Why people change - the reasons why a person changes a lot. Is the psychology of people changing?

  • 21.09.2019

Man put clothes and hearth, house and arable land, culture and civilization between himself and nature. And with every hundred years, it had less and less opportunities to influence human body. Many anthropologists agree that the biological species homo sapiens (reasonable man) basically ended with the beginning of the social evolution of mankind. But basically - it does not mean completely.

Having become the master of nature, man remained her son. He retained the ability to change, and nature shows the remnants of its former power, causing and maintaining some changes in the external appearance of people living in different places on the earth. And other changes (also relatively small) scientists are inclined to associate with the long-term effect of certain aspects of socio-economic conditions, for example, with the nature of food.

Scientists argue about the reasons for some changes. But where they do not argue, the situation is usually even worse: therefore, even dubious hypotheses do not throw their weak light on the problem.


From Greenland to Tierra del Fuego, from New Zealand to Arabia, people live. And the place of life, the geographical environment leave their mark on a person. Who does not know that whites live in Europe, blacks live in Africa, and the indigenous inhabitants of America are Indians ...

However, not only skin color depends on where a person lives. An Indian from the Central American Mayan tribe weighs on average a quarter less than an Indian from a tribe living in northern Canada! And this is not an accident.

In Europe, northerners are also heavier than southerners. The average weight of an adult Finn is 64 kilograms and a little, and the Spaniard is about 60 kilograms. The Berber, who lives in North Africa, is another four kilograms lighter. Of course, the standard of living (which in Spain, for example, is lower than in Finland), and hereditary national characteristics should play a role here ...

In Brazil - in the Amazon Valley - the average weight of people is greater, the farther from the equator (south) they live. And regardless of whether they are Indians or descendants of newcomers from Europe. In Chile, the average weight of people of the same nationality is higher on the high, cold plateaus than on the warm coasts. In Asia, the North Chinese are on average about one-fifth heavier than the Vietnamese Annamites. How do scientists know all this?

It's very simple: they have at their disposal the materials of doctors related to the conscription of young people into the army, and the results of anthropological sample surveys. Anthropologists are interested not only in the past of mankind, but also in its present.

So, the cold seems to weigh people down. However, to some extent, this is how it should be. Subcutaneous fat, which is an extra load for an inhabitant of low latitudes, becomes almost necessary in a cold region.

In favor of increasing the size of a person in the north, there is also ... geometry. With an increase in size, the surface of the body increases in proportion to the square of elongation, and the volume - to the cube. (Remember! Gulliver was 12 times taller than the midgets, the surface of his body was 144 times larger, and the volume was 1728 times). The surface of the body is used by a person to give off heat, and the volume is used to accumulate it. The higher the person of normal proportions, the greater the ratio of the volume of the body to its surface. In the north more big people better retain heat in the body.

In the north, as you know, people need more food, in most cases they have a more intense metabolism. This can also (but not necessarily) contribute to increased growth of the body.

Nowhere, perhaps, does nature subject a person to a more severe test than in the desert. Just like animals. Large desert animals are characterized by long legs and necks, thinness. Members of the cat family are rarely good runners. But long-legged cheetahs, inhabitants of the desert steppes, run faster than all animals.

And so, scientists drew attention to the fact that the blacks of South Sahara, the Kalahari Bushmen, the inhabitants of southern India and Ceylon are distinguished by long legs and long thin necks. Little of. Living in the desert regions of Australia, the descendants of the British acquired the same signs. For many peoples living in hot and dry places, relatively long and thin arms are also characteristic.

The lengthening of the legs seems to be dictated by the need for large transitions. What about the arms and neck? Here is an attempt at an explanation. In the heat, heat transfer by a person largely occurs from the surface of the neck and hands. There are 400 sweat glands per square centimeter of the back of the hand, and only 50 per square centimeter of the cheeks. The hands account for about 5 percent of the body surface, and 20 percent of the heat given off by the body is lost by evaporation.

