Higher education how to force yourself to study. Motivation as the main method of combating laziness

  • 21.09.2019

There are many methods of deep learning, just like various programs for educators, but the question of high-quality and complete learning always comes down to the question of the student himself about how to force himself to study if all the laziness or material seems unnecessary, or spring has come along with falling in love . There are always many situations that confuse the need to learn. In children, this process was controlled by adults, parents or educators, but the older the student becomes, the greater the responsibility for mastering knowledge falls on him.

It is always worth starting with the emotional state of the student, because the lack of motivation and craving for knowledge can not always be stimulated from the outside, sometimes this is extremely undesirable. So, if a person is in a situation of living with acute grief, adapting to new conditions, has become a victim of collective bullying, then spurring on the part of study can cause an overstrain in nervous system ending in general frustration. In these situations, you need to give yourself time, without requiring any effort, you can arrange an academic leave at the university, and attend school classes as much as possible.

Of course, initially it would be nice to figure out whether a person is studying in the place and whether he needs training specifically in these subjects, and only then look for additional and look for reasons in the surrounding space.

Psychologists recommend starting with overcoming internal resistance. The more time a person spends without studying, the more serious will be the resistance to starting classes (remember the reluctance to study, returning from vacation, while by November everything was becoming much easier). So, in order to force yourself to study at school and not be lazy, you need to tune in to classes in the morning. Carrying several gadgets with toys installed or being constantly online are things that only contribute to problems with lessons.

The global goal should eventually be divided into small daily ones, but do not forget about replenishment. Start fulfilling your pleasures immediately after completing the critical part of the plan - this is how the habit of constant study load. Important rule success and high productivity lies in good health, so you should not start school in poor physical condition, with a feeling of hunger or fatigue. Initially, you need to put your physical self-awareness in order - with hunger, pain and ailments, it is better to postpone classes.

To make learning more positive, you need to take time to internalize - you can listen to pleasant music before class or purchase inspiring accessories.

If the question is about doing homework, then changing the places for classes can help, so it will include increased attention. For example, you can read in the park, do writing assignments at the table, and create various creative projects on the floor in the kitchen or in the hallway. Outline new information, use your own cipher to shorten long concepts, so you save time on repetition, since visual, auditory and motor memory are involved.

It is necessary to find a reason for postponing or even skipping classes. If these are temptations outside world, that is, the need for the proper organization of the place of study, if it is laziness and lack of motivation, then you will have to work with your internal states, find worthy goals and incentive bonuses.

Correct goal setting

You will have to force yourself to study at the university on your own, moreover, no one else will monitor your efforts or level of motivation. If you built the wrong concept, then at the end of the semester you will simply be expelled, it is in this situation that the question of setting a goal is raised. Entering an educational institution, for the first time in months, you should make a plan for yourself where this training should lead you.

Goal setting is relevant not only for successful graduation from the university, but for any training program. The main mistake with self-study is setting a goal - to start learning. This is a false path, since the goal must always capture several steps in order to develop forward. So, you can formulate this as the need to study well or improve performance in specific subjects, perhaps an increase in the number of additional courses.

To correctly choose and formulate a goal, ask yourself the question “Why?”, And as a result, from one name it will already be possible to add rough plan actions. For example, when you just need to graduate from the university, it is not clear why, there are no instructions when and how exactly. If there is a need to graduate from a medical university in the next six years in order to remain in a scientific department in the future and invent a cure for convulsive infants, then the whole picture changes. A person understands in this situation that he needs not only visiting couples and completing the tasks of the institute, but that he can get to his goal through additional master classes and conferences, and most importantly, studying here is a means and an intermediate link to go further. And when the significance and severity of the activity is already reduced in consciousness, then it is performed quite easily, almost effortlessly.

Finding motivation

If a person at a deep level is aware of the purpose of his training, then this is already a motivating factor, but in some cases it is not enough. It helps well to involve other people in this with stories that you are going to graduate by a certain date or about your desire to attend classes with someone. Some will be motivated by the desire to keep their word, while others will need constant calls and reminders from their comrades that it is time to study today.

