Tiger eye stone for calf. What stones are suitable for Taurus men? Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

  • 26.09.2019

Taurus- This is a material sign of the Zodiac, whose happiness lies in a beloved family, valuable property, good work. Taurus appreciates money for the freedom and independence that it gives, and uses it for its intended purpose. Taurus is not wasteful, but generous, for relatives and friends, he is always ready to donate as much as necessary. He appreciates and loves his home, family, friends, is attached to them and is generally quite conservative in life, does not like to change his habits. In general, this is a calm zodiac sign, emotional and sensual, but not impulsive. Practical and rational Taurus is actually ruled by feelings and intuition. He does not like to think and reason for a long time, but simply acts as he sees fit. It is difficult to piss him off, but in anger, Taurus is scary, and even for himself - after the outbreak, he needs time to recover. Taurus they are not prone to adventures, prefer to take care of everything in advance and like to reap the fruits of what they have sown before.
Taurus Stones- primarily agates and chalcedony, formed in cavities deep underground, these are noble blue and white stones (especially moonstones). Despite the fact that spring is in full swing, Taurus is a symbol of stability and the inevitability of the revival of nature, the development of already born life. Too active and penetrating stones are not recommended for Taurus, since the internal development potential of Taurus is already quite high, and the main task is only to direct it in a constructive direction.

BELOMORITH . The name "belomorite" comes from the name of the White Sea, located in North Karelia, where this stone was first found. Technically, this is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in gray-blue, white and purple tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white lunar. Belomorite has a bluish tint, a very fragile stone, easily splits. Crafts from it are difficult to make because it is soft and exfoliates like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. First, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clear, vivid, and memorable. Belomorit is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life, chosen by man. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, slovenliness, excess rubbish in the house of his owner. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in the house will cause a person irresistible desire dismantle cupboards, drawers desk, get rid of unnecessary things, do a general cleaning (and even repairs), purchase the necessary things.
It will help belomorit and put things in order in the head of its owner: it will make you logically comprehend the reasons why troubles occur in his life; will require a person to urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in the professional field of activity, and conscientiously do his job.
Belomorit does not tolerate disorder and personal life owner. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, betrayals and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and give up his old habits.
wear it well in the ring on the little finger, cut - cabochon with processed inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

When choosing a gift for a relative or woman friend, or buying jewelry for yourself, you need to take into account the zodiac sign of the person who will wear the purchase. Our ancestors believed that natural stones have magical powers. They chose stones suitable for a person by date of birth. This was confirmed modern research based on the study of vibrations and waves emanating from various minerals.

A properly selected stone becomes a talisman for its owner, and a piece of jewelry with it becomes a talisman. If a jewel suits a person according to a horoscope, then it reflects negative energy, strengthens his immunity, increases vitality, develops innate talents and abilities, attracts material wealth, improves the quality of his personal life, gives happiness in, sharpens intuition.

Also, it is very important to consider that the stones are divided into "male" and "female". A male stone does not suit a woman and vice versa. So, which stone is suitable for women's bodies?

Gems for a woman born under the sign of Taurus

Gemstones are the most expensive and most beautiful minerals. They are quite rare in natural deposits.

These include natural (that is, not synthetic) diamonds, alexandrites, emeralds and:


A symbol of firmness and reliability. It suits women born in the third decade of the Taurus sign (May 11 - May 20). These women are softer in character than those born in the first and second decades.

Diamond gives them courage and stamina. For women born in the first two decades, the diamond is not quite suitable, as it makes them less feminine and more rigid. This stone attracts wealth and prosperity to the house, but at the same time, you need to wear jewelry with it all the time.


Suitable for all Taurus women, but it especially favorably affects women of the third decade. This mineral gives its owner woman's happiness, strengthens her marriage, helps to find mutual understanding in the family. Also, it symbolizes purity, innocence, purity and protects its owner from temptations and male infidelities. Very suitable for a Taurus woman born in the year of the dragon.


Controversial Stone. Its technical and ornamental characteristics are impeccable, but its energy is complex. He tempers his owner, gives her the strength to cope with any life misfortune, but at the same time he is able to attract trouble to her. Only a very strong-willed woman can wear jewelry with alexandrite.

Also an assistant difficult situations, but he himself does not attract them. In addition, emeralds are able to cleanse both the soul and brain of their owner from heavy thoughts, and "clear" around people opposed to him.

