Building a garage with your own hands: a step-by-step guide from scratch, how I build a garage. How to build a garage cheaply: useful tips Do-it-yourself cheap warm garage

  • 27.06.2020

Cinder block is a relatively inexpensive material with excellent performance and properties. If desired, you can build a wonderful garage from it without involving third-party workers for this. How? Let's tell now!

Preparatory activities

Self-construction of a cinder block garage begins with a number of important preparatory activities. Follow the given sequence.

Location selection

First of all, we choose a suitable place for the construction of our caravan. It is convenient when the garage is located next to the house - in bad weather you don’t have to get wet in the rain and wade through snowdrifts.

It is better that the garage is located at a minimum distance from the exit from the site. The number of turns should be minimal. It is not recommended to build a cinder block garage in a lowland, because. this threatens with flooding by atmospheric and ground waters.

Be sure to make sure that there are no communication lines in the place of the planned construction, such as:

  • plumbing;
  • power lines;
  • sewerage and heating pipes.

If the listed communications break down in the future, the presence of a garage will significantly complicate their repair.

Make sure that when building a garage on the chosen site, there will be enough space for opening the gate. It will be useful to have a free place to park the car for the time of washing and other work.

Construction site marking

Having chosen a suitable place for building a garage from, we proceed to marking the site. At this stage, you will need a small set of auxiliary tools, namely:

  • reinforcing bars or other similar devices;
  • hammer for driving rods;
  • dense thread for pulling between the pegs;
  • measuring tape.

Before proceeding with the marking work, it is necessary to accurately determine the dimensions of the future structure. At this point, focus on the following factors:

  • available free space on the site;
  • financial opportunities;
  • individual preferences and needs.

If the cinder block garage will be used as a place to store a passenger car standard size, a building with dimensions of 6x4 m and a height of 2.5-3 m is quite enough for you.

The six-meter length is due to the dimensions of the car (on average 4-5 m) with a half-meter margin for unhindered passage. The width of the machine is on average 200-250 cm. Approximately 70 cm must be left for passage, racking and storage different kind materials used in the garage.

If you wish, you can adjust the size of the building at your discretion. There are no strict restrictions and standard dimensions for cinder block garages.

cinder block calculation

Choosing a place for construction and determining optimal dimensions garage, proceed to the calculation of materials. Treat this stage of work with maximum responsibility. Due to errors at the stage of calculations, you may simply not have enough materials, or you may waste money on unnecessary blocks.

The calculation will be considered using the example of a garage with dimensions of 6x4 m and a height of 250 cm. Masonry is carried out according to the most common method for the method - in half a block. Gate dimensions - 300x230 cm.

The dimensions of one block are standardized - 39x19x18.8 cm. Based on this, 13.6 blocks will go to laying 1 m2. You will lay out the entire building from 586 elements. Usually about 5-10% of the material is added "for stock". If the design provides for the presence of additional doors and window openings, take this into account when performing the calculation.

You will also need to buy rubble stone for arranging the base, several beams made of metal or wood (in the case of a garage of the indicated dimensions, five 430 cm x beams will be enough).

Do not forget to buy for pouring the foundation or components (cement, sand and gravel) for its self-preparation.

You will also need finishing material. When choosing it, be guided by your preferences.

Buy concrete or make your own. Standard proportions:

Prices for building blocks

Building blocks

Step by step guide to building a garage

Getting Started independent construction cinder block garage.

The first stage is the foundation

We start with the arrangement of the foundation. The cinder block structure will have a relatively light weight. A shallow tape base is enough.

We dig a trench in accordance with the markup. Ideally, the depth of the structure should exceed the level of soil freezing. Most often they are deepened by 60-80, and sometimes by 100 cm. At the same stage, we prepare recesses for the cellar and, if their presence is provided for by the project.

Attached to the walls of the pit polyethylene film or roofing material for waterproofing.

We fill the bottom of the trench with a 20-30 cm layer of a mixture of crushed stone and gravel, followed by careful tamping.

We install with the expectation that the height of the finished concrete structure approximately 100 mm above ground level.

We give concrete mix freeze. According to the regulations, concrete gains strength within 28 days. On top of the frozen tape, we lay the roofing material in two layers for waterproofing.

