Do-it-yourself wooden swing gates. Step-by-step production of wooden swing gates Do-it-yourself wooden gate frame

  • 27.06.2020

If the site is fenced natural wood, then it is better to equip it with wooden gates. This article will discuss how to build a wooden gate with your own hands.

What will be required in the work

When making a gate, you will need the following tools:

  • wrench;
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • brush;
  • electric drill with drills o3 mm and o10 mm;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw;
  • square;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • woodworking machine;
  • screwdriver

In addition, you will need materials such as:

  • self-tapping screws (ordinary and with screw thread);
  • sandpaper;
  • protective coating for wood;
  • acetone;
  • bars 7x5 cm;
  • two bars 5x5 cm;
  • four garage loops;
  • board 2.5x10 cm.

Now, after preparing everything you need, you can get to work.

Stage 1. Installation of poles

The gate structure will be attached to the pillars. They need to be installed correctly, with the most rigid and reliable fasteners. Even the slightest sagging is unacceptable.

Important! Attention must also be paid to the perpendicularity of the pillars relative to the ground, otherwise the geometric shape of the gate will be violated. When making calculations, you need to remember that each pillar must be laid in half a brick, and this width should also be taken into account during work.

Step 1. First, the place for installation is cleared and the places for the pits are determined. For digging, you can use a bayonet shovel or a small drill. The depth of each pit should be at least 1 m, and the diameter should be made 10 cm larger than the diameter of the column (this gap will be filled with concrete mortar).

Step 2. Pipes of the appropriate length are cut with a grinder, which are inserted into the holes made. The gaps are filled with rubble, after which the verticality of each column is checked with a plumb line. If necessary, the position is corrected. The rubble is rammed.

Step 3. A liquid solution of "three hundredth" cement and sand is mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. First, the dry mixture is mixed, then water is gradually added. After the solution has been brought to the desired consistency, crushed stone is poured over it and they are waiting for complete drying.

Important! You can pour a little into the solution washing powder- this will prevent subsidence and, as a result, greatly simplify the laying.

When laying, each seam of the bottom row must overlap with the top one so that the ordering is extremely strong. In this case, do not forget about the correctness of the angles, for which you can use the same plumb line.

To improve the aesthetics and drainage characteristics of the structure, each column should end with a cap. Such caps can be bought ready-made or cut from a sheet of galvanized steel.

Step 5. After complete drying, the rows of bricks are embroidered.

Stage 2. Making sashes

One of the options for assembling and sheathing the frame of the gate leaves
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Step 1. First, the bars are processed. From them you need to make blanks of the required dimensions. So, for a standard double-leaf gate, you will need:

  • two horizontal bars (lower and upper)
  • two vertical;
  • two for the center jumper.

Step 2. After trimming the blanks, their surface is processed with a planer or woodworking machine.

Stage 3. Frame construction

The assembly is carried out with a one-sided spike "on the mustache".

Step 1. A pair of holes is drilled at each joint, into which screws are screwed or dowels from dried wood are inserted. The latter for reliability can be pre-coated with epoxy glue.

The use of dowels / self-tapping screws is necessary to increase the rigidity of the joints.

Step 2. An additional jumper is equipped in the center of the frame, to which the structure's sheathing will be attached.

Step 3. A jib is installed in each corner. For this, bars 30-40 cm long are used, the ends of which are cut at an angle of 45?. When attaching the jibs to the bars, self-tapping screws are used.

Important! If the gate is, say, 2 m high, then the frame should be calculated in such a way that the boards protrude approximately 20-25 cm. Based on this, you need to make the frame 1.5-1.6 m high.

Stage 4. Structural sheathing

Step 1. Boards are cut to required size, after which they are chipped on both sides until a thickness of 20 cm is reached. The ends are processed in the same way.

Step 2. The boards are fastened with screws to the frame. You can arrange the boards both back to back and with a small step - it all depends on personal preferences.

Important! If it was decided to leave small gaps between the boards, then for this you can use a template - wooden lath, the length of which will be equal to the length of the boards for sheathing. In this case, the thickness of the template will correspond to the step with which it is planned to fasten the boards.

