Pisces horoscope stones. Gemstones for fish men

  • 26.09.2019

were attributed magical properties. It was believed that earrings, rings and bracelets, goblets and hilts of swords, sabers, decorated with gems, would protect their owner from foreign influence from the outside, help cure illnesses, attract love and much more.

Ancient table of stones and minerals

Even the Babylonian priests and magicians considered precious crystals as concentrates space forces and energies. Stones that were inserted into amulets and talismans became especially powerful. In astromineralogy, there are many tables showing the relationship between gems, zodiac signs and planets. Let's analyze some of them. Let's do this using the example of which stone suits Pisces. The first list, in which the sign of interest to us corresponds to sapphire, almost completely reproduces the well-known apocalyptic list of jewels that should adorn the walls of New Jerusalem. In this list, each sign corresponds to one mineral.

More modern interpretations

And here is another table. Let's see in it. Here, each sign already corresponds to 3 gems. In our case, these are pearls, amethyst, rock crystal. This interpretation of correspondences is connected with the ancient Persian and modern views for astromineralogy. Now a table reflecting the relationship between minerals and planets. According to her, which stone is suitable for Pisces? This sign is ruled by the Moon. The same luminary affects opals, moonstones, aquamarines, beryls, corals and pearls. And, finally, one more list - monthly. Which stone suits Pisces according to him, given that part of February and part of March fall under this sign? Esotericists advise wearing amethyst for February Pisces, and jasper for March Pisces.

"Precious calendar" for men

Classification of suitable precious and semi-precious stones will continue with another informative list. In addition to the main planet, which is on the ascendant at the time of a person’s birth, others also influence the personal horoscope. celestial bodies. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing or giving jewelry. For example, which stone is suitable for Pisces men? If astrologers consider amethyst to be the main one for the sign, then in addition to it they offer whole line gems. Those born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These are capricious, dreamy natures, great lovers of women and at the same time loneliness. They are suitable for jade and moonstone, aventurine and hematite, Tiger's Eye, jasper, carnelian. Those representatives of the stronger sex who were born from March 2 to March 11 experience a pronounced influence of Jupiter. They are vain, strive for outward grandeur, honest. Their stones are opal, heliotrope, coral, pearls. And finally, for Pisces born from March 12 to March 20, sapphire, aquamarine, diamond, alexandrite, tourmaline are considered the most suitable. These people are sociable, conceited, sensual and cutesy. Of course, all characteristics are given for the average representatives of the sign. It is better for all Pisces not to acquire onyx and carnelian.

Selection of gems for Pisces

Lovely ladies, of course, are also wondering: which stone is suitable for Pisces-girls? In principle, those that have already been mentioned. If not use minerals in special cases. Which ones - we will explain. Pearl has a particularly beneficial effect on the female half of Pisces, as it activates their spiritual development, harmonizes the personality, and this is what is most relevant for the representatives of the sign. Pearls - sea and river - makes their eyes shine brighter, gives the skin a fresh, healthy look. Esotericists believe that the mineral may well become happy talisman, which will protect against unhappy love, help make the right important decisions. And now, for millennia, pearls have been an indicator of healthy body Pisces. It gently shines and glows if the owner of the jewelry feels great, and dims at the slightest ill health.

Amethyst magic

We will tell you more about the rest of the stones suitable for Pisces. And let's start with amethyst, a truly magical crystal, very strong - so much so that it is not recommended for anyone to wear it all the time. Amethyst will provide good support to those Pisces who need to win over people. If you have it with you, it is much easier for the representatives of the sign to cope with their own anxieties, fears, and complexes. Cheerfulness of spirit, optimism, bright and kind thoughts - Pisces often acquire them too thanks to a wonderful stone. People involved in spiritual practices can receive special help from amethyst: priests, magicians, prophets, healers, psychics, etc. It gives rise to courage and perseverance, sharpens intuition, a prophetic gift, and makes it possible to concentrate energy. Another stone symbolizes fidelity in love, even if the object of feelings has gone to another world. Therefore, it is called "widow" and is not advised to be worn by young girls. And mature women and men can.