He gives young girls happiness in love and protects them from vicious encroachments, patronizes women in marriage and motherhood, sharpens intuition and provides spiritual uplift to creative people, helps business women in entrepreneurial endeavors. He especially favors the calves of the second (May 1 - May 10) and third decades.


Last on the list of gems. It is believed that it is contraindicated for Taurus in general, especially for women of this zodiac sign. Ruby activates base passions in a person, makes him more rigid, demanding, mundane, even rude. In the body, all these qualities are inherent in nature, it is an earthly sign, to which ephemeral "air" concepts are alien.

Therefore, ruby ​​jewelry cannot be worn by typical representatives of the sign. But if a Taurus woman was born at the junction of signs - at the beginning of 1 (April 20-30) or at the end of 3 decades, or the influence of the leading planets is weakened in her personal horoscope, then the ruby, on the contrary, will help her gain integrity (consistency of thoughts, the ability not to exchange for little things, but also not to ignore them, the ability to keep your "I" in difficult situations).

Semiprecious stones

Semi-precious - these are stones that have a rather high cost, are very beautiful and are widely used for making jewelry.

The following semi-precious stones are suitable for a Taurus woman:


Relaxes and soothes, gives spiritual indifference, heals from bad habits not only its owner, but also his relatives. It is simply necessary for a calf born in the year of an uncompromising and powerful tiger. Favorably affects those born on April 21-30.


It teaches to distinguish the desired from the real, gives wisdom and sharpens mental abilities, “drives away” liars and scammers. Suitable for women of the first decade.


The younger the woman, the older the mineral should be. Mature stones are more powerful, while young stones accumulate magical energy over time. Turquoise protects the personal life of its mistress from an envious eye, protects her from treason, lust and evil influence.

It is believed that if the stone changed its color, it "dragged" the owner's serious illness into itself. The most powerful patronage is given to the April calves.


It makes its mistress merciful, understanding, soft, helps her learn to forgive and look at the world optimistically. Awakens intuition and promotes the adoption of wise, informed decisions. Necessary for a woman born in the third decade of the sign.


It helps to find true friends, gives peace in the family and makes its owner friendly and responsive. Most suitable for those born May 1-11. It interacts best with women born between May 12 and May 21.


"Universal" stone, gives health, material well-being and peace of mind. Not suitable for soft and indecisive people of a domestic warehouse, as well as those born in the first / and second decades of the sign.

It helps to make plans and execute them, to negotiate and achieve what you want, to win disputes and resist pressure. This is a stone of strong natures with leadership qualities. Not quite suitable for soft and indecisive people of a domestic warehouse.


Suitable for women of elegant age, helps to feel fresher and younger, improves health and restores self-confidence.


Other minerals include inexpensive ornamental stones. Jewelry can be made from such stones, but more often they make exquisite interior gizmos: vases, ashtrays, figurines, caskets, watches, candlesticks, glasses, lighters. It is believed that the stone then reveals its energy potential when it is in constant contact with the owner's body, that is, when it is worn in the form of earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, brooches.

But researchers subtle matters consider that in many cases bodily contact is optional. It is enough that the owner often turns to a thing made of stone and uses it. Therefore, products made from ornamental stones can also become mascots.

The following ornamental minerals are suitable for a Taurus woman:


Gives courage to the indecisive, and luck to the brave. Not suitable for reckless and desperate people, although such daredevils are not easy to find among the bodies. Corresponds to the temperament of April calves.


Brings peace and tranquility to the house, calms children, reconciles spouses and averts the "evil eye".


It reduces the level of anxiety and dispels doubts, which is so important for a pessimistic calf. suitable for all those born under this sign.


It reveals the talents of its owner, makes her more active and hardworking, helps to quickly and correctly solve any business, and also protects from. Corresponds to the energy and temperament of the April woman.


Attracts wealth, success and fame, everything that the mercantile calf loves. At the same time, it gives benefits to its mistress absolutely deservedly, since it activates the best sides of her character - diligence and honesty. In addition, it protects against betrayal and gives happiness in love.


It clears the mind, heals skin diseases and attracts wealth and fame. Indispensable for representatives of the sign, born from May 12 to 21.


One of the strongest magnets for the opposite sex. It will help an unmarried girl to arrange her family happiness, but for a married woman, excessive attention from men can become a problem.


It is indispensable for a woman of the creative profession, as it enhances creativity, intuition and sensitivity. But with caution it should be worn by overly passionate natures. Most suitable for those born in the year of the rat.

