Stone talisman for male calves. Choosing a charm for Taurus

  • 26.09.2019

Main Stone of Taurus Woman

It is, of course, turquoise. For an Earth sign, this living mineral brings love to life and stability, provided the stone is worn constantly. For those born in late April-early May, turquoise serves as a talisman. By appearance The fossil shows whether the owner was attacked from outside. The stone, taking a hit on itself, may become stained, in this case it is worth letting it rest, holding it for several days. But if the color of turquoise changes, you should consult a doctor, since, most likely, this is a sign of a disease.

Gems of Taurus

These include: sapphire, emerald, opal, malachite, lapis lazuli, diamond. All of them serve as amulets and amulets for Taurus.

Taurus Woman Stone


With this amulet any doors will be opened before you. Protects the owner from slander, betrayal and evil fate. If dishes are made from sapphire, then the quality of any food in it improves markedly. In addition, it is a talisman of love and fidelity.


One of the best defenders. Especially when it is a talisman according to the sign of the Zodiac. And this is exactly the case of Taurus. For a spring sign, this rich green beryl is a good luck charm in all directions, including health, love, and wealth. Like most minerals, it can harm an evil and vile person, and on the contrary, a merciful and kind owner will help and protect him.


Cacholong milky especially good for the beautiful half of the population. This stone of the Taurus woman keeps the family, protects it, brings peace and prosperity. Has a feminine side. Stone of monks, purity of thoughts.


It is of great value for discovering talents in children. Then develop these abilities. A stone of wisdom and knowledge, it acts by purifying consciousness and enlightening thoughts. It is also a guardian of health.

Lapis lazuli

This beautiful mineral is suitable for people who communicate with a large number of people in their work. Gives eloquence and endows oratorical abilities. It helps fickle owners to use energy wisely and be more prudent in committing various actions and more restrained in statements.


Able to both help and harm its owner if he received the stone illegally or is a person with low desires and evil thoughts. It is believed that this gem works better when it is inherited or a gift from someone you trust, otherwise the possession of a diamond will not turn out to be good for you. What a powerful talisman. Bestows invincibility and courage on brave warriors fighting for good causes.

And further…

The stone of the Taurus woman should be able to control her, because this sign of the Earth often suffers from excessiveness both in deeds and deeds, and in food and statements. Taurus just doesn't know when to stop. In general, this is a rather peaceful and permanent sign. For supporting mental strength stimulants such as amazonite and carnelian are suitable, and rock crystal and moonstone will help develop the gift of foresight, intuition, and make you richer spiritual world spring constellation. Stones with a high energy potential, too active, are not recommended for Taurus, since the sign already has a fairly high vitality.

According to the horoscope, sapphire is considered a true amulet in the form of a stone for Taurus women. This gem helps to find the purpose of life, overcome fears and insecurities. Sapphire makes a person wiser, gives peace and tames passions.

Taurus women are true keepers of the hearth, but this does not prevent them from being good bosses at work. Sapphire helps to make the right decisions and makes mentally flexible. This stone is suitable for women, as well as girls and children of this zodiac sign, regardless of the decade of birth.

Gemstones for a Taurus Woman


Aventurine is an incredibly positive stone that promotes prosperity in all endeavors. The mineral strengthens leadership qualities and encourages perseverance. This is a real talisman for those who often find themselves in risky situations. Aventurine protects against spoilage. The stone is suitable for all women, regardless of age. A stunning necklace can be purchased for 160-200 rubles.

blood jasper

Blood jasper is the only mineral that is able to eliminate the negative energy potential accumulated by the body. Blood jasper is an amulet for Taurus born in the first zodiac decade (April 21 - May 1). This stone improves tone, relieves fatigue and gives confidence. Sold on aliexpress for 220-280 r.

Tiger's Eye

The tiger's eye can only be worn by mature women. This rare and incredibly beautiful stone gives the owner courage, self-confidence and flexibility of thinking. It costs 150 rubles here aliexpress.


