How to correctly perform conspiracies on a coin. Money spells, Wealth spells, Money spells

  • 16.10.2019

Sometimes in life we ​​are faced with an acute shortage of financial resources. Of course, happiness does not lie at all in money, but it is not possible to live without them these days. Many people in such cases turn to magic for help - they perform rituals that help increase financial well-being. Reading a conspiracy on a coin for money and good luck is one of the clearest examples of such rituals, and we will talk about it in this material. But first, let's look at certain tricks that will help you keep money in.

There are several operating methods, . Let's consider the most popular of them further.

With the help of folk beliefs

Our ancestors were very wise, they had many signs and beliefs to attract wealth. So, if you want to always have a lot of money, use the following tips:

  1. Never spend money on the day you get paid. It is necessary that finances spend the night at home in full for at least one night (or more).
  2. You need to take one banknote of a large denomination and not exchange it for a whole year. It will "impregnate" your home with monetary energy and will contribute to the active attraction of money.
  3. Never leave your wallet completely empty - let it contain at least one coin. Also, when you put out-of-season clothes in the closet, put coins or small bills in your pockets. Also make sure that all pockets are without holes - this is not to the liking of the money egregor.
  4. Remember the famous expression - "Money goes to money" - this is the basic rule of money magic.
  5. When you drink tea and bubbles form on the cup - collect them with a spoon and drink - this will attract finance to you.
  6. It is recommended to buy 3 red carnations on Thursday and constantly keep them in your home - this will help attract material wealth.
  7. When you move into a new dwelling, if you want to live in abundance in it, scatter coins on the floor (preferably from silver).
  8. Take a couple of banknotes and put them under the tablecloth, do not take them out and do not exchange them - this way you will save yourself from loss.
  9. To provide constant inflow new money, it is necessary on the night when the moon is full, put an open wallet without money on the windowsill, and in a closed one, but filled with money.
  10. When you see a young moon in the sky, show her the highest denomination banknote you have. Then the amount of money will increase along with the growth of the month.

Through the Art of Feng Shui

Using the rules of the art of Feng Shui, you charge your wallet with monetary energy. To do this, you will just need to follow simple recommendations:

By the power of thought

All the methods above will be ineffective if your thinking is wrong. You need to forget about all the prejudices regarding money, sincerely love it and always perceive it only in a positive context.

Magic to attract finance

Having decided to use conspiracies to attract money, we advise you to familiarize yourself with certain magical rules that will help enhance the success of the rite.

Now we bring to your attention examples of effective conspiracies for money.

per coin

Any coin is taken and the following text is slandered on it:

An important rule is that you read the plot only on an even day of the week, when the moon arrives. When you have finished reading, hide the coin in the corner and do not touch it for seven days. Make sure that no one touches or shifts it - otherwise you will have to repeat the action described above.

When a week has passed, spend this coin. Then on the next even day, when the moon rises, take a new coin, having spoken it before. It will be necessary to repeat the ritual twice more, after which the level of your income will increase significantly.

For a large sum of money

This conspiracy helps to get a large amount of money.

To perform the next rite, you will need to stock up on five church candles white color, light them, cross them three times and pronounce the following conspiracy words:

Wait for the candles to burn out completely, then you will need to roll the wax until a solid lump forms and put it in your wallet.

Using all these conspiracies, as well as adhering to the rules for attracting material wealth, you can significantly increase your income and will never need finances. The main thing is to always believe in the power of the rituals you conduct and perform all magical actions only in a good mood.

We also invite you to watch a video from which you will learn even more interesting conspiracies to attract money.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

In some life circumstances, it is simply impossible to do without the help of white magic. If a person works hard, and the financial situation in his life does not change, you should think about additional ways to attract wealth into your life. A conspiracy on a coin or other types of magical influence will help a person achieve financial well-being, become more successful. Naturally, you should not sit idly by. It is important to keep working for your own good. And magic will help you achieve your goals faster.

To improve your financial situation, you need to work

Rituals for getting rich quick is a special formulation of words and actions that are aimed at changing the fate of a person, at increasing his financial well-being. It is very important to adhere to all the rules for conducting rituals, so the effect will be positive. It is also important to believe that the result will be fast and lasting.

Believe in a quick and lasting enrichment result

Such rituals belong to everyday magic, they can be performed even by those who have not previously encountered magic. No additional hard-to-find attributes or special knowledge are required. The bill plot is strong, to enhance the effect of it, you may need the following attributes:

  • dried plants;
  • tree bark;
  • teeth, animal hair;
  • large bills or small coins;
  • church candles;
  • consecrated water.

It is necessary to prepare in advance those things that will be needed for the ritual, so as not to be distracted during it.