Figure out for yourself what is more important in your studies - the process or the result. If the result is important, it will be relevant to look for study guides, where there is the entire program in a compressed form, negotiate with teachers, look for workarounds. Find a high, and be able to bypass the system while everyone else is cramming unnecessary information. If the learning process itself is the main thing for the individual, then it is worth taking care of its psychological side - looking for information in various sources, and not just listening to the teacher, preparing reports on your own and participating in conferences, bringing new topics for discussion. Personal activity and understanding of the direction of one's individual movement motivates for additional achievements.

The motivation for attending classes is different - this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate outfits and gadgets, find friends and like-minded people. A person's attitude to learning changes radically if a nice peer appears in a group or class - perhaps this will result in joint writing of essays or the desire to stand out in the lesson due to the answer.

Those who are not helped by inspiring ideas will have to face negative motivation - this is when there is a threat of expulsion, calling parents, collecting fines (especially in private educational institutions). Negative motivation is the strongest, but whether it is possible to bring the process to a critical point each time, everyone must decide for themselves.

Arrangement of the workplace

An important point is the correspondence of the educational place to the objectives of the course. Much is said about the need for a bright, secluded room, remote and closed from all kinds of interference, but if the classes concern painting, then the best place there will be a park, and if it is a guitar game, then a suitable place is unlikely to be quiet. Of course, they should not be disturbed, and where the knowledge of the new takes place, everything necessary should be present, but this is not necessarily a monk's cell.

The necessity of the Internet in the workplace is debatable, because thanks to this it is available and a large number of necessary information and distracting sites (social networks, games, online stores). Starting to change the approach of learning and in the absence of willpower, it is optimal to install a browser that blocks distracting sites - this is also the organization of the workplace.

Make sure you don't just have necessary materials but also creating an appropriate atmosphere. For example, essential oils Citrus fruits improve mood and concentration.

A mug of tea or coffee on a portable warming stand will eliminate the need to constantly be distracted and leave the room for a drink. Take care of the sound accompaniment, because not always complete silence can help, for many, on the contrary, it is a factor that causes nervous tension.

Background lounge music and various sounds of nature, artificial noises will help smooth out the harsh sounds of falling furniture from neighbors and muffle the screams of children on the playground.

Once again, we recall that furniture must comply with the principles of orthopedics, since an uncomfortable posture, clamping of the main arteries, and an uncomfortable angle for the joint ultimately lead to rapid fatigue. With a constant tension of these parts of the body, not only a loss of working capacity will occur, but also the development of diseases.

Time Management

So that studying does not bother, does not seem like something all-consuming and terrible, and also, in order to plan your whole life, you need to regulate the time allotted for classes. If you do not deal with such issues, then in the end it may turn out that the whole day was spent studying, with periodic distractions for all sorts of small details (talking on the phone, cooking, finding her sister's skirt, etc.).

Schedule yourself a schedule that contains specific hours each day that are dedicated exclusively to your studies. At this time, all instant messengers are turned off, the phone is not set to vibration mode, but all signals are turned off. Everything that a person does at this time should be devoted exclusively to study. In addition, it will be useful to allocate a small period of time in the schedule for unscheduled or additional classes. If a person tries to do more in the allotted time, then the quality will suffer significantly, let it be better on most days there will be a free window, but on occasion it can be occupied with study.

The schedule should be planned taking into account the alternation of activities and subjects or courses. You should not put classes in physics and mathematics in a row, but literature and three creative circles for the evening. An example option might look something like this: solved problems, worked out, went for a walk, read a new chapter from a fiction book, took a lunch break, made a presentation.

Drawing up diagrams, using non-standard memorization techniques will significantly save time spent on study. In addition to learning these auxiliary techniques, you can use time management techniques, where they talk about ways to delegate tasks and the opportunity to use every minute. As a result, having mastered all these technologies, you can learn a significant part of the necessary material or prepare a presentation in the subway, on the way home.

Development of willpower

Willpower is the main assistant in achieving any goals, including training. But it should be used wisely, not trying to drag everything, only forcing yourself. Maintaining the proper level of volitional processes allows periodic breaks, weekends and rest, replenishing mental resources.

You can start by keeping the room and clothes neat. Try to regulate your style of interaction - do not be rude, but listen, do not find excuses, but do it. Make up a regimen for yourself - this is a moment that involves both, and saving time for study.

