How to develop voice, diction and speech? How to improve speech clarity.

  • 17.10.2019

The ability to speak beautifully and coherently is instilled in a person from childhood. But sometimes it happens that in adulthood speech problems make themselves felt. Meanwhile, delivered speech is needed in all spheres of life: at work, in interpersonal relationships, while going to the store, cinema, theater, beauty salon and in other everyday situations. The attitude towards us depends on our ability to speak. So, how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully?

Speech defects such as burr or lisp can be associated with congenital diseases. And these shortcomings are the first thing to be eliminated in order to develop speech. Therefore, before being interested in how to develop a beautiful speech, you need to visit a speech therapist to eliminate possible defects. On our website you can find answers to questions - and in more detail.

Sometimes a patient is prescribed a surgical operation, after which a person will be able to use his speech with maximum efficiency. After removing all physical obstacles, it is already possible to think about how to improve speech and make it varied and exciting.

Exercises and techniques

For an adult, it is important to speak beautifully and coherently. And in order to develop this skill, to improve your speech, you need to constantly work on yourself. The following exercises will help you master the skill:

  1. Expanding lexicon. Choose a short prose text that you like. Arm yourself with a Russian language dictionary and a dictionary of synonyms. Your task is to replace the words in the text with synonyms. You can choose phrases instead of words, catchphrases. At first, try to replace only adjectives, over time, move on to other parts of speech.
  2. To develop logic and ingenuity, work with keywords. To do this, select a small text and point your finger at a word in it without looking. It can be absolutely any part of speech that carries a semantic load. In this way, determine for yourself 5 keywords. Turn on your imagination and logic and come up with a story or story based on keywords. For more late term learning can choose more keywords.
  3. To develop confident speech and give it the right emotional coloring, work with the text from the previous exercise. Stand in front of a mirror. Read your text without emotion. Then give it an emotional coloring that seems appropriate to you. At the same time, watch your facial expression. Is it appropriate if you were telling the text to someone? Work with multiple emotions. Read the story with joy, sadness, embarrassment, disappointment, and whatever feelings you can think of.
  4. Use a voice recorder. You need to record your voice four times. The first two times you should read a poem and a prose work with expression. You can’t read the third and fourth times, you need to recite the same works by heart. Rate your speech according to two criteria: whether you like it and whether others would like it. You must speak from memory with the same confidence and expression as when you read. Work with this exercise until the speech sounds perfect to you. If you are having trouble remembering a poem, then read our article -.
  5. This exercise will effectively deliver a speech to an adult. But to complete it, you will need a partner. As in one of the previous exercises, choose 10 keywords from your favorite text. According to these words, you have to conduct a dialogue with the interlocutor. The task is considered completed if the replicas of adults are not strained, the conversation goes easily and naturally, both partners succeed in speaking coherently and beautifully. You should feel that the conversation is interesting to you.

These are tips on how to make a beautiful speech and learn how to maintain any conversation. In order for these exercises to bring even greater effect and be easily performed, it is advisable to first perform actions before them to warm up the muscles of the tongue, face and set the breath. This will help us. Below are also described very effective classes.

Putting on a stage speech

It is often difficult for an adult to deliver a speech due to weak muscles of the tongue. To eliminate this problem, you need to perform exercises until the root of the tongue feels tired. Accordingly, the muscles will be strengthened.

  • Imagine that you are holding a piece of your favorite fruit or berry in your mouth. Start pressing the treat into the sky with your tongue. Imagine how you taste.
  • Close your lips tightly. Lick the outside of your teeth with your tongue until you feel tired.
  • Open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Start gradually lightly biting it with your teeth along the entire length. Do this for about a minute.

The following exercises for the development of speech in adults are aimed at warming up the muscles of the face:

  • Pull out your lips with a tube, then immediately smile as wide as possible. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • Pull out the lips with a tube and rotate them first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do 15-20 reps on each side.
  • Mentally divide the face into 2 halves by drawing a vertical line. At first, try to move the muscles of one part of the face until it is completely tired. Then move on to the second half.

