Lazarus Saturday of the year. About the date and traditions of Lazarus Saturday

  • 08.12.2020

Note that Lazarus Saturday is celebrated on the eve of Palm Sunday, on the sixth day (Saturday) of the sixth week (week) of Great Lent. On this day, we remember the miracle that the Savior performed - the resurrection of his friend Lazarus by him. It should be clarified that according to Scripture, Lazarus had been dead for three days.

Lazarus Saturday-2017, traditions

Lazarus Saturday falls on Great Lent, so the meal menu is strictly described in Orthodox canons. On this day, it is allowed to consume fish caviar, vegetable oil and wine.

In Russia, on Lazarus Saturday, housewives cooked mash, baked buckwheat pancakes, cooked porridge and fish chicken. However, it was possible to eat all this on Palm Sunday, because in honor of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, in strict Great Lent, an indulgence is made - you can eat fish. On Lazarus Saturday, people bring willow branches to the temple. The priest performs the rite of blessing willows at the evening service - Matins. Therefore, Saturday was called not only Lazarus, but also Palm, like Palm Sunday.

Not everyone knows what exists, and even more so, they don’t know what date Lazarus Saturday is in 2019. This day is especially revered by Orthodox Christians, as it is associated with the resurrection of Lazarus by the Son of God.

This miracle was the last straw in the patience of those who did not well-wish Jesus, after which the days before the crucifixion of Christ began to count. So, what is celebrated and why on Lazarus Saturday, which will be April 20, 2019. More details on what exactly to do on this important holiday of Great Lent.

In short, there lived a good man, Lazarus, whom Jesus considered his friend. When Lazar fell ill, the Son of God did not have time to come to heal him. Jesus came four days after the death of his friend. Lazar was buried in a cave, its entrance was blocked by a boulder. Jesus prayed, told them to remove the boulder, and ordered the dead Lazarus to get up and go out. The former deceased, as he was in funeral shrouds, came out to the admiration and even horror of those who watched this picture.

Interesting! Despite the fact that the body of Lazarus had already begun to smolder, after a miraculous resurrection, he lived for another thirty years.

Why is the resurrection of Lazarus celebrated?

There were quite a few witnesses of the resurrection of a friend of Christ, and they spread the news of this miracle quickly. People then understood that there is life after death and believed that Jesus is the Savior. Therefore, when the next day he rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey, Christ was shown literally royal honors.

Interesting! In those days, if horsemen rode through the gates of Jerusalem, they would be perceived as conquerors. Therefore, Jesus chose the donkey as his "transport".

How they celebrate

Palm or Lazarus Saturday is the last Saturday before Easter, respectively, it falls on Great Lent. Therefore, this day is not celebrated in the usual sense of the word. During Lazarus Saturday, it is necessary to prepare for Palm Sunday and tune in to Holy Week.

Interesting! Despite the fact that it is forbidden to do anything around the house on this day, on Lazarus Saturday you need to cook. Moreover, the dishes are prepared for the gala dinner on Palm Sunday. After all, just on this holiday, you can’t cook anything.

Knowing what date Lazarus Saturday is in 2019 (April 20), you can plan this day for yourself. Well, if you can find a place where willows grow, or at least willows. On Lazarus Saturday, twigs are harvested so that they can be consecrated later in the service in the church. By the way, you can start consecrating the branches on Saturday.

Since ancient times, young people in Russia, after the Saturday consecration of twigs, went around the yards and lightly beat their owners, and they did all this closer to midnight. Even on this day, the housewives baked bread. One for each family member. In one of them they put a coin. There was a belief that whoever gets this coin will have a successful year. In order to protect relatives "from the evil eye" on Lazarus Saturday, they were sprinkled with rose water.

Palm Saturday is also celebrated in other Slavic countries. So, in Bulgaria there is a tradition of "azure". Girls who are 6-12 years old walk around the yards and sing special songs. For this they are given raw eggs and coins. takes place on Lazarus Saturday or Palm Sunday?

Interesting! In Cyprus, Lazarus is honored because, after his resurrection, he was the Bishop of Kitia for 30 years and lived in the territory of modern Larnaca. In Cyprus, Lazarus Saturday is celebrated in a special way. Weave wreaths of palm leaves with flowers. But flowers of red shades are never woven into them. There is a belief that when they see such flowers, chickens will stop laying eggs for a year. Still children, taking palm leaves, walked in a large procession through the houses of the townspeople.