Moon rock

Heals spiritual wounds and helps to manage the household so that a woman does not feel attached to the house, husband, children. Indispensable for those who are running out of strength. Suitable for all representatives of the sign.

Which stones are not suitable?


There are minerals that cannot be worn by representatives of one or another sign. The Taurus sign is no exception.

A Taurus woman should not use products with the following stones:

  1. - a bright “sunny” stone does not at all correspond to the even energy of a balanced calm calf. He is patronized by a quiet night moon, which makes the representative of this sign romantic and deeply feeling. And amber excites and unnerves its owner, makes him superficial and inattentive, worsens his personal life, interferes with work and creativity.
  2. Pearl- this stone is suitable for people of the elements of water (cancer, fish, scorpion), and since the calf is an earth sign, the pearl comes into conflict with the inner "I" of its owner. He upsets any business started by the calf, makes the calf painful, irritable, unsuccessful.
  3. Coral- also suits people of water, but not of land. Coral knocks the ground out from under the feet of a pragmatic mundane calf, gives it indecision and nervousness.

How to choose a stone according to the horoscope?

It should be borne in mind that only natural natural stones created by nature itself. You need to choose your own stone. The ideal way is to take the jewelry in your hands and hold it, listening to yourself. The stone should please the eye, but at the same time evoke a response in the soul.

Therefore, buying jewelry from a photo in online stores is so often unsuccessful. The best jewelry sometimes leaves a woman indifferent, and a nondescript inexpensive product becomes her talisman for many years.

A person changes throughout life. His talisman will also change for sure. Periodically, you need to take your jewelry in your hands and “listen” to it and note your own feelings.

If a feeling of warmth and peace arises in the soul, then the stone still corresponds to the internal state of the owner. If it becomes unpleasant to hold the jewelry, then the amulet needs to be changed.

There is an opinion that since ancient times, stones serve not only building material, but also carry the magical power of talismans. The powerful energy of this natural material and the position of the stars at the time of the birth of a new life leave an imprint on the fate of any person.

Our good advice help to decide which stone is suitable for women's bodies? Born under the constellation Taurus, ladies are distinguished by practicality and prudence. Comfort in the house, aroma tasty food, increased libido and excessive jealousy - these are the characteristics of this sign.

Birthday will help the lady calf to choose a talisman

First decade

Born in the first period of the sign (April 21 - April 30) the fair sex are under the protection of Mercury. The patronage of the planet gives them unprecedented generosity, entrepreneurial abilities and luck.

Stars are advised to favorites of the god of prosperity:

  • amazonite (source of energy, gives peace and tranquility, endowed with strong female energy);
  • carnelian (love talisman, has healing properties, heals wounds);
  • aventurine (gives joy and love of life);
  • amethyst (controls emotions, promotes the development of intuition);
  • agate (protects from negative flows and negativity, a symbol of fidelity of partners);
  • tiger's eye (a talisman of prosperity and an assistant in socialization, a symbol of wisdom).

Second decade

Taurus of the first decade of May(the second zodiacal phase of the sign), you can jokingly call moon people. It is the moon that illuminates them life path. The satellite of the Earth gives nobility, while endowing with a share of indecision. Taurus, born under the influence of the Moon, more often than others will achieve success in his career, but is completely devoid of romanticism.

For such controversial personalities, astrology recommends choosing the following natural minerals:

  • chalcedony (a stone of love and joy, a symbol of family happiness);
  • opal (a symbol of love, compassion and faith, opens the gift of clairvoyance);
  • jadeite (endows a person with wisdom and nobility, is able to influence the weather);
  • onyx (a stone of rulers, a source of strength and inspiration);
  • turquoise (guardian from evil eyes, brings peace and good luck);
  • chrysoprase (talisman of enterprising innovators, brings success in business, helps to recognize negative energy);
  • coral (gives longevity, marks purity, protects on the way).

third decade

If a woman is lucky to be born from May 11 to May 20, then with a high probability she lives days under the auspices of Saturn. The deity of destruction evokes notes of pessimism on mercantile bodies. They are hidden introverts, they prefer proud loneliness to noisy companies.

The gems described below will help cheer up such gloomy girls of calves:

  • Emerald (talisman of sailors, motherhood stone, it is recommended to give to pregnant women).
  • Sapphire (powerful connection with the cosmos, brings enlightenment and wisdom).
  • Pomegranate (a stone of heart affairs and fidelity, the best gift for lovers).
  • Diamond (the king among stones, a symbol of perfection and undeniable power).
  • Aquamarine (a talisman of courage, courage and wisdom, a crystal blue stone is only in clear weather and in the hands of a person with pure thoughts).

