At what week of pregnancy does the 3rd trimester start? How should the third trimester of pregnancy go: is sex possible

  • 02.07.2020

The period of bearing a child is 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days, during which mother and baby have to go through a difficult and difficult path before meeting each other. This period is usually divided into trimesters of pregnancy by weeks, each of which has its own characteristics and symptoms.

Trimesters of pregnancy: how to divide and count In obstetric practice, the entire period of bearing a child is divided into trimesters. Young women preparing to become mothers for the first time do not always understand the meaning of this term, asking questions - what are trimesters, and how many are there in pregnancy?

Do not worry, the trimester is a period of three months, making up 1/3 of the entire period of bearing a child. There are two ways to break down pregnancy into trimesters by week. In the first, simplified method, the maximum period of bearing a child (42 weeks) is divided into three equal parts, each of which includes 14 weeks.

The second method is more rational, according to doctors. Here, the calculation is based on 40 obstetric weeks, divided as follows:

  1. I trimester - from the 1st to the 13th week
  2. II trimester - from the 14th to the 27th week
  3. III trimester - from the 28th week until the birth of the baby

The calculation of trimesters is carried out in order to make it easier and more convenient for obstetricians and expectant mothers to monitor the course of pregnancy, since each period has its own characteristics and symptoms, covering not one specific month, but a whole stage.

Pregnancy trimesters by week: table

Trimesters of pregnancy

In the table you can clearly see how the trimesters are divided and how to count them. It shows that the entire pregnancy is conditionally divided into three important periods, which include three calendar months each. These indicators are the same for each woman, therefore, they do not provide for any individual calculations.

The first trimester is the initial stage at which the conception and formation of the embryo occurs. Sometimes during this period, the expectant mother does not even suspect that a new life is emerging in her body. Most often, the first symptoms begin to appear by the 4th week: a woman notices a delay in the menstrual cycle, and her body reacts sharply to the appearance of a small "blazer" with malaise and nausea.

The second trimester is considered the most calm and prosperous period of the “interesting situation”. By this moment, the body of the expectant mother is fully adapted to the fact that you need to work for two, although the figure of a woman begins to change significantly - a belly appears, shapes are rounded, and the total weight increases.

By this stage, the embryo turns from a “tadpole” into a real little man: all the important organs and systems of vital activity are formed in him, he already knows how to move his arms and legs, suck his finger, bringing immense joy to the mother, who feels the movements of the baby in the stomach.

The third trimester is the most anxious and difficult period. It lasts from 7 months until delivery. At this stage, the woman's body is actively preparing for childbirth, and the baby continues to actively grow and develop. For the development of an infant, the last three months of intrauterine life are an important preparation for independent life, so a woman needs to make every effort to create favorable conditions for the baby to successfully pass the final period of formation.

Despite the fact that each trimester brings with it certain difficulties for the expectant mother, they are all wonderful and beautiful in their own way. Passing each section of the path before meeting with a child, a woman gains invaluable experience that cannot be bought for money.

It is important to know, especially when you consider that this period in itself is very important for the expectant mother. The third trimester is the final line, which brings a lot of surprises, troubles, and sometimes problems. The baby is about to arrive! There is very little left.

What did he prepare for the future mother? What should she prepare for? You can find out more about all this below. After all, this is a very important process, especially at its very end and beginning.


In general, whoever has ever encountered an "interesting situation" is aware of some perplexities of future young mothers who have just registered and are trying to determine what week they are in. The thing is that there are two options for the development of events. What exactly?

Interested in what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins? Then keep in mind: your data and doctor's testimony will be different. Approximately 2 weeks. After all, there is a so-called obstetric period and embryonic. They influence the readings. Which means they won't match. It can be difficult to answer from which week of pregnancy the 3rd trimester begins. But probably.


Most often, in order not to confuse and scare a woman, it is customary to take into account both options. The first step is to pay attention to the obstetric period. It is extremely important for setting the EDD (approximate date when you will give birth). Of course, it will take place in the third trimester.

The obstetric indicator depends on your menstruation. It is counted from the beginning of the last critical days. If you believe this indicator, then you can answer the question of what week the third trimester of pregnancy starts from, on your own, without the testimony and conclusions of a doctor. What will be the answer? The third trimester is, as you might guess, 27 weeks. It is from this period that you enter the finish line with such a long and important process.


But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It has already been said - there are two options. In the first case, obstetric, you can do without the help of doctors and determine everything yourself. But in the second, embryonic, only an examination by a gynecologist, as well as an ultrasound report, will give you the result. And accurate.

So, for example, be prepared for the discrepancy between the obstetric and embryonic gestational age. This is normal, it never happens that they coincide. In practice, the second indicator exceeds the first by about 2 weeks. After all, as a rule, conception occurs on the day of ovulation (from here the countdown of embryo development begins). It happens closer to the middle of the cycle, on average after 14 days.

