Dracaena is fragrant. Care

  • 12.06.2019

Dracaena is one of my favorites indoor plants. The most popular plant species are fragrant dracaena and derem dracaena. Despite the fact that the homeland of these plants is hot Africa and countries South America, they feel great in our northern regions.

They adapt well to short daylight hours, grow well in living quarters and heated greenhouses.

Botanical description

Fragrant dracaena is a shrub whose trunk hardens over time and turns into woody. In nature, it can reach a height of 2-3 meters or more, depending on the type and growing conditions.

Indoor dracaena are extremely diverse. In addition to natural species adapted for growing at home, varieties have been bred that are distinguished by decorativeness and a variety of leaf colors.

One of the most popular species of this plant among indoor flower growers is fragrant dracaena or fragrans dracaena. It got its name from the strong and pleasant aroma of small white or greenish flowers. "Fragrans" is translated from English as "flavor".

Unfortunately, like all dracaena, fragrant dracaena rarely blooms at home.

The plant is distinguished by beautiful long leaves, decorated with contrasting veins or spots. Currently, many varieties of fragrant dracaena have been bred. The most popular of them:

  1. Massangeana, which has wide drooping leaves with a yellow-green vein in the middle;
  2. Victoria, whose feature is golden-yellow wide stripes, along the edge of the sheet;
  3. Lemon Lime - this variety has bright green leaves with a dark green stripe in the middle, bordered by two narrow creamy stripes;
  4. compacta - plant small size, short stem, monochromatic leaf color. There are varieties with yellow stripes.

There are varieties with white, cream and even red stripes. All of them are unusually decorative and fit perfectly into the modern home interior. These plants also look good in offices and public spaces: hotel lobbies, theaters, exhibition halls.

The plant is unpretentious in care. Growing fragrant dracaena and caring for it is within the power of even novice flower growers.

Another species popular for growing at home is Dracaena deremskaya. In the specialized literature, you can find a different classification of dracaena. Some authors attribute the fragrant dracaena and dracaena to the same species. Others, on the contrary, distinguish dracaena deremskaya separately. It is not easy for a non-specialist to distinguish one plant from another.

Main hallmark is the presence of dracaena deremskaya in flowers is enough bad smell. The most popular varieties of this species include:

  1. Janet Craig - characterized by a tough green rosette of flexible leaves;
  2. Janet Craig compact - a small plant, also with green elastic leaves;
  3. Warnecki - has pronounced white stripes along the edges of the leaves.

Dracaena care rules

Both types of dracaena are unpretentious in care. In order for plants to grow well and have decorative look it is necessary to follow a few simple rules, and then fragrant dracaena, the care of which is not so difficult, will surely please you with its healthy appearance.

The soil

Dracaena does not require a special soil composition. For its cultivation, a nutrient mixture consisting of garden or garden soil, a small amount of well-rotted leaves and sand is suitable.


Dracaena deremskaya and fragrant do not tolerate the drying of an earthy coma. According to this in summer time follows . Reduce watering in winter. To avoid root rot and death of dracaena, experts recommend watering moderately but regularly.

Optimal watering is 2-3 times a week. spraying and responds to it with a cheerful look and bright color of the leaves. You can spray daily with water at room temperature.

Light mode

All types of dracaena are photophilous. But there are slight differences in growing fragrant dracaena and derem dracaena at home. Dracaena deremskaya tolerates shade more easily, so it can be grown in rooms with diffused lighting.

Especially varieties with dark green leaves. The leaves of fragrant dracaena, on the contrary, can lose their decorative effect in the absence of sufficient lighting.


Dracaena deremskaya is less demanding on growing temperature. It grows well at 18˚С, easily tolerates temperature increase. The optimum temperature for growing fragrant dracaena at home is 20-25˚С.

top dressing

The key to proper growth and development of the plant is the timely application of fertilizers. You need to feed the dracaena during the period when it grows, that is, in spring and summer. For this, special fertilizers purchased in flower shops.

Diseases and pests

Dracaena are resistant to diseases and are rarely attacked by pests. The main enemies of the plant are the scale insect, spider mite, thrips. The fact that the plant is infected is evidenced by the appearance of black or yellow spots, cobwebs in rosettes of leaves.

To combat all pests, insecticides, a solution of laundry soap and frequent spraying are used.


