The best ways of divination for money. Divination for money and wealth

  • 16.10.2019

The simplest fortune-telling on Tarot Cards for two cards For money and Financial matters, which can be used to find out whether acquisitions are waiting for you financially, and what you will ultimately have to sacrifice for this acquisition. Make this alignment and analyze what awaits you ...

Principles and rules of divination

In the scenario, you can use both a full deck and a set of only the major or only the minor arcana. But, nevertheless, it is more advisable to use only the minor arcana.

Online option

If you do not have the time or opportunity to do a “live” layout, you can try free online divination for Money and Finance on Tarot cards.

Layout scheme

Divination for 2 cards on Tarot cards for Money and Finance

The meaning of the cards

  1. First Card: Directly what you can acquire. Sometimes this card is enough to not reveal the next one, it is so tempting.
  2. Second Card: What will be the price for this acquisition. It can be victims, conditions or situations.

Important note: it is possible that the first card will be a lasso with a negative value, you yourself understand, which means that you will not “shine” any benefits.

Example question and interpretation

There are quarterly bonuses planned at work, you want to know what you can expect. So let's ask the Tarot.

  • We shuffle the deck, shift and mentally ask a question about the premium and bonuses. Lay shirts up.
  • We reveal the first card - we see the King of Swords. Let's try to understand what our assistants wanted to say.
  • The King of Swords personifies a powerful person, absorbed in his work, who can put pressure on you with his will. In this case, it is probably your boss and it all depends on his decision. Under what conditions can a decision become positive?
  • We open the second card and see the Nine of Wands - in itself not very good map, it may seem at first glance, but it has good potential. Most likely, some problems will arise at work, but the cards strongly advise you to calm down and accept the status quo.
  • Persistently, relying on your own inner strength, without entering into confrontation with anyone, perform your functions. In this case, the decision of the King of Swords will be positive for you, since the Nine of Wands, in general, promises the successful completion of affairs.
Published: 2017-08-31 , Modified: 2017-09-30 ,

Money is a universal means of payment that has been used by people since time immemorial. It is bad, of course, when money becomes the cornerstone and becomes the meaning of life, but the importance of the phenomenon of means of payment for a person cannot be overestimated.

And everything that is important for a person - love, relationships, happiness, sex, even travel - becomes sooner or later, consciously or unconsciously (often sequentially, passing through an unconscious stage in its development, and turning into a completely purposeful process), an object of fortune-telling.

A person not only seeks to know the future - with the help of fortune-telling on cards, wax, coffee grounds or in other ways, but by his actions he tries to attract good luck, profit, success in any of its manifestations.

It is not always possible to do this for free, but people are willing to pay - even just to tell fortunes. Everyone wants to get an answer assuring about the approach of the white stripe.

Attracting good luck is the business of professional magicians (you can, of course, try to perform rituals on your own), but fortune-telling is available in a huge amount online - quickly, easily and completely free of charge.

How to guess for money?

Divination for money is one of the most popular types of divination; many different rituals (sometimes simultaneously including the function of attracting good luck) can be used for it. Such fortune-telling is divided into two main groups: money (concerns exclusively financial matters), and general (fortune-telling for luck, work and other parameters, one way or another affecting the receipt of profit by the asker).

Any question related to the sphere of money or broader concepts (success in business, work, business, good luck in gambling, and so on) can be successfully answered using fortune-telling of the Yes-No series (the well-known online fortune-telling Arrow of Fate, coin).

In general, fortune-telling that answers questions (monosyllabic or more detailed), but does not affect the development of events, is simple and convenient to use as an online program. Other rituals (associated with attracting money, activating one's own luck) are better done live, online versions, even if they exist, will not be so effective.

Fortune-telling and rituals related to money, good luck are best done on a full moon or on a growing moon. The growing moon is a symbol of the growth and multiplication of everything, while the full moon is a guarantee of stability - if you can’t increase money now, then at least you won’t lose it.

Divination methods

An ancient method that is still relevant and in demand is divination on the water. It is carried out mainly on a full moon (the moon should brightly illuminate your window).

A bowl of water (preferably a silver vessel, but any other metal and unenamelled vessel will do) is placed on the windowsill. After that, without looking back and no longer looking at the bowl, you need to go to sleep.

If in the morning when checking the bowl you find any small particle in it (midge, grain, mote - whatever) - this means good luck in financial matters. Soon you will receive the amount of money you need. If the water remains crystal clear, you should not expect an easy profit in the near future.

Guessing for money with the help of water can only be done live, the energy of moonlight and random grains in online fortune-telling will not have a real meaning.

Divination for money and success is also possible with the help of cards. They will help you find out whether you will become a wealthy person, whether you will achieve real wealth. Divination should be carried out on a full moon or on a growing moon.