Recall that of two cylinders of the same volume, the larger surface has the one that has a smaller diameter and, accordingly, a longer length. With what more surface, the more heat can be given off from it. This means that in a hot and dry climate it is more profitable for a person to have long and thin arms. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of deserts and semi-deserts, which we spoke about, are distinguished by this feature.

Do you know who the longest-legged people on earth? Inhabitants of the marshland in southern Senegal, in the upper reaches of the Nile! It is clear that this is also not an accident, but an adaptation to the conditions of life.

An important role in adaptation of this kind should be played by the features of the development of organs, caused directly by the influence of the environment and the increased work of the organs themselves. Or, as scientists say, the individual reaction of the body to environmental conditions,


Not only the climate sometimes makes its own amendments to the appearance of people. Sometimes the soil does the same. According to chemists, precise analysis can establish the presence of at least a third of the elements of the periodic table in any clod of earth. But in clods of earth taken from the Central European Upland, the slope of Kilimanjaro or the banks of the Ganges, the ratio of these elements is different.

It is known that a lack of iodine in the diet causes thyroid disease. Lack of fluorine compounds in water leads to dental caries. Compounds of iron, magnesium, manganese have long been included in the number of drugs used by doctors, replenishing the lack of these elements in the body.

May lack in food and boron, and calcium, and potassium. Why? Because plants - the intermediary between us and the earth - could not recruit them from too poor soil. On the development of some organs, on appearance a long-term shortage of a number of elements.

Who does not know that in the depths of Central Africa lives a short tribe of pygmies? The average height of men here is less than 150 centimeters. How to explain the appearance of this people? One hypothesis blames the chemical composition of the soil in the area where the pygmies live. In the tropics, monstrous downpours erode the soil, deprive it of a number of important trace elements. This impoverishes the chemical composition of both plants and animals living here. The same causes produce the same effects. And almost everywhere in the humid tropical regions we find, next to peoples of normal stature, dwarf or stunted tribes.

African pygmies

In Central Africa, South India, Indonesia, the Philippine Islands, in the Amazon basin - intermittently, but along the entire equator such tribes live, having completely different origins. And in the same Central Africa, in the same places with pygmy people, dwarf animals live - take at least a pygmy hippopotamus or pygmy.

Of course, in the same areas or nearby, as a rule, people of average height or even tall people live. But we have already mentioned how complex the problems facing anthropologists are. Some factors may be superimposed by others acting in the opposite direction.

However, such a strong effect of the geochemical composition of soils, as in the equator region, as far as we know, is unique. But in less noticeable forms, it should manifest itself much more widely. After all, we simply do not know how to notice much in nature. In mountainous northern Albania, according to anthropologists, people living on soils formed from granites are shorter than those who cultivate limestone soils. Again we have to blame trace elements, or rather, their absence ...

A few years ago, the French physician and anthropologist Vassall made an interesting comparison. He put side by side and compared two maps of Europe - anthropological and geochemical. It must be said, by the way, that according to the shape of the skull, anthropologists divide people into long-headed and round-headed - dolichocephalic and brachycephalic.

So, almost everywhere where there were many brachycephals among the population, the geological map marked outcrops of some igneous rocks on the surface. Immediately the question arose: a coincidence or a pattern? On the one hand, granites, say, were granites five, ten, and hundreds of thousands of years ago. And the round-headed ones - brachycephals - have become more and more percentage-wise over the very last hundreds and thousands of years (this is evidenced by the results of excavations). But couldn't geochemical conditions speed up or slow down the process caused by some other cause? Read the answers to these questions in our next article.

PS What else do British scientists talk about: that with changes in a person it would be very interesting to trace his ability to, for example, study general subjects, otherwise, according to one theory, human intelligence develops and modern man many times smarter than its ancient ancestor, but on the other hand, this process may reverse and our descendants may turn out to be not only smarter, but, on the contrary, dumber than you and me, modern people. And to prevent this from happening, you should not spare your efforts for training.