Dracaena is best transplanted at a young age. You should not do this more than 1 time in 3-4 years.

Large plants are transplanted even less frequently. The plant is transferred to pre-prepared pots, at the bottom of which drainage is placed. For drainage, pebbles, pieces of brick, charcoal (birch) are used. The plant in a place with an earthen clod is transferred to a new pot and the voids are covered with fertile soil.

Reproduction of dracaena

All dracaena reproduce in several ways. It:

  1. cuttings;
  2. Sowing seeds;
  3. Layers of the upper part.

The simplest and affordable way- cuttings. To do this, a strong, healthy and young stem is cut into several cuttings. The length of the cuttings is at least 4-5 centimeters. Each segment should have 2-3 kidneys. The cuttings are placed in the prepared nutrient soil and cleaned in a warm place lit by diffused light. With sufficient humidity, the first shoots appear in a month. Young plants should be watered and sprayed regularly. clean water room temperature. After a little more time, you will grow a beautiful fragrant dracaena.

How to care for dracaena bordered (marginata) at home Dracaena bent: care and reproduction at home Growing and propagating fragrant pelargonium at home Secrets of caring for dracaena at home

Dracaena fragrant (lat. Dracaena Fragrans) or dracaena fragrans - very beautiful home plant, which is popularly called the "Tree of Happiness". Today it is very popular to grow it in houses, apartments, and even offices. This is not a whimsical plant, but for many, fragrant dracaena feels completely uncomfortable, grows poorly and does not bloom. The tree of happiness has received such a popular name because of its unique properties.

Fragrant dracaena is a natural indicator of emotions, for example, if silence and tranquility reign in the room in which it grows, then this plant feels great and constantly pleases its owners with beautiful flowers. And vice versa, if there are scandals or just a tense situation in the room, then the dracaena feels bad, stops growing and gradually dies.

There is also a legend that says that in order to win the heart of the priest's daughter, a warrior in love had to grow leaves and flowers on a stick in 5 days. If this had not happened, then he was threatened the death penalty. But the love of the guy and the girl was so strong that it made the stick bloom, after which there was a magnificent wedding. The consequence of this legend was the popular name of dracaena - the tree of happiness.

Information about dracaena fragrant.

Dracaena fragrant is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the genus Dracenova and comes from the Agave family. In total, scientists know about 150 species of these plants. This plant is native to tropical parts of Asia and Africa. Under natural conditions, this dracaena grows up to 6m in height and blooms with beautiful white and very fragrant flowers, which is why it was called "fragrant".

Popular varieties of dracaena.

Dracaena has long been grown in a pot at home. Flower growers contain many varieties of this plant, differing from each other in their size and color of the leaves, which are variegated, plain, with a border or striped.

The most popular varieties of dracaena that are grown at home include:

  1. Dracaena Massangeana (lat. Dracaena Massangeana) grows up to 1.5 m in height and grows in the form of a bush consisting of palm trees. This plant has variegated leaves with a wide yellow stripe in the center and small stripes along the edges.
  2. Dracaena Compacta (lat. Dracaena Compacta) - a small plant with a shortened stem and dark green leaves collected in a fairly dense bunch. This variety with monotonous leaves is valued for its ability to grow in low light conditions. There is also a variety of this species of Dracaena Compacta Variegata (lat. Dracaena Compacta Variegata), differing only in that there are longitudinal yellow stripes on the leaves.
  3. Dracaena Victoria (lat. Dracaena Victoria). This is very beautiful plant With beautiful leaves, along the edges of which golden-yellow rather wide stripes pass.
  4. Dracaena lindeni(lat. Dracaena Lindenii) has dark green leaves with white or yellow wide stripes along the edges.

Also, some growers can meet Kanzi dracaena, Compact dracaena, Lemon Lime dracaena and a very miniature (up to 20 cm in height) Surprise dracaena.

Caring for fragrant dracaena at home.

The tree of happiness is not whimsical and proper care feels great.

Lighting for fragrant dracaena.
Some species of this plant (green!) Feel great in partial shade, but it is preferable to place a pot with dracaena in the light, but without direct sunlight. Variegated species of happiness trees should not be grown in partial shade or permanent shade, as they may lose their vibrant colors. In the summer, it is recommended to take these plants to the balcony or garden, but they must be shaded.

