Mirabilis growing from seeds at home. Can mirabilis be grown as a houseplant? Night Beauty Seeds

  • 17.06.2019

Mirabilis yalapa - their native from Mexico, successfully took root in our climatic conditions as an annual. One of the few plants that open multi-colored buds from evening to morning, emitting a unique smell. Who once planted it in his garden is unlikely to refuse its beauty. Moreover, it is not difficult to grow, and it can be propagated in several ways. In the article we will talk about growing mirabilis from seeds, give advice on when to plant, how to propagate.

Sowing mirabilis seeds in open ground

Like most annuals, mirabilis can be sown in warm greenhouses in the second decade of April or in open beds in early May. Seeding sequence:

  • For seed germination, a universal soil mixture, neutral reaction, is suitable.
  • Before planting, the seeds are soaked overnight. Unripe seeds float, they are immediately removed, they will not germinate. The rest are kept in water for 6-7 hours.
  • Placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for another 2 hours. Good results of germination and strengthening of plants are given by growth stimulants, for example, "Epin - extra".
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm, at a distance of 5 - 8 cm. With this interval, seedlings are transplanted into flower beds from sowing without picking.

Planting material from greenhouses is transferred to flower beds:

  • in the Moscow region and middle lane- At the beginning of June;
  • in the Urals - in the third decade of June;
  • in the southern regions - at the end of May.

Tip #1. Depending on the region, mirabilis is planted in a permanent place after return frosts. To bring flowering closer, the seeds are sown in advance for seedlings.

Mirabilis seeds have a hard shell that needs to be scratched (scarified) before sowing.

Preparation of seedlings in boxes, pots, cassettes, peat tablets

This propagation method ensures good rooting and brings the flowering period closer. You can grow seedlings in a greenhouse or at home, on a windowsill. For this purpose, planting boxes, seedling pots, cassettes and peat tablets. Read also the article: → "". Features of seed germination in boxes, pots, cassettes, peat tablets:

Capacity Sequence of work
Planting box, height 10 – 12 cm Fill with plant mixture for seedlings, which consists of soddy soil, sand, compost in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Compact and moisten the soil.

At a distance of 3 - 5 cm, push the grooves, 1.5 - 2 cm deep.

Place the seeds at intervals of 3 - 5 cm.

Sprinkle with substrate. Water from a watering can.

Cover with a transparent lid or plastic lid.

Seedling pots or cassettes, 8 cm in diameter A universal substrate is placed in each pot (or cell of the cassette) flush with the edges of the container.

Compact so that the soil is 0.5 cm below the side. Watered.

A 2 cm deepening is made in the center of the container.

They drop the seed. (There is only one grain in each pot or cell).

Press down. Watered. Cover to retain moisture.

Peat tablets Place tightly in the landing box (or pallet).

To fill with water. Wait for the tablet to increase five times.

Make a 2 cm hole in the center. Place the grain in it.

Squeeze with two fingers. Watering is not necessary.

Cover with transparent film.

For successful germination, the following conditions are provided:

  • The temperature is maintained in the range from +180 to +220.
  • Lighting - at least 14 hours. Illumination if necessary.
  • Watering as the soil dries out, once every 5 to 7 days.

Planting and care in flower beds

Mirabilis loves the sun and warmth, so a well-lit place is chosen for it, without drafts. Unlike most annuals, it prefers light to medium loamy soils. Does not tolerate acidic soils, prefers a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Responsive to fertility, grows thicker on rich mixtures, blooms more abundantly. The site for landing is dug up on a full bayonet of a shovel. Clay 18 - 20 kg / m 2 is applied on light soils. From fertilizers add:

  • Calcium nitrate is a mineral fertilizer that does not cause soil acidification, unlike other nitrogen fertilizers;
  • potassium salt;
  • Superphosphate.
  • wood ash;
  • Humus.

Tip #2When planting in a permanent place, they maintain a distance, depending on the variety. Between low varieties - 30 cm, large ones are placed at intervals of 50 - 60 cm.

Care during flowering and after it

Mirabilis is extremely unpretentious. It does not need to be watered often, but when irrigated, water should penetrate to a depth of 20 cm, that is, 20 liters of water are needed for every square meter. The plant can tolerate short-term drought, but does not tolerate flooding. A long root, similar to carrots, quickly rots and dies, and with it the ground part.

