Kalanchoe plant passport. Passport of indoor plants

  • 15.05.2019

Brief description of the plant

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropical zones of Africa and America. The genus is subdivided into many species, many of which are suitable for indoor floriculture.

Kalanchoe felt has juicy stems, the leaves are covered with silver-gray pubescence, the tips of the leaves are brown, there are small tubercles along the edges.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld - a plant with smooth stems 35-40 cm long. The leaves are dense, dark green, shiny, oval in shape, 5-7 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 cm, collected in inflorescences of 20-24 pieces . Flower color can vary from red to white.

Flaming Kalanchoe has a juicy stem and dense, fleshy, shiny green leaves. The flowers are orange-red, collected in umbrella inflorescences, bloom in spring.

Kalanchoe Fedchenko is a plant with aerial roots and dull bluish leaves.

Light-loving plant.

Minor watering.

Fertilizers should be applied once a week.


In winter, you should keep the plant in a cool room (the optimum air temperature is 12-14 ° C). In the spring, Kalanchoe should be moved to a warm, bright room.

In summer, you can take it out to the balcony or put it by an open window facing south.


In winter, Kalanchoe can be watered rarely, starting in spring - more often, especially if the air in the room is very dry.

During the period of active growth, liquid fertilizers should be applied to the ground twice a month.

The plant should be repotted as needed in spring or autumn.

For planting, you can use a soil mixture consisting of two parts of leaf, two parts of humus earth and one part of sand.

Pedilanthus tithymaloid (Pedilanthus tithymaloides)

A plant like pedilanthus(Pedilanthus) belongs to a rather large family of euphorbias (Euphorbiaceae). It is a highly branched shrub. In nature, such a plant can be found in Central, Northern, as well as South America.


Such an unpretentious house plant as sansevieria(sansevier) is known to almost everyone. He has several more unusual names, and you will certainly hear at least one of them, namely: “ pike tail», « Snake skin», « mother-in-law's tongue", as well as « wolf tail».

Decembrist (Schlumbergera)

Schlumberger also called zygocactus or Decembrist, and it is an epiphytic cactus. In the wild, such a plant can be found in eastern Brazil, and it grows there in humid mountain forests on the trunks of various trees.

Zamioculcas (Dollar tree)

A plant like Zamioculcas(Zamielistny) is very unpretentious, despite its difficult to remember and rather unusual name. It is also often referred to as the "Dollar Tree". It is worth considering that, despite all the unpretentiousness, this plant reacts extremely negatively to improper care for it.


A plant like monstera popular with a large number of flower growers. Quite often you can find such specimens that can hardly fit into small city apartments. The thing is that if the monster, which is a creeper, is allowed, then it can quickly grow up to 6 meters in height, and its leaves will become very large.


Such a herbaceous perennial shrub as chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) very often can be found in houses or apartments. It has narrow leaves, which are most often colored green-white or simply green color. This plant is also characterized by hanging air whiskers, on the tips of which young plants are located in the form of small bushes.


For a beginner grower - reo, perhaps the most suitable flower that allows you to withstand the consequences of improper care. Caring for him does not require much effort, just like cyperus, cactus or sansevier, while he is beautiful, like dracaena. Many attribute this flower to one of the species of Tradescantia, but this is not entirely true. Reo is indeed a close relative of Tradescantia, but many botanists believe that this flower belongs to a separate genus - the genus Re.

fat woman

The fat woman came to us from South Africa and Madagascar. Some species in nature reach several meters in height. The decorative home flowers in the photo owe their name to fleshy, coin-like leaves. Fat woman or " Money Tree» an excellent house plant, care of which even a beginner can do. In terms of endurance and easy reproduction, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Perennial hibiscus, related to garden mallows and lavaters, in Russian conditions has taken root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and sufficiency of nutrition, it is distinguished by enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly pleases with the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.

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Houseplant Kalanchoe - the perfect compact home flower for decorating a window sill or a small shelf. In order for the bush not to grow up, after the appearance of the third pair of leaves, it should be pinched. A wide range of colors of the Kalanchoe pot plant allows you to use this flower in a variety of floral arrangements.

Kalanchoe belongs to the genus of tropical succulent (i.e., succulent) plants from the Crassulaceae family. In Russia, "relatives" of Kalanchoe have long been known, that is, succulents that are more adapted to our climatic conditions: young, rhodiola, stonecrop. But unlike Kalanchoe, none of the listed plants has so many medicinal properties.

The homeland of the houseplant Kalanchoe is the warm tropics of South Africa, the island of Madagascar.

Kalanchoes are also widely distributed in tropical Africa, southern Arabia, India, China, Ceylon, Taiwan, Indochina and Indonesia. There are only 2 species in the New World: K. pinnata (Lam.) Pers. – in Mexico, Central and South America; K. brasiliensis St. Hill. - in Brazil.

By the way, botanists still cannot agree on how this plant appeared on the territory of our country.

Kalanchoes grow in nature on stony poor soils, in open sunny places, in mountain valleys, in the mountains at an altitude of 300 to 2500 m above sea level. The taxonomy of the genus is not clear enough. Some authors include here the genus bryophyllum - BryophuUum. In this book, the genus Kalanchoe is considered with the inclusion of species of the genus Bryophyllum.

In Madagascar, Kalanchoe Mangina creeps along the ground. On its short shoots, a peduncle sometimes appears with drooping bell-shaped flowers. At the ends of other shoots, small daughter plants are formed and thus a whole carpet of Kalanchoe is gradually formed.

