What to do with the bites of poisonous snakes and insects? Bites of snakes and insects: how to provide first aid! First aid for insect and snake bites.

  • 23.06.2020

Accidents can happen to anyone, absolutely no one is immune from them. Such situations, as a rule, happen quite unexpectedly, and a person who is faced with such a disaster needs immediate first aid. And often the future health of the victim, and sometimes his life, depends only on those around him. Biting is considered a fairly rare type of accident. poisonous snakes and insects, but, nevertheless, you need to have information about what first aid should be for snake and insect bites.

First aid for a snake bite

Certain varieties of snakes are venomous. And a person faced with the bite of such an animal can never be sure of its safety. It is worth noting that the aggressive influence of the poison may not appear immediately, but only after an hour. Therefore, in such an accident, you must immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Prior to the arrival of specialists, first aid should be provided to the victim.

First, it must be immobilized (at least the bitten limb). So the poison of vipers spreads along with the lymph flow, and physical activity can increase its speed. It is advisable to position the victim in such a way that his head is lower than his legs.

After that, it is necessary to start squeezing and sucking the poison out of the wound. Continue this procedure for a quarter of an hour. Some experts say that in this way you can eliminate about half of the poison. Snake venom is not able to enter the body through the oral cavity (in the absence of ulcers and cuts in it), however, saliva must be spit out after each suction. After completing this manipulation, rinse the wound, as well as your mouth with water.

Then quickly and gently apply a bandage just above the bite site. A strip of any fabric should be tied fairly tightly, but a couple of fingers should be inserted between it and the skin. This way you can slow down the spread of the poison, but do not harm the blood circulation. If swelling increases, the bandage should be loosened.
Some experts advise applying a bandage along the entire length of the affected limb.

Do not use a tourniquet, it will lead to impaired blood circulation and will cause active tissue breakdown in the bite area. They will begin to poison the body of the victim and can cause gangrene.

To reduce the concentration of the poison, it is recommended to give the victim more liquid - water, tea, etc. If the ambulance does not arrive for a long time, and the person's condition worsens, give him some kind of anti-inflammatory or antihistamine drug. For this purpose, prednisolone, suprastin or diphenhydramine can be used. To eliminate pain, it is worth giving the patient analgesics.

Cutting, cauterizing wounds and chipping the affected area with medicines is by no means worth it. Also, do not give the victim alcohol.

When transporting the victim to the hospital, make sure that he practically does not move. It is better to place it on a stretcher or carry it in your arms. The bitten limb must be fixed with a splint.

First aid for insect bites

In most cases, insect bites cause light form reactions - skin irritation, itching, burning pain and slight swelling. These symptoms go away in one to two days. Possible delayed reactions include rash, fever, joint pain, and some swelling of the lymph nodes. In a small percentage of people, the bite leads to serious allergic reactions (including anaphylaxis).

In severe allergic reactions, the patient's face swells, breathing becomes difficult, abdominal pain and shock occur.

First aid depends on the symptoms observed in the victim, and on what kind of insect bit him. So when a tick bites, it is worth placing cotton wool moistened with vegetable oil. Next, carefully remove the tick and seek medical attention.

If you are bitten by stinging insects (hornets, bees, wasps) - carefully remove the sting, but do not squeeze the skin. Apply cotton wool moistened with vodka, or alcohol to the affected area. Next, put ice on it to eliminate or reduce swelling.

When bitten by mosquitoes, do not comb the affected area. Apply a compress to relieve itching soda solution or peroxide. To avoid allergies, take an antihistamine.

For flea bites, wash the affected areas with soap or antiseptic. Apply a cold compress over the bite. To eliminate itching, you can use a lotion of soda or calamine solution.

If any insect bite causes pain, take either acetaminophen (). And to eliminate itching, it is best to use antihistamines or topical methods (described above).

In the event that an insect bite causes a serious deterioration in well-being (serious allergic reaction), call an ambulance immediately. At the same time, remain calm, leave the place of accumulation of insects. Take an antihistamine (for example, a couple of diphenylhydramine tablets). When wheezing occurs, it is worth inhaling a bronchodilator to expand the airways.

If the bite causes severe weakness, lie down with your feet above your head. So the blood will actively flow to the brain.

