When we sleep, a man hugs tightly from behind. Sleeping body language

  • 02.07.2020

Have you noticed how your beloved man, husband sleeps? But in vain, because by the pose of a sleeping man you can recognize some features of his nature. Moreover, you can also discover those weaknesses of character that he carefully hides from you. Take a closer look! But it is necessary to analyze the position in which a person sleeps most of the night, in which he usually wakes up in the morning.

If your man sleeps on his stomach, gradually moving to the middle of the bed, and in a dream he prefers to crush the sheet, the pillow, and the blanket under him, in a word, he feels like a master in bed, then he is a thorough, obligatory and very responsible person. Your chosen one is sure that the world is imperfect and needs to be remade, and he is just the one who can change, if not everything, then at least a lot. People like him are quickly promoted and occupy very respectable posts. He is quite tight-fisted, likes to make decisions on his own and, remember, very jealous. He himself rarely goes for treason. Your man is a good lover, who can not only enjoy sex himself, but also give pleasure to his chosen one.

If he prefers to sleep on his side, buried in the sheets and curled up in a ball, then your man is not very confident in himself. His self-sufficient appearance is just a mask and reliable protection, which does not allow even the closest people to penetrate into the inner world of your chosen one. Such a person needs a strong support himself - his chosen one must have a pronounced maternal instinct, which makes her protect not only her children, but also her husband, in whom she sees another child. In love, such men mostly take, not give. They are not very good and caring fathers. They very rarely change. And yet, you should know that a service career for this type of men, as a rule, does not shine.

If your beloved sleeps on his side, as close as possible to the chosen one, face to face then he loves home comfort and comfort and feels like the center of his little universe. A man sleeping in this position is selfish and sure that his interests are above all else. Such a person will soon get bored of everything, so he needs a frequent change of scenery. This man quickly gets carried away and cools down just as quickly. Boredom and monotony push him in search of adventure, and loyalty is not his strongest trait. In love, such a person prefers to take rather than give, and as for his qualities as a husband and father, they leave much to be desired.

If a man sleeps on his side, hugging a pillow, then he is a calm, balanced, reasonable person. Failures do not frighten him, he will always find a way out even, it would seem, from the most impasse. This man usually soberly assesses his capabilities and knows for sure what he wants from life. He is an attentive and gentle lover, as well as a good husband and father.

If your chosen one likes to sleep on his side, clinging to his partner's back, then this position means that the chosen one considers himself your main protector from the unfriendly world around him. Men like him are not prone to cheating, so he can be safely called a monogamous. This man believes that only a man has a dominant role in the family, and his wife should be spared this headache. As a lover, he is not particularly good, because he thinks, first of all, about his own satisfaction, and not at all about his partner.

The one who prefers to sleep on his back, throwing his hands behind his head from time to time, satisfied with himself and life, and failures only make him stronger. He is the soul of the company, everyone loves him, he is always in the spotlight. His parents love him school teachers, a ex girlfriends still happy birthday. Such a man can be called a real darling of fate, enjoying great success with women. But be careful, because he can be taken away. In bed, he is very good, but at the same time he is somewhat prone to narcissism. Your chosen one is selfish and puts his own interests above all else. You cannot call this man a caring husband and father.

When a man prefers to sleep across the bed, (when sleeping on his back, he gradually moves and, finally, turns out to be lying across the bed) this indicates that he is a domineering person who does not tolerate compromises. He is direct and even rude. Getting along with him is not easy, although the feminine softness and ability to adapt can make your union with him quite bearable. Such a man has positive features such as taking care of a family. Such a man, once falling in love, carries this feeling through his whole life. If he and his partner did not work out, then it is likely that the second time he will not tie the knot.

Many women complain that their partners snore. This is very unpleasant, although during the day such a man can be caring and attentive. Snoring is a purely physiological problem, but if a man does not try to get rid of it, or assures that he cannot snore, it just seems to you! - then he is a terry egoist at heart. Try to record his “roulades” on a tape recorder and let them listen in the morning. I wonder what he'll say now?