Carnelian is necessary for Taurus to attract good luck in love affairs. It preserves marital happiness, has a calming and soothing effect, and also protects against quarrels. Carnelian is an amulet that is designed to protect the owners from all dangers. Sold for 130-250 rubles,.


Agate is a talisman for women and girls of Taurus born in the first decade. It enhances the influence of Mercury, makes a person pleasant in communication and helps to make the right decisions. Agate endows the owner with insight and intelligence. It is considered to be a stone of fidelity. Agate has a beneficial effect on health, protects against infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A beautiful agate necklace is possible.



The stone horoscope of Taurus indicates the special benefits of chalcedony for representatives of this sign. The mineral helps to prevent outbursts of anger and bouts of melancholy. Chalcedony keeps peace and happiness in the house, and this is one of the main priorities for Taurus women. May be different colors, here is a blue necklace option.


Onyx clears the mind and gives insight. Onyx strengthens memory and spiritual strength. This is a stone for a real fighter and a great worker. Onyx reflects part of the essence of the Taurus woman. The stone is considered useful for any person, as it concentrates bioenergy. .


Opal gives faith, drives away gloomy thoughts and helps to reveal talents. An excellent stone for children born under the sign of Taurus. Opal predetermines a person success in all endeavors. It is believed that it balances all the functions of the body. An opal ring can be bought for 300 rubles.



Chrysoprase can be considered a good luck charm. It brings success in money matters, and this is very important for representatives of all Earth signs. Chrysoprase reveals inventive abilities in a person. This is a great stone for women building their own business.


Diamond patronizes Taurus born in the third decade (May 12-20). This stone makes a person contact, reduces the manifestation of negativity from the outside. Diamond strengthens all energy centers. The king of stones contributes to the development of the best qualities of a person.


Pomegranate will help Taurus to keep good mood and strengthen friendships. These stones are able to awaken love passions and increase a person's stamina. Pomegranate cleanses the body, promotes speedy recovery after illness.


Emerald patronizes all women. It is considered an amulet for children and the whole family. Emeralds attract wealth, give peace and constancy of feelings. An ideal stone for representatives of this sign, who really appreciate stability in all its manifestations.

Semi-precious stones for Taurus women

Of the semi-precious minerals, representatives of this sign will suit:

  • rose quartz;
  • amethyst;
  • aquamarine;
  • topaz;
  • tourmaline.

Rose quartz promotes the activation of thought processes and attracts good luck in love. It is great for developing the imagination. It is widely believed that amethyst is not suitable for Taurus at all.

But for true leaders and risky individuals born in the first decade, this stone will help to avoid stress and depression. It gives insight and extinguishes feelings of anxiety.

Aquamarine will become a talisman in love and friendship. The stone has positive energy. It improves mood and helps to get rid of laziness. But topaz will help Taurus develop their mental abilities.

It helps the owner to react quickly to events and make the right decisions. A good effect on Taurus women and rare tourmaline. This stone has a beneficial effect on the health and mind of the owner. Tourmaline brings peace and helps to unleash the full potential of creativity.

We recommend purchasing necklaces and bracelets from any of the above stones. Prices for all jewelry are 2-3 times less than in any store in the city, check.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

Taurus is very reliable, peaceful and calm. They love refined and interesting things, kind open people. Tauruses are great at making money and will never miss a profitable opportunity. Of the negative qualities, only a little greed and selfishness should be noted. In addition, such people always consider their point of view correct and are not inclined to change their minds. Today we will talk about which stone is suitable for Taurus men and women. We will learn how minerals can reveal the virtues and hide the flaws of this zodiac sign.

Taurus stones by date of birth

  • Tiger's Eye.

These Taurus are ruled by Mercury. It brings big money and good luck. Therefore, stones will be an excellent talisman.

For Taurus, who were born from May 2-11, the Moon will serve. She will bring harmony and love to family life. In addition, the Moon has a calming effect on Taurus. Here are the best stones to choose:

  • Crystal.