Stage two - walls

Determine the height and length of the walls individually. The laying of blocks is carried out like a brick. The most popular ways are as follows:

  • in half a stone;
  • into stone;
  • one and a half stones;
  • into two stones.

The thickness of the masonry directly affects the resistance of the finished walls to wind loads, temperature changes, etc.

Most often, as noted, builders use the "brick" method of laying, in which the next stacked row overlaps the seams of the underlying one. First, we lay out the corners, then we stretch the ropes between them for even masonry and continue to work.

In the process of arranging walls, we adhere to the following important rules:

In the upper part of the walls we leave nests for the installation of floor beams. Recommended dimensions - 200x200x150 mm. Gaps can then be laid or blown out. The optimal nest spacing is 100 cm.

The third stage - the roof

We make the base from I-beams - this is the best option. We select the length of the elements so that it exceeds the width of the building by 250 mm.

We lay the beams across with a step of about 1 m. We fasten the beams in a suitable way, for example, using anchors.

After that, we sew the base with bars 4 cm thick. We lay the bar as tightly as possible. We put on top of the beams, on it a heater (mineral wool, slag or expanded clay), fill in 2 cm of screed and complete the “pie” with aquaizol, rubemast or other suitable material. If you wish, you can choose another finish of your choice.

Fourth stage - floor

We do at the level with the plinth. As a standard, a screed with a thickness of at least 100 mm is poured. We pre-clean the surface of debris, level it and, if necessary, fill the bottom with sand or fine gravel.

We make the screed from concrete grade M200. The material is poured continuously, slowly, in several layers. Let the concrete set and sand the surface.

To make it convenient to drive into the garage, we equip a ramp in front of the building. Be sure to make a 50-70 cm blind area around the entire perimeter of the building. It will ensure the timely removal of water from the base.

Prices for various types of screeds and self-leveling floors

Screeds and self-leveling floors

Finishing work

We choose a specific design option at our discretion, buy it or make it ourselves and install it according to the instructions that are relevant for the selected system.

Supply electricity in an accessible way (“over the air” or “underground”). Install and lighting fixtures in the right places.

We proceed to the outer and. There are no strict restrictions and specific recommendations in this regard. Walls can be rubbed cement mixture, finish with plaster or whitewash, sheathe with siding, clapboard or other similar material.

The interior design is up to you. Desk, shelving - focus on your preferences and needs. Be sure to arrange a fire corner from a fire extinguisher, a box of sand, a shovel and a bucket.

Finally, bring the necessary furniture and accessories to the garage.

Find out what your options are for self-guided in our new article.

Successful work!

Video - We build a garage with our own hands

If you want, you can take inexpensive materials and work a little on its creation. The main thing is that the structure is convenient for storing a car.

The times when brick was popular in the construction of garages has passed, now practical owners are trying to use alternative materials that help save construction time and money:

  • Decking is a beautiful-looking and practical material;
  • Wood is a reliable option;
  • Cinder block is an inexpensive durable material.

Features of the process of building a garage

Depending on which material you choose, consider the features of the technologies for working with each of them. We will describe them in more detail, talk about construction technology.

A cheap do-it-yourself garage from corrugated board is being built very quickly. To begin with, select a suitable grade of material, grades S-20 or PS with a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm are best suited. The letter C at the same time indicates the purpose of the material, this one is used in the construction of walls, the number indicates rigidity - the higher it is, the stronger the sheet.

Attention! In no case do not buy sheets of grade -8. They cost less, but performance characteristics make you want the best. Among the shortcomings are a short shelf life, poor wind resistance, freezing of walls in winter.

Necessary materials

To create a garage you will need:

  • frame elements - metal rods, corners, beams;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners for gates, other metal elements;
  • concrete and reinforcement for the plinth.

Required Tools

  • welding;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw.

Instructions for creating a garage from corrugated board

Before building a garage cheaply from this material, you need to study the technology, which consists of the following steps:

Install monolithic foundation- make a trench half a meter down, fill it with sand and fill it with water. Make wells 0.5 m deep under the racks. Attach the timber formwork, install the reinforcement, fastened with wire. Install the racks, level them, fill them with M300 concrete for two to three weeks.

Attention! Wait at least two weeks for complete drying, however quickly you would like to move on to the next step. If you continue the work earlier, the foundation will soon begin to crack, which will be more difficult to fix.