If your husband rolls over when he hears your baby crying - this indicates that he wants to get away from family problems. Often the so-called good husbands"Deep down they are weighed down by" family happiness ". Small children are a difficult test, requiring increased responsibility from the head of the family. Most men during this period still fulfill their duties in relation to their wife and child, but some are not happy: they are simply not ready for the role of a father.

If your man regularly falls asleep in inappropriate places - in the office or on a park bench - then he can only play the role of a good family man or a disciplined employee, but deep down he wants to give a damn about all the rules. He is forced to adapt to the world around him and to you, but his soul is somewhere else.

Do not confuse such a "sleep" with lover to take a nap in public transport. If your partner is able to disconnect from reality to the point of missing their stop, then they're just a little distracted. But if some part of a sleeping man is awake all the time, and he will certainly wake up before the right stop, then you are dealing with a “dangerous” person. It seems to you that you can twist ropes out of him, but try to hurt him to the quick - and you will see what will happen!

Lovers of pretending to be asleep tend to lead double life, however, fear condemnation. Such a man will never admit, if you catch him that he is not really sleeping, he will definitely say: “I just woke up!” If this happens frequently, be careful!

Some men, even during sleep, remain alert. As soon as someone enters the room or says something even in a whisper in the presence of the sleeping person, he instantly wakes up.

The same thing happens if you decide to get up at night about your business ... Such people do not know how to relax and do not trust others, including you. Light sleep can be a cost of the profession - for example, your lover is a special services officer or a killer (well, this is, of course, an extreme option!) It is also possible that he is not at all who he claims to be, or he just experienced a lot ... In any case, you should pay attention to such behavior.

Finally meet men who hardly sleep. As a rule, they have a non-standard character and remarkable talents, and are ready to work day and night. They make brilliant scientists, outstanding politicians and businessmen. But for the family, alas, not the best way: such people do not belong to themselves and their loved ones. If you still decide to connect life with such a man, then it is better to arrange separate bedrooms in the house. Otherwise, you will have to exist in the same crazy rhythm as he

Some interesting facts

It turns out that men, even in their sleep, think about sex more often than women. Women have erotic dreams about five times a month, and men three times more often. If the stronger sex takes quantity, then the beautiful one takes quality, because, as research has shown, women's erotic dreams are much more refined than men's. Women are turned on by colors, tones of voice, or gestures. By the way, every fourth woman has realized her particular erotic dream.

Psychiatrists are sure that dreams can also tell a lot about a person (remember Sigmund Freud). “Each erotic dream has its own meaning,” says Michael Schroedl, a dream researcher at the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim. Anyone who knows how to correctly understand a dream is able to manage his life, the scientist believes. “It is erotic dreams that can help to understand whether we are active or passive life position. Such dreams can help unravel what desires and aspirations are hidden in our subconscious,” the scientist believes.

A little humor

And finally, a little humor about men's ways to take their place in the bed.

"Untouchable". He sleeps on a miserable 20 centimeters from the opposite edge of the double bed, absolutely straight, like a log, or on his side, as if he was about to roll down a hill. With all his appearance, he demonstrates detachment. If you touch him, he will instantly push you away in a dream and immediately wake up. And in the morning he will complain that he has not closed his eyes all night.

"Tutankhamen". He wraps himself in a blanket like in a shroud, often appropriating for himself the part assigned to you. If you try to lift at least the edge, he wakes up and grumbles with displeasure that he is cold and that you always and in everything pull the blanket over yourself.

"Zarathustra". He is absolutely calm, but he talks all the time ... in his sleep. As a rule, your sleepy happiness mutters indistinct syllables, but it happens to give out phrases that are complete in meaning. Although in dark room in bed with a lady his "Raise the sails!" or “Grandma, put some more porridge” doesn’t make sense anyway.

"Lunatic". It is very similar to Zarathustra, if he did not periodically get out of bed and perform meaningless actions. In the morning, of course, he does not remember anything.

"Pillow Lover". This one sleeps in an embrace in a pillow. Moreover, even in a dream, he hugs her with such a possessive look, as if saying: “She is mine!” Even if it is yours (it is usually lying on the floor).

"Count Dracula". In sleep, he is absolutely motionless. He sleeps on his back, without making a sound, without changing his position, arms folded on his chest. You can't wake this up even with a gun. An ideal partner if you have a light sleep, but completely unacceptable for impressionable natures.