The first mention of the plant is found in half-decayed records of medicinal plants dated to the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that kalanchoe flower brought to Russia by merchants. By the way, one of them wrote in the ship's log very interesting story healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a completely healthy person boarded the ship, loaded with various goods. His pockets were stuffed with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them "kalankh", which, translated from the language of the natives, means nothing more than "health". Perhaps it was this story that served as the beginning of a new life for an amazing plant, only not in the tropics, but on the territory of our country.

Kalanchoe is successfully bred in greenhouses and at home. Only, probably, few people know that in reality there are more than 100 species of this plant. And only one type of Kalanchoe plant has medicinal characteristics - this is bryophyllum, it is considered both medicinal and decorative. The remaining species only outwardly resemble Kalanchoe officinalis. That is why there are so many disputes about the plant, whether the plant really has healing properties.

Kalanchoe owes its peculiarity to accumulate moisture to the special structure of the aquifer, which is responsible for the distribution of fluid.

As can be seen in the photo, the stems and leaves of the indoor Kalanchoe flower are covered with a thick film of a waterproof substance that prevents moisture from evaporating:

This feature allows the plant to survive periods of tropical drought. By the way, resistance to moisture evaporation processes was used with great success in African tribes - juicy shoots of Kalanchoe could quench their thirst. Some varieties of Kalanchoe have a pleasant, slightly sour taste. Such juice could support the strength of a tired traveler. The tribes have always used the healing properties of Kalanchoe. So that the scorching heat and hot wind did not dry out the skin, people rubbed the body with the juice of the plant.

What does a Kalanchoe flower look like and plant characteristics

Kalanchoe - a plant belonging to the genus of succulent family Crassula. Depending on the species, it varies in height from a few centimeters to 2-3 meters in height. When describing the Kalanchoe plant, a special emphasis should be placed on its fleshy leaves. They can be covered with hairs or completely smooth, of various shapes and sizes, with jagged or even edges, on which rooted buds are often found. As these buds mature, new plants form. Kalanchoe flowers are large, formed on a high peduncle. They can have a color from pale pink to burgundy.

In summer, you can only admire the foliage, because the flowers do not appear until the daylight hours are longer than 12 hours. This "short day" plant does not bloom until autumn, winter, or early spring. When it blooms, hang the pot in the room. Later, he needs a dormant period: put the pot in a cool, bright place and limit watering. After a few months, you can "resurrect" the plant again by providing it with more water and heat.

See what the Kalanchoe flower looks like in these photos:

Sometimes housewives grow a completely different type of Kalanchoe and, being in complete ignorance, bury completely useless juice in the spouts of their children. Of course, there will be no harm from this, since Kalanchoe is not among the poisonous plants, some of them even have a pleasant taste, and they are eaten. But if you decide to grow medicinal Kalanchoe, you need to know that the only species that will not only decorate your home, but also help with the first signs of a cold and other diseases is Kalanchoe pinnate. This plant got its name due to its leaves, resembling feathers.

Kalanchoe officinalis (pinnate) has a thick fleshy stem and the same leaves, pointed at the ends. A path of small drop-shaped processes filled with moisture runs along the edge of the sheet. A healthy Kalanchoe should be a rich, light green color. At the site of a stem or leaf break, it instantly accumulates a large number of moisture - plant juice. At home Kalanchoe conditions usually grows up to 35-50 cm. But in greenhouses, where special conditions are created, the plant can grow much higher and become larger.

Useful properties and use of therapeutic Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe is very unusual. This is one of the few medicinal plants that can be grown at home. Kalanchoe looks very impressive and in quality decorative ornament your home, it is no worse than any other flower.

Many mistakenly classify Kalanchoe as a non-flowering plant, although there are none. In its homeland, Kalanchoe blooms in late summer or early autumn. At this time, fragrant flowers appear on it. If you manage to create for your pet the same conditions in which he lived in his homeland, he will certainly please you. lush bloom. But even if this does not happen, in no case do not despair, because the absence of flowers does not affect the medicinal use of Kalanchoe.

It has been established that the juice of the medicinal plant Kalanchoe has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on various groups of microbes. Due to its properties, the use of Kalanchoe gives a simply amazing effect: the reproduction of microbes completely stops, and the wound heals. It is especially good at destroying causative agents of purulent infections - staphylococci and streptococci, therefore it has been widely used in the treatment of burns, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, abscesses, phlegmon, pustular skin diseases.

Before using Kalanchoe juice as a medicine, the plant must first be prepared. Cut sheets should be kept in the refrigerator for a week and only then squeeze the juice.

What else is useful for a Kalanchoe flower grown at home? Cultivating this plant is useful not only because it can be treated. It turns out that Kalanchoe absorbs all the harmful radiation that accumulates in abundance in our apartments as a result of using electrical appliances. It is especially useful to put pots with this flower next to the TV. With this use of Kalanchoe at home, the plant absorbs all harmful radiation and does not release them back due to a special substance that covers it and does not allow moisture to evaporate.

Only the main question remains: how to harvest? The leaves of an adult plant are the harvest. Healing juice from the leaves can be obtained mechanically (juicer, meat grinder). However, it will not retain its magical properties for a long time, therefore it is worth using the resulting “elixir” within a day.