Experts advise to purchase a small pyramid of these minerals so that it brings prosperity and happiness.

If Taurus was born from May 12-20, he will be patronized by the majestic Saturn. Stones are recommended for such people:

These minerals will allow you to get rid of depression at any time and become happier. It is enough just to look at the stone for a while and you will immediately want to smile.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

Consider the most best options stones that will protect Taurus from any troubles and bestow big money, success and health.

  1. Sapphire for Taurus. The blue color of the mineral will allow you to calm down and relax at any moment. It helps to achieve spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life. Sapphire for Taurus makes it possible to always make the right decision and be firmly confident in your choice. Experts say that the stone saves from slander and evil people. Note that the mineral will give its positive energy only to the sincere, kind and honest man. Sapphire for the deceitful and evil Taurus will bring only misfortune and misfortune.
  2. Emerald. Use a ring of stones as protection from evil spirits. Also keep the amulet with you while you sleep. It is believed that he will allow every night to see only good and vivid dreams. Emerald helps to maintain fidelity in the family and gives peace and comfort. The stone also understands the mood and gives hope.
  3. Aventurine. An ideal stone for businessmen and heads of large firms. Every day he will bring new ideas for business development and for increasing profits. Experts noticed that the aventurine amulet helped many people to bring a small business to the state level.
  4. Agate. This talisman is able to protect its owner every day and give him only happiness. If you add a copper frame to the mineral, he can provide Taurus with great calm and confidence. It is believed that the daily use of the stone allows you to develop incredible intuition. You can always spot lies and fully read people's emotions. Agate teaches Taurus to perform in front of a large audience and develops the gift of persuasion.
  5. . Perfect for Taurus, who often listen to someone else's grief and take it too close to their hearts. The mineral will quickly get rid of negative emotions and live happily. Jasper remarkably protects the health of its owner from any ailment.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women?

It is important for a girl to choose a special mineral that will keep her healthy, protect her family and bring only happiness.

  • . This is a pearl agate that is perfect for a Taurus woman. Especially it is advised to girls who are already expecting a baby. The mineral will improve the health of mother and baby, as well as make childbirth as easy and painless as possible. After the birth of a child, cacholong will bring financial well-being in order to provide a new family member with a decent education and amenities.
  • Turquoise. It is believed that a light blue stone will enable a lonely girl to meet her lover. If you wear a mineral talisman daily, it will help prevent frivolous acts and teach you to identify deceitful people. For married women it is best to wear green turquoise. The stone will keep peace and love in the house, and will also protect against betrayal. The mineral gives its owner good health and great wealth.

What stones are suitable for Taurus men?

It is important for a man to have a favorite thing that will bring prosperity to his family. Now we will find out which stones will cope with this task best.

  • Amazonite. The Taurus Gemstone allows you to receive correct solution and achieve only success. It is perfect for indecisive Taurus who are afraid to make a specific choice. The stone brings prosperity and allows you to achieve heights in your career.
  • . He will protect every man from deceit and any intrigue. The stone recognizes deceitful people and immediately informs the owner about it. Zircon will be able to take Taurus away from any disputes and quarrels that spoil the mood and harm health. However, if the owner of the stone himself loves to deceive and use people, the mineral will prevent the implementation of insidious plans. The stone will teach you to live honestly and achieve goals only on your own.
  • . It will help men to easily get acquainted with the opposite sex and lead to a soul mate. The stone develops the gift of persuasion and allows you to speak freely even when in large numbers of people. For a lonely Taurus, a talisman from Sardonyx is suitable. The mineral will allow you to quickly find a wife and build an ideal marriage.
  • black agate. The stone will reveal hidden qualities in every man that will be useful in career growth. At work, the talisman will help you concentrate as much as possible and reach incredible heights. It is an ideal stone for businessmen and executives. However, if you have just started working, it will help you quickly reach the maximum position.

What minerals are contraindicated for Taurus?

