Can a white mink coat be dyed? We dye natural fur at home.

  • 20.10.2019


If the fur is very dirty, it should be cleaned with an alkaline solution. Dyes do not penetrate well into the structure of dirty or greasy hair. The cleaning solution is prepared from salt - 2-3 teaspoons, ammonia - 1 teaspoon, detergent - 1 teaspoon, baking soda - 2 teaspoons, per liter of water. Apply to the fur with a brush. Washed and dried natural way.

The skin from the inside of the fur - the mezdra - must first be treated with a greasy cream or glycerin to prevent it from drying out.

We paint the fur for the usual. We apply paint. Pre-fur can be moistened with water so that the paint is distributed more evenly. You need to work so that you can grind the paint with your hand and avoid unpainted places. By the time we keep, as indicated on the box, depending on the color.

After the fur rinse in warm water, with the addition of vinegar. Dry carefully with a towel.

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Natural fur always up to date. In such a fur coat, it is easiest to survive the harsh Russian winter. Mink products are rightfully considered the most stylish, elegant, chic. Sometimes it becomes necessary to dye a mink coat.


Fur is good because in its structure and appearance it is very close to human hair. Therefore, many people color it with hair dyes. Get the kind of paint that you have already tested once on your own. If you liked it for its qualities and durability, then it can also be used for dyeing natural fur.

Paint the fur coat with an aerosol or spray gun. Perform the procedure at a distance of approximately 50-70 cm from the fur. Moreover, be sure to rub the product with a comb or. Thanks to this, you will not only remove excess paint, but also distribute it more evenly.

Now dry the fur. Do this very carefully and slowly. For these purposes, you can use a hair dryer. Comb the fur itself constantly. This is necessary so that in the future it does not get tangled and does not fall off.

Some women, in order to add shine to the fur and soften it, are advised to use a good hair balm after such a procedure.

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alternative self painting natural fur is an appeal to specialists in dry cleaning. But all such establishments will take up this work.

Useful advice

Experts recommend using Fara or Prestige paints for painting mink fur. They are best suited for these purposes. The color can last up to eight months, after which it will only fade slightly. True, for mink, the choice of shades is very limited: red, chestnut or black. It is worth noting that the most resistant color is red paint. And everyone's favorite black eventually turns into brown.

You can carry out screen staining. Due to this, the mink can acquire the color of a leopard.

Sometimes it happens that a fur product can last for many more years, retaining warmth and beauty, but its color has become such that you can no longer afford to wear a fur coat or hat. Sometimes the fur fades, becomes stained, sheds, and sometimes its color simply bothers the owner. If the color of the fur coat does not satisfy you, this is not a reason to get rid of the thing. You can try to change the color of the fur yourself by dyeing it at home in desired color.


When choosing a dye for fur, buy only the shade that is darker than the one that is already dyed with the fur of your item.

It is possible to paint the product only in stainless steel barrels or in special plastic tanks, using tinting agents or oxidizing dyes. The easiest way to dye a fur coat is oxidizing, as they are inexpensive and allow you to dye the fur at lower temperatures, resulting in a beautiful sheen.

If the fur is old, it may not survive the operation. Dirty and soiled fur products are also poorly dyed - thoroughly clean the fur before dyeing. Prepare a solution from a liter of hot (35-38 degrees) water, dilute 20 g of salt, 2-3 g of ammonia 25% in it, and add a gram of detergent or shampoo and a gram of baking soda. If more solution is required, increase the amount of ingredients in proportion to the amount of water. For two liters, take twice as many ingredients, for three liters - three times as much. With the resulting solution, stain the skin until it is ready for painting.

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You can change the color of the skin of a particular product in domestic conditions. However, it must be taken into account that the effect will not be the same as with industrial painting. Staining is deep and superficial. Deep staining involves immersing the skin in a dye solution. For surface staining, use a brush or spray.

You will need

  • Dye powder, water, basin, vinegar, salt


Remove impurities from the skin. Decide on a skin coloring method.

Dilute the dye powder warm water and mix thoroughly. Next, strain the mixture. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of lumps that form spots on the painted area.