Now you must understand how to breathe correctly. To do this, stand up straight, put your hand on your stomach. Breathe in slowly. The abdomen should protrude. If you breathe from your chest, your belly will stay in place. You need to learn how to breathe with the help of the diaphragm, and the stomach must move while doing this.

From now on, when you develop speech through exercises, always make sure that your breathing is correct.

Tongue twisters as an aid to the speaker

How to improve speech without diction? No actor or speaker has yet been able to do this. Therefore, you need to work on diction. For this, reading or pronunciation by heart of tongue twisters is suitable. Any tongue twisters you can find will do, you can use the popular tongue twister "". Here is also for example one of the most difficult:

“Aground we lazily caught burbot
And we exchanged burbot for tench.
Didn't you sweetly pray for me for love
And the mists of Liman beckoned me.

It is advisable to memorize tongue twisters so that you can practice at any time of the day and anywhere.

We talked about how to develop literate speech. Be confident, train on your own as much as you can, and within a month you will begin to reap the rewards of your efforts. Developing your speech and learning oratory is not only pleasant, but also necessary for everyday life.

What is the difference between a research assistant and a children's animator? The scientist speaks clearly, briefly, correctly, but dryly and boringly. The animator's vocabulary is rich, bright, figurative, but often illiterate. A bunch of words with diminutive suffixes, incorrect endings amuse children, but are unacceptable for adults. However, if you take only the best from the language of both workers, you get an ideal style. How to improve speech so that everything is displayed in it - both the erudition of a scientist and the brightness of an animator?

How to improve your speech technically

Study orthoepy

The pronunciation of sounds in vain is underestimated. Together they add up to syllables, those into words, and the latter into phrases. If just one detail is spoken incorrectly, it can distort the entire sentence. This is fraught with distortion of meaning, misunderstandings.

Fortunately, there are enough textbooks on the Internet that explain orthoepic norms in an accessible way. Here, for example, are a few rules of Russian orthoepy:

  • if the word contains the letter “ё”, the stress will always fall on it;
  • “h”, “u”, “mid” and “sr” in any positions sound soft (unlike Ukrainian language where they are solid);
  • adjectives in the genitive case ending in “-th”, “-his”, are read as [-ova], [-iva] or [-ava];
  • the unstressed letter “o” in the first syllable is read as [a] ([∧]);
  • voiced “b”, “c”, “g”, “d”, “g” and “z” at the end of words turn into voiceless “p”, “f”, “k / x”, “t”, “sh ” and “s”, respectively.

By studying this topic in detail, you can get rid of the accent and signs of the dialect. If you want to speak beautifully in a foreign language, you will have to study its spelling rules.

Check out grammar books

Grammar is a branch of linguistics that includes morphology and syntax. This discipline is the core of any language, as it explains most of the linguistic patterns. By opening the grammar book, you can learn how to:

  • conjugate verbs correctly according to persons and numbers;
  • correctly inflect nouns according to cases;
  • use modal, auxiliary parts of speech;
  • modify verb forms to convey time;
  • combine different language units;
  • make good proposals.

How can a person understand that his speech lacks literacy? If the phrases “play the piano”, “more beautiful”, “studying the instructions, there was a feeling ...” do not cause any discomfort or suspicion, then it’s time to urgently take up the grammar of the Russian language.

Work on vocabulary

Grammar is the core of the technical part of speech, vocabulary is its shell. No one will buy the most delicious sweets if they are packed in dirty, torn or nondescript candy wrappers. A person may know the rules of the language, but be unable to convey the essence of the thought due to a meager vocabulary. And they will lose interest in it - just like in sweets with an inconspicuous wrapper.

However, it is not enough just to memorize a few new words. It is also better to ask them:

  • direct values;
  • figurative meanings;
  • emotional coloring;
  • frequency, demand;
  • scope of use;
  • degree of comprehensibility to others.

If you dig deeper, delve into the history of lexemes, you can learn a pun - funny game words.

A rich vocabulary allows you to communicate without hesitation and awkward pauses. It makes it possible to convey thoughts more accurately, vividly, avoiding misunderstandings. Such advantages help in career advancement and other ascents.