Rules for conducting rituals

Before conducting a ceremony to attract money, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations with which you can increase the effectiveness of rituals:

All rules must be followed

Observing simple rules, you can attract monetary energy, wealth, success and financial well-being.

Effective rituals for a coin

To the moon

Magical actions for a money wallet are carried out during the growing moon. On a saucer you need to lay paper towel or a napkin. Spray lightly with water. Sprinkle a handful of wheat on top. Top with a paper towel as well. Spray a little with water. Do this for three days in a row. On the third day, read the text of the spell:

During the growing moon, increase the capital of your wallet

“Mother Voditsa, Mother Wheat. As from one small grain a whole field of wheat grows, as from one spikelet you can make a lot of food, feed a large number of people. So let my money multiply, it makes me happy. They will only be mine. Just as wheat will feed the elderly, and babies, and the poor, and the rich, so let the money not be taken away from me, not go anywhere, although they will spend it, but for good and necessary deeds. May it be so."

Then pour some warm water and say:

“As a grain of wheat grows, so my money multiplies, with wealth and good luck I will go through life.”

Then twist the entire contents of the saucer and bury it in a deserted place. When the wheat rises, there will be more money.

Another strong ritual for a coin can be performed during the growing moon. On a trifle, read the slander three times:

Coins can bring you income

“Beauty of the night, the moon. You are silver and gold, I look at your beauty and charm. And I call for help. Send your golden rays to my coins, charge them with your pure and powerful energy. Let my money be added, my wallet is shaking with wealth.

When the love spell on the coin is read, put a trifle on the windowsill. Leave until the morning. Let penny coins be charged with lunar energy. Put them in your wallet in the morning and carry them with you for 30 days. After buying something with that money.

On a nickel

A plot for a patch is carried out during the period of the growing moon or the full moon. A conspiracy for a 5 ruble coin is carried out on a moonlit night. Take five rubles in your hand, looking at the month, read on the nickel:

“I’m going as a merchant to a wide bazaar, with my income, with me wealth and prosperity, send me, Lord, so that everyone has enough. Amen".

You will need a coin of 5 rubles

When reading for a five-ruble coin or for 5 kopecks, stroke the coin clockwise with your left palm. Repeat the plot for 5 rubles three times. Then wash your hands in salt water and go to bed. Store change for 30 days, then buy something.

In the sun

The power of solar energy will also help with money. We are talking about a new or found penny (if you accidentally find it on the street). On the gold coin read these words three times:

“The sun shines bright and warm. Light up, coin, with clear gold, warm my wallet. Give me wealth."

Put the coin so that the sun's rays fall directly on it. Let it charge for 12 hours. Then, with the help of a coin, increase your wealth, as it will become a personal amulet. Carry it in a purse in a secret pocket.

On the water

You will need two buckets. Fill one with water, let the other remain empty. Plot on a coin to read at night. Dip a coin into one bucket, then pour water from a full bucket into an empty bucket and read:

Fill one of the two buckets with water

“The river is long and wide, you flow among the clean and wide fields. Your stream is powerful, you give life to all living beings, servants of God, plants and trees. So let financial well-being flow into my bins with a stormy stream. Let the money flow in a stormy stream. I can curb them, keep and increase. My words are strong and strong, no one can destroy them, no one can lure my money for themselves.

After reading the words on a silver coin or fiat coin, take it out and store it in your wallet.

Quick plot to get rich

Wrap 10 rubles in the hem of clothing (dress or shirt). Standing on the threshold of the house, whisper:

"The Lord is merciful to my house, and the money is in the stream."

It is necessary to keep rubles in a secret place

Keep the charmed money in a red bag in a secret place. Forty kopecks can be used for such spells. In this case, a plot for 40 coins will need to be read forty times.

How to speak a coin for a new wallet

To get rich, magic helps. To do this, you need to buy a new wallet. Put a ruble coin in it, go to any source of water. Wet your hands and take your wallet, read the conspiracy for the ruble:

“This coin lies, it cannot fall out or get lost. May it bring me only joy and success. I am waiting for my wealth, like a stormy river, like the moon and the sun, like food and water. Let it be as it is said and spoken in the bright hour and with sincere motives.

Every person dreams of becoming rich. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone succeeds. Very frequent are life situations that money, despite all the efforts made, seems to bypass a person. In such cases, you can use magic and read the plot so that money is kept in the house.

There are many rituals that are aimed at attracting money and you can do them yourself. But at the same time, it should be understood that any conspiracy to make money flow only opens financial channels for energy level. And money is always earned by one's own work and diligence.

Strong rite with a bill

On the new moon, you can spend a very strong magical ritual, aimed at attracting financial well-being to life, in which the use of banknotes of great denomination is expected.