Best of all, dracaena will feel on the windowsills, the windows of which face east or southwest. In winter, when there is little light, the plant must be placed as close as possible to the window or artificial lighting should be made for it.

Temperature regime of cultivation for fragrant dracaena.
The best summer temperature for growing a tree of happiness is from 18 0 C to 25 0 C. For variegated dracaena, this temperature must be maintained all year round, and for the rest winter period it must be reduced to 15-17 0 C, but by no means lower.

Watering fragrant dracaena.
During wakefulness (from spring to autumn), the tree of happiness needs abundant watering, in which the soil will be constantly moistened.

During the sleep period (from mid-autumn to early spring), fragrant dracaena needs to be watered less, that is, let the top layer of soil dry out. If at this time the plant is located near the heating partings, then it needs to be watered a little more often.

Air humidity for fragrant dracaena.
With dry indoor air, the tips of the leaves of the tree of happiness can dry out, then they turn completely yellow and fall off. To avoid this, put the pot on a pallet with wet claydite. You can also wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth or occasionally "rinse" the plant under a warm shower, but then be sure to shake off the water from it.

Like pandanus, it is not recommended to spray dracaena from a spray bottle, as water can remain between the leaves, then dust gets there and begins to rot, which leads to the death of the plant.

Soil for fragrant dracaena.
For a tree of happiness, high-quality soil is needed, consisting of compost, deciduous and sod land with the addition of peat and clean coarse sand. If you have all these ingredients, then mix them in equal proportions. Also, for the prevention of root diseases, you can add a little charcoal, and for looseness of the soil - brick chips.

Fragrant dracaena feels very good in quality mixtures that are sold in flower shops and are intended for ornamental deciduous plants. In this soil, add coarse clean sand in a 1: 1 ratio.

Top dressing fragrant dracaena.
To feed the plant, it is best to use special store-bought fertilizers that are designed for palm trees or dracaena.

From the beginning of March to the end of September, fragrant dracaena must be fed 2 times a month, and the rest of the time - half doses and no more than 1 time per month.

Transplantation of fragrant dracaena.
Dracaena are transplanted quite rarely: young individuals - 1 time in 2 years, and adults no more than 1 time in 3 years. If the plant is large, then it can not be transplanted at all, but simply replaced upper layer soil on a new one.

Dracaena are transplanted very carefully using the transshipment method. This will help prevent damage to the roots.

The plant needs good drainage to grow. To do this, for small dracaena, pour up to 1 cm of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. For adults and bulky individuals, medium-sized stones can be poured onto the bottom of the pot as drainage, or one large one can be placed, and small ones can be poured around it.

Immediately after transplanting, the plant must be watered abundantly so that the whole earth is wet. The next watering is not so strong. A transplanted fragrant dracaena can be fertilized only after the appearance of a new leading (central) leaf.

To transplant the plant, use the soil described in the paragraph "Soil for fragrant dracaena".

Shaping and pruning fragrant dracaena.
If desired, a multi-stem tree can be formed from a straight single-stem dracaena tree. This should be done in spring or summer, that is, when the plant is actively growing.

To form several trunks with a sharp knife or secateurs, the upper part of the plant is cut off 10-15 cm below the leaves. The place of the cut of the lower part remaining in the pot is sprinkled with well-ground activated charcoal and set in a warm, dark place. At this time, it is practically not necessary to water the dracaena, because due to the lack of leaves, it will absorb water very weakly. In about a month, several dormant buds will start on this part of the plant. Usually there are no more than 3, but occasionally there are more (up to 7 pieces). If there are a lot of young stems, then when they reach 5-10 cm in length, the extra ones can be cut off along with the trunk and planted separately. After a while, young leaves will appear on the remaining stems. Thus, you will get a multi-stemmed dracaena.

The upper part of the plant must be placed in an empty pot to dry for a couple of days, and then planted in a wet mixture consisting of equal proportions of sand and peat. For better rooting, I recommend collecting the leaves in bunches by tying them with a ribbon. You can’t use a thread for this, as it will ruin the leaves. Then, to create greenhouse conditions put a transparent plastic bag on the dracaena or (if the plant is small) cropped plastic bottle. In this form, put the plant in a bright, warm place and ventilate it at least once a day, removing the greenhouse for 20-30 minutes.