Growing and caring for indoor Kalanchoe flower at home (with photo and video)

It should be noted that Kalanchoe is a very powerful plant and almost constantly stretches up. Therefore, a lot of space is required for a flower. The first step is to choose the right, deep container. Entrepreneurs who grow Kalanchoe for business prefer areas with a humid climate, because the plant does not like the sun and drought. With decent care at home, Kalanchoe pinnate seedlings can be grown at any time of the year.

Earth. Kalanchoe is suitable soil for cactus or succulent plants. But even in the finished soil from the store, be sure to add a handful of sand.

Location. The plant loves the sun and light. Those varieties that bloom profusely (for example, Blossfeld) require a lot of light. Then the leaves and flowers have a more intense color.

Temperature. One of the conditions cultivation of Kalanchoe- a lot of heat. But this does not mean that it is worth putting it near the central heating battery. Content temperature: not lower than 15 ° C in summer, 10-12 ° C is optimal in winter (at temperatures below 12 ° C, and especially 10 ° C, leaf fall is observed. At high temperatures, the flowers are pale in color).

These photos of Kalanchoe care at home show how to grow a plant:

Watering. Water Kalanchoe abundantly in summer, and moderately in winter, only waiting for the soil to become dry.

Top dressing. Kalanchoe is responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers. Therefore, before planting, the soil must not only be watered, but also fertilized. To do this, use fertilizers containing phosphorus or potassium salt. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used as monthly top dressings when caring for Kalanchoe during cultivation.

Transplantation. Kalanchoe is transplanted in the spring only when the root system fills the entire pot.

Diseases and - mealybug and excessive watering in winter, which can rot the leaves.

Formation. To force bushiness, pinch the top of the shoot after the development of the third pair of leaves. Many Kalanchoe grow very quickly, losing their decorative effect, so it needs to be rejuvenated. For this purpose, the upper young parts of the shoots are cut off and rooted again.

Watch the video "Care for Kalanchoe at home", which shows all the main agricultural practices:

Care and reproduction of indoor flower Kalanchoe

Reproduction of the Kalanchoe flower is carried out by seeds, cuttings or brood buds.

To get a sprout, it is enough to cut a leaf, turn it upside down and stick it into the ground. The soil should be a sandy mixture or a useful substrate, the layer thickness of which varies between 15–20 cm (depending on the depth of the container). It is preferable to prepare a planting mixture from garden soil diluted with humus and sand (1:1:1). The soil temperature should be around 20–25 °C. Planting distance between plants should be 10 cm.

Seeds should be sown in the spring, not sprinkled with earth and covered with glass, having built something like a greenhouse. Air and water twice a day. After germination, the sprouts should be transplanted into a regular pot.

When breeding brood buds, everything happens by itself. Babies appear and have enough young plant. If your flower has grown to about 10-15 cm and has acquired a fairly dense stem and thick leaves, in other words, it has come into force, you can expect offspring - small sprouts. With such reproduction and sufficient care, Kalanchoe sprouts take root easily and quickly, since the thinnest root threads hang under a tiny stalk. When the young sprout reaches 1–1.5 cm, it can be carefully removed from the ground and planted in a separate pot. The adaptation period in a young plant is very easy. After a week or two, you will notice that the little Kalanchoe has grown. The first 2-3 weeks, a newly rooted plant should be watered a little more often than an adult - 3 times a week in small portions. An adult plant is watered 1-2 times a week. Remember that Kalanchoe accumulates moisture in its stems and should not be watered too abundantly.

Types and varieties of the Kalanchoe flower: photos, names of varieties and descriptions of plants

K. beharensis Drake et CastilloK. beharskoe. Shrubs, powerfully developed plants with shoots bare from below and felt-pubescent in the upper part. Leaves are almost entire or slightly serrate, pubescent. Flowers are small, up to 7 mm long, pubescent; jug-shaped corolla tube; petals are linear. Blooms profusely. A highly ornamental plant. Feels good in cool rooms. Homeland - the island of Madagascar (southern part).

K. bentii C. H. Wright ex Hook. f. (K. teretifolia Deflers)K. Bent. Semi-shrubs slightly branched, powerful, up to 1 m tall. The leaves are arranged in 6 pairs, rounded, large, up to 40 cm long, thick. Inflorescence umbellate. The flowers are white, the corolla tube is swollen at the base, 2.5 cm long, the petals are obovate, not more than half the length of the tube. Blooms profusely in April-May. A highly ornamental plant. This variety of Kalanchoe flowers is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Homeland - Arabian Peninsula (southern part).

K. blossfeldiana PoellnitzK. Blossfeld. Semi-shrubs slightly branched, erect, up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are ovate, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, glabrous, green, reddish at the edges. The flowers are numerous, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Flowers erect, up to 1 cm in diameter and 1.2–1.3 cm long, red; honey scales are narrow-linear, dicotyledonous. At good care during the cultivation of Kalanchoe at home, the plant blooms profusely and for a long time, in February - May (it can bloom at other times of the year). It grows in tropical rain forests on humus soil on the island of Madagascar.

There are varieties of this type of Kalanchoe with a compact low stem:“Compact Liliput" - "Campacta Liliput" - with large leaves and red flowers; "Tom Thumb" - "Tam Thumb" profusely flowering variety with red flowers; "Tom Thumb Tetra" - "Tam ThumbTetra" and "Orange Triumph" - "Ogange Triumph "with red-orange flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld is suitable for forcing. To do this, plants are given a short day (9 hours) for three weeks in the fall, and then grown under normal conditions. After 10-12 weeks from the moment of forcing, the plants bloom.

