The image of the teacher and professional requirements for him. Image of teachers

  • 04.02.2021



Image: concept and essence

Psychology of teacher image

Elements of building a teacher's image




The modern conditions in which we live and work are fundamentally different from those that were before. And in the new conditions, we should behave and live in a different way, in proportion to other patterns of behavior.

The democratization of our society makes it possible to hear the voices of not only rulers and leaders, but of the entire people. We still continue to live according to the models characteristic of totalitarian communication, because in them the population has only one function - to confirm (popularly approve) the decisions made by someone. Work with the image, from this point of view, is a response to the desires of the population, since its main components must correspond to the idealization characteristic of this period of the audience.

Imagelogy and image - what is it? Science or art? Today, among the new disciplines for us is imageology - the science of how to live in an environment where not only the administration or bosses have the right to vote. This is the science of the laws of communication, which dictate a completely new type of relationship not only at work, but also in society. This is the type of relationship that, even against the will of the teacher and students, develops in a modern school. However, we are not yet ready to accept this type of relationship.

Image specialists are needed everywhere, but at school - in the first place. It is necessary not only to theoretically substantiate the nature of the teacher's image, their characteristics and types, but also to create the very tools for the formation of a pedagogical image, training each teacher in the methods of use. We need a systematic look at these issues, their professional solution. Often imageology is reduced to advice on the color of a tie or socks. This is the wrong approach, because without a general strategy, none of the proposed advice makes sense, because caring for the beauty of a teacher, you need to start from the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.

How to help a teacher find his professional face, not to lose his temper, but to understand himself, to carry out self-assessment according to high human criteria? How to make a dispute with oneself a normal phenomenon, accessible to every teacher, leading to optimistic conclusions? How can I help him relate to himself and his work?

Many questions. To answer these and other questions, it is necessary to turn to the topic: "The image of a modern teacher."

1. Image: concept and essence

Translated from English, image literally means an image. Therefore, when they talk about the image of a person (“he has a negative image” or “he has the image of an excellent teacher”), they are talking about the image that has arisen in other people. Moreover, the image means not only a visual, visual image, appearance or appearance, but also the way of his thinking, actions, deeds, etc. In other words, in this case, the word image should be used in a broad sense - as a representation of a person. This means that the concept of image can be interpreted in the way people see a given person, more precisely, how they evaluate him, how they treat him. An image is “an opinion, a judgment expressing an assessment of something, an attitude towards something, a look at something” (S.I. Ozhegov).

Each of us creates a certain image - an image - an idea about a person, which is formed on the basis of his appearance, habits, manner of speaking, mentality, actions, etc. What is an image? Consider how this concept is interpreted in various dictionaries and reference literature.

The image of a teacher is an emotionally colored stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

Based on the existing definitions of the image, we highlight its main components. The most significant of them are: appearance; use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication; internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner "I".

Appearancehelps a person to attract attention to himself, create a positive image, show himself not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher. The teacher with all his external appearance should win over students and adults. It should harmoniously combine a rich inner world, love for children and care for them. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults and, above all, from their favorite teacher how to dress properly. In the manner of dressing, one of the main rules is manifested: to look beautiful means to show respect for the people around you. The requirements for the appearance of a person help the teacher to improve his professional image and achieve success. Avoiding the distrustful attitude of colleagues to their professional qualities, one should not appear at work in trendy clothes. Reasonably combining fashion trends with your appearance, you should follow the following rule: being dressed too fashionably is a sign of bad taste, but it is unacceptable to lag behind fashion, that is, you need to dress in fashion, but closer to the classic style. A real teacher will not emphasize his appearance with clothes, he will demonstrate his mind, professional skills and abilities.

verbal And non-verbal facilities communicationare important components of the image - what and how we say, whether we can set a person to ourselves with a word, what gestures, facial expressions and postures we use, how we sit, stand and walk. To improve his professionalism, the teacher needs to pay attention to the ability to present himself to others in the most favorable light.

It has been proven that a person receives 35% of information through verbal (verbal) communication and 65% through non-verbal communication.

Internal conformity of the image of the profession - inner "I"is considered the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional communication.

The inner image is the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, imagination, grace, the way of posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson script, an inner mood for creativity, self-control in public conditions and many other components.

The external image is a special form of expressing the attitude to the material, the transfer of an emotional attitude to reality, the ability to self-presentation, bringing students to the game level, skillful staging of the entire course of the lesson.

In psychology, an image is understood as a subjective picture of the world or its fragments, including the subject himself, other people, the spatial environment and the temporal sequence of events. This whole psychological process can be represented in the form of diagrams (see diagrams 1, 2, 3).

In social psychology, the image is considered as a kind of image that arises as a result of social cognition. The image is understood as the result of mental reflection or representation of one or another objective phenomenon. In the process of this reflection, changes in the original information are possible, and, accordingly, the image will not necessarily be an exact copy of the displayed one. The process of creating an image can be active and purposeful, include analysis procedures that allow you to create a typical object, and synthesis, thanks to which the image has the characteristics of an individual phenomenon.

In psychological and pedagogical literary sources, the image is understood as the style and form of human behavior, and mainly the external side of behavior in society. Sometimes an image is a set of meanings and impressions through which people form an idea about an object, they remember it and begin to relate to it in a certain way, or through which an object becomes known. At the same time, as a rule, it is specified that the object of the image is most often a person, a group of people or a company.

A number of definitions emphasize that the image includes not only the natural properties of the individual, but also specially developed, created and formed. In other interpretations, the emphasis is on the fact that the image is made up of the objective characteristics of the object, in particular, the image of a person is based on the psychological type and personality, their compliance with the needs of time and society.

Let us consider some characteristics of the image that are available in modern social and psychological-pedagogical literature in order to generalize and build general definitions of the image and pedagogical in particular.

The main approaches to the image: firstly, functional, in which its types are distinguished based on different functioning; secondly, contextual, in which these types of functioning are in different implementation contexts. And, finally, comparative, in which images that are close in meaning are compared.

The image is the most effective way of presenting a message, which is able to bypass the various barriers that exist in each person. Hence the idea of ​​the image as a public or external "I" of a person arises, which quite often can differ from his inner "I". Your image is a portrait that you show to others. The image should work for you, not against you.

Personal image- this is the image of a person, due to his inner qualities and special individual properties. It is divided into positive and negative.

Professional image- the image of a person determined by professional characteristics, contains positive and negative sides.As practice shows, personal imageis a higher priority than professional (Scheme 4).

2. Psychology of the teacher's image

psychology image teacher verbal

The quality of human life, hopes for happiness, the success of a person are associated with the ability to properly build interaction with various people, to communicate effectively. In the field of education, communication, on the one hand, is a means of cognition and familiarization with the truth, on the other hand, communication about socio-cultural values, ideals and norms between all participants in the educational process. In connection with the complication of all forms of communication in the educational space, the increase in the volume of educational information, the diversity of its sources and carriers in the current socio-cultural situation, the priority of developing the communicative culture of students becomes obvious.

