How and when to feed carrots after germination. What fertilizers are important for carrots

  • 15.06.2019
Growing Secrets excellent harvest carrots

Carrot (lat. Daucus) is a biennial umbrella plant. The root crop ripens in the first year, and in the second a seed bush is formed (to collect seeds for sowing). Growing carrots requires compliance simple rules crop care, which will help to get a good and healthy harvest.

When to sow carrots outdoors

  • Early varieties carrots (Kinby, Color F1, Parmeks, Tushon) can be sown and planted seedlings in open ground at the end of April, provided the weather is stable and there are no frosts. Such varieties are distinguished by juiciness and sweetness, they are grown for cooking and eating.
  • For longer storage of root crops, mid-season varieties are suitable (Viking, Nantes 4, Typhoon, Perfection), their sowing in open ground begins from the middle of the month, and planting seedlings in open ground can be started earlier, on May 8-10.
  • Late varieties (Selekta, Olympus, Java, Vita Longa, Valeria 5) are ideal for storage, transportation and harvesting for the winter. Sowing occurs at the end of May, planting seedlings in the second half.

In the northern regions it is worth paying attention to climatic conditions, and if necessary, sowing is transferred for half a month.

auspicious days for sowing lunar calendar are May 3-4 and 30-31, when the moon will be in the growing phase (1st quarter). All sowing work is recommended to be done before lunch.

Choosing a place and preparing beds for carrots

Fertile and loose soils are best suited for growing carrots, namely: loamy-sandy, having a neutral acidity of 6-7 pH.

It is important that a crust does not form on the surface of the soil, preventing air from reaching the root crops. Therefore, surface loosening of beds is important at all stages of cultivation.

high humidity soil can lead to the development of fungal diseases and a decrease in the taste of fruits. Better equip high beds for carrots, or choose a place on a hill. Wetlands and places of stagnant water will not work.

Crop rotation rules for carrots

You should not plant a vegetable in the same place for 2 years in a row. This greatly increases the likelihood of damage by pathogenic bacteria and pests.

  • Good predecessors for sowing carrots are: cucumbers, cereals and legumes, any kind of cabbage, tomatoes;
  • After growing most types of greens (fennel, cumin, parsley, dill, parsnip), it is not advisable to use these beds for sowing carrots.

Soil preparation for sowing

Growing carrots in the country includes tillage in two stages. In autumn, the soil is loosened and, if necessary, mulched with sawdust. In the spring, before sowing, rotted manure is introduced into the soil in the amount of 1 bucket per two square meters of beds.

Fertilizers can be added:

  • If the soil is heavy, you can add 2-3 kg of sawdust - this will give it friability.
  • A small amount of wood ash (450-500 grams per square meter beds) will significantly improve the taste of vegetables and prolong the keeping quality of the crop.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers - they increase the level of nitrates in vegetables and contribute to the coarsening of their tissues;
  • You can not use fresh manure, because the root crops will begin to actively branch and shrink. In addition, it will attract the bear.

Planting carrots in open ground

Many gardeners prefer to sow carrots in the garden right from the package, but not all grains are of high quality and will germinate. Preliminary rejection and pre-sowing preparation planting material will save time, get better germination and stronger seedlings.

Seed preparation

Carrot seeds are rich vegetable oils, which blocks the access of moisture to the embryo. It is recommended to pre-wash and soak them. There are several ways of pre-sowing preparation of planting material.

  • Burying into the soil will help to significantly increase germination: the grains are placed in a cloth bag and placed in moist soil to a depth of 30 cm for 10 days, they are removed and dried before sowing. Seeds swell well in damp soil and give good shoots;
  • Dragee - a nutrient shell can greatly facilitate the procedure for sowing small seeds and increases their germination. For cooking you will need: 0.2 kg of liquid mullein and powdered peat. A tablespoon of seeds is placed in a liter jar and 1 tablespoon of powder and manure are added, covered with a lid and shaken thoroughly for several minutes. The procedure is repeated several times until a shell is formed on the seeds, after which they are dried and stored until sowing in a dry place;
  • Soaking in a nutrient solution (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter warm water). The grains in the bags are placed in a liquid for a day, then kept on a damp cloth in the refrigerator for 3-4 days for stratification. Before sowing, the planting material is dried.