Step 3. After fastening, the upper part of the boards is cut in a straight line, the cut points are carefully cleaned with sandpaper.

Stage 5. Installing the gate

Step 1. First, hinges are attached to the sashes, in parallel, “grouses” are screwed into the bars with self-tapping screws. The sashes are also attached to the pillars with "grouses".

Important! Before attaching the "capercaillie" you need to drill in the appropriate places a few centimeters deep. The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the capercaillie thread. Such a simple move will greatly facilitate the screwing of the screws.

Step 2. The distance from the bottom edge to the ground should be at least 5 cm. This can be explained by the fact that in the future it is possible to install a new pavement, and with such a gap, no reinstallation will have to be done.

Step 3. To fix the closed doors, a metal pin or padlock is installed. The coating is applied after installation.

Stage 6. Covering the structure

The finished gate must be properly processed, which will require varnish and a primer.

Important! When buying varnish, you need to ensure that it is intended specifically for outdoor use. In addition, you should be aware of maximum temperature its operation.

Step 1. The surface is polished sandpaper or a grinder with a special nozzle. All discovered “shells” are sealed with a special putty on wood, and after drying, the structure is re-sanded.

First, coarse-grained sandpaper is used, and after polishing, fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 2. The tree is toned. So the texture and the desired shade will appear. After the tinting has dried, the surface is polished again (with paper with a “hundredth” grain size).

Important! It is imperative to apply a primer, otherwise some sections of the gate will not be painted over, bubbles and waves will form.

Step 3. Following the primer, the first coat of varnish is applied. Drying time should be indicated in the instructions. After this time, a second layer is applied.

Often the gates are decorated with iron forging - so the product has a rich look. If you plan to use such forging, then this should be taken care of even before painting and grinding. At the same time, the tree is covered with thin tin for protection against damage during operation.

For better tightness, after applying the second layer of varnish, the joints between wood and metal are treated with sealant. Indeed, sometimes it is impossible to achieve a snug fit, and such measures will prevent the penetration of moisture through these holes.

Everything, the wooden gates are ready, it remains only to equip them with a wooden gate.

Video - Homemade wooden gates

wooden gate

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need, otherwise the lack of one or another material can stop the process, which is highly undesirable.

So, in the work you will need:

  • hammer;
  • mounting level;
  • hacksaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil;
  • rope;
  • plane;
  • electric drill;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • boards, picket fence;
  • iron corners;
  • wood screws;
  • fittings - hinges, handle, latch.

Wickets manufacturing technology

Step 1. First, the distance between the supports is determined. If you do it right, the gate will work smoothly. Supports can be wooden poles or metal pipes(as described above).

The distance between the supports is fixed with a piece of wire laid on the ground and fastened with something.

Step 2 Support posts are installed. The technology is no different from that of wooden gates.

Step 3. Next, the door is made. To do this, four boards are connected at an angle of 90? metal corners. Then hinges are attached to the finished frame, after which it is checked for entry into the opening. If the result is positive, the frame is sewn up with a picket fence. From above, the gate is cut off with a jigsaw in a straight line (it can also be in the form of waves, zigzags, etc.). The lock and the door handle are the last to hit.

Step 4. At the final stage, the gate is hung on hinges, after which it is checked whether the door closes/opens freely. To fix the gate in the closed position, a piece of rubber can be nailed to the end.

The wooden gate is ready for use.

Video - Beautiful ideas for wooden gates

As a conclusion

As you can see, for the manufacture of wooden gates or gates, certain knowledge and skills in woodworking will still be required. Therefore, if neither one nor the other is available, it is better not to spare money and contact a specialist. The gate is the face of the house.

But with a firm intention to do everything with your own hands, it remains only to wish good luck and the masses creative ideas. With one more possible option- sliding gates made of wood - you can see when watching a thematic video.

Video - Wooden sliding gates

Even with today's abundance of the most diverse building materials many home craftsmen make wooden gates with their own hands. Their love for wood is understandable. Hardly any modern material will surpass it in beauty and ability to enliven the appearance of any design. Of course, wooden products are not without drawbacks, including:

  • high fire hazard;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • relatively short service life;
  • low surface strength;
  • big mass.