Build a metal frame - when you carefully study the drawing, you can start cutting pipes. Next, weld horizontal rods to the uprights at three points.

Attention! If you preferred wooden frame, at this stage you need to weld a special mount for the bars to the racks. Self-tapping screws are needed to secure the frame of this type.

Adjust the sheets to size, it's good if you have friends who can help with this. Attach metal sheets using self-tapping screws.

Install the gate using the elements purchased earlier - weld the frame from the corners and sheathe it with a profiled sheet.

For construction pitched roof build a frame of metal rods or wooden beams, attach lining to them.

Attention! Choose a lining based on weather conditions: the need to withstand the weight of snow, resistance to sunlight.

Wooden garages are beautiful to look at and practical to use, they are eco-friendly and easy to install. The nuances include the presence of two construction options: by installing the frame and from the block house. You can choose the one that suits you best. The first method is implemented cheaply and quickly, but the second one is more reliable.

Instructions for building a garage made of wood

The technology for building a garage from such material has the following steps:

  • Decide on the model and location - think about whether you want a garage attached to the house, or standing alone. Decide on the type of gate, methods of opening them.
  • Make a layout of the future building.
  • Prepare the site - clean and tamp the surface to make it perfectly flat.

Attention! If you don't want to see your garage skewed, take the previous point seriously.

  • Fill the foundation - dig a trench around the perimeter, install a wooden formwork. Make a pillow out of sand and gravel, alternating layers and tamping them down.

  • Install metal bars and pour M300 concrete, leave for three weeks.
  • Run the bottom trim with wood using a board 5 by 10 cm, keep an interval of about 120 cm, but no more.

Attention! Wood absorbs moisture, which can cause it to rot. Treat it with antiseptics, and then you can quickly build a garage with your own hands with minimal cost for materials.

  • You can install struts in the corners, then the garage will become more reliable.

Probably the most difficult stage is the pouring and construction of the frame. But if you have encountered this type of work before, it will not take much time and effort. Take boards about 2.5 * 10 cm thick or a standard lining. If you use wood, it must be sheathed and covered with a waterproofing film.

You yourself have seen that in time it will not take many hours. Now you can look at the price lists of materials and you will understand that it is also inexpensive.

The cinder block is different, for example:

  • shell rock;
  • blast furnace slag;
  • brick fight.

Their durability has been tested by time - they are even used to build houses in warm climatic regions, not to mention garages. To strengthen the plates themselves, manufacturers add polystyrene, perlite and various useful components to the composition.

The only drawback of the cinder block is its susceptibility to moisture. Therefore, for the area where ground water, it does not serve for a long time, it is better to choose another material there. Unfortunately, a budget cinder block cannot even be varnished like a tree.

Attention! Not only in composition, but also in structure, the following types of this material are distinguished: full-bodied - for the foundation and hollow - for walls. The entanglement usually results in the destruction of the house.

How to build a cinder block building

The technology of building a garage cheaply with your own hands from a cinder block is in many ways reminiscent of the process of building from wood:

  • clean and level the site, while you should have a plan of the future building in your hands;
  • install strip foundation, for which, to a depth and width of about half a meter, dig a trench around the perimeter, lay a brick-sand cushion, reinforcement and fill it with cement.
  • after waiting a month, build walls;
  • perform a coupler;
  • install the roof;
  • attach the gate.

Attention! The cinder block is laid in a manner identical to laying bricks, only faster. This is done using the spoon or poke method. Make the walls thicker - and the garage will last longer.

When erecting walls, corners are first made, cords are stretched between them, thanks to which the evenness of the structure is ensured.
The floor screed is made with about 10 cm concrete grade M200.

You just have to do the wiring for electricity and then finish the garage inside.


You have become familiar with the basic materials that are often used in order to inexpensively build a garage with your own hands in one month. You can choose the ones that are easiest to use or suitable for the conditions your climate region. We wish you good luck in construction, fantasy when creating interior decoration. Remember: the cost of building a garage completely covers the risk of theft of an unattended car.

Garage near the house with block house cladding

You have decided to build a house for your car, but are short of money, how to make sure that the garage is spacious, solid, and there is enough money? In the article we will tell you what material is cheaper to build a garage, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

What manufacturers offer

The building consists of the following structures:

  • Foundation.
  • Walls.
  • Roof.
  • Gates.
  • Finishing.