Stones for a Taurus Woman

Taurus, as true connoisseurs of material goods, wear jewelry with pleasure. The emerald is recognized as the best gem for representatives of the sign.

Having chosen this stone as a talisman, remember that it reveals all its positive qualities and brings good luck only to people with a pure soul. If your thoughts are clouded by negativity, you should beware of such an amulet, because the mineral can respond with disappointments.

Emerald will help:

  • strengthen family ties;
  • protect the family nest from evil eyes and unwanted envy;
  • will serve as an excellent amulet for all pregnant women;
  • keep the peace and good health of children.

Those who wear it long enough will be able to notice an improvement in character.

Lithotherapy recognized the healing properties of the emerald:

  • a powerful anti-inflammatory agent;
  • prevention of insomnia;
  • improved mental health;
  • helps to get rid of panic attacks;
  • natural water filter.

The energy correspondence of women born under the constellation Taurus carries sapphire.

If you are a Taurus girl, it can be said with great confidence that the velvety blue of this gemstone will win you over to the very heart.

At all times, the importance of the stone was spoken in different cultures and civilizations:

  • AT Ancient Greece believed in the prophetic power of this mineral(with the help of it they predicted the future, asked for advice and consultations).
  • Buddhist countries believed that sapphire helps find the desire to work and strength in turning to God.
  • In the Middle Ages, a stone was brought as a gift as a symbol of purity and innocence.
  • The modern world advises travelers to wear sapphire and occupying positions with a certain degree of risk.

In order to improve the mineral is used:

  • with visual impairment;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • as the prevention of infections.

Along with the diamond, hard and just as durable, is another precious talisman of the calves, the ruby.

It is rightly called a stone that gives vitality, health and energy to its owner. Ruby provides protection from black magic and ill-wishers.

The positive impact of the stone on the human body is great:

  1. Protection against paralysis and depression.
  2. Normalization of the digestive system.
  3. Prevention of asthma and bronchitis.
  4. Beneficial effect on work nervous system and blood vessels.

A number of semi-precious stones that are most appropriate for the character of a woman's body, we have given below.

The aesthetic tastes of the calves are able to satisfy the agate, dazzling with a variety of shades. The stone belongs to the type of chalcedony. Suitable for use by the bodies of farmers.

There is a legend that agate magically stimulates soil productivity. natural element bring you longevity. Effective in the fight against epilepsy, gastric ulcer, rubella, measles, mumps. Widely used by manual therapists.

The versatility of the color spectrum of topaz is amazing. It can be red, yellow or transparent, pale blue, purple, pink, etc.

The stone gives hope and gives a charge of optimism, helps in reconciliation.

The use of topaz in medicine: prevents bronchitis, diseases of bile and liver, ailments of the spleen and sensory organs, helps to avoid bleeding.

If you are a Taurus girl and are not averse to indulging in alcohol, amethyst is definitely your natural material. It can easily cure a hangover.

Weight positive qualities stone:

  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • helps to whiten the skin;
  • enhances the zeal for learning (recommended for students and schoolgirls).

AT ancient times amethyst was used as protection against pestilence, cholera, colds, plague.

Symbolism of the main amulets of the calf

Charm of the family hearth and wealth- turquoise, the most powerful talisman of Taurus women. A turquoise amulet will give its mistress perseverance and courage, save her from indecision. Representatives of the Taurus constellation are prone to excessive gullibility, and therefore, they are often deceived. Turquoise is able to avoid annoying failures and get rid of naivety. This is truly a lady's stone. He stands guard over women's health.

Symbol of optimism and hope- agate. It is called the lucky stone. Amazes with a riot of shades. An agate talisman will help you advance in business, while not forgetting about your personal life. Good mood and a charge of energy can be felt using gems of green and white flowers. Black stone will support in the professional field.

The ideal female amulet, a symbol of sensuality and motherhood- cacholong. This beneficial mineral motivates a woman to be more emotionally open to her loved ones. It is believed that it helps to achieve conception and the proper course of the entire pregnancy.

Categorically does not fit the body of a woman

The Taurus sign is quite loyal to many natural minerals. However, amber is definitely contraindicated for a girl calf. For unclear reasons, this piece of resin does not like calves specifically and brings problems and troubles soon after purchase. Remember, when you decide to get rid of the yellow "scoundrel", treat the process with respect! Just throwing the evil amulet in the trash will not be enough.