Secluded in separate room must be taken with the right hand paper bill. Next, using left hand, it is necessary to wrap its left corner. So, you need to fold the bill so that you get an isosceles triangle. Then the money is bent along the vertical axis. After that, you need to put the bill on a chair and sit on it.

“Like a swift natural river, it flows through the earth's firmament and attracts all the streams in the vicinity. It is getting wider and stronger. As the sea is boundless and blue, it is filled with wide and strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man and she needs his seed for the birth of a new life. How night without day is impossible to imagine, and how the moon is nourished by sunlight. So let the money that is conspicuous to itself attract other money. I call with a prayer and a request, I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) to the powers of heaven and to the Holy Mother of God. How strong is the magic stone Alatyr, so strong is my slander. Amen".

"You are now magic power master, so call your sisters and brothers to you.”

After that, the bill must be put in a separate pocket in the bag, having previously crossed it three times. Finally, you need to read nine times effective prayer"Our Father". The charmed banknote cannot be spent during the year. During this period, you should periodically receive banknotes of the same denomination. Each time, at the same time, you mentally need to thank the initially charmed bill for the work.

If you feel like a prosperous person in terms of finances, it does not hurt to conduct a ceremony that will help protect yourself from poverty. The ritual is performed in the phase of the new month. It is important to perform the ceremony on Sunday on a cloudless night, when the stars are clearly visible in the sky. It is necessary to go out into the street, holding money in your hands.

After that, looking at the sky, you need to pronounce such a magical conspiracy seven times:

The next day, on Monday morning, you need to take the monetary attribute used in the rite and add three more coins to it. Money should be put on the windowsill, and there they should lie for a week.

At the same time, every day morning hour you need to approach the money and pronounce the following magic words:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) will come up on Monday, I’ll look on Tuesday, I’ll pick it up on Wednesday, I’ll take it away on Thursday, I’ll start saving on Friday, wealth will come on Saturday, and on Sunday money luck will be with me will remain. Amen".

After the time has elapsed, the charmed money should be put in a wallet in a separate place and not spent. They will serve as a talisman and attract wealth to you.

Conspiracy using poppy

On the same night, secluded in a separate room, you should spread a black scarf on the table. And first you need to remove the tablecloth from the table. On the scarf, you need to draw a clear circle with the help of a remnant. It is important to use soap that has only been used by you. Pour poppy seeds into the center of the drawn circle.

On it with a ring finger right hand a cross is drawn, then the following magic phrases are pronounced:

“There is an island on the distant sea-ocean, quiet and calm. On it is the firmament of the earth. The Lord himself lives there, the Gods, the Holy Mother of God. I, the Servant of God (proper name), will go there for help. I will bow to the ground and make a request. There was a time when you, Holy Mother of God, lived with people on earth, took bread products in your hands and paid for everything yourself. And she always had money in her wallet. You know that without them food is not given and clothes are not made, and even candles cannot be taken in the holy temple. So I ask you, give me so much money that it was enough for everything. Let there be as many of them in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. My desire is strong, and my words are firm. Amen".

The charmed poppy must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it.

If you sincerely believe in magic, then conspiracies aimed at making money flow will certainly improve your well-being.

Each person controls his own destiny without even realizing it. Some Russians use their own knowledge for this purpose, while others resort to magic spells. It doesn't matter if a person believes in the power of magic, the most strong conspiracy for money read on coins will help him solve financial problems. In fact, such a decision will become an option for managing your destiny in terms of providing money.

It is necessary to use various conspiracies that are read by the person himself in order to apply his own will to achieve a positive result. In this way, it will be possible to attract wealth and prosperity to a person for a couple of decades. For this purpose, it is necessary to collect certain flowers and herbs:

  • green dill;
  • Clover;
  • snapdragon grass;
  • ash bark.

They are put in a small green bag in equal proportions, on which it is necessary to read a money love spell with the following content: “Everything that I have planned must be carried out. I say it is done. I do the work - it turns into a profit.

If a conspiracy for money and good luck is read on a coin, then the secret desire of people to live without financial difficulties and problems is realized. There are many spells that are quite easy to perform if you follow the suggested instructions. It is recommended to write down the texts of love spells in order to periodically restore them in memory and read them regularly.

Any conspiracy on a coin is carried out with the aim of directing the necessary energy to financial flows surrounding all people. Regular reading of the plot turns the hearth into the strongest money magnet. It is important to understand that these types of spells are considered white magic, and therefore do not bear negative consequences for people. Any transaction related to money must be accompanied by a preliminary reading of the love text.