We will analyze each item separately, we will try to choose the most economical type of material for each construct.


A strip base is usually brought under the garage (see).

It is made from several types of material:

  1. Precast concrete blocks.

The advantages of such a foundation are in the speed of installation, strength and reliability. Of these, you can also lay out the basement in the garage or viewing hole. But the price of the blocks is quite high, in order to bring and install them, you will have to hire expensive equipment, specialists in working with a crane and installing reinforced concrete.

This option is good when there are used blocks available, a friend works on a crane and is ready to help for a nominal fee, and the owner of the construction site has the skill and experience in installation work.

  1. Concrete poured into the installed formwork with mandatory reinforcement.

In this case, you will have to spend only on cement and sand and gravel; any suitable material: used boards, shields, plywood, metal sheets, that is, everything that may be at hand. For reinforcement, you can also find used rebar, mesh or any metallic profile, pieces or trimmings that are interconnected into a single structure will fit.

You can make a concrete mixture manually or using a small (0.5 m3) mortar mixer, which one of the garage neighbors or friends will probably have. Of course, this option will take some time and effort, but, as they say, "your work does not count" if you need to save on materials and work.

  1. Brick or foam, cinder blocks.

To make such a foundation on your own, you need some experience and knowledge of brickwork, and hiring a specialist will cost a lot. In addition, the surface of blocks or bricks will require mandatory multi-layer waterproofing from moisture penetration and protection of the material from destruction.

So, based on the foregoing, we conclude that the most cost-effective foundation for a garage is a “tape” of concrete mix, made and poured with your own hands.


The garage belongs to light buildings, and this construct experiences minor loads - the roof and precipitation, so powerful, thick walls are not needed here.

If the garage is adjacent to the house, then you can save on one wall, the main thing is to correctly connect the two buildings. We will not develop this topic here, instructions for docking a garage with a house are available on any construction site.

Let's talk about inexpensive materials from which you can build walls:

Dimensions of the building (cottage, garage, bathhouse, etc.)
Wall perimeter, m
Wall height, m
Windows and doors
Entrance door, pcs.
Door width, m
Door height, m
Windows, number of pieces
Width of one window, m
Height of one window, m
Choose building material and masonry
Material type
Expanded clay blocks, masonry in 0.5 blocks, wall 20 cm.

Expanded clay blocks, masonry in 1 block, wall 40 cm.

Cinder blocks, masonry in 0.5 blocks, wall 20 cm.

Cinder blocks, masonry in 1 block, wall 40 cm.

Brick cladding, thickness 0.5 bricks or 12 cm.

Thick brick cladding, wall thickness 0.5 bricks

So, now you know how many expanded clay blocks or cinder blocks are needed for your building. Now, with the help of simple calculations on a conventional electronic calculator, you can find out the total amount of money for all the blocks needed for a cottage or garage.
But these materials are very hygroscopic, so you will have to sheathe the garage from the outside to protect against weathering, which will require additional costs.

    • Brick (see).

    A self-sufficient material that does not require additional cladding, the construction of it is durable, strong and reliable, the advantage is also the low weight and compactness of the material, but the construction will take some time, possibly longer than we would like. In addition, the cost of a brick is probably the highest in relation to others, and construction will require skill and special skills.

    • Blocks of foam, gas and slag concrete.

    Due to the dimensions of the material, the construction time is reduced, the building will be light, warm, durable, the cost of the blocks is affordable, and transportation will not be difficult. In addition, the mass of walls made of foam blocks does not require a powerful foundation, in which case you can save a little on the foundation.

    • Metal.

    From sheet steel is possible if the owner has the skills welding work, or it is possible to hire a specialist. frame garage with metal sheathing will be cheaper than brick or foam block.

    disadvantage metal garage is a high thermal conductivity, in other words, it will be very cold in it in winter, the walls will require insulation or the installation of a heater. If this factor does not matter, then best material for the construction of a garage - sheet steel.

    • Precast concrete.

    Walls made of reinforced concrete panels are quickly assembled, the work can be completed in a day. Plates are either bought (used ones are suitable, but without visible defects), or they are poured on their own. In this case, you will have to spend money on cement and sand and gravel), concrete is prepared using a small concrete mixer.