Learn to express thoughts correctly

In such a case, not just knowledge will be needed, but skills that help to use this theory. We need a logic that develops:

  • subsequence;
  • abilities for analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction;
  • concretization (lack of “water”, highlighting the main thing);
  • tendency to laconicism;
  • outlook, its breadth and versatility;
  • comprehensive information;
  • the ability to avoid linguistic and semantic tautologies (repetitions).

The consistency of information makes it useful for listeners. They begin to listen to the opinion of the interlocutor, to consult with him. Logic inspires confidence, a sense of reliability and confidence. At the same time, it is not necessary to become Sherlock Holmes or a private detective and show the subtlest manifestations of deduction. It is enough to develop your skills to the level at which they will help in communication.

But how to “revive” your speech, breathe soul into it, you can find out in the next section of the article.

How to develop speech artistically

Use epithets

Epithets are expressed mainly by adjectives. They make speech more expressive, but it is better to use them wisely. A few tips:

  • do not use more than 2 (at least 3) trails in a row;
  • avoid too exaggerated, “theatrical” words (“the most beautiful snow”, “universal gratitude”);
  • make sure that adjectives agree with nouns;
  • avoid repetition (“a beautiful vase flaunted on a beautiful tablecloth”);
  • to the main objects or personalities of the story, select the most vivid epithets.

Since these paths are figurative, you can experiment with them. Their use is combined with the author's conjecture and creative flight of thought. However, the logic in the selection of epithets is still important. Another proof that the connection between technical and artistic parts is unbreakable.

Build vivid images

Epithets are not the only means that fill speech with expressiveness. Commonly used figures also include:

  • metaphor - figurative, often hidden comparison, transfer of meaning (“serpentine look”, “the sun laughs”, “sky embroidered with a cloudy pattern”);
  • oxymoron - inconsistency ("voice of silence", "hot ice floe", "good villain");
  • antithesis - opposition (“strangers roam our land”, “love and hate”, “black lace curled on a white dress”);
  • hyperbole - exaggeration ("omnipotent man", "she is not just a problem, she is - disaster”, “rummaged through a ton of papers”);
  • litote - reduction or mitigation (“light as a fluff ballerina”, “wasp waist”, “a huge dog suddenly seemed like a puppy”).

Comparisons that are direct in meaning are less expressive than the listed paths. However, they force listeners to imagine specific images, which makes it easier to understand the information.

Develop a sense of humor

In almost every circle of friends there is a person who always has a couple of jokes or everyday stories in stock for all occasions. If at the same time he has charisma, he is doomed to be the soul of the company.

An adequate sense of humor allows you to select appropriate jokes for any event. It does not accept vulgarity, cynicism, sarcasm where all this can harm. Even "black humor" has the right to exist if it is used among understanding people and does not affect anyone's interests or feelings. For this level, you will have to work on charm, wit and light self-irony.

fall in love with psychology

To discover a psychologist in yourself, you don’t need to get into someone’s head or develop hereditary extrasensory perception. It is enough to connect attentiveness, ingenuity and a little imagination. How to use psychology techniques in a conversation:

  • skillfully create intrigue (prepare a surprise or describe something without naming the subject itself);
  • mention in a conversation facts from a topic of interest to the interlocutor;
  • establish contact (catch a look, make sure that the listener follows the facial expression, gestures of the narrator);
  • unobtrusively direct the course of the conversation in the right direction (“His project is good. It is logical and simple. True ... It lacks a memorable detail. By the way, using the example of my work, I can demonstrate how to create and use such a “zest””);
  • check the degree of interest by seeing if the interlocutor repeats the movements of the speaker (unconsciously).

Recommendations on how to improve speech set the direction. Their implementation will take far from one day. This is a huge work that requires constant development. Surely at first at least one piece of advice will be hard to give or even seem impossible. However, if you squeeze your will into a fist and do not stop in the middle of the path, success will not be long in coming.

Beautiful, correct speech- a necessary attribute of a successful man. Why is it so important to develop speech for an adult if he has certain problems with it? Maybe not bother and continue to communicate at the same level? It is better, of course, to improve your skills. I'll explain why.

Firstly, with correct, confident speech, efficiency in communication immediately increases. It becomes easier to negotiate with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

Secondly, in a pickup truck, this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you do it."