Reproduction of fragrant dracaena.
This plant is propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut off the upper part of the plant 10-15 cm under the leaves. Then for a couple of days, put it upright in an empty pot so that the glass has excess moisture. After drying, plant the dracaena in a moist soil mixture consisting of 50% sand and 50% peat, and cover with a greenhouse. In this form, grow the plant in a warm, bright place, removing the greenhouse for ventilation for 30 minutes every day.

Pests and diseases of fragrant dracaena.

The tips of the dracaena leaves dry up.
In most cases, this is due to poor watering. It can also be due to dry air or drafts.

Dracaena leaves turn yellow and wither.
This can occur due to constant waterlogging, in which the roots deteriorate, due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, or when direct sunlight hits the plant.

The plant can be attacked by mealybugs, scale insects and false scale insects, aphids, as well as spider mites.
For the prevention and treatment of these diseases, it is recommended to apply warm showers and wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth.

In translation, the name of the genus Dracaena fragrant means "female dragon." In tropical countries, some varieties grow into huge beautiful trees. When the bark is damaged, red juice is released, similar to blood, hence the strange name of the plants.

Fragrant dracaena flowers emit a pleasant aroma. Its peduncle reaches one meter in height. The plant has a tall and unstable stem that resembles a small palm tree with a bunch of leaves at the top.

There are such varieties of plants:

  • Massangeana. It grows up to one and a half meters in height, the leaves are light green with a yellow stripe in the middle.
  • Surprise. A low-growing variety, grows only up to 20 cm in height.
  • Cintho. An adult plant looks like a thin-stemmed palm tree. It grows up to one and a half meters in height, with a bunch of narrow leaves at the top.
  • Kerry. Compact tree with green to light green leaves.
  • Compact. A tall variety similar to a palm tree. The leaves are dark green;
  • Victoria. Light yellow foliage with a green stripe in the middle.
  • Alobeka. A tall variety with dark green leaves that show yellowish-green stripes.

The leaves of some varieties of the plant can reach 10 cm in width, they are curved in arcs and crowded in the upper part of the trunk.

The nuances of growing fragrant dracaena

Dracaena is unpretentious. It is easy to grow and easy to propagate. If two trunks grow in a pot, one can be oppressed and soon die. Therefore, after the purchase, it is better to plant the shoots in separate pots.

The plant requires minimal maintenance good conditions can grow at home more than 15 years.

Flower care at home

The quality of care for an adult plant can be judged by the number of leaves preserved in the lower part of the shoot. If there are a lot of them, then the care was good.

Important for a plant proper watering, feeding, transplanting, moist air and good lighting.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

  • Dracaena is photophilous, but if it stands near the southern windows, it requires shading at noon, otherwise burns may remain on the leaves. Varieties with feathery leaves require more light to maintain vibrant coloration.
  • In order for the plant to grow even, it is turned in different directions towards the light.. A fluorescent lamp can serve as a source of illumination; for dracaena, this does not play a special role.
  • In winter, the temperature should not be lower than +12°C, in summer - up to +25°C.
  • The plant does not like drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

Watering the plant

Moisture-loving dracaena is desirable to water often, especially in the warm season. In a pot with a plant there should be loose soil and good drainage so that all excess water can drain through the holes in the bottom of the pot and not stagnate in the soil. From a pallet excess water pour out. The earth is loosened so that the roots can breathe and develop normally.

It is advisable to take settled city water for irrigation. It is even better if the water is spring, melt, rain or filtered.

  • In summer, the plant is watered 1 time in 2 or 3 days.
  • In winter, this is done less often - 1 or 2 times a week.
  • You can spray the leaves daily with warm water.

A sign of excessive dryness of the air in winter time are the yellowed ends of the dracaena leaves. If the plant is not far from the radiator, daily spraying of the foliage continues in the winter.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The plant needs top dressing throughout the warm period, from spring to late autumn, 1 time in 10 days. Mineral fertilizers are suitable for indoor decorative and deciduous crops. You can use store-bought organic-based fertilizers with peat extract, chicken manure or manure.

Transplant and pruning

It is advisable to transplant the plant in the spring, in March or early April, so that it begins to grow as quickly as possible. Timely transplantation prolongs the life of the dracaena.

