The difference between the faith of the Old Believers from the Orthodox. Old Believers - difference from Orthodox Christians

  • 13.10.2019

Today in Russia there are about 2 million Old Believers. There are entire villages inhabited by adherents of the old faith. Many live abroad: in the countries of Southern Europe, in English-speaking countries and on the South American continent. Despite the small number, modern Old Believers remain firm in their convictions, avoid contact with the Nikonians, preserve the traditions of their ancestors, and resist "Western influences" in every possible way.

and the emergence of "schismatics"

Various religious currents that can be united by the term "Old Believers" have an ancient and tragic history. In the middle of the 17th century, with the support of the king, he carried out a religious reform, the task of which was to bring the process of worship and some rituals in line with the "standards" adopted by the Church of Constantinople. The reforms were supposed to increase the prestige of both the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state in the international arena. But not all the flock took the innovations positively. The Old Believers are just those people who considered the “book right” (editing church books) and the unification of the liturgical rank to be blasphemy.

What exactly was done as part of the reform?

Changes approved Church Councils in 1656 and 1667, unbelievers may seem too insignificant. For example, the "Symbol of Faith" was edited: it was prescribed to speak about the kingdom of God in the future tense, the definition of the Lord and the oppositional union were removed from the text. In addition, the word "Jesus" was now ordered to be written with two "and" (according to the modern Greek model). The Old Believers did not appreciate it. As for worship, Nikon canceled small prostrations(“Throwing”), the traditional “two-finger” was replaced by “three-finger”, and the “excessive” hallelujah was replaced by “two-fingered”. Procession The Nikonians began to hold against the sun. Some changes were also made to the rite of the Eucharist (Communion). The reform also provoked a gradual change in traditions and iconography.

"Schismatics", "Old Believers" and "Old Believers": the difference

In fact, all these terms in different time referred to by the same people. However, these names are not equivalent: each has a specific semantic connotation.

Nikonian reformers, accusing their ideological opponents of using the concept of "schismatic". It was equated with the term "heretic" and was considered offensive. Adherents of the traditional faith did not call themselves that, they preferred the definition of "Old Orthodox Christians" or "Old Believers". "Old Believers" is a compromise term coined in the 19th century by secular authors. The believers themselves did not consider it exhaustive: as you know, faith is not limited to rituals alone. But it so happened that it was he who received the greatest distribution.

It should be noted that in some sources "Old Believers" are called people who profess the pre-Christian religion incorrectly. The Old Believers are, without a doubt, Christians.

Old Believers of Russia: the fate of the movement

Since the discontent of the Old Believers undermined the foundations of the state, both secular and church authorities subjected the opposition to persecution. Their leader, Archpriest Avvakum, was exiled and then burned alive. The same fate befell many of his followers. Moreover, in protest, the Old Believers staged mass self-immolations. But, of course, not everyone was so fanatical.

From the central regions of Russia, the Old Believers fled to the Volga region, beyond the Urals, to the North, as well as to Poland and Lithuania. Under Peter I, the position of the Old Believers improved slightly. They were limited in their rights, they had to pay double taxes, but they could openly practice their religion. Under Catherine II, the Old Believers were allowed to return to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they founded the largest communities. At the beginning of the 19th century, the government again began to "tighten the screws." Despite the oppression, the Old Believers of Russia prospered. The richest and most successful merchants and industrialists, the most prosperous and diligent peasants were brought up in the traditions of the "Old Orthodox" faith.

Life and culture

The Bolsheviks saw no difference between the New and Old Believers. Believers again had to emigrate, this time mainly to the New World. But even there they managed to preserve their national identity. The culture of the Old Believers is quite archaic. They do not shave their beards, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. Many of them wear traditional clothes. Old Believers collect ancient icons, rewrite church books, teach children Slavic writing and Znamenny singing.

Despite the denial of progress, the Old Believers often succeed in entrepreneurship and agriculture. Their thinking cannot be called inert. Old Believers are very stubborn, persistent and purposeful people. The persecution of the authorities only strengthened their faith and hardened their spirit.

In the 17th century, Patriarch Nikon carried out reforms that were caused by the need to bring the liturgical practice of the Russian Church to a single model. Part of the clergy, along with the laity, rejected these changes, declaring that they would not deviate from the old rites. They called Nikon's reform a "corruption of the faith" and declared that they would preserve the old statutes and traditions in worship. It is difficult for an uninitiated person to distinguish an Orthodox from an Old Believer, since the difference between representatives of the “old” and “new” faiths is not so great.


Old Believers Christians who have departed from the Orthodox Church due to their disagreement with the reforms carried out by Patriarch Nikon.