    A precast concrete garage is strong, durable, with some insulation it will be comfortable in any weather. Although installation will require the use of a crane or manipulator, if you work effectively, you can save a lot on payment.

    • Beam or board.

    A frame structure made of wood will cost quite inexpensively, but the high fire hazard of such a building makes you think about the need to build a garage from this material.

    It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question of what material is better to build a garage, and in particular walls. All the materials offered can be purchased at an affordable price, they are great for building a building, it all depends on your capabilities.

    Important! If you are familiar with the work of a bricklayer, then a brick or foam concrete garage is what you need. If you have a familiar crane operator, then it is easier to fill and mount Wall panels. And the ability to hire a welder or the ability to hold an electrode will help you make metal garage walls.


    It can be of two types: single-slope and dual-slope, we will not talk about a more complex and expensive configuration, since our question is to build a garage at minimal cost.

    The ceiling is made of hollow slabs or timber, the ceiling is hemmed with a board or plywood. For rafters, a board of at least 40 mm thick is taken, for a crate - a board of 25–30 mm (in order to save money, you can use an unedged one, but you will have to remove the wane, otherwise the wood will quickly rot).

    Such a roof will help solve the issue of insulation, the floor in the attic can be covered with slag, which is the most inexpensive and affordable insulation material. Roofing material for a gable roof can be a professional sheet or ordinary asbestos-cement slate, proven over the years, an inexpensive, practical and durable material.

    For overlapping, reinforced concrete slabs are taken, which are laid directly on the walls with a slight slope to drain rain and snow water. Here, the ceiling serves as a roof at the same time. Joints are caulked with mortar or filled mounting foam, on the surface for leveling suit cement screed 50 mm thick.

    Roofing materials for a garage with a shed roof are usually used rolled, built-up, although roofing material can be purchased from savings, but this is a rather short-lived material, prone to rapid destruction, cracking, and so on. Here it is better not to save money and buy more modern deposited materials, for example, technonikol.

    So, if you choose from these two types of roofing, it is clear that a shed will cost 10-15% cheaper.


    The most cost-effective will be ordinary metal swing gates, they are reliable, strong and perfectly perform the necessary protective functions. It is enough to paint them 2 times with paint for metal for outdoor work.


    Depending on what material the garage is built from, the interior and exterior decoration depends. Usually, no one excels when decorating a garage, but still it doesn’t hurt to do the most necessary things.

    • The brick does not require special finishing, as a rule, it is left in its original form from the outside, and from the inside the walls can simply be covered with water-based paint.
    • Block Garage Requires exterior finish, it can be a planed board, lining, siding or simple plaster - what you can afford, inside it will not be superfluous to plaster in one layer and also cover it with a water emulsion or lime.
    • A metal garage is painted with wear-resistant paint both outside and inside.


    To find out for yourself what to build a garage from at the lowest cost, you must first calculate the building materials for the garage, starting with the foundation and ending with roofing and finishing, and then choose the most affordable materials.

    Important! The estimate must include the costs of registration of the building in the relevant authorities.

    We hope that the thematic photos and videos provided by us will help you in solving this issue.

There is no exact answer to the question of what to build a garage from. Each owner of an automobile building chooses building materials that are affordable and of high quality. In our article, we will get acquainted with popular materials for the manufacture of garages, find out their advantages and disadvantages.

cinder block garage

When choosing options for arranging garage walls, you should pay attention to cinder blocks. Such products occupy the second line in value after the tree. In this regard, most of the old garage buildings are made of cinder block. According to the composition, the material under consideration can be divided into several types:

  • blocks from brick fight;
  • shell rock;
  • blast-furnace slag (differs from analogues in increased durability).

Most developers choose cinder blocks to save their budget, because such wall products are made from construction or industrial waste, which reduces their cost. Some manufacturers add polystyrene balls or perlite to its base composition to improve the heat-insulating qualities of the material.

A budget cinder block garage has many useful features, but it also has disadvantages. One of these is hygroscopicity. Such products quickly absorb moisture, which leads to the destruction of their structure. If the soil at the construction site is dry, then there will be no problems with the operation of the cinder block, such walls will serve their owner for at least 50 years. In the case when surface waters lie in close proximity to the surface of the earth, it is advisable to choose a different material for the construction of a car house. In this case, it is cheaper to build a garage from wood, because its surface can be varnished, which minimizes the impact of water. With a cinder block, such manipulations will not work.