In addition, wooden gates need frequent maintenance (for example, painting). Nevertheless, there are many tools that relieve wood from most of its shortcomings. These include:

  • flame retardants;
  • antiseptic impregnations;
  • various paint finishes.

Don't forget about right choice wood for building gates. Coniferous trees are most suitable for this purpose, but the best performance larch has moisture resistance and strength. At the same time, its wood is also the heaviest, so larch structures, gate frames and support pillars must be especially strong. A cheap alternative to it is pine. It is less durable, but much lighter than dense larch.

Once upon a time, wooden gates were made practically without the use of other materials. Even logs dug into the ground were used as poles. Only awnings, nails, or some decorative elements. And today, forged parts are in demand, but it no longer makes sense to install wooden poles. Instead, it is more expedient to put steel or brick. In extreme cases, pipe supports can be masked with wooden linings, but they will only perform a design function.

Wooden gate on a metal frame

Do-it-yourself sash frames and wickets for gates made of wood can be made from both wood and metal profiles.

Figure 1. Drawing of a wooden gate.

What the combined design looks like is shown in the diagram (Fig. 1). First, we will make such a structure, such a project is the easiest to implement, especially for a person who knows how to handle a welding machine.

For the construction of the gate, you can use the presented scheme. You may need to make some changes to it regarding the height of the structure and the width of the wings. It is necessary to start work with measurements and drawing up a drawing not only in order to perform it qualitatively, but also to purchase the required amount of consumables:

  • profile pipes 80 x 80 mm for poles;
  • profile pipes 40 x 40 (40 x 20) mm for sash frames and jibs;
  • boards 100 x 25 mm for sheathing the door leaf and wicket;
  • ball loops with a cross section of at least 25 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for metal;
  • lock fittings;
  • steel plates for plugs on the ends of the pillars;
  • cement, sand and gravel;
  • various impregnations for processing metal and wood.

You will also need:

  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • jigsaw (hacksaw, circular saw);
  • drill driver;
  • square;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • shovel or drill.

Mark the locations for the supports and dig or drill holes. The diameter of the pits must be at least 20 cm larger than the cross section of the pipes. The pillars must be dug into the ground by at least 1/3 of the length. A pillow of sand and gravel is poured into the pits. Its thickness is 10-15 cm. The bedding is rammed and soaked with water. Pillars are installed in the pits, but before digging them in, you should:

  • plug at the ends (the bottom plug must be larger than the pipe section);
  • remove rust;
  • treat with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • cover the bottom third of the post bituminous mastic.

Supports are installed on the level or plumb. Reinforcement is laid in the pits and concrete is poured. While it hardens, gate frames and wickets are made.

Making and hanging sashes

The ends of the profile pipes are cut at a right angle or an angle of 45 °. Racks and horizontal lintels are assembled together on a flat surface. The square checks how correctly the sashes are assembled (more precisely, the assembly quality is checked with a tape measure, which measures the diagonals of the structure). The vertical and horizontal frame elements are finally welded. The jibs are cut out and also welded to the frames. The installation of shutters and gates is carried out only 2 weeks after pouring the foundation pits under the supports with concrete.

Gate open position limiter: 1 - post, 2 - latch, 3 - leaf frame.

Before hanging the hinges, all frames should be securely fixed between the posts. After that, the places for installing canopies are marked. Then they are welded to the supports and frames. Locking fittings are mounted on the sashes and the gate. All structures are cleaned of burrs, scale, rust and covered with an anti-corrosion compound, primer and paint.

Now the frames remain to be sheathed with planed boards. You should know that it will not work to make a wooden gate with high quality if the wood is not pre-dried in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight (the drying time of the boards is 1.5-2 weeks). After drying and trimming to size, the lining is successively impregnated with an antiseptic and flame retardant.

Before screwing the fasteners, holes are made in the boards. After screwing in the screws, they are treated with an antiseptic. Boards do not need to be stacked close to each other. Leave a small gap between them to compensate for the expansion. An equal gap between the skin elements will be obtained if strips of the same thickness are laid between them. After its installation, the wood is covered with paint or varnish.