Orthodox Christians believers who recognize the dogmas of the Orthodox Church.


Old Believers are more detached from the world than Orthodox Christians. In everyday life, they have preserved ancient traditions, which, in essence, have become a certain ritual. The life of Orthodox Christians is deprived of many religious rites that weigh it down. The main thing that should never be forgotten is prayer before every deed, as well as keeping the Commandments.

In the Orthodox Church, the sign of the cross is made with three fingers. It means the unity of the Holy Trinity. At the same time, the little finger and ring finger are pressed together to the palm and symbolize faith in the divine-human nature of Christ. The Old Believers put their middle and index fingers together, confessing the dual nature of the Savior. The thumb, ring finger and little finger are pressed to the palm, as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

The sign of the cross of Orthodox Christians

It is customary for the Old Believers to proclaim "Alleluia" twice and add "Glory to Thee, God." So, they say, proclaimed ancient church. Orthodox "Alleluia" proclaim three times. The word itself means "praise God". The triple pronunciation, from the point of view of the Orthodox, glorifies the Most Holy Trinity.

In many Old Believer movements, it is customary to wear clothes in the Old Russian style to participate in worship. This is a shirt or blouse for men, a sundress and a large scarf for women. Men tend to grow beards. Orthodox Christians have a special style of dress only for the priesthood. Lay people come to the temple in modest, not defiant, but ordinary secular clothes, women - with their heads covered. By the way, in modern Old Believer parishes there are no strict requirements for the clothes of those who pray.

During the service, the Old Believers do not keep their hands at their sides, like the Orthodox, but crossed on their chests. And for some, and for others, this is a sign of special humility before God. All actions during the service believing Old Believers perform synchronously. If you need to bow, then everyone present in the temple does it at the same time.

The Old Believers recognize only the eight-pointed cross. It is this form of it that they consider perfect. Orthodox, besides this, are also four-pointed and six-pointed.

eight pointed cross

During worship, the Old Believers make prostrations. The Orthodox during the service accepted belt. Earthly ones are performed only in special cases. Moreover, on Sunday and holidays, as well as Holy Pentecost, prostrations are strictly prohibited.

The Old Believers write the name of Christ as Jesus, and the Orthodox - And and sus. The uppermost inscriptions on the cross also differ. For the Old Believers, this is TsR SLVA (King of Glory) and IC XC (Jesus Christ). On the Orthodox eight-pointed cross is written INCI (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews) and IIS XC (And and sus Christ). On the pectoral eight-pointed cross of the Old Believers there is no image of the crucifixion.

As a rule, on the graves of the Old Believers are placed eight-pointed crosses With gable roof, the so-called stuffed cabbage, is a symbol of Russian antiquity. The Orthodox do not accept crosses covered with a roof.

Findings site

  1. Adherents of the old faith in everyday life are more detached from the world than Orthodox Christians.
  2. The Old Believers make a two-fingered sign of the cross, the Orthodox - a three-fingered sign.
  3. During prayer, the Old Believers adopted a double proclamation of "Hallelujah", among the Orthodox - three times.
  4. During worship, the Old Believers keep their arms crossed on their chests, the Orthodox - lowered at the seams.
  5. All actions during the service of the Old Believers are performed synchronously.
  6. As a rule, Old Believers wear clothes in the old Russian style to participate in the divine service. The Orthodox have a special type of clothing only for the priesthood.
  7. During worship, the Old Believers bow to the ground, the Orthodox - waist.
  8. The Old Believers recognize only the eight-pointed cross, the Orthodox - eight-, six- and four-pointed.
  9. The spelling of the name of Christ is different for Orthodox and Old Believers, as well as the inscription of letters above the eight-pointed cross.
  10. On the pectoral crosses Old Believers (eight-pointed inside the four-pointed) there is no image of the crucifix.

Old Believers and Old Believers - how often these concepts are confused. They were confused before during conversations, they are confused today, even in the media. Every educated person who respects the culture of his people is simply obliged to understand what is the difference between these two different categories of people.

Old Believers are people who adhere to the old Christian rites. During the reign of A.M. Romanov, under the leadership of Patriarch Nikon, a religious reform was carried out. Those who refused to obey the new rules united and they immediately began to be called schismatics, as they, as it were, split the Christian faith into the old and the new. In 1905 they began to be called Old Believers. The Old Believers became widespread in Siberia.

The main differences between the new and old rites are:

  • The Old Believers write the name of Jesus, as before, with a small letter and one "and" (Jesus).
  • The three-fingered sign introduced by Nikon is not recognized by them, and therefore they are still baptized with two fingers.
  • Baptism is traditional old church- immersive, because that's how they were baptized in Russia.
  • During the reading of the prayer according to the old rites, clothes specially designed for this are used.

