Year of the Cat - what years? Year of the Cat: characteristics and predictions. What will the year of the Cat bring to the signs of the zodiac? What cat are you according to the zodiac sign: astrological conclusions

  • 23.09.2019

A well-known proverb says: the cat always falls on its paws. Does this mean that the cat is lucky in life, the minion of fate? Yes, because a cat (or a rabbit), according to the eastern horoscope, is a gifted person. The cat has a lot of talents that amaze other people.

Eastern horoscope: cat or rabbit.

The cat is restrained, ambitious, knows his own worth and does not exchange for trifles. Probably the main drawback of the cat is its superficiality. Unfortunately, this quality extends to the entire personality of the cat - all his virtues, knowledge and talents are often superficial. The cat knows some part of the question that interests him, but the essence of this question is unknown to him.

A cat (or a rabbit), according to the eastern horoscope, is a public person. He is sociable, loves to be in society. In public, the cat shines with its knowledge and taste. Likes to be the center of attention. He gossips with pleasure, but he is never caught in this. He has a sense of tact and great care in discussing others behind their backs.

The cat is always friendly. His house seems to be created for receiving guests - everything in it is finished with great taste. The cat loves to be praised and admired. It must be unique and inimitable in everything.

Catwoman often indulges in narcissism. She is educated, cultured, is a pleasant and intelligent interlocutor. A cat can study some subjects precisely in order to show off his knowledge in a casual conversation.

The character trait of a cat is poise. But he is also very sentimental. Even the smallest injustice or trouble can move him to tears. At the same time, other people's troubles do not touch him much. Hunger and war will make him suffer only if they touch him personally. But the suffering of the cat in this case is so strong, unrestrained and desperate that the cat can even die from them.

Crying, the cat is quickly comforted. Melancholy is part of the allure of cats. But only if this melancholy does not develop into depression.

By nature, the cat is a conservative. He has a negative attitude towards changes in his usual way of life. He cannot live without a comfortable environment around him, he does not even like to sleep in a bed other than his own. Comfort, tranquility, safety are very important for a happy and carefree life of a cat.

Before making important decisions, the cat weighs all the pros and cons for a long time. This speaks of some slowness of his character. But it is thanks to this prudence that many people trust the cat.

The cat seems to foresee the outcome of various important cases: he knows which business will be successful, and which one is doomed to failure. Therefore, cats succeed in business and trade. The main thing is that his activity is as safe as possible for him.

Such professions are suitable for a cat woman, where she can show all her taste and talent. Wife-cat - a gift of fate. She can be both a brilliant socialite and a gentle domestic woman. She will enliven the house with her mere presence.

The cat values ​​\u200b\u200bhis loved ones very much, but easily leaves the family for his beloved. He has no great responsibility to his family, no sense of duty. The maternal instinct of people of this sign is not highly developed, they can leave their children with nannies, and they themselves go to have fun with friends. Often, mother cats do not spend time caring for a child and resume their career immediately after giving birth, instructing baby babysitter. However, cat parents will never abandon their child and diligently raise him. A cat's child will not need anything, including parental attention and love.

As a life partner, the cat should choose a goat, which he will admire and idolize. A strong marriage will be with a dog or a pig. The rooster will annoy the cat with his bluster. The rat will be able to bring the cat to despair. With a tiger, marriage will be doomed to divorce, as they will compete in everything.

As for the life stages of a cat, the first two stages of his life will go smoothly, if there is no war, famine or natural Disasters. The third stage of a cat's life can be associated with various dramatic events that will become real tests for his nervous system.

According to the eastern horoscope, in the essence of people born in the year of the cat (rabbit) there is something hidden and even mystical that attracts people to them. His weaknesses can bring him great power. The cat is a sorcerer at heart, he should use his strength and mystery to be happy.