For divination, you will need a new deck of thirty-six cards. It must be carefully shuffled and nine random cards drawn. The cards must be laid out face down from left to right and turned over. In this divination for money and success, the suits of the cards that have fallen out matter.

The predominance of the cross suit means good luck and receiving a significant amount of money in the near future. Peaks - financial losses: you need to cut costs and do not plan large purchases in the near future. Red cards in matters of financial luck do not matter, if you are guessing for money, you can ignore them. This fortune-telling, with the appropriate internal mood and in the correct phase of the moon (better - on the full moon), can be done online.

Fortune telling with coins is a common ritual that not only predicts future wealth, but also lures good luck.

Take one coin of each of the circulating denominations and polish them to a shine. Then they will need to be folded into a bag and placed at the head of your bed.

The next evening, you will need to put a bowl of cereal and a red candle on the table.

Take out the bag, pour the coins into the cereal - and start guessing for money in the literal sense. Ask your question when you mix money with cereal.

Cover the bowl with a handkerchief, close your eyes. Take out a handful of cereals, and, putting it on the table in front of you, check the result. Coin denominations can be conditionally divided into small (penny), medium (1-2 rubles), high (5) and higher (10 rubles) denominations. Small dignity - you should not wait for new receipts, keep an eye on finances. Average - there will be receipts, but small. Coins of high denomination portend a one-time large income (lottery, salary increase, inheritance).

The coin of the highest denomination means the beginning of the tide of a large money wave.

If there are no coins in your handful - do not be discouraged. At least you have cereal - that's not bad! Repeat fortune-telling in a month, and luck will smile at you!

Contrary to the erroneous opinion of skeptics, playing cards have their power in divination and divination. There are money spreads that can tell you whether luck awaits you in the future.

Divination for money

This divination is best done on a new moon, so take it seriously. First you need to do the following: divide the deck of cards into numbers and high suits, starting from the jack and ending with the ace. Pull out all sixes from the deck with numbers.

Next, thoroughly mix the two decks of cards received separately, not forgetting the sixes - they also need to be prevented. Now, one by one, draw one card from the set aside sixes and put them on the table. They must be closed - you can not look at them. After that, without ironing, put one card from the highest suits on the sixes. You can take cards from anywhere - from the center of the deck, from above or below. Do the same with the remaining numbers.

You should end up with four stacks of three cards each. The money distribution is ready. Now we need to find out what the cards and the New Moon have guessed for us.

Deciphering the alignment

You need to open each stack in the correct order - from the first to the last, in turn. It is very important. First, we look at the six, or rather at its suit:

  • peaks are the alignment of betrayal;
  • the cross suit is the alignment of discord and war;
  • worms - alignment of love;
  • diamond suit - alignment of friendship.

Each six shows what will regulate monetary relations in the future.

Now let's talk about the numbers from seven to ten. These cards show how strong the impact on your financial life and monetary luck of each particular suit will be. If you have a six of spades with a ten, then expect a lot of monetary betrayal, deceit. If there are sevens together, then the role of betrayal, friendship, love or war in your business life will be minimal.

  • seven - there will be almost no influence;
  • eight - the influence will be felt, but not much;
  • nine - strong influence;
  • ten - the defining value of war, friendship, love or betrayal for monetary luck.

The suit of the same second card with a number is also important. If the seven, eight, nine or ten has the same suit as the six, then expect war, love, betrayal, or a sudden rapprochement with someone in all areas of life. A different suit from the suit of the six tells you where to expect betrayal, love, friendship or war. If this six is ​​a tambourine, and a dozen, for example, a spade, then know that a lot of betrayal awaits you in friendship. Since the alignment is primarily monetary, remember that the consequences will be most tangible financially.

Now we move on to the last cards - aces, kings, queens and jacks. They will tell us from whom this or that action can come, who will be the defining personality for you. The suit doesn't matter.

  • jack - this person is generally not dangerous and is the same age as you;
  • lady - this person is cunning, unpredictable, most likely older than you;
  • the king is a vain person, guided only by personal interests;
  • ace - this person can be anyone.

So, what have we got. Let's say that in one of the piles, consisting of three cards, a six of clubs, a seven of diamonds and an ace fell out. This suggests the following: in the near future, discord awaits you in a small, almost imperceptible amount. Battles will take place mainly in the friendly sphere - that is, you will quarrel with friends, but rarely and without consequences in monetary matters. Well, the ace says that it is worth waiting for betrayal from someone from a friendly environment, but from whom exactly, it is not yet clear.

If you use only one stack of cards, the prediction will be more accurate, but narrowly focused. All four piles, opened in sequence, will show a more complete picture. We wish you that luck is always there, and success does not leave you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.03.2016 00:20

How do you know if your business is profitable? When will I become rich? What can enrich me? ...

