How to safely remove a hornet's nest in the country. How to clean a hornet's nest in the country in the summer

  • 13.06.2019

Pleasant pastime and summer vacation can be spoiled by such uninvited guests as wasps. They like to build their nests in the immediate vicinity of human habitation: under the roofs of houses, in various cracks in the cladding, secluded corners on the veranda. Since they feed on berries and fruits, they like to flock to the smell of jam or food, the neighborhood with them can often be very unpleasant. Provoke aggression from the side os can be careless movements or strong odors, and their bites can be very painful and cause an allergic reaction in some people. You probably want to know how to get rid of wasps suburban area ?

Spring is the most suitable time to drive such uninvited guests out of your garden. At this time, their number is minimal, and the size of the house is also small, since they are just starting to build it. As soon as you find that wasps have appeared on the site, track exactly where they fly. Carefully inspect the veranda, places under the roof and other nooks and crannies. If you find a small hornet's nest in the garden, then you can just cut it and destroy it. Returning insects will not find their home in their usual place, which will encourage them to fly away.

Fig.1 Wasp nest

If you find a wasp hive quite late, when whole hordes fly around the summer cottage os, getting rid of it will be somewhat more difficult. Simply cutting and destroying in this case will not work, since there is a high probability of encountering aggression from these insects. To remove and destroy the nest, you will need to use special chemicals designed to combat these insects. Since such drugs are quite toxic, it is highly discouraged to use them in the immediate vicinity of residential premises.

Fig. 2 Wasp nest

When handling a hornet's nest, you should wear a jacket or windbreaker and a hat with a mosquito net, protect your hands with gloves.

The most suitable time to deal with uninvited guests is evening. During the day most of the insects will be outside the house and nest handling will not be as effective. In addition, there is a high risk of encountering unprecedented aggression when the returning wasps do not find their home in their usual place.

Fig.3 Wasp nest

To destroy vespiary, you need to prepare a tight plastic bag, scissors and tape. It is good if a quick and dexterous assistant is next to you at this moment. Carefully get close to the house and quickly throw a bag over it, pressing its edges tightly to the place to which it is attached. Ask an assistant to fix it with adhesive tape so that not a single insect can fly out.

Then you should prepare an aerosol from os, cut off a small corner of the package and spray the preparation abundantly so that as much as possible gets directly into the house. Process also outer surface, and then tightly tape the corner and leave for at least an hour. Then you can carefully remove the bag and cut off the nest.

Fig. 4 Wasp nest

You can also try kill wasps with fire, for which you will also need an assistant, a large bucket, lighter fluid, matches or a lighter. You need to act very quickly! The nest should be knocked down so that it falls into a bucket, then quickly doused with liquid and set on fire.

Fig. 5 Wasp nest

If the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, special preparations in the form of an ointment will come to your rescue, which must be applied directly to the entrance to the house. Insects will bring them inside on their paws, which as a result will lead to the extinction of the wasp family.

If you are looking for an efficient way, how to get rid of wasp nests in the garden, try to start by reducing the number of individuals by placing traps. Can be cut off the top plastic bottle, placing it like a funnel. Pour jam, fragrant syrup or jelly at the bottom. Insects get in and can't get out.

Fig.6 Wasp nest

You can also put in the immediate vicinity of the nest a watermelon or melon peel generously treated with insecticide. Insects will die after eating the treat, after which it will be much easier to destroy their nest.

So that the wasps do not try to rebuild their house in the same place, you should treat it with an insecticide, kerosene, or apply a layer of varnish or paint.


Before removing wasp nests, reduce the number of these insects. This will make the task much easier. But do not lay out the poisoned bait. Its smell is likely to be attacked by wasps from neighboring areas.

Make traps. To do this, cut a plastic bottle at the shoulders and insert the neck inside. Pour some liquid jam. Once in the bottle, the insects will not find a way out.

Use chemicals such as "Mosquitol - Protection against wasps", "Gett" and others. Spray the nest itself or the entrance to it with an aerosol, it is very good if you can put a stream of poison inside. Put on gloves and a mosquito net first.

After the wasps have noticeably decreased, you can begin to remove their nest. Do this in the evening when all the insects are inside. Take a container with water poured over the edge. Bring to the hornet's nest so that it is completely flooded. Hold on for a few minutes. During this time, the wasps will die.