Pour the dye into a saucepan, pour two liters of water and boil. Then remove the dye solution from the heat and cool to 45 degrees. If the solution has a higher temperature, the skin will shrink when interacting with it, lose strength and elasticity.

soak skin in warm water for a few. The skin should get wet well, otherwise the wet areas will remain unpainted. It is possible to determine whether it is wet enough by a string of bubbles, which, with insufficient moisture, are released from the pores.

Pour the dye into a bowl that will allow you to easily hold. Remove the skin from the water, wring out and place in a bowl with a solution. The surface must be completely covered with dye. In addition, from time to time the product must be turned over. This will allow the paint to lie evenly.

Fix the paint. To do this, prepare a solution. Take one liter of water, a glass of vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. Mix the ingredients. Place skin into this solution.

Wring out and spread the product on wooden board front side up. Soon the product will dry and will please you with an updated appearance.

Fur products made of polar fox not only look great, but also perform their main function - keeping warm. The pile of fox fur is long, so it accumulates both dust particles and substances from environment, which give yellowness. Not very strong pollution can be cleaned, but with persistent ones you will have to visit dry cleaning, because it is impossible to use aggressive products on delicate fur.


Take bran or flour and heat a little in a pan. Quickly sprinkle the hot mixture on the fur and brush with a soft brush. A fur brush can be purchased at a household supply supermarket or even a regular pet store. After you remove the flour from the product, shake it. It is better to do this procedure on the balcony or on the street if you live in a private house.

Dilute vinegar in water 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml of liquid. Moisten a soft cloth and wipe the fur over it. Then use clean water, but do not wet the product too much. If you cleaned, put it on a three-liter jar to dry, and hang the coat on a coat hanger until completely dry. Do not forget to shake the fur periodically, otherwise it will dry out and become not fluffy.

You can clean the fox with aviation gasoline. To do this, soak a sponge in the liquid and gently wipe the fur. Wait until the gasoline has completely evaporated. Then rub the usual potato starch and after 10-15 minutes thoroughly shake the fur for fresh air or vacuum on the weakest setting (preferably with a machine vacuum cleaner).

If the product is no longer there and the question “throw away or clean” is acute, then there is nothing to lose and you can try to wash the product. Pour warm water into a basin, add liquid powder and soak the fur in the resulting solution. The stronger the contamination, the higher the concentration of the powder should be. Then rinse thoroughly and dry the product. Usually after this procedure appearance improves, and pollution disappears. If the skin has become tough, just rub a small amount of aviation gasoline into it.

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Useful advice

If you are afraid to ruin the fur, contact the professionals. In the dry cleaners, you will clean the contaminated fur using gentle products and modern technology.

Fur mink in modern world is becoming more and more popular, despite its high price. In some countries, there are specialized mink farms. Fashionistas and adherents of natural furs explain what exactly is in natural fur coat easier to survive the winter and cold weather. Mink coats are popular because they are the most durable in their use. Sometimes there are times when you need to dye or recolor this piece of your wardrobe in a different color to freshen it up. Of course, to dye the fur mink independently without certain skills, you must be extremely careful so as not to spoil the thing.

You will need

  • - mink fur,
  • - dye,
  • - spray can.


Since the fur is very close in appearance and structure to human hair, many people resort to dyeing it with ordinary hair dyes. And it’s better to buy paint that has been tested on your own, which you like both in terms of durability and quality.

It is recommended to paint with a spray gun or aerosol at a distance of about 50-70 cm from the fur mink and be sure to rub or comb, because this way the paint is distributed more evenly and the excess is removed.

Almost every woman has a fur product in her wardrobe. During prolonged wear, natural fur loses its attractiveness and becomes faded. Some women of fashion dream of changing the color, making it more fashionable, bright. It is quite possible to dye fur at home, the main thing is to follow the basic rules below.

Preparation for staining

Before you start the dyeing process, you need to clean the thing. This will allow you to evenly paint over the product without leaving pale areas on it. A solution prepared from the following ingredients will allow this procedure to be carried out well:

  • salt (2 tablespoons);
  • ammonia (1 tablespoon);
  • baking soda (2 tablespoons);
  • washing powder (1 tablespoon);
  • warm water in the amount of two liters.

The components are thoroughly mixed, then the mixture is applied to the fur with a brush, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. For effective cleaning, wet wipe or wash off the soapy solution several times with a clean cloth. In order for the mezdra (skin) to reverse side the product did not shrink, it should be wet, so it should be wetted.

Interesting! You can clean the item with a regular hair shampoo or dish detergent.

Some use aggressive substances: kerosene or lighter gas. With this method, you must always remember that their use can significantly worsen the appearance of products.

Dry a fur collar or coat on a coat hanger in natural conditions away from heaters and sunlight on the street or in a room with good ventilation.

Fur types

Before you paint this or that thing at home, you need to understand the features of the material. Only in this case, you can achieve the proper result and get the desired color or shade. It is easiest to dye products made from rabbit, mink, chinchilla. But the procedure should be carried out carefully, since these materials, especially rabbit fur, are highly sensitive to chemicals.

Important! Dyeing thick fur will take a lot of paint and time. But the result will please the owner of the wardrobe good color which will last for quite some time.

If the fur coat is made of beaver, you should not even try to lighten it, as it will turn yellow. The muskrat can behave very unpredictably, since not everyone may like pinkish shades with whitish areas. After a while, the paint will burn out, and the product will take on a completely different appearance.

Arctic fox coloring

You can paint the fox product in specialized workshops. The cost of such a service is rather big, and not every person can afford to pay a certain amount. There is a way out - you can perform the procedure at home on your own. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Choose the right paint. It is sold in hardware stores. If not found suitable color, there is another option - dyeing fur at home with hair dye. Such dyes are sold in a large color palette: black, red, golden, brown, red and other shades, it will not be a problem to pick up.
  2. Strictly following the instructions, dilute the dye.
  3. Put on a mask or respirator on your face, gloves on your hands.
  4. Mezdra is recommended to be treated with petroleum jelly, baby cream or glycerin. This will prevent the skin from getting too wet and protect it from drying out.
  5. Coloring can be carried out both on wet and dry fox fur. In the first case, the paint falls on the surface quite softly. Apply the substance quickly with a hairdresser's brush. This should be done carefully so that there are no unpainted areas left.
  6. If you want to get a leopard color, use a stencil and several colored paints. Holes of different diameters are cut out of thick cardboard, applied to the surface of the product and painted with black and brown paints.
  7. A beautiful, rich shade of fox can be obtained if only the ends of the pile are painted. Usually, light-colored coloring compositions are used for this.
  8. You can freshen up a fur wardrobe item with a spray, coloring only the ends. You need to buy paint designed for suede, which is available in an aerosol. Holding the can at a great distance, it is necessary to make uniform movements. This is a simple and fast way.

After the procedure is completed, the fox fur is left for several minutes to obtain the desired shade. The time is indicated on the package. Now you should process the product by preparing such a solution: in 2 liters of water, dilute 5 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar. As soon as it is ready - immerse the thing in it.

Vinegar perfectly fixes the color, gives the fur extra shine and softness, greatly improving the appearance of a fox fur coat or collar. In order for the thing not to deform, the mezdra is stretched on the table, fixing it with clothespins.

To give the polar fox a lighter tone, use a hair clarifier, which is diluted in accordance with the instructions. You can use hydrogen peroxide, diluting it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The prepared product is applied to the product and left for no more than 15-20 minutes, otherwise the villi will become brittle. After the time has passed, the fur is rinsed and sent to dry.

We paint a mink coat

Faded mink fur spoils the appearance of a fur coat. In order to restore color and shine, a simple procedure is performed - painting a mink coat. It is necessary to purchase in advance the desired tone of paint, a spray bottle, a comb with thick teeth, a fat cream or glycerin, shampoo and hair balm. Now you need to take these steps:

  • clean the thing from dust, dirt, grease;
  • treat the skin (mesdra) with a fatty substance;
  • prepare the coloring composition in accordance with the instructions;
  • moisten the surface of the product;
  • apply a dye to the pile using a spray gun;
  • comb hairs;
  • shampoo diluted with water, wash off the paint;
  • balm to treat the surface.

The procedure is over, it remains to dry the product, after applying the cream on the mezra and combing the hairs.

In the same way, you can dye the fur of a silver fox, products from a muton and any other material. For silver fox, mostly black or brown paint is chosen. For a mouton coat, dark reddish shades, chestnut color are best suited.

