Is it possible to exchange at the savings bank. How to exchange your change for paper bills at the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation

  • 01.09.2020

Probably everyone in the apartment has accumulated a large amount of little things in some banks? Several places where coins were stored were found in my house. They have been accumulating for years and there is no sense from them. What to do with small coins 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks? Where to donate change? You can take it to Sberbank and change it.

What to do with small coins? Where to donate pennies? There is an answer! Hand over to Sberbank

How and where to donate change

I describe my experience on how to get rid of the little things. I took a 3 kg bag of coins to Sberbank and exchanged them for paper bills. Exchange of coins for rubles in Sberbank without commission. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Arrange all the coins in different bags according to their value. Separately, 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, etc. Since the pennies will be counted in a special machine, and not manually.
  2. We go to Sberbank with a passport. Find the nearest bank branch.
  3. In the terminal, select "Coins" and get a number in the queue
  4. We tell the cashier that we want to hand over the coins and that you have laid them all out at face value.
  5. We are waiting for the count, sign and get the money.


3 kilograms of change turned into 162 rubles. The amount is small, of course, but also money. In any case, now you can buy something with them, because you can’t go to the store with a can of 10 kopeck coins. I had to confuse a little with the sorting of kopecks, but I had to do it sooner or later. And then this trifle lies, accumulates for years and takes up space.

Very often, people accumulate small money, which they want to get rid of because of the inconvenience of storage. But the reception of change in many organizations is carried out without much desire of employees. For this reason, many are interested in: is the exchange of coins for banknotes carried out at Sberbank and how long does it take?

Sberbank's regulations allow any individual to exchange small bills for large bills (at the moment, no age restrictions have been introduced). Depending on the situation, employees have the right to refuse, or they can meet the request.

You can exchange coins for paper banknotes at the nearest bank branch or using special exchange terminals.

Other existing exchange options:

  • opening an instant card and crediting metal money to it;
  • deposit to a bank card;
  • repayment of part of the debt under the credit program;

Conditions for the exchange of coins in Sberbank

The exchange of coins for banknotes at Sberbank is described in detail in the instructions for bank employees or on the website. The available change must first be sorted by denomination and recalculated. You should take your passport with you to the bank branch to fill out the application. Thanks to this, the bank wants to protect itself from citizens who are trying to get rid of counterfeit money.

Bank employees can, in accordance with the exchange rules, perform the required procedure. If the application is refused, then you should ask to invite the head of the department and then agree on the solution of the issue with him.

Sberbank exchange scheme:

  • filing an arbitrary application with personal information, indicating the amount and denominations;
  • verification of the amount by a bank representative;
  • confirmation of the fact of accepting coins;
  • receiving cash in hand.

Recalculation is done manually or using a special apparatus. You can know in advance where these devices are used to save your time and eliminate counting errors. In addition, a request for an exchange will most likely be granted at a branch where there is a special device for counting coins.

Commission for the exchange of coins for banknotes in Sberbank

When exchanging coins (little things) for banknotes, a commission of 1-3% will be charged, while the minimum deduction amount is at least 100 rubles.

You can pay the commission in cash or simply receive a smaller amount when exchanging.

Exchange of coins of 10 and 50 kopecks

The denominations of coins of 10 and 50 kopecks are currently payable and are also subject to exchange, in accordance with the terms of the exchange of metal coins for paper rubles.

Terminals for exchanging metal rubles for paper ones in Moscow

Now you can find special terminals that can exchange change for paper bills. At the moment, only residents of Moscow can use them, and exchange terminals are not yet available for other cities.

The principle of operation of the device:

  • a small change is placed in the receiver for exchange;
  • it is sorted and accurately recalculated;
  • the amount of money, commission (3%) and the amount to be issued appear on the screen;
  • issued paper money.

Such equipment is easy to use, and the exchange of coins for banknotes in Sberbank is carried out quickly and correctly.