Personal eastern horoscope. Cat (Rabbit)

People born under the sign of the Rabbit are usually either adored or hated; they rarely leave anyone indifferent. Rabbits are virtuous but also cunning. They look simple, but are very practical. They like to live in safety, comfort and silence, but they are ready to defend their independence, if necessary, very tough. They are very emotional. Do not think that the peacefulness of the Rabbit is a sign of weakness. It's just that he prefers to resort to diplomacy rather than confrontation to achieve his goals. And this, if you look at it, testifies precisely to the strength of character, and not to its weakness. The behavior of the Rabbit can be unpredictable, as it is always influenced by circumstances. In times of change, Rabbits are not happy until they finally take control of the situation. The qualities inherent in Rabbits are very clearly embodied by the hobbits from Tolkien's books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Positive qualities of a cat Negative qualities of a cat
  • diplomacy
  • prudence
  • peacefulness
  • sensitivity
  • intuitiveness
  • prudence
  • moderation
  • thoughtfulness
  • organization
  • adherence to principles
  • refinement
  • hospitality
  • intelligence
  • expressiveness
  • pride
  • practicality
  • indecision
  • unpredictability
  • cowardice
  • over-sensitivity
  • resentment
  • conservatism
  • conformity
  • selfishness
  • superstition
  • cruelty
  • gossip
  • cunning
  • secrecy
  • excessive pedantry

Metal Cat -1951

Such Rabbits are both physically and mentally stronger than others. However, they are also less inclined to compromise. The Metal Rabbit relies heavily on his powers of observation and deduction. He is always confident that he answers questions correctly and makes the right decisions. He calmly accepts responsibility and in his work shows remarkable creativity, initiative and thoroughness.

The influence of Metal can make the Rabbit too preoccupied with him. own desires, goals and ideas. Such a Rabbit is more cunning than others and more ambitious; however, his ambitions are subject to a cold mind and calculation.

The Metal Rabbit loves to live richly and beautifully. He may be indifferent to the opinions of others, but he reacts very emotionally to painting, sculpture, music, and beauty in general.

Like all true romantics, the Metal Rabbit is periodically in bad mood; he works well only when he has inspiration. This is a deep nature, very passionate in love. But he will admit only a select handful of people into his "inner circle".

Water Cat -1963

This is a very thoughtful Rabbit, fragile and emotional by nature. He does not tolerate harassment and such unpleasant things as disagreement and bickering. It is very easy to influence him from the outside, as he is good at capturing and emotionally experiencing the thoughts and feelings of others.

The Water Rabbit has an excellent memory and amazing ability communicate their ideas to others, often unconsciously. This attracts like-minded people to him who support him and stand up for him when he least expects it.

However, he is very subjective and his own world view rarely goes beyond the barriers that he has set for himself. He is always not very sure of the correctness of his beliefs, so it is easy to convince him.

The Water Rabbit is a very subtle dreamy nature, and he often lives in the past, not in the present. He often recalls the events of bygone days with regret; he needs a very strong assistant to see the bright side of life and learn to enjoy it. When he is in a bad mood, he constantly suspects others of something; he is uncompromising, secretive and sometimes suffers from persecution mania. When is he in good mood, then he can gather strong allies around him. He never loses like-minded people and influence in society, as he hides his true nature under a mask and no one can see what he really is.

Wooden Cat–1975

The sign of the Rabbit itself represents the element of the Wood, therefore, in the Wood Year, this element has a double effect on the Rabbit. Such a person is generous and virtuous, but too modest and tolerant. And others are often tempted to take advantage of the softness of his character.

The Wood Rabbit knows how to adapt. He successfully joins any team. With the help of diplomacy, such a Rabbit is slowly but surely moving up the career ladder. He works very well in a group and unites the team, willingly obeying authorities and comforting outsiders. He tends to go out of his way to avoid making decisions that might offend someone or set a dangerous precedent. This inability to act quickly and take a stand can ruin the Wood Rabbit's reputation. He should be more firm and resolute and able to protect himself from those who wish to take advantage of his generosity.

Fire Cat - 1987

This is a very bright, cheerful and cheerful Rabbit. He has a stronger character than other Rabbits, but he knows how to mask his emotions with charm and diplomacy just as well as they do.

This is an easy and laid-back person in communication. Others positively perceive his ideas, because he knows how to present them. The element of Fire can make the Rabbit a lover of emotional speeches, especially when he is unhappy with something. He is more prone to leadership than other Rabbits, but his leadership methods are rather gentle. Like other Rabbits, the Fire Rabbit tends to avoid direct confrontation with his enemies and prefers finely woven plots.

The Fire Rabbit has good intuition and psychic abilities. He immediately notices any changes in environment and easily displays reactions such as anger and resentment. He needs approval, sincere support and inspiration from the outside.