Experts believe that the most important enemy among stones is. It categorically should not be worn by Taurus in any form. The mineral will bring great bad luck to this particular zodiac sign. As soon as you bring amber closer to you, you will feel it in a couple of days. Negative influence. At first, these will be minor troubles, but over time they will begin to grow. Astrologers believe that the stone should never be thrown away. Even if for some time he was your talisman, part with him with dignity and kindness. It is best to give amber to a person for whom it is ideal. Otherwise, just a thrown stone will continue to harm and cause trouble for you.

Also, Taurus is not recommended to wear amethyst talismans.. Sometimes there may be exceptions to this rule. For example, for Taurus children, the mineral will help them focus on their studies and achieve incredible results. However, when the child turns 16, it is better to abandon the stone. Also, amethyst can save Taurus from bad habits: smoking, alcoholism. After the stone has helped to quit smoking or drinking, you need to give it up. It is best to give a mineral close person rather than throwing it away.

In addition to amber, there are some stones that are not very suitable for Taurus. These include:

  1. If you have chosen an emerald stone, be sure to choose a decent frame for it. The mineral will look great in gold. It is believed that it will bring more luck if worn in a ring. For girls, a necklace or earrings with an emerald in gold is suitable. They will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help you find a soul mate.
  2. For turquoise to better reveal its magical properties it must be framed in silver.
  3. Opal stone, on the contrary, does not like to combine with other metals. It can be worn separately as a protective amulet. It also does not recommend wearing jewelry made from other stones along with opal. Otherwise, he will reveal the negative sides of Taurus.
  4. Other stones only need to be framed in a copper frame. It is best suited for Taurus and will work in tandem with the precious mineral.
  5. By color scheme men should choose rich stones, black or emerald.
  6. Women are best suited for light minerals. Choose from white, pink or blue colors. They will emphasize femininity and will best protect health.
  7. Try to always turn to the help of your stone in a difficult moment. Sometimes Taurus can just talk to the mineral, look at its beauty and come to the right decision.
  8. Taurus girls should definitely wear turquoise jewelry on a date. The stone will help determine if a man is right for you and whether you can create a happy family with him. In addition, turquoise makes it easy to communicate with your soul mate, reveal your best qualities and shine with feminine beauty.
  9. Do not forget to use talismans for important negotiations and meetings. They allow you to take right decisions, promote your best projects and earn as much as possible more money. Also, always take your stone with you when you have a difficult conversation with your superiors. The mineral will help you calm down, clearly explain your position and not panic.
  10. It is best to give a patron stone to Taurus from birth. Then the child will be able to study better, develop useful skills and successfully build his future. For teenagers, a stone will help to maintain sincerity, not to withdraw into oneself and always find reliable friends.

Taurus is one of the reliable and solid signs of the zodiac. This is a rock man. There were times when his symbol was depicted as a figure rooted to the waist in the ground, which partly characterizes the essence of Taurus. As a rule, unshakable and conservative people are born under this sign, but if necessary, a representative of this constellation can be quite mobile.

At its core, Taurus is closer in spirit to peacemakers, but they cannot stand it when they are forced to do something or put pressure on them to make this or that decision. Since stubbornness is inherent in this sign, it is almost impossible to do this. Taurus will always defend their point of view to the limit.

Astrologers consider typical representatives of this sign to be the most mercantile people in the world. They are looking for profit even where it cannot be in principle. No wonder many of them can be called "Golden Calves", since the ability to enrich is one of their trump cards.

For complete happiness, representatives of this sign love to surround themselves with exquisite expensive things. True, besides beauty, everything that they have must have a specific practical purpose.

The main negative qualities of typical Taurus are selfishness and greed, but in relation to others. Such people are ready to spend quite large sums on themselves and their loved ones. If the best friend asks such a person for a loan, he will give him money, but he is not ready to give even his beloved girl any of his adored things. Moreover, you should not persuade him, as you can seriously and for a long time quarrel with him. In this case, no tricks will help - flattery, sycophancy or an offer for an adequate exchange. Taurus will not react to this, since for such a person his property is sacred.