The shape of the gate sheathing does not have to be rectangular at all. In addition, boards can be placed inside a steel frame made of corrugated pipes or corners. The supporting pillars can be lined with bricks. In this case, mortgages are welded to them, to which hinges will be attached when the gate is installed. Under the brick pillars, you need to build a foundation, and the cavity inside the masonry is filled with concrete.

wood frame

Building wooden gates with your own hands, in which not only sheathing, but also frame elements are cut out of wood, is somewhat more difficult than combined ones. In this work, the main thing is to ensure the maximum accuracy of measuring parts. Shortcomings in their processing are immediately evident, and it is very difficult to eliminate them.

Scheme of the corner connection of the gate frame with a hinge: a - gusset frames of wooden gates, b - hinged on reinforced concrete pillars, 1 - reinforced concrete pillar, 2 - sash frame, 3 - barn hinge, 4 - overlay, 5 - slab, 6 - nails.

It is quite difficult to ensure sufficient rigidity of the structure of beams and boards. The connection of the crossbeams and the racks of the sashes must be carried out in a tenon-groove. Spikes are arranged on horizontal elements, and grooves - on vertical ones. Additionally, the frames are reinforced with jibs and central crossbars.

  1. For racks, jumpers and the central crossbar, you need to use a bar with a section of at least 50 x 70 mm.
  2. Bars 50 x 50 mm will go to the jibs.
  3. For sheathing boards 100 x 25 mm are used.

Installation of wooden gates is carried out after:

  • digging in pillars;
  • planing of wood;
  • sawing it into blanks;
  • frame assembly;
  • clapboard lining;
  • hinge installation.

After planing and sawing, all blanks are treated with an antiseptic and flame retardant. Joints in the tenon-groove must be fixed with dowels. To do this, holes are drilled through the thorns-grooves in the wings, wooden rods of a larger section are hammered into them. Additionally, at the points of adhesion of the frame elements in advance drilled holes screws are screwed in. The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the cross section of the fastener. Before the final tightening of the elements, the frame is checked for squareness (the verification method is described above). If necessary, it is restored by lightly tapping on the end parts of the frame with a mallet.

After assembling the racks and crossbars, the jibs are attached to the frame. They go from the corner parts of the frame to the central crossbar. Marking before trimming the jibs is best done by attaching the bars to the assembled frame. The corner parts of the bars will be cut in the shape of the letter "L", and the ends at the crossbars will be cut at an angle of 45 °. The boards are attached to the doors with self-tapping screws. Hinges are screwed to the horizontal bars. Now the gates are hung on poles.

If you decide that the gate supports should also be wooden, install larch or oak beams. In addition to treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant, the part of the pillars immersed in the ground must be coated with melted bitumen.

Do-it-yourself wooden gates are not only an excellent protection for your site, but also an element decorative design. Such a malleable and inexpensive material, like wood, is perfect for hand-made creation. swing gate, which will become a harmonious addition to the entire fence.

Usually, expensive valuable wood is not used for the manufacture of gates; it is successfully replaced by larch, which is resistant to decay and moisture. At the same time, the gate frame can also be made of wood or replaced with a more durable metal one, because despite all the advantages of wood, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • service life is not long;
  • mechanical strength - insufficient;
  • flammability is high.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to make high-quality wooden gates with your own hands, taking into account all negative qualities material.

Video - do-it-yourself wooden gates, design options

We will prepare everything necessary for the manufacture of the gate

Consider what materials and tools will be needed for the manufacture of swing gates with a wicket, which will be installed on wooden pillars.

Before purchasing lumber, you should decide on the height of the gate (at least 120 cm), the size of the gate and take into account that reliable pillars are buried 1 meter into the ground.

From lumber you will need:

  • slats or picket fence with a cross section of more than 20x40 mm for sheathing the frame;
  • bars with a section of at least 40x40 mm for the manufacture of the frame of the gate;
  • round or square timber with a diameter or edge width of at least 100 mm for gate supports (it is better to opt for oak beams, as the most durable).

For wood processing must be purchased in advance blowtorch for processing the recessed part of the pillars, a brush and an antiseptic solution for impregnating all wooden elements.