The Old Believers are people not of the Christian faith, they are those who adhere to the one that was in Russia before it. They are the true guardians of the faith of their ancestors.

Their worldview is Rodnoverie. The Slavic Native Faith has existed since the very first tribes of the Slavs began to appear. That is what the Old Believers keep. The Old Believers believe that no one has a monopoly on the truth, namely, all religions claim it. Each nation has its own faith and each is free to communicate with God, as he sees fit and in the language that he considers correct.

According to the Native Faith, a person creates his own understanding of the world through his worldview. A person is not obliged to accept as faith someone's idea of ​​the world. For example, tell someone: we are all sinners, the name of God is exactly that and you need to address him like this.


Indeed, they often try to attribute one worldview to Old Believers and Old Believers, despite the fact that there are huge differences between them. These confusions are created by people who do not know Russian terminology and interpret definitions in their own way.

The Old Believers primordially believe in their own Kin, and at the same time do not belong to any religion. The Old Believers adhere to Christian religion, but the one that was before the reform. In some ways, they can even be called a kind of Christians.

It's easy to tell them apart:

  1. The Old Believers do not have prayers. They believe that prayer humiliates both the one to whom it is addressed and the one who performs it. There are their own rites among the genus, but they are known only to a particular genus. The Old Believers pray, their prayers are similar to those that can be heard in Orthodox churches, but they are performed in a special attire and end with the fact that they are baptized according to the old rites with two fingers.
  2. The rituals of the Old Believers and their ideas about good, evil, way of life are not written anywhere. They are passed on by word of mouth. They may be written down, but these records are kept secret by each clan. Old Believer religious writings constitute the first Christian books. 10 commandments, bible, old testament. They are in the public domain and knowledge is transferred freely, not based on ancestral ties.
  3. The Old Believers have no icons. Instead, their house is full of photographs of their ancestors, their letters, awards. They honor their family, remember it and are proud of it. The Old Believers also do not have icons. Although they adhere to the Christian faith, their churches are not filled with imposing iconostases, there are no icons even in the traditional "red corner". Instead, in churches, they make holes in the form of holes, since they believe that God is not in icons, but in heaven.
  4. The Old Believers have no idolatry. Traditionally, in religion there is a main living element that is worshiped and called God, his son or prophet. For example, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed. Rodnovery praises only the surrounding nature, but not considering it a deity, but considering itself a part of it. The Old Believers praise Jesus, the biblical hero.
  5. In the Native Faith of the Old Believers, there are no specific rules that must be followed. Each person is free to live in harmony with his conscience. It is not necessary to participate in some rituals, wear robes and follow one consensus. Things are different with the Old Believers, because they have a well-defined hierarchy, a set of rules and clothes.

Is there anything in common?

Old Believers and Old Believers, despite their different Faith, have something in common. First, they were connected by history itself. When the Old Believers, or as the schismatics of the Russian Orthodox Church then said, began to be persecuted, and it was just in the time of Nikon, they went to the Siberian Belovodie and Pomorie. The Old Believers lived there and gave them shelter. Of course, they had different faiths, but nevertheless, they were all Russians by blood and tried not to let it be taken away from them.

Many people ask the question: "Old Believers and Old Believers - what is the difference in terminology and is there any at all?" The history of the emergence of these unusual groups of people is directly related to one famous person. His name is Nikon, and it was this man who was destined to lead the Russian Orthodox Church and become a lever that led to the formation of a strange, original culture of the Old Believers.

Man as a split theory

The future patriarch was born into a poor peasant family in May 1605 in the village of Veldemanovo near Nizhny Novgorod. The boy's mother died immediately after his birth, and his father married a second time. The stepmother did not like the child. She starved him and bullied him in every possible way.

There is evidence that the woman repeatedly tried to deprive the named son of life. But every time Nikita (Nikon received such a name at birth) was saved by a happy accident. Later, memories of amazing, fantastic situations where he overcame death gave him confidence in his divine mission.

It was great ambitions that led to the formation of such a trend as the Old Believers. Who they are and what role the patriarch plays in their formation, the material will tell further.

She often stood up for her grandson and grandmother. Since childhood, the boy was supportive of religious literature. A priest who taught literacy was an ideal for a child. Sometimes Nikita could not sleep. He was constantly disturbed by nightmares that he might forget church texts. A pious boy ran away without the permission of his parents to a monastery.

In 1624, under the pretext of the death of his beloved grandmother, the young man was returned home. There he was married to a stranger. Nevertheless, the man did not leave religion. The young husband got a job as a priest in a local church. Then he did not even know that the Old Russian Church of the Old Believers, in which Nikon began to rule, would later hate him.

His erudition, deep faith and extreme diligence made him a good reputation. Merchants who came to the city noticed the talents of the young priest and offered him to move to work in Moscow.

First steps towards tragedy

The death of all his children was a heavy blow. Nevertheless, in this event he saw a divine symbol. Nikon sent his wife to a monastery and dedicated his life to serving the Almighty.

Very quickly he achieved success and soon entered the highest circles of the clergy. Then the idea arose to refresh the church and improve the morality of the people. The ideas that originated during this period later led to a movement that was dubbed the "Old Believers". Who they were, until the XVII did not know. This word appeared after Nikon's accession to the patriarchal throne in 1652.

As soon as he mastered the new title, the reforms did not slow down. Throughout the Christian history of the Russian lands, the clergy kept a reference point to the Byzantine Church. In the mid-1600s, the canons of Russian Orthodoxy were very different from the Greek ones. This led to different methods of conducting ceremonies and customs in rituals. Nikon tried in every possible way to correct the differences.

At first, the traditions of Russian and Byzantine churches were identical, but after a certain period of time, the rites of the latter changed. Most of the features were acquired after the fall of Constantinople.

The conditions for changing customs in the Russian lands were harsh. Books with ingrained rituals were publicly burned, and those who adhered to the old laws were called heretics.

Consequences of the mission of life

Now historians firmly state that if the patriarch introduced changes gradually, then there would be no such thing as the Old Believers. Who they are and what their principles are, humanity today would not know.

The patriarch's church reform of 1650-1660 was aimed at introducing new and destroying old canons. This was the reason for the emergence of supporters of Nikon. On the other side were adherents of his enemy - Habakkuk. The latter believed that the records in Russian books reflect Orthodoxy better, and the Greek works were incorrectly changed by time.

Regarding the fate of the man who split the Russian Church, it was disappointing. For a long time, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich respected the patriarch. But due to the aggressive mood towards Nikon of a large group of clergy, their relationship cooled.

In 1666 he was demoted and sent to prison in a monastery. This was partly at the initiative of the sovereign. It is worth noting here that although this person lost his respect, the church of the Old Believers did not support, and the laws that the priest so vehemently defended were adopted at the official level.

The former patriarch spent 15 years in exile. Before his death, Alexei Mikhailovich asked the priest for forgiveness. The king's son, Theodore, also felt affection for the priest. He allowed him to return from exile. But on the way the old man died. Despite significant protests from the new head of the church, Nikon the reformer was buried as a patriarch. He was buried in the Cathedral of the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery. Fyodor Alekseevich himself read the Apostle over it with tears in his eyes.

Road 700 years long

Ever since the time Kievan Rus conduct their history of the Old Believers. "Who are they?" is a question that requires deep analysis.

The theory of their religion was born immediately after the adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir. Then the ruler took the Orthodoxy of the Greeks as a basis. Since 988, the inhabitants of the great power began to live according to new laws, which in many respects contradicted paganism.

During historical events, since 1439, the Russian Church fell out of the power of Constantinople and began to develop independently. This happened until Nikon came to the patriarchal throne, who in 1653 again headed for the Greek canons. Of course, the drastic changes in the rules aroused considerable resistance from the masses, who considered the innovations unacceptable and unlawful. There was a public condemnation of all those who ignored Greek laws and continued to adhere to the rites of their ancestors, which had been known since the time of Prince Vladimir. The manner of prayer, the exclamation of "Hallelujah", the number of prosphora and the cross of the Old Believers were changed.

The biggest blow for them was the adoption of innovations officially. For some time the country was on the verge of a religious war. Repressions began and the pursuit of all those who were against the novelties of the church. From now on, those who disagree were not just called heretics, excommunicated from the holy trinity and cursed, but also physically exterminated. Moreover, all this was done at the national level and with the assistance of the tsarist authorities.

Religious community as a political threat

During the reign of Peter the Great, a double tax was imposed on the Old Believers. In 1722, a decree was issued on death penalty for those who will contribute to the split of the church, that is, continue to pray according to the old traditions.

Already by that time, some of the representatives began to hide. Many families have left the places where their ancestors lived and worked for centuries. They went to distant, wild lands deep into Russia. Thousands of people left the empire and sought their fortune abroad.

During the reign of Catherine II, a policy of religious tolerance was promoted. It was then that the terminology "Old Believers" and "Old Believers" arose. What is the difference between these two concepts?

Nothing, they are absolutely identical. The first meaning arose as a word that characterized people who remained true to their religious preferences. All those who did not obey the innovations bore the insulting name of schismatics, heretics and Old Believers. The synonym "Old Believers" was introduced by Catherine II. The queen introduced fresh reforms in the religious sphere of her country. Thus, the persecution of these groups ceased for some time.

Whole families were returning from abroad. But these changes did not last long. Despite the fact that the representatives of this trend were socially active and, thanks to their hard work, brought profit to the state, they also posed a great threat to the tsarist regime.

In the rhythm of time

The Orthodox Old Believers were perceived by the authorities as a political movement that played the role of opposition for the imperial court. And indeed, as soon as Catherine II gave them official permission to build churches, this trend in a short period of time founded and arranged own city. Today it is located on the territory of Belarus. In the 18th century, there were about 5,000 Old Believers there.

Some of these people were killed by order of the queen. All who remained alive were forcibly relocated to the east of Russia. Their descendants still live there. Today they are known as Semeyskie.

It should be noted that other religious minorities, from Protestants to Buddhists, received state support.

According to official sources, in the 19th century, a third of the population Russian Empire still lived according to the rules of her ancestors, who were baptized in Kievan Rus.

Later, the authorities began to treat this trend more loyally. Increasingly, the question arose: "Old Believers - who are they?" Their customs and canons were not considered as those that could damage the integrity of the state. But they were forbidden to build temples, print books, spread the teachings, and even hold high positions. Even marriage for couples was illegal.

In the early 1900s, the rights of this denomination were equated with other religious minorities.

Canons - the foundation for disagreements

Before the advent of Nikon, the Russian people for almost 700 years lived according to the rules that were formed during the time of the baptism of Russia. The patriarch also introduced a reform, the result of which was a split in religion into two strong directions. The first trend was supporters of innovation. Other dissenters were left out of society, because they did not perceive the proposed theories. So who are the Old Believers, what is the difference between this part of the people and the other?

The first and main difference is the translation and editing of scriptures. The process went down in history under the name "book business". The Symbol of Faith, where the fundamental tenets of religion are indicated, was also subject to changes. Several important words have been removed or replaced from the text. For example, the Holy Spirit was now used without the characteristic "true", and in the lines that talked about the future, the phrase "there is no end" was replaced by "there will be no end."

In addition, liturgical literature acquired a different form. Russian word"Jesus" Nikon wrote in the new style of "Jesus".

Remained in the past and the cross of the Old Believers. The prayer gesture used to be performed with the help of two fingers (a special addition of fingers right hand), and after the reform, the church switched to tripartite. Admirers of ancient Orthodoxy claimed that two fingers are a cross, which symbolizes the divine and human principles. And three folded fingers (three fingers) is a sign of the Trinity, which has nothing to do with the crucifix.

Bows were made differently. From now on, walks around the church were made against the sun. Hallelujah was sung three times instead of twice. The number of prosphora has changed.

The culture of antiquity in the present

The Old Believers preserved the traditions of their ancestors. You can see them to this day. In addition to the above canons, they are guided by other laws. The process of baptism occurs only through a full three-time immersion. These people do not recognize four-pointed crucifixes, but such a cross (without Jesus) is present in their homes.

The icons of the Old Believers are still decorated in the style that was adopted and approved by the clergy 1000 years ago. The service is based on books that were published in the period before Nikon's reforms.

These communities lead a modest lifestyle. They have little fun and are very pious. But their religious holidays are no less cheerful and colorful than in other religions. The family charter is patriarchal. A woman obeys the orders of her husband and relatives on his part (even those who are younger than herself). Since often a small village consists of one family, the guys had to look for girls for themselves, in fact, far away. They travel thousands of miles to another community to woo and get married.

Morality in the theory of life

All this knowledge was constantly carried with them by the Old Believers, the Old Believers. Who they were, the features of their faith, the essence of their principles, Catherine II understood. It was on the initiative of the queen that these people left the cultivated lands and went with their families in an unknown direction to the edge of Russia. There they started new life, albeit heavy, but free and safe.

Their characteristic feature is the boundless love of work and God. They are guided by such rules in life. According to their theory, the Almighty created a person similar to himself, therefore it is considered a great sin to change something in your appearance. Haircuts and shaving are not practiced.

The prayers of the Old Believers occupy a special place in life. It is imperative to talk with the Lord in the morning and in the evening. If at the beginning of the day it is difficult to allocate time, then you can pronounce the holy words in a minute free from work during the light part of the day.

The clothing of this community is also unique. Festive dress in church. Men wear caftans, young ladies - sundresses and scarves. Hats for a married woman are obligatory, since open hair and a naked body are considered a great obscenity.