Solving the problem of developing and establishing a communicative culture poses the need to organize such special communicative relationships in the educational process that can be characterized as a dialogue. Education and upbringing of a spiritually developed, responsible person is possible only in a dialogue, which, as a special level of the communicative process, meets the needs of a person in deep personal contact. Only in dialogue develops the ability to think critically.

Thus, dialogue today is not just a pedagogical method and form, but becomes a priority principle of education. Dialogueization of the educational process can be characterized by special intersecting communication links, which are at the same time hierarchically conditioned levels of communication.

· The first connection: I-image of culture (teacher-content, student-content) can be traced at the level of the subject and content and involves a dialogue of cultural images

· Second connection: I am another (student-student, teacher-student). At this level, the personal attitude of the teacher to the student is emphasized, the teacher must also skillfully create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the emergence of personal contacts in a group of students, which requires him to master the technology of organizing productive interaction.

· Third connection: I am myself (teacher, student). The management of the third connection implies the mastery of both the student and the teacher with special technologies of self-understanding and self-regulation in communication (understanding feedback signals in face-to-face situations of communication, mastering diagnostic techniques, testing, awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses, adjustments and techniques for modeling a positive image) .

It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the internal attitudes of the teacher, consistent with his character and views. By creating our image, we thereby educate ourselves. Activity is the facet of the transition of the personal internal to the external - productive. Most often, this is dissimilarity, external self-formation, expression, the ability to present one’s unique personality, to make it original in every component of the pedagogical process (from goals and objectives to the selection of content, means, methods and methods of their presentation), as well as in the style of communication, in emotional reaction to the behavior of schoolchildren, in improvisation in the classroom.

For successful interaction in the teacher-student system, a bright, interesting image of the teacher is important. Considering that the image consists of 3 parts, somehow:

a) visual image (costume, hairstyle, plasticity, facial expressions);

c) mentality (intellect, spiritual practice) - it becomes obvious that the proportion of non-verbal components is very large.

In pedagogical science, there are approaches that consider the formation of a teacher as a human creator, the role and importance of the elements of theatrical art, pedagogical artistry and, accordingly, the image are emphasized (Yu.P. Azarov, O.S. Bulatova, E.N. Ilyin, I. A. Zyazyun, Y. L. Lvova, V. A. Kan-Kalik, V. F. Morgun, E. A. Yamburg and others).

Pedagogical artistry is a combination of spiritual and physical qualities that help to find contact with students, gain their trust and then act, taking into account all the features of this lesson. An artistic teacher spiritualizes the content and organization of the pedagogical process. This is an original teacher with his own inner world, which becomes charming at the moment of transferring knowledge and his attitude towards them. It is necessary to distinguish artistry from the desire to impress, to stand out among others, from unnecessary pathos and outrageousness. You can have attractive appearance, a beautiful voice and a general nervous excitability, which in the eyes of another person can pass for an actor's temperament, but at the same time not be really artistic.

In the structure of the teacher's personality, artistry as the ability to organic existence and effective action in the conditions of the pedagogical process is associated, along with the knowledge of the teacher and the development of thinking, also with mastering the art of self-expression, the ability to self-regulate the mental state, the ability to set and solve the following tasks:

Synthesizing involves setting and solving problems by the student in a certain worldview and moral context.

Enriching and harmonizing the teacher's personal ideas through a natural combination of logical and sensual in activity.

Regulating the well-being of the teacher, his mood for creativity implies a sense of freedom of his inner and outer "I".

Protective increases the confidence and self-esteem of the teacher, control over their emotions and well-being, natural behavior, a sense of freedom.

The formative motivational-value attitude to the content of education enables the student to take a fresh look at the lesson, to find in it something fascinating and valuable for himself.

3. Elements of building a teacher's image

It is necessary to consider some aspects of the use of tools for building the image of a teacher.

The most important elements of building a pedagogical image are the following:

Outside experts are required.

When using this toolkit of imageology, first of all, its strategic orientation is necessary. It is necessary to achieve a fundamental simplification of characteristics in order to reach a mass audience and gain a foothold in its memory. At the same time, the basic characteristics should remain unchanged.

The most significant are the teacher's professional competence and erudition, pedagogical reflection, pedagogical goal-setting, pedagogical thinking and improvisation, and pedagogical communication. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Professional competence of the teacher -the main instrument of the teacher's personality and, accordingly, his image. As the well-known psychologist A.K. Markov, increasing the professional competence of a teacher is hampered by a number of circumstances. On the one hand, the need of a modern teacher for psychological knowledge can be high, but not supported by work practice, so most of the ready-made scientific research and recommendations are not in demand by the school. On the other hand, a holistic concept of the teacher's work has not yet been developed, which could form the basis of indicators of the effectiveness of his work. Professionally competent is the work of a teacher, in which pedagogical activity and communication are carried out at a sufficiently high level, the personality of the teacher is realized, and at the same time good results are achieved in teaching and educating schoolchildren. At the same time, the competence of a teacher is also determined by the ratio of his professional knowledge and skills, and psychological and pedagogical qualities. Thus, a holistic picture of professional competence is formed, which will help the teacher in solving many practical issues.

Pedagogical activity is the professional activity of a teacher, in which he solves the problems of training and education with the help of various components of a holistic educational process.

The teacher's professional competence lies in the fact that he does not miss the general pedagogical tasks and is able to skillfully specify them depending on the situation. In addition, the teacher deals with pedagogical tasks aimed at different aspects of the student's mental development - teaching, developing, educating. The professionalism of the teacher is to solve them simultaneously and throughout the entire period of study. This is due to the fact that when setting learning tasks, it is enough to know the subject being taught, and when formulating developing and educating tasks, one must already be able to operate with indicators of the mental and intellectual development of students and identify their state in schoolchildren.

Summing up, we can say that pedagogical competence includes knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as ways and means of their implementation in activities, communication, development (self-development) of the individual. The pedagogical competence of a teacher is understood as a harmonious combination of knowledge of the subject being taught, didactics and directly the methodology of its teaching, as well as the skills and abilities (culture) of professional communication.

Pedagogical erudition- a kind of stock of necessary knowledge, which the teacher uses in his professional activities to solve pedagogical problems.

Pedagogical reflection- the ability of the teacher to mentally imagine the situation that has arisen in the student and, on this basis, form an idea of ​​himself.

Reflection means the teacher's awareness of himself from the point of view of students in various situations. It is important for the teacher to develop a healthy constructive reflection, leading to the improvement of activity, and not to its destruction by constant doubts and hesitation. Pedagogical reflection is an independent appeal of the teacher to introspection without the requirement of the school administration.