Fortune telling for money is an easy way not only to look into the future, but also to find out what needs to be changed in order for your financial situation to improve. Find out when such fortune-telling will be the most truthful.

Divination for money with water

Man has always wanted to get rich for a long time. That is why so many of the most diverse and have come down to our days. Also known are a variety of divination methods that will help you find out when the long-awaited salary increase will happen. Such methods are very simple, and even those people who previously had nothing to do with magic can cope with them.

Thanks to this ritual of divination for money, you will know how the financial situation will develop in your life in the near future.

Such a rite is allowed to be performed only on the full moon. People believe that if it is carried out on a different phase of the moon, then the result will be incorrect. You will need the most common transparent vessel. In some cases, it is still recommended to use a white container, since it is a symbol of the moon.

Therefore, you can use either transparent or white dishes. Fill in attribute clean water, which initially needs to be typed in a source or a well. If this is not possible, replace with a mineral, purified one.

The use of tap water is prohibited. A vessel with water is located on the balcony so that the moonlight falls on it. You need to do this before going to bed. From the moment of the ritual until the next morning, it is forbidden to talk to anyone. When you wake up, immediately look at what happened to the water.

If hair fell into the container, this indicates a speedy enrichment. The appearance of a leaflet or some kind of garbage in the dishes indicates that replenishment of the wallet is likely, but the amount will not be very large. If nothing got into the container, then your financial condition will not change this year.

This method of divination for money will make it possible to determine what changes in the financial situation will be before the next new moon. A similar ritual was common in various countries and does not lose its popularity today. You will need to prepare the following coins: 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 rubles.

Prepare a bag made of dark fabric in advance. Put coins in it and place them under your pillow for exactly one night. In this way, the attributes will be able to feed on your energy, and it will be much easier for you to work with them. As soon as the morning comes, put the pouch in your bag and throughout the day also continue to carry magical attributes next to you.

Exactly at midnight, cover the work surface with a dark cloth, light one red wax candle, pour some rice into a large container. Carefully pour all the coins into a container of rice, and then ask the attributes what awaits you in the near future.

Shuffle the coins, then close your eyes, concentrate on your question, and randomly take a handful of rice. Depending on which coin you have in your hands, this will be your future.

  • 10 kopecks- the situation will be very deplorable. In addition to the fact that there will be no cash receipts, there are also likely to be large expenses. Try to handle things as carefully as possible, as either equipment breakdowns or damage to clothes are likely.
  • 50 kopecks- cash receipts are also not expected. Someone will probably ask for your help, wants to borrow money. It is up to you to decide whether to provide such a service or not. However, remember that the likelihood that your deferred funds will be returned to you soon is extremely small.
  • 1 ruble- Unfortunately, the Higher forces are predicting very large expenses. However, spending money on the right things from shopping you will enjoy. But after going to the store, you will have to work 2 times more in order to replenish the resources spent.
  • 2 rubles- you are lucky to win the lottery, or someone will return the old debt. The stars predict a sudden cash flow, but the amount will be very small.
  • 5 rubles- a profitable deal is not ruled out, which will help you earn a good amount of money. Do not neglect the opportunity to earn money.

It is advisable to use this method of divination only at Christmas time or Baptism (during special periods of time when higher power were supportive of people and ready to give truthful advice). It is believed that best time for such divination - a new moon.

It is desirable to take up the ritual at exactly 12 o'clock at night. Like divination on coins, divination on banknotes is an ancient ritual inherited from our ancestors. To date, the ritual has changed a bit, and it involves banknotes that a person can get now.

You need to take 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rubles. First go to the temple and buy exactly seven candles there. The ritual is performed in complete solitude. Neither people nor animals should interfere with you. Put the candles in a row, light them with your right hand in turn from left to right, then pick up the bills and say the following plot:

I call wealth into the house in myself, I tirelessly count my money.
I’ll hide it where a stranger won’t find it, let the wealth find my way to the house.

Close your eyes and start counting money. As soon as you do these manipulations exactly 20 times, collect all the bills, put them under the bed and go to sleep. Candles cannot be extinguished. Early in the morning, waking up, first of all put your hand under the bed and take out any bill.

  • Got a banknote 10, 50 and 100 rubles- next year, special changes are not expected. Your financial situation will remain the same. It is possible that new expenses will appear, you will have to spend some large amount.
  • 500 rubles- the situation will be stable, no special profit is expected, but there will be no problems that will shake your financial condition either.
  • 1000 rubles - next year This is a great time to get rich. It is possible to move up the career ladder.

Divination on cards is a very popular activity. Find out first. Next, take the simplest deck, mix it well, and then take out exactly four cards.

The issue of money is always important for the life of every person. You can learn about the prospects for development in the financial sector with the help of fortune-telling for money. Such rituals will help predict improvements in well-being, receiving a bonus or a monetary gift. Fortune-telling will also show when the debt will be returned to you.