Soil Cat - 1939,1999

This is a very serious and firm Rabbit, his goals are clear and definite, he is very smart and calculates his every step. He is cautious in the manifestation of emotions, balanced, insightful; He always has a realistic view of things. All this is liked by those who are above him in the social hierarchy.

The element of Earth makes the Rabbit more constant and less self-indulgent, although this constancy is of a passive kind. The Soil Rabbit is a self-absorbed introvert who withdraws into himself as soon as he has problems. He tries to maintain harmony with his inner world, and only under this condition can he effectively act in the outer world. He never doubts how the available resources can be used to solve a problem wisely.

The Soil Rabbit is a materialist; he is most concerned with his own well-being. He is indifferent to the needs of other people if they do not coincide with his own goals. However, he has enough humility to recognize his shortcomings and try to cope with them. All rights reserved.

  • From 01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 - the Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 - Year of the Metallic (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 - Year of the Metal (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/22/2023 to 02/09/2024 is the Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer.

Strengths of character

A person born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) has pronounced diplomatic qualities. He is pleasant and polite in communication, knows how to listen carefully to the interlocutor, and therefore makes the most favorable impression. The rabbit has the gift of persuasion. Even if his proposal or idea is not of interest to another person, the Rabbit will find the right words and convince him of the opposite. He knows how to influence even entire groups of people, but he never acts aggressively or rudely.

Refinement is the second forte rabbit characteristics. Of all the symbols of the eastern horoscope, he ranks first in elegance. By nature, the Rabbit is endowed with good taste and aristocratic manners, and the environment in which he grew up has almost no effect on him.

Since the Rabbit likes people and inspires their confidence, he easily makes the necessary acquaintances and provides himself with a decent standard of living. The representative of this sign will find a way out of almost any situation, but he will not do it with his own hands. However, it is not the method of action that is important, but the result.

Weaknesses of character

A person born in the year of the Rabbit attaches great importance to trifles, and often, because of this, is distracted from the essence. He is so concerned about minor details that the end result may suffer as a result. This happens especially often when speed of action could decide everything. While the Rabbit hesitates in making a decision or developing a perfect plan, there will be someone more agile.

The intelligent and sophisticated Rabbit is powerless in front of arrogant people who behave rudely. He himself is not aggressive, and the only method of defense that he knows is the manifestation of cunning and intellectual superiority. Unfortunately, this is very often not enough to defeat an opponent. If the Rabbit finds himself in a difficult situation, and the environment around him is hostile, he begins to panic. In a panic, he is inclined to make mistake after mistake, and if outside help does not arrive in time, he will have a hard time.

In love

The rabbit does not always act decisively, but at the same time he has every chance to win over the one he is interested in. In charm, he has few equals. The rabbit will never shock a person with an unexpected declaration of love. First, he will approach him as a friend or well-wisher, along the way observing how they react to him. A person born in the year of the Rabbit does not like to take risks, and to personal life this also applies.

Rabbit is conservative. He welcomes only permanent relationships, and even if they have exhausted themselves for a long time, he will not rush to break them. Very often, this person is so afraid of losing what he has, but is no longer happy that he is missing out on real chances to find happiness in the company of another person.

The rabbit is a rather secretive sign of the eastern horoscope. If the situation is such that he starts to lead double life, then he will comply with all security measures so as not to give himself away. It will not be easy for him to make a choice. A rabbit can live for two families for years, waiting for everything to be decided by itself.


Intelligent and courteous, the Rabbit is one of the most ambitious signs of the Chinese calendar. He strives to occupy a high position in society, and achieves his plan by cunning and veiled actions. The rabbit does not walk over heads, does not behave arrogantly and straightforwardly, therefore its competitors often do not even realize that they have a rival.

This person treats his job with all responsibility. He always has the cleanest workplace and everything is in its place. In the thoughts of the Rabbit, too, order. He is attentive, notices any little things, and he also has an excellent memory. If a representative of this sign holds the position of assistant manager, then the success of the business depends primarily on him.

Rabbit Man

The rabbit is primarily a symbol of constancy. A man born under this sign is conservative, attached to the house and leads a measured lifestyle. For him, household comfort and the company of loved ones nearby are very important. The Rabbit man cannot stand being alone and can only feel comfortable in a couple.