Girls learned the art of tailoring from childhood. Usually, before marriage, they did not perform heavy homework but only observed. From childhood, boys were taught to work in the field and to manage.

Through the ages

Today, science is particularly interested in the phenomenon called "Old Believers". Who are they? The photo in the material shows communities from different parts of the world, but all of them are united by deep family values.

These people lead a closed life, rarely give interviews and believe that being on camera is an unkind thing. They believe that photographs take away the divine energy that is stored in the human body. But without someone else's, unusual equipment, they are good-natured, friendly and pleasant.

Many families still live without electricity, the Internet, they are not interested in the crisis and defaults. Previously, the Old Believers did not use money, did not buy clothes, food, medicines, and did not even eat overseas potatoes. They do not visit hospitals, very rarely enjoy the benefits of civilization.

The community lives by its own rules. The first to sit at the table is the father of the family. Everyone is praying. They all leave the kitchen together. A man should not see how food is being prepared, so the door to the room where it is made is hung with a cloth.

Unnecessary to either the church or the state, they managed to preserve their originality and spirituality, which the first Christians of Kievan Rus inherited from them. These are people who did not know such vices as alcohol, tobacco and entertainment. But they cherished the science of antiquity. The secret of the past lurks in their souls.

The split caused by Nikon's reforms did more than just divide society into two parts and spark a religious war. Because of the persecution, the Old Believers were divided into a great variety of different currents.

The main currents of the Old Believers are Beglopopovshchina, priesthood and bespopovshchina.

Beglopopovshchina is the earliest form of the Old Believers

This movement got its name from the fact that believers accepted priests who came to them from Orthodoxy. From runaway popovism in the first half of the 19th century. Hourly agreement took place. Due to the lack of priests, they began to be managed by ustavshchiki, who conducted worship in the chapels.

Groups of priests in organization, doctrine and cult are close to Orthodoxy. Among them, co-religionists and the Belokrinitskaya hierarchy stood out.Belokrinitskaya hierarchy- it Old Believer Church, founded in 1846 in Belaya Krinitsa(Bukovina), on the territory of Austria-Hungary, in connection with which the Old Believers who recognize the Belokrinitsky hierarchy are also called the Austrian consent.

Bespopovshchina at one time was the most radical trend in the Old Believers. According to their creed, the bespopovtsy farther than other Old Believers departed from Orthodoxy.

Various branches of the Old Believers stopped appearing only after the revolution. Nevertheless, already by that time there were so many different Old Believer movements that even just listing them is a rather difficult task. Not all representatives of the Old Believer confessions are on our list.

Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

Consecrated Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church (October 16-18, 2012)

To date, this is the largest Old Believer denomination: according to Paul, about two million people. Initially, it arose around the association of the Old Believers-priests. Followers consider the ROCC to be the historical heir to the Russian Orthodox Church that existed before Nikon's reforms.

The ROCC is in prayer-eucharistic communion with the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in Romania and Uganda. The African community was accepted into the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church in May this year. The Ugandan Orthodox, led by priest Joachim Kiimba, separated from the Patriarchate of Alexandria, due to the transition to a new style. The rites of the Russian Orthodox Church are similar to other Old Believer movements. Nikonians are recognized as heretics of the second rank.

Lestovka is an Old Believer rosary. The very word "lestovka" means ladder, ladder. A ladder from earth to heaven, where a person ascends through unceasing prayer. You sort through the rows of sewn beads in your fingers and make a prayer. One line - one prayer. AND a ladder was sewn in the form of a ring - this is so that the prayer is unceasing. It is necessary to pray continually so that the thoughts of a good Christian do not stagger around, but are directed towards the divine. Lestovka has become one of the most characteristic signs of the Old Believer.

Distribution in the world: Romania, Uganda, Moldova, Ukraine. In Russia: all over the country.

United believers. The second largest Old Believer denomination in terms of the number of parishioners. Univers - the only Old Believers who came to a compromise with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Women and men of the same believers stand in different parts temple, while censing they raise their hands in prayer, the rest of the time they keep their hands crossed. All movements are kept to a minimum.

This trend of priests arose at the end of the 18th century. The persecution of the Old Believers led to a serious shortage of priests among the Old Believers. Some were able to come to terms with it, others were not. In 1787, the Edinoverie recognized the hierarchical jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate in exchange for certain conditions. So, they were able to bargain for the old pre-Nikonian rites and services, the right not to shave their beards and not to wear German dresses, but Holy Synod undertook to send them myrrh and priests. The rites of the Edinoverie are similar to other Old Believer movements.