Which stone suits Taurus women

To attract a loved one to her person, a girl born under the sign of Taurus, astrologers advise wearing turquoise jewelry. If a young lady hides a particle of this stone in the folds of her dress, she will not act lightly and will immediately recognize the lie.

Wearing green turquoise is advised to married ladies. It will help to live in abundance and save the family hearth from quarrels and other troubles. In addition, this stone helps a woman to become pregnant and endure healthy child.

Cacholong is also called pearl agate. It is advised to wear it to the fair sex, who are waiting for replenishment in their family. With his support, the woman tolerates pregnancy well and gives birth without any complications. healthy baby. In addition, cacholong promotes well-being in the family.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus men

If you have a hidden potential that you cannot realize in any way, then we advise you to wear black agate jewelry. This stone will help to achieve success in any business.

Thanks to amazonite, the Taurus man becomes more decisive and financially prosperous.

Brown or orange onyx is called sardonyx. This stone develops the gift of eloquence in a person, which contributes to rapprochement with beautiful ladies. Lonely individuals with the help of this stone find their soul mate.
Zircon contributes to the exposure of lies and prevents its owner from telling lies. In addition, it softens quarrels and protects from slander.

Stones talismans for Taurus

The most effective talisman for Taurus is considered to be an emerald. With it, you can save family happiness for many years. It promotes conception and the birth of offspring, and also helps to look to the future with optimism. Emeralds are the best protectors from evil spirits. If you wear jewelry with this stone at night, you can be sure that you will not have nightmares.

The most spiritual stone for Taurus is sapphire. It has a pure blue color. But for scammers and dishonest people, this talisman will be useless, since it helps only truthful and worthy owners. He will protect such individuals from gossip addressed to them and help in making the right decisions.

Jasper is the best protector from negative energy. Taurus who wear this stone take other people's problems to heart and help to cope with them. Thanks to jasper, no even the strongest energetic vampire will not be able to harm the representative of this sign. In addition, she will protect her master from diseases.

As a daily protector, Taurus is recommended to wear jewelry made of agate, a layered chalcedony of various colors. If this stone is set with copper, then its owner will not be nervous and worried about small and large failures. By wearing agate jewelry for a long time, you can develop intuition and immediately recognize a lie. In addition, this stone contributes to the development of eloquence and helps to persuade in a conversation to one's side.

Enhances luck and aventurine. For people involved in business, this stone contributes to the birth and implementation of new profitable ideas.

What stones are contraindicated for Taurus

The only stone that can bring on the head of Taurus different kind troubles and problems, is amber. Representatives of this sign need to stay away from him.

If Taurus does not heed this advice and begins to wear amber jewelry, then the negative consequences will not be long in coming. Moreover, than longer man will be with this stone, the more problems it will have.

When you finally decide to get rid of this dubious fellow traveler, then in no case should you throw amber in the trash. This will immediately have a negative impact on your life. It is better to put the stone in a prominent place and aloud wish him to find a new owner, whom he will love. Another way to get rid of amber is a gift to the person who will like it.

Chrysoprase stone

The patron of Taurus, born from April 21 to May 1, is the god of prosperity and money Mercury. To attract good luck, it is better for representatives of this sign to wear carnelian, Tiger's Eye, amethyst, amazonite, aventurine and agate. Jewelry from them will serve Taurus as an effective amulet.

The night luminary significantly affects the lives of people born under this constellation in the period from May 2 to May 11. Their amulets will be items made of coral, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opal, rock crystal and turquoise. If Taurus builds himself a pyramid of these stones, he will be able to enhance the beneficial effects of the Moon on his life. Representatives of this constellation, who wear rings with the above stones, are happy in family life.

Real Taurus aesthetes are born from May 12 to 20. These people prefer to wear gems, which, in addition to beauty and respectability, protect them from various troubles and prevent depressive states from developing. These include aquamarines, sapphires, garnets, emeralds and diamonds.