For a permanent relationship, a calm and economic woman, focused on family and home, is ideal for him. The Rabbit man is not very sociable, so if his chosen one regularly disappears in the company of girlfriends, a series of conflicts awaits the couple. This person is jealous. He definitely won’t arrange stormy scenes with breaking dishes, but he knows how to create a tense atmosphere like no one else.

The representative of this sign has a very secretive nature, so those who know him well enough can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The rabbit is afraid of criticism, but does not admit it. He can open his soul only to that person who will be ready to accept him as he is.

Rabbit Woman

The Rabbit woman is pleasant to talk to, and next to her people feel comfortable and relaxed. At the same time, she rarely lets anyone close to her, preferring to keep a certain distance. She has many acquaintances and friends, but few friends. She prefers to spend her free time in the company of really close people, tries to avoid crowded places and noisy companies.

In dealing with men, the Rabbit woman behaves intelligently and with restraint. She gives the impression of a lady from high society, who, at the same time, does not emphasize her mannerisms, and therefore it is pleasant and easy to be with her. She belongs to the type of women who are waiting for an initiative to get closer from a man, but are more likely to succeed than the more determined representatives of the weaker sex.

In family relationships, she is constant. The Rabbit woman maintains comfort in the house, she is a wonderful hostess, a loving wife and a caring mother. After marriage, communication with other men ceases to interest her, and she gives all her strength only to her family.

Rabbit (Cat) - the fourth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Chinese, or Eastern calendar of animals. It is associated with the yin energy and the wood element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer.

The rabbit symbolizes:
sociability, the ability to behave in society, goodwill, hospitality, non-conflictindecision, cowardice, conservatism, pedantry, jealousy

Table of Years of the Rabbit

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rabbit

Horoscope Rabbit creates general impression about the nature of the representative of this sign, its positive and negative qualities, features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to better know the person born in the year of this animal.


Positive. The rabbit is sociable and reserved by nature. Thanks to the gentleness of character and natural benevolence, he becomes "one of his own" in any company. He is the minion of fate and always gets the best.

Positive qualities of the character of the Rabbit:

  • sociability: Rabbit - a versatile personality; he is able to support a conversation on any topic; at the same time he knows how to speak and listen; refined manners and refined taste allow him to shine in society, but he does not seek to stand out;
  • the ability to behave in society: he is always restrained, dressed discreetly and tastefully; at the same time, he knows his own worth and holds himself with dignity in any situation, it is impossible to piss him off;
  • benevolence: the Rabbit sincerely sympathizes with the troubles of others; his support is always appropriate and timely;
  • hospitality: creates comfort around him and is ready to share it with everyone; guests are always welcome;
  • non-conflict: avoids "sharp corners" in any situation; with his delicacy and calmness he is able to stop any conflict.

Negative. The rabbit appears exclusively as a positive person. He knows how to deftly hide the negative qualities of his nature, such as indecision and cowardice. These features are successfully lost against the background of his merits and appear only occasionally.

Negative sides of the Rabbit:

  • indecision: weighs all the pros and cons for a long time before making a decision; often this leads to postponing important issues for indefinite term; at the same time, such reinsurance saves from unjustified risks;
  • cowardice: the Rabbit tries to avoid trouble and conflict, therefore, in a dangerous situation, he easily shifts responsibility to another;
  • conservatism: does not like change, rarely changes something in his environment and resists changes from outside;
  • pedantry: scrupulously works on every detail, bringing it to perfection.

Love and relationships

She takes love and family relationships seriously. In a partner, he appreciates non-conflict and the ability to support home comfort. If you manage to find a suitable soul mate - happy in family life.

Thanks to the natural ability to behave in the company, sociability and versatility of the Rabbit, his courtship rarely goes unanswered, and he conquers any object of his sympathy.

The representative of this sign has one serious drawback - he is overly jealous. If he has even the slightest suspicion, he becomes picky and constantly checks his partner. For supporting peace of mind The rabbit needs to give in and put off their own affairs. If the partner agrees to this, then family relationships are developing well.

Career and profession

Rabbit is a professional. He is well versed in his work. Thanks to natural caution, he avoids many problems. His easy character and non-conflict help him to occupy responsible and delicate positions.

He loves constancy in everything, therefore, when choosing a position, he is guided not so much by earnings as by stability.

The Rabbit has a commercial talent - he knows how to make a profit without taking unnecessary risks.