Can the psychology of people change depending on external or internal causes? For the majority, changes represent a serious conflict, because regardless of the circumstances, a person always wants to save his “face”, not to lose his individuality.

Does a person change over time - the opinion of psychologists

Indeed, it is believed that changes are unusual for a person, he prefers to adapt to the world, while maintaining his inherent qualities.

An example of this point of view is the dependence of people on bad habits, which are sometimes incredibly difficult to get rid of.

However, psychiatry completely refutes this statement, proving that it is possible to change a person, provided that this is his sincere desire.

Most often, people crave change because of the presence of a psychological problem.

These include conflict behavior, low self-esteem, insecurity, inadequacy, unreasonable manifestation of negativity. If a person begins to look for the cause of discomfort in the surrounding manifestations, even an experienced psychotherapist is unlikely to help him. But when an individual realizes that the cause of the negativity is hidden inside him, it can be stated that the person is ready for change.

There are several common reasons that literally make a person change:

  • Mental shock, usually associated with changes in attitude. It can be the birth of a child or a tragedy that happened to a loved one. People can change for the sake of loved ones or after learning about their own deadly disease. The emotional shock can be so strong that it completely changes the essence of a person;
  • The development of consciousness - spiritual growth occurs imperceptibly to others. Slowly and gradually, a person improves himself, every day learning new aspects of the universe and developing consciousness. Relatives may not notice changes in the psychology of such a person for a long time, but old acquaintances, whom they meet quite rarely, quickly notice the changes. By the way, this type of changing psychology can be attributed to the test of age, when the accumulated experience makes you take a fresh look at the world. Of course, a person does not always change with age, it all depends on his ability to evaluate the path traveled;
  • Circumstances are a source of rather strong emotional experiences, the strength of which sometimes seems overwhelming. For example, people can change after prison, both for the better and for the worse. Changes are possible due to moving to another city or in connection with a change of place of work. True, in most cases, psychology remains unchanged and the person returns to the previous behavior, returning to already familiar conditions. But sometimes the influence of the environment really affects psychology. After leaving prison, a rare person is able to cleanse the soul, and once in the company of smart self-sufficient people, many begin to imitate them, improving imperceptibly even for themselves;
  • Finance is a powerful stimulus for change, both positive and negative. negative side. Often, a real revolution takes place in a previously closed soul, forcing a person to spend money on charity and burn it without regrets, and some people who were previously open and good-natured find such traits as stinginess in their character and completely withdraw from the world.

Temperament is one of the innate qualities, changes in which require a lot of work on oneself. However, rarely does a person's temperament change radically, it can only be restrained.

How can you change yourself?

If something does not suit a person in his life, you can try to change yourself for the sake of a comfortable existence, while exposing the personality to minimal changes.

  1. Dependence on someone else's opinion gives rise to low self-esteem. You can correct the situation if you make your own positive opinion about your qualities stable and learn to trust your own ideas about yourself as a person;
  2. Fear of failure is another condition that intensifies over time and interferes with self-realization. In this case, it is recommended not to resort to independent attempts to correct the situation, since a negative result can be achieved, which will significantly complicate life. It is best to seek the help of a professional psychologist who can choose effective methodology to get rid of the fear of failure and uncertainty;
  3. Tendency to depressive states is a common reason that people do not change in better side. The usual cause of depression is that a person does not want to live by certain rules, but is not able to step over an internal prohibition. The result is a slow loss of interest in life. To achieve change, you need to find the motivation to move forward. It should be remembered that after the rain the sun always appears and there are many ways to make life richer, among which you just need to find the best path for yourself.

Whether a person's character changes under the influence of circumstances or as a result of careful work on oneself, it is important that these are positive changes.

Each of us has faced this issue. After all, it would seem that just yesterday we were talking with one person, and today we face a completely different person. We are at a loss whether this is a mask, a theatrical game, or a harsh reality that denotes constant changes in our environment, which do not always benefit us personally.