Advice when buying seeds from China through Aliexpress

Carrot Planting Technology

  • Shallow furrows are made on pre-prepared beds (up to 2 cm deep), the distance between them should be at least 15 cm;
  • For convenience, small seeds are mixed with sand and sown, observing intervals between grains of 3-4 cm. You can also sow in a solid line - the "groove" method, and after germination, thin them out;
  • From above, planting is sprinkled with soil and compacted with a palm or a wide board.

It is recommended to cover the bed with a film to maintain soil moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. In conditions of warm weather and preliminary preparation of planting material, the first shoots will appear as early as 10-12 days. After this, it is necessary to remove the covering material, since young greenery easily withstands short-term frosts.

Carrot cultivation and care in the open field

After sowing, the most crucial stage begins - caring for carrots. It is important to act systematically and observe the agricultural practices of growing crops.

Watering carrots requires special attention when growing in open field. Lack of moisture can lead to the death of young plants. An overabundance of watering also has its drawbacks: the fruits outgrow and lose their taste.

  • After thinning, the amount of water is increased to 10 liters per square meter.
  • When carrots form leaves, root crops begin active growth, then the water rate increases to 20 liters per unit area.
  • 2 months before harvest, the frequency is reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks.

It is recommended to stop watering carrots 10-20 days before harvesting - this stimulates the stretching of root crops in length. For the procedure, it is necessary to use only warm, settled water (ideally, melted water). Watering is recommended in the late afternoon, then the sun will not leave burns on the greenery.

thinning carrots

The procedure is carried out on the 12th and 22nd day after germination. Small and weak plants are removed, if this is not done - the roots will be frail and thin.

Loosening and weeding

Procedures are carried out immediately after thinning.

  • Weeding from weeds frees access of sunlight to green bushes;
  • Loosening will help better nutrition fruits.

If the soil is not loosened, root crops grow small and crooked.

Top dressing of carrots in the open field

Growing carrots, top dressing is carried out 3-4 times during the entire growing season.

  • The first procedure is carried out when 3-4 leaves appear on the sprouts. To do this, use a solution of ammonium nitrate (30 g per 10 liters of water).
  • The next feeding of carrots is carried out in 3-4 weeks using superphosphate (30 g per 10 liters of water).
  • Top dressing of carrots in June is necessary, since during this period the root crop grows especially quickly and gains juice. For top dressing, you can use wood ash (a glass per square meter) or potassium sulfate.
  • The fourth procedure is performed at the time of root ripening (usually in September, but the time may vary depending on the variety). You can use any of the fertilizers that have been used previously, boric acid (a tablespoon per bucket of water) is especially good.

Fertilizing carrots with folk remedies is very popular among experienced gardeners. There are many recipes, many of which include yeast, nettles and ash. One of the most interesting infusions is prepared using all three components.

Triple Fertilizer Recipe for Carrots

The container is almost completely filled with nettles and filled with water to ¾ of the volume. For more intense fermentation, yeast or sourdough is added to the barrel. Potassium-rich ash will only complement the nutrient mixture. The mixture is stirred periodically and kept in the sun. For top dressing, 1 liter of the resulting liquid is diluted with 10 liters of water. The average consumption of fertilizer is a bucket per garden bed.

Growing carrots in the open field video

Secrets of agricultural technology for growing carrots and a good harvest

Compliance with a few simple nuances will greatly facilitate the cultivation of carrots in the open field in the suburbs.

  • It is necessary to observe the rules of crop rotation;
  • It is recommended to disinfect the seeds that you harvested yourself before sowing in a 1% iodine solution;
  • Choose proven and disease-resistant varieties;
  • Buy seeds and seedlings from companies you trust;
  • When purchasing new varieties on foreign sites, first check them for germination, and when sowing in open ground, do not allocate more than 10% of the beds for them;
  • Carry out preventive spraying with the Baikal preparation or nettle infusion from pests and diseases.


Good soil and seed preparation will guarantee good germination. And the right agricultural technology and care for carrots in the open field will provide you with a good and high-quality harvest.

Some experienced summer residents say that it is impossible to feed carrots exclusively with organic fertilizers, as this can lead to irregular shape fruits. However, many years of experience suggests that growing delicious vegetables without “chemistry”, for example, on chicken manure, it’s still possible, you just need correct use. How to use folk remedies for feeding carrots?