Consistency of effort is key in learning, and to develop your ability to maintain consistency, you can start with daily disciplined awakening or exercise. Fines will apply for non-compliance with the time frame. Visiting a museum once a month or walking in a park once a week will also lead to the development of strong-willed qualities, provided that they are performed in any weather and any mood.

Difficulties will arise at each stage of change and addition of new actions to the schedule, but the most difficult is the first stage, when a person begins to regulate his lifestyle independent of needs.
Resistance can take on a variety of forms, colds are quite likely. The most important point in the aggravation of the situation is the stubborn continuation of actions, then within three weeks new habit and it gets easier. The meaning is something like this: even if the road to the institute is covered with snow, then read the available articles in your specialty, and if you get sick when you need to run, then at least go out and walk the usual distance.

Rewarding yourself for success

Study rewards are a great additional motivation. Here it is worth choosing things or activities that bring pleasure. If it's something sweet, then don't let it be candy from a bag in the kitchen - take the time to purposefully travel to the nearest convenience stores in search of what you want now. New things, beautiful decorations, a paid account in the game - all this may well become a reward for success in educational activities.

The variety of pleasures is many-sided, for which there is no need for material investments. It can be a walk, because a person really deserves it, and he does not have to sit behind textbooks. Meeting with friends, talking about the latest events, trips to interesting places - all this feeds the soul and interest. You can also take time to take care of yourself - do beautiful makeup, take a bath, work out on the horizontal bar.

In any case, rewards must be adequate to the achievement. That is, if you used to read a paragraph every day before, then the maximum that is required for this is a mug of delicious tea, because this is not an achievement, but the norm. Current tasks completed on time are worthy of a small reward, a successful end of the year or session can be noted with a large purchase or a visit to the club together with the group. Graduation in monthly courses is a worthy reason to praise yourself, but the amount of this praise should not exceed the achievement for graduating from a higher educational institution.

For those who want to set up at least attending classes, you can arrange all sorts of amenities every day, but when it becomes habitual, you need to stop pampering yourself for everyday performance. This does not mean a stop, just now there is a new goal, perhaps more difficult and requiring more time, but more encouragement.

How to force yourself to study? It seems to me that every modern student is asked this question sooner or later. Yes, this is a problem that, moreover, does not come alone. You also have to answer similar questions, how to force yourself to wake up in the morning? How to tear off the fifth point from the bed? How to get to the university without changing the route along the road and so on? Not the life of a student, but philosophy! And this is not all the difficulties that university students face every day!

What makes a student lazy?

Recall that there is such a thing: "Laziness is the engine of progress." In part, we can agree with this reasoning if we recall the same great mathematicians and physicists who did not like to study. But in the case of modern students, this is a real chance to “fly out” of the university, both as a traffic jam and left without higher education and prospects for the future.

To prevent this from happening, it's time to figure out where laziness comes from in students.

Situation one . Imagine a student spent the whole evening walking and having fun, and fell asleep only in the morning and not quite sober. Of course, the alarm clock remained unheard, and the first three pairs passed in pleasant dreams. And how can you force yourself to learn?

Conclusion: during the semester less fun, more responsibility and aspirations for new knowledge, and then the desire to study at a university will not leave at all.

Situation two . The student did not take root in the team, so studying at the university one day suddenly became a real hard labor for him. What is left for the “martyr” is just to play truant and in this way get himself into trouble with the dean’s office.

The situation is classic, but not hopeless, although the unwillingness to learn in this case is characteristic only of people who are insecure in themselves.

Conclusion: pull yourself together and remember why you came to the university, and there are always enough ill-wishers in life (not only at the university). They need to be perceived as small life difficulties, but not at all global cataclysms.

Situation three . There is another option, when an already absent-minded student is overwhelmed by love, and thoughts about studying completely disappear from the horizon. In this case, it is important to understand that romantic feelings should not interfere with further studies, since, as you know, "love comes and goes", and higher education stays forever.

Some students start their studies against the backdrop of unrequited love and also make a mistake, because in this way they still cannot return their soulmate, but the future can be crossed out in one fell swoop.

Conclusion: learn to combine business with pleasure, because a romantic feeling and well-distributed free time will never become an obstacle on the way to higher education.