The Rabbit strives for harmony both within itself and in its environment. Non-confrontational, charming and versatile, he quickly wins people over. In family life, he is happy if he meets the same non-aggressive and conservative partner. In the professional field of activity, he occupies positions that require his talents - caution and responsibility. Rabbit knows what main secret life - “Do you want to change the world? Begin with yourself".

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Cat (Rabbit): 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

The role of the Cat (Rabbit) as a symbol is a manifestation of care and creation. The Moon Cat (Rabbit) is an astrological healer and guardian who is engaged in healing and has a creative principle and a sense of the harmony of life.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

In the East, they do not really like Cats (Rabbits), believing that sorcerers turn into them. But the Egyptians, on the contrary, revere the Cat as God, believing that there is something mystical in him.

People born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) are distinguished by their bright personality, talent and ambition. They have many virtues, impeccable taste and respect for people. For many Cats (Rabbits) inspire confidence and admiration.

A person born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) knows how to make the right impression and is able to fit into almost any team. Many people strive to imitate the Cat (Rabbit). The fact is that he has refined manners, he is always friendly, sociable and, as a rule, has an established life. All Cats (Rabbits) always strive for harmony in their lives. And, we can safely say that they succeed due to their natural charm and ability to make the right impression in the right place. The cat (Rabbit), wherever and in what company it is, always feels like a fish in water.

When you are in society, the Cat (Rabbit) can be recognized by clothing: he is always dressed modestly, but with exquisite taste. He can support any topic of conversation, and he is loved in society because he can not only speak beautifully, but also listen respectfully. Cats (Rabbits) are very sentimental. They may cry for a minor reason, but also quickly calm down. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of the main trump cards of their charm.

The cat (Rabbit) always strives for comfort, both physical and mental. Therefore, he always strives to avoid sharp corners, unpleasant topics and adventurous enterprises. Tries to smooth out quarrels and conflicts. In general, he is looking for only pleasant moments in life, avoiding even watching the news. Because of this, some consider him callous and insensitive, but this is not so. It's just that the Cat (Rabbit) believes that life is already complicated enough to add black colors to it. He prefers to turn a blind eye to other people's distant troubles (which you still cannot help) and create an atmosphere of calm positive around him. Cats (Rabbits) know the secret of happiness and harmony "If you want to change the world, start with yourself."

This style of behavior makes the Cat (Rabbit) a very diplomatic person. He also stands out among other people in that he can easily defuse the most difficult situation. Always and everywhere, people born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) strive to find a compromise and carefully make all decisions.

From the Cat (Rabbit) grow successful businessmen, merchants, bankers. They have an amazing ability to make profits without taking too much risk. The cat (Rabbit) does not do anything without weighing all the pros and cons in advance. For this caution and thoughtfulness, he is respected and trusted. His financial situation is developing successfully, and it almost never happens that he does not have a “stash”. Cat (Rabbit) can succeed in trade, thanks to his diplomatic qualities, can be a lawyer, diplomat and even the owner of an antique shop, as he has an exquisite, refined taste. He simply has a gift for suitable occasions, combined with caution and prudence.

The house of the Cat (Rabbit) is a real oasis. It is always clean, pleasant, welcoming and tastefully done. These people like to receive guests, but in a narrow circle. They are resourceful, inventive and amaze with their clear mind.

The cat (Rabbit) is affectionate and helpful with those he loves, capable of love and fidelity. But, unfortunately, he does not have a sense of responsibility towards the family and he can easily prefer meeting with business colleagues to the detriment of a family celebration.

The year of the Cat (Rabbit) corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Cat (Rabbit): 1951

People born in the year of the Metal Cat (Rabbit) have a quick, grasping mind. As a rule, these are successful businessmen, excellent artists, belonging to high society. They always have many true and devoted friends. Metal Cat (Rabbit) is a very capable and ambitious person. He always clearly knows what he needs and achieves it. For some, it seems withdrawn and uncommunicative, but this is a deceptive impression. It's just that the Cat (Rabbit) likes to keep his opinion to himself. Metal Cat (Rabbit) has a bright personality. He can even play the role of an artist. He is endowed with a vivid imagination and a rich imagination, so he easily establishes contact with the world of creativity. He has great taste and understanding of beauty.