K. daigremontianum Hamet et Perrier (Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Hamet et Perrier) Berger)C. Daigremont. Shrub 40–80 cm tall. The leaves are ovate or elongated, up to 20 cm long and 6 cm wide, with petioles up to 5 cm long, bright green with purple spots on the underside; leaf edge with teeth. The flowers are purple-grey. This type of Kalanchoe flower blooms profusely. One of the most popular indoor plants. The edges of the leaf are fringed with daughter plants, which easily fall off and take root. Leaf juice in folk medicine is used for the common cold and colds. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. fedtschenkoi Hamet et PerrK. Fedchenko(synonymous with Bryorhyllum fedtschenkoi (Hamet et Perr.) Lauzac-March.). shrub with numerous aerial roots at the bottom of the shoots. The leaves are obovate with small petioles, 3.5–5.5 cm long and 2.5–3.5 cm wide, light green, with a red strip along them. The teeth are large in the upper part of the leaf, and small in the lower part. Old leaves have purple spots at the base of the teeth. The shoot ends with an inflorescence, after which two new shoots develop from the two nearest buds. Flowers brownish-pink. There is a variety with yellow-white spots in the upper part of the leaf and a bright pink stripe along the edges. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. flammea Stapf.K. fiery red. Perennial herbaceous plants 30–40 cm tall, slightly branched. Leaves obovate, 6–8 cm long and 2.5–3 cm wide, tapering at the base, obtusely rounded, serrated. Inflorescence umbellate. The flowers are bright orange-red; corolla tube expanded; petals triangular-ovate, up to 2 cm in diameter. Propagated by seeds, plants bloom in the first year (in December). Highly decorative look for pot culture. Feels good in cool rooms. Grows on rocky soil in Somalia.

K. grandiflora Wight et Arn.K. grandiflora. Semi-shrubs up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are lobed-toothed, sessile or on short petioles, light green (blushing in the sun). Inflorescence umbellate. The flowers are light yellow; corolla tube extended, 1.2 cm long; petals ovate, fragrant. Blooms profusely in May. Ornamental plant, valued for the pleasant aroma of flowers. Cultivated in cold greenhouses. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Homeland - India.

K. longiflora Schlechter ex Medley Wood CoccineaK. longiflorum, cultivar "Koccinea". Abundantly branched shrub. Stem about 1 cm in diameter. The leaves are spatulate, up to 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, bright green, with large uneven teeth and a wide red (especially in spring and summer) stripe along the edges. Petiole up to 2.5 cm long. Flowers are yellowish. The homeland of the species is South Africa.

K. marmorata Baker (K. grandiflora A. Rich, non Wight et Arn., K. macrantha Baker)K. speckled. Semi-shrubs 50 cm tall. Leaves obovate, 8-12 cm long, tapering at the base, notched-toothed along the edges, green, later grayish on both sides, with large brown spots. Inflorescence umbellate. The flowers are white, the corolla tube is 7–8 cm long, 4-sided, the petals are ovate-lanceolate. We rarely bloom, in winter and in early spring(January - April). This is a very decorative look, suitable for landscaping rooms and shop windows. Requires a lot of light, in winter - dry and cool content. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. It is found in the mountains, at an altitude of 1600-2300 m above sea level, in Ethiopia, as well as in Somalia, Sudan, Kenya and the Congo.

K. marnierata Jacobs.C. Marnier(synonymous with Bryophyllum marnierianum (Jacobs.) Lauzac. - March.). Shrub up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are almost rounded, 3 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, light green with a waxy coating and a red stripe along the upper edge of the leaf. The flowers are pink. Homeland - Southwestern Madagascar.

K. millotii Hamet et Perr.K. Millot. Low branching shrub. Stems and leaves with white felt pubescence. The leaves are obversely broadly ovate, 3–4 cm long and wide, light bluish green, the old ones are light yellowish green with small denticles. The corolla of the flower is yellow-green, turning into yellow-orange and red-violet tones. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. nyikae EnglerK. Nike. Succulent shrub, reaching 0.6–2 m in height in nature. The leaves are corymbose, up to 15 cm long and 12 cm wide, on a petiole attached almost in the center of the leaf blade, bluish-green with a purple-pink tint. The flowers are pale pink or pinkish salmon, collected in an erect corymbose inflorescence. Grows in coastal deciduous dry forests. Homeland - Kenya, Tanzania.

K. pinnatum (Lam.) Pers. (Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) S. Kurz., B. calycinum Salisb.). Shrub reaching up to 1 m in height in nature. The leaves are simple at first, then 3-5-parted, 7-13 cm long, oblong-rounded with rounded teeth along the edges, bright green. Flowers greenish-pink. Blooms profusely, but not regularly. It grows on stony soils at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level on the island of Madagascar, as well as in the tropics of the Old and New Worlds. Medicinal plant.

K. pumila BakerK. dwarf. Low shrub - up to 20 cm tall, initially with erect, and then hanging stems. The leaves are wedge-shaped, up to 4 cm long and 3 cm wide, green with powdery coating, later turning purple. The upper part of the leaf with uneven denticles. The flowers are large, purple-pink. Homeland - Central Madagascar.

