most beautiful, but also the most capricious.

After all, they require special care, proper pruning and arrangement of support for the growth of vines. White clematis are often paired with pink and blue perennials that look great next to a crisp white carpet. Most white clematis are terry varieties that are more demanding to care for.

Clematis Veronicas Choice

This variety is included in the group of large-flowered and differs from other clematis in early flowering. The flowers of the plant are double, large, white, 16 cm in diameter, they have a delicate purple hue, which becomes darker closer to the middle. The smallest inner flower petals have ruffled edges and a delicate creamy hue. Clematis Veronicas Choice blooms in old shoots twice a year, in June-July and again in August on the youngest branches. In August, Clematis Veronica Choice no longer gives terry, but ordinary flowers, as the bush is weakened and does not have enough nutrients. As the Veronica Choice clematis reviews say, this is a rather low plant, whose height is not more than 3 meters. It requires support, but if it is not available, then trees, shrubs and other hedges will do. This species is also often used for planting on balconies, where it becomes protection from the scorching sun. Liana easily withstands the frosts of our latitudes, so it does not need additional shelter. This variety was released in 1973 in honor of the daughter of the famous British breeder Walter Pennell.

Clematis Siebold

Work on the breeding of large-flowered varieties of clematis began in the first half of the 18th century and has not stopped to this day. Thanks to the efforts of breeders different countries Numerous hybrids have been created that can satisfy any, even the most demanding taste. Among them you can find plants of various heights and growth rates, blooming in spring and in summer, with small and large, simple or double, variously colored flowers. Clematis varieties are distinguished by exceptionally high decorativeness, which, combined with the unpretentiousness of many cultivars, simplicity and care, contributed to the wide distribution of this one of the most beautiful flowering plants as a crop for vertical gardening.

Clematis Blue Light

Clematis Blue Light, bred in Holland in 1998 by the famous sport English variety, clematis Mrs. Cholmondeley, created back in 1877. The height of the vine is about 2-2.5 m, due to its compact size it looks good in small gardens, and is also suitable for terraces. Needs a sunny, sheltered location.

A distinctive feature of the variety is light blue flowers with a lavender tint, densely doubled on both old and young shoots, which is quite rare among clematis. Flower diameter - 10 - 15 cm.

Clematis Red Star

Clematis Red Star- Japanese cultivar from the Patens group, appeared on the market in 1995. Small, not higher than 1.5 - 2 m with flowers up to 14 cm in diameter, double or semi-double. They bloom profusely from the second half of May to June, then, again, much more modestly - at the end of summer. Petals of irregular broadly lanceolate shape, with wavy edges, have an original color: red with a pink stripe in the center, a lighter tone at the base and greenish shadows, better visible on the outer petals, stamens with creamy yellow filaments and purple anthers. At the beginning of the season, terry flowers form on the shoots of the previous year, in August-September, on annual growths - simple ones. For planting, it is recommended to choose sunny places.

Winter-hardy varieties of clematis

Among the new varieties of clematis that have recently appeared on sale, the following deserve attention:

Clematis Mazouri

Clematis Mazouri, created by Polish breeder Stefan Marchinsky in 2006 and immediately received a prestigious silver medal at an exhibition in Warsaw. It is named after Masuria, a region in northwestern Poland.

Belongs to the Jacqueman group, blooms on annual shoots, requires strong pruning (third group). Gained popularity around the world as one of the best blue varieties. Its large, up to 17 cm, double flowers with numerous pointed petals, lighter along the edge, at the beginning of flowering seem to be made of tissue paper, then open wide, exposing creamy stamens and pistils.

It blooms profusely and for a long time, from late June to autumn, preferring sunny places. The size of the bush is about 2.5 - 3 m,

Clematis Mazowsze

Clematis Mazowsze- another variety of Stefan Marchinsky, also introduced in 2006 and also named after one of the regions of Poland, this time Mazovia.

In many respects it is similar to the previous variety, it has a similar height, diameter and structure of the flower, flowering time and pruning pattern. It differs only in the color of the petals - purple-red, velvety, pink at the edges, with light stripes on the lower part and bright creamy-purple stamens in the center. Among the advantages of the variety are resistance to disease damage and good.

Clematis Kaiser

Clematis Kaiser- a novelty on the flower market, on sale since 2010. This hybrid created in Japan from the Patens group is a miniature liana 1-1.5 m high, with double or semi-double variegated flowers, the numerous petals of which are purple-pink, sometimes light red, with flashes of white or greenish, becoming almost green in cold weather.

The first wave of flowering occurs in May-June, at which time the shoots are completely covered with numerous large, up to 14 cm in diameter, flowers. At the end of summer, flowering is not so plentiful, the color of the buds becomes dark purple by autumn. The plant develops better in the sun, great for container culture.

Moderately growing and floriferous variety. The flowers are bright red with red-brown stamens, bloom from June to September on the shoots of the current year. Flower diameter 12-14 cm, height 2-3 m.

Trimming group: 3

Location: sunny

Agricultural technology:

Before planting, seedlings should be stored at a temperature of 0 - +2 ⁰С. When buds germinate, it is necessary to move the plant to a cool, well-lit place to avoid stretching the shoots. Landing in open ground plants with young shoots is permissible only after the threat of frost has passed. Bushes in a permanent place clematis grow 10-15 years. For abundant and long flowering, choose a place protected from the wind. Clematis grow well on loose, permeable, fertile soils. The best time to plant seedlings in middle lane Russia - the end of May. They are planted at a distance of 50-70 cm from neighboring plants. Before landing a container with clematis immerse in water for 15-20 minutes so that the substrate is well saturated with water. The pit for planting should be approximately 60x60x60 cm. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pit
(gravel, pebbles), then well-decomposed humus or compost. Then fill with a mixture of earth with compost and riding (non-acidic) peat. When planting, the plant is deepened on light sandy soils by 5-10 cm, on heavier ones by 3-5 cm from the soil level. The soil around the plant is lightly tamped, watered abundantly and mulched. Further care consists in timely watering, weeding and fertilizing. Also important correct pruning plants.
Trimming methods:
In the first year after planting in autumn, in any case, it is better to cut the plant over the third pair of buds, regardless of the pruning method indicated for this variety, so that it takes root better, gets stronger and bushes well.
1st way(weak pruning). In varieties clematis, blooming on last year's shoots, weak and unripe shoots are cut out for the winter. The remaining shoots can, with strong growth, be shortened by 1/3 of the length, but not shorter than 1.5-2 m from the ground, laid on the ground and covered for the winter. It should be remembered that varieties that bloom on overwintered shoots with double and semi-double flowers, after too much pruning, either do not bloom, or bloom on new shoots with simple non-double flowers.
2nd way(moderate cut). Majority large-flowered varieties begin flowering on overwintered shoots, and then repeat on the shoots of the current year. Shoots for the winter are cut at a level of 1-1.5 m above the ground, laid on the ground and covered.
3rd way(strong cut). Clematis, starting to bloom profusely from the end of June and later it is better to cut over the second or third pair of buds in early spring or in autumn. Cover the plant for the winter