Note! The considered building materials can be solid (used for the construction of the foundation) and hollow (used for laying load-bearing walls). The wrong choice of blocks for one purpose or another will lead to the rapid destruction of the building.

Before the construction of a cinder block garage, it is necessary to develop a project for the future construction, which indicates dimensions buildings, placement of gates, window and doorways, materials for the device of walls. Next, the required number of building products is calculated.

To build a garage with your own hands from a cinder block, you must correctly follow the sequence construction works. First, a preliminary layout and marking of the site is carried out. On pegs driven into the ground and stretched threads, they dig a foundation up to 50 centimeters deep, up to 45 centimeters wide (this dimension is selected according to the size of the wall material). At the bottom of the pit, a 5 cm layer of sand and 10 cm of gravel are covered.

At the next stage of work, formwork is made from wooden planks or sheets of plywood, the top of this structure is leveled. Next, welded reinforcing cages are mounted and laid in the formwork. At the final stage of the foundation, the trench is poured with concrete. After about 7-10 days, when the concrete hardens, they begin to install the walls of the garage according to a pre-drawn project. The laying of cinder blocks begins from the corners of the building, then the thread is pulled and the opening is filled in its direction.

After the walls are driven out, the floor in the garage is poured, the roof structure is mounted, the doors and windows are inserted, and the gates are arranged. The process of mounting a building for a car is similar for all cases. The difference is only in the materials for the construction of the walls of the garage, their design features, positive and negative qualities. Let's take a closer look at these products below.

At the moment, foam blocks are considered one of the most promising building materials. This is due to their low weight, low thermal conductivity, ease of processing and high speed of wall construction. Many do not know how to quickly build a garage, the fastest way to do this is when building enclosing structures from foam blocks, reinforced concrete slabs floors or sandwich panels. Due to the small weight of the walls, buildings for a car can be erected on a shallow foundation.

Foam blocks are cheap, about 40% less than classic red bricks. This material is lightweight, poorly transmits heat, so the optimal microclimate will be maintained in the garage (cool in summer, warm in winter). Such products are characterized by good vapor permeability, which allows you to effectively remove moist air from the room.

Such building structures have their strengths and weaknesses. A good steel garage perfectly protects the car from fires. In addition, metal structures differ high rates durability, low cost. Some owners consider this garage option to be cost-effective, because no documents are needed for the construction of the ego. In addition, metal buildings are assembled in record time.

From what it is better to build a garage, many car owners are perplexed. Construction experts recommend making such buildings out of metal, and here's why. For the device of such a garage, a massive foundation or laborious masonry work is not needed. brick walls. The building is erected on a simple foundation, in which the frame racks are fixed. Metal garages can be:

  • welded (durable, stable structures);
  • frame (such buildings can be transported from place to place).

The choice of any type of steel garage will depend on the preferences of the motorist, the life of the building, as well as its location.

Most developers do not know which garage is better, brick or reinforced concrete. More recently, buildings for cars were assembled from reinforced concrete floor slabs. Some 20-30 years ago, reinforced concrete products were available to everyone, but now it is not so easy to find them. More rational decision considered a garage built of bricks. Such a building is intended for operation in the summer, in winter the walls of the building will have to be insulated. In addition, brick garages are being built in a cooperative. Usually they are guarded, which will protect the car from the actions of intruders. Similar buildings can be made on suburban area, but in this case, the minimum thickness of the garage walls should be 1 brick 25 centimeters.

Note! Not everyone can make a brick garage with their own hands; this requires certain knowledge and skills.

Garage with sandwich panels

Garages, the walls of which are made of sandwich panels, are in high demand among motorists. Such simple buildings are considered one of the most prefabricated. The basis of the building is a solid frame made of rolled metal, which is fixed on a massive foundation.

Now we will find out what material the walls are made of. The enclosing structure here is the internal and external sheets of corrugated board, between which a heater is fixed, for example, plates mineral wool. Such structures are considered prefabricated, therefore, to build a garage, you need knowledge and skills in using a grinder and a screwdriver, and some experience in handling welding.