In Romania, the stone is left for open space and say: “We cannot be friends with you. Go to another in the heart to live. Giving it to someone who will like it will help to lose such an amulet.

Outside of a positive key can affect: pyrite, rock crystal, heliotrope, obsidian.

When choosing a stone for female calves, listen to your intuition. The exact date of birth of the calf and the energy strength of each gem will orient you correctly. And most importantly - give stones with love! They feel everything.

To change life in better side it is necessary to select Jewelry conducive to attracting happiness and good luck. To choose the right mineral for you, you should study its properties and characteristics.

For a male Taurus, a stone amulet should attract financial well-being and soften the violent temperament of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

What stones are suitable for a male Taurus?

Taurus is the salt of the earth. They are distinguished by a peaceful and calm disposition. They like to spend time in the company of kind people, where they can relax and show off their intellectual knowledge.

A Taurus man knows how to earn an excellent amount of money, so he never needs materially. Such people persistently go to the intended goal, because they consider their opinion to be the only correct one.

The impression of the representatives of the sign is slightly clouded by their selfish inclinations and greed. Precious minerals are able to mitigate the shortcomings of Taurus and reveal their potential.

Reliability and stability in the character of Taurus is expressed in stones that are suitable specifically for the growth of their well-being.

Each of the minerals endows the owner with benefits, protects against rash acts:

  • Emerald soothes and brings harmony. He controls Taurus, who is in a critical situation. It helps to cool down and consider the situation from all sides in order to find a profitable solution.
  • Turquoise will appeal to young Taurus. It will help not to succumb to the influence of youthful fervor, prevent rash actions, and prevent quarrels from developing into conflicts with the older generation.
  • Sapphire contributes to the development logical thinking. Sometimes Taurus cannot assess the situation sensibly, so he stops in indecision and rests on a barrier of obstacles. Sapphire will help him cool down in time and gain worldly wisdom. Also, the stone will help to calm the impatient temperament, learn compliance and composure.
  • Chalcedony Protects from negativity from the environment. Taurus are responsive to requests and love communication. But they often confuse who is nearby - enemies or friends. Energy will be protected by chalcedony, so no one else will be able to take advantage of the kindness of Taurus for profit.
  • Money men -. Financial well-being comes directly from black agate. White or green stone contributes to the acquisition of happiness and love. Blue agate will give strength from the Earth, activity and cheerfulness. It will also add self-confidence, will not allow depression and melancholy, and will set you up for love of life. If you urgently need to correct the negative in fate, then you should wear jewelry with agate.
  • . You should not wear this stone to Taurus men too often, but in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to him, he will be lucky not only in concluding contracts and business, but also in love sphere. It will help restore the health of the upper respiratory tract and localize allergies.
  • . Taurus often fall under the influence of unreasonable laziness and apathy. This semiprecious stone successfully cope with uncertainty in decisions, restore good spirits and activity. Chrysoprase will inspire new solutions, help to realize everything interesting projects and plans for life.
  • rose quartz will establish personal relationships and attract love harmony.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

A male Taurus can immediately be distinguished from the crowd. He is silent and reserved. His whole manner of moving and speaking is sedate and measured. His calm is unshakable, he rarely loses his temper and falls into a rage.

Never convince him of anything if you do not want to get acquainted with his "stone" stubbornness. For years, he seems to be a surprisingly calm and indifferent person who, with wisdom, watches those around him from above. If you can piss him off, then immediately get out of his way. An enraged Taurus is able to crush everything around him. Representatives of this sign are not subject to irritation, they often flare up with anger and rage. Although such attacks are very rare.

Taurus will never join the army of the unemployed. They are trying to build their own monetary empire. Brick by brick work to achieve their goal. They accumulate money in the same way as power.

All work is shifted to their own subordinates. They are intoxicated by the feeling of possession of money capital and power. Hardworking and reliable Capricorns work for them, and the loving Taurus at this time will enjoy the attention of a beautiful girl. Which ones can be found here.

The most stubborn men are Taurus. Although they consider themselves to be exceptionally patient, the whole environment knows about their incredible stubbornness.

Although the Taurus man can really withstand incredible loads and not complain about unfair circumstances. He shows remarkable courage in the face of the blows of fate, which broke more than one representative of other signs of the zodiac.