The most powerful conspiracy for money to read on coins

Each conspiracy to read a coin so that money flows involves the observance of a certain ritual. Any deviation from it will turn the procedure into a waste of time and one's own strength. Consider several options for effective conspiracies:

  1. We put a penny under the aspen tree on the full moon and bury it under the indicated plot. Then we bake bread, saying before baking: “The dough should rise, grow and increase. Me and my wealth are also growing, fame is rising and money is floating in the wallet.”
  2. We put any coin in a clean saucer, cover it with wheat and cover with a handkerchief. After 3 days, add water so that the grain germinates. It is necessary to repeat periodically: “Mother Earth gives food to all people. From the grain of a large increase. Send me financial luck too, let the money multiply like grain. Day and night let them multiply, give your blessing, Lord.
  3. We take 5 kopecks and stand with them at the window. Carefully watching the moon, we say the phrase: “Like a successful merchant, I’m going to the market, I’m flying in as a young falcon for profit. Send me riches so that there is enough for everyone, amen. It is necessary to pronounce the words three times, holding the coin in the right hand and drawing along its edge with the left hand. After a love spell, they wash their hands in salt water and go to bed. The coin must be carried with you for a month, speaking a new coin on the next full moon.
  4. We put a yellow coin under the rays of the sun. We read the following love spell over it 3 times: “The sun shines with gold, warming our earth. Shine a coin with golden fire, bringing wealth to the house. The coin must lie under the sun for 12 hours, after which we place it in the wallet and do not spend it.

In this article:

The most popular are not love plots, but money ones, especially in the era of a total and widespread crisis! Today, everyone wants to get rich first. And if the majority of people can deal with love on their own, then only a few can deal with luck and cash flows.

Carrying out conspiracies

How to direct positive financial energy in the right direction, how to get rich, how to become more successful and rich? Read the plot for money! Yes, conspiracies cannot work for you, but they will help you become a magnet for cash flows.

By the way, financial conspiracies belong to white magic, which means that they do not have negative consequences for the author and customer.

Using conspiracies that attract money, you can not only make a fortune, but also profitably sell an apartment or car, buy a house and other property.

Conspiracy with a five-ruble coin

Dig a hole under the aspen, put a nickel there, slander it and cover it with earth. This should be done on the full moon of an even day. Hex words:

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, grind a worm, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to make money

Open your wallet and say:

“Hello king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong conspiracy option

On the new moon buys a gray poppy from a woman without taking change. Spread a black headscarf on the table. In this case, the table should be empty and not covered with anything else. Draw a circle on the handkerchief with a remnant that only you yourself used before. Place a poppy in the center of the circle. Draw a cross on the poppy (with the ring finger of your right hand) and say:

“There is a quiet island on the sea-ocean. The island is solid ground. The Lord God lives there, the Mother of God and I. I will go closer to them, bow to them below. Mother of God, You lived on sinful earth, took bread with your hands, paid money for bread, carried money in your wallet.
Without money, they don’t give food, don’t weave clothes, don’t sell candles in the church. Give me, Lord, as much money in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. I lock these words, I close this business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Protection from poverty

This conspiracy is done for a young month. On Sunday, when the sky is lit up with stars, go outside holding any paper bill in your hand. Looking at the sky, say seven times:

“As there are no stars in the sky, so it would be with us, God’s servants (your name and spouse), iron, silver and paper money would not be transferred. May it be so! Amen".

On Monday morning, take the charmed bill and any three coins, put them on the window, where they should lie for seven days. Every day, read the following conspiracy for money:

“I’ll get up on Monday, I’ll look on Tuesday, I’ll take it on Wednesday, I’ll bring it on Thursday, I’ll save up on Friday, I’ll live richly on Saturday, and I’m lucky on Sunday. It will be so and not otherwise! Amen".

Seven - sacred number so don't miss a day

When the specified period has passed, put the money in your wallet and in no case spend it.

Conspiracy for a coin

For the ritual, you will need a coin of any value, on which you should say the following words:

“As there is a lot of mud in a swamp, as there are a lot of fish in the water, so much wealth I have. A month, grow and grow, and give me, God's servant (name), give wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The plot is read on an even day on the growing moon. At the end of the reading of the plot, the coin lies in the corner of the house for seven days and is not touched by anyone. If someone touches the coin or shifts it to another place, the ritual should be repeated again.

After a week, the coin must be spent. On the next growing moon on an even day, a new coin should be spoken and put again in the same corner. After that, the ritual is repeated two more times.

Conspiracy for a rich life

To perform the ritual, you need to buy 12 apples without taking change. On the first day of the ritual, every second apple must be given to the beggar. You must bring 6 apples home.
On the second day, give every other apple to the poor again.

On the third day, take the remaining 3 apples to the church, putting them on the memorial table and saying to yourself:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let wealth with money be with me. Amen".