moonlight in moonstone

The stones of the Pisces sign, as already mentioned, are associated with the Moon, like the sign itself. That is why the moonstone is considered one of the most important for Pisces. Women wearing it become more attractive, sexy, they radiate charm and are extremely desirable for men. Yes, and many purely feminine diseases disappear under the beneficial influence of the gem. True, a moonstone can awaken such passions and desires in a woman’s body that it will be difficult for her to control herself. To prevent this from happening, the stone and the owner should take a break from each other from time to time. But for men, the mineral will be useful if they are engaged in magic, palmistry and other occult practices. Moonstone in Pisces increases susceptibility, responsiveness to certain mystical signs. And finally, the gem is a great love talisman.

Soul of the sea

An important stone of Pisces according to the horoscope is aquamarine. It so resembles the light transparency and depth of the sea wave, so it corresponds to the tender and vulnerable soul of the representatives of the sign! According to esotericists, the stone makes it possible for its owner to maintain restraint, calmness, inner harmony. To give timid Pisces courage and even insolence, to increase life potential is also within the competence of aquamarine. And, according to legend, if the one who wears the stone is in danger, the gem loses its transparent luster and becomes cloudy. When everything is calm, the mineral shines with a special inner light.

nobility of sapphire

Blue sapphire is one of the most valuable and expensive stones in the world. For Pisces, it is extremely important, because it enhances their spiritual abilities, develops their natural potential. Raises the personality to a new stage of development, higher and more important. Moreover, he endows occultists with a supernatural gift to penetrate into the essence of the hidden and secret. For most Pisces, it is sapphire that can become a reliable amulet, protecting them from the traps of fate. The gem accumulates all the positive character traits of the sign, helps to maintain balance, calmness and sanity in any situation. And even protect from slander, envy, slander of ill-wishers.

coral fantasy

No one will argue that corals are intended by nature for Pisces. The water element made them akin, and coral products help the representatives of the sign to control their thoughts, the stream of consciousness, fight their own inconsistency and emotional breakdowns. Pisces are prone to depression, fears, mood swings. Coral in such situations may well play the role of an ambulance psychological help, especially if it has a color of red, orange, pink. To gain wisdom, clairvoyance, to find the very point of support in life, thanks to which Pisces can change their world for the better, it is also under the power of corals - the children of the water element, like Pisces themselves.


People born under this sign are affable, sociable, friendly and sensitive, like others. They love being around people. Thanks to their excellent intuition, Pisces are able to deeply understand others, but to know themselves is a very difficult task for them. They are a mystery, both to others and to themselves. Perhaps because of this, they often lack confidence, underestimate themselves and need approval from outside. It is very important for them to find a life partner who would encourage and praise them.

Fish capable of significant development and self-improvement, achieving a high social level and material well-being, but all this is available only to those who have enough perseverance, perseverance, self-confidence and, most importantly, a goal to strive for.
Pisces is a sign of reflection, expectation, the end of the old and the harbinger of the new. End of winter, beginning of spring. Winter does not give up, but the sun is already beginning to warm, spring streams are flowing, primroses are breaking out from under the snow. The water is deep, cold and beautiful. Blue and blue-green tones predominate. Pisces Stones- pearls, corals, opals, mysteriously shimmering moonlights, green and blue crystals. These stones will not harm the Pisces, no matter how insidious they may seem at first glance.