When and how to feed carrots

What can and cannot be fed to carrots

Looks like carrots unpretentious plant, but it is not so. It is very sensitive to the soil, it is necessary that it be well fertilized, moist and loosened. But not all standard fertilizers are suitable for carrots. For example, fresh manure or chicken manure, which is most often used to fertilize the soil, is completely unsuitable: many branched, shriveled root crops with a bad taste grow. However, chicken manure is the best folk remedy for carrots, but it must be diluted with water and the concentration of the solution must be strictly observed.

Carrots also do not accept:

  • Chlorine - due to chlorine-containing fertilizers, the fruits will be branched and shriveled.
  • Deoxidation of the soil.
  • Pebbles, clods of earth, chips and other solid particles.
  • Excess moisture. Because of it, the tops grow excessively, and the fruit itself becomes hairy.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Wrong thinning.
  • Lack of moisture. Then the root crops will turn out soft and branchy due to the fact that they tried to draw the missing water from the soil.

How to feed carrots before planting folk remedies

Carrots do not accept fresh manure or manure and soil deoxidation. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize the land before planting, preferably in the fall, so that the organic matter (most often it is mullein or chicken droppings) is rotten. Make 6-8 kg of manure, humus or litter per 1 square meter. If before that vegetables grew on this bed, which were fertilized abundantly, then there is no need to fertilize the soil anymore.

If necessary, the soil can be slightly deoxidized using the following recipe: add ash, chalk or dolomite flour.

In the spring, you can also feed the seeds before planting instead of fertilizing the soil. Take 1 tablespoon of wood ash and mix with a liter of water, soak the seeds in this solution for a day, and then dry.

How to feed carrots during growth with folk remedies

In the summer, during the growth of carrots, it is necessary to do two top dressings, since this plant is very sensitive to the composition of the soil. All top dressing should be only liquid and foliar, it is necessary to water the plants with fertilizers only between the rows. To do this, you can use chicken manure, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with water, and immediately before watering, the mixture of water and manure must be diluted another 10 times. Manure can simply be diluted 10 times and poured between the rows.

Basic rules for watering carrots in the open field

Watering frequency

Young shoots need moisture in the soil, so they need to be watered at high intervals. At high temperatures, the frequency of watering is once every 3-4 days. Older plants are watered when the soil is completely dry, that is, once every 5-7 days.

Watering time

The best time to water the plants is during the early morning, but if this is not possible, then you can also water in the evening if there is no frost at night. But from watering in daytime it is better to refuse, as this can harm the leaves and stems of plants.

Water temperature

Doesn't like carrots cold water, and if its temperature is below 10 degrees, then it is better to refuse watering. It is also necessary to observe the thermal balance: in cloudy weather, the water should be warm (about 27 degrees), and in sunny weather it should be cool (about 20 degrees).


To get rid of slugs, insects and other pests on the stems of the plant, they offer the following scheme: at night, spray carrots with slightly salty or lime water.

Consequences of improper watering

Carrots love moist soil, therefore, with insufficient watering, it will branch out and grow, as it were, not deeper, but wider, forming additional branches to draw out the missing moisture from the soil.

Due to too thorough watering, a fungus can form on root crops, which causes various diseases. Especially dangerous in this case can be a lack of nutrients in the soil, then the carrots will not be sweet, but practically inedible. Interestingly, after a prolonged drought, organic matter, such as chicken manure, can negatively affect root crops.

Carrots can lose all taste if watered heavily after a severe drought. In this case, it is better to loosen the soil well first, and then moisten it slightly to prepare it for normal watering.

Basic rules for top dressing in the ground

  • The first is carried out 20-25 days after the emergence of sprouts. You can feed with infusion of chicken manure, which is insisted 1:10 with water, and before watering the row spacing, the mixture of water and litter is diluted another 10 times. They also use slurry, which is diluted 10 times.
  • The second feeding can be carried out 14 days after the first, so that the plants develop actively. Solutions can be taken the same.

How to feed carrots


In summer, nitrogen is recommended for feeding carrots: because of it, the tops become thick and massive, and the root crop develops more actively, sweetness appears. Due to its lack, the leaves and stem turn yellow, and the fruits grow dry and small.


Potassium - essential element for intensive growth, because it is responsible for photosynthesis, and also protects fruits from fungus and viruses. Fertilizers containing potassium should be used if the plant is low, with a brownish tinge and with withered leaves.