It will be difficult to erect walls and a roof, to make a floor in a building with your own hands. It is better to build a garage with sandwich panels using hired labor. Pay the installers and get the finished building at the exit. Every detail matters here, an incorrectly filled floor will lead to certain difficulties in installing panels.

Budget options for garages

Many developers are trying to figure out what it is possible to build a garage from, so that it costs as little as possible. the best options building materials for the construction of walls are foam and gas block, as well as cinder blocks. Under such buildings, it is necessary to pour a strip foundation around the entire perimeter of the walls. The depth of the foundation device is selected according to the amount of soil freezing (different value for different areas). The width of the base will be adjusted to the dimensions of the block, because these building materials can be laid flat - 30 centimeters or on an edge - 20 centimeters for most products.

So where's the extra savings? You can reduce financial costs on roofing materials. Instead of a profile or expensive metal tiles, it is better to use corrugated slate. Ondulin in this case is better not to use, it is not only combustible, but also not cheap. You can also save on a shed roof. Compared to a gable roof, a device of this design will go where less tree and roofing material. Significant savings can be achieved by attaching a garage to the wall of another building, such as a residential building.

What is better to build a cheap and warm garage with your own hands, what are there for this budget options? Modern manufacturers provide customers with a huge range of building materials. If you want to build cheap personal plot inexpensive but reliable garage, then you can build it on your own from the following materials:

  1. corrugated board;
  2. tree;
  3. metal;
  4. sandwich panels;
  5. bricks;
  6. foam, gas, cinder blocks.

Some materials differ in operational terms of assembly, others have a longer service life. Depending on the selected materials, the foundation for the building is selected.

ATTENTION: For capital buildings a solid foundation should be made, and for lightweight collapsible structures, simpler foundations are suitable.

Constructions from foam, gas blocks

If you opt for foam block or aerated concrete, then these materials are in special demand. The advantages of this construction technology include:

  • as soon as possible;
  • affordable cost for materials;
  • the ability to build a garage on your own;
  • good features.

For the construction of garages from various modern blocks, you do not need to have much experience in the construction industry. These materials are large, which shortens the construction process. These materials are relatively light in weight.

They are easily machined with hand or power tools.. As a result, you will get a solid and solid garage, at an affordable cost and in a timely manner. Due to the low thermal conductivity of materials, it is not necessary to additionally insulate the walls.

Any construction begins with design. At this stage, the calculation necessary materials, the foundation is selected, the thickness of the walls, the roof option, and the like are selected. Having a project will greatly speed up the process of building a garage.

For this type of construction, it can be limited to laying a monolithic, strip or pile-strip foundation. If you build a garage from foam or gas blocks, then a wall thickness of 20 cm will be enough.

ADVICE: For this, it is worth choosing building blocks with a width of 20 cm. If you lay them lengthwise along the walls, you will save consumables and spend less time on construction work.

Room from corrugated board

The professional flooring possesses fine technical qualities. This material is different:

  1. resistance to corrosion;
  2. fast construction time;
  3. durability;
  4. aesthetics.

When choosing a material for building a garage, give preference to a bearing corrugated board. It is marked with the letter "H", and is resistant to mechanical stress and damage.

To build a garage from corrugated board, it is enough to make a strip foundation
. It is characterized by low cost and operational laying time. Such a construction can be done within a few days, without resorting to the help of specialists.

But keep in mind that the strip foundation will harden for about 5-7 days. As for the choice of material thickness, for a garage, a material with a thickness of 0, 4 and up to 1 mm would be an excellent option. But it is best to take the thickness of the corrugated board for walls - 0.6-0.7 mm.

IMPORTANT: The corrugated board has a high thermal conductivity. V summer time years, its walls will be very hot in direct sunlight. To solve the problem, it is necessary to make high-quality thermal insulation.

wooden structure

The advantages of building from natural wood include:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • efficiency.

The tree must be processed by special means improving fire resistance. This material is easy and pleasant to work with. natural wood allows you to create structures of any complexity, size and architectural designs.

For such a building, you can choose a monolithic foundation in the form of a slab. After laying the foundation, you can start forcing the walls. The forcing of the walls begins with the lower strapping around the entire perimeter.

For this, bars measuring 10 by 10 cm are used.

Building from sandwich panels

As for the construction of a garage from sandwich panels, this method belongs to prefabricated ones. Assemble a garage if available the right materials possible within one or two days.