Situation four . There are students who simply do not have time to study, since additional work becomes the main source of income for the whole family. Honor and praise to such university students, but they must also understand that the lack of higher education in the future will not make them a successful career, but about stable income you can not even dream.

Conclusion: of course, it is not necessary to quit work, since it brings income, but you should not forget about your direct duties as a student either. In addition, teachers always make concessions to working students.

I think we have come to the general conclusion that laziness is bad and dangerous for studying, it remains only to figure out how to get rid of it correctly and quickly. The question of how to force yourself to study is still relevant!

Motivation as the main method of combating laziness

Only a stimulus can make a student learn, and this fact has already been proven. If at school the student was stimulated by the parents, then the desire to study is supported by the state.

Yes, yes, in this case it is worth remembering the state scholarship, which is paid monthly and allows the student to feel at least remote financial independence from his parents.

By the way, an increased scholarship can also become an incentive, since here we are talking about something else - a more substantial amount of payments.

So a lot depends on the correct pedagogical approach: students ignore the allotted hours for despots - lecturers in every possible way, while they will definitely come to a cheerful teacher for a couple, at least to cheer up.
It is not worth talking about beautiful and spectacular laboratory assistants, since the demand for their classes is already increased, especially among students.

Another incentive for successful study is the encouragement of parents. For example, a student may be promised a fun vacation after successfully passing the exam or a significant gift at the end of the next course at the university.

This is where the so-called “selfish” interest wakes up, because every student dreams of receiving such material benefits, especially since parents, like subtle psychologists, always know what to promise as an incentive.

Conclusion: by setting a goal and setting priorities, the student will be able not only to successfully pass the next session, but also to secure a fun vacation, a scholarship for the next semester and a good relationship with even the most strict teacher.

What is not the motivation for defeating stubborn and sometimes simply unbearable laziness?

A change of image is sure to revive the desire to go to couples

This method is more suitable for modern female students, however, as practice shows, students last years also fell in love with fashion and try to follow it in everything.

So, in order to force yourself to study or at least come to the university, it is recommended to change your image or update your wardrobe.

New things will cheer you up, attract everyone's attention and cause a lot of flattering compliments, and there you may want to learn. The new style is a new attitude to life and everything around, and there it is possible that positive changes will be obvious in the educational process.

Here it is important not to overdo it with new images and changes, since creativity can sometimes be shocking. If the teacher makes a strict remark, then the desire to learn can completely disappear, which cannot be allowed.

The method of associative cards as the main incentive to study

For some students, studying at the university seems gray and nondescript, so they systematically skip classes, constantly sleep at lectures and simply do not reach the university.

The situation is clear: why do something that does not bring joy? Why waste young years? The logic in this reasoning is clearly present, but you also need to graduate from the university. I propose a compromise: why not be interested in studying?

Easy to say, hard to do? In fact, everything is simple: you need to buy multi-colored pens and markers, and turn your own lectures into true masterpieces of art.

Having opened such a multi-colored notebook, you will definitely want to study what was written, and then it will not hurt to show off new knowledge in front of the teacher.

Thus, attending a university and craving for knowledge will very soon turn into a habit that will help you get the status of a “young specialist” in the near future.

Besides this method allows you to find a lot of useful qualities in the mind of the student. Among them:


Abstract thinking;

Creative skills;

Creativity and originality.

So even in the 4th and 5th years of university, it does not hurt to stock up on colored pens that will make further study fun and completely unobtrusive.

You should also pay attention to bright covers, funny stickers with cheerful emoticons, children's bookmarks and all sorts of things that simply please the eye.

Thus, the feeling of boredom will pass, and the desire to learn will become, albeit not ardent, but purposeful for sure.

The main thing: to adjust yourself in time!

This is a very important rule that has already facilitated the learning process for many students. If you swing for a long time from the beginning of the semester, then the desire to learn will not appear even before the session. And this is already dangerous, and puts the scholarship under a big question.

That is why it is important to "get into a rut" in a timely manner from the first days of study, giving yourself the attitude "to study diligently before the test week and after it."

It is very important here not to feel sorry for yourself and not to give your own nature indulgences, because this way you can only quickly relax and succumb to laziness.

However, you need to remember about encouraging yourself to your beloved (beloved), otherwise, from the knowledge gained, at one point, your head will simply “boil”.