Cash is gradually disappearing from circulation. The most popular are payments by bank cards. But many people still prefer to use material means. They collect a lot of coins that are inconvenient to use. Do you know if it is possible to exchange change for banknotes at Sberbank? Call the bank's hotline. Experienced consultants will tell you in detail about all the points. You can visit the branch where qualified administrators work.

To exchange a trifle for paper money is the right of every citizen. You can do this at any branch of the bank. We strongly recommend that you contact the call center in advance and consult about this procedure. Employees will tell you where to help solve the problem. Go to the branches where there are special machines for counting small change - this will speed up the exchange process, it will not take much time.

If there are no devices in the city, you will be sent to branches located near cafes or shops. There, the demand for small coins is high, because organizations regularly apply for small change to give change. You need to contact the bank at certain hours. It is unlikely that an employee will agree to exchange cash for you if you come to the office during the issuance of a pension. Please consult in advance when to apply.

Keep in mind that the exchange of small things for large bills is a legal right. Employees may tell you that Sberbank does not provide services. Pay his attention to the fact that the banking code stipulates that you can make an exchange in any bank. No commission should be charged for this service - branches are not opposed to recalculating for 1.5-3% of the amount.

Where to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank?

Don't know how to exchange change for paper money at Sberbank? Please contact the manager of the hall of any department for advice. He will explain to you how to make such an exchange. Contact the branch where a special coin counting machine is installed. It will automatically calculate the deposited amount, and the cashier will give you the equivalent in paper. If there is no device, the specialist will have to calculate the amount manually.

To speed up the process, distribute the coins into individual bags in advance. After arriving at the bank, you will be given a special form in which you must indicate the number of coins at face value. The specialist will recalculate the deposited funds, then issue banknotes. Please note that you need to have a passport. If an employee refuses to carry out the procedure, you can write a complaint. If there is no desire to swear, you can act like this:

  • Open a savings deposit in Sberbank - for this it is enough to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Deposit coins - the cashier has no right to refuse this.
  • Immediately withdraw the amount - cashiers issue it in paper bills.
  • Close your account.

A special ATM is installed in the Moscow branches of Sberbank, which will automatically change your coins for cash. It is enough to bring all the metal into a special compartment, then the machine will quickly count the money and give you banknotes. For this procedure, you will not be charged a commission, in time it takes 1 minute. Has accumulated a trifle? Pay her credit or any bills. A bank employee has no right to refuse to accept funds from you. If he did this, feel free to call the shift supervisor and write a complaint. In the absence of consensus, contact higher authorities.

Many Russians who are already tired of “tons” of change in vases, on shelves, in pockets and purses, can use it quite rationally, but for this it is necessary to find out what coins are currently accepted at the bank for money.

Collectible old coins: can I sell?

Collecting old coins that have been preserved since Soviet times or owning unique specimens that were once used in everyday life in various countries is considered quite an interesting and informative hobby.

However, such a hobby can also bring material interest to its owner if you use your collectibles as a valuable asset. Many auctions and other significant events have the opportunity to put up valuable coins for sale, in addition, you can sell your masterpieces and buy new, more interesting ones in return.

In Russia, there are more than 25 billion coins of various denominations in circulation. Some Russians also keep old rare versions from the times of the USSR and the RSFSR, as well as the period of imperial Russia, the medieval or ancient period.

What rare and valuable coins exist in Russia?

You are probably interested in: what coins of modern Russia can now be profitably sold, for which collectors are ready to give a lot of money? As a rule, these are rare specimens, sometimes even defective ones.

A lot depends on the safety of the copy, its material of manufacture, denomination, as well as the mint. You need to carefully examine every coin that ended up in your wallet, because sometimes there can be a real treasure.

For information on which of them are now especially valued, read on this page or in the table below:

There are several ways to exchange them for real money.