If your carrots begin to curl and dry out, and red spots appear on the leaves, then we can say that it lacks phosphorus, this is especially noticeable on hot days. Then the roots grow small, thin with sharp ends.

manganese and barium

These are the best elements for the formation of a strong and sweet root crop. The lack of manganese can be seen from the white and burgundy spots on the sheets, as well as from the black core of the bolt.

Boric acid (boron)

This substance must be applied in the middle of summer so that the root crop does not suffer from poor nutrient metabolism and does not grow tasteless. If this element is not enough, then necrosis appears on the leaves, and the veins turn yellow.


Carrot itself is the most important source of iodine for humans, therefore, during its growth, iodine is necessary for it. It can be used in all stages of growth: for seeds, adult plants, as well as for protection.

Nettle infusion

Nettle infusion is a good folk remedy to feed carrots. This will be especially useful for the sweetness of the root crop during its formation.


By themselves, they are not fertilizer, but only contribute to the faster decomposition of organic matter. Therefore, in this case, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the soil will become stony and the organics will be scarce, so do not overdo it with the yeast solution.


A good complex remedy for feeding carrots, which can be carried out three times. The first - 20 days after disembarkation, the second and third consecutively after 15 days. For 20 liters of water, 25 g of Agricola is taken.

chicken manure

This tool is good to prepare the soil before planting carrots. Mix with water in a ratio of 1:10, insist for a day, and then, diluted another 10 times, spill the aisles.


The ash can have a very good effect on the amount of sugar in carrots. You can prepare an infusion: pour two cups of wood ash with a bucket of boiling water and insist for several days. Ash can also be simply scattered around the plants.


Urea is used when there is a lack of nitrogen, as well as for protection against insects. To do this, take about 20 grams of fertilizer per 1 square meter. Urea works well with organic fertilizers in the soil, such as mullein or chicken manure.

Potassium permanganate

It is used to disinfect the seeds before sowing, as well as to provide manganese for the entire growth phase. To do this, 3 grams are mixed with 10 liters of water.


Mullein is good for fertilizing the soil, mix it with water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the aisles. However, remember that fresh manure is not suitable, you need infused and rotted. If you don't have mullein, you can use chicken manure.

When growing carrots, remember that top dressing is one of the prerequisites for good harvest. Carrots love and respond well to mineral nutrition. But carrots do not like organics, especially fresh ones, therefore


But if you made manure for the previous crop last year, it will only benefit.

Signs of deficiency and excess of substances


With excess nitrogen:

Tops are growing intensively to the detriment of the root crop;

Diseases may develop: sclerotinia, pythium and bacterial rot;

Root crops become brittle and may crack when harvested;

The color of carrots turns pale, which means a decrease in carotene;

The taste becomes less pronounced.

With a lack of nitrogen:

Foliage turns yellow;

The plant develops poorly;

Yields are declining.

Tip: apply nitrogen fertilizer in several stages (3-5) in small portions


With a lack of phosphorus:

Leaves are weak and look old (turns red).


With a lack of magnesium:

Yellowing is visible between the veins of young leaves;

Old leaves dry out quickly.

For these symptoms, foliar fertilize (by the leaves) with magnesium sulfates.


With a lack of potassium:

The tops of carrots cease to develop;

The leaves curl up.

Tip: When choosing potash fertilizers, give preference to potassium sulfate

look fertilizer chart for carrots one very successful European vegetable company. Calculations are made per hectare, but to convert to acres, divide everything by 100, and to convert to sq.m. - divide by 10,000.

Carrot feeding scheme

The first top dressing is a month after germination (there should already be 3-4 leaves). We feed with nitrogen fertilizers (you can use urea - 25 g per bucket of water; potassium humate - 2 tablespoons per bucket of water; nitrophoska - 1 teaspoon per bucket of water - you can along with potassium humate).

The second feeding - 20 days after the first. We feed with complete mineral fertilizer - nitroammophos, 2 tablespoons per 10 liters. water; Effekton-O, Intermag, etc.

You can carry out the third top dressing - 50 days after germination and the fourth - 3 weeks before harvesting - the use of fertilizer with potassium sulfate will improve the taste of carrots.