"Goalkeeper". Moves around the bed with active movements of the goalkeeper, who has to reflect the penalty. And in the absence of a gate or any kind of net to restrain his movements, with each kick he moves you 2 inches closer to the edge of the bed.

"Tractor". The name speaks for itself: his snoring is so strong that the neighbors upstairs confuse it with an earthquake, and the visitors of the cafe opposite raise their voices to hear each other.

Well, did you recognize your chosen one in someone?

The eloquence of human postures during sleep became known thanks to such luminaries of psychology as Z. Freud, S. Dunkell, D. Carnegie. Body language, according to their research, tells about the motives hidden deep in the subconscious mind that guide people in life. The postures of the body of a person who is dreaming alone is a monologue story from which the sleeper can learn how he builds his relationship with the world. But when he shares the night and bed with another person, then the relationship that has developed between them will influence the choice of his body position in a dream.

Psychologists use coded body cues to discover causes family conflicts. A timely analysis of the positions of the couple’s bodies, the place they occupy on the bed in relation to each other, will help to identify, resolve, and even prevent possible disagreements, misunderstandings and even divorce in time. What does the position of the bodies in a dream indicate? What attitude towards herself can a woman "read" in the unconscious poses of a man?

In the arms of a loved one

Pose: The couple sleeps facing each other, their bodies intertwined with their arms and legs. He gently presses her to him, and she rests peacefully in his cozy arms.

What does it mean: The pose in which a man takes a woman “into himself” speaks of his love, desire to protect and care, and her boundless trust in this man. Most often, passionate lovers, lovers, newlyweds or spouses sleep like this, in whose relationships harmony prevails and there is a round-the-clock need to interact with each other.

In a protective hole

Posture: A man sleeps on his side with half-bent legs, a hollow forms in his abdomen. A woman is comfortably located in it, also in the “half-embryo” position.

What it means: This arrangement of bodies indicates the dominant role of a man in a relationship when he takes care of, cares for and protects his woman. Assuming this position for sleeping, she feels a sense of security, comfort and satisfaction with the relationship. Sometimes too close and domineering hugs of a man can speak of his possessive and jealous nature.

On a strong shoulder

Pose: The man lies flat on his back and with one arm embraces the woman, whose head is bowed on his shoulder.

What does it mean: Body language in this position speaks of a man’s desire to patronize, protect and possess a woman. Settling in male shoulder, she acknowledges his leadership and demonstrates trust, understanding and emotional dependency. If the couple is placed in this position, but the woman lies nearby, without touching her partner, then he is not too imbued with her need for protection and strength. The increasing distance between the bodies speaks of a growing abyss in the relationship.

Leaning on a strong back

Pose: Partners fall asleep on their side, turning around and leaning their backs on each other.

What it means: This position expresses the couple's desire to establish personal space while maintaining contact and support. Touching the back or buttocks, both the woman and the man need support. This position prevailing in the choice for sleep indicates the provision of mutual support in difficult life situations. This is how mature personalities sleep, who know how to build trusting relationship without being totally dissolved in each other.

"Escape" from relationships

Posture: A man unconsciously chooses the most unexpected positions throughout the night - from hanging off the bed to being placed at the very feet.

What does it mean: The chaotic night throwing of a man on the bed can inform a woman about his unconscious desire to “take his legs off” from an uncomfortable union. Perhaps in reality, he suppresses his negative feelings, claims and dissatisfaction with the relationship. It is difficult for him to talk about it, but his body does not know how to be silent. Such rushes across the bed happen in those families where partners are used to building relationships through pressure, manipulation, or pressure of will. If you do not correct the state of affairs in mutual understanding, the position of the bodies will turn out to be a warning signal of an imminent break.

On "settlements"

Posture: The dominant (usually male) sleeps in a "star" position, occupying almost the entire bed.

What does it mean: A man, not realizing that during a night's sleep he freely arranges his body so that a woman has to huddle on the very edge of the bed, strive to dominate everything and always. He is either an inveterate egoist, or a hopeless bachelor, or he has neither love nor even respect for his woman. Such a man will not worry too much about his partner and her comfort both at night during sleep and during the day in the process of building mutually beneficial relationships.