Taurus will never stoop to cruelty and revenge. He is devoted to family and friends. With a Taurus man, you can forget about financial instability. He will provide for his wife and children as much as possible.

He likes to spend time in nature, where he will do what he loves - fishing. He enjoys reading books about the biographies of great people of the past. All true male properties are embodied in the Taurus man.

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth:

  • 1st decade (from April 21 to May 1). In the first decade, unusually smart and generous Taurus are born. From the outside, they seem completely happy and do not require additional protection of stones. But this is not entirely true. In some periods, they also need the support of magical talismans. To attract good luck for Taurus men, malachite is suitable. It will help start a financial ascent for novice businessmen. Malachite will become a talisman for attracting and increasing money. Confidence in decisions and calmness will give a stone of green and dark green hue.
  • 2nd decade (from 2 to 11 May). The second decade introduces the world of Taurus workers, prudent and a little boring. To dispel their pessimism and give a little recklessness, it is worth wearing talismans. Minerals will smooth out the impact of Mercury, which gives pragmatism to every cell of Taurus. It is worth wearing stones such as:
    • banish despondency and boredom. If Taurus is often depressed, then a bright mineral will return an excellent mood and joy. Men may wear jasper cufflinks or a rosary. The Taurus businessman will turn into a more risky and decisive one, and a drop of adventurism will appear in his character, which the representatives of this sign do not have at all.
    • Cornelian help you find love and happiness. The Taurus man often sorts out girls, because his requirements are unusually high. He wants to meet excellent hostess and a loving mother to future children.
  • 3rd decade (May 12 - May 20). Representatives of the constellation of the third decade are resilient optimists. Their disposition is cheerful and light, which is explained by the close influence of Gemini. Suitable stones:
    • diamonds contribute to achievements in the material sphere and unprecedented success, cheer up and amuse the pride of Taurus.
    • emeralds will provide inspiration. This stone is suitable for all Taurus, although it will most affect the representatives of the third decade. Emerald not only attracts material well-being, but also sensual love.

Charms for Taurus-men

A talisman in the form of an elephant or a bull will bring good luck to Taurus. A product made of bronze or wood is suitable, but it is better to refrain from souvenirs made of mahogany and ivory.

Amulets in the form of such figures will also help Taurus:

  1. Owl figurine will help fill gaps in knowledge, give patience and perseverance. The figurine must be made of glass, wood, silver or rock crystal.
  2. Horse for Taurus symbolizes performance and success. A figurine on the desktop helps to climb the career ladder. You can carry a horse made in the form of a pendant with you. Even a small pendant will do to always accompany success. As a metal for making a talisman, stop at gold.
  3. Statuette of a calf in gold will attract material well-being and good luck when concluding transactions.

How to wear stones to a male Taurus?

All Taurus stones must be ennobled with metal frames:

  • Agate is set in copper, and for emerald, diamond and sapphire, gold will be a more advantageous metal. A suitable stone, coupled with a noble metal, will greatly enhance its positive impact on the representatives of the sign.
  • Aventurine, jasper, chalcedony and turquoise prefer silver, and for carnelian it is enough to use a simple jewelry alloy.
  • Diamonds are set in gold and platinum, making out the ring.
  • Emeralds are also inserted into rings, although give preference to wearing this jewelry on the little finger.

Men face difficulties when choosing jewelry with turquoise. Cufflinks without a metal frame or a small turquoise pyramid on the table will help out. You can wear tie clips with matching jewelry or key rings.

Stones that should not be worn by a Taurus man

Taurus should avoid certain minerals: amber, ruby, topaz, amethyst, heliotrope and pyrite. They will become a source of trouble and harm your health. Amber, which becomes the cause of constant misfortunes, is especially contraindicated.

Taurus categorically cannot wear stones known for aggressive energy. For talismans the best choice there will be minerals that slightly correct the energy currents, directing them in the right direction.

Tips for choosing stones:

  1. For a man, minerals of more saturated colors are suitable. Stones should have an emerald or black hue.
  2. Talk quietly with your own amulet in difficult times. Taurus is often enough to speak out to the stone to accept the right decision. So you can look at the problem from a different angle and find the best solution.
  3. Take advantage of the assistance of amulets at meetings or important negotiations. So you will earn much more and be able to promote promising projects.
  4. If you have a call to the authorities, grab your lucky stone. It will help you concentrate and not panic.
  5. Give a charm to a little Taurus from birth. The boy will begin to learn more successfully and absorb knowledge as much as possible. Teenagers will not turn into closed people and will be able to find true friends.