Pedagogical goal setting- the teacher's need for planning his work, readiness to change educational tasks depending on the current pedagogical situation. It shows the ability of the teacher to develop tasks arising from the unity of the goals of society and his own, for their discussion and decision-making by schoolchildren.

The teacher needs to use pedagogical thinking and intuitionto reveal the hidden internal properties of pedagogical activity in the course of organizing work.

Under pedagogical improvisation

Under pedagogical improvisationis understood as finding an unexpected solution and its instantaneous implementation, the coincidence of the processes of creation and application with their minimum gap.

The role of a properly organized pedagogical communicationespecially great, since it is the teacher who creates the atmosphere for conversations with schoolchildren. Pedagogical communication is usually understood as professional communication between a teacher and a student, which has certain functions and is aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, as well as another kind of psychological optimization of educational activities and relations between a teacher and a student (A.A. Leontiev).


In conclusion, we draw the main conclusions:

In the literature, there are many different approaches to understanding such a concept as "image".

Image - a representation (often purposefully created) about someone's internal and external appearance, image.

Image - a purposefully formed image (of a person, phenomenon, object), highlighting certain value characteristics, designed to have an emotional and mental impact on someone for the purpose of popularization, advertising, etc.

As for the image of a teacher, it is understood as an emotionally colored stereotype of perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

The psychology of the teacher's image plays a paramount role, which is due to different levels of communication: 1) The "I-image" of culture (teacher-content, student-content) can be traced at the level of the subject and content and involves a dialogue of cultural images. 2. "I am different" (student-student, teacher-student). At this level, the personal attitude of the teacher to the student is emphasized, the teacher must also skillfully create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the emergence of personal contacts in a group of students, which requires him to master the technology of organizing productive interaction. 3. "I-myself" (teacher, student). The management of the third connection implies the mastery of both the student and the teacher with special technologies of self-understanding and self-regulation in communication (understanding feedback signals in face-to-face situations of communication, mastering diagnostic techniques, testing, awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses, adjustments and techniques for modeling a positive image) .

The main thing is that the image does not diverge from the inner attitudes of the teacher, and corresponds to his character and views.

Important elements of building a pedagogical image are the following:

Creating an image is only an addition, not a substitute for pedagogical activity.

It is necessary to address the creation of an image long before the start of pedagogical work.

Communication should be based on simple language and the issues addressed should be meaningful to everyone.

External experts are required.

The most significant elements of the image of a modern teacher are: the teacher's professional competence and erudition, pedagogical reflection, pedagogical goal-setting, pedagogical thinking and improvisation, pedagogical communication. Let's consider some of them in more detail.


1.Gogiberidze, G.M. Dialogue of cultures in the system of literary education / G. M. Gogiberidze. - M.: Nauka, 2003. - 181 p.

.Medintsev, V. A. Dialogue modeling of psychological interactions / V. A. Medintsev // Questions of Psychology, 2005, No. 5. - P. 5-9.

.Zhuk O.N. Educational dialogue for classes in literature / O.N. Beetle // Communicative competence: principles, methods, methods of formation: Sat. scientific Art. / Belarusian. state un-t; in auth. ed. - Mn., 2009. - Issue. 9. - 102 p.

.Kalyuzhny, A.A. Psychology of teacher's image formation / A.A. Kalyuzhny. - M.: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2004. - 222 p.


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Topic: "Image as an element of professional

teacher's culture"


Ignatenko O.Yu.

r.p. Red Bucky

1. The concept of "image"

conceptimage In recent years, it has been firmly included in the dictionary of modern man. What is an image?

In Russia, the concept of image became the subject of public attention and scientific analysis only at the end of the 20th century. In the mid-1990s, the first serious domestic developments in imaging appeared, dedicated to the psychological aspects of image formation (R.F. Romashkina, E.I. Manyakina, E.V. Grishunina, P.S. Gurevich, F.A. Kuzin, VD Popov, BG Ushikov, VM Shepel, IA Fedorov and others). Shepel: Imageology: Secrets of personal charm was indicated not only by the rationale for the concept of image, which is new for the Russian mentality, but also by the formation of a new field of scientific research -imageology, and in the professional sphere, the formation of a new specialty - an image maker.

Image is a concept applicable: to a person (personal image), organization (corporate image), social position (image of a politician), profession (image of a teacher), education (image of a Harvard University graduate) and, finally ... to things (Mercedes - not just a car!). In the ordinary sense, the word image is used in relation to a person in two senses: as the appearance of a person and as his reputation. An image is an image that includes internal and external characteristics.

It is advisable to divide the image intocorporate (image of a company, firm, enterprise, institution, political party, public organization, etc.) andindividual (the image of a teacher, politician, businessman, artist, manager, leader of a social movement, etc.). The content and mechanisms of formation of these images will be different, but they are connected.

In both cases, i.e. in relation to the organization and the individual (personality), we can talk about the imageexternal and internal. The external image of an organization is its image, the idea of ​​it, which is formed in the external environment surrounding it, in the minds of the "counterparties" of this organization - customers, consumers, competitors, authorities, the media, and the public. The external image of an individual is made up of various forms of verbal, visual, ethical, aesthetic expression and behavior, and the subject is those people who come into direct or indirect contact with him.

Researchers offer three possible approaches to image classification:functional, in which its different types are distinguished, based on different functioning;context, in which these types are in different implementation contexts;comparative, in which similar images are compared.

Based on the existing definitions of the image, its main components are distinguished. The most significant of them are: appearance; use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication; internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner "I".

There are two groups of image functions:

1. Value functions of the image:

-Personally uplifting. Thanks to the creation of an aura of attractiveness around the personality, it becomes socially in demand, uninhibited in the manifestation of its best qualities.

- Comfort of interpersonal relationships. The essence of this function is that the charm of people objectively introduces sympathy and goodwill into their communication, and therefore a moral measure of tolerance and tact.

-Psychotherapeutic. Its essence is that a person, thanks to the awareness of his individual originality and increased sociability, acquires a stable, positive mood and self-confidence.

Thus, the value functions of the image testify to its indisputable importance in building a healthy mental organization of the individual.

2.Technological features of the image:

- Interpersonal adaptation. Thanks to a correctly chosen image, you can quickly enter a specific social environment, attract attention, and quickly establish friendly relations.

-Highlighting the best personal and business qualities. A favorable image makes it possible to visualize the most attractive qualities of a person, allowing people in contact with him to know precisely these features that cause sympathy or good disposition.

-Shading negative personality characteristics. Through make-up, fashion design, accessories, hair, etc. you can distract people from the shortcomings that a person has.

-Organization of attention. An attractive image involuntarily attracts people, it impresses them, and therefore they are psychologically easier to accept what he says or demonstrates.

-Overcoming age limits. Skillfully mastering the technology of self-presentation, which is specifically manifested in the successful choice of behavior models and the performance of various roles, one can feel comfortable in dealing with people of different social status and professional status, without fettering oneself with a “complex” of one’s own age.

In the scientific literature on political imageology (A.Yu. Panasyuk, G.G. Pocheptsov, V.M. Shepel, etc.), the following components of the image or their classification are distinguished: environmental image, dimensional image, materialized image, verbal image, kinetic image .environmental image implies characterization of a person according to his artificial habitat - according to his office, dwelling, car, etc. It is clear that the human-made habitat depends on many factors that are not always subject to our desires. The main principle of the formation of this image: a little better than everyone else.Dimensional image is a characteristic of a person according to his own appearance - according to a suit, make-up, hairstyle, etc.

Personal image is an important component for career growth, because:

Image affects those who make decisions in matters of professional growth;

We believe what we see;

We are all busy people and often make decisions based on first impressions;

We all act, whether we realize it or not, as ambassadors for our profession or organization;

Looking good and feeling confident is good for us.

An image that is not constantly supported by real big things sometimes melts like snow in the spring sun. For a professional, effective mutually beneficial contact with the outside world is very important, therefore the defining part of his image is:

High self-esteem, self-confidence;

Faith in the benevolence of the Universe and faith in a kind person;

Social and personal responsibility (“I am the cause of everything positive and negative in my life”);

The desire to change and the ability to take risks with a healthy sense of self-preservation.

Thus, the successful application of the image presupposes knowledge of the initial psychological and pedagogical principles that determine it. The following principles can act as such: the principle of harmony of the visual image, the principle of communication - the diversity of forms and methods of information interaction, the principle of self-regulation and orthobiosis (the science of body self-saving technology and souls), the principle of speech influence. They act as constant factors, skillfully embodied in various forms and methods of improving the professional skills of a teacher.

2.Professional image of the teacher.

Each profession requires a set of abilities, manifestation of feelings and thoughts. The longer a person is engaged in any type of activity, the more professional imprint is manifested in him. The specificity of the teacher's pedagogical activity is in active mental activity and constant tension of the nervous system. The main load falls on the brain, which, being in tension, subjugates all the resources of the body. Higher nervous activity experiences stress, as it is constantly exposed to such factors as a large amount of analytical and synthetic activity of the brain, chronic lack of time and a high level of personal motivation.

Already today we have the right to talk about a professional image that representatives of various professions should correspond to - an ideal teacher, an ideal doctor, an ideal engineer, an ideal entrepreneur, etc. The secret of the success of a teacher's professional image directly depends on how he manages to create an image that meets the expectations of other people.

The image of a teacher is an emotionally colored stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the teacher's image, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

Every teacher has an image, regardless of his personal views on this topic. The process of building an image depends both on the teacher himself and on the individual characteristics of the student, his gender, age, as well as experience, knowledge, nationality and other factors. A teacher who is engaged in creating his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and, as a result, works more successfully!

The teacher's image is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavior.

In the image of a particular teacher, individual, professional and age images are combined. Surrounding people make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher.

In the structure of the professional image proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are distinguished.

External component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, mannerisms, gait.

The appearance of the teacher, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication.

Appearance helps the teacher to attract attention to himself, to create a positive attitude towards himself, to appear not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher. The teacher with all his external appearance should win over students and adults. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults, and above all from their beloved teacher, how to dress properly. In the manner of dressing, one of the main rules is manifested: to look beautiful means to show respect for the people around you. This means that such requirements for the appearance of a person help the teacher improve his professional image. The right choice of clothes helps to achieve professional success. .Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are important components of the image. What and how the teacher says, whether he knows how to tune a person to himself with a word, what gestures and postures he demonstrates at the same time, what happens to facial expressions, how he sits, stands and walks - all this affects the perception of other people. A separate component of the teacher's appearance carries its own semantic load in the perception of students, but in each specific situation in the lesson it can be important or insignificant. In one case, facial expressions are important for a child, in another _ gesture, in the third - a teacher's costume.

In a situation whereappearance value the teacher becomes the head of the conditions for the first success, according to sociological studies (according to the data of V.M. Shepel, 1997), only 19% of teachers are satisfied with their appearance. Here is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately! - calls V.M. Shepel.

To improve his professionalism, the teacher needs to pay attention to the ability to present himself to others in the most beneficial way. It has been proven that a person receives 35% of information through verbal (verbal) communication and 65% through non-verbal communication.

The internal correspondence of the image of the profession is the inner "I", the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional and personal contacts. It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the internal attitudes of the teacher, consistent with his character and views. By creating his image, the teacher thereby improves himself. The personal as something internal is manifested through activity, in specific products of creativity. At the same time, activity acts as a borderline for the transition of the personal internal to the external - productive. The inner image is, first of all, the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, imagination, grace, the way back to posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson script, an internal mood for creativity, self-control in public conditions, and many other components. The external image is the technique of the game and the presentation of the game, special forms of expressing one's attitude to the material, conveying one's emotional attitude to reality, mastering the skill of self-presentation, bringing students to the game level, skillful directing of the entire course of the lesson. Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed throughprocedural a component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc. An emotionally rich teacher who knows the techniques of verbal and non-verbal manifestation of feelings and purposefully applies them... is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, bring it closer to natural communication

The term professional image of a teacher can be defined as the professional reputation of a teacher (an opinion about him as a professional), which develops as a result of communication with colleagues, students and their parents in the course of his professional activities. The professional image of a teacher and the culture of communication determine the strength of his authority, that is, the generally recognized by the participants in the educational process, the significance of his personal and professional qualities and merits, and the strength of his influence on the views and behavior of colleagues, students and their parents based on this. The result of the increase in the authority of the teacher's personality is the recognition of his right to make meaningful decisions for students. The professional image of a teacher is subjective, changeable and determines the willingness of others (participants in the educational process) to actin relation to the image carrier in a certain way. In this regard, the teacher must constantly strive to create and maintain his positive professional image.

The system-forming characteristics of a positive professional image of a teacher include a high level of formed, such personally and professionally significant features as:

an active emotionally positive style of attitude towards students and a democratic style of pedagogical guidance for them;ROSYTHEORIA

openness, complicity and assistance to each child, the exaltation of his personality in the process of communication;

pedagogical skill;

unity of respect for the personality of the pupil and exactingness to him; culture of the appearance of the teacher (appearance conducive to communication and a stylish suit corresponding to the status of the teacher and the communicative situation);

impeccable manners (culture of speech and non-verbal communication, observance of etiquette);

spirituality, morality, erudition, interest in knowledge and the desire for self-improvement;

personality activity, sociability;

citizenship and patriotism;

commitment and accuracy in keeping promises and agreements (as a manifestation of duty and honor, discipline and mutual respect, a guarantee of reliability);

kindness - can be restrained, but always has a place in the behavior and tone of the teacher, sensitivity and social and communicative adaptability;

fairness, validity, business and mostly indirect nature of the requirements;

self-esteem and self-confidence;

pedagogical observation, pedagogical imagination, justice, exactingness and pedagogical tact;

tolerance based on the recognition of the diversity of cultures and people,

autonomy and inviolability of the child's personality, his right to free self-determination and self-realization, that is, the right to join such political, religious, moral ideas that he finds true and attractive;

emotional expressiveness and the ability to manage their emotions;

creativity and ability to improvise;

responsibility for the success of the child in the subsequent stages of his education;

cheerfulness and optimism;

artistry and sense of humour.

All of the listed components of a positive professional image and culture of communication can be attributed to teachers teaching all ages.

groups, although the significance of one or another component varies depending on the age group of students and the situation of pedagogical communication. In some cases, the absence or insufficient level of formation of any component of the teacher's professional image, with a serious attitude of the image carrier to the improvement of professional skills, can be compensated to some extent by others.

As a rule, students in the process of evaluating the professional image of a teacher are guided primarily by his personal, individually unique features, and teachers - by purely professional skills and abilities. Significant discrepancies are also observed in the ratings of significant image characteristics of a teacher, built by teachers and students, for example, students put a well-groomed and stylish appearance of a teacher at approximately the third position, and teachers - at the eighth position.

Of decisive importance for the formation of a professional image and authority of a teacher is his level of culture of pedagogical communication.

Pedagogical communication - This is a specific form of organization of interaction between the teacher and students. The main specific functions of pedagogical communication include:

informational (skillful application in practice of deep knowledge and a variety of methodological tools to ensure

optimal transfer of knowledge to students and their lasting, meaningful assimilation by children);

mobilization (activation of cognitive activity of students, organization of their independent work, maintenance and development of children's interest in learning, useful work and social work);

developing (development of the student's abilities, the personality as a whole, taking into account the individual psychological, gender, age and other characteristics of students);

orientational (the formation of culturally appropriate value orientations, worldview principles, socially approved behavioral motives, and an active life position among students).

Communication with students of highly qualified successful teachers is characterized by:

the teacher's confidence in the great possibilities of the child's intellect and the subordination of the entire educational process to this task (the intellectual saturation of the lessons);

the desire to maximize and comprehensively use the studied

in the classroom material;

encouraging students to look for different ways to perform actions;

positivity of the pedagogical requirements;

taking into account the socio-cultural characteristics of the student, knowledge of foreign cultural modes of communication, individual learning styles of the student (conditions, ways and methods of teaching that the student prefers);

the ability to value perception of reality and transfer it to students in an emotional and aesthetic form both at the semantic and psycho-physiological levels of contact (which ensures that children live a personal value attitude and form their value orientations, spirituality, the ability to empathize, acquire the skills to evaluate any phenomena and events on the basis of moral reason, the dialectical unity of the ethical and aesthetic in the assessment of all phenomena and events);

democratic style of pedagogical leadership.

The conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical communication are the knowledge and observance by the teacher of the laws of communication, his desire for respectful and caring mentoring, for active creative co-creation with the student to comprehend the communicative situation intellectually and emotionally.

In the process of communicating with students, the teacher intentionally and unintentionally continues himself in them, carrying out transformations of their personal meanings and behavioral motives that are significant for children. Pedagogical communication and interpersonal relations of a teacher with students significantly affect the emotional state and attitude of the child to the subject, the learning process, the educational institution,

the formation of a student team, the formation of the personality of schoolchildren, preparing them for subsequent independent adult life. This dictates the need for constant improvement of the methods used by the teacher to influence, develop and stimulate the self-development of students, including in the aspect of reflection of the semiotic components of their own expression, as well as the correction by the teacher and students of external technologies of self-presentation.

The speech of the teacher must comply with modern regulatory requirements. The normative speech of the teacher allows him to maintain communicative leadership in such active forms of professional speech as dialogue, monologue. The professional qualities of the speech of the teacher include such properties of the voice as purity and clarity of timbre, euphony, flexibility, flight. Good diction makes it possible for professional speech to become effective, that is, to encourage people to change - external and internal.

Thus, the image of the teacher contains the followingstructural components: individual and personal qualities, communicative, features of professional activity and behavior.

Society, generating requirements for the professional image of a teacher, influences its content. But from generation to generation, such qualities of an ideal teacher remain unchanged, such aslove for children, goodwill, sincerity, ability to communicate. A teacher who is in love with children and is passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those behaviors that are most adequate to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable, - writes V.M. Shepel.


Often a teacher loses the authority of his subordinates because he is not interested as a person. And without interest in the personality of the teacher, there is no interest in the subject. Another thing is that in the future, interest in the personality of the teacher fades, and interest in the subject flares up. Interest in the personality of the teacher is thus a means of activating interest in the subject. It is the students who give the energy of life to the teacher, and the teacher gives the opening of "new horizons". Therefore, the image of the teacher should inspire. No matter how professionally prepared a teacher is, he is simply obliged to improve his personal qualities, his professional qualities, thus creating his own image. From how the teacher will create and think over his professional image, his professional demand, professional suitability, professional satisfaction, professional success, professional competence will depend.


1.Shepel V.M. Secrets of personal charm.-Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2005

2. Shepel V.M. Management Anthropology. Humanistic competence of a manager.-M.: Public education.2000

3. A.A. Kalyuzhny Technology for building the image of a teacher / Additional education, 1-2004

Modern domestic researchers have revealed a contradiction in the importance of the teacher's personal image for students and teachers. According to E. Russkaya, in the list of ten professionally significant qualities of a teacher at the end of the 20th century, image ranks second from the point of view of children and only eighth - from the point of view of the teachers themselves. The teacher's image is manifested in some generalized form, which may contain the following structural components: individual characteristics, personal, communicative, activity and external behavior. In the image of a particular teacher, individual, professional and age images are combined. Surrounding people make judgments about both the personal, age, gender, and purely professional qualities of the teacher. In the structure of the professional image proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are distinguished.

External component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, mannerisms, gait. The appearance of the teacher, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication. Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed through procedural a component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc. An emotionally rich teacher who knows the techniques of verbal and non-verbal manifestation of feelings and purposefully applies them... is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, bring it closer to natural communication. Internal component - it is the inner world of a person, the idea of ​​his spiritual and intellectual development, interests, values, his personality as a whole. Thus, the teacher's image contains the following structural components: individual and personal qualities, communicative, features of professional activity and behavior. It is possible to talk about the general image of the teacher and the situational embodiment of his image. In the public mind, there is, first of all, the image of the teaching profession, which summarizes the most common characteristics characteristic of different teachers, and fixes them in the form of a stereotype image. Society, generating requirements for the professional image of a teacher, influences its content. But from generation to generation, such qualities of an ideal teacher remain unchanged, such as love for children, goodwill, sincerity, ability to communicate. A teacher who is in love with children and is passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those behaviors that are most adequate to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable, - writes V.M. She-pel.

Questions for the exam in pedagogy.

1. Subject and object of pedagogy, connection of pedagogy with other sciences 2. History of the development of pedagogy 3. Functions of pedagogy 4. Branches of modern pedagogy 5. Questions (tasks) of pedagogy 6. Pedagogical process as a system and integrity 7. Components of the pedagogical process 8. Factors of formation personality 9. Patterns of age development 10. The main categories of pedagogy (general characteristics) 11. Education as a category of pedagogy 12. Education as a category of pedagogy 13. Education as a category of pedagogy 14. Formation as a category of pedagogy 15. Development as a category of pedagogy 16. Peculiarities of pedagogical communication 17. Styles of pedagogical activity 18. Components of pedagogical technique 19. Mastery of pedagogical communication 20. The concept of pedagogical technology 21. Traditional theory of learning 22. Features of the organization of problem-based learning 23. Features of the organization of programmed learning 24. Developing learning.

25. Planning and design in the activities of the teacher. 27. Moral and psychological image of the teacher. 28. Image of a teacher and pedagogical activity.

Today, the success of any representative or public activity requires a positive image. Since the teacher is always in sight, he must take care of his image. This is a requirement of a market economy. In the modern world, the teacher must be competitive. Often, the teacher remains unclaimed due to an incorrectly projected image in the minds of others. It is no longer enough to be just a high-class professional. A professional image is a prerequisite for successful professional activity.

The image of a teacher is a stereotype of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, and the social environment.

The images of representatives of different professions differ in the functions they perform, the components that most strongly influence the created image, as well as the professional image requirements that are unique to each of them.

Thus, the image of the teacher performs the following functions:

Professional - ensuring the high quality of education and upbringing;

Social - development of creative activity of students, raising the status and prestige of the teaching profession, increasing the social significance of this profession;

Spiritual and moral - the formation of the personality of the student, manifested in relation to the people around him, to nature, the objective world, to spiritual values, the formation of the moral qualities of students;

Visual - the formation of a positive external impression, the education of a culture of appearance.

In the structure of the professional image proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are distinguished.

The external component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, gait.

The appearance of the teacher, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication.

Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed through the procedural component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc.

“An emotionally rich teacher who owns the techniques of verbal and non-verbal manifestation of feelings and purposefully applies them ...” is able to “revive the lesson”, make it expressive, bring it closer to natural communication.

The internal component is the inner world of a person, the idea of ​​his spiritual and intellectual development, interests, values, his personality as a whole.

A.G. Ovodova believes that the components of the teacher's image are:

1. Visual appeal - the color scheme of the costume, the right make-up, fashionable haircut or styling, etc.

2. Eloquence - the art of speech, that is, its flexibility, expressiveness, originality.

3. Non-verbal image - pleasant manners, gestures, facial expressions, posture.

4. Living space - design of the workplace, brand of car, pen, case, etc.

5. Lifestyle - relationships with others, relatives, moral principles, dignity, behavior, character, personality traits.

6. Attractiveness in the eyes of others. "It's not necessary that people love you, they just have to like you."

In the approach proposed by A.A. Kalyuzhny puts forward certain requirements for each of the components of the teacher's image.

Appearance helps a person to attract attention to himself, create a positive image, show himself not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher.

The teacher with all his external appearance should win over students and adults. It should harmoniously combine a rich inner world, love for children and care for them. The appearance of the teacher, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication.

A real teacher will not emphasize his appearance with clothes, he will demonstrate his mind, professional skills and abilities. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults and, above all, from their favorite teacher how to dress properly. In the manner of dressing, one of the main rules is manifested: to look beautiful means to show respect for the people around you.

Appearance, first of all, should be neat. Particular attention should be paid to hair, makeup and manicure. Hair should always be clean, and the hairstyle neat - not shaggy, without strands breaking out. Make-up should be in natural colors, bright colors should be avoided. Hands should be well-groomed, nails should not be broken off, in no case should peeling varnish be allowed, especially bright colors.

In clothes, it is necessary to reasonably combine fashion trends with your appearance, observing the following rule: being dressed too fashionably is a sign of bad taste, but it is unacceptable to lag behind fashion, that is, you need to dress in fashion, but closer to the classic style.

Classics is the basis of the teacher's style. It symbolizes the following qualities: self-confidence and self-control, determination and psychological flexibility, as well as authority. Classic style is a style approved by the time, but with the inclusion of fashionable elements. For example, classic-style clothes have clear and sometimes strict forms, but fashionable proportions and nuances of cut are not ignored, fabrics of new textures and actual color shades are used.

The teacher's clothing carries a great psychological burden:

1. A neatly, cleanly and tastefully dressed teacher brings up the same qualities in his students.

2. The teacher's clothing can be distracting during the lesson, undermining the learning process.

3. Tight-fitting, overly open and short, as well as transparent clothing can generate sexual fantasies and experiences in the minds of students instead of comprehending and memorizing educational material. That is, an improperly dressed teacher can give rise to a lot of pedagogical problems that will have to be solved for more than one day.

When it comes to clothing, it's important to focus on accessories. Business style implies the absence of jewelry, and if jewelry is used, then only from precious metals (gold, silver, platinum) and natural stones. The ideal option is the presence of a watch (on the hand or hanging on a chain) and a smooth wedding ring.

If there is a need for earrings, then they should be small, not hanging. Dangling earrings will move in time with the movements of the head, which will distract students from the content of the lesson. The same can be said about hanging bracelets, and numerous chains. They must be excluded, because they are not consistent with the business style.

Glasses can also be included as accessories. Glasses should be accurately matched to facial features and should not distract from facial expressions and eye expression. The frame should be thin. Glasses should be fitted so that they do not move with head movements, do not slide down and do not sting anywhere. Otherwise, you will have to constantly correct them, which distracts the students, and the teacher himself.

An instrument of powerful influence on students is the face of the teacher. One must learn to master this "instrument" to perfection, to be able to control it very accurately. People who are not specially trained are usually not aware of their facial expressions. This is due to the fact that facial muscles have few nerve endings, and their weak impulses must be learned to be perceived. When our face is in a calm state, the facial muscles are relaxed and the face sometimes takes on an expression that is inappropriate in a particular communication situation (for example, the corners of the lips drop and the face takes on an unhappy or offended expression).

In standard communication situations, standard facial expressions of its participants are assumed. Psychologists call such standard facial expressions masks. The psychological significance of the mask is very high. On the one hand, its presence allows one not to be personally involved in a specific situation of communication, preserving mental energy.

The face of the teacher should be friendly - interested. For the student, the expression on the teacher's face should give the impression that he is waiting and wants to communicate with him. Such a facial expression creates an attitude, something that happens in the lesson is interesting and important for the teacher himself, which means it should be interesting and important for the students.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are important components of the image - what and how we say, whether we can set a person to ourselves with a word, what gestures, facial expressions and postures we use, how we sit, stand and walk. To improve his professionalism, the teacher needs to pay attention to the ability to present himself to others in the most favorable light. Explanations should be clear both in style of speech and in relevance.

It is worth noting that the perception of information by ear is less voluminous than visual, so sentences should not be very long and with pauses. Before each lesson, the teacher should think over his speech so that it sounds smoother and more understandable, but, nevertheless, an improvisational moment cannot be ruled out, thanks to which the lesson becomes more interesting and exciting for students. The teacher must also have a style of informal communication with students in order to inspire their confidence.

The voice of the teacher is of great importance: it is a means that can elevate the significance of speech, but often acts as a means of reducing this significance. Typical mistakes of novice teachers are too quiet or too loud voice. A monophonic voice does not allow the teacher to create the rhythm of his speech, its melody. The voice should contribute to the success of the teacher. Work on the technique of speech can play a positive role in the professional development of a young specialist and increase the success in the activities of an experienced teacher.

We should not forget about non-verbal behavior (facial expressions, gestures, postures, gaze, gait, posture). Nonverbal behavior is the language of the subconscious. It historically preceded the appearance of speech, and therefore is less controlled by the intellect. But that's no reason to let things go. Non-verbal behavior is a manifestation of culture (both personal and national).

The non-verbal component of communication plays a significant role in the process of interaction between a teacher and children, since it is known that various means of non-verbal communication are in some cases more effective than words. A special place in the system of non-verbal communication of the teacher is occupied by the system of gestures.

As E.A. Petrova, the teacher's gestures are for students one of the indicators of his attitude towards them. Gesture has the property of "making the secret clear", which the teacher must always remember. Gestures play an important role in ensuring the attention of students, which is the most important condition for effective learning. Also in the use of gestures, such a function as the activation of various cognitive processes is also important. Gestures can illustrate the teacher's story, they can be used to activate visual perception, memory, visual-figurative thinking. It is important to remember that explanatory gestures with children contribute to better assimilation of information.

It has been proven that a person receives 35% of information through verbal (verbal) communication and 65% through non-verbal communication.

The internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner "I" is considered the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional communication.

It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the internal attitudes of the teacher, consistent with his character and views. By creating our image, we thereby educate ourselves. Activity is the facet of the transition of the personal internal to the external - productive. Most often, this is dissimilarity, external self-formation, expression, the ability to present one’s unique personality, to make it original in every component of the pedagogical process (from goals and objectives to the selection of content, means, methods and methods of their presentation), as well as in the style of communication, in emotional reaction to the behavior of schoolchildren, in improvisation in the classroom.

The inner image is the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, imagination, grace, the way of posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson script, an inner mood for creativity, self-control in public conditions and many other components.

The external image is a special form of expressing the attitude to the material, the transfer of an emotional attitude to reality, the ability to self-presentation, bringing students to the game level, skillful staging of the entire course of the lesson.

Thus, despite significant differences in the classifications of the components of the teacher's image by different authors, it is possible to identify some common components: appearance, oratory, non-verbal style, the teacher's inner world, as well as professionally significant qualities of the teacher's personality.

In the structure of the professional image proposed by L.M. Mitina, external, procedural and internal components are distinguished.

The external component includes facial expressions, gestures, timbre and strength of voice, costume, manners, gait.

The appearance of the teacher, of course, can create a working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder mutual understanding, facilitating or hindering pedagogical communication.

Professional activity, according to L.M. Mitina, is revealed through the procedural component of the image, which is concretized by such forms of communication as professionalism, plasticity, expressiveness, etc.

An emotionally rich teacher who knows the techniques of verbal and non-verbal manifestation of feelings and purposefully applies them... is able to enliven the lesson, make it expressive, bring it closer to natural communication.

The internal component is the inner world of a person, the idea of ​​his spiritual and intellectual development, interests, values, his personality as a whole.

Thus, the teacher's image contains the following structural components: individual and personal qualities, communicative, features of professional activity and behavior. It is possible to talk about the general image of the teacher and the situational embodiment of his image.

In the public mind, there is, first of all, the image of the teaching profession, which summarizes the most common characteristics characteristic of different teachers, and fixes them in the form of a stereotype image.

Society, generating requirements for the professional image of a teacher, influences its content. But from generation to generation, such qualities of an ideal teacher as love for children, goodwill, sincerity, and ability to communicate remain unchanged.

“A teacher who is in love with children and is passionate about his work intuitively and consciously chooses those behaviors that are most adequate to the dignity of children and their actual needs. The image of such a teacher is impeccable,” writes V.M. Shepel.

Kalyuzhny distinguishes four main components of the teacher's image: appearance, the use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, the correspondence of the image of the profession to the inner "I" of the teacher. It is worth considering them in more detail.

A separate component of the teacher's appearance carries its own semantic load in the perception of students, but in each specific situation in the lesson it can be important or insignificant. In one case, facial expressions are important for the child, in the other - gestures, in the third - the teacher's costume.

In a situation where the importance of the appearance of a teacher becomes the main condition for the first success, according to sociological research (according to V.M. Shepel, 1997), only 19% of teachers are satisfied with their appearance. “Here is a problem that needs to be solved immediately!” -- calls V.M. Shepel.

Teachers are looked at closely. The image of the teacher is preserved in memory in the most striking external characteristics. The memoirs of various writers and publicists can serve as an example of this.

“I don’t remember his first and last name. I don't remember my last name either. But the face, although hardly noticeable, has not been forgotten until now ... ”, - wrote V. Astafiev. Or in the memoirs of M. Shahinyan we read: “I remember we had an Armenian, a history teacher. He was very ugly in appearance, shaggy, overgrown, round-shouldered. These and many other memories of people show that the image of a teacher is preserved in memory in the details of his appearance.

It is important for a teacher to correctly implement the function of self-presentation in pedagogical communication, especially at the time of forming the first impression of oneself. Studies show that 25% of novice teachers experience the greatest difficulties in situations of first contact with students.

The phenomenon of the first impression in many cases determines the further dynamics of the interaction process. “The student's first impression of the teacher is the most important aspect of interaction in learning activities,” wrote A.A. Bodalev.

V.A. Kan-Kalik noted: "The teacher must carefully prepare for the first communication with the audience, there are no trifles in this matter." The first meeting forms an idea of ​​the personality of the educator, since the appearance and internal properties of the personality, of course, are interconnected. The success of the entire communication process depends on the success of the initial stage of communication in the educational process. Thus, the act of forming the first impression is very important, because it determines the entire further course of the interaction.