On distance

Posture: Spouses sleep on different "shores" of the bed, turning away from each other.

What does it mean: When partners occupy exclusively their legal part of the bed territory for a long time, it's time to turn to a psychologist. A pose at a remote distance is occupied by couples who have long lost their intimate connection in all respects and have ceased to need each other. The one from whom such an initiative came out launched a mechanism for the destruction of relations. If a man has cooled down, a woman is more likely to establish mutual understanding through a marital bed, and this is not only about sex.

Sleep positions of couples and their meaning during deep immersion in the world of dreams are believed by psychologists to help assess the relationship and true feelings of partners.

In a dream, body language cannot be deceived; during this period, people are most vulnerable and honest. Joint sleeping positions in couples often become a habit and correspond to their personal qualities and character. When they change, it means a change in the relationship between a man and a woman.

In people loving friend other rules for the position of bodies in a dream are almost always the same:

  • Proximity of bodies during sleep means deep inner relationships, a willingness to take responsibility for each other and overcome difficulties.
  • Habit turn away from each other and not to touch in a dream in any way - cooling of relations.

Poses of a couple in a dream: meaning with pictures

weave. Couples who sleep facing each other with arms and legs intertwined are considered the happiest. This pose speaks of real feelings, affection and care. In this position, lovers usually sleep at the beginning of their love saga. Also, this pose is attributed to jealous people.

high chair. The most popular position for newlyweds. Both partners lie on their side in the same direction with their legs bent. The partner lying behind (usually a man) embraces the other with one or two arms. Posture means care, attention and comfort. But psychologists believe that couples are in this position, in relation to which there is some uncertainty.

Romance. The position when a man lies on his back, and a woman presses her cheek against his chest, indicates complete trust in a partner, unity and love. This is the pose of a recent or rekindled relationship. According to experts, such a pair has excellent sexual relations in which the man dominates the partner.

bed talk. The couple lie on their sides facing each other, but do not touch. The sleeping positions of couples and their meaning in this case indicate the need for an intimate conversation or close contact. But partners are interconnected by strong relationships, which cannot be adversely affected by everyday problems or other external circumstances.

Back to back. The situation in which the partners moved away from each other and turned their backs can be regarded either as a cooling in the relationship, or as a long quarrel in which the spouses do not intend to put up.

But this position does not always indicate a negative relationship. It happens that something hurts one partner and it is not comfortable for him to lie in an embrace, or the spouses are simply looking for a comfortable position throughout the night.

Back to back side by side. Partners lie facing away from each other, but pressing their backs, legs or buttocks. The relationship in such a pair is strong, indicating that over time, passion turned into calm love. Spouses are nearby, but they are more free.

Reclaim space. If one partner has occupied almost the entire space, spreading his arms and legs, and the second is content with the edge of the bed, the reason lies in the dominance of one and the subordination of the other. Sometimes posture means rudeness and disrespect in a relationship.

On the back. People who sleep on their backs without touching each other have outlived their relationships. Love and passion are long gone, replaced by coldness and distrust. Such marriages are not happy and not lasting. Sometimes they keep only on a joint household and common children.

The poses of a couple in a dream, the meaning with pictures clearly demonstrate the content of feelings and the nature of the relationship. By the position of the bodies in a dream, you can determine the status of the lovers:

  • newlyweds;
  • lovers;
  • spouses with experience;
  • lovers meeting on the sly;
  • couples in the process of a quarrel, resentment, quarrel;
  • lovers reunited after a long separation.

The poses of spouses who have lived together for several years are more restrained than those of newlyweds. Young people cling to each other with their whole bodies, intertwine their arms and legs, embrace. Mature spouses, on the contrary, can only touch with their hands or feet, expressing the friendly relations that reign in the family.

Over the years, the increasing space between the bodies does not mean at all that something is wrong in the relationship. It's just that over time, the spouses have learned to trust each other more and the physical distance during sleep does not cause discomfort. But flashes of love and tenderness can temporarily restore the former passion, and "high chair" or "romance".

An important factor is the presence of children or animals in the room. Their intrusion prevents couples from fully relaxing, and gives the position of the bodies a little stiffness.