From what week of pregnancy does the 3rd trimester begin in this case? Only your doctor will answer you, who observes the difference between obstetric and But if we take the generally accepted indicators of 2 weeks, then at 25 (relative to the first day of the last menstruation) the final stage of your baby's development already begins. But the immediate beginning of the 3rd trimester for the mother remains the same - from the 27th week.

Attention, childbirth

So we decided on when the pregnancy can be called almost complete. Only now it is worth understanding the features of this period of time. There are a lot of them, much more than at the very beginning of the path of bearing the fetus.

What week does the third trimester of pregnancy start from? As it already turned out: with an obstetric period - from 27 weeks from the day of the last menstruation, and with an embryonic - from about 25. There is nothing difficult about this. Orientation will be more on the first indicator, it is on him that both women and doctors look up.

The thing is that already at the beginning of the third trimester you may start giving birth! Approximately on This phenomenon is called a spontaneous miscarriage or a similar birth process, premature. If the child develops normally, nothing bothers you, you should not panic much. The baby will be born in a natural way, just until a certain point he will stay in intensive care, connected to special devices that will help the newborn, who has not yet fully formed, come out. Pretty rare, but it happens. Your doctor will usually warn you about the risk of preterm labor.


We have already found out from what week the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, already at the beginning of this period, one can encounter such a phenomenon as childbirth. But, as already noted, this does not happen so often. Therefore, it is worth considering a typical situation in which the expectant mother is equal to the DA.

The third trimester of pregnancy becomes a huge headache for women. Why? Already from 27-28 weeks and up to 30 inclusive (and this is about a month), you will be driven to the doctors. More examinations and tests! One donated urine is not enough.

The third trimester is remembered for many by running around the doctors. First, you need to donate blood for many hormones. Not too critical, but sometimes unpleasant. Secondly, gynecological smears according to indications. Thirdly, the passage of narrow specialists. This moment is able to unsettle even the calmest pregnant woman. Very often, it is narrow specialists (for example, a therapist) who begin to raise unnecessary panic around a woman in position, prescribe many additional tests and studies, which is why the future woman in labor is not able to sign an exchange card in the maternity hospital and conclude an agreement. But it is inevitable, you have to be patient. When the tests are passed, and the doctors are passed, you will finally be given recommendations for delivery.

By month

We have already found out from what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Or from 27, or from 25. It all depends on what period you had in mind - obstetric or embryonic. But now there is one more question that worries some people quite seriously: "And how many months are these?"

It is not difficult to guess (and count too) that the third trimester begins at the 7th month of pregnancy. And it lasts for 9 inclusive. Therefore, many consider the periods of the "interesting situation" not in weeks, but in months. This is much easier than specifying obstetric and embryonic periods.

From now on, we know when the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, now it is clear what you can mentally set yourself up and prepare for, especially if you are not too fond of taking tests and visiting doctors.

The final stage

What else can be said about the features that await the expectant mother in this period? For example, one should not forget that births that are normal for the development of the fetus, but not entirely suitable for the mother and doctors, are not excluded. Also premature, but resuscitation is no longer required.

The thing is that it is important to know how long the third trimester of pregnancy begins, because of the likelihood of childbirth during this period. The question is, when will they start? Quite premature and dangerous, equivalent to a miscarriage, occur at 28 weeks, but just premature babies are born at 36. This is normal.

Nevertheless, it is generally accepted by doctors that the body is completely ready for childbearing by the 38th obstetric week. And such births are normal. As practice shows, from 38 to 40 weeks they will definitely take place. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the expiration of the full embryonic period. It's not the most common occurrence, but it does happen. Now it’s clear from which week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Get ready for this period! Start packing bags for the hospital!

Very often, pregnant women are confused and cannot understand which week the 3rd trimester begins from. Sometimes doubts concern its duration and ongoing events.

How to determine the 3rd trimester of pregnancy?

Very often, future mothers are perplexed, because they don’t know. There are several variations according to which this period falls on different periods.

But the division of pregnancy into periods is based on a single principle. In the first trimester, important organs and systems begin to form in the fetus. In the second, it improves and grows. 6 months of pregnancy completes this trimester, and the woman begins to feel that she will soon become a mother. The first movements and pushes of the baby occur in the third trimester. During this period, the baby mainly gains fat mass, the systems of his body are endowed with important qualities that can ensure viability in the first weeks after birth.

Some classifications state that the beginning of the 3rd trimester is mapped to the 24th week. Others begin the countdown of this period from the 26th and even the 28th week.

Now doctors very rarely calculate trimesters, preferring to use only weeks for counting.

How long is the 3rd trimester?

The beginning of labor activity of each woman depends entirely on her body. Some others give birth prematurely. And all this is considered to be the norm.

We must not forget that doctors can only approximately determine the term of conception. But be that as it may, from which week the 3rd trimester begins, it still remains an open question. It is important that normally this period lasts at least 12 and no more than 16 weeks.

The final stage of pregnancy should not end before the due date, so it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors, often be in the fresh air, eat a balanced diet and exclude physical and emotional stress.

Regular consultations with a supervising doctor will help you quickly get rid of the health problems that have arisen.