Growing flowers " nocturnal beauties»

You can prolong flowering, increase the size and color of flowers, by cutting off wilted petals. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the remaining buds. If seed collection is not planned, then remove all dried petals. As a rule, Mirabilis is not mulched so that excess moisture does not accumulate. But from time to time they loosen and remove weeds.

Fertilizers for mirabilis - 5 best brands

Mirabilis is responsive to feeding. In addition to the basic fertilizer before planting, three sessions of plant nutritional support are carried out during cultivation:

  • 1st - before flowering,
  • 2nd - in a month,
  • 3rd - at the end of August.

The uniform frequency of top dressing ensures flowering until frost. For mirabilis, the same substances are used as for most garden, flowering crops, with the exception of those that acidify the soil.

Fertilizer name Type of fertilizer Characteristic Timingand application features
"Calcium nitrate - Buyskie fertilizers" Mineral Alkalizes the soil, contains calcium in a form available to plants. Before boarding
Powder Feeding Calcium Mineral Contains chelated calcium, easily absorbed by plants. Strengthens the root and ground systems, improves immunity. Spring. Early summer before flowering.
Fertilizer kit BioThrive Grow+BioThrive Bloom organic Promotes good growth and abundant flowering Applied during the flowering period.
Humistar Biofertilizer Based on vermicompost. Apply only in the warm season.
Cytovit Mineral with bioadditives Complex of macro and micro elements Designed to promote growth and flowering.

Mirabilis prevention from diseases and pests

The popularity of Mirabilis can be explained not only by its beauty, but also by its high resistance to pathogens. Despite this, the possibility of infection cannot be ruled out. To avoid this, take preventive measures. A reliable way is to optimize the soil, through effective microorganisms. The introduction of biological products increases the content of humus in the soil and inhibits the pathogenic flora. Gardeners use the following drugs:

  • Emoticons;
  • Baikal - EM -1;
  • Agrozin;
  • Vermisol;
  • Gutamat.

Good preventive results are given by growth stimulants that strengthen plant immunity:

  • Epin - extra;
  • Emistim;
  • Agrostimulin;
  • Dominant.

These substances not only promote plant growth, but also encourage plants to produce substances that protect them from diseases and pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of varieties

Many flower growers, when growing mirabilis, prefer a mixture of seeds. These are the types of deals most often found on sale. But there are also monochromatic varieties. The peculiarity of hybrids is determined not only by color, but also by the size of the plant. The most popular are:

Name Height flower coloring
Iolanta 50 cm Diverse, dominated by white and pink gamma
Mathis 30 - 80 cm White, yellow, orange, crimson, purple, bright red or two-tone
yellow lollipop 60 - 80 cm bright yellow
red ice lolly 60 - 80 cm Red
grapefruit champagne 80 cm Carmine, with a bright crimson star in the center
Tea Time Formula Mixture 30 cm mixed

The advantage of hybrids in unpretentiousness. They are undemanding to the conditions of planting and care. From a botanical species and among themselves differ in size and color of flowering. Some are more resistant to adverse factors:

  • Series "Champagne" - all varieties:
  • From mixtures - Iolanta.

The disadvantage is that when planting seeds, they may not repeat the properties of the variety next year, the height of the plants and the shades of the flowers change. The seeds of some hybrids do not germinate at all. But there is a way out. At the end of flowering, the mirabilis rhizome can be stored until next spring.

Vegetative propagation by tuber

Gardeners distinguish perennials that do not hibernate in a separate category. open field. Heat-loving plants can be grown for decades, provided that the roots are preserved. Every autumn, they dig up and send for storage the rhizomes of the pompom dahlia, the Indian canna, and some types of lilies. Mirabilis can be attributed to this group.

Its large root, shaped like a carrot root, for which flower growers nicknamed it "carrot". To spring next year plant it again in a flower garden, in autumn after flowering it must be freed from the ground, dried well and sent to a dry, dark place with a temperature of + 5 0. The containers for the rhizome are quite voluminous, the size of a ten-liter bucket for one piece. For successful savings, it is covered with dry sawdust (but not coniferous) or sand.

  • Before planting in open ground, Mirabilis is germinated, otherwise you can not wait for flowering. At the end of February, the root is taken out of storage, freed from sand.
  • Treated with a root stimulator.
  • Placed in a container, the size of which allows the roots to freely fit.
  • Cover with soil of the same composition as in the garden.
  • Watered.

The sprouted plant is transplanted into open ground when stable warm weather sets in, in late May, early June.