AQUAMARINE. Aquamarine stone (from Latin sea water) is a kind of transparent beryls. The color of this pebble can vary from greenish to dark blue. Aquamarine is recommended to be worn during daylight hours. The stone has an interesting property: its color changes depending on the angle of view, jewelers take this into account when cutting. This stone is associated with strengthening the human spirit and exposing deceit. It used to be that it was simply contraindicated for dishonest people to wear it. Otherwise, any deception of such a person will be exposed. Now aquamarine is for all lovers of change of impressions, travelers, for passionate and very active people. To its owner, aquamarine jewelry gives prudence, a sense of justice, and courage. Aquamarine protects true friendship and true love, helps to achieve mutual understanding in relationships with loved ones. As an amulet, aquamarine protects against damage and ill-wishers. Due to its huge energy, it is able to relieve pain and improve performance. nervous system. If you wear aquamarine beads, then you will be in a good mood.
Aquamarine weakens the shortcomings of Pisces, gives them courage, self-esteem and restores justice - teaches them to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.
Deposits are known on all continents, the most significant: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia).

BELOMORITH (Moonstone) The name "belomorite" comes from the name of the White Sea, located in North Karelia, where this stone was first found. Technically, this is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in gray-blue, white and purple tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white lunar. Belomorite has a bluish tint, a very fragile stone, easily splits. Crafts from it are difficult to make because it is soft and exfoliates like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. First, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clear, vivid, and memorable. Belomorit is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life, chosen by man. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, slovenliness, excess rubbish in the house of his owner. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in the house will cause a person irresistible desire dismantle cupboards, drawers desk, get rid of unnecessary things, do a general cleaning (and even repairs), purchase the necessary things.
It will help belomorit and put things in order in the head of its owner: it will make you logically comprehend the reasons why troubles occur in his life; will require a person to urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in the professional field of activity, and conscientiously do his job.
Belomorit does not tolerate disorder and personal life owner. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, betrayals and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and give up his old habits.
wear it well in ring on the little finger, cut - cabochon with processed inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

MOTHER OF PEARL. Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and marine animals, since time immemorial has served people to decorate all kinds of objects. Mother-of-pearl consists mainly of carbonic lime, containing a small admixture of organic, animal matter; it is located in the shell of some molluscs and fits it from the inside with a more or less thick layer. This rich substance, of which pearls are also composed, in its luminous and brilliant tints reflects the charming play of white, purple, emerald and blue colors.
Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to make cosmetic creams. It was believed that such a cream can whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. from shells were worn in order to improve hearing.
As a talisman, mother-of-pearl is able to help its owner bring something new into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that mother-of-pearl products can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.
Pisces mother of pearl helps to win disputes and bets.
Mother-of-pearl is usually obtained from shells collected when searching for pearls, but sometimes mother-of-pearl shells are caught independently. Main places: the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the islands of Borneo and Ceylon, the coast of Japan and the Philippines. As for freshwater pearl mussels, they all died out, only a small part remained in the rivers of Northern Europe and northern Russia.

This is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Date of birth February 20 - March 20. The symbol is two fish connected by tails, wandering in different parts of the sea. It is ruled by the planet Neptune.

Such a sign is characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, compassion. He has great intuition, is able to feel moods, thoughts, predict the actions of other people, is naturally endowed with creative talents, a rich imagination. But this gift must be handled with care. It is easy to go into the world of dreams, finally break away from worldly life, stop understanding reality, become a city madman.

Pisces adore the surrounding reality: nature, animals, people. Speaking of romantic feelings, it cannot be said that they love one person, it is rather a collective feeling that is directed to all living things, the whole world as a whole. Pity and love are inseparable concepts. These are altruists who gather around themselves orphans, the poor, who need love.

Representatives of the sign are harmless, soft, compliant, subtly sensitive natures, therefore, being creative, they create masterpieces. Images come from the subconscious, where they drown all the negativity that has fallen on them. They adapt well to any changes, easily move, changing not only the city, but also the country. They try to forget, drown out any terrible events, not letting them close to the soul, which they do very well.

Outwardly, they are closed, cut off from the world, but this does not frighten people, because good nature bribes others. Pisces is not logical. All their actions are intuitive. However, they are rarely wrong.

If you characterize the sign in one word, then it will be duality. They do not understand their own actions, do not direct their actions. For example, being religious, they sin. But not out of malice, but out of innocence. In love, idealists, romantics. They are waiting for a flight of feelings, complete dedication of a partner, passion, devotion, but they themselves are not ready to give it. Again, they do this not on purpose, but from a changeable mood, the duality of nature.