It makes no sense to talk about short-term changes or those that we all face throughout life. Perhaps, at the moment when you are reading this text, the person whose changes bother you has already returned to his usual role. In childhood, we believe and consider one thing to be right, in youth another, and in adulthood a third. All this happens not because we deliberately modify our inner world. No. This is because everyone gets their own personal life experience, faces certain situations and reacts to them in different ways. Accordingly, we draw our own conclusions. Short-term changes are more like a game, like a falling meteorite. Usually, like the last one, they quickly flare up and go out just as quickly. “Today I was offered meditation to make me feel happy. On the first day, I was so fascinated by the result that I immediately told all the friends I met about this technique. However, after three sessions, the effect diminished and, in the end, after a week, this meditation was thrown into the trash.” Short-term changes are not interesting also because they are often related to certain people or groups. And we all know very well how easily the opinion of us changes in the eyes of each person and how quickly we move from one socially significant group for him to another. However, there are other changes.

« Yesterday we stood with her for three hours in line for a ticket, hugging and basking in one world for two, and today she stopped loving cinema ... and me.

Each of us will face such changes in the ranks of persons close to him more than once, no matter how sad it may sound. How, in such a short period of time, does the human soul manage to turn everything upside down?

Fortunately, most of these seemingly grandiose changes are actually temporary. It all depends on the person - one can stick to innovations for a couple of hours, the other - for several years. In the latter case, it is extremely difficult to determine whether these changes are important, or whether they have no foundation and will not last forever. However, today, several reasons are precisely known that can change a person in a catastrophically short time period.

5 situations in which you have to get to know a person again

Close to death

In a critical situation, a person is able to make, subsequently inexplicable, efforts. This is called "maximum organism". And imagine what could happen to a person who was on the verge of death? In most cases, he begins to rethink his own values, life, ideas, try to live, And, of course, each of us will find a lot of shortcomings that could be corrected. If we imagine that we have dozens of development paths, then the situation in which you are on the verge of death corresponds to the fact that you did not move, but jumped from one course to another;

Care of loved ones

In the same way as the previous paragraph, it can hurt us very much when people close to us die. We are strongly attached to them, and each of us has our own. The principle of the mechanism remains the same and, falling asleep with one person, we wake up completely different.

"Teacher and pupil"

We are all formed individuals with our own unique views. Most of us, by virtue of our nature and age of self-centeredness, can easily express our own opinion on almost any general issue. However, many of us have come across people who we think definitely do not fit in with the ordinary people we argue with or agree with. read, We become attached to the white crows and, at first incredulously, then blindly trusting every sound that comes from the lips of the guru. Accordingly, very soon our friends and acquaintances begin to notice that something is wrong with us. Naturally, we do not agree with them and refuse to accept the truth.

"Bowl of Scales"

On one side is your life, on the other - the life of a second cousin of a grandmother's neighbor. The life of a nephew weighs more? So you need to tighten up and do everything like him! Familiar, isn't it? Won one, lost the other. We are always in the race for the mediocre, meaningless reward of being better than someone else. And, sometimes, one can notice how amazing changes befell a person who got involved in this struggle. However, it is worth noting that only people with high level willpower. For the rest, everything will look serious until a new object for comparison is found on the other side of the scale. At the same time, people with great willpower can be asked - is this person worthy of imitation? Or maybe you should try to form your own, individual, personal story?

"Depressed Army"

The soldiers in this army are familiar to all of us - failures, material difficulties, betrayals, illnesses, stresses. A person loses interest in life, like scientists. This item is the most popular culprit of change. Some of us are only slightly knocked out of the saddle, some are forced to plunge face into the mud. Regardless of the strength of perception, with a frequent clash with this army, any of us finds a lesson for himself and somewhere, very noticeably or not very much, will change.


If your close person has changed dramatically, one thing remains the same - each person is free to choose his environment and distribute roles in accordance with his own single scenario of life. That is why it is up to you and only you to decide whether to accept a person as he is, has become, will become, or say goodbye to him on a good note, without expecting contradictions and misunderstandings, and go your own unique way.

Sometimes we hear phrases like this:
- I have not seen him for 10 years, he is a completely different person! I know him well, he was such and such! And now it has changed so much that you don’t recognize it at all!
- My husband (wife) has become a completely different person! I got married (married) to such and such ( detailed description), and he turned out to be so-and-so! Well, a person can not change like that!
We are like a river that flows and changes all the time. Man is a water-protein formation and consists of 80% water. And, like a stream of water, it also flows, and everything in it changes. And where the flow of water, there is the movement of energy, which passes from one state to another.
In addition to the fact that our character is influenced by the properties of the elements corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac according to the date of birth and number life path, every seven years we are under the influence of the elements of our age.
Every seven years the human body, its cells almost completely change. There is a renewal of all its constituent organs. And every seven years, one or another number of tissue elements, which can be conditionally reduced to the concepts of earth, water, fire and air, determine the psychophysical state of a person.
We, biological-energetic beings on Earth, have a septenary cycle of life. Since ancient times, people have noticed and systematized the influence of the vibrations of the number seven on almost all the rhythms of life on the planet. Seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven notes in an octave, seven days in a week, seven - lucky number, seven candlesticks at the Throne of the Lord.
Seven is the perfect number according to Pythagoras, which contains the whole beginning of the Primary Mind.
The seven basic human emotions according to Lao Tzu, which determine his psychophysical state as the basis of health and success.
And, apparently, the same seven days of the phases of the Moon, which set this sevenfold cycle to all life on Earth.
Every seven years a person acquires a new energy structure corresponding to the elements of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Aries - (0 - 7 years). From birth we are Ovenochki, lambs, lambs. Pretty, fluffy, affectionate, round. We are all loved, stroked, caressed. Children under 7 years old in the house are carriers of the element of Fire, a symbol of the hearth, comfort, a symbol of the Sun. Perhaps that is why they are affectionately called: "you are my sun", "you are my lamb".
Children are fast, active, eat and drink a lot.

Taurus - (7 - 14 years). Calves. They stretched out, became angular, self-willed. They run away wherever they want, or just where their eyes look. The aggressiveness of a teenager is the key to his survival. The psyche remains at the level of Aries, and the appearance of an adult. Thinking can't keep up with growth physical body. Vulnerability, amorousness, suspiciousness.
I want to grow up quickly and it’s scary that no one needs you like a big one, and I want to be loved like a little one.
First love and infatuation. First tragedy. In the family of parents, the age when the partner they chose at the age of 20-22 is no longer satisfied.
There is only one reason - the Elements and their properties have changed, but people do not know this and are looking for a reason where there is only a reason: out of love, tired, not satisfied, does not correspond.
And the teenager Taurus has a tragedy because of his parents. The first disappointments, self-doubt (who needs (needs) me so awkward and ugly ?!) Resentment. Irritability. Closure. Depression - why live?
Cruelty, reaching the point of absurdity, incomprehensible to adults, with which Taurus teenagers cover up their inner defenselessness, vulnerability, helplessness.

Gemini - (14 - 21 years). The constellation is named after the twin sons of the god Zeus: Castor and Pollux. One brother is mortal. The other is immortal. Unity and struggle of contradictions, opposites.
The age when a person becomes physically adult, but the psyche, the soul is young, only flourishing. Maximalism. The world is only in 2 colors - white and black.
We finish high school, we go to study further, we go to serve in the Army. Romance. Brigantines. Scarlet sails and the eternal: "He (s) does not love me!" Or "Love for life!".
First marriages. We start looking for a mate. The time has come to give back to the continuation of our biological life on this planet.
Search for the meaning of life: poetry, music, festivals, picnics, recreation. Just a fairy tale! The tale of Cinderella and the Prince, the Bear and the Princess. Age of absorption of knowledge. Any information is easily perceived, but everything is through the prism of interpersonal relationships.