Growing in winter in greenhouses, at home

In indoor and balcony floriculture, low-growing varieties are planted and placed on the south side. Despite the undemanding to moisture, at home, plantings will have to be watered more often, due to the smaller amount of soil. This is the main difference between indoor and horticulture mirabilis.

When choosing fertilizers, you should not look for any special means; substances for feeding flowering houseplants are well suited. And for alkalizing the soil the best remedy- crushed egg shells, 20 g per ten-liter pot.

Use in landscape design

Tall varieties look good in separated compositions against the background of small trees and shrubs. Combines well with plants that need neutral loamy soils. An approximate range of woody and herbaceous plants combined with mirabilis:

Trees and shrubs perennials Annuals
Boxwood evergreen Gypsophila paniculata Antirinum large (Snapdragon)
Amur velvet stonecrop prominent Cornflower blue
Mock orange crown bluebell speckled Bindweed tricolor
Skumpia tannery Onion decorative Turkish carnation
Juniper Cossack Armeria maritime Calendula officinalis
Thuja western Yucca hairy
Barberry Thunberg prickly artichoke

Rubric: "Questions and answers"

Question #1. For the first time, she preserved the roots of mirabilis. When should they be planted in the garden?

It depends on the region. Definitely when the return frosts pass.

Question #2. I heard that mirabilis hibernates in warm regions. I live in the Krasnodar Territory, can it survive until winter?

This is a heat-loving plant, if it is not dug up for the winter, it is better to cover it with agrofibre and spruce branches.

Question #3. Can seeds be sown before winter?

Mirabilis self-sowing successfully winters in warm regions. In the Moscow region and the Middle lane, it is better not to take risks and plant the seeds collected in the summer in the spring of next year.

Mistakes when growing mirabilis

  1. If you plant mirabilis in a shady place, due to lack of light, it will bloom much later than what grows in the sun. If it is too dark for him, then flowering will not come at all.
  2. Often, gardeners plant mirabilis in the same slightly acidified soil as most annuals. On such soil, it either does not take root, or loses its decorative qualities.
  3. When grown in room conditions, mirabilis is often planted in cramped dishes. There is not enough space for the roots, which the plants suffer from, this can be seen from the leaves that bend inward.

Mirabilis wild flowers number about 60 species growing in America. These annuals and perennials are characterized by the most varied coloring of flowers, attracting the eye from noon to the morning of the next day.

Varieties and types

(she is also a night beauty, dawn) is a perennial cultivated as an annual plant. Its bushes have an elongated-rounded shape, grow up to 80 cm in height and are characterized by tuberous roots.

The shoots are densely branched, reddish in color, overgrown with wood from below. The diameter of the funnel-shaped flowers is 2.5 cm, and the color can be white, yellow, orange, crimson, purple, red, or even 2-color. A pleasant aroma of opened flowers flows from 16 o'clock in the afternoon until the onset of the morning hours.

The night beauty has a truly amazing feature, to match its Latin name - one plant can form flowers of various shades, so you can buy, for example, mirabilis tricolor with white, yellow and pink flowers. The usual color for this species is pink, alternating with salmon and raspberry shades, but white and yellow flowers are also formed, sometimes even with multi-colored stripes.

The beginning of flowering of Mirabilis is associated with June and continues until the arrival of frost.

Of all existing species only jalapa is cultivated in gardens, forming the basis of the following varieties:


  • with 6 cm diameter flowers of white, red, yellow and lilac flowers, dense branches of shoots, blooming in June-October, perfect for outdoor flower beds;

  • Variety mirabilis marble the flower has bright flowers with dark veins, also of various shades, its lush bloom lasts from July to August and looks great on flower beds and mixborders;

  • absorbed a very rich color palette, including yellow, orange, red, pink, raspberry, coral and lilac colors, which bring high decorativeness to any flower garden;

  • with fragrant red flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, pleasing to the eye from 15 o'clock in the afternoon, it is an excellent option for decorating flower beds and discounts;

  • Variety mirabilis cavalier with yellow and red colors of buds, it is also mainly used for the purposes described above;

  • is a low spherical bush about 50 cm high, with multi-colored flowers of medium size, decorated with stripes and strokes, blooming from the first days of July until the onset of frost;

  • - a variety with pure red flowers 5-6 cm in diameter;

  • Mirabilis variety white candy - similar to the previous one, only with white flowers;

  • - with yellow flowers;

  • - with purple flowers.

Mirabilis planting and care in the open field

In the absence of the likelihood of the last spring cold snap, you can plant mirabilis in the open field in June, with both sprouts and seeds. Planting density must be kept moderate, that is, maintain the mutual distance of plantings at the level of 50 cm due to the fact that the bush can stretch strongly in height, depending on the variety chosen.

Planting depth is also important - the seeds should not be on the surface. By filling in the planting gaps with other annuals, you can get a very effective variegated composition. The development of this very heat-loving plant is most significantly affected by lighting, so you should choose a site that is well warmed by the sun.

Watering Mirabilis

It is necessary to pay some attention to watering, even taking into account the fact that Mirabilis can easily cope with the lack of moisture.

soil for mirabilis

As for the soil, it should be noted that loamy or clayey with a lime content is considered preferable. Sour and waterlogged soils are strictly contraindicated, at the same time, excessively dry soil can cause a lack of flowering.

In no case should compost and manure be applied to the site, which can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

Mirabilis transplant

Produced in early spring before flowering begins. This procedure is performed as it grows.

Mirabilis fertilizer

The dawn planted in the ground is not demanding on top dressing. It is fully enough to water it once every 30 days with a nutrient mixture based on conventional complex fertilizers during flowering.

pruning mirabilis

Mirabilis itself has a delightful appearance with a rounded shape, so the need for circumcision and tying with this ornamental plant disappears.

Large varieties of night beauty are able to form uniquely beautiful hedges, and low varieties are quite capable of becoming the best available decoration for flower beds or borders.

Mirabilis in winter

With the onset of cold weather, mirabilis tubers become the main interests of gardeners. The fact is that this plant can be preserved in winter if you create right conditions for his peace.

To carry out the plan, the tubers must be carefully dug up in the last autumn days and placed for wintering in containers filled with sand and peat. The substrate is not intensively moistened, sometimes using sawdust.

Storage planting material acceptable in a dry, cool environment at about 5℃ - under other conditions, the tubers are likely to die before springtime arrives.

Mirabilis growing from seeds

In areas with a relatively warm climate, mirabilis seeds can be planted directly into the ground. They are collected during the period when they turn black, from the axils of faded and fallen flowers, and the extraction process is quite simple.

Moreover, these seeds germinate perfectly, and, in this regard, they cannot be left without the attention of an experienced grower. Dawn flowering, as already known, is very long, so the seeds are also collected during a long period of plant activity.

Sowing mirabilis for seedlings

In cold regions, seedlings are the recommended way to grow mirabilis. Getting seedlings is also not a particularly troublesome business. To do this, in early April, they take medium-sized disposable cups, fill them with a substrate, including turf, peat and river sand (there should be a little more sand than other components).

There are no more than 1-2 seeds of a night beauty per 1 cup, since the sprouts of this plant are quite large, and thinning seedlings is not desirable.

After a few days, the initial signs of germination should appear, and after 30-45 days, the seedlings will be ready for planting on a plot in the open field.

Diseases and pests

Mirabilis is not a plant susceptible to pests, for which it is very much appreciated by novice flower growers. Almost the only possible defeat - rust and stain - eliminated by removing damaged parts, followed by treatment of diseased areas with a fungicide.

As mentioned above, mirabilis love for warmth is one of the most important points, which should focus on when growing it. Based on this, it is highly recommended not to land in more than early dates than June, as you may encounter a short-term return of cold weather, and this may be enough for Mirabilis to simply not rise.

Dawn loves heat so much that it can respond to the presence of drafts in the area twisted leaves , so it is better to choose seat without them.

Mirabilis is also called the beauty of the night. Its popularity is growing every year. He was loved for unpretentiousness in care and undemanding to soils. The flower is very beautiful, especially it shows all its beauty at night.


In what is now Mexico, the Aztecs used to live. It was they who first drew attention to this plant and began to grow it. turned out different types that differ in shape and color.

After the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, the plant spread to Spain, England and many European countries. After some time, Mirabilis has already become known in Egypt and Morocco, where it has gained immense popularity.

In Egypt, the flowering bush was so loved that they even began to call it the "pearl of Egypt."


More than 50 species of Mirabilis are found in warm countries. In our conditions, you can most often see a variety called Mirabilis Jalapa (Mirabilis jalapa). The plant blooms for a long time until frost. The remaining varieties, unfortunately, do not take root, as they are heat-loving plants. In the wild, you can also find perennial Mirabilis. Since it does not tolerate winter well, it has to be grown every year.


Flower of the Nyctagin family. Mirabilis is a bushy, compact plant. The most common bushes are about 70-80 cm high. Less often you can see the meter Mirabilis. The stems are quite thick and straight. The leaves are elongated, the root looks like a carrot. Flowers resemble funnels. They can be orange or yellow, and there are also crimson and lilac. You can see the variety of colors of Mirabilis in the photo of flowers. In addition, there are spotted, multi-colored and striped.

The plant transforms with the onset of night. When the flowers bloom, they begin to exude a pleasant aroma that attracts insects. Mirabilis can bloom until November. The aroma is light and unobtrusive, distinguishable at a close distance from the flowers. After flowering, dark brown seeds are formed. Their germination reaches 3 years.

The peculiarity of Mirabilis is in its structure. The flower has no corolla. The flower itself is actually a cup. In other plants, it is green, while Mirabilis has a calyx instead of a corolla. Another one interesting feature is that the surface of the leaves is sticky.


The night beauty came to us from warm countries, so the plant loves heat and light. It is recommended to choose a place for landing illuminated and at the same time warm, without drafts. In the shade, it also grows, but flowering will not be as plentiful.

The soil

Mirabilis grows on any soil. If the soil is not fertile or not quite suitable, the flowering will not be as lush and bright as we would like. Basically, the flower prefers loamy soil. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, acidic soils. In addition, drainage is required.


In general, Mirabilis refers to undemanding plants. They only need timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Irrigation organization

Night beauty loves regular watering. Water cannot be poured directly on the flowers; it is imperative to direct the jet directly under the root. You need to water every day. If this is not possible, then you can organize an irrigation system. This requires the following steps:

  1. Take plastic bottle. The best option is a five-liter container.
  2. Poke holes in the bottom for water to drain.
  3. Dig a shallow hole next to the plant so that a 5-liter bottle of water will fit into it later.
  4. Put plastic container into the pit.

This will allow the water to gradually drain from the bottle straight to the roots. This method allows you to keep the soil moist for a long time.

Top dressing

As for dressings, they are not required. The plant blooms profusely without them. Do not add fresh organic matter to the soil! This can lead to the death of the entire bush. In order for the flowering to be more lush, and the leaves to become juicy, you can use mineral dressing. 2-3 times will be enough during the growing season.

The night beauty loves loose soil very much. It is recommended to loosen the row-spacings, as well as to remove weeds in time. Loose soil helps to saturate the roots with oxygen and retain the right amount of moisture in the soil.

Pests, diseases

Night flowers do not suffer from pest attacks, they are not at all afraid of them. The plant is also disease resistant. There are times when Mirabilis is affected by rust. This disease is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. In case of illness, do not hesitate. It is necessary to get rid of all infected foliage. The plant can be treated with a fungicide.

Another unpleasant disease is root rot. Mirabilis is usually affected by this ailment during periods of heavy rains due to high humidity. In this case, you need to remove the damaged plant. Treat the infected area with a fungicide.


The most common method of growing Mirabilis through seedlings. In general, night flowers are propagated in three ways:

  • seedlings;
  • tubers;
  • cuttings.

In addition, seedlings are purchased in specialized stores. Pay special attention to the quality of the purchased material. The plant should not be lethargic and spotted. A bush damaged with shriveled buds is not recommended for purchase. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to take root.

seedling method

Garden flowers called Mirabilis are usually grown from seedlings. It is possible to plant seeds directly in open ground. Sowing begins in early May, when warm weather sets in. But with this method, there is a risk that germination may be delayed due to adverse weather conditions, and flowering will begin much later. That is why gardeners choose the seedling method of growing the Night Beauty.

Seeds can be planted in a common container, and then dive into separate pots. Since the seed is large enough, it is recommended to sow it immediately in separate pots. The container must be necessarily with holes at the bottom. This will prevent the stagnation of excess moisture, and contribute to the saturation of the roots with oxygen.

In late March or early April, you can start sowing. The optimum temperature required for germination is +18 °C.

To accelerate germination, it is recommended to place the seed in wet wipe. It is necessary to withstand for 6-7 hours. After that, the seeds are laid out in containers, 1-2 pieces in each. Embedding depth - up to 2 cm. The plant requires moderate watering.

When 14 days have passed, shoots will appear. Until the warm weather sets in, allowing the plant to be planted in open ground, the seedlings must be periodically hardened off. To do this, put it on the veranda or right on the street for a while. When the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth.

Reproduction by tubers

The tubers are dug up in autumn and stored until spring at a temperature of +5°C. You can also buy them in the store. In the spring, the tubers will begin to sprout. At this time, they are planted in the ground. The only downside to this growing method is that the tubers may die over the long winter period.

cutting method

The cutting method does not apply to the popular methods of growing the Night Beauty. It is also not effective, it requires a lot of effort. To grow Mirabilis in this way, you must do the following:

  1. On the plant you need to find a lignified twig.
  2. Cut it off and dry it, but only slightly.
  3. Immerse the cuttings in a container with a growth stimulator and leave for a while.
  4. When 1-2 weeks have passed, you can transfer it to a moistened substrate.

It will take about two weeks for the plant to fully root, if everything is done according to the instructions.


Mirabilis decorates hedges, they also look beautiful in flower beds and individual flowerpots. You can plant or marigolds next to the Night Beauty. In addition, daisies and daisies will become good neighbors.

The plant is popular among gardeners, as it does not require special care and grows on any soil. Amazing Mirabilis decorates the site with its bright greenery during the day, and at night it blooms and spreads a pleasant aroma.

See also video

Mirabilis: growing from seeds - small bright lights in the garden of a novice grower. Love for this plant is closely intertwined with the ease of care for it. Even an inexperienced gardener can handle growing mirabilis from seeds.

Bright tropical flowers with an unusual name belong to herbaceous plants. The Nyctaginov family includes more than five dozen species.

Unfortunately, only one variety of bushes blooming at night has taken root in Russia. They call it Yalapa, but due to the lack of related species, the flower got the name of the whole family. Variegated flowers growing in the Russian Federation are simply called mirabilis.

And even on Russian soil, mirabilis has chosen a certain climate. He liked the warm southern latitudes. Since its homeland is South America, and the species itself is perennial, the bushes need moderate winters, which they found in the Russian outback.

Interesting! Mirabilis is often called the Night Beauty. It's all about the time of its flowering. The plant keeps the bud closed all day, and only in the evening the flower blooms.

Flowering lasts the entire dark part of the day, and the next morning the bud fades.

While one flower fades, the plant immediately releases new buds. The flowering season lasts until the first frost. Often mirabilis decides to bloom a flower in cloudy weather. Then you can admire the flowering during the day.

Due to its unpretentiousness, mirabilis has become a traditional debut for a florist. Plant care does not require special skills and is quite intuitive. In addition, no special equipment is needed to grow Nightflowers.

Mirabilis itself is a perennial plant. However, those wishing to grow a night flower in cold regions will benefit from its one-year cycle. To continue work, it is enough to collect the seeds correctly and save them for the next season.

What does Mirabilis look like?

Mirabilis has a rather attractive appearance. Neat bushes, crowned with variegated inflorescences, make you want to do floriculture and certainly grow the Night Dawn in your area.

Since mirabilis is a herbaceous species, the height of its bush rarely exceeds a meter. Most of the representatives growing in the south of Russia grow up to 80 cm. The very structure of the bush is strong, knocked down. Trunks may be bare or hairy. Often their surface is sticky. The leaves are thin, set opposite.

The root system of the plant is tuberous, the structure of the rods is convex. The plant comes from hot regions, so the structure of its root provides for the accumulation of moisture.

Mirabilis blooms generously, opening up to 16 flowers at a time. They are located on the upper parts of the stem or in the axils of the crowns. The shape of the flower is elongated, somewhat reminiscent of a gramophone trumpet. The front of the funnel expands. Often the edges of the petal are torn, incised.

A distinctive feature of Mirabilis is a huge range of patterns and shades. One representative can form different inflorescences.

Also on one flower there are multiple shades, collected in striped patterns. There are also single colors. In the arsenal of Mirabilis there is a huge number of flowers. Starting from pale yellow tones and ending with maroon shades. There are also pink samples, as well as completely white ones.

The end of flowering is marked by the appearance of fruits. After the flower fades, a small dark-colored box appears in its place. There is only one seed in the brown fruit with a ribbed texture. By the time of its maturity, it acquires an elastic structure and a wrinkled surface. The seed is oval, rather large in size. For one gram of dried seeds, there are about a dozen pieces. In favorable conditions, it can be stored for three years.

Methods for growing mirabilis from seeds

There are several ways to grow Mirabilis. When using seeds, flower growers resort to one of two reliable methods.

How to get a bush from seeds:

Seedlings in pots

Begin sowing seeds for seedlings in early spring. From March to May, the plant gains the necessary strength and will be able to withstand cold nights, if such happen after planting in the soil.

For growing mirabilis from seeds, disposable seedling pots, seeds and prepared soil are useful. The motley flower loves moderate soil and does not tolerate overly acidic soil. Therefore, prepare the mixture in advance.

The substrate is sand. A little less will need sod land and peat powder. Mirabilis is not too whimsical, so you can dilute the soil with limestone or clay mixture. The substrate must be mixed and steamed before planting the seeds.

When choosing containers, preference is given to deep narrow cups. The root system of sprouts develops rapidly, but goes down, not to the sides.

Since Nightflower seeds are large, they will need a lot of space. In order not to injure the seedlings by diving, the seed is sown in separate glasses. The maximum quantity in one pot is 2 pieces. If both sprouts sprout, wait for it to harden and transplant it into separate containers. The optimal planting depth is 2 cm.

It is not necessary to soak the seeds before planting. It is enough to lower them into a moist substrate. If soaking is necessary, it is carried out throughout the day in warm water. Shoots in this case will appear much faster - in a few days.

To speed up the appearance of the sprout, the hole under the seed is fertilized with a small amount of fine ash. Such a substrate contributes to the active development of the root system.

The first sprouts hatch in about a week. The process may take up to 14 days depending on the ambient temperature and other factors. After hatching, the “fry” actively grow. After about two weeks, the young can be transferred to larger pots. Suitable peat bogs 8 cm in diameter.

By the end of May, when the risk of a return of the cold has passed, flowers planted in March can be moved to open space.

Advice! It is advisable to wait for really warm nights, so that the cold does not destroy the young bushes. If the risk of frost is still high, the bushes are covered with plastic wrap at night.

When planting in the ground, the bushes provide free space. So that the grown plants do not shade each other and do not fight for moisture, at least half a meter of space is left between them.

In an open area

Mirabilis can also be grown outdoors. This method is somewhat riskier because initial stage plant growth is too demanding. However, experienced gardeners choose this method.

Before planting seeds in the ground, the soil is prepared. A small amount of lime is added to the substrate. For bushes, it is better to choose a corner of the site protected from the wind. It is optimal if it is not covered by a shadow. The ideal soil for mirabilis is considered to be clayey or loamy.

Jalapa tolerates dry periods very well. However, drought can adversely affect the number of inflorescences. The lack of water will leave an imprint on the development of the bush, so it is not recommended to skip watering.

For the whole season, the bushes require several dressings. You can apply fertilizer three to four times. To do this, use a special complex fertilizer.

Alternative propagation methods for mirabilis

Some enthusiasts practice mirabilis propagation by budding. The method is controversial, but it has the right to exist. For its implementation, it is necessary to take a plant grown from seeds and consider its root system. For jigging, you will need cuttings, half lignified. They are carefully separated and left until the cut dries.

Sometimes the cutting is placed in a special growth stimulator. You can grow a bush by simply placing the desired part of the root in the steamed earth. For development, the cutting will need room temperature and regular moisture. In favorable conditions, the stalk will take root and by the end of spring it will be ready for transplanting into the garden.

Some gardeners prefer to propagate with a tuber. The excavated part of the root is placed in a mixture of sawdust and sand. The tubers are left at a low temperature - from +3 to +5. Store the rhizome until spring. This method is considered the least reliable, since the plant rarely survives to planting due to lack of moisture.

Tuber preparation

Mirabilis bush care

Like any plant, mirabilis requires moisture and sunlight. The remaining moments of care do not differ from the content of others. flowering bushes. The advantage of the species is its ability to survive adverse periods, which is very important for beginner botanists.

The main point of care is careful dosing of moisture. In order to achieve optimal lush color, you need to find golden mean moisture and do not flood the bushes. Stagnation of moisture will instantly affect the condition of the flowers.

However, of two evils, it is better to choose drought. Her mirabilis is much easier to bear.

To accelerate the development of the plant, it is fed with mineral means. Solutions are chosen special, designed for flowering bushes.

Table 1. Stages of caring for an adult plant.