It is customary for fellow believers to come to the temple in special clothes for worship: a Russian shirt for men, sundresses and white scarves for women. A woman's handkerchief is stabbed with a pin under the chin. However, this tradition is not observed everywhere. “We don't insist on clothes. People come to the temple not for the sake of sarafans,- notes Priest John Mirolyubov, leader of the community of fellow believers.


Worldwide: USA. In Russia: according to the Russian Orthodox Church, there are about 30 communities of the same faith in our country. How many of them exactly, and where they are located, is difficult to say, since fellow believers prefer not to advertise their activities.

Chapels. The priestly movement, which, due to persecution in the first half of the 19th century, was forced to turn into a priestless movement, although the chapels themselves do not recognize themselves as priestless. The birthplace of the chapels is the Vitebsk region of Belarus.

Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Vereya

Left without priests, a group of fugitives abandoned the priests, replacing them with laity guides. Divine services began to be held in chapels, and so the name of the movement appeared. Otherwise, the rites are similar to other Old Believer movements. In the eighties of the last century, part of the chapels from North America and Australia decided to restore the institution of the priesthood and joined the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, similar processes are now observed in our country.

Chapels of the Nevyansk factory. Photo from the beginning of the 20th century


Worldwide: Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, USA, Canada. In Russia: Siberia, Far East.

Ancient Orthodox Pomeranian Church. DPC - modern name the largest religious association of Pomeranian consent. This is a priestless trend, Pomors do not have a three-tiered hierarchy, Baptism and Confession are performed by lay people - spiritual mentors. Rites are similar to other Old Believer confessions. The center of this current was in the Vyzhsky monastery in Pomorie, hence the name. The DOC is a fairly popular religious movement; there are 505 communities in the world.

In the early 1900s, the Old Believer community of Pomorsky Accord acquired a piece of land on Tverskaya Street. Enlarge The five-domed church in the "neo-Russian style" with a belfry was built on it in 1906 - 1908 according to the project of the architect D. A. Kryzhanovsky - one of the greatest masters of St. Petersburg Art Nouveau. The temple was designed using the techniques and traditions of the architecture of the ancient temples of Pskov, Novgorod, Arkhangelsk.


In the world: Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Poland, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Romania, Germany, England. In Russia: Russian north from Karelia to the Urals.

Runners. This bespopovskoe current has many other names: sopelkovtsy, secretives, golbeshniks, underground. It originated at the end of the 18th century. The main idea is that there is only one way left for salvation: "have no village, no city, no house." To do this, you need to accept a new baptism, break all ties with society, evade all civil duties.

Wanderer scribes Davyd Vasilyevich and Fyodor Mikhailovich. The photo. 1918

By its principle, escapism is asceticism in its most severe manifestation. The statutes of the runners are very strict, the punishments for adultery are especially severe. At the same time, there was not a single wandering mentor who did not have several concubines.

As soon as it emerged, the current began to divide into new branches. So the following sects appeared:

defaulters they rejected divine services, the sacraments and the veneration of saints, worshiped only individual "old" relics. They do not make the sign of the cross, they do not wear a cross, they do not recognize fasting. Prayers were replaced by religious home conversations and readings. Non-paying communities still exist in Eastern Siberia.

Mikhailovsky plant in the Urals is one of the centers of non-payers

Luchinkovtsy appeared at the end of the 19th century in the Urals. It was believed that the Antichrist reigned in Russia as early as 1666. From their point of view, the only object of worship not stained by the Antichrist is a torch, therefore they rejected all other means of illumination. Also, the Luchinkovites refused money and trading devices. Completely disappeared in the first half of the 20th century.

Nevyansk plant in the Urals became the center of Luchinkovites

Moneylesscompletely rejected the money. It was not easy to do this even in the 19th century, so they regularly had to resort to the help of the recipients of the land, they did not shun money. Disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century.

The descendants of this direction of the Old Believers inherited the name Bezdenezhnykh. Village TRUKHACHI VYATSKAYA GUB.

Marriage Wanderersallowed marriage even after taking a vow of wandering. Disappeared in the first half of the 20th century.

M.V. Nesterov (1862–1942), "The Hermit"

Hermits they replaced wandering with retreat to remote forests and deserts, where they organized communities, living according to such ascetic standards that even Mary of Egypt would call unnecessarily rigid. According to unverified information, hermit communities exist to this day in the Siberian forests.

Aarons. The Bespopov current of the Aharonites arose in the second half of the 18th century.

Aaron. Mosaic in the church of St. Sophia in Kiev.