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

You already know when the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins, so it's time to talk about what happens during this period with the expectant mother. The 6th month of pregnancy preceding the final stage forms a stable emotional state of a woman. As a rule, appetite preferences remain stable, the likelihood of developing a depressive state decreases, and increased fatigue disappears.

An important stage of the last trimester is going on maternity leave. By this time, it becomes more difficult for a woman to do her usual work, so she should have more rest.

After the onset of the third trimester, expectant mothers begin to actively add kilograms. During this period, you need to carefully monitor your own nutrition, because excess fat will be deposited in both the woman and the baby.

The large weight of the child can significantly complicate childbirth, and sometimes cause a caesarean section. Also, excess weight often causes varicose veins and hypertension.

Third trimester: processes occurring in the female body

At the beginning of this period, the distance from the bottom of the uterus to the navel is 2-3 cm. Gradually, the uterus begins to press the internal organs of the female body and move them up. As a result, the movements of the diaphragm are disturbed, there is a feeling of discomfort under the ribs, shortness of breath and

At this time, a woman gains 400 g weekly. Toward the end of the 7th month, expectant mothers first encounter which most often proceed painlessly. A large belly can cause insomnia, so it's best to learn to sleep on your side right away.

Signs that a pregnant woman may find in herself during this period:

increased secretions

problems of the digestive system;

stretching of the ligaments in the lower abdomen, pain syndrome;

the secretion of colostrum from the breast;

vomiting and nausea;

training bouts;

cramps in the calf area;

active behavior of the fetus;

clumsy body movements.

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

At this time, it is more important than ever to eat right. Experts say that a balanced meal significantly reduces the likelihood of developing preeclampsia. Every expectant mother is able to follow the rules that will help her and the child.

Lean fish and meat should be included in the diet, but these foods should not be eaten in the evening. It is completely worth forgetting about chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, spicy, sour, fried foods, conservation.

But nutrition in the 3rd trimester should not be limited. Do not lean on sweet and starchy foods, you should give preference to vegetables and cereals. Fiber, which is contained in these categories of products, will help normalize digestion and give a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Rules during this period

During the pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes a lot of procedures that allow you to monitor the condition of the fetus and its level of development, including ultrasound. The 3rd trimester is the final one, and this study is very important. Ultrasound diagnostics is a way to detect severe fetal developmental disorders, it is carried out in combination with testing for hormones.

Goals of the third routine screening

Ultrasound helps to study in the womb. The 3rd trimester is a difficult period in pregnancy, so it is so important to play it safe and determine in advance the birth management strategy that will be used.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus allows you to clarify its anatomical parameters: approximate weight, size, compliance with the current stage of pregnancy. It is important not only to know from which week the 3rd trimester begins, but also to fix defects and infections that were not previously detected in time.

Screening in the last trimester provides data on changes that have occurred in the cerebral cortex. In addition, this procedure is used to measure the volume of amniotic fluid and exclude possible complications during childbirth.

It is very important to pass the examinations prescribed by the attending doctor in a timely manner. Systematicity is not a whim of a doctor, but a vital necessity for both a pregnant woman and a baby. Stressful situations and poor environmental conditions are unfavorable external conditions that adversely affect the health of expectant mothers and their children.

The deviation of water volumes can indicate significant changes in the anatomy of a developing child. Ultrasound is also a chance to detect complications that may interfere with natural childbirth. We are talking about the development of neoplasms, insolvency of the cervix.

A pregnant woman should first of all think about the child, so it is so important to eat right, not to worry and undergo the procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every woman. What is happening at this stage? What week does the 3rd trimester start? How to develop a menu? We will answer all these questions in our article.

Pregnancy and its course

Becoming a mom is a big responsibility. It is for this reason that the appearance of the first child raises a huge number of questions. How to protect yourself? What can be consumed so that the child develops normally?

It is worth noting that such questions do not arise with a second pregnancy. An experienced woman already knows what and how to do so that the baby is born healthy.

There are several main stages of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

Thus, the entire period of bearing a child is clearly divided into trimesters. Before determining which week the 3rd trimester begins from, let's discuss the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, not every expectant mother knows the exact time and day of conception. It is for this reason that doctors consider the first trimester of every woman with special care. This will allow you not to miss important events in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester starts from the 1st week and lasts until the 13th. It is considered the shortest, although for some women it lasts quite a long time. This fact is due to subjective sensations and changes in the psyche. The body of the expectant mother during this period adapts to a new state.

Note. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is extremely attentive to her body.

And this is right, because not only emotional outbursts appear, but also other mental states. Unusual ones are also observed. They can be painful, because the egg is already starting to grow, and the fetus in it is developing. There may be tingling in the lower abdomen. All this is considered normal to a certain degree of pain, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Important. If there is pain in the abdomen, doctors recommend a physical examination.

This will help to identify various pathologies of pregnancy and eliminate them. During the course of the first trimester, a woman must register with the clinic. As a rule, staging starts from the 4th week.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, the birth and initial development of the baby takes place. The fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes. In the uterus, she is 7-8 days after conception. Then the active formation of the embryo begins. By the end of the third week, the size of the unborn child is 2 mm. On the fourth - the heartbeat is heard in the embryo.