When the Taurus man has already chosen for himself suitable talisman, it is worthwhile to make sure of the authenticity of the precious stone at the time of purchase. A fake mineral will only bring disappointment and resentment.

When choosing a stone, you must rely on your own intuition. She will tell Taurus whether this amulet is suitable for him or whether it is better to refuse to buy. If from touching the stone arose unpleasant feeling and cold, then such a mineral will cause trouble and trouble. If a man felt a surge of strength and energy, then such a jewel will give him financial well-being, determination and success in career growth.

Taurus is second zodiac sign. This is a sign of stubborn people who have great willpower and strive to achieve their goals. However, these are manifestations of the outer shell. Inside, Taurus is able to be very kind, friendly, gentle people, they just do not want to put these sides of themselves on display. On the other hand, at any moment these spiritual qualities instantly disappear, turning Taurus into a terrible destroyer, if he can be angered well.

The meaning of stones for the zodiac sign Taurus

The stones for this sign bear the imprint of such a dual nature of Taurus. The main stone of this sign is agate. Its texture is like the personality of Taurus in the context. The alternation of black and white stripes (however, the colors can be completely different, the main thing is the contrast) seems to emphasize the sharp change in the mood of Taurus, depending on the circumstances.
In addition, Taurus refers to earth signs, and combines practicality, intelligence and beauty. As a result, stones for him should emphasize these qualities. Aquamarine is suitable for many Taurus, as it is considered a mineral that helps direct and honest individuals.

Beryl, a money stone, is the personification of the pragmatic side of the character of Taurus. Material values ​​play one of the first roles in the life of calves, so beryl, as a "guarantor" of a stable financial situation, will be most welcome for them.

Another mineral that matters to Taurus is rose quartz. It is believed that he is able to help in the search for mutual understanding and is used as a talisman against disputes and quarrels. This is especially important for quick-tempered people, of whom there are quite a few among Taurus.

rose quartz

It should be said about one more mineral, the importance of which matters not so much for Taurus, but for its environment. Carnelian helps to soften the anger of the raging Taurus. It is recommended to be worn by especially active and choleric individuals.

It is believed that buying stones when the Sun is as far from the sign as possible will not bring good luck to their wearer. There is some truth in this: after all, you cannot buy stones that enhance the action of the horoscope at a time when the position of the Sun in the Zodiac not only does not correspond to Taurus, but is at a point opposite to it. For Taurus, this period falls on the days between October 23 and November 21.

Buying or accepting a gift of stones is best done in a period close to the birthday. The best option is on your birthday. And if it also falls on Friday, then everything will be just perfect.

What stones are suitable for Taurus women

Stones chosen for certain signs of the zodiac have one more interesting feature: their action depends on the gender of the host. Women and girls born under the constellation Taurus need to choose stones with more meticulousness than men. This is connected, first of all, with the features of this spring sign.

To ensure a normal and peaceful life, as well as to unlock creativity, women are advised to wear white agate. In addition, this stone is able to cheer up and makes women more courageous and resolute. Black agate will help the Taurus woman succeed on the financial front.

Aventurine is able to bring both women and men good luck in love affairs, however, unlike men, women are not recommended to wear it for too long, since its effect can easily change to the opposite.


The best protective agent for women, especially those working in large teams, is chalcedony. To enhance its action, chrysotopaz can be worn with it. Such a combination of stones, in addition to protective functions, can bring good luck and help in a career.

by the most the best stone for the fair sex there will be such a semi-precious stone as turquoise. He has the ability to attract the opposite sex, it is recommended to wear unmarried girls. He is also able to help women not to commit rash acts.

Women born under the sign of Taurus can even wear those stones that are not recommended for men. These include sapphires and topazes. The talisman with yellow topaz is the ideal companion of a woman - he allows her to resist life problems and makes her stronger.

And such a natural stone as blue topaz is completely contraindicated for men, for women is the best help in their business and in general, in any business. However, it also has certain disadvantages: the magic of such a stone is able to very quickly put everything in its place and show how there is someone surrounded by the mistress of the stone. In its own way, this is good, but not everyone is ready for this.

What stones are suitable for Taurus men

Stones for male Taurus, as a rule, are opaque and massive, having a dense texture. Preferred are yellow and salad shades. For men, it is best to opt for white or green agate - this mineral, firstly, enhances all the positive properties characteristic of Taurus, and, secondly, performs protective functions.