K. rhombopilosa Man. Et BoitK. rhomboid-hairy. By appearance somewhat reminiscent of Kalanchoe dwarf. Leaves with very short petioles, about 3 cm long and wide, with uneven teeth at the top, with a silvery coating and brown-red spots. The flowers are yellow-green with red-violet spots on the edges. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. thyrsiflora Harv.K. paniculate. Perennial herbaceous plants up to 60 cm tall, densely leafy. Leaves obovate, up to 15 cm long and 7 cm wide, obtusely rounded, silvery white; lower ones in a rosette, densely spaced; the upper ones are less frequent, smaller than the lower ones. Inflorescence - panicle. The flowers are yellow, the corolla tube is pitcher swollen, 4-sided, 1.5 cm long, the petals are small, rounded, up to 0.5 cm long. Blooms profusely in April-May. A highly ornamental plant. After flowering, the plants form many bulbous buds, which are widely used for propagation. Grows on rocky slopes in South Africa.

K. tomentosa Baker (K. pilosa hort.)K. felt. Bush up to 50 cm high with densely leafy branches. Leaves sessile, oblong-oval, juicy, obtuse. This name is given to this type of Kalanchoe because its leaves are covered with grayish-whitish short bristles so densely that they give the impression of being shrouded in felt. At the top along the edge of the leaf there is a barely noticeable brown stripe in the form of a dotted line - small tubercles covered with brown bristles, which gives this species an exceptional decorative effect. This hardy plant is used in any exposure. Propagated by leaves, stems and seeds, but does not bloom in our conditions. Homeland - Central Madagascar.

K. tubiflora (Harv.) Hamet (Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv.)K. tubular. Perennial herbaceous plants, shrubs up to 70 cm tall. The leaves are numerous, narrow and long, up to 13 cm long and 0.6 cm wide, grayish-green, with dark brown spots, in the upper part with many brood buds - "children". Flowers numerous, red; corolla tube 2.5 cm long. A highly ornamental plant. Blooms profusely. Grows well in rooms. In culture, it is widely used as a potted plant and is used to decorate bowls. There are many varieties of this type of Kalanchoe plant. Varieties differ in plant height: undersized - 10-15 cm, medium-sized - 15-20 and tall - 25-30 cm tall. There is a significant variety of flower colors: scarlet red, dark purple, hot pink, fiery red, light yellow, orange, light purple, white. It grows on rocky-sandy soils on the island of Madagascar.

To favorites

Kalanchoe - a plant that develops in the form of a bush or a small tree, represents the Crassulaceae family. This wonderful succulent stands out not only for its unique beauty, but also for its quite significant healing properties that have been noticed and used for many centuries. True, the latter is not characteristic of all varieties of this plant. The most valuable of all its described varieties is considered to be the variety - Kalanchoe pinnate, also known as bryophyllum. That is why bryophyllum can often be found in home flower beds, and sometimes even in the garden.

This plant came to our region from the distant tropics of South Africa and the island of Madagascar, where the local population even uses it to quench their thirst - the juice of its fleshy leaves has a pleasant taste, slightly reminiscent of lemon. In addition, products used to moisturize the skin are prepared on the basis of Kalanchoe, which prevents it from drying out on the salt spray.

Short description

Kalanchoe bryophyllum grows in the form of a bush or tree, growing from half a meter to one and a half. Its stem is quite fleshy and stiffens at the base over time. The roots are shallow, but quite extensive and grow rapidly, so they require a rather wide flowerpot. The leaves, blunt-toothed with an opposite arrangement, grow on short petioles, and in the lower part they have a simple elongated shape, and in the upper part they can be pinnate or folded, with a characteristic serrated border.

The first flowering occurs in the second year of life, with large inflorescences of apical location, collected in panicles. Flowering time is non-standard - this is the cold season, starting from about February to March. The flowers can be white, with pinkish, rarely red or greenish hues.

How to care

Kalanchoe bryophyllum flower exotic plant, whose natural habitat is in tropical latitudes. And despite its exoticism, it can often be found in our conditions in the form of a houseplant. It does not require any special care conditions at all - for the successful cultivation of this flower and obtaining regular bright flowering, it is enough to perform simple recommendations, which will be discussed in detail below.

Kalanchoe, like many other succulents, categorically does not tolerate stagnant water, and with its frequent excess, rot quickly forms on the roots and the plant may even die. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this moment.

This flower is very sensitive to water quality, so for irrigation you need to defend the water for at least 2 - 3 days, then drain its upper half, without sediment. It is desirable that its temperature be several degrees lower than the temperature environment. This corresponds to natural conditions.

It is very important that when watering, moisture does not get on the stem and foliage of Kalanchoe at all, otherwise the plant may get sunburn. Watering should be moderate, so that after it water does not accumulate in the pan. If this happens, it must be drained immediately, and watering should be limited.

The main rule is not to overfill, but Kalanchoe bryophyllum tolerates a temporary lack of water easily. Three, four, or even all 7 days without water, the plant will calmly survive due to the moisture accumulated in its thick, fleshy leaves and trunk, but overflow is fraught with disease.

Especially carefully it is worth watering during cold periods, starting from mid-September. At this time, watering rates are halved and make sure that the pallet is constantly dry, especially if the flower is kept in a cool room. Kalanchoe is very sensitive to low temperatures, and if you add excess moisture to this, most likely he will get sick and will not survive the winter. Therefore, in winter, watering is carried out very moderately, clean water room temperature and only after it dries upper layer soil.

Now for the humidity. It is desirable to care for Kalanchoe in a room with medium or low humidity, since it is able to absorb atmospheric moisture, which can lead to waterlogging and the development of fungal rot. Therefore, if the humidity is high, watering should be limited.