In the sixth week, the rudiments of the nervous and digestive systems are formed. Also during this period, the initial elements of the brain begin to develop. At the eighth week, the baby already has limbs, a head and a face.

Note. At this stage of the development of the child, doctors recommend taking general tests and doing an ultrasound. This will identify various deviations in the development of the fetus and eliminate them in a timely manner.

The ninth week is the development of the kidneys. Already at the 12-13th week, the baby actively bends and unbends his limbs.

The dangerous periods of this trimester are 8-12 weeks. If a woman's placenta does not develop, the fetus may die. To prevent these irreversible consequences, it is necessary to constantly be observed by a doctor. Now such a deviation in the body of a woman is perfectly treated with the help of medicines.

Second trimester

It is considered the most interesting stage of pregnancy. What week does the 3rd trimester start? If the second trimester starts at week 14 and ends at week 25, then it is from the last starting point that you can prepare for childbirth. At week 26, the last trimester begins.

During this period, a woman's mammary glands swell. In some cases, there are pain syndromes in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the child develops stably and correctly, and the uterus increases in size. To fit it, the internal organs are slightly moved apart.

Advice. For any pain syndromes, you should consult a doctor.

In the second trimester, it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child. The fetus begins to move, which sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Especially at night.

The baby receives from the mother all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and food. Right now, a woman begins to eat much more food. It should be borne in mind that normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. Sometimes it can reach up to 14 kg. It all depends on the physique of the woman and her body.

Features of the second trimester

This period can also pass with the development of various pathologies, both the placenta and the baby. Sometimes there is the appearance of discharge, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. To avoid negative consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor.

third trimester

At this time, the woman's body is effectively preparing for labor. What week does the 3rd trimester start? From the 25th week, you can already count the days until the baby arrives. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd week.

By the 27th week, the baby's weight is about 1 kg, and the height is 35 cm. When a woman already has 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is effectively gaining weight, subcutaneous fat appears. You can forget about restful sleep, because the baby is actively moving.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

If the development of the fetus proceeds normally, you should not be afraid of anything. Especially under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Despite this, it is worth being vigilant, because the new dangerous period is 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It can last up to the 32nd week. It all depends on the characteristics of the female body.

The doctor must assess the condition of the placenta and intrauterine development of the fetus. This can be done with an ultrasound. If there are any deviations, prescribe medication. It will not harm the baby in any way and will help maintain the pregnancy.

It is worth noting that at this stage, in some cases, premature births are observed. The child can already survive, especially with qualified help from doctors.

Nutrition during pregnancy

In order to correctly compose the diet of the expectant mother, it is necessary to clearly know when the trimesters of pregnancy begin and end by weeks (the table is given above).

In the first trimester, the diet of a pregnant woman is no different from the usual. It is necessary to follow some recommendations that will help to avoid toxicosis.

Green salads with vegetable oil should be included in the daily diet. It is also necessary to eat fish, which is rich in phosphorus and other minerals. It is necessary to provide your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the proper development of the fetus at an early stage.

It is better to exclude coffee from the diet, as it contributes to high blood pressure. It is better to drink green tea, but also in limited quantities - up to 3 cups a day.

Important. The use of citrus fruits, exotic fruits and berries should be minimized, as they are potential allergens.

Menu - 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • minerals - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • boiled poultry and fish;
  • low-fat meat broths;
  • bakery products in limited quantities.

Don't forget to drink fluids. It is better to limit its amount to 1-1.5 liters, since the kidneys already serve the body of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. We must try to ensure that the child is born healthy.

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, the entry into which will be marked by the final formation of the baby and active preparation for the main event - the birth of a child. During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the internal organs and functional systems of the fetus improve.

When does the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begin? According to the obstetric calendar, the third trimester begins at 27 weeks and continues until childbirth. Changes in the body of a woman and the development of the fetus are becoming more noticeable and more obvious every day. The belly, rounded in the second trimester, is now increasing every day, the uterus is expanding, and the child is actively gaining weight. This process creates certain difficulties for the expectant mother, complicates the performance of even the most ordinary daily activities and tasks.

Weight gain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is significantly different in speed and volume from previous periods. In recent months, the baby is actively growing, muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat are increasing. In addition to the growth of the unborn child, there is an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and thickening of the placenta. After 35 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may lose weight and this should not bother her. This fact is explained by the fact that in the prenatal period, the volume of amniotic fluid decreases.

Pregnancy management in the 3rd trimester is reduced to more careful monitoring of the woman's condition and constant monitoring of fetal development. The plan of visits to the gynecologist-obstetrician in the third trimester changes when approaching the expected date of birth:

  • up to 30 weeks, a woman visits a doctor once a month;
  • from 30 to 36 weeks - 1 time in two weeks;
  • from 36 weeks to childbirth - 1-2 times a week.