Allergy sufferers should always carry an adrenaline kit with them. In case of an allergic reaction, it must be administered according to the instructions.

If you are near a person who has lost consciousness and pulse due to an insect bite, be sure to provide first aid to the victim in the form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Insect and snake bites can pose a threat to life and health. Therefore, first aid in such situations plays an extremely important role.

Additional Information

To eliminate the effects of bites can be used various means folk medicine.
So, if you are stung by a bee(or other stinging insect), remove the stinger and apply mashed parsley leaves to the affected area. The juice of this plant will perfectly eliminate pain, inflammation and swelling.

In parallel, it is worth taking a decoction made from parsley roots. To prepare it, it is necessary to brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed vegetable raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for eight to ten hours, then strain. Take a quarter to a third cup three times a day about half an hour before a meal. So you can neutralize allergic reactions.

Traditional medicine experts say that some folk remedies help deal with snake bites. So a good effect is given by the reception of infusion. Brew a tablespoon of dried chopped raw materials with half a liter of only boiled water. After two or three hours, strain and take half a glass four times a day, about an hour or two after a meal.

Also with snake bites it is worth brewing three tablespoons of dried boiled water chopped with half a liter. Infuse the medicine in a thermos for eight to twelve hours, then strain. Take a glass three times a day about half an hour before a meal. This tool perfectly removes toxins from the body. By the way, it is recommended to use it after the bites of stinging insects.

If you are bitten by mosquitoes, rub elderberry leaves in your hands or and lubricate the affected area with them. Such a simple medicine will help to quickly cope with puffiness and disinfect the bite.

More with mosquito and horsefly bites it is worth crushing one clove in the garlic. Dilute it with some water. Soak a small piece of tissue in the resulting solution and apply to the affected area. Such a tool will relieve pain and itching, and also help to avoid swelling.

Traditional medicine also recommends using mint to treat insect bites. Squeeze juice from fresh grass (or just rub it in your hands) and apply to places stung by bees, wasps, mosquitoes, midges etc. Such a remedy has pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bactericidal qualities.

In the event of a snake or insect bite, the victim must be given first aid, and in some cases, you can not do without doctoral treatment. Traditional medicine will help eliminate the effects of bites.

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In the world there are a lot of insects, animals and reptiles that can poison a person with their bite. Some are activated only in the warm season, but there are those that can harm constantly. If first aid for bites of poisonous insects is provided in a timely manner, then this can save the life of the victim.

Who should be afraid

Insect bites are not always dangerous, you should beware of:

  • Hymenoptera: bees, wasps, hornets, horseflies.
  • Arachnids: tarantulas, scorpions.
  • Scaled reptiles: snakes.
  • Blood-sucking insects: ticks, bedbugs, flies, midges, fleas.

If a person remains alive when the sting of a bee or wasp penetrates, then the venom of spiders and snakes without the introduction of a monospecific or polyspecific antiserum can be fatal in 20-30 minutes.

With individual intolerance or an increased tendency to allergic reactions, even an ordinary wasp can pose a great threat to humans.

Help with hymenoptera bite

Wasps and bees can be found even on the street. In summer, they like to collect flower nectar and feast on sweet fruits or berries. The sweet aroma of women's perfume can attract their attention.

If the wasp starts to fly nearby, it is important not to make sudden movements, trying to drive away the insect. This will anger her even more and force her to go on the attack. Bees and wasps do not like the aroma of mint and the smell of smoke, and they can drive the enemy away.

First aid for snake and insect bites is significantly different:

  1. The bee leaves its sting inside the body, after which it soon dies itself. Therefore, the first thing to do is to remove it by treating the wound with water disinfectants: chlorhexidine, miramistin. In a wasp, the sting remains in the body of the insect and there is no need to look for it in the wound.
  2. The bite area is washed with plenty of water for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. To relieve swelling, redness and slow down the activity of the poison, cold is applied to the affected area for 10-20 minutes. Then you need to take a break and after 15 minutes the procedure can be repeated.
  4. To prevent an allergic reaction, they drink any antihistamine drug: Suprastin, Fenistil, Erius.
  5. A single bite is usually not dangerous. But if the patient has severe swelling, blue lips, fever, difficulty breathing, fainting, convulsions, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Also providing PMP for venomous insect bites is performed urgently and without fail if the bite fell on the neck or mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Hornets and bumblebees bite less often, but their penetration is more painful and usually accompanied by a severe allergic reaction.