Sleep positions of couples and their meaning cannot fully analyze the relationship, since the correct assessment depends not only on the position of the bodies, but also on a host of other factors.

Dear friends, I propose to continue the conversation about the night body language. In this article, we will look at the most common poses while sleeping together. Their timely analysis will help to understand emerging problems and anticipate undesirable consequences.

A person's behavior during sleep reflects his true attitude to the problem and to his partner long before it is realized in daytime life.

According to Samuel Dunkell, an outstanding scientist and psychoanalyst, he can tell us such secrets about ourselves that we may not even be aware of.

And the thing is that during sleep, our subconscious dominates the sleeping mind, which means that we are open to expressing our emotions, problems, internal conflicts. This self-expression occurs through the movements of the body, namely the postures that we, free from daytime self-control, take in a dream.

The movement of the body of one person in the night theater can be called a monologue, a conversation with oneself. But if we share the "territory" of sleep with a loved one, our postures change and clearly reflect daytime relationships in a couple: satisfactions and disappointments, joys and experiences, cooling in relationships.

In this case, factors affecting the nature of postures should be taken into account: the presence of animals or children in the sleeping room, physical fatigue, resentment, quarrels or prolonged separation.

Basic sleep positions for lovers

Pose "Spoons"- the most popular and most common among newly formed couples. Partners lie in the same direction, sitting one after the other in a "half-embryo", on the same side, with legs slightly bent or extended, like spoons in a box.

The partner lying behind usually wraps his arms around the front partner, expressing his feelings of tenderness or possession. The intertwined legs speak of a desire to merge together, and laid on top - of the desire to possess and control.

The one at the back, covering the back of a partner (more often this is a man), takes the leading role of a leader in a pair, patronizing and caring for the “follower”. The closer the embrace of a man, the more pronounced his "fatherly", possessive, and sometimes jealous feelings.

Woman's back position indicates her protective or educational role in a couple, the desire to be closer to a man.

When the “spoons” (or one of them) get tired of lying in one position, they synchronously, without waking up, turn over to the other side, as if performing a graceful sleepy dance.

And although this position is more typical for newlyweds, it can also be found among spouses with experience. If you sleep in the "Spoon" position, having overcome the 5-year marital milestone, this indicates that you have maintained a tender and sensual relationship.

Pose "Hugs" quite common in couples with intensely developing relationships, which are overwhelmed by emotions. The lovers lie on their side, face to face, clasping their arms and clinging to their bodies.

Intertwined legs speak of a desire to own and a willingness to give to each other. The bodies seem to be merged together, and express extreme intimate openness.

The hug posture is extremely uncomfortable physically and difficult to maintain throughout the night. Therefore, over time, "hugs" give way to other positions in a dream. However, there are very rare exceptions.

In Samuel Dunkell's many years of practice, there was only one case when spouses who had been married for 40 years maintained a strong intimacy and slept face to face and hugged every night.

Couples who have survived a long separation, as well as during, can return to this position.

Pose "Hug on the back" has several varieties. Usually a man is located on his back, and a woman - on her stomach, back or side. She can turn her face or back to the man, her head is located on the arm or shoulder of her partner. He wraps his arms around the woman, holding her close.

In this position, a man shows his patronage, the desire to possess his beloved and protect her.

The body of a woman speaks of complete trust in a partner, recognition of him as a leader in the family, emotional dependence, she needs his care.

If the lady's arms are stretched up in an embrace, she expresses her desire to possess a partner alone.

How do we divide the territory of sleep

Usually, partners are well aware of each other's favorite positions and change theirs in such a way that both are comfortable.

If the basic poses are the same, then problems may arise on which side of the bed to sleep on, on which side, with an open view or a closed one. One of the two has to give in, sleep in the back, on the uncomfortable side and the "unloved" side of the bed.

Takes up too much space in bed man(on the stomach, back or side).

Its dominance in the territory of sleep, as well as in the living space of the family, creates difficulties for that partner who is not ready to limit himself, showing feelings of subordination or nobility.

Those who sleep in the "embryo", on the contrary, can feel quite happy when their partner controls their bed and life.