This is a romantic melancholy dreamer. He is not ambitious, so often promising creative projects get to someone else. The man of the Pisces zodiac sign is able to offer a chic idea, but is not able to realize it.

Next to him there should be a strong woman who will push forward, encourage, indicate what to do, and if necessary, she will bear it. Hard work, solving everyday problems, taking care of finances oppress, depress.

They rarely have their own position, often copy the opinions of others. They are gentle, kind, and sensitive. Their lot is creativity. Few are ahead of them in this. Pisces react to the moods of others, adapt to them, vividly express emotions, inspire confidence, a desire to believe secrets. At the same time, they do not want to be friends with them - they are too incomprehensible and eccentric.

Characteristics of a woman

Pisces women are very beautiful and sophisticated. There should be a reliable man next to her, able to protect and support at any moment.

Pisces women prefer to be the center of attention to be worshiped. At the same time, they are sensitive, emotional and sentimental. These qualities attract men to them who want to comfort and protect. She plays with men, not in a hurry to choose the only one from the many fans, which often leads to conflicts. The choice she made can be confusing. It can be completely devoid of logic, because a woman chooses not a strong or rich, but a loved one.

fish stones

To make the life of this zodiac sign harmonious, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to understand himself, to make him more mundane, to get rid of dreams and dreams, to awaken the initiative. This is facilitated for fish stones talismans. The characteristics of the sign by decades will help you choose the decoration accurately.

Which stone is suitable for the first decade

Romantics, cut off from everyday problems. For such fish, stones should be chosen strong, which awaken energy:

  • relieve nervous fish from mood swings, add optimism. It is a mineral that heals love wounds. But it is better not to accept it as a gift, this will make the owner of the talisman fall in love;
  • relieves stress, helps to keep cool and not panic. Pisces this stone will help to attract and increase wealth. for fish finds love. During the full moon, it attracts the energy of the luminary to itself, does not allow harming the owner, overexciting him with his light and pushing him to rash acts.

Also bring good luck, stimulate the will and energy of fish stones aventurine, tiger's eye.

Which stone is suitable for the second decade

They are very honest and open personalities. But conceited, wishing to be in sight, bathe in glory and honors.

Fish stone:

  • pearls are a symbol of love. Fish with him find a calm and happy life. Jewelry with pearls protects from ill-wishers and criminals;
  • Coral is a shy mineral. Suitable for those who want fame, ready to go over their heads for it. Coral will get rid of sarcasm, subjectivity in assessments, give modesty, underestimate ambitions;
  • opal. It will give strength to such a weak sign, get rid of the habit of embellishing reality. The family life of fish will be happy and stable. The stone enhances talents, brings inspiration;
  • rhinestone will save you from unnecessary worries and waste of energy over trifles. This mineral builds relationships, helps to communicate. Crystal improves the wearer's health.

Suitable stones for the third decade

They are under the influence of Mars, which makes their temper capricious. It softens sociability and enthusiasm. Of all the fish, these are the most independent individuals capable of achieving their goals.

Fish stones:

  • Emerald protects against rash actions, calms the soul. Meditations with emerald restore inner harmony, treat depression and emotional wounds, even out mood, charge with positive;
  • aquamarine neutralizes the shortcomings of fish. He makes them bold, awakens self-esteem, adds healthy egoism so that the fish begin to take care not only of others, but also of themselves. Aquamarine will save you from excessive daydreaming, lower you to the ground.

Royal diamond and will make the fish more vain and purposeful, add energy and

Which stone is better not to wear

It is undesirable for Pisces to wear jewelry in gold. Metal will make them even more unassembled and inattentive. The best way jewelry - small earrings, thin rings, modest pendants. Brightness, pretentiousness, catchiness contradict the nature of the fish.

Coral should be chosen carefully, giving preference to light shades of stone. It is better not to wear untreated corals. The same rules apply to pearls. It is better to choose small light beads.