Fur collar dyeing

It is not always necessary to completely paint a thing. In some cases, it is enough to dye the fur collar at home. This is pretty easy to do with regular hair dye. First, the collar is cleaned of dust and dirt, dried, and then proceed directly to the dyeing process:

  1. Using the instructions, you need to dilute the paint.
  2. For uniform staining, the collar is slightly moistened with water.
  3. The coloring composition is applied by hand (you should first wear gloves). The process should be done quickly, well distributing the paint over the pile.

After the procedure is completed, the collar is washed well with water and rinsed in an vinegar solution or hair conditioner. Drying should be flat surface, stretching and pinning it with needles to the base.

Artificial fur

Some people prefer to buy faux fur products. According to many characteristics, it is not inferior to natural raw materials and even sometimes surpasses it. It can also be dyed using hair dye. First you need to choose the tone of the coloring matter, clean the product, removing dirt, dust, grease from it, using a soapy solution. After that, the remnants of the soap solution are removed with a damp swab.

Processing should be carried out a day before staining.

In this case, you should know that faux fur is dyed in dark tones. Should buy quality paint so that you don't damage the item.

The coloring composition is obtained strictly following the instructions. After that, it is applied to artificial fur with a brush, making movements in the direction of the pile, evenly distributing it. The brush should be pressed so that it touches the fabric base. The paint is left for the time recommended in the instructions, then the material is washed with water, if necessary, excess coloring composition is removed with cotton swabs. After that, the still wet villi are combed with a rare comb and the product is sent to dry.

Dear Clients

Prepayment for tailoring products is not less than 50% of the cost of work.

The Lynx factory also offers additional services, such as painting, cutting and hauling.

Dye fur is produced in different colors. We dye both individual skins and finished fur products (we do not paint sheepskin coats) .

When painting finished fur products, be careful. Paint happens without fabric lining, only skins are dyed. Before painting, you are checked for the possibility of painting.

You can check it yourself if you want. : take your fur product that you want to dye, slightly open the lining and wet the skin well. After that, pull the soaked skin with force in different directions, if the skin is torn, it means that poor-quality dressing was used in tailoring and when painting your product may fall apart - paint it IT IS FORBIDDEN if the skin stretches easily to the sides - paint CAN .

We warn you in advance, when sewing a fur product, many companies often stretch the skin so that it is larger, such things after painting I can sit up to 30% .

Fur dyeing

Name (painting in black, brown, graphite)
Price in Malakhovka

Beaver (not shorn)
95 rub. dm 2
Beaver (shorn)
65 rub. dm 2
Long fur (fox, arctic fox, etc.)
580 rub. dm 2
Short fur (marten, mink, sable, polecat, etc.)
525 rub. dm 2
Plates (karakul, mink)
65 rub. dm 2

7.000 rub.
Jacket (length up to 65 cm.)
8.000 rub.
Short fur coat (length up to 90 cm.) without hood, without restoration
12.000 rub.
Short fur coat (length up to 105 cm.) without hood, without restoration
16.000 rub.
flare (for vests, jackets and coats)
+ from 10 - 30% to the price for dyeing, depending on the length of the product
Fur coat straight (length from 110 cm.) without hood, without restoration
18.000 rub.
Fur coat flared (length from 110cm.) without restoration
23.500 rub.
Hood, without restoration
3.000 rub.
Collars, cuffs, edges (long fur) without restoration
95 rub. dm 2
Collars, cuffs, edges (short fur) without restoration
65 rub. dm 2
Caps, without restoration
1.300 rub.

Shearling coats, sheepskin (NOT SHEARED) AND LEATHER - WE DO NOT COLOR!

  • Painting time 2 weeks
  • Shrinkage of a fur product during painting 30% (1 size)
  • Shrinkage during dyeing always occurs and the product shrinks uneven
  • It is necessary to restore (restorate) the product after dyeing necessarily!

    Restoration of products after dyeing

    Size In Malakhovka
    Vest 10.000 rub.
    Jacket (length up to 65 cm)
    from 15.000 to 18.000 rubles.
    Short fur coat (length up to 90 cm)
    from 18.000 to 20.000 rubles
    Short fur coat (up to 105 cm) from 20.000 to 23.000 rubles.
    Fur coat long (from 110 cm.) 25.000 rub.
    Recut new lining
    25.000 rub.
    Flare (depending on the length of the product)
    from 10 - 30%
    2.000 rub.