Cancer - (21 - 28 years). We are looking for and finding a couple. weddings. All friends and girlfriends got married. Children. Who was left alone, quickly, quickly, if only for someone, just not to be alone.
Creation time. Family.
We finish secondary special and higher educational establishments, we come from service in the Army, we work. Those who do not realize themselves biologically, like father and mother, realize themselves professionally - career, graduate school, dissertation. Work, business.

Leo - (28 - 35 years old). The first children have grown up, the second ones are born. The first divorces, dissatisfaction - everyone is married, married, but I'm not.
Everyone is a business person, but I...
All - with dissertations, and I ...
Disappointment. If I knew (s) that you would be like this (like that), I would ...
Second dissertations, inventions. Big business. Politics. Confession. Or the darkness and dullness of everyday life, hopelessness, there are no prospects. There is a sharp stratification into successful people and losers.
The time of suicides, the first serious illnesses and deaths.
Search for new life partners. Lovers, mistresses, i.e. partners that we need during the age of "Air" - Gemini, often become uninteresting. We ourselves are different. And we want everything in our life to be unchanged, constant, indestructible. But "everything flows, everything changes" and "one and the same river cannot be entered twice". And we suffer from the volatility of life. From its rapid movement, not noticing that we are changing too, we do not want to see this and do not want to change ourselves.
We are entering the Age of Virgo.

Virgo - (35 - 42 years). Time of seeming stability. Children grow and grow up, become independent, enter the age of Taurus (7-14 years old) or the age of Gemini (14-21 years old). Parents have a certain status, financial situation. It seems that life has improved: familiar acquaintances, a way of life, an established "mine-mine". Your house, your car, your dacha, your wife, your partner in tennis and preference, your circle of friends. Time of relative rest and... stagnation.
40 years is a critical age for a woman.
42 years is a critical age for a man.
Women with complexes of grievances, such as "they don't love me, life failed, children and husband don't understand," get sick, self-destructing, and die.
When resentment accumulates in the mother, diseases accumulate and develop in children. Loving mothers diligently treat their children, husband, bypass all the famous doctors and healers, buy expensive medicines. And nothing helps.
As the husband kissed the saving glass, he continues to find consolation from her, at the glass. And the woman suffers. Things are not going the way she would like. Her emotions, squeezed inside, turn into serious illnesses.
Likewise, a man!
The strong sex is a very fragile energy creation. Men suffer in silence, they are reluctant to heal. They courageously overcome obstacles, take barriers, build careers and family well-being. They patiently wait for love from their wives, other women.
But a man is always disliked! He lacks the energy of love, the very energy that is for him the energy of creativity and creation. He is loved during the period of grooming, in the first months of marriage. And then the wife, the mother of his children, loves children and takes care of his wife. The husband fades into the background, he is the convoy of material support in the family.
He owes everything to everyone. And there is no time to love him: first one Small child, then - children, then - work plus children, plus illnesses, plus life.
Love, as the necessary energy of a man's life, is leaving him and out of him. They look for it, love, "on the side", and find it very rarely. Because a small number of women are able to love a man just like that. Not for money, not for material well-being or position in society, not for ... but simply to love, to give him the joy of joint awareness of the great gift of life on Earth.
A man is always a child. He plays for life. Little boys play war games with little cars. Big "boys" play with big toys - cars, planes, big wars.
And they waste their vital energy very quickly and often die at the age of 42!
Living a vibrant life, giving everyone around them the fire of their hearts, their souls, they leave us in the prime of life: Joe Dassin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrey Mironov and others.
The slogan "take care of men!" was not born in a vacuum. They really need to be protected, nurtured and loved. Boys must be brought up in love, so that this potential of motherly love is enough for them for their entire bright life!
Dear women, love your men, and they will answer you with attention, light. For the element of any man is Fire. According to the worldview of the ancients, a man is the Sun, a woman is the Moon, and shines with the reflected light of the Sun, Luminaries.