Proper care for Kalanchoe at home should provide a lighting regime that matches the rhythm familiar to the plant, and in nature it is used to a short daylight hours. It requires bright sun from morning until 2 pm, after which it must be moved to a shady place, and if this is not possible, it is simply covered with an opaque container of the appropriate size, such as a plastic bucket. But you must definitely take care of the free access of air, otherwise the flower may be forbidden on hot days.

It’s also good to take the flower to the balcony in warm weather, and even better, keep it in the garden in the summer, but only in a place where there is protection from drafts, especially cold ones.

This mode is relevant in the warm season, and in winter it does not matter, since the daylight hours are already short.

Optimum temperature

Despite its tropical origin, Kalanchoe prefers moderate temperatures - optimal - from 18 to 22 ° C. Its decrease to +5 - +6 ° С is allowed, but not lower and only in winter time, but an increase in normal indicators is highly undesirable. An increase in temperature to 26 - 30 ° C leads to increased absorption of moisture, and the plant is not able to absorb these amounts normally, therefore problems arise - diseases.

Soil composition and top dressing

For nutrients, Kalanchoe is unpretentious, although it requires a certain amount of them for full development, but as for drainage properties, this is sacred. Any stagnant moisture is dangerous for a flower, so planting it is possible only in light mixtures based on sand and peat, with a small addition of turf or leafy soil. It is also desirable to arrange a separate drainage layer at the bottom of a flowerpot made of expanded clay or pebbles, mixed approximately equally with coarse river sand. A layer thickness of 3 to 5 centimeters will suffice.

Now about top dressing - it is best done in late spring, when the plant maximizes the growth of green mass, but you can fertilize the flower in the summer, in its first half. No mullein and humus can be introduced, it will be enough to feed the bush with a ready-made complex for succulents, and in a very small concentration and only in liquid form. Kalanchoe is unable to absorb dry fertilizers.

Starting from mid-September and up to mid-March, top dressing is categorically not welcome, even if the flower looks lethargic and unhealthy.


Kalanchoe develops quite quickly, especially in its underground part, so it is better to immediately plant it in a spacious flowerpot, otherwise you will have to replant it quite often.

It will be correct to transplant in late spring. The plant is in the most active phase and is easier to take root in a new place. When transplanting, it is advisable not to completely expose the roots, so you should try to carefully remove the plant along with the earthy clod and transplant it into a larger flowerpot. If extracting from the flowerpot is difficult, it is worth sacrificing it by cutting it in height. The loss of the flowerpot is compensated by maintaining the health of your pet.

The gaps must be filled with soil, the composition of which is described in the previous chapter. This will facilitate and speed up the adaptation process. When transplanting, it is advisable to slightly feed the soil special formulations for succulents. They are dissolved in warm water, in proportions half that in the manufacturer's description and, after cooling, are applied to the soil. At the same time, it must be a little wet, otherwise fertilizers can burn the root system.

If everything is done correctly, within a week and a half after planting, the plant will fully acclimatize and return to its usual activity.

Sometimes, for sanitary reasons, for example, when a putrefactive fungus is found, Kalanchoe has to be transplanted in the fall. This is quite a serious stress for him, so after such a transplant, the plant should provide the most comfortable conditions possible.

How to grow

In terms of reproduction, Kalanchoe is not much different from most others. ornamental plants grown in room conditions. It can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively - cuttings and shoots. Sometimes you can grow new flower even from a trim sheet. The latter, however, is quite consistent natural situations when a fallen leaf sprouts roots and eventually grows into an independent succulent tree.

Vegetative reproduction

Propagation by cuttings is carried out by germinating them in water, after which they are planted in a pot with a feeding substrate, where a new Kalanchoe bush develops.

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring, when noticeable shoots appear, but this method is very undesirable, since it severely injures the plant. After such a process, it takes a long time to recover, it can get sick and even die. Therefore, more often resort to cuttings or rooting of the leaf. The last method is the simplest and most reliable, it is enough to press and fix a leaf in the soil of the flowerpot and after about 10 days it will take root, and after a couple of weeks it can be separated from the mother tree and planted in a separate flowerpot. It is worth noting, however, that such plants bloom later than those grown from cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

Seeds germinate better if they are planted before the growth of the bush begins to intensify - in late February, early March. The change is sown on the surface of moist soil, the composition of which is the same as for an adult plant, and a greenhouse is arranged over it - covered with polyethylene. At the same time, it is important to protect the seedlings from the light, regularly provide them with airing and light moisture. In this state, the seeds germinate for about a month, after which the sprouts dive and the healthiest ones are planted in separate flowerpots, with a diameter of at least 8 centimeters. For the first time, this is enough, and as the young Kalanchoe strengthens, it is transplanted into a large flowerpot, where it reaches maturity.

The rules of care are the same as for an adult plant, but more scrupulous, since any discrepancy with optimal standards can negate all your efforts. In addition, as the bush grows, it is necessary to pinch it so that the crown is more dense and decorative. If everything is done correctly, already on next year you can expect the first flowering.

Healing properties

This plant is rich in useful substances that are widely used in both folk and classical pharmacology. The stems and leaves contain quercetin, kaempferol, arabinoside and other flavonoids, tannins, vitamins, groups C and P, as well as many polysaccharides and organic acids.