Orthodox celebrate Lazarus Saturday on the eve of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday.

Lazarus Saturday is the Saturday of the sixth week of Lent, which in 2018 falls on March 31st.

Gospel of John

The Savior during his earthly life often visited the house of Lazarus, who, together with his sisters Martha and Mary, lived in the village of Bethany, not far from Jerusalem. Jesus Christ loved to talk with them, and called Lazarus his friend.

When Lazarus fell ill, the sisters sent to tell Jesus that the one He loved was sick. But Jesus said that this disease is not to death, but to the glory of God - through it the Son of God will be glorified.

© photo: Sputnik / Vsevolod Tarasevich

After that, Christ stayed in the place where he was for two more days, and then told his disciples that they needed to go to Judea in order to wake up Lazarus, who had fallen asleep. And the disciples, not understanding what Jesus was talking about the death of Lazarus, answered that if he fell asleep, he would recover.

On the way to the house of a deceased friend, Christ met his sister Martha and said to her: "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" .

To which Martha replied: "Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, coming into the world."

The Savior loved his friend very much and, approaching the tomb, where his body had already rested for four days, wept. Together with the disciples, He approached the cave and told the people around him to roll away the stone blocking the entrance.

The sister of the deceased, Martha, said to Him: Lord! already stinks; for four days he has been in the tomb. To which Jesus answered her, "Didn't I tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"

© photo: Sputnik / N. Mikhalchenko

So, they moved the stone away from the cave where the deceased lay. Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: Father! thank you that you heard me. I knew that You would always hear Me; but I said this for the people standing here, that they might believe that you sent me."

Then many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus had done, believed in Him. And some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.

The chief priests and Pharisees gathered a council, at which the high priest Caiaphas said: "It is better for us that one man should die for the people, than that the whole nation perish." From that day on, the Pharisees decided to kill Jesus.

The news of the miracle quickly spread throughout the surrounding villages, people began to revere Jesus as their master, and arranged for him an honorable entry into Jerusalem.

According to church tradition, after the resurrection, Lazarus, who is called "Lazarus the Four Days" and "friend of God", lived for another 30 years and became the bishop of Kitia - he served on the island of Cyprus, in the city of Kition (now Larnaca).

Church traditions

The Church considers the resurrection of Lazarus to be one of the main miracles that Jesus Christ performed during his life. This is a symbol of the fact that everything is subject to the Lord - both life and death of a person. It also gives hope for salvation for all believing Christians, the gift of eternal life.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The traditions of celebrating Lazarus Saturday and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem were closely intertwined in Russia. On Lazarus Saturday, the consecration of willows, which are the main symbol of Palm Sunday, begins.

It was on Saturday, on the eve of Palm Sunday, that the parishioners brought willow branches to the temple, and stood with them until the end of the service. And the priest performed the rite of consecration of the willow at the evening service - matins.

On this solemn day, the clergy change their strict black clothes for white, thereby demonstrating unity with the resurrected Lazarus. In the Apostolic Readings this Saturday, the Church speaks of the establishment of the eternal kingdom of grace, which began with the resurrection of Lazarus.

Fasting on Lazarus Saturday

The Orthodox canons strictly describe the menu of the meal on Lazarus Saturday, since it falls on the period of Great Lent. Therefore, you can cook only lean dishes - various cereals, vegetable salads, with the addition of vegetable oil, and so on.

In addition, on this holiday it is allowed to eat fish caviar and drink some wine.

On Lazarus Saturday in Russia, housewives cooked mash, baked buckwheat pancakes, cooked porridge and fish chicken, which they ate the next day - on Palm Sunday.

In honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, in strict Great Lent, an indulgence is made - you can eat fish.


On Lazarus Saturday, you should prepare for Palm Sunday - go to church, listen to a sermon, pray, think about the eternal, putting aside all everyday affairs and worries.

Hard work is not allowed on this day. It is strictly forbidden to engage in needlework, work in the garden, construction, washing, ironing, washing and cleaning. It is also forbidden to fight, quarrel and refuse people and their request.

On Lazarus Saturday, special dishes are prepared - women indulge the family with buckwheat pancakes and porridge, pea dishes. These products, according to tradition, must be present on the table so that the harvest of buckwheat and legumes is rich. In addition, they serve desserts made from pumpkin or semolina.