Based on the first impression, an initial and often quite stable stereotype of the teacher's perception is formed. The first impression about the teacher plays a big role in the emergence of pedagogical influence, influence on children.

When forming a strategy and tactics of self-presentation, it is necessary to take into account that 85% of people build their first impression on the basis of a person's external appearance (according to N.V. Panferov). More N.D. Levitov, in his studies conducted in the 40s of the XX century, noted that in the first impression of the teacher, students are more in solidarity with each other than in subsequent ones.

"Image" in translation from English - "image". The image should be understood not only as a visual, visual image (appearance, appearance), but also as a way of thinking, actions, deeds.

Most scientists include in this concept not only the appearance of a person, determined by his anatomical features and style of clothing, but almost all the characteristics available to perception. Thus, the psychologist P. Byrd writes that the image is "a complete picture of you" that you present to others. It includes how you look, talk, dress, act; your skills, your posture, posture and body language; your accessories, your environment.

The special professional and social functions of the teacher, the need to always be in the sight of his pupils, their parents, the general public place increased demands on the personality of the teacher, his moral character. This, in turn, determines the success of pedagogical activity. For the teacher, the unity of the internal content, activity and external appearance is necessary. Therefore, the structure of the teacher's image should be considered separately.

Recall the saying: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." For many people, information received from a visual image is the only “data bank” about a person, and on this basis they build their relationships. And, the more accurately the image of the teacher is created, the easier it is for people to communicate with him, and the less effort it will take to find a common language with their students.

Therefore, we can conclude that the effect of personal charm plays almost the main role in the work of a teacher, sometimes it is almost the only argument in solving problem situations. The charming appearance of the teacher has a powerful positive psychotherapeutic effect on his wards.

The first step towards creating a "halo effect", we think, can be considered work on your own image. Visual attractiveness is the primary component of the teacher's image. Here, the color scheme of the working suit, and correctly executed makeup, and fashionable haircut or styling are important.

However, just having an appropriate appearance is clearly not enough. It is necessary that the teacher himself feel comfortable, and that his confidence is transferred to the audience. If the appearance of the teacher is attractive, then he can persuade the audience to his side even before he utters the first word.

In addition, many professional modern teachers owe their success to the voice. Just as with appearance, people form their opinion on the voice within a few seconds. The teacher's voice is of great importance: it is a means that can elevate the significance of speech, but it often acts as a means of leveling the significance of speech, transforming its potential positive influence into something opposite - into an agent of corrupting influence.

The voice should contribute to the success of the teacher. Some companies abroad send their employees to seminars and private voice training courses. They professionally put the correct pronunciation, clear articulation. The wards will be more willing to listen to the teacher if he has a pleasant voice. It doesn't matter what voice you got from birth. Thanks to systematic exercises, the teacher will be able to get rid of the accent, learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly.

The so-called "non-verbal" image is related to how pleasant our manners are, which means gestures, facial expressions, posture, gait. Good manners help to quickly adapt to any environment, simplify the establishment of communication links with people.

When characterizing the teacher's non-verbal actions as a sign expressing attitude towards children, one should trace the change in voice in the following situations: first, sit down imposingly on a chair, cross-legged, and turn to an imaginary abstract person. Then, in a modified position: the body is tilted slightly forward. In both cases, the intonation of the voice is fixed.

Illustrating the results, you can see how the teacher's posture affects the content of speech and the intonation of the voice: in the second case there will be a wish, a polite address, in the first case, the request will not work, but there will be a whim, an order. The location of the teacher's body in the act of interacting with students is essential. A slight tilt of the body forward, a slight tilt of the head to the side and a smile not only have a positive effect on the audience, but also make them share the point of view of the teacher.

Speaking about the teacher's gait, it is worth emphasizing that it is also an expression of his image. The stooped figure of the teacher, who moves slowly and measuredly around the classroom, sets the students to fulfill the pedagogical requirements, keeps them in psychological tension. Light, "fluttering" gait, on the contrary, has a relaxing effect on children and can cause them to have the opposite mood. It mobilizes students to a lesser extent to complete educational tasks. In this case, the attention of schoolchildren will rather be focused on the extravagance of the teacher than on the importance of the educational material.

Noting the expressiveness of the movement of the muscles of the face (facial expressions), as a manifestation of human feelings, experiences, emotions, one should pay attention to the fact that often a novice teacher does not know how to control his face and facial reactions are ahead of speech ones. Children are very observant and accurately compare micromimic reactions with the semantic content of the teacher's speech. If, as a result of comparing verbal and non-verbal speech, they involuntarily feel falseness, deceit, hypocrisy, then the teacher who discovered this once will not enjoy the students' personal trust.

The internal correspondence of the image of the profession is the inner "I", in our opinion, the leading component of the pedagogical image, since the ability to please and win over other people is a necessary quality in professional and personal contacts.

It is equally important that the image does not diverge from the internal attitudes of the teacher, consistent with his character and views. By creating our image, we thereby improve ourselves. The personal as something internal is manifested through activity, in specific products of creativity. At the same time, activity acts as a borderline for the transition of the personal internal to the external - productive. This is most often - originality, dissimilarity, external self-formation, expression, the ability to translate one's unique personality, to make it original in every component of the pedagogical process - from goals and objectives to the selection of content, means, methods and techniques for their presentation, as well as in the style of communication with by all participants in a holistic pedagogical process, in every emotional reaction to the behavior of schoolchildren, in the degree of freedom of improvisation allowed in the lesson.

The inner image is, first of all, the culture of the teacher, spontaneity and freedom, charm, emotionality, imagination, grace, the way back to posing and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright moves in the lesson script, an internal mood for creativity, self-control in public conditions, and many other components.

The external image is a game technique and game presentation, special forms of expressing one's attitude to the material, conveying one's emotional attitude to reality, mastering the ability to self-present, bringing students to the game level, skillful directing of the entire course of the lesson.

The society in which the teacher is located has a significant influence on the formation of the image. This component involves characterizing the teacher in terms of his artificial habitat - in his office, home, etc. It is clear that this depends on many factors that are not always subject to our desires. But, nevertheless, the teacher should try to do everything in his power, and also constantly strive for the best.

Creating an innovative climate in the team, as well as supporting colleagues at all stages of activity, is an essential condition for the success of any teacher's self-realization. The team has a huge impact on the formation of the image.

An image that is not constantly supported by real deeds does not make sense. For a professional, contact with the outside world is very important, so an important part of his image is:

  • - high self-esteem, self-confidence;
  • - placing the right emphasis on their own priorities;
  • - social and personal responsibility;
  • - Willingness to change and constantly improve.