The fresh juice of the plant has pronounced antiseptic properties, which makes it possible to use it for wound healing, and its extremely low toxicity makes it possible to use such treatment even for children. With the help of compresses from a cut leaf of Kalanchoe, ulcers, burns and even purulent abscesses can be treated, while there is no allergic irritation of the skin and even mucous membranes.

Preparations based on Kalanchoe are successfully used to treat bedsores, fistulas, necrotic purulent processes and trophic ulcers on the legs.

In dentistry, fresh Kalanchoe juice is used to eliminate problems with the gums and oral mucosa - periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis and much more.

Preparations based on Kalanchoe are also used in gynecology. They are effective in healing erosions and cracks in the nipples of the breast and even in cervical erosion.

There was a use of this plant in folk medicine. Infusions and tinctures have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can even cure stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Collection and storage of medicinal raw materials

For the preparation of a medicinal composition, only young, fresh parts of the plant are collected - stems and leaves. They need to be washed well in running water and kept for a week in a dark place with a temperature of about 5 ° C. A refrigerator will do. After that, the prepared raw materials are passed through a blender and the juice is squeezed out, which settles in the refrigerator for a day and is filtered through gauze. This juice can be used to prepare ointments, creams or tinctures for internal use.

If longer storage is needed, the juice is diluted with ethyl medical alcohol 96.6 ° in proportions - 80% juice and 20% alcohol and stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator. Such raw materials retain their properties for about a year and require half an hour of heating in a water bath before use.

Kalanchoe is a succulent with thick green leaves and bright pink, white, yellow, crimson flowers. It belongs to the Crassulaceae family, requires minimal watering, calmly tolerates the absence of fertilizers, and is rarely affected by pests. In general, caring for Kalanchoe at home is not difficult, and even a novice grower can acquire it without fear.

And Kalanchoe can look different, because as many as 200 species are combined in this genus! Some of them are distinguished by their special decorative effect and bright colors, others have healing properties.

At home, most often grown:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld - different decorative. Forms a compact bush, blooms with elegant inflorescences-umbrellas. A well-known variety series - Kalanchoe Kalandiva is characterized by double flowers.
  • Kalanchoe Degremona - is medicinal, the juice from its fleshy leaves is used to heal wounds, get rid of a cold, etc. Refers to bryophyllums (viviparous Kalanchoe, breeding "children").
  • Kalanchoe pinnate is also a medicinal bryophyllum. Its oval leaves with vein patterns resemble feathers, which is how the species earned its name.
  • Kalanchoe Mangina (Mangini) is a decorative bryophyllum with long shoots that form an ampel bush. It blooms with bright red bell flowers.
  • Kalanchoe tubiflora (tubiflora) is an interesting bryophyllum with narrow leaves tucked inward and with many "children" along their edges.
  • Kalanchoe dissected - the so-called "deer horns". Produces long shoots with dissected narrow leaves, shaped like deer antlers.

There are many other species, for example, Kalanchoe felt, Kalanchoe paniculata, etc., but they are grown much less frequently.

However, you can grow any Kalanchoe at home, following certain rules of care. They are almost the same for both flowering and deciduous species of this wonderful plant.

Lighting and temperature

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering in general will be a big question.

When grown at home best windows for Kalanchoe - eastern and western. And in the winter and at all - southern. In the summer with southern windows you need to be careful. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves can acquire a reddish tint, but some flower growers even like such metamorphoses. So - try.

At home, Kalanchoe is grown in pots on windowsills or on a balcony - in balcony boxes

An important note: the laying of flower buds in Kalanchoe occurs with a short daylight hours (lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will form, and the color of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, Kalanchoe thrives best in moderately warm temperatures. In summer, the ideal mode is 23-25°C, in winter - 11-16°C. But rather bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to Kalanchoe even with short-term drops in temperature to 8 ° C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm him, if you do not allow the earthen coma to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10 ° C in spring, you can take Kalanchoe in a pot to a balcony or courtyard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10°C. Some flower growers plant it in the summer open ground in the garden, and in the fall they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

In summer, Kalanchoe can be planted in the garden - right in the open ground. Or take pots of succulents out into the yard.

Watering and fertilizing

In its leaves, Kalanchoe is able to retain water and gradually spend it on personal needs. Accordingly, the plant does not need abundant frequent watering. Excess moisture will only contribute to root rot. Especially often, the death of Kalanchoe from overflow occurs in winter after heavy watering of cold soil that does not have time to dry out.

Therefore, in winter, Kalanchoe is rarely watered at home, waiting for the soil in the pot to dry out almost completely. This is one of essential rules succulent care! Particular care should be taken in cool winter conditions, for example, on a balcony. In summer, in the heat, they water more often, but they also focus on the condition of the soil and the dried top layer.

Kalanchoe has a negative attitude to abundant frequent watering, so it should be watered only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Kalanchoe is also not demanding on fertilizers. It is advisable to feed it during budding and flowering, using any fertilizer for flowering houseplants. During the growing season, you can apply universal fertilizer. It is enough to fertilize Kalanchoe once a month, using half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. And during the dormant period, any top dressing should be completely abandoned.

To feed Kalanchoe, half the dose of fertilizer indicated by the manufacturer is sufficient.

Soil and transplant rules

The best soil for Kalanchoe is slightly acidic or neutral, well-drained and permeable to water. Ideal for these purposes:

  • soil for succulents;
  • universal soil + sand.

Young, fast growing plants are transplanted every year in spring into a new pot, 1-2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter. Adult Kalanchoes that have reached optimal height, transplanted 1 time in 2 years.