Anyone can tell fortunes and money at home for free. As a rule, such rituals are simple and even beginners can perform them. Very often, coins are used for divination for money.

So, in the following way you can find out how soon your projected profit will appear. For the ceremony, you should take three coins of any value. They need to be held for a few minutes. right hand, then toss.

  • If all the coins fell out heads, then money should be expected soon.
  • If one coin comes up heads, and two coins turn up tails, then the receipt of hidden money is possible no earlier than six months later.
  • If one coin fell out tails, and the other two turned heads, then you should wait for the receipt of money no earlier than in a year.
  • If all the coins fell out tails, then you should not count on the receipt of the hidden money.

On playing cards

Fortune telling for money is most often carried out using a simple deck. playing cards. It is better to use a new deck of cards for such a ceremony, and it is better to purchase it without change. It is also possible to carry out such fortune-telling on a special personal deck of cards, which has never been used for the game before.

A very popular fortune-telling is a special layout, the interpretation of which is carried out according to the suits that have fallen out.

Nine cards are laid out and the following are taken into account:

  • Clubs are considered money suits. If it prevails in the alignment, then this indicates that financial well-being will soon come.
  • Peaks portend problems in the financial sector, so you need to take into account all your expenses in order to avoid bankruptcy.
  • Hearts and diamonds indicate that the financial condition will not change in any direction.

You can also tell fortunes for money using another card layout. It will help you find out if you can become a truly rich person.

It is necessary in a secluded place to concentrate on your financial sphere and carefully shuffle the cards. After that, the cards should be laid out in two piles, face down. The left stack is immediately laid aside. The right pile must be turned over and begin laying out two cards on top. If the cards match in their own worth, they must be put aside and used in the future to decipher fortune-telling. If there are no coincidences in the scenario, then in the next year you will not be able to get rich.

To interpret the layout, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be used:

  • Sixes predict wealth, the path to which will be very long, filled with various obstacles. Nothing will be granted by fate, everything will have to be achieved by one's own labor, but the result will be worth it.
  • Sevens portend success by the will of fate. Wealth will come unexpectedly, but it is very important to listen to your own intuition so as not to miss the chance.
  • Eights indicate that wealth will be obtained through the power of the word. Most likely, these will be competent negotiations that will lead to the conclusion of successful deals.
  • Nines predict that an improvement in the financial situation can come if the incentive is the desire to make a proper impression on a loved one.
  • Dozens portend winning the lottery or making a profit as a result of the game.
  • Jacks indicate that your financial well-being will somehow be connected with children.
  • Ladies emphasize that financial success can only be achieved through hard work.
  • Kings predict that a man will help to get rich. Sometimes such a card portends a marriage with a wealthy person.
  • Aces indicate that you will be able to achieve great success in the financial sector.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is always informative. The layouts allow you to get extended information about the general state of your material sphere and the prospects for its change in the future. You can make a very simple alignment, but you should remember that it should be interpreted very carefully.

Widely used for divination for money is a four-card layout. After the deck has been carefully shuffled, the cards must be laid out as follows.


  • The first card is chosen first;
  • The second card is laid out above the first card;
  • The third card is laid out to the left of the first card;
  • The fourth card is laid out to the right of the first card.

The position breakdown is interpreted as follows:

  • The first card indicates the reasons that lead to trouble in the financial sector at the present time.
  • The second card focuses on what can help solve money problems.
  • The third card shows what personal qualities you need to show in order to overcome material difficulties.
  • The fourth card will tell you what actions you need to take to improve your financial condition.

The main features of fortune-telling for money using Tarot cards are that in this way you can not only predict the future in the financial sector, but by changing certain events, become a truly successful person.

With the help of magic, you can not only predict your financial condition, but also attract money. First of all, rituals with banknotes are widely used.

A very common way of talking money. To do this, you need to take the largest banknote which you have. On the right and left sides, you need to bend the corners of the selected bill, so that you get an isosceles triangle. After that, it is necessary to bend the bill in half along the vertical axis.

“Like a river with a fast current, it attracts all the surrounding streams to itself, how it takes their water into itself and carries it to the deep sea. Like a bright woman, men are attracted to her. As the day calls to itself the night, and the night calls to itself the day. So let this money attract other money to me, the Servant of God ( given name). As it is said, it will happen. Amen".

After that, the charmed bill is placed in the wallet and begins to work, attracting other money to itself. It is important in no case to pull out the charmed money from the wallet and not to let anyone touch the bill.

Also, before going to the store or concluding an important deal, you should mentally say the following words:

“Your money is in my wallet, and your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

Such a conspiracy will have a positive impact on financial flows. In addition, it is important to remember that thoughts are material. Therefore, if you constantly think about lack of money, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get rich or at least stabilize your financial situation. In addition, remember that those who know how to manage money wisely become rich.