Teachers notice the following pattern: students who took up their heads at the beginning of the first semester, as a rule, graduate with honors.

During their studies, lazybones are expelled, who systematically skip couples and show complete indifference to learning.

So it is important to always remember why we go to university, so that in the future it would not be a shame for the time spent in vain within the walls of a higher educational institution.

The student should always remember why he is studying? What is its ultimate goal? As soon as he presents a crust of higher education in his hands, he will immediately want to go to class and continue to "nibble on the granite of science."

If such forward-looking thoughts are not inspiring at all, perhaps “you have the wrong door.”

Conclusion: So think about who needs higher education the most - you, parents or teachers. As soon as you find the right answer to this simple question, the desire to learn will flood over by itself. So everything is in your hands, but you certainly cannot miss your life chance!

Now you know about how to force yourself to study.

How to force yourself to study if the desire to comprehend new knowledge is gone? Studying is a process that requires a lot of mental and psychological stress for a long time, so many students sooner or later lose their enthusiasm and try to continue studying.

Stress is the main hindrance to learning and the basis of laziness

For most children, school is a constant source of stress. Children who do less well in school and get low grades on homework worry every day about what awaits them in the classroom. Such students do not want to go to school, and the subconscious mind transforms this reluctance into laziness. In fact, behind this laziness is a strong, rooted fear - the fear of failure, the fear of criticism, the fear of being the worst.

If a child is reluctant to learn, parents should pay attention to this and, if necessary, visit a school psychologist. A competent specialist will help the child work through all the fears and get rid of them. Reducing the stress of school life will give the student a whole new attitude towards education, which teachers can quickly appreciate.

Organizational Ways to Force Yourself to Learn

You can develop a study plan. Learning in schools and universities is much easier and more enjoyable if the student or student has carefully thought out the plan of their studies. A good plan will not give you the opportunity to be lazy, but will provide time for relaxation and communication with friends. Acquiring new knowledge is a fairly routine task, so the plan should include different types activities within educational process. Reading textbooks should be replaced by writing detailed notes, and repeating the material covered by compiling the necessary tables. It will be much easier to cope with boredom, because the training will become diverse.

The organization of the workplace will also help in achieving the goal. There should be no unnecessary items in the workplace. The desk must remain empty. The student should keep only the most necessary items, teaching aids, notebooks and necessary stationery on it. Learning requires full concentration of attention, so all distractions must be completely eliminated. It is highly desirable to remove all gadgets away. When learning, you should not be distracted by them, and all telephone conversations and correspondence in in social networks using phones and tablets, psychologists recommend postponing.

The next tip is to use time management. How to force yourself to study if everything is lazy and there is not enough time for anything? You need to use time management techniques. Time management systems recommend prioritizing by identifying the most important ones. If you give yourself time for the most necessary things, then the remaining hours can be safely devoted to studying. You should not force yourself to study for more than an hour in a row continuously. Small breaks for 5-10 minutes help not to be distracted the rest of the time. During such pauses, it is useful to perform simple physical exercises - this improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the assimilation of new material.

You need to use your biological rhythms. People who achieve a lot are well aware of their biological rhythms. Each person can work and study more efficiently at certain specific hours, when his body, and hence his memory, is working. the best way. It is not at all difficult to defeat laziness during these periods, since thinking is very active and easily solves any problems.

Calculate your biological rhythms can only be experienced. If you observe yourself and your mood for 2-3 weeks, writing down what time it is easier to study, then in the future these periods of time can be used to study the most difficult disciplines. The method perfectly strengthens faith in one's strength and helps.

Psychological attitude that motivates learning

The mood and attitude towards studying at school or university is incredibly importance. A lot depends on the inner mood. Strong self-discipline, which is based on powerful and firm, helps to cope with laziness perfectly.

Willpower does not appear on its own. Athletes are well aware of this. The ability to overcome oneself, change one's character and do what is necessary in spite of everything, is developed gradually. However, if willpower is trained every day, after six months it will become a character trait. Such a solid inner core will help not only in study and work, but in any circumstances, because you have to step over your own unwillingness to do this or that work throughout your life.