When planting (transplanting) Kalanchoe, a drainage layer is required, which will protect against stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot and, as a result, from the possibility of root rotting for this reason.

Transplant process step by step:

  • water Kalanchoe in an old pot;
  • after a few minutes, carefully remove the plant;
  • gently shake off the old earth from the roots;
  • prepare a new soil, in its structure and properties it should be similar to the old soil;
  • prepare a new pot (which may be slightly larger or the same size as the previous one);
  • fill the bottom with 1-2 cm of drainage and a small layer of new soil;
  • put the root ball in the pot, fill the new soil into the gaps formed along the walls of the pot.

In the new soil, the transplanted Kalanchoe takes root in about 1-2 weeks.

For transplanting Kalanchoe, you can use the usual universal soil by adding a small amount of sand to it.

Trimming and shaping

All Kalanchoes tend to stretch and grow over time. Of course, for some time after the purchase, Kalanchoe looks like a miniature squat bush (and even then, if it is properly looked after), but gradually, at home, the decorative effect of the plant decreases. The stems are pulled out, the leaves become smaller.

To prevent this from happening, Kalanchoe must be formed by trimming and pinching.

Pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out immediately after it has faded. Cut off faded flower stalks and shorten the stems. In place of the cuts, new shoots will appear, which can also be pinched for further branching.

Usually pruning and shaping of Kalanchoe is performed in spring / summer. Then, by autumn, many young shoots grow on the plant, ready to give flower stalks. If you plan to stimulate the plant to bloom at another time (this is possible by artificially reducing daylight hours, it is written about this later - scroll down the page), then pruning should be stopped a couple of months before the start of stimulation.


Kalanchoe can be propagated in several ways:

1. "Children" (only bryophyllums)

They are fully formed plants, only small, but already having leaves and roots. Maternal bryophyllum pours these "babies" anywhere, even in nearby pots with other plants. And the new settlers quickly take root, forming whole families of new young Kalanchoes.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe-bryophyllums by brood buds

2. Apical cuttings

Universal way, suitable for any kind. And lets get the grown-up the fastest flowering plant. The apical cutting is cut from the mother bush, dried for 1-3 days and buried in the ground. From above they do not cover with anything, water a little bit after drying the topsoil. Or put the cut stalk in the water. Kalanchoe gives roots easily, even in winter.

3. Leaf cuttings

A universal method similar to the previous one. The leaf is buried in the ground, it gives roots very quickly. After a while (you'll have to wait!) A shoot begins to grow from a buried leaf - a new full-fledged Kalanchoe. With viviparous Kalanchoe, you can do it differently: put a leaf on the ground vertically, then “babies” will quickly appear from the sinuses.

4. Seeds

Seeds are spread on the surface of moistened soil, covered with glass, put in a warm, bright place. After a few days, shoots appear. Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming method breeding kalanchoe, but also takes place. Especially if you want to grow a rare variety from which there is no way to take a cutting or "baby".

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

To understand how to care for Kalanchoe at home and achieve flowering at the same time, let's turn to botanical reference books. In its homeland (Madagascar), Kalanchoe blooms at the end of the African summer, when sunny days become short. Accordingly, this succulent is genetically programmed to lay flower buds in conditions of short daylight hours. In our latitudes, its natural flowering occurs in December - May.

Interesting fact:

At suitable conditions and kalanchoe care Blossfeld can bloom almost all year round.

However, in the store you can buy a flowering Kalanchoe in a pot at any other time of the year. How did the producers take care of such a plant that they managed to knock down its biological clock? The secret lies in the artificial reduction of daylight hours to 8-10 hours. The remaining 14-16 hours of Kalanchoe are placed in pitch darkness. This mode is maintained for 4 weeks, during which flower buds are laid.

The same can be reproduced at home. To do this, at a certain time, cover Kalanchoe with a box, a tight bag, or put the plant in a dark closet. And after 14-16 hours - expose to light or remove shelter. For example, at 5 pm, a bag is put on the plant, and removed at 7 am. And so 4 weeks.

You can stimulate Kalanchoe to bloom even in summer, for example, by a certain date. Why not?

In the period of preparation for flowering, the following conditions will be ideal:

  • short daylight hours;
  • high level of illumination, direct sunlight is welcome;
  • cool;
  • poor watering.

After a month of such preparation, a set of buds and during flowering, there is no need for a short daylight hours. But it is desirable to provide coolness - so the flowers last longer. Watering can be increased, that is, switch the mode from "meager" to "moderate". And admire the flowering, which can last 3-4 months!

Blooming Kalanchoe is an unforgettable sight!

To encourage the plant to bloom for an extended period, old wilted inflorescences are removed. In their place, new arrows with buds grow.

Care after flowering

When the last flower of Kalanchoe wilts, home care for him changes. There comes a dormant period - the time during which the plant regains strength and prepares for the new season of vegetation and flowering.

In preparation for the dormant period, faded flower stalks are cut off and the stems are shortened, that is, they are pruned. Then Kalanchoe is placed in a cool, shady (but not dark!) Place. This may be the corner of a loggia, a cold northern window sill, etc.

Conditions for care during this period:

  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • poor watering;
  • coolness (11-16°C ideally, but variations are possible).

In about a month of such content, Kalanchoe is completely restored. And then you can, if you wish, do forcing again and get re-flowering in 2.5-3 months.

And now we invite you to watch a video that tells how to grow Kalanchoe: