Mirabilis - growing from seeds: a beauty of the night in your garden. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases Mirabilis flower planting and care

  • 13.06.2019

Mirabilis is an absolutely amazing plant that gives many reasons for optimism with the beauty of its gramophone flowers, wonderful evening fragrance (not for nothing is it called the “night beauty”) and unpretentious care.

Night Beauty is an annual grown from seed, but you can make it a perennial by digging up its tuber roots every fall, storing it through the winter, and planting it back in the ground the following year at the end of spring.

When to sow mirabilis for seedlings and plant rhizomes in open ground: planting dates

The main thing to rely on when choosing the timing of planting mirabilis for seedlings or in open ground is the threat of return spring frosts. As soon as it passes, then it's time to start landing. Accordingly, it all depends on the weather conditions in your region of residence. In the Middle lane (Moscow region), the seeds of the night beauty should be sown for seedlings no earlier than April, in order to be planted in a flower bed in the second half of May. At the same time, tubers (“carrot roots”) can be planted in open ground.

Growing mirabilis from seeds

To get earlier flowering of Mirabilis, it is better to grow it through seedlings.

Preparing seeds for planting: germination

In order for the seeds of the night beauty to grow faster, they should first be soaked and germinated.

Step-by-step instruction for soaking mirabilis seeds for germination:

Important! Try to regularly check the soaked seeds, because after hatching they begin to grow in size very quickly, and if the root grows too long, then it will simply be very difficult for you to plant so as not to break it.

Container and soil

Mirabilis seeds must be sown in individual containers, for example, plastic cups. As a rule, they even endure transplanting into open ground quite painfully, to say nothing of picking.

As for the soil, no special soil mixture is required, any purchased soil for seedlings of flowers (as a rule, it is loose).

direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing mirabilis seeds for seedlings:

  1. Prepare the container and fill it with soil (somewhere a little more than half).
  2. Spill with a solution with the addition of .
  3. Deepen the seeds by 0.5-1 centimeter. If you have cups larger than 0.2 liters, then you can put 2-3 seeds.
  4. If you watered in stage 2, then you do not need to water anymore. If not, then you need to water abundantly.
  5. Cover with plastic bag or cling film.
  6. Clean in a warm place, and when shoots appear - in a bright place.

Video: planting mirabilis seeds for seedlings without sprouting

Mirabilis seedling care

Seedlings germinate quickly enough, especially if you have previously germinated the seeds. And as soon as shoots appear, then night beauty will immediately begin to grow and begin to develop at an accelerated pace.

Further care of seedlings at home mirabilis is as simple as possible: keep on a bright windowsill and water as the soil dries.

By the way! If you notice that the roots of the seedlings are not in the ground, but on the surface, then you should definitely sprinkle the earth.

Planting seedlings of mirabilis in open ground

As mentioned earlier, seedlings of the night beauty should be planted in open ground only when the threat of return frosts has completely passed.

As for the type of soil, mirabilis is not picky in this sense; clay or loamy soil is perfect for it. The main thing is that it should not be too acidic.

The place for planting mirabilis should be sufficiently sunny and lit, because in the shade the plant will not bloom profusely and will begin to stretch, but partial shade will do just fine. As a rule, mirabilis is planted near garden house or paths, and as close as possible, since the night beauty is a rather aggressive plant and can easily outshine and crowd out its neighbors in the flower garden. Do not plant it in the lowlands, where there is a possibility of moisture accumulation, otherwise the root system may rot.

By the way! There are also undersized varieties of night beauty, which can also be grown in flowerpots. They are also suitable for framing flower beds, rockeries and borders.

It is better to plant seedlings of mirabilis in groups or at a short distance.

Disembarkation takes place in the standard way. Containers with plantings are spilled in advance with water so that the plant can be easily pulled out with an earthen clod. Further, a place is being prepared in the garden, seedlings are placed in it, covered with earth and lightly watered. If the weather is not warm enough, then you can cover the seedlings plastic bottles with cut bottom.

The planting procedure is best done in cloudy weather, then the plants will take root much faster in a new place.

Video: planting mirabilis seedlings in open ground

By the way! In the southern regions, mirabilis can be sown with seeds directly into open ground. And then it will reproduce by self-sowing.

Planting mirabilis tubers in open ground

Previously, only seeds were sold in stores, but now you can also purchase the roots (“carrots”) of the night beauty.

perennial roots

The main advantage of planting mirabilis with tubers is the quick receipt of a large and lush bush at once. For example, if from 1 seed you get 1 stem, then from 1 tuber - immediately 2-3 or even more. The older the roots, the more sprouts they will have.

annual roots

Advice! The night beauty looks beautiful with a single landing, for example, in a tire.

When planting "carrots" of the night beauty, they should be placed at a distance of 25-40 centimeters from each other, because. bushes grow quite sprawling.

To successfully plant mirabilis tubers, the following steps should be followed:

By the way! If you plant in a tire, then you do not need to completely fill it with soil. Gradually, as you grow, you will fertilize the bush with humus or compost, and then it (the tire) will fill up.

Video: planting mirabilis in open ground

Mirabilis outdoor care

Care for Mirabilis open ground no more difficult than for seedlings at home.

Watering the night beauty should be based on soil moisture, the presence of rain and the state of the plant itself. However, it is worth remembering that if the flower receives less moisture, it will begin to wither and stop blooming. Although, as soon as you resume proper care and watering, the plant will again grow and bloom.

Mirabilis can be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost, humus is perfect. As a mineral, you can use ready-made fertilizers for garden flowers.

By the way! If desired, you can form a bush by cutting off the side stems, then you will get a standard flowering tree.

It is not necessary to pick off wilted flowers, they themselves quickly fall off.

Advice! Harvest mirabilis seeds in the fall and you won't have to buy them next year.

Note! In stores, you can find odorless night beauty varieties. They were specially bred for those who are allergic to fragrances.

When and how to dig and store mirabilis tubers (rhizomes)

It is necessary to dig up the roots of Mirabilis with the onset of the first frost. Depending on the region, this may occur in the months of October-November.

Step by step guide for digging and storing the roots of mirabilis:

  1. Cut off all branched bushes (tops) so that it is convenient to dig up the tubers.
  2. Dig with a shovel "tubers-carrots" to a depth of about a bayonet and preferably 5-7 centimeters from the bush, so as not to hurt the tubers growing to the side.
  3. Wash and pickle in one of the fungicides (for example, in Maxim or in blue vitriol).
  4. Cut off all the roots, and then process with brilliant green.
  5. Dry well and store. Wet tubers should not be stored.

You can store the roots (tubers) of mirabilis in the same way as dahlias. For example, in a cellar in sawdust or sand. Again, a refrigerator is also suitable, only it is advisable to wrap them first in a newspaper and only then in a bag.

Video: how to dig mirabilis roots

Video: how to store the roots of the night beauty

Thus, there is nothing difficult in planting and growing mirabilis; any novice gardener can handle it. And as a reward, you will get a lot of pleasure from it. abundant flowering and a pleasant summer scent.

Video: how to grow mirabilis

In contact with

- “amazing” in Latin - hints that pleasant surprises await us.

Russian name - night beauty- tells you exactly when to expect them.

From delicate to the brightest, choose the shade that suits your taste.

Represents the family Night-flowered, or Nyctaginaceae (Nyctaginaceae). In this family, there are few plants familiar to us, one of them is popular in the south.

The first flower growers who showed interest in the plant were the Aztecs, who inhabited the territory of modern Mexico. They began to grow the most decorative forms, differing in shades. Today, mirabilis jalapa has disappeared from the wild in Mexico, but feral plants, unusually popular as an ornamental crop in the old days, are still found on the site of former gardens. Thanks to tuberous roots mirabilis copes well with drought and does not require special care.

After the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, the seeds of the night beauty came to Spain, and then to England and other European powers. Over the past centuries, it has settled all over the world and has become "its own" in countries with a warm climate. In Egypt, she came to the court so much that a guest from another continent in Cairo was called the pearl of Egypt. In Morocco, thanks to the Spaniards, mirabilis also gained popularity. One of the varieties with striped yellow-pink flowers speckled with orange even bears the name "Marrakech".


Mirabilis is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and semi-lignified cuttings.

seeds soak overnight before sowing. Sow 1-2 seeds in small pots filled with loose light earth, a month before planting in open ground. When shoots appear, only one, the strongest sprout is left in each pot. You can transplant young plants into the garden at the same time as seedlings, for example, when the threat has finally passed.

cuttings rooted in a light peaty substrate with the addition of coarse sand. Mirabilis is so easy to grow from seed that it is considered impractical to store the tubers over the winter. However, plants planted with tubers have an advantage in size, they develop faster and bloom two weeks earlier. In addition, you know exactly what shade of flowers you will receive. Dig tubers before frost and store in a dry, dark place, like.


From the end of November, when annual shoots partially die off, and until mid-March, the night beauty is at rest. At this time it is watered once every 2 months. In order for the plant to survive this period safely, remove the thin adventitious roots, place it in fibrous high-moor peat with sawdust and store at a low temperature.

In the spring, overwintered mirabilis is planted in a substrate consisting of:

  • 2 hours of clay-turf land,
  • 1.5 hours of decomposed peat,
  • 1 hour coarse washed river sand,
  • 0.5 hours of washed brick chips,
  • 0.25 hours of dolomite flour.
In our gardens, the aroma of mirabilis is not felt as strongly as in the south. Therefore, the marvelous perfume of night beauties is easier to catch at close range. It is no coincidence that mirabilis is one of the traditional plants for along the paths.

In the open ground on cultivated soil, mirabilis quickly turns into a powerful, branched shrub in the upper part with knotty stems about 1 m high and about the same width. Max height 1.2m plant reaches in the sun on rich soil with adequate watering. The size of container plants depends on the amount of land provided. So, in two-liter pots, the height of the bush is only about 0.5 m.

Most of all, this plant is suitable for those who are busy all day long, and can enjoy their favorite flowers. only in the evenings and in the mornings, looking around dear to my heart pets before leaving for work. Mirabilis will patiently wait all day for his admirers and accumulate strength in order to open more flowers by the evening date. "4 o'clock" - another of his names - even indicates the time when to show up for a date.

It is not necessary, however, to compare watches by Mirabilis. In cloudy weather, the flowers open earlier and last longer. In the bright sun, in the heat and in the wind, they open up only when they feel the approach of night coolness, and wither faster in the morning. Therefore, the flower schedule is also affected by where the plant is located in the garden and at what time of the day the sun illuminates it. During the day, the flower rolls up into a tube and soon falls off. In the evening, the night beauty is again ready to go out. And by dawn the flower turns into a bud.

Features and varieties

Mirabilis flower outfits are rich in bright colors. Raspberry, purple, red, pink, salmon, yellow, orange and white flowers with a diameter of 3.5-5 cm can be either plain or variegated, combining 2-3 color tones. Sometimes you can also find a completely extravagant outfit: one half of the flower is painted, for example, in raspberry color, the other in yellow.

Among the amazing features of the plant the device of the flower itself can also be attributed: it lacks a corolla, and what we perceive as a flower is a calyx. In other plants, it is green and inconspicuous. In Mirabilis, a bright calyx with 5 limbs, tapering into a narrow tube, replaced the rim. Nectar is hidden in the depths of the tube. At home, Mirabilis plants are pollinated by hummingbirds and moths, for which its nectar is a sweet bait.

The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. The lighter the flowers, the longer they are visible at dusk.

In the garden of magical night fragrances varieties are in the lead with white, light yellow and pale pink flowers. In those corners of the garden where you visit in the morning, you can also appreciate varieties with a dark color. Variegated varieties, interesting in the details of the pattern, are planted where they can be approached closely.

Unusual color of flowers of varieties of the Marbles series("Marble"). As if in a hurry, they were painted with a brush, which is why stripes of different widths, strokes, and colored splashes appeared on the flowers. ‘Marbles white-red’ has received a special Fleuroselect award: a carmine red pattern on a pure white background. In the same series there is a multi-coloured variegated variation of ‘Marbles yellow-red’, heavily colored in yellow, orange, red and pink. Grade ‘Marble yellow-white’ - yellow-white.

To a bright outfit - an exquisite perfume!

Mirabilis miraculously completes a small list of plants, fragrant at night. Mirabilis uses expensive perfumes delicately. This is not a thick intoxicating aroma of royal lilies, but a light delicate bouquet of floral and spicy notes, noticeable only at a fairly close distance.

However, already a small flock of these charming plants will make you turn off the path and come closer to them. The fragrance is difficult to analyze and describe. So the aroma of mirabilis reminds one of vanilla, the other - orange blossom, the third - tropical and. But let's not offend the beauty of the night by comparing it with fragrant rivals and let's call her perfume simply - unique!

mirabilis jalapa very prolific. You can generously present all neighbors and friends with seeds of your own collection.

Important Points

  • For abundant flowering, Mirabilis needs a sunny place, protected from the wind. The night beauty also feels good in partial shade, but her floral outfit will be less lush in poor lighting.
  • The plant prefers moderately fertile, loamy soil. Good drainage is required. Mirabilis does not tolerate acidic soils and stagnant water.
  • Mirabilis jalapa - with erect stems and tuberous thickened roots. In warm climates, it winters well and propagates easily by self-sowing. In countries with frosty winters, the plant is more often grown as an annual, annually renewing with seeds. In the spring, tubers ready for planting also appear on sale.

Text: I. Volkovskaya.
Photo: Legion-Media, Visions Pictures&Photography, Fotosearch RM, Zoonar GmbH RM / Russian Look, adinamnt/Fotolia.com, I. Volkovskaya.

Mirabilis is an attractive tropical plant native to South America. From the Latin name of the exotic flower "mirabilis" is translated as "amazing". Its peculiarity is that a rather inconspicuous herbaceous plant during the day, by the evening, is transformed: colorful buds open on the stems, from which charming flowers appear in the form of small gramophones, fragrant all night. Thanks to unusual flowering at night, the second common name for the flower is "night beauty". The plant is mainly distributed in the southern regions and warm countries with a tropical climate, where it is a perennial plant. In the conditions of our temperate climate mirabilis flower is grown as an annual, as its delicate root system freezes through in winter. Night beauty is a godsend for beginner gardeners and summer residents, it is easy to grow it on your own. suburban area and very easy to take care of. How to grow a charming mirabilis and how does the plant reproduce?

Mirabilis flowers belong to the family of Noctaceae or Nyctaginaceae. Outwardly, the plant looks like a strong compact herbaceous bush up to 80 cm high, sometimes there are bushes up to 1 meter in height. The stems of the plant are straight, densely branched, painted in a reddish hue. As the bush grows, the lower stems become woody. Oppositely on stems, on short petioles, are smooth green leaves of elongated ovoid shape, leaves with entire edges. The root of the plant is tuberous, resembling carrots or turnips. Funnel-shaped flowers of various colors bloom on each stem at the top. In nature, there are white, bright orange, crimson, yellow, purple and lilac colors, as well as striped, spotted and multicolor flowers. Moreover, completely different flowers can bloom on one bush.

Mirabilis flower is endowed with an unusual aroma with a tropical hue, which attracts nocturnal pollinators - moth moths. In the morning, bright fragrant gramophones close in buds. Mirabilis blooms from mid-May to the first frost in November. After flowering, in place of the bud, fruits-boxes of a dark brown color appear, in which there is one large oval-shaped seed that remains viable for up to 3 years.

Mirabilis, varieties and types

Among the 60 species of tropical plants growing in warm countries, only two plant species have taken root in our climate:

Mirabilis Jalapa (Mirabilis jalapa) - this species is more common among flower growers than its own. He is loved for his unpretentiousness and wonderful decorative qualities. The bush is branched, sprawling, reaches a height of 80 cm - 1 meter, the leaves are small, oblong in shape of a dark green hue. The flowers of the plant can be of the most diverse colors: snow-white, pink, yellow, purple, and also variegated. Mirabilis Yalapa is different long flowering throughout the summer season until the first autumn frosts. Among the varieties, the most famous are:

  • Tea Time Formula Mixture - flowers of a wide variety of shades.
  • Tea Time Red - charming flowers of pink-red shades.

Mirabilis longiflora (Mirabilis longiflora) is a tall shrub (up to 1.5 meters) with more branching stems. Distinctive feature species - the leaves of the plant have a sticky surface. The flowers of the species are snow-white.

Mirabilis landing

The right site for growing mirabilis is the key to a beautiful and lush flowering of the plant.

Site selection

Mirabilis comes from countries with a tropical climate, therefore it is a photophilous plant. For planting, choose the warmest and most well-lit areas of the garden. Mirabilis is very picky about solar lighting, in partial shade or under the crowns of trees, the flower will grow poorly, and the flowers will be small.
When choosing the ideal place for a night beauty, one should take into account the fact that it is very demanding on soil moisture and does not tolerate stagnant moisture and high acidity of the soil. Therefore, the plot of the garden or cottage should be dry, swampy areas, lowlands, are not suitable for growing plants. Mirabilis feels great on fertile loamy, clay soils with the addition of lime.
When choosing the ideal garden site for planting, remember that the bush grows quickly and can occupy a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed or flower garden. People who do not tolerate strong suffocating aromas are not recommended to plant a plant near the living quarters.

Landing methods

Mirabilis is most often grown from seeds, but the plant can be propagated by cuttings or tubers. You can also buy mirabilis already in the form of seedlings in flower shop. When buying a plant for planting, pay attention to its appearance. The bush should be strong, the leaves should not be sluggish, without spots and damage, the buds should not be wrinkled. Otherwise, the plant may not take root in a new place.

Mirabilis planting seeds through seedlings

To grow a night beauty from seeds, the method of growing seedlings in small pots is used to avoid seedlings diving. Mirabilis seeds are quite large, so you can plant 1-2 seeds in a pot.

The container for planting seedlings must be equipped with drainage holes so that moisture does not linger in the soil. The substrate for seedlings should consist of one part of soddy land, one part of peat and 1.5 parts of coarse river sand, gravel can be used. Mirabilis planting time with seeds is the end of March or the beginning of April, the room temperature should not fall below 18-20 degrees. Before planting, it is recommended to hold the seeds in wet wipe within 6-7 hours. The depth of planting seeds in the ground is no more than 2 cm. Water the seeds moderately, avoiding moisture stagnation in the soil.
The first young shoots will appear in pots in two weeks. Take the seedlings outside so that the seedlings harden, gradually get used to the new conditions.

As soon as the earth warms up enough, and the seedlings grow up, the seedlings can be transplanted into a flower garden. Remember that transplanting to a new place is stressful for any plant, so you need to ensure young plant temporary shading, such as branches with foliage or a newspaper. After a few days, when the adaptation to the new place is over, the sun protection can be removed.

Mirabilis, planting open ground

In the southern regions, where the earth warms up quickly enough, you can plant mirabilis seeds directly into the ground, the right time for planting is warm May or early summer. If spring is cold and heat does not come for a long time, it is better to use planting plants through seedlings, since seeds under unfavorable conditions may not sprout for a long time, thereby shifting the flowering time of the plant.
Before planting, the soil must be limed, thereby reducing its acidity. Wood ash and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. Before planting in the prepared soil, the seeds must be moistened (hold them in a moistened napkin for 6-7 hours). Plant them in the ground at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, given that they will have to be thinned out as the bushes grow. Planting depth - no more than 2 cm. Seeds planted in the ground must be watered warm water and temporarily cover with a film to protect the plantings from possible night temperature drops.

Planting tubers

Propagation of mirabilis by tubers is less often used by flower growers, since the night beauty is easily grown from seeds. The tubers of the plant can be purchased at the store or dug up on your own from your site in the fall. Tubers are stored in sawdust or dry sand at a temperature of 5 degrees, the storage conditions for tubers are similar to the wintering of dahlia tubers. Already in the spring, when the tubers germinate, they can be planted in open ground. This method reproduction does not have a 100% guarantee, since over the winter the tubers can dry out and die, there is a risk of losing all planting material.


Mirabilis propagates vegetatively - cuttings. This method of propagation is useful if the seeds of the plant are absent.
Semi-lignified shoots are suitable as cuttings, the cut of which must be dried, and only then sent to a container with a growth stimulator (Kornevin). The stalk is planted in a nutrient substrate, where it takes root within 14-20 days, subject to all the requirements for caring for the plant. Namely - regular soil moisture and room temperature (20-24 degrees Celsius). To accelerate the growth of roots, heating of the lower part of the container with the handle is practiced up to 24-26 degrees. This effective method many experienced flower growers use growth stimulation and rapid rooting. Rooted shoots can be planted in the ground when favorable conditions for planting occur.

Mirabilis, care

Mirabilis is an undemanding flower in care, it is a completely independent plant. It is enough to provide him with regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil to remove weeds.

Illumination and temperature

Mirabilis will bloom profusely only in bright, well-lit areas of the garden. In the shade of trees, it will not bloom and will slow down its growth. Therefore, in advance, choose the most illuminated place on the site for planting a bush. As for the optimal temperature, the southern guest cannot stand the cold and may die from frost. Summer temperatures and even drought and heat are favorable conditions for its growth. The birthplace of the night beauty is the rocky slopes of South America, so it is resistant to drought.


Being a southerner and well tolerated by drought, the night beauty still needs watering. Since with insufficient soil moisture, mirabilis will stop budding and you will not see its luxurious flowering. In order for a luxurious bush to please with fragrant bright flowers, the plant needs to moisten the soil as it dries.

top dressing

For lush and abundant flowering and stimulation of growth, the plant needs top dressing with nutrient solutions. In total, 3-4 top dressings will be required for the entire summer season. As a fertilizer, you can use ready-made complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Organics for feeding mirabilis is not suitable, as it acidifies the soil.

Diseases and pests

Mirabilis is a plant resistant to many diseases and is not at all susceptible to attack by pests. Sometimes infection of the deciduous part of the plant with rust can occur, when brown or reddish spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the damaged foliage must be removed, and the bush with a fungicide (for example, Fundazol). In addition to rust, the plant may be subject to root rot, which leads to excessive soil moisture. When the root rots, the plant is removed, and the soil is treated with a fungicide. The volume and frequency of watering is reduced.

  • The plant does not require pruning or bush formation. To prevent self-seeding, it is recommended to remove fading buds in which a fruit-box with a seed is formed.
  • The plant tolerates gusts of wind and drafts well, but in the event of a strong hail or hurricane, it is recommended to cover it with a film.
  • The first flowering of Mirabilis begins in mid-June. If there is still no flowering in the second half of the month, although the buds have started, watering the plant should be increased, most likely it does not have enough moisture.
  • Do not fertilize with organic, especially fresh fertilizers. Increased acidity negatively affects the fragile root system of the plant and the root can rot. As a top dressing, it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers for flowering, following the instructions on the package.
  • Mirabilis needs constant loosening of the soil and weeding. In loose, light, oxygenated soil, the plant grows faster and blooms more profusely. Do not forget that the bushes grow quickly and need to be thinned out.

Mirabilis - night decoration of the garden

Thanks to the luxurious mirabilis bushes, you will get a charming evening garden filled with a fragrant tropical aroma. Mirabilis bushes are quite lush, dense and tall, they can reach a height of up to a meter, so it is better to place them in the background of a flower bed or flower garden so that they do not block smaller flowers and plants with their luxurious appearance. The night beauty perfectly coexists with daisies, daisies, marigolds, petunias, cloves. It is worth noting that mirabilis is successfully used to create luxurious hedges, divide a flower garden, decorate garden paths and curb. Mirabilis looks equally luxurious both in group plantings and as a single plant - the bush looks spectacular due to its impressive size and bright colorful flowering. Mirabilis looks especially magical in the evening or in cloudy weather, when its fragrant flowering continues all day.

The plant is successfully used to decorate terraces, porches or arbors, it is planted in planters or hanging pots. The capacity for planting mirabilis should be deep, as the root system grows deep into the pot.

Mirabilis, photo

The ease of growing, propagating and caring for this amazing flower makes it a favorite of many beginners and experienced flower growers. The name of the charming flower is quite justified, it is really amazing. Its heady tropical aroma and unusual colorful night bloom will not leave anyone indifferent. Your evening garden will be filled with amazing aroma, beauty and romantic atmosphere.

You can see how mirabilis blooms in the following video:

Mirabilis (Mirabilis) - is one of the representatives of the genus Nyctaginov, which also includes about 60 species of other ornamental plants. These flowers are widely distributed in areas of North and South America. As wild plant they can often be seen in the southern United States, where they grow freely and do not need special care.

Mirabilis Jalapa is a flower that differs from other ornamental plants that prefer bright sunlight, and feels good at night. Due to this feature of development, the plant is called in another way "Night Beauty". Mirabilis - beautiful flower, the aroma of which is revealed only in the moonlight. Its cultivation does not require special knowledge and does not cause difficulties, however, mirabilis is still quite rare in an ordinary flower bed. To begin with, consider the structure of the plant, the features of its planting, the rules of care and flowering time.

Many gardeners admire the beauty of this flower during the flowering period. Not every plant in your flower bed has a similar palette of colors. Next to mirabilis, any other types of flowers are perfectly combined.

After sunset, it begins to bloom its small buds, which have a diameter of about 3 cm. Below we will talk about the features of planting a flower in the middle latitudes, where a temperate climate prevails.

Where to plant mirabilis?

In order to achieve successful cultivation of mirabilis, its full development and growth in a flower bed, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting. In our area, the plant is exclusively annual, therefore, among all representatives of this family, only Yalapa mirabilis is grown.

The flower prefers areas of soil that are in a warm and well-lit dry place. The plant does not tolerate excess and retention of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to choose fertile loamy areas as landing sites. Another option would be to grow a flower in a greenhouse, where they can be planted in special containers.

Mirabilis propagation methods

Often used seed method of breeding this type of plant. To do this, it is necessary to collect dry seeds from an adult bush of a night beauty after its flowering is completed. Another breeding method is considered to be the cultivation of Mirabilis Yalapa using cuttings and tubers.

Sowing seeds

A favorable time for sowing seeds is early spring. For this, seedling boxes are used, which can be placed after planting in greenhouses or on the windowsills of the house. The room must be maintained at a constant temperature and humidity. To achieve rapid germination of seeds, you can pre-soak them for several hours in a wet piece of cloth. In this case, you can observe the first shoots a couple of weeks after sowing. When planting seedlings in open ground, the depth of the hole should not exceed 2 cm. Young plants should be transplanted from a seedling box only when warm spring weather sets in and there are no night frosts.

All sowing work must be carried out taking into account climatic parameters for this region. To protect seedlings from death and protect them from unpredictable frosts, you can cover them from above with a special protective material. If you want to grow a hedge from flowers in a flower bed, then thinning is a mandatory care measure. Due to the fact that the plant is able to reach a large height, thinning makes it possible to obtain a high slender beautiful wall from fresh flowers.

Reproduction by tubers

A common planting method is to propagate mirabilis using tubers, which are easy to find at any garden store or fairs. Alternatively, you can use the tubers of your own seedlings grown on your site. They are carefully dug out and placed in sawdust or sand, where they are stored at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. Spring transplantation of tubers in open ground can be done only if they are fully germinated.

This method of flower propagation is not widely used among gardeners, since it is believed that such planting material in the form of tubers can dry out during storage. In this situation, for propagation in the spring, the tubers will no longer be suitable for planting.

Reproduction by cuttings

Occasionally, a method of flower propagation using cuttings is used, since planting and isolating vegetative parts from a plant is a rather laborious and not always effective process.

For these purposes, semi-lignified processes are used. They are cut off, and the sections of the cuts are thoroughly dried. The shoots are lowered into a special solution, which accelerates the growth process, and then planted in prepared seedling containers. After a couple of weeks, their root system will get stronger, and the young shoots will fully take root. Seedlings must be constantly watered and kept at room temperature in the room. If conditions do not allow this, then containers with shoots must be heated from below. The grown and strengthened cuttings are planted in warm spring weather on the prepared section of the flower bed.

Mirabilis Yalapa is a flower that does not require special care and is a picky culture. To achieve abundant flowering and rapid growth of the plant, you must follow a few recommendations for growing:

  • The right choice of landing site in the garden
  • Compliance with the rules of irrigation regime
  • Apply top dressings as needed
  • Soil loosening
  • Weed removal

Mirabilis bushes can be fed several times during the year. As a rule, ordinary complex fertilizers are used, which affect the formation of buds and accelerate the growth of shoots.

Do not forget to do regular weeding and loosening of the soil and get rid of weeds, as well as water the plant in dry weather. However, you should not miss the fact that excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and, consequently, to the death of the flower.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the cultivation of mirabilis is not difficult. Even novice gardeners who have little practice in breeding rare ornamental crops can easily cope with this task. It is worth making a little effort and patience, and the result will exceed all expectations. Mirabilis Yalapa flower will delight not only with its exquisite aroma, but also with long-lasting bright flowering. Such a plant will be a wonderful decoration for your garden and vegetable garden.

How to grow mirabilis (video)