The visit plan directly depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and her unborn child; if abnormalities or dangerous factors are identified, an individual schedule can be set for each patient. At each appointment, the doctor performs a series of standard obstetric manipulations - listens to the fetal heartbeat, measures the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterus, conducts dynamic control of edema, checks the condition of the urinary system and kidneys by urinalysis. If necessary, before each visit to the gynecologist, a general blood test may be prescribed to monitor the condition and functioning of internal organs and systems.

On the eve of the 30th week, a detailed examination of the woman is scheduled. This period marks the beginning of maternity leave. The comprehensive examination includes an extended list of laboratory examinations, ECG, the last scheduled ultrasound, CTG and additional dopplerometry (as prescribed by a doctor).

Normal and anxiety states in the third trimester

The condition of a pregnant woman in the last trimester of pregnancy is complicated not only by an increase in physical stress on the body, but also by emotional experiences caused by the upcoming birth. Some ailments are considered natural during this period of pregnancy, others are a dangerous factor that requires the establishment of causes and correction. Let us consider in more detail what problems a woman may face in the last trimester:

  • Headache during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can be caused by various factors - hormonal changes, metabolic disorders, low blood sugar, dehydration, infectious diseases, stress on the spine and poor posture. If the head hurts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy intensely and regularly, this may indicate the development of late toxicosis, preeclampsia or preeclampsia. All these conditions are a big threat, they can cause oxygen starvation and subsequent death of the fetus. Whatever the nature of headaches in a pregnant woman in the last trimester, it is very important to find out the cause and exclude possible negative consequences.
  • Changes in pressure - in the 3rd trimester, as well as throughout pregnancy, a woman's blood pressure should vary within the normal range from 110/70 to 140/90. An increase or decrease in pressure may indicate violations in the work of internal organs and functional systems. Low blood pressure during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester may indicate problems in the cardiovascular system, lack of vitamins and iron, and stress. Increased pressure occurs with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, disorders in the endocrine system. Pressure changes are one of the signs of preeclampsia and require medical correction, diet and rest.
  • Abdominal pain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is most often caused by stretching of the walls and muscles of the uterus. The second and most likely cause of abdominal pain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is uterine tone. Starting from week 36, pain may increase, especially in the pelvic region, and often become spasmodic in nature, this is how training contractions begin. Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are manifested in the form of seizures, during which the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the uterus become very tense, it feels like the stomach becomes stony, it becomes very hard. This condition is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, radiating to the sacrum and lower back. In general, if the attacks are of a short-term nature, then you should not worry, the body is simply preparing for labor. How to relieve increased tone in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Doctors recommend not to be nervous, they prescribe bed rest, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It is urgent to consult a doctor if the tone of the uterus during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester is accompanied by brownish or bloody discharge. This symptom may indicate placental abruption, which threatens premature birth and oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  • Allocations in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy are acceptable, their appearance and consistency matter. Normal discharge during pregnancy should be clear or whitish (leucorrhoea). Such secretions are the secret of the vaginal mucosa, containing dead cells and the natural microflora of the woman's genital tract. If there is no whiter or they are very scarce, you need to consult with your doctor. Brownish bloody and purulent-serous discharges are considered a dangerous type of discharge throughout pregnancy.
  • Hemorrhoids are a pathology that women often experience during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. This disease at the initial stage is manifested by discomfort, itching and pain in the anus, aggravated by defecation and after prolonged sitting. The reason for the development of hemorrhoids is a whole range of factors - increased physical activity, significant weight gain, a sedentary sedentary lifestyle, hormonal and vascular disorders, leading to stagnant processes in the organs and vessels of the small pelvis. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is important to start at its first manifestations. During labor, the pathology can become more complex (bleeding, prolapse of nodes, infection and the development of the inflammatory process). How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The primary stages of hemorrhoids respond well to treatment with rectal suppositories and ointments - suppositories with propolis, sea buckthorn oil, based on shark oil Relief, Heparin ointment. Drug treatment is prescribed for the second and third degree of hemorrhoids as prescribed by the proctologist.
  • Digestive and intestinal disorders in the last stages of pregnancy are not common and may indicate serious health problems. An explicable malaise during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is heartburn. Its appearance is due to a significant increase in the uterus, which squeezes the digestive organs from below, which leads to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy are dangerous signs that may indicate the development of late toxicosis. With such symptoms, you need to urgently contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in order to eliminate the danger to the fetus. Constipation in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is a common phenomenon, it can be provoked by hormonal changes, uterine pressure on the intestines, stress and a sedentary lifestyle. Constipation is easily eliminated with the help of a special diet (high in vegetables and dairy products), correction of the drinking regimen, approved drugs and herbal medicines.
  • Edema during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is common. There are many reasons for the occurrence of swelling of the legs at the moment - the pressure of the uterus on the urinary tract, hormonal changes. If the edema is not too large, then they are easily eliminated with the help of herbal medicine, correction of rest and physical activity. Severe swelling of the extremities and face is a cause for concern and immediate medical attention. These symptoms may be signs of preeclampsia and disorders in the cardiovascular or endocrine system, which can only be identified with the help of special studies.