Following modern technologies, use foliar top dressing. The main thing is not to get carried away, monitor the condition of the vegetable, observe the measure! rely on the advice in the article ""

And watch the video:

How to feed carrots - video

Rich harvest! V-r.

The article contains information, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the best harvest in the shortest possible time and at the same time not to spend a lot of time and effort on work, since the information presented in the article is not known to everyone.

Top dressing of carrots in the open field with yeast and folk remedies

For good growth of carrot fruits, the soil should be fertilized so that it is enriched with the necessary trace elements. To do this, you can make an organic infusion of nettle, ash and yeast. It is necessary to pour chopped nettles with water into ¾ buckets, then pour in a small pack of yeast and several glasses of wood ash.

Insist 6-7 days in a lit place. After all, dilute 1:10 and can be used as a top dressing for carrots.

Top dressing of carrots with mullein, urea after planting in the ground

Mullein and urea should not be used as a top dressing for carrots, since the concentration of these fertilizers will simply kill the root system of the vegetable, instead of supplying the seedlings with useful elements.

Top dressing of carrots in the country in the garden on drip irrigation

Fertilizing carrots with the existing drip irrigation system can be done without fear for the possible leaching of the applied compounds. Drip irrigation will also protect the leaves from leaching of fungicides and other carrot treatments. By observing the dosage of dressings, you can fertilize carrots without any problems, which will increase the yield and quality of the fruit.

Fertilizing carrots in spring and summer

Top dressing of carrots begins in the spring, at the first stage, you need to use saltpeter, urea and superphosphate, 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. Then you can feed with universal fertilizers "Kemira" or "Nitrofoska", should be carried out at the end of spring. In the summer in June, you need to use wood ash, it strengthens the roots and stimulates the good growth of carrots, while fighting pests.

Top dressing of carrots with ammonium and potassium nitrate

Potassium nitrate can be used as a top dressing for carrots. It contains nitrogen and potassium, they accelerate the growth of the root crop and saturate the carrot cells with air, which strengthens its immunity to diseases and rot. Saltpeter can be used both dry and wet.

Also suitable for feeding carrots due to its high nitrogen content. Up to 10 g per 10 liters of a bucket is enough for root processing of carrots.

How to accelerate the growth of carrots and achieve a good harvest

Saltpeter, urea and all fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus capable of accelerating the growth of carrots and improving yields with the right dosage and timing of feeding. Since overfeeding or non-compliance with the period of fertilizer stages can greatly harm the plant, up to death.

An important agricultural technique is feeding carrots when they are cultivated in the open field and in a greenhouse, and sooner or later you can’t get away from this, no matter how bad your opinion about “chemistry” is. Carrots are a valuable root crop, a storehouse of vitamins and a number of useful substances. But to grow it simply by sowing and forgetting before harvesting will not work. It is very demanding and very selective to the batteries in particular, and to fertilizers in general. So, she has a completely ambiguous attitude towards organics. But more on that below.

The level of agrotechnical preparation of the soil goes hand in hand with the mineral nutrition of the root crop. Without a well-aerated, humus-rich soil, exactly, as well as without a full complex of mineral elements throughout the entire period of growth and development of carrots, it will not be possible to obtain a full-fledged, completed root crop, and accordingly, a rich harvest will not succeed. But crooked, ugly, often dry, completely devoid of any valuable taste qualities of root crops, it is quite possible to get.

Growing carrots is a whole science, it is not as simple as it is commonly thought. If you are lucky and the harvest turned out, despite the lack of top dressing, say thank you to the mineral reserves of the soil in the garden. On the next year at this place, root crops can no longer be seen if you do not heed the advice below. If you want to be with carrots all year, then we’ll figure it out further.

Rules for feeding carrots

The key to a rich harvest of root crops lies primarily in proper preparation soil: its fertility and friability. Carrot seeds are very small, seedlings are very weak, they have to wait a long time. Poor, heavy soil is a verdict for them: shoots may not appear at all on such soil, and those that do sprout will not last long and wither or give a clumsy harvest. What to do? Properly apply fertilizer in open ground to ensure proper nutrition root crops throughout the entire growing season from planting to harvest, taking into account:

  • the initial state of open ground and its physical properties;
  • type and doses of fertilizers: organic or mineral;
  • the needs of the root crop in one or another element;
  • stages of development of culture and the state of the crops themselves;
  • weather conditions are a must.