A number of the following will also come in handy tools for woodworking, assembling and installing gates:

  • electric jigsaw or wood saw;
  • planer (if lumber requires processing);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • a rasp to prevent the appearance of splinters at the ends;
  • garden drill (Ø30 cm), scrap and plumb lines to dig holes for support pillars;
  • container for mixing concrete and dry ingredients for the mixture (cement, crushed stone and sand);
  • pencil, tape measure, level, square.

Of the metal elements you will need:

  • heck, loops for the gate;
  • two canopies for the gate;
  • loops for a padlock (if necessary, for locking the gate from the outside).

Curly loop - arrow

Calculations and project

Before installing the supports, take all measurements on the ground, determining not only the height, but also the length of the gate (each leaf), the distance between the supports and the location of the gate. Draw on paper a diagram of the future gate, indicating all sizes.

We install supports for swing gates with our own hands

Note! If you want the gate to stand for more than a dozen years, then replace wooden poles concrete, brick or metal.

Before installation, wooden poles must be impregnated with an antiseptic to prolong their service life. Additionally underground part pillars can be treated with bituminous mastic or resin.

Do not forget to prepare the site for the installation of the gate by removing large stones, loosening hard clods of earth and leveling the ground as much as possible. If necessary, mark the location of the supports on the ground using a cord stretched between the pegs.

To securely fix the supports, it is necessary to drill holes with a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters. The distance between the posts should be slightly greater than the length of the gate leaves. We pour a layer of sand at the bottom of each hole, pour it with water and tamp. We install poles in the pits - they must rise above the ground strictly to the same height (correctness is checked by a hydraulic level and a stretched cord). We check the verticality of the supports with a plumb line. We produce backfill a layer of crushed stone and pour the prepared concrete solution into the pit (sand - 2 parts, cement - 1 part).

Note! It is impossible to cope with such hard work alone. Invite assistants to simultaneously hold the posts vertically and perform concreting.

Hanging the gate leaves is possible only after the concrete has completely dried.

We assemble the gate leaves and the gate

Swing gates consist of one or two leaves and a gate, which can be located on the side of the gate leaves or be part of one of the leaves. In accordance with the developed plan and personal wishes for the dimensions of the gate, a frame should be made.

For the frame of the wings, you will need to cut out pieces of timber of the required length with an electric jigsaw. To fasten a wooden quadrangular frame should be wooden dowels, drilling holes in the ends of the bars and inserting dowels treated with epoxy glue. When the frame frame is ready, it is necessary to fix wooden blocks with self-tapping screws (galvanized) - jumpers that will strengthen the structure. The jumper can be located diagonally (in the form of the letter “z”), or you can use a horizontal jumper in the center of the frame, supplementing it with “jibs” from above and below.

For convenience, the frame is assembled on the ground, after which sheathing is made.

Do-it-yourself wooden gate sheathing

Sheathing the frame of wooden gates can be done using slats, boards or a picket fence. Everything wooden elements fastened with screws. Lots of mounting options. For example, you can sheathe the frame of the gate with a picket fence, placing it vertically, without gaps.

Another option for sheathing is to fasten the boards diagonally with a clearance. In this case, the boards are fastened on both sides of the frame with a small gap so that visually the structure becomes similar to a decorative lattice. In order for the distance between the boards to be the same, it is worth using a template, the thickness of which depends on the size of the planned clearance.

How to fix the sheathing, your imagination and desire to work on the beauty of the gate will tell you.

Gate leaf installation

Sheathed gate leaves can only be hung on supports. In this case, the distance from the soil to the lower edge of the valves should be more than 5 centimeters. Otherwise, snow cover or ice crust will prevent the gate from opening and closing.

We take the lancet hinges and fasten them tightly with self-tapping screws to the pillars-supports and swing doors of wooden gates. Pay attention to the adjustment. It is desirable that in calm weather the gates do not swing open and do not close by themselves. For convenience, use a level that will help you hang the doors correctly.

It remains only to attach the latch, bolt loops and varnish the excellent result of the work.

Video - do-it-yourself wooden gate

Is it possible to make a wooden gate with your own hands, if you have no experience with wood at all? In fact, the basic design of any gate is clear and simple - we will tell you everything key points and simple tricks in this interesting business.