  1. Banks accept all modern coins of any denomination, for example, when replenishing an account by a client. Anniversary copies are also accepted. To exchange for banknotes, you must submit an appropriate application to the bank.
  2. Sometimes banks buy coins as part of promotions, which can be found on their official websites or in branches. For example, Sberbank periodically buys rare valuables, including Russian commemorative or investment items, as well as those made of precious metals with inserts of precious stones from foreign mints. Read more on this page
  3. If you have previously purchased investment coins made of precious metal from Sberbank or another banking company, then you can sell it back to the same bank! To do this, you need to take a coin, your passport, and if the document on the sale of your "investment" has been preserved. At the same time, the price that the bank will give will depend on the material, sample and safety of the copy you brought.

Typically, financial institutions set a lower price than can be found on the numismatic market. The copy sold to the bank must be in perfect condition in the original packaging.

We repeat once again: only investment coins made of precious metals can be sold to the bank for money. Everything else can be carried to a pawnshop, to the market, or look for online auctions and numismatist sites.

Where can I sell Soviet coins?

USSR coins can be sold by contacting an antique shop or a pawnshop, banks do not accept them! The amount of money that can be bailed out depends on how rare they are. Unique coins in excellent condition have the opportunity to sell quite profitably.

Before going to an antique store, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with various catalogs on the Internet, where there are descriptions and an approximate cost. The study of such information will be needed in order to assess how objective the amount offered by the shop is.

The bank does not take old coins from the USSR period, including those made from precious metals or foreign ones, so you should expect special promotions in 2019 to exchange them for a certain amount.

When traveling by public transport or shopping, a person accumulates a decent amount of metal coins over time. When the weight of a bag or wallet becomes significant, from the accumulated little things, a natural question arises: where to exchange it for paper bills?

In fact, the value of metallic money is identical to the value of paper notes (depending on the denomination), but sometimes the exchange of one for another can be associated with certain difficulties. The exchange can be carried out at any bank or store, at post offices or vehicles, but whether an employee of the listed organizations and services wants to spend time on recalculation is a completely different question.

Visit a branch of Sberbank to exchange coins for banknotes

Sometimes it’s impossible to just pay with a change in a store, for the simple reason of its large amount and small denomination. It will be really inconvenient at the checkout of a supermarket to put several weighty bags with five-kopeck coins in front of the cashier, the total amount of which exceeds several thousand rubles. Such actions can cause a panic in a store employee and push her to rash actions.

It would seem easier to contact a branch of Sberbank with this kind of cargo. It is enough to find a free manager and ask to exchange a trifle for paper bills. But even here the client may encounter certain difficulties. Firstly, the bank's duties do not include the consolidation or exchange of money, employees can do this on a reimbursable basis or on their own initiative, in their free time.

That is, the cashier may refuse to exchange. It's one thing if the client brought a couple of kilograms of "chervonets" and quite another if he saved up several thousand rubles in kopecks and wants to increase the amount. You can complain to the authorities or try to contact another branch, or even a competitor bank, there will be no significant difference.

Exchange coins for paper money at the bank upon request

A different reaction of the bank employee will be if the client has submitted a written application, in which he indicated the amount of the available change and the required amount in paper notes. In the attachment to the application, the client must provide a passport, since all financial transactions in the bank require authorization, that is, the client's identity card.

This is an official way of aggregating money, carried out on a reimbursable basis. You should not be surprised if a bank employee makes a commission request and reduces the amount of paper bills by 3-5%. This commission is a payment for the work of the cashier, who is forced to spend time recalculating such a significant amount in small change.

It is also important to take into account that if the amount of money being consolidated is less than one hundred rubles, the bank is unlikely to make an exchange. If all the criteria are met, the application is signed and the client agrees to the commission deduction, but the bank employee refuses to change money, contacting the administrator should affect the outcome.

Unlike a bank employee, a cashier at a supermarket will react positively to an offer to exchange change for paper bills. But, this does not apply to the already mentioned cases with a few thousand in kopecks. Nickels, chervonets, rubles, two-ruble coins - the cashier always needs change, even fifty-kopeck coins will come in handy, but the small denomination is practically not in demand.