Astrologers say that with the help of precious stones, you can neutralize negative energy and unleash your creative potential. But which stone is suitable for male calves? What amulets and talismans are suitable for this zodiac sign? And what stones are contraindicated for calves? Below we will find the answers to these questions.

What should be considered when choosing a stone for a male Taurus?

When choosing a stone, you need to take into account the character traits of men who are born under the sign of calf. Experienced astrologers say that Taurus is the most mercantile among other signs. Taurus men are very fond of earning and spending money. They like to negotiate, set up production, resolve disputes, and so on.

At the same time, Taurus men are very fond of home peace and comfort. They do not tolerate change well, and in personal relationships they value trust and honesty most of all.

Taurus men can enjoy life only when their affairs are going well, and relatives and friends appreciate them. It should be remembered that Taurus men are characterized by some negative traits- stinginess, self-doubt, selfishness and other character traits.

Therefore, when choosing precious items, one should give preference to such stones that will not only help to reveal all the creative potential, but also such stones that will soften selfishness and stinginess, as well as give self-confidence.

By date of birth: by decade

It should be understood that each astrological sign covers a time period of about 30 days. Therefore, when choosing a gemstone, you need to focus not only on the sign of the zodiac, but also on the date of birth.

Find out which stones are suitable for male Taurus by date of birth:

If a man was born in the first decade (April 21 - May 1)

Men's agate bracelet

These bodies are ruled by Mercury. Taurus born in the first decade will be able to achieve impressive financial success in almost any business. It is advisable for such Taurus men to wear jewelry based on agate, tiger's eye and aventurine. These stones will protect the owner from ill-wishers and competitors.

If a man was born in the second decade (May 2 - May 11)

Men's turquoise bracelet

Such bodies are ruled by the Moon. Taurus born in the second decade are distinguished by a calm character and self-confidence. Calm and self-confident Taurus will make good financial analysts and businessmen. Suitable stones for calves who were born in the second decade - turquoise, opal and rock crystal. These stones are distinguished by a calm neutral energy, with the help of which a male Taurus will strengthen his innate qualities, which will help him achieve amazing success in business and personal life.

If a man was born in the third decade (May 11 - May 20)

Men's garnet bracelet

Taurus, born in the third decade, are distinguished by a bright and lively mind, with which they can achieve success in life. Unfortunately, many of these bodies are distinguished by isolation in themselves and self-doubt. To neutralize the negative influence of the stars, you need to buy cheerful stones with positive energy. We list several such stones - garnet, sapphire, diamond, aquamarine, aventurine and some other strong stones.

Precious and semi-precious

Let's list the main precious and semi-precious stones that are suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope:


This stone enhances eloquence. With the help of aventurine, Taurus will be able to resolve conflicts. Aventurine will give self-confidence, which will help the Taurus man express his feelings more accurately and vividly. Indeed, many calves are afraid and embarrassed to show their emotions, but thanks to the power of this stone, they will be able to find the right words. Also, aventurine will help get rid of minor illnesses (colds, mild form influenza, rhinitis, etc.).

Tiger's Eye

This stone is suitable for a calf-businessman. This stone sharpens the analytical and financial mind, thanks to which the Taurus businessman will be able to build his business on a solid foundation. The stone will help you survive in an unequal battle with competitors without losing your last strength and health.


Jasper will protect the family of a male calf. This stone will protect the calf and his loved ones from diseases and damage. Jasper activates the commercial potential of a man, so that his family can live in abundance.


Jade is rightly considered a stone of courage and intelligence. With the help of this stone, the Taurus man will be able to avoid depression, melancholy and despondency. This stone gives a good mood and improves the work of many internal organs. It is believed that during times of danger, jade can change its color; thanks to this wonderful property, the owner will be able to avoid many problems.

black agate

This stone will help men who have not yet found their place in life, because with the help of black agate you can reveal your full potential. Agate protects against negativity and enhances intuition, with the help of which the owner of this stone can instantly recognize lies and slyness.