Ideal for women, but negatively affects men. For both representatives of the sign, experts do not recommend putting on more than one stone at the same time. Strong energy minerals will bring unstable fish out of balance.

When choosing a talisman stone, it is necessary to rely not only on common sense and the advice of astrologers, but also on intuition. The right amulet attracts attention, hands reach out to touch it, warm joyful feelings arise in the soul. Wearing it, a person feels a surge of strength, energy, life changes for the better.

In order to choose the right stones according to the zodiac sign of Pisces, you need to know the features of this sign. It is the final one in a circle of twelve signs, beginning on February 20th and ending on March 20th. The patron planet is Neptune, and the natural element is water. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by spirituality, developed intuition and dreaminess. They have a great sense of humor, they are kind and helpful friends. The disadvantages for people born under the sign of Pisces are such qualities as compliance, gentleness of character, lack of will in making their own decisions. At the same time, it is quite difficult to live with them in a family, despite their pliability, because they are rather helpless in everyday life, but they know how to use it and manipulate loved ones. All these characteristics are explained by weak energy, which can be strengthened with the help of properly selected talismans and amulets.

Pisces stones that enhance energy

Diamond Amethyst Pearl

H is useful to Pisces, it helps to overcome inertia, attracts money and love.
gives peace to the family, brings good luck to its owners. He shares positive energy with his owner, but you need to be very careful if amethyst is given - he is able to fall in love with the donor.
traditionally considered a symbol of love and gives Pisces a calm and long family life. If the pearl becomes cloudy, then it signals that its owner has health problems.
allows you to leave with honor stressful situations and also attracts money. You cannot wear a moonstone all the time.
useful in that it enhances love and family well-being. Astrologers recommend opals of milky white color to representatives of this zodiac sign. Opal also enhances the creativity of fish.

Which stone is suitable for fish by date of birth

When choosing a talisman and amulet, you must take into account the date of birth.
Pisces born in the first decade of the sign (20.02 - 01.03) have the patron planet Saturn. These are vulnerable, creative people. The main stone for those born in the first decade is. It helps such people to unleash their creativity and think clearly. Blue is also suitable, which contributes to being wise and hardworking. And it will help to overcome laziness and improve memory.

Emerald Sapphire

In the second decade (03/02 - 03/11), the most suitable gem is this. He will help his owner in the implementation of plans. Heliotrope for the zodiac sign Pisces is a way of protection from bad influence and envy. will help its owner become more practical, bring good luck. It is especially useful to wear opal rings on romantic dates to become more self-confident. - a complex stone, it cannot be given away, only given or accepted as a gift, because opal is able to exchange energy between the donor and the donee. If the energy is negative, then it will only bring harm and even serious illness to both people.
According to the horoscope, representatives of this sign, born in the third decade (03/12 - 03/20), tend to be cheerful and capricious. This is because their planet is Mars. Representatives of the third decade should have talismans made of onyx, hematite, carnelian,. These stones balance emotions, improve health and mood, and promote new beginnings.

Gems for Pisces - women

The influence of the zodiac sign Pisces on women is most pronounced, because this is the so-called "female" sign. The beautiful half, born under this sign, is distinguished by sacrifice in the name of the good of people close to them. Topaz will help them maintain energy, health and beauty. of blue color. Also suitable. He is a talisman of family happiness and protects from ill-wishers and envious people.
Astrologers strongly recommend that unmarried girls according to the zodiac sign Pisces wear jewelry with pearls.
. It is preferable to choose this stone in blue, then it helps to restore your mental and physical strength, as well as maintain beauty and youth for many years.
It will help to be more open, friendly to its owner. Preserves marital fidelity and family happiness, because it is a symbol of constancy.

Talismans for Pisces men

Due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are too soft and not always confident in their own abilities, they can be advised to use the power of stones.


How to choose stones for Pisces by date of birth?

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To understand which stone is suitable for Pisces, you need to know in which decade of the sign a person was born.