The cashier is not obliged to exchange and has the right to refuse, especially when he is busy or there are a lot of small things in the cashier. Another issue is when a client pays in small change, the mechanism of commercial interest is triggered here and the cashier is obliged to accept banknotes or coins of any denomination as payment.

Medicines are one of the most sought-after types of goods, so if you have accumulated a large amount of little things, you can make a purchase of medicines. In a pharmacy, as well as in a supermarket, there is an urgent need for change coins from time to time, and if you are at the right time and in the right branch of the pharmacy chain, you can easily exchange change for paper banknotes. In addition, there is rarely such a stir in pharmacies as in supermarkets, and the pharmacist will most likely go to the meeting, even if the client arrives with several kilograms of ringing kopecks.

A significant volume of transactions and, in general, financial transactions, forces postal cashiers to have an adequate supply of change. In this case, the situation is similar to that which can be observed in a supermarket - if there are few coins in the checkout, and the client brought exactly the denomination that is most in demand, the cashier will gladly increase the money.

It is worth noting that the smallest coins are also in demand at the post office, but when exchanging them, you should remember the amount and time spent on counting. If the owner of the little things is not afraid of standing in lines, you can get rid of metal money by paying utility bills and other receipts.

It is easier for residents of the capital region to resolve the issue of exchanging small change for paper banknotes. In Moscow, you can find special terminals with banknotes and coin acceptors that allow you to enlarge and exchange money. The device is extremely easy to use, has a concise and understandable menu. To make transactions, it is enough to place money in the receiver and choose the direction of the exchange - to enlarge or exchange.

The terminal allows not only to exchange money, but also to carry out some financial transactions, for example, pay a phone or Internet bill. It should be remembered that when working with terminals, a commission may be charged, in this case it is 1-3%. Unfortunately, this kind of technological innovations currently operate only in the capital.

Having a bank account, you can replenish it by depositing coins of various denominations into the cashier. The cashier does not have the right to refuse to accept state-issued money, no matter what type they are - paper or metal. In the absence of a bank deposit, you can open it, for this you only need a passport and the amount required for the down payment. When opening a demand account, the bank requires you to place at least 10 rubles on it, a great opportunity to get rid of the accumulated trifles.

If the client is not interested in placing money in the bank for a certain period, you can open a deposit formally, that is, deposit the amount into a newly opened account and withdraw it immediately. This method does not violate the law and the bank employee cannot refuse to execute this order.

The accumulated change can be used to pay the loan installment. It does not matter whether the client has the entire required amount or only part of it. If the little things are not enough, you can supplement the missing amount with paper money. A bank employee does not have the right to refuse to accept change under a loan agreement, since such actions are contrary to the law that determines the equivalence of money of any type. The most optimal way to exchange small things is certainly the use of terminals. But unfortunately, such devices are available only in Moscow. For lack of more, residents of the regions have to contact bank branches or exchange change at supermarket cash desks. These methods are associated with a number of difficulties, including the refusal of employees who are not obliged by anyone and nothing to exchange metal money for paper money. Paying for goods or services in small change is a completely different matter, in this case the refusal is excluded, since coins have the same value as paper money of the same denomination.


The considered options are suitable, if necessary, to enlarge money by exchanging coins for banknotes. So, the most acceptable are the following methods of exchange, in institutions such as:
  1. Bank - an application and a passport are required, you can replenish your account or pay off a loan.
  2. Shop - in the absence of change at the checkout or when paying for a purchase.
  3. Pharmacy - similar to the case with the store.
  4. Mail - if the cashier is free and he needs a change.
  5. Terminals - available only in Moscow.
It is not difficult to exchange a trifle; large stores and financial organizations periodically experience a shortage of change coins. If there is an urgent need to enlarge the accumulated money, you can bypass several stores. Another option not mentioned in this article is to replenish a mobile phone account, followed by withdrawal of money to a card and withdrawal from an ATM. In this case, there are significant losses in the form of commission costs for transfers.