    Prices do not include the cost of the stock (up to size 50)

    A bit of history about dyeing coats, furs and skins

    Animal fur has been necessary for mankind throughout the history of its existence. And today, fur remains a valuable and commercially viable commodity, because it is used not only for warmth, but also for decoration and, of course, is a luxury item.

    The skins of fur-bearing animals consist of a dense undercoat and longer and stiffer hairs that rise above this layer. The main function of the undercoat is to maintain the animal's body temperature, while the longer outer coat is to protect the skin during rain or snow. Mostly fur skins are sold at auction. Most of it is bought by manufacturing companies specializing in tailoring products using fur or brokers. The largest auction centers are located in New York, Montreal and St. Petersburg.

    In the modern fur industry, fur is used for tailoring or decorating outerwear. Often, in order for the finishing color to blend well with the color of the main material of the product, it is used fur dyeing in different tones. quality dressing and dyeing of fur very important, because it will depend on how long the product from it will last. Many are interested in the question: is it possible dye the fur so that it does not lose its quality? Certainly! Moreover, if skin dyeing was produced in accordance necessary technology, the fur can last longer. That's how dye natural fur so that the skins remain soft and elastic, only professionals know. Sometimes the fur, on the contrary, is bleached or this method is used. natural fur dyeing, in which only longer hairs are shaded. This is what happens in some cases. silver fox fur dyeing. By the same method Can you dye fox fur? and give the product a very original look. When sewing a mink coat or coat, it is also advisable dyeing fur or mink coats in one color, if there are skins that are the same in softness, length of the pile and density of the undercoat, but initially different in color.

    The selection of skins for the product is not easy and requires a lot of furrier experience. The advantage of the fur material is that, if necessary, you can replace pieces with defects with others that are ideal for the main raw material. In such cases, it may also be necessary dye mink fur, arctic fox or other fur-bearing animal in the color of those skins that were selected for the product. It is possible to give a fresh look to a coat or fur coat that has been worn for several years, if paint old fur in another, more saturated shade. A competent selection of fur makes a fur coat as if sewn from one large skin, without focusing on the joining of different fragments.

    Information about where can i dye my fur Now it's not hard to find. It is important to turn to professionals, because such material is quite expensive and requires a special approach. Usually, these are special workshops or fur dyeing studio. Such organizations have special equipment and, most importantly, extensive experience in working with different types fur, so you should have no doubts where to dye natural fur .

    Fur skins can be dyed different ways. The main ones are namazny, okunochny or combined. In each individual case, the most optimal of them is used.

    Where to dye fur in Moscow can be learned from different sources. It should be noted that this procedure is quite expensive and only a high-quality service can guarantee a good result and not disappoint. So just trust trusted sources , in such a non-standard type of service as fur dyeing in Moscow . Fur dyeing price will depend on several factors: the method of painting and the used chemicals, (size, length, style) if this is a product.

    Examples of work on dyeing fur and skins

Fur, like human hair, tends to fade in the sun: fur collars and hats, after a certain time of wearing, lose their color brightness or acquire a copper tint. To return the former brightness of colors to your favorite collar, it is not necessary to turn to specialists, you can manage the wave with your own efforts.

How to dye fur at home?

Of course, many are interested in how to dye natural fur, for example, mink or arctic fox. Fur is similar in structure to human hair, so the procedure for dyeing it will be very similar to dyeing hair at home.

To dye the fur you will need:

  • dye. It is better to choose high-quality, expensive paint, it will last longer and will not stain the fur with spots;
  • salt - 2-3 teaspoons, ammonia - 1 teaspoon, detergent- 1 teaspoon, baking soda- 1 teaspoon, 1 liter of water. The solution obtained by mixing these ingredients is used to clean the fur before dyeing. Before dyeing fox, mink, or any other fur, it should be cleaned of grease and dirt, otherwise the paint will not stick and all efforts will be in vain;
  • fat cream (or glycerin) - they process the mezdra (skin on the back of the product) in order to avoid its drying out;
  • vinegar - needed to rinse the fur after dyeing.