You can not drink alcohol - only wine is allowed, in small quantities. Orthodox people drink alcohol to commemorate Lazarus and honor Jesus.

The celebration takes place in the family circle - on this day they do not arrange big feasts and fun, as long as Great Lent continues. Do not stomp on food crumbs that have fallen on the floor.

On this day, young girls gathered together and went around the huts to make "lazari" - to sing songs. In response, the owners gave the girls raw eggs and small money. After the end of the ceremony, the girls shared all the gifts equally and went home.

On this day, willow branches are harvested, which are then consecrated in the church. In the evening on Lazarus Saturday, the custom began to whip each other with willow twigs. In the old days, it was believed that such a ceremony would bring health and prosperity to the owners of the house.


On Lazarus Saturday, they monitor nature and the behavior of animals. In particular, the inhabitants of the villages necessarily observed the behavior of creeping creatures for behavior.

The people believed that if on this day snakes, lizards and other reptiles left their burrows and nests en masse, then real spring had come. Accordingly, it will soon become hot, so you can sow grain and start a garden.

Some believed that it was on Lazarus Saturday that peas should be sown so that they would bear fruit.

The financial situation in the family will improve if you read "Our Father" on this day, holding a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and ask the Lord for financial well-being.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Published on 08.04.17 12:11

On April 8, 2017, Christians celebrate one of the brightest Orthodox holidays - Lazarus Saturday.

Lazarus Saturday in 2017: what date?

Lazarus Saturday is the Saturday before Palm Sunday, the sixth week of Lent. In 2017, Lazarus Saturday falls on April 8th.

On this day, we remember one of the main miracles performed by Jesus Christ - the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus.

In the church calendar, Lazarus Saturday and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) are celebrated on neighboring days: Saturday and Sunday. It is interesting that the liturgical time does not coincide with the historical one: the resurrection of Lazarus took place a month or two before the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Now intcbatch The two holidays are inextricably linked. They precede the events of Passion Week: the betrayal of Christ by Judas, the suffering, the crucifixion and Resurrection of the Savior.

Lazarus Saturday: what kind of holiday is it

The resurrection of Lazarus is the main and last miracle that Jesus Christ performed while on earth among people.

Before leaving for Jerusalem, Christ went to the house of his friends in Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem. Here terrible news awaited him - his friend Lazar had died. Christ loved him very much and, approaching the tomb, where his body had already rested for four days, wept.

Together with the disciples, Jesus approached the cave and told the people around him to roll away the stone blocking the entrance. Standing in front of the open tomb, the Savior began to pray. After that, Lazarus came out of the cave, "wrapped hand and foot in burial linens," with his face tied with a scarf.

The Church honors the resurrection of Lazarus as one of the most important, significant miracles performed by Christ during His earthly journey. Thus, Lazarus Saturday serves Christians as a reminder of the coming resurrection from the dead - in accordance with the words of Christ: “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” In addition, this is another reminder that the tragic events of Holy Week will soon begin, and the Savior will be crucified.

Lazarus Saturday 2017: signs and customs, what not to do

Lazarus Saturday always falls during the observance of Great Lent. Festive services are held in churches and temples from the very morning.

The clergy put on elegant robes, and also perform Sunday hymns and prayers. Until the evening at the services, parishioners are told about the life and miraculous resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Christ, and in the evening the traditional blessing of the willow is held. Consecrated twigs are distributed to all parishioners. They cannot be thrown away until the end of the service or hidden in bags, put on benches.

On this day, young girls gathered together and went around the huts to make "lazari" - to sing songs. In response, the owners give the girls raw eggs and small money. After the end of the ceremony, the girls shared all the gifts equally and went home.

On Lazarus Saturday, you can’t eat meat, trample on food crumbs that have fallen on the floor. As for leisure, it is strictly forbidden to hunt, celebrate celebrations, including weddings and birthdays, have sex, sing and dance.

Homework must be rescheduled for another day, as it is forbidden to engage in needlework, work in the garden, construction, washing, ironing, washing and cleaning. In no case do not fight, do not quarrel and do not refuse people their request. Violation of these rules is a grave sin, which is very difficult to expiate.

Lazarus Saturday: what to eat

Lazarus Saturday is one of the three days of Great Lent, when liberties are allowed in the diet: caviar appears on the table. It can be caviar of any fish and any color - it all depends on financial capabilities.