Help with arachnid bite

Often for snake bites and poisonous insects, administration of an antidote. Not all spiders are capable of causing harm, but from the bite of a tarantula or karakurt, death without assistance occurs quickly. Animals usually attack in self-defense or to protect their offspring.

PMP for snake and insect bites, spiders is different.

The algorithm of actions during a spider attack includes:

  1. Wash the affected area with water and soapy water.
  2. Fixing the affected limb with the help of improvised means: branches, boards.
  3. The imposition of a tight bandage above or below the bite zone.
  4. Applying a cold compress. It can be ordinary ice or a cold object wrapped in a thin cotton cloth. This will help slow down the action of the poison.
  5. Taking an antihistamine: Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil.
  6. Use a large number liquids.

When attacking a tarantula, the patient may notice severe pain in the penetration zone, burning, itching, rash, hyperemia. Also worried about hyperthermia, muscle pain, spasms. When the temperature rises, drink Paracetomol.

When bitten by a spider, you should not panic, comb the penetration site, apply a hot compress. These actions, together with active movements, will enhance the spread of the poisonous substance.
Scorpions often crawl into tents, shoes, clothes. Therefore, before you sit down, lie down or take something, you need to carefully examine everything around. If, nevertheless, a scorpion has bitten, you need to act, as in the case relief from insect and snake bites. The affected limb must be immobilized and a tourniquet applied. You can give an antihistamine: Diphenhydramine, suprastin, analgesic and antipyretic: Paracetomol. The victim must be given plenty of water. The main symptoms of being stung by a scorpion are sweating, watery eyes, fever, muscle pain, spasms and cramps.

Black karakurt can be recognized by red spots on the abdomen. After his bite, the reaction does not appear immediately, but after 20-30 minutes. The patient sharply feels weakness, pain in the muscles, begins to fever, salivation increases, he feels sick and vomits. This is one of the few cases when, in order to stop the action of the poison, the bite site is heated with a hot match. But after this, the patient still needs to be taken to the doctor for the introduction of an antidote.

All about spiders

Help with snake bites

Snakes are venomous and non-venomous. In the first case, the effect of a poisonous substance can be:

  • Neurotoxic. When nerve conduction suffers. This is how cobras, tropical marine species, bite.
  • Hematovasotoxic. Small blood vessels are affected, blood circulation is disturbed. This is how gyurzas, vipers, muzzles, efas sting.
  • Mixed, combining both previous actions. Such dangerous species include rattlesnakes and asps.

At bite of poisonous snakes and insects first aid is to keep the patient immobile. Each movement will increase the spread of the poison throughout the body. By forming a fold of skin, particles of poison are squeezed out of the wound. Then they suck off its remnants and immediately spit it out so as not to get a lethal dose themselves.

Then they act according to the plan:

  • A tight bandage is applied above the penetration site. It is important that it does not disturb the systemic blood flow, therefore, with an increase in swelling, it must be weakened.
  • Before the doctor arrives, the victim is given an anti-allergic agent: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin.
  • The wound is washed with a solution of furacilin.
  • The patient must be constantly given water to drink to reduce the concentration of poison in the blood.
  • Aspirin helps relieve fever.
  • A sterile bandage is applied to the bite site.
  • With a rapid decrease in pressure, they give Dopamine, Heptamil, Norexadrin.

It is possible to transport a person only in a motionless lying position with a fixed affected area. The sooner he is taken to the hospital, the more chances to save the victim's life. In the hospital, the bite victim is injected with anti-snake serum.

She may be:

  • Monovalent. That is, to help only from the defeat of a particular species. They are used for the bite of efa, gyurza, viper.
  • Polyvalent. Used when the species of the snake is unknown.

With a snake bite, any alcohol-containing drink, tea, coffee only increases the rate of spread of the poison. The same applies to active movements. Also, you can not make incisions and cauterization at the site of the bite, it is dangerous for infection. Care must be taken to suck out the poison, since if there are wounds or diseased teeth in the mouth, the rescuer himself risks receiving a dangerous dose of a poisonous substance.