One of the leaders of the movement had the nickname Aaron, after his "drive" and began to call this denomination. Aaronites did not consider it necessary to renounce and withdraw from life in society and allowed to marry, which was crowned by a layman. In general, they treated marriage issues very favorably, for example, they allowed to combine married life and desert living. However, Aaronites did not recognize the wedding performed in the Russian Orthodox Church, they demanded a divorce or a new marriage. Like many other Old Believers, the Aaronians shied away from passports, considering them to be “seals of the Antichrist.” Sin, in their opinion, was to give any receipt in court. In addition, the double-dancers were revered as apostates from Christ. Back in the seventies of the last century, several communities of Aaronovites existed in the Vologda Oblast.

Bricklayers. This priestless religious denomination has nothing to do with Masons and their symbols. The name comes from the ancient Russian designation of a mountainous area - a stone. Translated into modern language- highlanders.

All scientists-researchers of this area were surprised at the qualities of the inhabitants. These mountain settlers were courageous, bold, determined and confident. The famous scientist C. F. Ledebour, who visited here in 1826, noted that the psychology of the communities is also really something gratifying in such a wilderness. The Old Believers were not embarrassed by strangers, whom they did not see so often, did not experience shyness and isolation, but, on the contrary, showed openness, straightforwardness and even disinterestedness. According to the ethnographer A. A. Prints, the Altai Old Believers are a daring and dashing people, brave, strong, resolute, tireless.

Bricklayers were formed in the hard-to-reach mountain valleys of the southwestern Altai from all sorts of fugitives: peasants, deserters. Separate communities followed the rituals characteristic of most Old Believer movements. In order to avoid closely related ties, up to 9 generations of ancestors were remembered. External contacts were not welcome. As a result of collectivization and other migration processes, masons scattered around the world, mixing with other Russian ethnic groups. In the 2002 census, only two people identified themselves as bricklayers.

Kerzhaki. The homeland of the Kerzhaks is the banks of the Kerzhenets River in the Nizhny Novgorod province. In fact, the Kerzhaks are not so much a religious movement as an ethnographic group of Russian Old Believers of the Northern Russian type, like masons, the basis of which, by the way, was just the Kerzhaks.

Hood. Severgina Ekaterina. Kerzhaki

Kerzhaks are Russian old-timers of Siberia. When the Kerzhensky sketes were defeated in 1720, the Kerzhaks fled in tens of thousands to the east, to the Perm province, and from there they settled throughout Siberia, to Altai and the Far East. The rites are the same as those of other "classical" Old Believers. Until now, in the Siberian taiga, there are Kerzhatsky zaimki, which have no contacts with outside world, like the famous Lykov family. In the 2002 census, 18 people called themselves Kerzhaks.


Self-baptized. Engraving. 1794

This priestless sect differs from others in that its followers baptized themselves, without priests, through three immersion in water and reading the Creed. Later, self-baptists ceased to perform this "self-rite". Instead, they introduced the custom of baptizing infants in the same way as midwives do in the absence of a priest. So the self-baptized received a second name - grandmothers. Self-baptized grandmothers disappeared in the first half of the 20th century.

Ryabinovtsy. Ryabinovtsy refused to pray for icons where anyone other than the depicted image was present. There were few such icons, and in order to get out of the situation, the Ryabinovites began to carve eight-pointed crosses from rowan wood without images and inscriptions for prayers.

Ryabinovtsy, as the name implies, generally revered this tree very much. According to their beliefs, it was from the mountain ash that the cross was made, on which Christ was crucified. In addition, the Ryabinovites did not recognize church sacraments, they themselves baptized their children in the name of the Holy Trinity, but without the rank of baptism and prayers. In general, they recognized only one prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!”. As a result of this, they buried their dead without a funeral service, instead they laid down prostrations for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Completely disappeared in the first half of the 20th century.

Dyrniki. This is the course of self-baptized bespopovtsy. The name of the sect appeared because of the characteristic way of praying. Dyrniki do not venerate icons painted after the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, since there was no one to consecrate them.

At the same time, they do not recognize "pre-reform" icons either, since they have been defiled by "heretics". To get out of the predicament, the dyrniki began to pray like Muslims, on the street facing east. In the warm season, this is not difficult to do, but our winter is very different from the Middle East. Praying while looking at the walls or a glazed window is a sin, so the hole-makers have to make special holes in the walls, which are plugged with plugs. Separate communities of dyrniks exist to this day in the Komi Republic.

Middlemen. Sredniki is another bespriest-self-baptizing movement. Unlike other self-baptists, they do not recognize… the days of the week. In their opinion, when during the time of Peter the Great they moved the celebration of the new year from September 1 to January 1, the courtiers made a mistake by 8 years and moved the days of the week. Like, today's Wednesday is the former Sunday. Our Sunday, according to them, is Thursday. Completely disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century.