At the heart of such a building will be a metal frame on which sandwich panels are attached. The main advantages of such construction are:

In the process of assembling a garage from sandwich panels, you will need to work with a welding machine. If you do not have skills in this area, invite a good welder to help.

A garage made of sandwich panels will not need additional thermal insulation. Since it is already sold with various heaters inside.

ATTENTION: When choosing sandwich panels, give preference to steel sheets. They are more resistant to negative factors and aggressive influences.

Such a garage will not require additional finishing either outside or inside. The presence of a wide colors, will give you the opportunity to choose exactly the material design that fits perfectly into your landscape design.

Despite numerous positive traits sandwich panels, you will not be able to place heavy shelves or racks on the walls. To prevent the building from freezing in winter, it is necessary to carefully monitor the sealing of its joints.

Ready-made kits are on sale, consisting of:

  • frame;
  • cladding panels;
  • roofing;
  • fasteners.

Two people are enough to assemble such a structure. The thickness of the sandwich panels can be any. It varies from 50 to 20 mm.

When choosing fasteners, it is worth considering the thickness of the walls, since the screws must be screwed into it by at least 3.5 cm.

Watch a video about building a garage from sandwich panels:

metal garage

As for the construction of a metal garage, such a building will delight the owners:

  1. affordable cost;
  2. fairly fast assembly time;
  3. light weight construction;
  4. mobility (if necessary, the building can be dismantled or moved to another location)
  5. durability.

The construction of a metal garage will take no more than a month of work. It does not require a strong foundation and will cost you several times cheaper than brick construction.

For Assembly metal structure you can limit yourself to a strip or slab foundation. For the construction of a reliable and durable building, it is worth choosing sheet iron with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm.

The metal garage cools down a lot in winter and heats up in summer. To solve this problem, it is necessary to make a heat-insulating layer.

Brick and concrete pavilion

The most trusted and in a reliable way, brick buildings have been considered for many years. Of course, building a garage from this material has its own positive points, such as the:

  • durability;
  • resistance to negative factors;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation.

But, also a brick garage has its drawbacks, for example:

  1. very long construction period;
  2. high cost for the material;
  3. the need for a strong foundation.

Building a brick garage is inexpensive, it will not work in any way. The brick itself has a fairly high cost. And if you can't do brickwork, then pay the specialist the same amount for the work as for all the material for construction.

In addition, such a building turns out to be heavy in weight and requires a capital foundation.. And this is an additional considerable financial cost, and a long construction period.

If your plans are to build a garage with high quality, quickly and inexpensively, then this option will not suit you. It is best to choose any of the above materials.

As for concrete buildings, they are also distinguished by high performance, heat and sound insulation, strength and reliability. But such a building will take too much time to build and will be quite expensive.

Roof options

The choice of roofing for a garage directly depends on whether the room will be heated in winter time year or not. Roof types are divided into:

  • flat;
  • lean-to;
  • gable.

ADVICE: When installing a flat roof, it will be necessary to pour concrete base or use special plates. A shed roof is in great demand among those who build a garage on their own.

But if you decide to do gable roof, then here you will have to stock up on a large number Supplies, free time, and it is necessary to have little skill in carrying out such a number of tasks.

Flat roof needs insulation concrete slab. When installing a shed roof, a layer of thermal insulation is laid between the rafters. A gable roof is insulated according to the principle of a single-pitched roof, or you can put a heater in the horizontal ceiling of the room.

After you have decided on the type of roof, it is worth choosing and roofing materials. The most popular and widespread are:

  1. slate;
  2. ruberoid;
  3. metal tile;
  4. corrugated board;
  5. bituminous tiles.

When choosing roofing materials, start from your personal wishes and preferences, from the features of the structure, and from your financial capabilities.

The choice of the type of roof takes place at the design stage of the building. Depending on the chosen type of roof, a suitable type of foundation is also selected.

Watch a video about the types of roofing materials:


Summing up, it can be noted that each of the above construction material has its own characteristics. As for the inexpensive option construction, then this is the construction of a garage from a foam block, cinder block, corrugated board or sandwich panels.

Which option to choose, you must decide for yourself. The main thing is that the building you have built fully meets your wishes, is easy to use and protects your car from various negative factors as much as possible.