Help with insect bites

First aid for poisonous insect bites often required when a tick enters. In general, the attack of bedbugs, ticks, ants and flies is rarely fatal. Nevertheless, an allergic reaction can occur to their bites, which is no less dangerous than the penetration of a strong poison. That is why it is important to follow the algorithm of actions for proper assistance to the victim:

  1. If a tick has bitten, it should be removed from the wound if possible. If the insect is deep, then seek help from a medical facility.
  2. The penetration zone is treated with Miramistin. In case of damage by a bug, ant, flea, it is enough to wash the area with soapy water.
  3. To eliminate itching when bitten by a bug, soda lotions should be prepared. To do this, 1 teaspoon of the powder is dissolved in a glass of water and a cloth or folded bandage is moistened in the liquid. Then the lotion is applied to the affected area. You need to keep it for about 10 minutes.
  4. If there is a strong swelling or an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, breathing difficulties, then you need to take Suprastin, Loratodin, Fenistil and call a doctor.
  5. Further, ointments and creams can be used to alleviate the condition: Rescuer, Kremgen.

The toxicity of a poisonous substance in poisonous insects can be different. After a wasp or bee sting, a person recovers in a matter of days. When the venom of a snake or spider has penetrated, then in the absence of an antidote within 30 minutes, a person may die. If it can be saved, then the severity of organ damage will depend on the type of insect and the time spent by the poison in the body. Therefore, before traveling to exotic countries, you need to take care of completing the first aid kit so that it contains the necessary medicines for first aid.

Chapter 7

Going on vacation to the mountains, to the forest for mushrooms, berries, we often take children with us to show them the beauty of the surrounding nature, to breathe fresh air and just play in the grass. But it must be remembered that in addition to us and beautiful animals and birds, nature is inhabited by poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, wasps, bees fly, collecting nectar from flowering plants, and other insects that can deliver not only pleasant sensations. When going out into the forest, take care of durable shoes for the baby and trousers that do not fit the legs of the child, while tucking the trousers into the boots to form an overflow. This is necessary so that if suddenly a snake or spider uses their poisonous chelicerae or sting, they will only bite through the fabric of the trousers, and not the delicate skin of your child.

Leaving or going out into nature, you need to know some of the habits of snakes. A cobra, for example, when attacking, is able to make a throw equal to a third of the length of its body. The threat posture of this snake is very characteristic: the front of the body is raised vertically, the hood is swollen, swaying from side to side and hissing. Viper and gyurza before the throw zigzag arch the front of the body. Efa rolls up into a rosette, in the center of which is a head with a peculiar pattern that resembles a flying bird or a cross. Cottonmouths finely shake the tip of their tail before attacking.

Snakes lead an active lifestyle only in the warm season - from the first days of April to late autumn, they hibernate in winter, choosing rodent burrows for this. Therefore, you should not allow the child to look into them, even if they are very small in order to consider “whose house this is”. Do not forget that the snake bites only in defense! Therefore, teach your child, when searching for mushrooms or berries, to use a stick when moving apart thick grass or shrubs, examining crevices so as not to inadvertently disturb the snake. If, nevertheless, your child was bitten by a snake, then do not immediately panic, first of all, you need to determine whether it is poisonous. At the site of the bite, traces of the snake's teeth remain in the form of two crescent-shaped strips that form a semi-oval of small dots. A non-venomous snake leaves only this mark on the skin. If a poisonous snake has bitten, then in the front of the semi-oval between the sickle-shaped stripes there are two wounds (traces from its poisonous teeth), from which blood usually oozes. The toxicity of the poison depends on a number of factors: the physiological state and age of the snake, climatic conditions her dwelling, the time that has passed since waking up from hibernation. A hungry snake has more venom than a well-fed one. When bitten by a snake, swelling of the bite site is observed, which becomes red, painful and swollen. There is a strong burning pain at the site of the bite, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, weak and frequent pulse, cold sweat. What should you do if your child is bitten by a venomous snake?