If you need a stone to attract love, or attract money, this will help. universal remedy like aventurine.

To protect yourself from the evil eye and spoilage and other forms of negative external influences, it is recommended to use chalcedony. In addition, it will help to save the owner's fortune. peace of mind and won't let him get mad.

Stones talismans and amulets for Taurus

Taurus value material well-being, so they need stones that attract cash. In this case perfect choice for Taurus of both sexes there will be turquoise. Beryl is less commonly recommended.

As a universally recognized amulet, an emerald is best suited for this sign. It fills the wearer with calmness and optimism, and protects from evil spirits.

Jasper can be recommended to overly sentimental representatives of this sign. It neutralizes the active energy of envious people and helps to maintain health.

Well, do not forget about the main stone of Taurus - agate. Agate promotes the development of intuition, gives the owner a sense of confidence and calmness. Agate will feel best when inlaid with copper jewelry, because copper is the main metal of this sign.

What stones are contraindicated for Taurus

First of all, the “main stones” of other signs are contraindicated for Taurus, especially those that are the antipodes of Taurus, for example, Scorpio or Libra.

According to some astrologers, most Taurus should not wear stones of altruistic signs. These include such precious stones as, for example, sapphire and similar ones, ruby ​​and topaz.

Separately, amber should be mentioned - this jewel is not suitable for any other sign of the zodiac, except for Leo. Many note Negative influence amber immediately after its acquisition. The best option will give amber that accidentally ended up with Taurus to someone else.

Separately, we should talk about such a stone as amethyst. This mineral has a strong energy and literally makes the space around it change. Given the voluntaristic nature of Taurus, using such material as a talisman is quite risky. It is by no means suitable for all representatives of this sign, since few people can resist the energy of the stone.

It is believed that Taurus can wear it without problems in childhood, however, with their entry into adulthood, it is urgent to get rid of the stone.

Amethyst helps to get rid of many bad habits, however, when his help is no longer needed, it is advisable to give it to someone. Again, it is better to do this with those who need the help of a stone.

Stones for Taurus by date of birth

The features of human nature, its abilities and sometimes its purpose may depend on the time of its birth. Analyzing the fate of many people, astrology came to the conclusion that certain groups of days are characterized by the same manifestations of character traits of people born at that time. Traditionally, every month for a particular zodiac sign is divided into decades.

Such a division and differentiation of talisman stones, suitable for certain signs of the zodiac, did not bypass. For example, for Taurus, there are both universal stones, for example, agate, emerald or quartz, and stones that have a narrower “specialization”, focused on the decade in which Taurus was born.

Moreover, not only the ability to enhance certain qualities of the wearer is interesting, but the fact that some “decade” stones may actually be contraindicated for Taurus. Don't be afraid of this: general recommendation may deny the usefulness of sapphire for Taurus in the first and second decades, but for the third, especially in its last days, on the border with Gemini, sapphire will probably be more useful than the same emerald.

  • First decade, lasting from April 21 to May 1, represents the days that Mercury patronizes. This is a planet of action, therefore, those born during this period require clear and unambiguous life guidelines and orders for themselves. Rose quartz or blood jasper is suitable for such natures; these stones will help you choose the right direction of movement or mode of action. To calm the soul and not be distracted by trifles, stones may be required to provide support. Traditionally, it is carnelian and aventurine. It is believed that they not only strengthen the belief in achieving the goal, but also free the wearer from jitters and depression.
  • second decade, the time of which falls on the period May 2 - May 11, is controlled by the Moon. Her element is love, romance, melancholy. Taurus born at this time are most affected by these romantic tendencies. Not that it was bad, however, this does not quite correspond to the character of Taurus. Correct the situation will help: symbols of eloquence - onyxes; symbols of harmony and wholeness - opals and so important for all Taurus, turquoise, a mineral of good luck and happiness.
  • third decade is the most dramatic for this sign. It lasts from May 12 to May 20 and is ruled by the father of the gods - Saturn, the lord of time and death. Taurus born during the "dominion" of Saturn are too pessimistic and prone to fatalism. And here you have to seek the help of those stones that are not only not recommended for Taurus, but are sometimes prohibited. So what to do? It is necessary to somehow reduce the negative influence of the patron ... In addition to the traditional emeralds and aquamarines useful for Taurus, antipodal stones are also recommended for those born at this time: sapphires, topazes, garnets.