Diagnosis and research in the third trimester

On the eve of the maternity leave, the pregnant woman undergoes a full re-examination, control monitoring and assessment of her and the child's condition according to the plan. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the list of tests is almost the same as during the first examination when registering with a antenatal clinic. The complex of studies includes both standard analyzes and additional types of diagnostics:

  • Clinical analysis of urine is one of the standard studies (biochemical composition, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, microscopic examination of sediment), which gives a general picture of the state and functioning of internal organs. One of the most important indicators is the presence of protein in the urine. A healthy person should not have protein in the urine. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, protein in the urine is acceptable in very small doses (up to 0.033 g / l). This is due to emotional experiences, the content of unprocessed protein foods in the diet, mild hypothermia or overheating, increased stress on the kidneys. If the protein content in the urine is higher than normal, an inflammatory process develops in the body. Other studies help to determine the nature and localization of inflammation.
  • A clinical blood test is an extended study that determines the qualitative and quantitative composition of blood. The most important indicators in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy are the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, ESR assessment. The norm of hemoglobin during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is 110-140 g / l. A decrease in hemoglobin below the established value during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester indicates a lack of iron and the threat of anemia. With anemia, there is also a decrease in the level of red blood cells. Depending on the degree of anemia, there may be a risk of placental abruption, the threat of premature birth, complications (bleeding) during childbirth.
  • A biochemical blood test gives a general picture of the work of internal organs and metabolic processes in the body. The study includes measuring the level of protein, cholesterol, lipids, bilirubin, glucose, enzymes, urea, creatine, trace elements. In connection with the active intrauterine growth of the child and the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in him, special attention is paid to the level of cholesterol during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The norm of cholesterol in a non-pregnant woman from 16 to 45 years old should be from 6.02 to 13.8 (the older the age, the higher the allowable rate). In the last trimester, this figure may increase by 1.5-2 times. This is called a natural tolerable increase, a higher level indicates a violation of water-lipid metabolism and requires correction by following a special diet.
  • A microflora smear is an assessment of the state of the genital tract and the study of microflora in order to identify pathologically dangerous infectious pathogens.
  • A coagulogram is a special blood test, very important during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, which allows you to assess the degree of blood clotting. Labor activity is often associated with the risk of bleeding, so a blood clotting test is an important indicator for the management of childbirth.
  • Tests for TORCH infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C) - repeated testing for viral infections is necessary, as many infections have a long incubation period. At the first examination, they could not be found. The placenta can protect the baby from viruses, but when passing through the birth canal, the risk of infection is very high. Therefore, when a virus is detected in the blood, a woman is often offered childbirth by caesarean section.
  • A blood test for hormones is a study that allows you to evaluate the hormonal balance and functions of the endocrine system. The main indicators are the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), gonadotropin (hCG), vasopressin, progesterone, estrogen. Particular attention is paid to the hormones TSH and hCG. The first indicator allows you to evaluate the work of the thyroid gland. The norm of TSH during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is 0.4-3.5 mU / p. An increase or decrease in this indicator may indicate various disorders in the thyroid gland. Gonadotropin is the main hormone of pregnant women, the production of progesterone and estrogens, which support pregnancy, depends on it. The norm of hCG in the 3rd trimester is 10,000-60,000 mU / ml. HCG is also involved in the secretion of progesterone and estrogens, its level rises until the very birth, the maximum level is 128,000 mU / ml.

In addition to laboratory studies, instrumental diagnostics is carried out:

  • ECG - a traditional study showing the rhythm and work of the heart;
  • Ultrasound - in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is carried out according to the plan at 32-34 weeks;
  • CTG - analysis and registration of fetal cardiac activity at rest, during movements and contraction of the uterus, normally at rest, the child's pulse in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is 120-160 beats per minute;
  • Dopplerography is a study of the child's blood flow, which allows you to assess the width of the lumen and pressure inside the vessels, listen to the baby's heartbeat.

If necessary, some types of research can be repeated before childbirth.

Features of the treatment of diseases in the third trimester

The prenatal period is an extremely inopportune time for illnesses, but no one is immune from them. The treatment of any diseases, ailments and pathologies in the 3rd trimester should be approached with caution and special attention. In many women, the protective functions of the placenta at this stage are reduced, so pathogens and drugs can enter the uterine cavity.


Even a harmless cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother, affect the condition of the child and the course of labor. What is the danger of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The degree of danger of a cold increases depending on the intensity and nature of the manifestations, as well as on the duration.