How to develop correct and beautiful speech for an adult

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing to do is visit a speech therapist. With the help of a doctor, you can quickly correct the situation in better side. He will give recommendations on how to work on correcting speech.

If you do not have obvious defects, then you can enroll in a school of oratory. They teach you how to speak and speak confidently in public, to interest the audience so that people listen to you with enthusiasm. Of course, it costs money, and often tangible. But in the end you will rise in life to new level, and the fee for these courses will be beaten off more than once. Such schools operate in most major cities.

How to develop good speech

In order to develop competent speech, you will have to work hard. You can take the first steps yourself:

Reading fiction . Extremely useful activity, in which you learn the correct and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new vocabulary, a subtle sense of humor and much more. After a conscious reading of several books, you can already feel a certain result.

Watching Public Speaking famous people . Choose the person who impresses you the most in terms of beauty and literacy of speech. This may be a politician, a business coach or a person of any other profession related to publicity. Watch recordings of his performances, memorize the moments you liked and impressed most. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home workout:

In addition to the above tips, you can perform specific exercises at home that will help you in oratory. Important conditions for successful development are methodicalness, diligence and awareness of what you are doing at the moment.

#1 Reading tongue twisters. Where do without them. One of the most productive and popular exercises for the development of speech, which has a positive effect on articulation. To get started, choose a few tongue twisters to work out different sounds. Each tongue twister should be carefully worked on, bringing its pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading aloud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedy, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and sentences with correct intonation and expression.

#4 Keyword story. To do this, write out a few words that are not related to each other, and use them to come up with a short story on the go. This exercise develops logical thinking and ingenuity.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose a topic, throw in a short conversation plan. The purpose of this exercise is the ability to competently conduct a conversation, captivate your interlocutor, acquire persuasion skills in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the rest of the article, are the tip of the iceberg. But even with the help of this information, you got the basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you complete the exercises above, then your communication skills will improve markedly. Good luck!

Beautiful and competent speech is the dream of many people of different sex and age. Some people are endowed with the art of speaking correctly from birth, while others learn this all their lives. After all, competently talking man will be able to convince the interlocutor of his point of view, and his speech sounds much more confident. These abilities are important not only for public people, but also for common man. We'll tell you how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

Main steps to success

Presentation in front of colleagues

  • awareness of the problem in speech and a great desire to change it;
  • the presence of patience, which is very useful when repeating exercises and workouts;
  • a certain amount of time and space to study;
  • unlimited confidence in success;
  • support from family and friends.

Workout program

The action program itself is very simple, interesting and effective. Having written the points of the plan on the sheet, you can safely proceed to their implementation.

Reading classical works is considered the basis of literate speech. It is they that are saturated with original speech turns that help to understand the heroes of that time, their thoughts, experiences, spiritual values. Properly written dialogues give the reader a sense of the essence of the relationship of a certain period. Some phrases that describe people, household items of that time, help to plunge into the atmosphere of the inner world of the characters, into the development of their ideas.

Speech rate and listener attention

The pace of your speech and its impact on others can be easily felt when recording your speech on a voice recorder. When listening to yourself, it will become clear what prevents the audience from focusing on your speech and listening to it with interest to the end.

Most often, listeners are annoyed by excessive monotony or, conversely, the increased speed of presentation of the material. Without assimilating the content of the conversation, people instantly lose interest in it. And even the most unusual material, delivered in a monotonous speech, will not arouse the approval of listeners.

The problem of choosing a speech tempo is not the most difficult task. The main thing is to feel the audience and change the intonation in time in order to periodically shake the audience.

You can learn more about speech techniques in the video:

Use of embellishments in speech

Any text, dryly stated, is difficult for the interlocutor to perceive. But it is worth adding a little humor or accurate sayings, and the audience is already full of attention. The secret here is simple - to correctly use humor, quotes from famous people can only well-read person as close as possible to their listeners. The speaker becomes an authority for them, a respected person who can be trusted in judgments. And this is already a big part of the success with the public.

by the most the right way adding embellishments to speech is considered to be developing one's own style. To do this, you need to read a lot and thoughtfully.

Public speaking to different audiences

A toast at a wedding is a great practice!