By their magical and healing properties very similar to aventurine - gives self-confidence, improves eloquence and so on. Also, amazonite enhances the owner's creativity, which will help the Taurus approach solving complex problems from an unexpected angle.


This stone relieves unreasonable worries and normalizes sleep. Emerald is ideal for Taurus, who have many competitors and ill-wishers. This stone activates intuition, thanks to which the Taurus man will be able to uncover the conspiracy being prepared against him. It is advisable not to wear the emerald to the calves, who themselves are preparing a conspiracy against someone, since this stone works on the principle of a mirror.

Charms and talismans for the Taurus man

We will find out what amulets and talismans are intended for male calves.

For love

For strong wear such talismans and amulets:

  1. Ring with aventurine. Aventurine gives eloquence, which will help in a conversation with a girl you like. Aventurine helps to suppress the stiffness and self-doubt of the calf. An aventurine ring will show that its owner is a wealthy person who appreciates beautiful jewelry.
  2. Lapis lazuli ornament. Lapis lazuli is a wonderful stone for both married men and men who are just looking for their love. Lapis lazuli gives self-confidence and enhances eloquence. If a man is married, then lapis lazuli normalizes family relationships and avoid conflicts. Also, lapis lazuli activates the natural sexual energy of a man.

For good health

For good health, wear such talismans and amulets:

  1. Talisman with topaz. Topaz products protect from slander and damage. With the help of topaz talismans, you can find out the secret plans of your competitors and ill-wishers. Also, this precious amulet well protects against diseases of the owner of this stone, as well as his family and friends.
  2. Ring with agate in a silver setting. A good ring with agate treats diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. With the help of such a ring, the appearance of various psychological and psychosomatic disorders can be avoided. Agate well reflects negative energy, which will avoid the appearance of diseases.

For wealth

To be rich, wear these talismans:

  1. Owl figurine. This product will make the Taurus man patient and diligent. Astrologers recommend keeping an owl figurine at your workplace - after all, an owl is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence, which will help the owner of the figurine remember new information. The figurine of an owl improves working capacity and protects against minor diseases. The preferred material for an owl is wood and rock crystal.
  2. Figurine of a monkey in gold and silver. This product is suitable for a business man. The monkey symbolizes success and high performance. This figurine will help the Taurus man to quickly climb the career ladder. You can order a small figurine of a monkey to put in your workplace. Also, you can buy a pendant or pendant in the form of a monkey to always carry this talisman with you.

How to wear?

You need to wear gems like this:

  1. Aventurine, amazonite, it is desirable to wear in a gold frame.
  2. Jasper, jade and tiger's eye should be worn in a silver setting.
  3. The emerald can be worn in both gold and silver settings as part of a ring. It is desirable to wear the ring on the left hand on the ring finger (if you are single) or on the little finger (if you are married).
  4. From jade, it is desirable to make a ring that must be worn on the index finger of the right hand.
  5. Remember to gently clean and polish your precious pieces from time to time.

Which ones don't fit and why?

Some gems are not suitable for a male calf:

  1. Amber. This stone can enhance such negative traits of Taurus as stinginess, selfishness, self-isolation, and so on. If someone gave you amber, then you need to leave this stone in a conspicuous place for someone to take it. If you feel sorry for parting with amber, you need to seek help from a psychic to neutralize the effect of this stone. After neutralization, you can put this stone in your home somewhere in a conspicuous place (however, you still cannot wear the stone after neutralization).
  2. Amethyst. This stone can accumulate negative energy. This is a plus if you have a calm, measured life, but the life of the Taurus is full of disappointments and surprises, because of which so much negative energy accumulates over time that it will begin to be transmitted to the owner of the stone. Therefore, amethyst cannot be worn for a long time. The only exception is that amethyst can only help calves who have bad habits (drunkenness, smoking, and so on); after getting rid of bad habits, the amethyst must be hidden so that the negative energy gradually dissipates.
  3. A Taurus man does not need to wear a ruby, pyrite, quartz and some other stones. The fact is that they are more suitable for creative open people, and they are useless for self-confident businessmen.