1. First of all, you need to try to suck the poison out of the wound as quickly as possible, constantly spitting it out. It is possible to suck out poison by mouth only in the absence of cracks in the lips and oral mucosa, as well as carious teeth. If you have a medical jar (thin glass, glass) at hand, then you need to insert a set fire to the wick into its cavity and quickly attach it to the edges of the wound. Suction is performed within 15-20 minutes. After that, the bite site is treated with iodine, alcohol and the limb is immobilized. Also, the wound can be treated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine or cologne or alcohol.

2. Having sucked out the poison, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the affected child. At the same time, if the snake has bitten his leg, bandage it to the other leg and, putting something under his legs, slightly raise them. If you bite into your hand, fix it in a bent position with a scarf or handkerchief, if there is no bandage. With severe pain, you can take 1/2-1 tablet of analgin or baralgin.

3. To speed up the elimination of poison from the child's body, it is necessary to give the victim more tea or alkaline mineral water.

4. A child bitten by a poisonous snake should be taken to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible, since the most effective tool against snake venom is a polyvalent anti-snake serum, administered no later than 30 minutes after the bite. But only a medical professional can enter it.

1) apply a tourniquet to a limb above the site of a snake bite or poisonous spider(tarantula, scorpion, etc.), since this measure does not prevent the absorption and spread of poison in the body, but it disrupts blood circulation in the limbs and contributes to the development of necrosis (necrosis) of tissues, the accumulation of decay products in the limb and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the affected child after removal tourniquet;

2) cauterize bite sites with fire or chemicals;

3) cut the wound at the site of the bite.

All these manipulations are not only useless, but also harmful, as they lead to the development of infected wounds that do not heal for a long time and contribute to metabolic disorders in the affected tissues.

Most dangerous insects are scorpion, spider karakurt, tarantula.

They are distributed in the southern strip of Russia, Asia, and the Caucasus.

For example, when bitten by a karakurt, pain is felt, inflammation does not develop at the site of the bite, but the poison, entering the bloodstream, causes general poisoning phenomena: general weakness, thirst, cold sweat, weakening of cardiac activity. As a first aid, cold lotions are placed on the bite site, preferably from a solution of potassium permanganate, and drinking plenty of water.

The bites of the South Russian tarantula, skolopendra, phalanx spider are not life-threatening. But in place of the bite should be put cold lotions from a solution of ammonia or potassium permanganate.

As a result of a scorpion sting, redness occurs, pain and swelling appear at the site of the bite. Then the phenomena of general poisoning may occur: convulsions, vomiting, weakening of the pulse.

If you had to stop for a halt, where these unpleasant insects are often found, then here is a piece of advice from the old aksakals. The place where you settled down to rest, “outline” with a woolen thread, spiders will never crawl over it. This fact is explained by the fact that spiders have developed a reflex to wool - they are afraid of it like fire - sheep are often grazed in these areas, many wild animals (mountain goats, camels) walk that trample the minks of these spiders and themselves.

Single bee stings do not pose any danger to life, but cause severe pain, burning, swelling, local temperature increase, followed by the formation of swelling of the skin. With multiple bites, the child develops weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, fever. With increased sensitivity to poison, even one or more bites can cause a severe allergic reaction, in which hives, palpitations, pain in the lower back and joints, convulsions and loss of consciousness, fever, nausea, and vomiting are observed. An attack of bronchial asthma or anaphylactic shock is possible.

What should be done to alleviate the condition of the child?

1. If a sting remains in the wound, it must be removed with tweezers, lubricate the wound ammonia and put a cold compress on the bite site from a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, ice; you can make lotions from ammonia (1 part ammonia to 5 parts water) or wine alcohol (vodka mixed with water), you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Then it is better to put the child to bed, thereby ensuring peace, provide plenty of warm drink.

3. If your child has a strong reaction to a bee or wasp sting, expressed in the form of large swelling, seizures or urticaria, and vomiting has opened, which may be due to hypersensitivity to bee or wasp venom, consult a doctor immediately.

Think back to your childhood: maybe you or your friend got bitten in the mouth by a bee or wasp while eating an apple. These bites are especially dangerous. In such cases, death can occur very quickly not from general intoxication, but from laryngeal edema and suffocation. In this case, an urgent tracheotomy (dissection of the cartilage of the larynx) is necessary, i.e., urgent medical attention is needed. Such cases are quite rare. To soothe the pain of a bee sting, apply earth or cow dung.