To begin with, we use a minimum of materials and keep the gate as simple as possible. In this basic version, they can already be used in the country. But it is assumed that in general, you will increase the finish of the gate, and thus create a more interesting appearance.

Well, let's get started!

How to make a wooden gate with your own hands. Basic design.

For each sash, we need two blanks with an end cut at an angle.

We will also need a timber of the same size with straight spikes at both ends. In the above blanks, we will later make grooves.

How to make a spike

The connection with a straight spike and groove significantly increases the rigidity and strength of the structure. It also allows you to increase the bonding area, which also has a positive effect on the strength of the product. It is not difficult to make this connection, but accuracy is needed. Mark the workpiece with a pencil and make cuts at a distance of 5-6 mm from each other.

Then remove the excess wood with a chisel.

Repeat this procedure on the other side and the spike is ready.

How to cut a groove

Again, the main thing here is accuracy, so start with markup. Then drill a groove.

If you do not have a machine, then the same work can be done with a drill bit and a conventional drill.

Remove excess wood with a chisel, and check that the groove is the same depth along the entire length. If necessary, trim its depth with a chisel. We need three such grooves on each of the two blanks.

The upper crossbar for the sash will be the blank on which we made the spikes. The other two crossbars are ordinary boards inserted into the grooves. But we also need to make sure the sash is rigid so that it doesn't warp under its own weight, so we'll add a diagonal. But for it you need to make a cut on our workpiece with spikes. For this, we assembled the sash - to mark the workpiece.

Now the work on the blanks is fully completed, and we can finally assemble the sash.

All connections should be glued and fastened with screws.

And the joints in the groove can be further tightened with bolts.

Drill through holes so that they pass through the spike. This will give the gate even more strength and extend its life.

Repeat the whole process from the very beginning for the second sash, and all the hard work in this project will be over!

We also sawed off the sharp ends of our vertical supports a bit, for purely aesthetic reasons.

How to install swing wooden gates with your own hands.

Since we already have concrete posts installed, we settled on these hinges - it is convenient to attach them to any surface.

It remains to make a constipation for the gate from a metal plate.

That's it, our gates are ready.

So, we got acquainted with the basic design of the gate.

Wooden gates - design options.

Knowing how to work with the simplest design, with minimal additions, we can make almost any other options for wooden gates.

A simple sheathing with a chain-link mesh will make the gate as practical and cheap as possible at the same time. This is a great option when you need to fence a large area.

Most men who own private land pay great attention to the arrangement of their home.

Such people prefer to do many household things with their own hands. One of these useful products are garage or yard gates.

The most economical, simple and practical option is to make wooden ones.

Wood is the best material in terms of price, which lends itself well to processing and correct use won't last one year.

Its main advantages are:

  • Popularity and low cost. You can buy boards and wooden beams of the right size of certain varieties at any construction market or store. The price compared to various modern metal materials will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Ease of processing. You can easily prepare the material for your gate with your own hands the best way. Wood, unlike metal, can be corrected even with the simplest hand tools from your home workshop. For processing metal products more serious devices are most often used, such as an electric hacksaw and grinders.
  • Reliability and practicality. At proper care wooden gates can serve you for many years. Unlike metal, wood does not rust, but it can wear out over time. Therefore, treat the product as often as possible with special strengthening liquids and tint the right places. From a practical point of view, if any side of the door leaf is damaged, you can replace it with new boards at any time.

Depending on your preferences and needs, you can make your own different types gate. For a garage, you can build sliding doors made of wood or choose a model with a lifting mechanism.

However, the most versatile option is swing gates. The design of this wooden product so simple that even a person who does not have professional building skills can handle it.

Most importantly, when independent work take into account some important nuances, above all, to take accurate measurements and prepare the material in a special way.

Preparing everything you need for work

Before collecting tools and the right materials you will need to draw up a drawing of the future gate and carry out high-quality measurements of the place for their installation. After going through these two important stages, you will be able to understand how to make a wooden gate yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

If you want to build your own garage door, measure your entryway, and when it comes to your yard, set the exact length between the two ends of the fence.