The "royal" pose causes the greatest rejection. Those who do not sleep in it often experience irritation when they see a partner sleeping in a stately position at night. His overconfidence can cause a negative reaction.

How partners drift over the years

It turns out that we, like continents, drift apart in bed during our life together. This is normal in a healthy marriage.

Each of us expresses our individuality by returning to our favorite position and moving away from our partner.

Such mutual removal is a slow process.

A pattern has been observed:

the “Hug” pose of the newlyweds is replaced after a couple of months or years by the “Spoon” pose, which gives mutual feeling security and provides greater physical comfort.

During the night, each of the partners will adopt their own individual sleeping position, but from time to time they will again approach each other.

In five years between the "spoons" the "gap" will begin to increase. In this case, bodily contact will be maintained by touching.

After 10 years, the bed space increases, it gets larger, and the partners sleep even further apart, often turning their backs or taking their preferred sleeping position, which was abandoned in the early years of marriage due to its lack of intimacy.

After 15 years together many couples come to the "Hollywood" bed:

each has its own mattress, blanket and bedding, and sometimes a separate bedroom, if the living space allows. Contact becomes very conditional.

Why does the distance during sleep continuously increase over the years?

It is important to understand that a widening "gap" in bed does not necessarily reflect an emotional gap.

A long coexistence taught partners to trust each other and not experience emotional discomfort during a physical “break” in a dream.

Emotional connection and physical connection are two different things.

As an example, you can take a crowded elevator: between people there is a maximum of physical contact, and emotional interaction - at a minimum.

In the case of long-term relationships in a couple, maximum emotional response and intimacy occurs even if the partners spend nights in different rooms.

Particularly joyful moments for both can revive for a while the former passion and romantic feelings, forcing them into “hugs” or “spoon” poses.

Touch in a dream

Moving away from each other with our bodies, we maintain emotional and physical contact with the help of hands and feet. Even with the tip of your finger you can express your feelings.

clasping hand can express the desire to possess, exactingness or aggression - the partner is literally held in the hands.

The hand is between the thighs or under the partner's arm- the need to "hang", dependence, inability to exist independently.

Timid man may be afraid of seeming too assertive and will “unintentionally” touch not with their hands, but with other parts of the body: heels, knees, toes.

Touching the buttocks allow closer, but indirect and non-targeted contact, which indicates mutual respect and independence in a couple.


Couple relationships are built on mutual love. When difficulties arise, frictions, feelings go to the bottom, the dream picture will reflect the alienation that has appeared before it manifests itself in daily relationships. The body in a dream can show all degrees of emotion - from mild irritation to open hatred if the conflict is running.

If your partner has a sudden change in behavior and sleeping position, take these changes seriously.

If in the first months or years after marriage, the partner moves to the far corner of the bed. Weakened intimacy in a dream can be a signal of an emotional split, a weakening of love and mutual care.

Normally, in the first years of a relationship, young couples should experience the highest need for physical and emotional intimacy.

The partner retired to the edge of the bed and fenced off with a hostile hunched back- a demonstration of angry denial, the partner cannot even bear the sight of another.

One of the partners slides down from the bed, as if released from the marital bed like a crab.

In the practice of S. Dunkell, there was a case: a man who liked to sleep on his stomach turned to him for advice and noticed that every morning he wakes up at the foot of the bed, hanging from it, only the upper part of the body remained in bed.

AT real life he had constant conflicts with his wife, negative feelings for her accumulated and found a way out in such unusual behavior in a dream.

Insomnia can be the result of relationship tensions. Partners do not feel secure enough. One or both will lie awake for hours, haunted by thoughts of problems.

One of the partners, accustomed to sleeping together in the “spoon” position, suddenly began to refuse an intimate position and moved to the far corner of the bed, turned his back. Such behavior speaks of problems that have arisen, alienation in a relationship.

Urgent action is needed to prevent the conflict from becoming destructive.

Analyzing sleeping postures and behaviors allows you to better understand each other's needs and emotional needs. S. Dunkell advises:

Waking up in the morning, pay attention not only to dreams, but also to the sleeping positions of the two of you, yours and your loved one, to the emotional sensations with which you woke up.

All this is the best clue to unraveling the vital important issues, as well as the surest path to self-knowledge.