  • A powerful root system requires an increase in the volume of planting capacity during annual transplants by several centimeters.
  • A layer of expanded clay is necessarily placed at the bottom.
  • There should be several holes in the bottom of the pot to maximize the removal of excess moisture from the soil.

Having bought a new plant in the store, it is transplanted a month after purchase. It is necessary that the dracaena get used to the new microclimate of the room, lighting.

For a plant about half a meter high, you need a pot of at least 20 cm in diameter. Soil for transplantation is used universal. It should be loose, pass water and air well. In flower shops you can also find special soil for dracaena. Prepare your own soil mix equal parts peat, sand, turf, leaf soil and humus.

As the stem grows, leaves can only remain at its top. This reduces the decorative qualities of dracaena. In the spring, the trunk is cut so that shoots begin to grow from the lateral buds. The cut top is rooted in a separate flower pot. The cut must be treated with charcoal and the Zircon preparation.

Care after flowering

AT room conditions flowering of fragrant dracaena is a unique phenomenon. In the wild, this happens once every 10 years. A long paniculate inflorescence with white or yellow-green fragrant flowers opens at night. After flowering, the trunk of the dracaena begins to expand in a circle.

Flowering takes a lot of strength from the plant, so the seeds are not allowed to ripen. Immediately after flowering, the peduncle is cut off, and the dracaena is fed with complex mineral fertilizers.

In the warm climate of Central and West Africa many representatives of the plant world are large evergreen crops. Fragrant dracaena, found in a dozen African states, in nature grows up to 6 meters in height and strikes with juicy glossy foliage, densely covering an upright stem.

Dracaena fragrant: features of a houseplant

At home, this type of dracaena is no less impressive, only the size of the plant is much more modest. The crown of the tallest varieties does not exceed 1.5–2 meters in height. But the main decoration of the species is not the size, but the curved, glossy foliage of a rich color. AT pot culture very popular today the brightest varieties fragrant dracaena with leaves 60 cm long, combining dark and light green shades, creamy yellow and white.

A photo of fragrant dracaena is the best illustration of the originality of culture. In nature, adult perennial dracaena bloom. A powerful peduncle appears from the top of the leaf rosette, on which many small fluffy flowers of a white-greenish color are revealed. Unlike related varieties, fragrant dracaena flowers spread a rather pleasant smell around the area, thanks to which the decorative species was named.

In an apartment, dracaena bloom extremely rarely. The fragrant variety is no exception. But a green or colorful specimen fits perfectly into any interior and becomes the main decoration of the room.

The unusual beauty of the African guest is not the only advantage of the species. Due to the unpretentiousness of fragrant dracaena, caring for it does not take much time and effort.

Caring for fragrant dracaena at home: photo and description of work

All dracaena are ideal indoor plants. They are undemanding to the composition and nutritional value of the soil, easily tolerate placement in partial shade. No specific care is needed and fragrant dracaena. It grows well on the western and eastern windows, on the loggias and in the depths of the premises.

Varieties with green leaves are the most resistant to low light. If a dracaena with bright striped foliage has appeared in the house, then it needs to find a lighter place, otherwise the pattern on the leaf plates will fade or disappear altogether.

Like other indoor crops, fragrant dracaena, in the photo, does not like drafts:

  • in summer days the plant is comfortable at temperatures from 19 to 25 ° C;
  • in winter, the room where the flower is located should be somewhat cooler, about 10–14 ° C.

To maintain the beauty of foliage and its juiciness, dracaena provide high humidity air. This is especially important in the hot season, when the plant not only actively develops, but also evaporates moisture. In the summer and in the rest of the year, it is useful to wipe the foliage wet wipe. Such care for fragrant dracaena will improve appearance dracaena and help the plant breathe.

As the season changes, the need for water changes. First of all, this concerns the amount of irrigation water due to the culture:

  1. In summer, the earthen ball under the plant should be slightly damp, and its drying out threatens to change the color of the foliage and wither it.
  2. In winter, at low temperatures, excess moisture is even more dangerous. Excessively wet soil is the cause of rotting of the root system. An exception is the situation when fragrant dracaena does not go to winter. In warm, dry air, the culture must be both watered and sprayed.

Usually, watering is carried out twice a week in summer and no more than 1 time in two weeks in winter.