Now you can start sketching. For convenience, use some ready-made standard drawing, the most understandable and common is presented below.

Based on this image, you will only need to substitute your numerical data. Having made a detailed sketch, it will be easier for you to navigate by the number of necessary components.

To create a product with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden bars with a diameter of at least 5x5 cm or metal pipes, profiles with a diameter of about 5 cm;
  • wooden boards 10 cm wide, 2.5 cm thick;
  • metal loops;
  • electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • wood saw;
  • measuring instruments in the form of tape measure, meter, building level and corner;
  • electric or mechanical drill with a set of drills;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • sanding paper;
  • ground liquid;
  • welding machine (if necessary);
  • dowel or anchor;
  • oil paint or varnish for wood;
  • brushes.

If you are doing courtyards, special support poles should be provided. If there are no such supports, you can make them yourself. To do this, you will need two oak beams or metal pipes with a diameter of about 15 cm.

Cut them to the desired length. Then dig two holes at a predetermined distance, their depth should be about 1 meter, and the diameter is 15 cm larger than the section of the racks. The rule applies here, the deeper the supports are, the stronger and more stable the whole structure will be.

For greater strength, pour a little crushed stone into the recesses and tamp the bottom.

If you are using wooden beams to prevent the process of decay, treat the part that will be underground with special bituminous mastic or liquid resin.

After that, install the supports, fix the vertical in level and fill the holes with rubble. It will be best if you concrete them cement mortar. Also for greater reliability and improvement appearance you can overlay the finished supports with bricks.

Getting Started with Gates

Having prepared all the necessary elements, you can begin to manufacture the gate itself. If you are making wood for the garage, you will need to assemble the frame yourself. To do this, in accordance with the measurements of the entrance opening, cut the wooden beams to the required volumes and lay them out on flat surface to make a square or rectangle.

Check the evenness of the diagonals and reinforce the corners with metal corners and self-tapping screws. You can also use metal pipes or angular profiles as a frame, only you need a welding machine to fix them. We fix the finished frame in the opening with large dowels or anchors.

  • Now you need to design with your own hands the frame of the wings of the future gate. To do this, saw the wooden beams into pieces. the right sizes, process the surface with a planer and lay them out on the plain in accordance with the drawing. Please note that the front side of the gate should protrude 15 cm beyond the frame part. To protect it from the external environment, cover the wood parts with an antiseptic liquid.
  • Check if all diagonals are equal, fix the joints with self-tapping screws or make holes with an electric drill and insert dowels into them, which will ensure the highest strength and durability of the product. Now, in the center of the resulting structures, install the transverse beams, which are best placed crosswise. At the ends of the bars, cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees. At the end, the parts are fixed with self-tapping screws.

  • Also sashes made of wood can be installed on metal carcass. To do this, you should follow all the same steps as with wooden beams, however, welding will need to be used as fastening.
  • The next step will be the preparation and processing of elements for sheathing front side sashes. Take a sufficient number of boards and cut them with a jigsaw to the desired size. It is better to use pine wood parts, it has light weight and well protected from environmental influences. Place the boards close to each other and strengthen the points of contact with the frame with self-tapping screws. In conclusion, trim the bumps and sand the entire canvas with sandpaper.

  • After the gate is almost ready, it's time to install metal hinges. For garage doors they will need to be welded to certain places of the frame, and in the case of courtyard gates, attached to the posts. Then take the sashes and put them on the hinges.
  • In conclusion, you will need to prime the entire surface of the gate with a protective liquid with your own hands, and open it with paint. If you do not want to use paint, you can use stain to give a beautiful shade. After it dries, coat the gate with several coats of wood varnish. To decorate your creation, you can attach unusual forged metal parts to the front.

  • Now install the handles on the finished product,. Rods that are fixed on the sashes are suitable as bolts. To secure them, make grooves in the ground.

As you can see, do-it-yourself wooden gates can be easily made at home. The main thing is to take accurate measurements, follow the sequence of actions, use quality materials and take care of your creation.

In the case of a tree, the maintenance factor is very important. Therefore, sometimes tint some old places, and if your hinges begin to creak, grease them with grease.