Children often say: "We study because we are forced to." Schoolchildren are afraid that their parents will punish them for poor academic performance, so they often study not for the sake of acquiring knowledge and their future, but in order to please their elders. Few children enjoy going to school.

However, no one will force students. Only one's own strong desire to get good knowledge and worthy marks can inspire young men and women to study hard. To understand how to force yourself to study at the university, you need to determine your own goals and decide what prospects lie in the future.

A good education and solid knowledge are the key to success in the professional field. And they set the tone for the whole life of an adult. Therefore, every well-spent school day at school or college is a brick in the foundation of future success. If a child has been instilled with determination and a desire to achieve his goal at all costs from childhood, it will not be difficult for him to learn. A person who conquered his laziness in childhood and adolescence will be able to reach great heights.

Teachers convince: "Study for the sake of knowledge, not for the sake of grades." The ability to overcome your laziness in order to get a quality education helps a child or young person feel responsible for their life.

The process of obtaining new knowledge requires great effort, patience and perseverance from a person. It is especially difficult for children who are not always able to tune in to study.

This problem is familiar to many parents who are interested in one question - how to help a child want to study at school, and how to make him work at home, getting rid of laziness? The advice of a psychologist will help in this.

To want to receive new knowledge, you need a constant attitude, or motivation. If a child does not understand why he needs to attend school every day, work hard and learn a huge amount of new material, he will never have the desire and desire to learn.

It must be understood that it is difficult for children to be interested in things that seem boring and unnecessary to them.

Ask your child where he sees himself in the future. It is impossible to force yourself to study, so try to explain to your child that he will not be able to achieve the goal without receiving the appropriate education.

Help him with his lessons more often if necessary, and do not punish him for bad grades. After a while, he will begin to pay more attention to his studies and slowly begin to get rid of laziness.

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy

Every adult, like a child, can sometimes be lazy, this is a completely normal state. The problem arises when this condition becomes permanent.

Many students have experienced this phenomenon. How to overcome apathy and force yourself to study when everything is lazy and there is no desire to do anything?

  • The very first thing is to create the appropriate conditions so that you want to work and work on textbooks. Your workplace should be comfortable enough, convenient and pleasant.
  • Set aside time during which you will only study and not do other things.
  • Ask friends and relatives not to disturb you during these hours, not to call or come to visit. Once you complete all the tasks, reward yourself for your efforts and rest.

Ways to make yourself study well

Don't know how to force yourself to study and do homework? There are a few proven ways:

  • Turn off the TV, computer and phone in your room.
  • Close the door and keep the room quiet.
  • Remove from yourself all objects that can distract from the lessons - entertainment magazines, mobile phone, tablet.
  • Before you sit down for lessons, rest and have a snack so that there is no reason to interrupt classes.
  • Set a specific goal for yourself - for example, stop cheating and start relying only on your own knowledge, finish a quarter well, become an excellent student, and so on.
  • Find something exciting in every lesson, be interested in new facts, become curious.
  • Bet with classmates or classmates that you will get high scores in all subjects.
  • If learning lessons is too boring, do it with a friend.
  • Feel free to ask for help if you need it.

How to force yourself to go to university

Probably, every student, even an excellent student, sometimes simply cannot force himself to sit down for textbooks. After all, life is so short, and young years fly by especially quickly, how can you spend them only on studying at the university?

And no amount of willpower helps to get rid of this thought, take textbooks and stop thinking about extraneous things. But in a situation where funny company calls friends for a walk, not a single student can resist. How to act in such a case, drive away laziness and force yourself to study?

It may be worth remembering why you entered the university. Overcoming temptations is very difficult, however, this is an obligatory stage of growing up. The first year of study is the most difficult, it depends on it how teachers will treat you until the end of your studies.

It takes a lot of work to get a great session, so find motivation that will encourage you to take specific actions. The thirst for competition is excellently stimulated to study, and some students are driven by the realization that they can simply be expelled from the university for poor progress.

Try to motivate and force yourself to study at the highest level, do not forget that the main thing for a successful career is self-education, perseverance and hard work.

List of ways to make yourself study well

Don't know how to create the right attitude to study? These will help you ways:

  • Make sure that you always have good stationery - beautiful notebooks, colored markers, good pens and pencils.
  • Realize that after each lesson you learn, you become more educated, smarter, you improve and develop - this kind of programming helps you achieve your goals.
  • Give yourself a reward for every lesson you learn.
  • Do not be afraid to do difficult tasks, ask your friends or teachers for help.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes, the main thing is not to stand still and really want to gain new knowledge.

Tips on how to force yourself to study and stop being lazy

To stop being lazy, to force yourself to work and become a more able-bodied person, you need to seriously study.

  • Get good sleep every day.
  • Walk outdoors more.
  • Rest mentally.
  • Lead healthy lifestyle life.
  • Watch your diet.
  • Follow the daily routine.
  • Plan everything ahead of time.
Posted by the author - - March 5, 2014

Education is a really important thing in our life. Much depends on the level of our education. Most employers today prefer to hire highly specialized professionals who are able to do work that not many can handle. This point is covered in more detail in the article "". Today we will talk about how to study well how to make this process more fun and how to achieve a better result.

First, let's go over some of the main points. Studying is a process that requires large energy resources, since mental activity takes quite a lot of energy. I'm sure you've probably noticed how when you come home from class, you feel really overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes it happens that physical exercises do not take as much strength as mental activity. Even a similar experiment was carried out, which confirmed these assumptions.

So, from all this suggests a significant conclusion. If we draw an analogy, we can compare the brain with a muscle. That is, it can be developed in such a way that, due to the heavy load, it will increase its resources and, as a result, it becomes more and more efficient. That is, if during the week you actively use your mental abilities, then later it will be much easier for you to do it. Now imagine that you are developing your brain every day for several years. Can you imagine what results can be achieved in this field? You did the right thing by asking how to do well in school.

How does this relate to our topic? If you want to study well, you need to do it constantly, regularly and urgently. How can this be done? Read in my article "" about the way to achieve daily results. In short, you need to define three parameters: minimum, standard and maximum. Next, depending on your ability, you must run one of these programs. That is, if you have no strength at all, then you should stop at the minimum program, etc.

Another important point, which is associated with education - this is your discipline, attention and willpower. You can read about the second characteristic in my article "", the rest will be described in the following articles, so if you do not want to miss updates, be sure to subscribe to new posts. You can do this at the end of the post or by clicking on this link.

In order to improve your academic performance, you must first of all realize why you need all this. Some children do not understand why they go to school. It’s just that parents demand some kind of result from them, but they don’t say at all about where the acquired knowledge will be useful to them. Firstly, this is the fault of the parents themselves, since education includes not only the process of physical adaptation of children. Secondly, there is the fault of the children themselves, as they do not think about the future. This is especially true for students, since they are already adults and must be fully responsible for their own lives.

So, in order to understand how to study better in school, try to find yourself an incentive or motivation for action. It can be very varied. First of all, if you are in school, it may be a desire to enter a good university. Now everyone has the opportunity to get into any Russian university on a budgetary basis, if they study well enough. You just need to do well in the exam. This may be sufficient motivation to improve academic performance.

Another example is interesting work. Now it's really hard to find a real interesting work, which will pay pretty good money if you are not educated enough, so excellent study can be a really serious motivation. Scholarship can be distinguished from the same series. If you are a student and study on a commercial basis, then excellent studies will help you transfer to the budget, and if you already receive a scholarship, then it can be much more. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

It is important to remember that motivation must truly inspire you. That is, you must find something that will help you get out of bed and go to school. This is often quite problematic to do. Because laziness gets in the way. To get rid of it forever, read. Remember that motivation cannot appear on purpose. Listen to your feelings. What do you want the most. What are you drawn to. And keep growing in this area. I am sure you will succeed. Are you interested in this how to start studying well.

Finally, I would like to say that you can turn to your friends and parents for advice. Yes, their point of view may differ from yours, but you will certainly receive direction that will help you develop your train of thought. By the way, at this time you already need to deal with that.

Surprisingly, our daily routine has a good effect on our academic performance. How it manifests itself. Let's all look at specific example to better understand. Let's say you leave for class at 8 am and arrive at 2 pm. Sit down to eat, and after that you rest until 8 pm and only then sit down to do your homework. Your body is not used to working efficiently and therefore there is more and more apathy and more and more laziness. Your activities are meaningless.