Features of soil preparation for sowing carrots

To begin with, it is important to choose the right site in the open field. It should be light, without shading throughout the daylight hours. Soil: light, well aerated, with good drainage effect. Most the best way: sandy areas rich in mineral and organic substances or well-structured chernozems, with acidity in the range of 5.5 - 7.0.

Since such open ground is very rare in our gardens, therefore, it is necessary to engage in mineral preparation of the plot for carrots since the fall. And here a very important question arises: the introduction of organic matter into open ground? Everyone knows that fresh mullein does not tolerate carrots and even rotted manure does not favor much, responding to it with ugly root crops, with many tips (crown-shaped root crops). But at the same time without organic matter, to which she is so demanding, the harvest is also not to be seen. What to do? How then to be?

How capricious she is, just the “queen of the garden”! The fact is that not completely decomposed organic matter, together with young organic soil, burns the young cells of the root growth cone (the root crop grows with its tip, deep into the horizon, saturating the previously formed cells with juices, due to which it thickens over time) and they, in order to bypass the source discomfort, as if bypass it, forming several cones and continue to grow in different directions. Therefore, it is necessary to plan sowing two years before planting it on one or another land and apply manure or mullein under the predecessor of carrots, while not forgetting about crop rotation. The best crops for our queen are zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and cucumbers. When introducing organic matter from autumn, focus on the initial state of the soil in the open field.

  • on sandy, poor in organic matter and humus soil, 2-3 buckets of manure m 2 are brought into the ground;
  • heavy soils, soddy, soddy-podzolic, clay soils- 1 - 2 buckets per m2.

With mineral fertilizers, it is much easier: they need to be applied to the soil, starting in the fall and throughout the entire growing season of the crop. At the same time, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied under the shovel before winter, and starting from early spring, the soil is shed with nitrogen fertilizers before planting (urea at the rate of 1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water).

If the soil has an acidic pH (below 5.5), then it is limed: dolomite flour or lime is added in autumn under a shovel. At the same time, lime should not be applied together with mineral fertilizers, but it should be done 3-4 weeks before the application of mineral fertilizers. A root crop on acidic soil is unsweetened and tasteless.

Therefore, a year after the introduction of organic matter on the same soils, they additionally contribute:

  • on sandy soils poor in organic matter and humus per m 2: 2 cups of ash, 45 g of potash (potassium sulfate), 35 g of phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate);
  • heavy soils, sod-podzolic soil, clay soils - 1-2 buckets per m 2 baking powder (river sand, sawdust, peat), sod land, 1 glass of ash, 30 g of potash (potassium sulfate), 20 g of phosphorus fertilizers (superphosphate) .

In the spring, the soil for each m 2 to contribute:

  • 1/3 of the autumn dose of phosphate fertilizers;
  • 1 tsp potash fertilizer (potassium sulfate);
  • 1 st. l. urea;
  • or 25g nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. wood ash.

In the event that fertilizers have not been applied to the soil since autumn, then it is imperative to apply a full dose of all fats in early spring before sowing seeds in open ground in a couple of weeks. Namely: 40 - 50 g of superphosphate, 30 - 40 g of potassium sulfate, 20 - 30 g of ammonium sulfate or 20 g of urea, 1 glass of wood ash is scattered over the surface of the beds under the rake and left for two weeks. Liming is carried out only in the fall.

How to feed carrots after germination

Each element is vital for carrots to form a quality root crop. So, timely feeding with nitrogen can double the content of carotene, optimize protein metabolism in root crops. An excess of nitrogen leads to a decrease in the level of sugars and dry matter in root crops, making them watery, with a loose core, unable to be stored for a long time: they are quickly affected by fungal diseases and quickly rot. But the tops are luxurious. The lack of nitrogen is expressed in yellowing and drooping of the tops, discoloration of the root crop.

Phosphorus supplements provide carrots with an increase in sugar content, dry matter and excellent taste. Its excess stands in the way of the normal absorption of other substances from the soil. With a shortage, a purple leaf is characteristic of the tops. It twists, the roots become wooden.

Potassium supplements are no less important, because this element makes carrot tissue more tender and improves its taste. It is very demanding on the optimal content of potassium in the soil. With an excess, the growth of the fetus slows down, the tops have a dark green color. With a deficiency, the tops dry out, the roots become stiff, do not grow, and have a different color.