Coloring procedure:

  1. Fur wash. The above alkaline solution is applied with a brush, then rinsed and dried naturally. The fur can shrink after washing, so it is better to stretch it on a wooden board and secure it with pins (or carnations).
  2. Direct staining carried out quickly, on a pre-moistened pile. The paint is kept for as long as indicated on the box.
  3. After staining the fur is kept in warm water with vinegar and dried without the use of a hair dryer. In order for the product not to sit down, it is also attached to the board with the fur up. The mezra dries the longest, so do not rush to remove the product from drying if it seems that the fur is already dry.

Many are interested in how to dye mink fur white color on one's own. Unfortunately, coloring in paints like "blond" can lead to the appearance of unwanted shades, which will be very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to take a white fur coat or collar that has changed color to a dry cleaner, where it will be returned to its original appearance.

In the process of long-term wear, a fur product may lose its attractiveness only due to the fact that the fur has faded either from the sun or from exposure to precipitation. In this case, there are two ways to restore. Specialized companies that provide dry cleaning and painting services are able to do it efficiently. But you can give a “second life” to your favorite thing at home. Following the instructions and making a share own fantasy to create a unique work of art.

If the age of the fur product is indicated by its color, then you can update the appearance with the help of painting.

For gray astrakhan, only black or brown is used. The mink is dyed in native colors in order to restore faded shades. Mouton products are suitable for black or brown pigment. Fur things in beige tones are dyed in all shades of brown to enhance the intensity of the native color. Choose a paint one or two shades darker for work.

The main condition for high-quality and uniform staining is. The best remedy for cleaning, an alkaline solution showed itself, its composition is as follows:

  • soda (dessert spoon);
  • salt (dessert spoon);
  • ammonia (a teaspoon);
  • about 15 drops of detergent
  • 1 liter of water.

Lightening yellowed white fur is an additional element of color restoration. To do this, use a solution with hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon) and ammonia (10 drops). This tool can remove yellowness from silver fox fur. In the process of processing with such a composition, deep soaking should be avoided. First, a test is made on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. 15 minutes is enough for lightening. It must be remembered that A longer process will make the tips brittle.

Chalk and starch help to remove yellowness on the fur of a gray rabbit for a while. The powder is evenly and with little effort rubbed over the top of the pile and shaken off. This method will not harm the product, so you can use it often. Gray rabbit fur is dyed with hair pigment. There is absolutely safe method, in which an aqueous solution of blue is gently applied with a brush to the entire surface of the product. The composition should be light blue.

To ennoble faded raccoon fur, hair dye is used with a brightening effect, as a result of which the product will look gold or silver plated.

You can update the fox fur with thick potassium permanganate. Treat it gently with a sponge, not allowing things to get wet.

Faded fur ends stain spray paint for suede. Spray the product slowly, keeping a distance of about 70 centimeters between the fur coat and the sprayer.

How to dye fur with hair dye?

For dyeing polar fox or mink on your own, hair dyes are suitable. This method has been tested in practice and always gives positive results when painting not too old things. It is better to check the effect of even high-quality products on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

To dye fur at home, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Straightening the strands of natural fur, apply a thin layer of oily cream or glycerin to the mezra.
  2. Gently moisturize the entire fur surface.
  3. Apply the product as carefully as when coloring hair.
  4. Leave for a while. Duration of staining - according to the instructions on the package with the dye.
  5. To enhance the effect of the paint, a saline solution is evenly applied to the entire surface.
  6. Wash off the paint under the stream of water from the shower.
  7. Excess is removed with a rag or blotting paper.

After drying, the fur is combed, observing the natural direction of the pile. Such paint lasts up to six months on a fur product, and this is often enough to make the thing look updated.

A simplified version of tone saturation is coloring with tinting shampoo (in accordance with the instructions on the package).

For coloring with multi-colored paints, home-made stencils are used. The spots are painted alternately.

Faux fur is easier to dye. You can use toning shampoo and hair dye. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Before staining, the product is fixed.
  2. Apply the agent in the direction of the fibers.
  3. Leave the paint to soak in. The time must match the instructions in the instructions.
  4. After the procedure, the fur is washed, dried and combed.

Experts do not recommend experimenting with staining new things.

Home or professional dyeing extends the life of the fur product for a short time. After some time, the pigment comes off, and the thing becomes faded again.