  • In the first decade from February 21st to March 1st) were born romantics and dreamers prone to change. Saturn, patronizing them, makes them somewhat divorced from real life with her problems. Magically strong minerals are suitable for fish of this period: amethyst, aventurine, carnelian, moonstone, tiger's eye, bloody jasper.
  • During the period from 2nd to 11th March open and honest representatives of the described zodiac sign were born. Jupiter influencing them makes Pisces sensitive to fame and recognition of their merits. Pisces, which has powerful support, can achieve such honors. The following stones are suitable for the sign: heliotrope, hairy, opal, pearls and corals.
  • Representatives of the sign born in the 3rd decade ( from March 12th to 20th) are subject to Mars. These are cheerful, sociable and a little capricious people. They claim a lot in life, but they try to achieve all the benefits on their own. Gems Pisces of this period are diamond, sapphire, tourmaline, chrysolite, alexandrite, emerald and aquamarine.

More about stones for Pisces - in the video:

Precious amulets

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Talismans, suitable for Pisces, should give the sign strength and energy. The first among such stones is opal. The amulet brings happiness in love and family life. Representatives of this zodiac sign are idealists and dreamers who do not expect a dirty trick from anyone. Precious jewelry with opal will protect Pisces from envious people and ill-wishers. The stone gives vitality, increases physical and psychological endurance. Opal enhances the creative and mental potential of a person.

Pisces is a suspicious and hesitant sign of the Zodiac. Responsible decisions are given very hard, and even after they are made, Pisces will doubt. To add confidence, it is advisable for a representative of the sign to have a talisman with corals. It will help to gather in difficult situations, strengthen intuition and improve logical thinking.

Representatives of the last sign of the Zodiac “love” to be nervous for the slightest reason, and in especially tense moments they tend to panic. A charm in the form of jewelry with a moonstone is able to calm and comfort in difficult times. talisman promotes good mood, relieves stress and gives pleasant dreams.

Choosing a stone for a woman

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When choosing which talismans are suitable for a woman born under the sign of Pisces, you should pay attention to cacholong (pearl agate). This rare gem is a wonderful talisman for a woman of any age and marital status. Cacholong attracts love and happiness. The stone is suitable for unmarried girls who dream of finding their destiny. Pearl-colored agate is useful for pregnant women and young mothers. Pisces constantly doubt the sincerity of loved ones, jewelry with a cacholong will give them confidence and teach them to trust.

For all the trouble, a female fish often forgets that she is a woman. A talisman with a moonstone can help restore softness, femininity and attractiveness. It attracts the attention of men, reveals the sensual side of the character. The moonstone, donated by a loved one, acts as a love amulet and keeps relationships. Jewelry with a stone is useful for health and female beauty. They act as an indicator of the general condition of the body.

The Pisces woman is restrained in expressing her feelings, she simply does not have the courage for this, because she is afraid of being rejected and misunderstood. The amulet with aquamarine will give courage and looseness to the representative of this zodiac sign. The mineral helps to maintain calmness and spiritual harmony. The talisman gives strength and energy to achieve goals.

Mineral for men

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A man who was born under the sign of Pisces goes hard to his success and experiences failure for a long time. A suitable talisman for him is a product with pearls. It brings good luck in business, attracts financial well-being and self-confidence. The amulet is especially useful for people involved in business and mental work. The Pisces man is an altruist by nature, pearls will teach him to value himself and take care not only of others.

The Pisces man often has a limited inner world, so it’s hard for him to find mutual language with other people, especially women. For spiritual development he needs a talisman with aquamarine. The stone helps to increase intuition, opens consciousness for new knowledge. The amulet does not allow the representative of the sign of the Zodiac to become stale in soul and helps to fight against intriguers.

In order for the Pisces man to believe in himself, he needs outside help. For these purposes, a charm with amethyst is suitable. It restores the body, increases the energy level. The talisman contributes to the development of a harmonious personality, gives faith in one's own strength and teaches how to use them. Amethyst helps Pisces understand the world and themselves.