Try to change your mode in such a way as to deal with tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is best to do this when your body is still in working condition, that is, immediately after exercise. Try for 3-4 weeks homework immediately after you get home. At first, you will not be good at it, your whole body will resist such changes, but soon you will realize that this is the ideal way, since all tasks will already be solved, and you will have a whole day ahead of you.

What else can be added to this advice on the issue, how to start learning better. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Some authors recommend getting up as early as 5 o'clock in the morning and having time to do much more things. Typically, this practice is not suitable for schoolchildren and students. With a typical schedule, I recommend that you go to bed at 23-24 hours and get up at 7. During this time, you can get a good night's sleep and a good rest. By the way, if you do it at the same time, your body will get used to it, and you can become much more efficient.

It would be nice to set aside time in your schedule for sports. Remember that if you constantly sit and do not do any physical exercises, over time your body will begin to lose some of the really important energy that you could channel into a productive channel. Try to always keep high level energy. To do this, eat the right food and do not forget to unload the brain. That is, just lie in silence and not think about anything. Believe me, after such exercises, the effectiveness of study increases significantly. Check in practice, the result will surprise you.

To achieve good results in the field of education, the usual school or student program will not be enough for you. Your brain will demand more, new knowledge and skills that will facilitate the state of learning. No wonder you say: I want to study well". If you said such a phrase, it means that the current state of affairs is seriously bothering you, and you want to change the situation. So, this post is an example of such additional education.

You can start studying some additional field, like psychology with me. You can engage in scientific practice or deeply study the culture of a country, that is, your task is to gain as much knowledge as possible. Moreover, this knowledge should be interesting for you. A randomly chosen area is unlikely to attract your attention. Think about what has always been interesting to you, and deepen your knowledge in this area. Maybe it will bring you even more pleasure than the previously chosen motivation.

Let's say you want be smart and study well. I advise you to read my article " How to become smarter", It will help you deal with the first part of your question. Now let's take a closer look at how to find a field that will be interesting enough for you. I don’t believe I’m saying this myself, but the TV will help you. There are many useful TV channels like Discovery that show educational programs. So, look at a few. One of them will surely attract you. Try to dig in this direction and you will 100% find exactly the area that you will be really interested in studying.

Another option is to sign up for special classes in the chosen field. For example, you can start learning a foreign language. Find a school in your city that provides training in this topic and sign up for classes. This will not only help you expand your knowledge and improve your academic performance, but will also introduce you to many new people, many of whom can become your good friends. Communication is always good.

As a last resort, you can find such group classes conducted via the Internet. For example, blogging is a kind of hobby group. That is, people exchange knowledge on a topic with the help of personal journals and read about some new knowledge. It turns out quite interesting and informative. Yes, and blogging itself can be called such an area, since its development requires a lot of additional knowledge.

The most popular answer to the question what you need to do to study well is to read more books. This is not surprising, because they store a truly huge repository of knowledge that will surely help you improve academic performance. Especially if you read specialized books. How to understand it? Let's try to explain.

Let's say you're studying marketing. In the course of training, you get a lot of specialties, some of which seem really important to you, and some of which are unnecessary. So, try to prioritize your learning and highlight exactly those subjects that seem most significant to you. After that, go to the library and find at least three books (not textbooks) that will help you better understand the passage and read it.

If we are talking about subjects that are specialized for this specialty, then you need to read such books to the maximum. The first will contain the maximum amount of new knowledge, and then you will learn less and less new things. This suggests that you are becoming professionals in your chosen specialty. Of course, you still need years of practice, but you will get an excellent theoretical basis. In this case, you do not have to learn anything special. All knowledge and so will be mastered by you and no cramming.

By the way, about cramming. If you want to know what to do to study better pay attention to memory. If you develop it, then remembering new information will become really easy for you, which means that your performance will increase. I recommend that you read two posts on my blog: "" and "". There you will find many useful tips to help you develop.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you establish relationships with classmates and classmates, since it is a good atmosphere within the team that will help you improve academic performance. By the way, my article “How to increase self-esteem” indirectly touches on this topic, I advise you to read it.

This post comes to an end. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I hope you understand how to study well. And don't forget subscribe to blog updates. This will allow you to be the first to know about new posts. Bye!