If, nevertheless, your child was bitten by a wasp or a bee, and there is no first-aid kit at hand, then the bite can be smeared with earwax. This will quickly relieve the pain.

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A snake, a bumblebee, a wasp, a bee, and in some areas a tarantula, a scorpion and other poisonous creatures can bite a person. From such bites, the wound is small and looks like a needle prick, but poison penetrates through it, which, depending on the number and strength of the bite, first acts on the area near the bite itself, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Bites of poisonous snakes and insects

Snake bites, but only poisonous ones, are life-threatening. Snakes, as a rule, bite a person in the leg when he steps on them. Therefore, in areas where snakes are found, walking barefoot is prohibited. Snake bites are considered the most dangerous when the venom enters the blood or lymph nodes. If the poison enters the skin, intoxication increases from one to four hours. The venom and its toxicity depend on the species of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. At same conditions poisoning is more severe in women and children, and also in people who are in a drunken state.

Symptoms from bites of poisonous snakes are: burning pain in the affected area, two stab deep wounds, swelling and redness, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, fluid vesicles, dizziness, necrotic ulcers, sweating and nausea, tachycardia and shortness of breath. After thirty minutes, the leg can double in volume. With this, the following symptoms simultaneously appear: muscle weakness, loss of strength, weak pulse, pressure drop, fainting and collapse.

What help should be provided after a venomous snake bite?

  • Above the bitten zone, a tourniquet should be applied and twisted so that the poison does not get into other organs (only with a cobra bite for thirty or forty minutes).
  • It is necessary to lower the bitten leg and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound where the poison is located.
  • Start immediately intensive suction of the poison from the wound by mouth for fifteen minutes (you must first squeeze the area of ​​​​the bite and “open” the wound) and spit out the contents. Next, you need to draw the blood out of the wound along with the poison using a medical jar, glass or glass. To do this, in the selected dish, you need to hold a lit cotton wool or a splinter for some time, and then cover the wound very quickly with it.
  • Keep the affected limb immobile. You will need to rest in a supine position and drink plenty of water.
  • You also need to put cold on the wound, rinse the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate, inject adrenaline, diphenhydramine into the wound, then deliver the victim to a medical institution.

It is impossible to suck out blood with poison if there are destroyed teeth or scratches in the mouth through which poison penetrates into the blood. It is forbidden to cut the bite site, give alcohol of any kind.

Bites of poisonous insects (bumblebees, wasps, bees) can lead to local symptoms, to general poisoning, and also cause an allergic reaction in the body. One bite of such insects does not pose a particular danger. If the sting remains in the wound, it must be carefully removed, put on the wound lotion with ammonia, a cold compress of potassium permanganate, or ordinary water.

Bites of poisonous insects are very dangerous. Their poison can cause, in addition to burning and severe pain in the bite area, general poisoning. The symptoms are very similar to snakebite symptoms. If general toxic phenomena are strongly expressed, then this indicates a high sensitivity of the body to insect poisons, the occurrence of allergies, which can cause death.

First aid for the bite of poisonous insects

  • The bee sting must be removed quickly and the poison squeezed out of the wound.
  • Apply cold to the affected area.
  • Moisten, drip with validol, alcohol, galazolin the bite site.
  • Take antihistamines inside: pipolfen, suprastin, diphenhydramine.
  • Hot drink.
  • If the asthmatic syndrome begins to develop, it is necessary to use a pocket inhaler.
  • If complete asphyxia - apply tracheotomy.
  • Call an ambulance.

First aid for animal bites

From the bite of a rabid wolf, fox, cat, dog and other animal, a person develops rabies. Usually, the bite site bleeds slightly. If a leg or arm is bitten, it is necessary to lower it quickly and try to squeeze blood out of the wound.

Bleeding should not be stopped for a while. Then the bite area is washed with boiled water, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound, the victim is immediately sent to the hospital, where he will be given a special vaccination, thereby saving him from a deadly disease - rabies.

It must also be remembered that you can become infected with rabies not only from the bite of an animal, but also if its saliva gets on the mucous membrane or scratched skin.

Insect stings (bees and wasps) accompanied by a local reaction of the body, and with increased sensitivity to bee venom, even one or more bites can cause a severe allergic reaction like anaphylactic shock.