Libra - (42 - 49 years). Survived the time of the Virgin. Much has been overestimated, much has been understood.
Those who survived live on. And life somehow became easier, easier, because the time of fast Air has come. But in order to maintain at this time in the seeming balance of life, one must weigh all one's actions.
Scales - two bowls, are in constant fluctuation, trying to find a balance point. Most people at this age tend to balance the "rocker" by adding weights to one bowl or the other.
The time of Libra is the period of revealing the analytical abilities of the mind, the time to appreciate everything beautiful. But it's still time to "scatter stones".
The children became adults, the first grandchildren appeared. Life is Beautiful! New achievements, new victories! New achievements, new search for love. But love is not so much physical as spiritual. Meeting with a new (new) chosen one (s), we hope not only for a night of love, but above all for an evening with pleasant humor, leisurely conversation, a glass of wine and warm light candles.
Searching for the meaning of life in religion and philosophical teachings. Understanding the depths of being.

Scorpio - (49 - 56 years). The time is "gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib."
Time of extinction of human reproductive abilities. Climax. Fears. neurotic states. Women are busy with their problems: "Life is gone, but I have not seen anything yet."
Men experience an unprecedented rise in sexual desire. There are no more candles and spiritual conversations. Sex. As a way to restore the outgoing energy of life. Find partners much younger than themselves. Both women and men.
The time of Scorpio is "time to collect stones". We reap the fruits of all our thoughts, words, deeds, desires and actions. And if it suddenly seems that you have done everything in this life, there seems to be no need to live.

Sagittarius - (56 - 63 years old). Fire - bright, strong, festive, solemn. Lightning.
Beautiful grandparents. Pensioners. Service, career ended. They gave way to the young. Grandchildren are growing up. And the old people live for them, "for their grandchildren." Rarely for myself. After all, it’s customary for us: to buy an apartment for children, a car, a summer house, to look at kids, grandchildren. And the children "let them live for themselves."
Civilized people of advanced age and live just for themselves. They travel, learn new, interesting things. Living the life they just couldn't afford when they should have been doing it career growth. Life is very interesting! And they live brightly and freely!

Capricorn - (63 - 70 years). Life goes on. The grandchildren are already adults. Great-grandchildren appear. Relative peace. Are we living out? But no, there is still a lot of energy at this age! This is a time of active social and political life.
Wisdom, multiplied by literally youthful activity and aggressiveness - remember the time of Taurus!
Falling in love. New marriages. Maximalism. We are excited about new ideas. Reading new literature, but be careful. Don't forget to critique everything.
- It was in our time ... And the music is not like that now, and the hairstyles with trousers are different. And the sun shone 360 ​​days a year.
Yes, this is how we remember our youth at 70, and in our time all year round cherry blossoms...

Aquarius - (70 - 77 years). Care time. Our loved ones, such dear and equally lonely grandparents, are leaving one by one. But those who have mastered the practices of longevity in their time: fasting, prayers, proper breathing and communication with nature, cling to life with all their might. They live and share the wisdom of their years with the new, rising generation, which does not always, oh, how does not always hear the wisdom of the elders.
But it has always been so. Everyone must acquire his own experience of life. Listening to the stories of others, you will not learn how to drive a car on your own.

Pisces - (77 - 84 years). Deep wisdom. We listen more than we talk. For enclosing the circle of the Zodiac, Pisces absorbed all its stellar wisdom.
Misunderstanding no longer causes deep spiritual wounds, although we are very dependent on loved ones. The most introspective and secretive period of life, when all the information accumulated over a lifetime is transformed into knowledge.
Until this age, as a rule, people live who treated everything around with love, understanding and gratitude. Prone to everything mysterious, beyond: healers, herbalists, scientists, composers, artists.

Aries - (84 - 91 years). And life starts over...

The question is rhetorical and very urgent. Many of us have probably faced almost insoluble situations in life, when we need and want to maintain relationships, and there is love, and a desire to be together, but, alas, one thing becomes an obstacle to all this: someone must change in some way. .