In the Typikon, a liturgical charter that defines the key rules for the life of an Orthodox Christian, it is noted that caviar can be eaten “if the imams”, i.e. if possible, three ongii - that is, 100 grams each.

A small amount of wine ((cahors) is also allowed.

Lazarus Saturday is a big, bright Christian holiday, which tells about one of the miracles that Christ did until now, unprecedented until now. On this day, over a thousand years ago, Jesus raised his friend Lazarus of Bethany from the dead. This holiday is dedicated to this event.

How and on what date is Lazarus Saturday celebrated in 2018? What should every Christian know about this day? What cases should be abandoned on this holiday, and what can and should be done on Lazarus Saturday?

Historic cause for celebration

Why do the Orthodox honor and celebrate the holiday called Lazarus Saturday? The gospel story tells the following ... Having heard about the death of his friend Lazarus, the son of the Pharisee Simon, Jesus, before being poisoned in Jerusalem, together with the apostles visited the cave, in which he had been dead for four days. Praying over the body for a long time, the Savior returned the soul of Lazarus to his body and resurrected the righteous. The news of the miraculous resurrection quickly spread throughout the neighborhood.

By his deed, Jesus tried to strengthen the spiritual state of his disciples, letting them understand that there is no death, but there is eternal life with faith in the one God.

Subsequently, Lazar, who became a bishop, preached Christianity as the true faith until the end of his days. After the resurrection, Lazarus lived for about thirty more years.

When is Lazarus Saturday 2018?

Lazarus Saturday is celebrated every year on the eve of Palm Sunday on the sixth week of Great Lent. The date of the celebration changes over the years, due to the fact that this day is calendar related to Easter.

In 2018, the Orthodox Church celebrates Lazarus Saturday on March 31st. Therefore, Palm Sunday will be April 1, and Easter exactly seven days after that day.

Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and Easter in 2018-2022:

Year Lazarus Saturday Palm Sunday Easter
2018 March 31 April 1 April 8
2019 20 April April 21 April 28
2020 April 11th April 12th April 19
2021 April 24 25th of April May 2
2022 April 16 April 17 April 24

Traditions and customs

In view of the fact that Lazarus Saturday is always celebrated during the period of Great Lent before Easter, it is not suitable to arrange feasts, fun and magnificent festivities on this day. Certain indulgences on this day do not give rise to a wild life. After all, the period of fasting is always abstinence and humility.

On this day, the Orthodox go to church to pray for the health of their loved ones. They say that the prayer before the icons on Lazarus Saturday will be heard by the Lord. And if it is sincere and comes from the heart, then the result will not be long in coming.

On Lazarus Saturday, it is customary to harvest (break) willow branches in order to consecrate them in the temple of God the next day on Palm Sunday. Willow twigs are usually broken from trees that grow near rivers or ponds. All family members are then lightly beaten with consecrated branches so that they are healthy.

In ancient times, on this holiday, young girls, who were called "lazarki", went home and huts to sing spring songs. As a token of gratitude for the soulful singing and sonorous voices, the owners presented them with various sweets, which were then shared equally among the girls.

Regarding what you can eat on Lazarus Saturday, due to fasting, food restrictions are not removed. True, it is allowed to cook dishes in vegetable oil in order to prepare for the exit from the largest post of the year.

What can be served on the table on this day? Allowed meal:

  • pea or oatmeal porridge,
  • buckwheat pancakes,
  • fish pies,
  • potato fritters,
  • vegetable salads,
  • homemade pickles,
  • caviar,
  • sweet pumpkin dishes.

As for drinking, from what is allowed, you can only take wine, and then in small quantities. Alcohol is forbidden, because fasting lasts.

Signs and superstitions of the holiday

It so happened that this day is not particularly rich in signs and superstitions. In particular, villagers observe the behavior of snakes and lizards. If they massively leave their holes in which they were during hibernation, this is a sign of the arrival of a real spring.

Also pay attention to willow branches. If a lot of buds have blossomed on them, then the year will be fruitful.

From what cannot be done on this day, household (household), garden work and construction work should be singled out. It is also worth as much as possible to refrain from squabbles, swearing and clarifying personal relationships.

Despite the fact that agricultural work is prohibited, if you sow peas on this day, it will certainly give a good harvest.

The gospel story about the resurrection of Lazarus is dedicated to many icons and paintings, which are stored in the most famous museums in the world. Among the artists who wrote paintings on this subject, it is worth noting such as: Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Caravaggio.