Weed removalWeeding is done as needed, removing wild herbs from the soil.
Loosening the substrateDepending on the temperature conditions and humidity, periodically fluff up the soil.
Elimination of flowersWithered and shrunken flowers are preferably removed from the bush. Some owners leave inflorescences, but in this case there is a risk of self-sowing. Especially often the bushes self-sow in the warm regions of the country.
Bush formationIn favorable conditions, mirabilis takes on a neat, regular shape, so it does not need to trim the shoots. Without pruning, the bush is a rounded beautiful plant.
The sunMirabilis loves sunlight, but direct rays will be fatal for him. Excessive shade, on the contrary, leads to the development of a loose, falling apart bush.
WateringA flowering bush does not like drought, and responds to a competent watering regime with dense flowering. Mirabilis is watered in the evening.
FertilizerSpecial mixtures are used as fertilizer, but in no case fresh manure or compost. For the first time, it is better to make mixtures in the period before flowering.

At the end of the warm season, the bushes you like are sent for wintering. To do this, the upper part of the plant is cut off, and the rhizome is tightly wrapped with paper. At a temperature of +7, the root is likely to live until spring. As soon as he wakes up, the tuber is planted in a pot before the onset of warm nights.

Collecting and Preserving Mirabilis Seeds

Despite the availability of ready-made Mirabilis seeds, amateurs prefer to collect them from the fruits themselves. It is important to consider that it will be possible to implement the idea only on closed ground. Otherwise, the seeds simply do not have time to ripen.

Mirabilis is very popular in Europe, it grows almost without care, puts up with rare watering, so it is indispensable for those who do not have the opportunity to visit the dacha often. Mirabilis is easy to grow from seeds at home, and at the end of frost, seedlings are planted in open ground.

When to sow mirabilis

The simplest and reliable way mirabilis propagation is cultivation through seedlings. In order to get sufficiently developed plants by the time of planting in the garden, they start sowing in early April.

How to prepare seeds, photo

Mirabilis seeds are large, covered with a dense thick shell. Therefore, planting with germinated seeds is more effective. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for several days before the pecking appears.

Before germinating seeds, treat them in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with water, place on wet cotton pads or cloth and cover.

Make sure the seeds don't dry out. Moisten them with a spray bottle from time to time.

For germinating Mirabilis seeds, it is convenient to use food containers from the supermarket. First, wash the container thoroughly with dishwashing detergent and dry well, otherwise mold may form on the walls of the container and on the seeds.

Germination can be replaced by heating the seeds in hot water within half an hour. You can also apply the scarification technique: lightly rub the shell of mirabilis seeds with a piece sandpaper or make neat incisions with a nail file. Do this carefully to break the seed coat, but not damage the seed itself.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For sowing, use ready-made soil from the store or make the soil for mirabilis seedlings yourself. Mix 2 parts peat moss, 2 parts sod or garden soil, 1 part humus or well-rotted compost, and 0.5 parts washed sand. Night beauty loves neutral or slightly alkaline soils, so add 2 tablespoons of dolomite flour or 0.5 cups of wood ash to the mixture for every 5 liters of mixture. Stir. Fill small pots ¾ full with mixture and compact. Pour until completely wet with a fungicide solution (Vitaros, Fundazol, Maxim). Place 2 seeds in each pot.

If you have several varieties of the same flower, then put labels. From above, cover the seeds with soil mixture with a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters.

Pour in a thin stream, starting from the edge of the pot - so that the seeds do not float to the surface.

Place in a greenhouse or in a clean plastic bag and place in a warm place.

Mirabilis from seeds: seedling care

At a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° С, the seeds of the nocturnal beauty sprout after 5-6 days. Prepared in a different way rise a little longer. After the emergence of shoots, put the pots with seedlings in a bright place. When the first true leaf begins to appear in the seedlings, it is necessary to remove the weaker shoots, leaving one of the most developed ones in the pot.

At the same time, make the first top dressing with a solution of mineral fertilizer for seedlings (Krepysh, Fertika, Mortar), which dissolves well in water and, in addition to the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), contains all the necessary trace elements. Water the seedlings after the earthen coma has completely dried out, because mirabilis seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging.

As soon as the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm, transfer them to larger pots and feed them again.

Mirabilis flower: planting and care, photo

After the warm weather is established and the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in the garden in a permanent place. 2 weeks before, gradually accustom her to fresh air and sunbeams.

Mirabilis bushes are quite large and spreading, so place the planting holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The soil he prefers clay and loamy with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then add 300-400 g of wood ash or 200 g of dolomite flour per 1 square meter for digging. m. About 1/3 of a bucket of rotted compost and 1-2 tablespoons of complete mineral fertilizer can be added to the prepared holes.