Situations are different: a person can either drink excessively, or zealously, or cheat. Maybe he has a terribly complex character, overly touchy or hysterical. He can be an insufferable fan football matches, and for a ticket for the next match, as they say, "he will sell his own mother." Someone is an incorrigible workaholic and cannot find a little free time to communicate with his family, give or repair an apartment. And someone cannot live for an hour without calling a girlfriend or consulting with their mother about any little thing.

Everyone has their “problems”, their shortcomings, their “pain points”. But in all other respects, life with this person is wonderful, and there’s nothing more to complain about. But it is precisely this peculiarity of his that interferes with life, spoils everything in the bud and is the main obstacle to happiness and well-being. So, willy-nilly, it spreads to all spheres of life together: domestic, intimate, ideological.

So, just when we are on the verge of parting, a complete break in all relationships, we ask ourselves: is it possible to change a person? And the answer here will be the same: it is very difficult and almost impossible to change a person if he does not want to.

There are several options for the development of events.

1) It is practically impossible to change a person against his will. This is unlikely to be achieved by scandals, threats, departures and filing for divorce. Most likely, he will just get angry, conclude that you did not understand him, did not accept him, do not love him ... And the situation will remain unresolved.

2) A person can be changed by external life circumstances. such as the army, new job, takeoff in or ruin in business, the birth of a child, the realization that you can lose someone close to you. During these periods, there is a reassessment of values, a look at one's behavior, one's life and actions.

It is bad and hard if the cause of the changes is the death of someone close, life shocks, an accident, war or tragedy. After all, this is already in a sense “breaking”, a stress factor, and it’s not a fact that a person will remain psychologically healthy, happy and ready for full life. Although, regrettably, it is negative life events that change a person for the better, make him stronger, expand his worldview, make him think about life more globally and constructively. (But there are, of course, a number of cases when a person “breaks”, hardens, falls to the bottom, becomes a fatalist after bad events).

3) A person can change if he himself wants it at least a little, understands how important it is for his life partner, his relatives and loved ones. In this case, you need to help and support him in every possible way, to contribute by all spiritual forces and financially available means, negotiate and discuss his every step on the path to change.

4) There is, of course, another ingenious and time-consuming way. You need to have patience, ingenuity and psychological "cunning". And for a considerable period of time, try to make a person want to change himself. But this is a very delicate process that requires mental work, endurance and great desire. And one more important nuance: if you want to correct a clear flaw in your partner (, a destructive outlook on life, degradation, irrational delusions), this is a good and necessary thing. But if you want to adjust it simply to your tastes, measurements or interests, then it’s better to think about whether you have the right to do this, whether it is humane in relation to the individual, whether you will be interested in an “artificially” created partner, whether you want to manipulate him again and again.

Of course, it is worth noting that the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is to remake him in some way. The fact is that our personal characteristics are given to us not only by nature, they are also formed during life, being dependent on upbringing, environment, personal life, professional implementation and much more. Character and temperament are natural components, but worldview attitudes, tastes, motivations for actions, views are a product of the social environment and personal experience. So if the “candidate for change” still falls within the age range of 16-18 to about 26-28, then the chance of change is quite real.

During this period, a person can get into a different environment at the university, make important decisions regarding his future life, profession, occupation. During this period of life, his company is likely to change, there will be a new circle of friends and acquaintances. At this age, they can change several times and, finally, the basic views on life will be formed. A person can come to create a family,. And all this, by the way, can be contributed, if there is a desire and opportunities. And the result is very real, because in such “sensitive” periods of life (the most sensitive, and therefore turning, decisive) changes in personality are most likely.

But at an older age, a person’s life enters a certain direction, opinions are confirmed, beliefs become stronger, stereotypes stiffen, worldview remains inactive. In addition, habits, tastes and lifestyle are firmly fixed. And at this stage it is almost impossible to change a person without his will.

But in general, it must be said: love each other, try to understand and accept a person as he is. After all, in each of us there are some shortcomings or something that the other person may not like. Think, maybe someone loves you and appreciates you not only “for” something, but also "contrary". Well, if we are talking about serious life mistakes, try to support your partner, use all means and methods to push him to an independent decision to change.