Symptoms: severe pain at the site of the bite; first blanching of the skin, then redness and swelling at the site of the bite; with increased sensitivity to bee (wasp) venom, anaphylactic shock may develop (headache, nausea, vomiting, asthmatic phenomena, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure).

First aid

1. Remove the sting of the bee (wasp). Treat the bite site with alcohol.

2. Apply cold to the affected area. Provide plenty of fluids.

3. Give inside suprastin (fenkarol), if necessary, analgin.

NOTE. With numerous stings by bees (wasps), the development of anaphylactic shock, urgently call an ambulance.

Prevention: to protect residential premises, windows should be closed with nets, doors should be tightly closed, and if necessary, chemically active agents (insecticides) should be used.

When bitten by venomous snakes snake venom enters the blood nervous system and can cause death from paralysis of the respiratory center. Snakes are the first to attack people, as a rule, when they are disturbed (touched, stepped on). The consequences depend on the type of snake, season, age and, especially, on the place of the bite. The bite to the head and neck is much more severe than to the limbs.

Symptoms: pain, burning sensation, hyperemia, increasing swelling at the site of the bite; dizziness, headache; muscle weakness, drowsiness; nausea, vomiting; increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure; in severe cases - convulsions, loss of consciousness; oppression, and then stop the respiratory and cardiac activity.

First aid

1. Provide the victim with complete rest in a horizontal position.

2. Treat the bite site with alcohol tincture of iodine and apply a bandage.

3. Immobilize the limb with a splint or improvised means.

4. Put cold on the bite. Provide plenty of fluids for the victim.

6. Urgently call an ambulance.

NOTE. You should not make incisions (cauterization) of the bite site, suck out the poison with your mouth, and apply a tourniquet.

Prevention: it is necessary to observe precautions when being in the forest, having previously explored the place of rest; when picking mushrooms, berries, legs and hands should be protected as much as possible with shoes and clothes.

28. Features of the structure and functions of the digestive system in children.

Oral cavity in newborns and young children is relatively small. Chewing muscles well developed, language relatively large, but short and wide.

Salivary glands in a newborn and a child in the first 3-4 months of life are not sufficiently differentiated. Therefore, little saliva is secreted, which causes dryness of the oral mucosa. At 3-4 months of life, the salivary glands become fully developed, and at this age children experience constant salivation, this is due to the fact that saliva is secreted in sufficient quantities, and the ability to swallow it has not yet been fully developed.

Esophagus in young children it is relatively longer than in an adult, and has a funnel shape. mucous membrane its tender, rich in blood vessels, dry due to the fact that mucous glands are almost absent. Stomach located in the left hypochondrium and only its exit - the pylorus - near the midline. Up to 1 year, the position of the stomach is horizontal, after 1 year, when the child begins to walk, the stomach takes on a more vertical position. mucous membrane the stomach is relatively thicker than that of an adult. stomach capacity in a full-term newborn is 30-35 ml, at the age of 3 months - 100 ml, 1 year - 250 ml. Secretory glands secrete gastric juice containing all the enzymes, as in an adult, but less active.

Gastric juice in a child it has the same composition as in an adult, i.e. it contains hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Intestines baby relatively longer than that of an adult. Length the intestinal tract in an infant is 6 times the length of the body (in an adult 4 times). mucous membrane the intestine is highly developed, abundantly supplied with blood vessels, rich in cellular elements, tender, with a large number of lymph nodes and villi. At the same time, underdeveloped submucosal tissue, muscles, transverse folds and imperfect in structure nerve plexuses. All this taken together causes a slight vulnerability of the gastrointestinal tract.

A distinctive and important feature of the intestines of an infant is the increased permeability of its walls.

Colon is the main organ for the absorption of iron, phosphorus, alkalis, water, sugar, chlorides, acids and some medicines. The duration of intestinal digestion with artificial feeding is about 2 days.

Liver in newborns and infants is a relatively large organ. Its weight in newborns is 4% of the total body weight (in an adult 2%). The liver of a child is very rich in blood vessels, there are few connective tissue elements in it, and its lobules are not sharply expressed. The functional activity of the liver is diverse, but in young children it is insufficient.