The most dangerous cold is considered during the 3rd trimester in the last weeks of pregnancy. If a woman falls ill with acute respiratory infections in any form during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester, starting from the 36th week, she is urgently hospitalized. This precaution is due to the fact that weakened immunity and the gradual aging of the placenta can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid. In addition, a woman's weakened body may not cope well with labor. You should also pay attention to the symptoms of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • Cough is not just unpleasant, but a very dangerous companion of a cold. This is especially true of dry unproductive and deep chest cough. These types of coughs have a spasmodic effect on the abdominal muscles, the frequent contraction of the muscles of the uterus leads to tone and can eventually cause premature birth. How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The safest methods of treating colds during pregnancy include inhalation with medicinal plants. It is important to remember that inhalations should not be hot; if possible, it is better to use a special Nebulizer device or similar devices for this. The choice of composition for inhalation depends on the type of cough, medicinal herbs, fees and essential oils are most often used. It is better not to choose the composition for inhalation on your own, since even herbs and esters can cause allergies. It is better to consult with your doctor. Cough tablets and syrups in the last stages of pregnancy are used in extreme cases, strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
  • Sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester may appear as one of the symptoms of a cold and as a sore throat. If the throat hurts during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, it should be treated only after examination and consultation with a therapist. The most acceptable method of treating the throat during pregnancy is rinsing with the use of medicinal plants (sage, chamomile, plantain), antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solutions (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt). As prescribed by the doctor, you can use antiseptics and topical antibiotics in the form of aerosols and sprays. As with a cough, with a sore throat, inhalations give a good therapeutic effect.
  • A runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester cannot be ignored. The danger of a runny nose is that a violation of breathing can make it difficult for oxygen to reach the child. Vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated throughout pregnancy, so you can use drops based on plant extracts and essential oils such as Pinosol, Aqua Maris sea water, you can rinse your nose with cold boiled water with the addition of sea salt, essential oils of tea tree, fir, arborvitae, eucalyptus.
  • The temperature during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is a very dangerous condition, as it can provoke placental abruption and premature birth. An increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees is best avoided. It is strictly forbidden to reduce body temperature with drugs based on aspirin and analgin, from the permitted antipyretic drugs, you can use drugs containing paracetamol (Panadol) and ibuprofen (Nurofen).

Treatment of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following all his recommendations. Treatment of a cold at all stages of pregnancy should be carried out comprehensively, in addition to relieving painful symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate bacterial inflammation and restore impaired protective functions of the body. With the last task, a diet with a high content of various vegetables and fruits, taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women is doing well. Antibiotics during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are used in extremely rare cases, when the risk of developing a complication of the disease is recognized as higher than the risk of using drugs.

SARS and influenza

Seasonal viral infections can bring a lot of unpleasant moments to any person. If we talk about a pregnant woman, ARVI during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is complicated by the fact that by the end of the period the woman's body is already weakened by stress and the functions of the immune system are reduced. The procedure for treating ARVI during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester also has difficulties due to the fact that many drugs at this time are contraindicated for a woman.

Viral diseases at the initial stage are accompanied by weakness, runny nose, fever. In the future, a bacterial infection can join the viral infection, which complicates the process of restoring the body. To avoid this, immediately after the first signs of SARS, complex treatment should be started, which should include antiviral, tonic and immunostimulating agents.

Many antiviral drugs during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are strictly prohibited, but it is also dangerous to fight SARS only with folk remedies. Antiviral drugs officially approved during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester include the following drugs:

  • Viferon - rectal suppositories with immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Approved and indicated for use to maintain the immune system throughout pregnancy. The main component is recombinant alpha-2b interferon, natural for the human body.
  • Anaferon is a homeopathic medicine approved for pregnant women and children. It is used as a prophylactic and immunomodulatory agent.
  • Oscillococcinum is also a homeopathic antiviral prophylactic. The product contains extracts of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck, which is a carrier of the influenza virus. When taken prophylactically, it helps the immune system to develop antibodies to SARS.
  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is a powerful agent that is effective against many strains of the flu. You can take it only as directed by a doctor in case of severe disease, to eliminate the risk of complications.

The first symptom of ARVI is most often a temperature of 37 degrees and above; in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the temperature should not be allowed to rise. You can fight fever with drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. In order not to abuse drugs, you can use acetic rubbing, plentiful warm drink (tea with raspberry jam, honey, natural berry fruit drinks) to relieve the temperature.


Thrush during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester develops against the background of hormonal changes and a weakened immune system. The cause of the development of thrush is the Candida fungus, which is found in small quantities in the natural microflora of the vagina. Thrush or candidiasis begins in a state in which conditions are created for the active reproduction of the fungus.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is carried out with the help of topical preparations - vaginal suppositories, tablets. Oral antifungal drugs during pregnancy are used only in extreme cases, for example, with the threat of developing generalized candidiasis. How to treat thrush during pregnancy 3 in trimester? Pregnant women can use Pimafucin and Hexicon suppositories, Clotrimazole vaginal tablets. To strengthen local immunity, you can drink a course of probiotics (Vagilak). Reception of specialized vitamin complexes is shown.


Herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is not just an unpleasant, but also a dangerous condition. This is due to the fact that the protective functions of the placenta in the last weeks of pregnancy are already reduced. Activation of the herpes virus can lead to intrauterine infection of the child.

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be treated several times during the day with antiviral drugs based on acyclovir (Gerpevir, Zovirax). Viferon ointment has proven itself well in the fight against viral rashes on the skin. To get rid of herpes as soon as possible, you need to use the ointment often, every 1-1.5 hours, after removing the previous layer from the skin surface. To restore immunity, it is recommended to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits.


Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should be treated with special attention, since this period is simultaneously associated with several problems:

  • active weight gain;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • iron deficiency and folic anemia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • digestive disorders (heartburn, constipation, flatulence);
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

All these disorders during pregnancy of the 3rd trimester can and should be corrected with the help of a specially designed diet. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the diet, but also to the methods of cooking and diet. Experts recommend eating 5-6 times a day in small portions, so you can easily satisfy your hunger and avoid heartburn. Vegetable, fruit, berry and sour-milk snacks between meals are welcome.

  • proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cheese) - 100 g;
  • carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, vegetables) - 250-300 g;
  • fats (vegetable oils, nuts) - 60-80 g.

The recommended carbohydrates include cereals from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, rye bread, with bran. It is better to choose protein products from lean meats and fish - chicken fillet, beef, veal, hake, salmon, chum salmon. It is completely necessary to exclude spicy, pickled, fried foods, fast food, sweet pastries, fatty sauces. Milk consumption in recent weeks should be reduced, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products. Coffee during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is strictly prohibited, as it increases vascular tone. It is also not recommended to drink strong tea.


In the last months of pregnancy, drugs should be used with great care. The protective properties of the placenta before childbirth are reduced, the placenta itself becomes thinner, so the risk of drugs getting into the uterine cavity during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is very high. The most popular drugs include:

  • Vitamins - during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, you can continue to take vitamin-mineral complexes that were previously prescribed by your doctor. It also shows the intake of iron and folic acid preparations, which a specialist will help you choose.
  • Sedatives - during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, it is better to regulate the emotional state with the help of safe plant-based preparations. These include Persen and Novo-Passit, and tablet forms of valerian and motherwort extracts are also indicated. Experts recommend using aromatherapy methods (massage, bath, aroma lamp, aroma coulombs). The choice of essential oils is best discussed with your doctor. Esters of lavender, mint, ylang-ylang, cedar, pine, rose have sedative properties.
  • Painkillers - during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, it is better to do without painkillers altogether or take them only in extreme cases. For back pain, it is better to use topical preparations in the form of ointments and gels, Paracetamol will help relieve headaches in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, No-shpa can help relieve abdominal pain, Nurofen can be used for severe toothache. However, it should be taken into account that after 30 weeks these drugs should be taken with great care.

Risks and dangers of the third trimester

Why is the 3rd trimester of pregnancy dangerous? The main dangers of this period include:

  • late toxicosis (gestosis);
  • early aging of the placenta;
  • the risk of oxygen starvation of the child;
  • excess weight gain;
  • premature birth.

To exclude the development of such abnormalities and pathologies, you need to regularly visit a doctor and take control tests. At the first signs of violations during this period, experts recommend going to the hospital under round-the-clock medical supervision. Also, to eliminate possible threats, you need to follow the correct regimen, eat balanced and timely meals, avoid stress, regularly walk in the fresh air.

What can not be in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? A woman needs to follow the elementary rules of caution - do not lift weights, do not overstrain, but it is also impossible to lead a completely sedentary home lifestyle. Walking in the fresh air, light physical activity and exercise during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester will avoid stagnant processes in the pelvis, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.

Pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy begin to experience difficulties and limitations in matters familiar to the average person. The most common problems include:

  • Sleep posture. How to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester so as not to harm the baby and at the same time relax? It all depends on the shape of the abdomen and the height of the uterus. It is best to sleep on your side or on your back. With a high uterus, you can put a few pillows under your back, creating a high headboard. Sleeping half-sitting is most comfortable for heartburn and other digestive problems.
  • Dental treatment. Is it possible to treat teeth in the third trimester of pregnancy? With a timely examination, a woman usually sanitizes the oral cavity, but toothache during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester occurs and causes a lot of unpleasant moments. Is it possible to treat teeth in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy? Gynecologists recommend completing the dental treatment process before the start of the last trimester. Treatment and extraction of teeth in the prenatal period is carried out only in case of emergency. It is also categorically not recommended to do an x-ray of the tooth during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.
  • intimate relationships. You can not refuse sex in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, if there are no special contraindications for this. Sexual satisfaction improves the emotional state of the mother, relieves stress, causes a rush of blood to the uterus and provides the child with an additional portion of oxygen. The only precaution in sex is choosing a safe position without pressure on the stomach.
  • Physical exercise. You can perform simple exercises without power loads. It is useful for improving the tone of the body, stimulating blood circulation. Yoga classes, light stretching, walking or slow running, Kegel exercises are recommended as preparation for labor.

Video: Tips for Pregnant Women. Third Trimester.Comfortable Pregnancy????

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is scientific material or medical advice and can not serve as a substitute for in-person consultation with a professional doctor. For diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment, please contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 22136 Publication date: 29.11.2017