Water Cat (Rabbit): 1963

The Water Cat (Rabbit) is invariably popular and gains authority, prestige, reputation, only by its own natural qualities and acquired knowledge. People born in the year of the Water Cat (Rabbit) have excellent intuition. They feel what the people around them want, and always take into account their opinion. However, this also has negative side. The Water Cat (Rabbit) can take other people's problems too close to heart. Can cry quickly and easily if angered and pissed off. But, at the same time, he quickly calms down and is easily comforted. To maintain your peace of mind he needs to learn to control his emotions.

All the things that the Cat (Rabbit) undertakes, he does very well. He thinks through every little thing and has an excellent memory. In its circles, the Water Cat (Rabbit) is successful and popular. He is very loved and appreciated both in the family and at work. Sometimes he may seem withdrawn, but he expresses his ideas and thoughts with amazing clarity and clarity.

Wooden Cat (Rabbit): 1915, 1975

Wooden Cat (Rabbit) leads an active public life. Has the ability to instantly adapt to any unusual situation. He also prefers to work in a team rather than individually. He wants to be sure that if he needs help, there will be someone who can provide it. In order to achieve success, he needs comfort and security. Wood Cat (Rabbit) is very easy to communicate, friendly, charming. He has many friends who appreciate him for his generosity and generosity.

People born under the sign of the Wood Cat (Rabbit)

Fire Cat (Rabbit): 1927, 1987

People born in the year of the Fire Cat (Rabbit) have increased intuition and sensitivity. They have many friends due to their open and friendly nature. The Fire Cat (Rabbit) is distinguished by prudence and diplomacy. He is well aware of the needs and feelings of people and prefers to maintain equal relations with everyone. The disadvantages include his impatience. If things do not go the way he would like, then he quickly loses control over himself and is even capable of falling into depression.

Earth Cat (Rabbit): 1939, 1999

People born in the year of the Earth Cat (Rabbit) are distinguished by intelligence and insight. The presence of the Earth in their horoscope gives them realism and efficiency. The Earthen Cat (Rabbit) can work long and hard, regardless of any obstacles, just to achieve the goal. Earth Cats (Rabbits), as a rule, are excellent businessmen who are lucky in the financial sector. It is not difficult for them to convince others that they are right. Friends and colleagues respect Go, and the opinion of the Earth Cat (Rabbit) is highly valued.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) - advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of the personality of the Cat (Rabbit)

People born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) have restraint, refinement and goodwill. Despite their modesty, all Cats (Rabbits) know how to please people, they know how to speak well and beautifully, they are able to impress and convince people of their point of view. True, it is worth noting that with all these advantages there is a drawback, which consists in the fact that Cats (Rabbits) are very superficial. Accordingly, their positive traits also superficial. Cats (Rabbits) - love society and social life. They are very hospitable and have a refined taste. Their house is always clean and comfortable and has a friendly atmosphere. Treasure family and family relationships. They know how, even about negative events or actions, to speak softly and tactfully, witty and cautious.

The negative aspects of the personality of the Cat (Rabbit)

The disadvantages of the Cat (Rabbit) include a sense of ownership in relation to people. They also have a very rich imagination and tend to take things personally. Also, these people are capricious and intemperate. They can lose their temper over any trifle. They have a tendency to pettiness. Despite the fact that they value their family, sometimes they can easily choose friends. Can perceive their children as strangers, and strangers as their own.

Career and money of the sign of the Cat (Rabbit)

For people born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), it is not the self that matters career growth how much desire to take a strong position, in which neither crises, nor a change of leadership, nor layoffs will be terrible. And surprisingly, he succeeds. What is impossible for others, the Cat (Rabbit) succeeds. In the eyes of the authorities, he is a valuable and irreplaceable employee, and among friends and colleagues, he is the best friend.

Cat (Rabbit) is an excellent businessman and knows how to make money almost out of thin air. It differs in the ability to take risks, but in moderation. V Everyday life spends money very rationally and always has a bank account just in case.

Life periods of a Cat (Rabbit)

People born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) most often have a calm and reliable existence during all three phases of his life. Of course, no one is immune from unforeseen situations (catastrophes, dramatic events), but the Cat (Rabbit) does not accept anything that disturbs his peace.

Stones: turquoise, pearl, ruby, amber.

Plants: meadowsweet.

Best time of day: 5 am to 7 am.

Season: spring, March.

Colours: aquamarine, white.