Loosening the surface layer of soil under the plant:

  • beneficial effect on the state of the root system;
  • regulates the humidity of the substrate;
  • increases the penetration of oxygen into it.

As part of the year-round care for fragrant dracaena, at home, as in the photo, the plants must be fed:

  • in the warm season for palm trees and dracaena they are applied twice a month;
  • in the winter months, the intervals between feeding are doubled.

The first transplant awaits a young fragrant dracaena 2–3 years after planting. Further, adult specimens are transferred to larger pots every 3–4 years. The substrate for dracaena of all kinds needs loose, light. It is optimal to take a specialized mixture for palm trees and add a little sphagnum, pieces of red brick and crushed charcoal to it. At the bottom of the pot, a powerful drainage layer is required to remove excess moisture.

Pruning and propagation of fragrant dracaena

The older and taller the fragrant one becomes, the more it resembles a palm tree. Old leaves, drying up, leave the trunk, which remains bare and devoid of side shoots.

An adult plant at home requires props, but this measure does not help when the decorative effect is lost.

In this case, it is reasonable to resort to updating. At the dracaena, the top of the shoot with 5 - 7 leaves is cut off. The bare trunk is covered with a bag and left warm. After about a month, the awakened buds begin to form additional side shoots. As a result, the plant is shortened, becomes more magnificent and more interesting.

The remaining top of the dracaena should not be thrown away. This is an excellent apical cutting for rooting and propagation of fragrant dracaena.

Top bottom:

  • free from several leaves at the base of the cutting;
  • placed in water with the addition of crushed charcoal or buried a couple of centimeters in a mixture of sand, sphagnum and peat.

Under the film or in the conditions of a greenhouse, dracaena will give roots in 3-4 weeks. So you can become the owner of a new instance of decorative culture. The easiest way to propagate fragrant dracaena is in spring or in the second half of summer.

Video about caring for fragrant dracaena at home

Dracaena fragrans is usually a multi-stemmed, slow-growing shrub at the base, with thin branches and a narrow crown. The shrub has dense and elastic dark green leaves. In nature, such a plant can reach a height of 15 meters, and the thickness of the trunk can be up to thirty centimeters. At first, dracaena fragrans has one trunk, but as it grows, the leaves fall off, and branches appear in their place. Some varieties of Dracaena fragrans (Dracaena fragrans) have variegated leaves.

Lighting Requirements

Dracaena Fragrans prefers to grow in bright and spacious rooms, but tolerates partial shade well. The variegated appearance of this plant requires more light than its green-leaved counterpart. For uniform development of the crown, the plant should be turned to the light on the other side.

When caring for a plant, you do not need to abuse its watering, it should be moderate so that the soil has time to dry slightly. In winter, the plant should be watered less often, but do not let the soil dry out. During watering, water is poured along the edge of the pot or the pot is lowered into a container of water so that three-quarters of the water covers the pot and hold it until the water soaks the upper layers of the soil.

Temperature requirements

Among various kinds, fragrant dracaena is the most hardy, and well withstands various temperature conditions, although the moisture requirements of this species remain high. Typically, such plants are grown indoors, but in warm regions they can also be planted in open ground. The optimum air temperature for keeping dracaena is from 180 to 300. It is best to place the plant not far from the south or east window, covered with a curtain, as the plant prefers bright diffused lighting. Direct sunlight can cause leaf blanching or burns. With regard to dark rooms, this plant tolerates darkening well, but the brightness of the leaves may fade, and the stripes may fade.

For this species, high humidity must be maintained, otherwise, the edges and tips of the leaves dry out. An attractive appearance of the plant can be restored by cutting off the dried edges. Daily spraying of the plant with water at room temperature is recommended. It is required to wipe the leaves twice a month with a wet sponge to remove the dust settling on them. If for some reason daily spraying is not possible, you need to place the plant pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay, pebbles or peat. It is necessary to constantly add water to the pan in order to create the most comfortable conditions for keeping fragrant dracaena.

To keep the plant neat and tidy at home, colorless and dried leaves must be removed from Dracaena Fragrans. This can be done by pulling the leaves down from the stem of the plant. Sometimes dracaena leaves become stained in the form of burns, which indicates insufficient watering, low humidity, or oversaturation of the soil with fluorine and soluble salts.

Video on the care of Dracaena Fragrans at home