It is impossible to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully without practical performances. Unfamiliar listeners of different sex and age are especially valuable. There is no need to be afraid to publicly express your point of view, to voice your thoughts, even if the first experience is not as successful as expected.

You don’t need to stop there, but, on the contrary, continue to speak to people in public. With each new performance, self-confidence will be added, and this is another stage on the path to success.

Record your favorite phrases, quotes and thoughts

By writing down in a notebook or notebook what you liked in a book or heard in a conversation, you can use it in your speech in the future. It helps a lot to analyze your performances or the performances of other people. In this case, it is better not to fix errors, but to record the best moments of discussions.

The impression that you create in the first minutes of communication with a person remains for a long time. And it will be extremely difficult to change it. In the future, your interlocutor will start from him in order to maintain communication with you. You have to learn, and it depends a lot on what you say and how you do it. Apply the tips from this article, and you will start to get a lot today!

Improving your speech from scratch

I often talk in my articles and trainings about the high importance non-verbal communication I make you watch your body language. This is what guys forget most often when they approach a girl to get acquainted. Gestures can tell a lot about a person, and they affect the subconscious, regardless of our ability to "read" body language. Yes, just getting to know a girl with gestures alone will not be easy, you also need to say something. And if you know what exactly, your chances of getting an extra number in notebook rise.

Do I need to improve my speech? Oddly enough, there is still a direct relationship between the social status of a person and his position in society with vocabulary. The higher your status, the better you should be able to communicate. Less educated people try to place more emphasis on gestures, and those who are at the top of our human food chain have a huge vocabulary, and through it they can easily communicate with everyone, influence people, and make smarter decisions. Interestingly, this scheme also works in the opposite direction. The better you speak, the higher position you will eventually occupy.

I already told you once. If you can give her the feeling of flying without having to buy a plane, in simple terms, then she will want to communicate with you further. You speak well, it's really interesting. She should feel what you are talking about, and therefore - we enrich our speech!

Let's make a plan

How to develop your speech? This is a long and difficult process that will require you to a large number workouts. But the result will definitely exceed your expectations, you will get your hands on an excellent tool of influence, and a pickup truck is only a small part of where you can apply your skills. And certainly not the main one. To make a plan to improve your speech, you need the following:
  1. recognize the problem and be motivated to solve it (the main motivation for you is to improve your dating skills);
  2. prepare for the fact that it will not be easy, be patient;
  3. allocate a specific place and time for future classes;
  4. ask friends and family to help you, stop when you say something wrong, believe me, they will support your initiative and will be happy to help.
Gather your strength and think about the problems in your speech. Are you even aware of their existence? From here you will understand how to train your speech.

improvement program

The program, the algorithm of actions, how to improve your speech and vocabulary, are quite simple. But this does not mean that it will be easy to follow them. You will need to constantly control your speech, and not just devote time to training.

One more good method how to decorate your speech - keep a personal diary. But I do not recommend writing down your thoughts and actions there. You never know who will find it, it will be unpleasant. Better use it to write down quotes you especially like.

Find yourself an idol. You should like exactly how and what he says. Try to look at his performances and behavior as often as possible. You will unconsciously begin to memorize and imitate him. As a result, speech will even out, even if you didn’t want it in the first place.


Small but very important section. People who are interested in the question of how to develop speech often lose their breath. Without the skill, the conversation will be interrupted by respite, it looks ridiculous. Train your diaphragm in the following way. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through a small gap in your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times per workout.

Oratory in Ancient Greece appreciated like nowhere else. It is from here that all ancient philosophical concepts grow.. People there really knew how to speak and did it with great pleasure.

Demosthenes was born and raised here, who, at the age of 7, after the death of his father, was left alone with a large fortune and huge shortcomings. He really wanted to learn oratory, he studied with one of the best - Isei. But even a great teacher cannot cope with his shortcomings - stuttering, burr and constant involuntary twitching of the shoulder. He had to deal with this on his own.

The first performances were a failure. He trained alone, made speeches with a sharp spear against his shoulder, unlearned twitching at the level conditioned reflex. Fixed burr and became one of the best speakers in a few years. Good example, as a person not even from scratch, but deeply minus, became what he was remembered and still remembers.