The lack of trace elements also adversely affects carrots. If there is not enough magnesium, the leaves turn yellow and fall off; if boron - the tops become smaller, shrink, become curly, root crops do not develop.

If there is a lack of these substances in open ground, then in the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture, it only intensifies. Therefore, before fertilizing, the soil under the carrots must be watered with plain water or try to feed the beds with carrots immediately after precipitation. At the same time, if the development phase, in which it is important to fertilize, goes away, but there is still no rain, then it is necessary to carry out artificial irrigation of carrot crops before feeding.

Another important point: on poor humus soil, you need to be careful with mineral fats. Their high concentration can cause oppression of carrot plants, so they need to be applied in several stages, with a break of several hours.

During the season after sowing carrot seeds in open ground, an average of four top dressings will need to be carried out:

  1. The first top dressing in open ground is carried out immediately after the first thinning of carrots at the rate of: 1 tsp. potassium magnesia, urea and superphosphate dissolve in 10 l. water.
  2. The second feeding - 14 - 20 days after the first. Why is it better to use complex fertilizers: mortar, nitrophoska, Kemira wagon (1 - 2 tablespoons / 10 liters of water), wood ash.
  3. The third top dressing, aimed primarily at increasing the sugar content of root crops, is carried out during the period of active weight gain of root crops. Usually wood ash is used for these purposes.
  4. The fourth, last, top dressing in the open field is needed to reduce the concentration of nitrates in carrots. It is carried out approximately 30 days before the harvesting of carrots with potash fertilizers. Why use solutions of sulfate (2 tablespoons / 10 liters of water) or potassium chloride (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water) together with wood ash (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water). Additionally, micronutrients, in particular boron (2 g boric acid/ 10 l. water).

Ash, yeast when feeding

As can be seen from the above material, ash is needed at almost every stage of feeding carrots, including when soaking its seeds for 6 hours before sowing in open ground (1 tsp ash / 1 liter boiling water, let cool).

Ash can be used both in dry form and as a two-day infusion (2 tablespoons of ash / 1 liter of boiling water) or ash decoction (300 g of ash pour boiling water, boil for half an hour, cool down - add 50 g of soap for good adhesiveness of the solution), then bring the resulting volume to 10 liters with water.

In addition to being an excellent natural mineral fertilizer that can replace a whole range of chemicals, it is also an excellent pesticide that repels its main pests from the beds: aphids, carrot flies. During the period of pest activity, ash can be sprinkled between the rows of carrots once a week, regardless of the main dressings.

Feeding with yeast is also a well-established method of feeding carrots. After their application, the carrot “grows like yeast”, because the yeast is rich in mineral, organic iron, rich in microelement composition. There are several ways to prepare a solution from them:

  1. Dissolve ½ kg of live yeast in 2.5 liters of water. Before use, dilute the resulting solution with water in a ratio of 1: 10.
  2. For 5 liters of water, take 5 g of dry yeast and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Insist for 2 hours, after which dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5.

It is still not worth abusing yeast dressings, and they should not be carried out more than 2 times per season, since as a result of their vital activity they pretty much absorb potassium from the ground. That is why, in order to cover this drawback, yeast-based fertilizers must be applied together with ash.

In addition, it is also impossible to bring yeast into cold, unheated soil: yeast loves heat and they will work only towards the end of spring, so you can start feeding carrots with them already from the third top dressing in the growing season.

There is a good folk recipe, based on these components.

Fertilizing carrots with folk remedies

Folk methods always have an advantage over pure chemistry, but unfortunately they are often inferior to it in efficiency, but not in this case. So, the following folk recipe can be called an excellent, well-balanced and very effective fertilizer for carrots: triple fertilizer.

Prepare it like this: fill a 10 l container with nettles and fill it with water for 2/3 of the volume. To enhance fermentation, add a pack of yeast and 2 tbsp. ash. Stir the mixture occasionally in the sun for a couple of days. Miracle - the mixture is ready, when feeding carrots, you need to take 1 tbsp. / 10 l. water.

If appearance plants does not quite make it clear what element they lack, then complex top dressing can be carried out, but at a lower concentration of about 2 times. Carrots will be very grateful for such care and attention. And you will enjoy the vegetable all year long. Good harvests to all!