Or prepare a tight plastic bag, quickly lift it to the base of the nest and wrap it tightly. After that, you can tear off the nest. Tie up. Since the wasps build the entrance from below, they simply do not have time to get out of the nest before they find themselves in a tied bag. Try to quickly burn the caught insects, otherwise they may gnaw through the bag.

Treat the place where the nest was attached. Remove residue with a knife, wipe with hydrogen peroxide solution, spray with insecticide.


Fight wasps regularly, do not rely on next year they will settle elsewhere. Alas, in the spring you will see them again nearby. Because the most attractive places for wasps are precisely those places where the old nests remained.

Helpful advice

Remember to wear a protective mask with gloves and wash your hands with soap and water after handling poisons.

If the wasps are still bitten, then take Suprastin, Dimedrol, or another antihistamine.

To relieve swelling, rub the bite site with parsley or apply a cotton swab dipped in diluted ammonia (1:5).


  • destruction of a hornet's nest

Wild wasps that have settled in their summer cottage can cause constant concern for the owners and their guests. Wasp stings are quite painful. In addition, these insects, like flies, can carry intestinal infections. Fortunately, you can get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood without resorting to the services of specialists.

You will need

  • - tight clothing, gloves, a hat with a mosquito net;
  • - a jar of water;
  • - boiling water;
  • - plastic bag;
  • - scotch;
  • - poison for insects: troapsil, "Mosquitol protection against wasps", will be swept away;
  • - drug GETT.


If you managed to get rid of wasps on the balcony, do not forget about preventive measures. Put mosquito nets on the windows so that no insects bother you anymore.

Wasps settled on the balcony are a constant source of danger. Their bites can not only be very painful, but also cause an allergic reaction with serious health consequences.

You will need

  • - tight clothes;
  • - mesh for the face;
  • - gasoline;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - fruits or berries for bait;
  • - plastic bag;
  • - deep container with hot water.


Take care of your own safety before approaching a hornet's nest. Wear thick clothing to help protect against bites, and protect your face with a mesh headgear. In addition, it is important to remember that some odors for wasps are a strong irritant, because of which they can behave very aggressively. For example, you should not approach a hornet's nest after drinking alcohol. Also give up perfume if you want to get rid of wasps on the balcony and not get stung.

Residents of megacities and large cities rarely have to fight wasps and other insects. But summer residents and residents country houses they know firsthand what wasps are, they have personally experienced all the methods of dealing with insects that love to arrange their nests on balconies, under the roof of the house and in other places. In general, wasps are useful, it is they who destroy small garden pests, but for a person they become a real punishment, causing a lot of pain and discomfort with their bites. That is why, within the framework of this material, we will try to talk about how to get rid of wasps in the house. In addition, we will determine the main causes of the appearance of uninvited insects.

About the reasons

In order to learn how to get rid of wasps in the house, first of all, it is necessary to determine the main reasons for their appearance. Knowing them, you can prevent the appearance of uninvited guests on your site or in your house.

Reasons for the appearance wasp nests in a private house may be different. But we want to highlight the most common of them:

  • meat, fish, sweets left unattended in the open, attracting insects;
  • a warm and dry place, ideal for building a home;
  • nesting for overwintering - it is often in the fall that owners of private houses experience wasp attacks, it is at this time that insects are busy looking for a great place to overwinter;
  • case - quite often, wasps enter the house quite by accident, say, in search of water or food.

Is it worth the fight

For some, the appearance of wasp nests under the roof of a barn seems completely harmless. Indeed, it is possible to exist all summer in the conditions of proximity to the wasps without entering into open conflict with them. But the difficulty lies primarily in the fact that one can never be sure how the wasps will react to the appearance and presence of a person. It is possible that wasps can defend their home, feeling real danger and a threat, and attack a person with a whole swarm. Just imagine that their attack can be subjected to Small child walking on the site.

In rare cases, destroying wasp nests is a last resort. If you are the owner of a huge plot and do not intersect with dangerous insects in any way, then you can allow them to continue to coexist with you, nest and fight other insects on your site.

Caution is above all

You should remember the main rule: wherever there is a hornet's nest, a person is in danger. He can be bitten for no apparent reason, completely groundless. At best, it will be a small bite, at worst - numerous bites with an allergic reaction and swelling. In order to get rid of wasps once and for all, it is not enough just to find a nest and eliminate it, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of uninvited insects on your site. Of course, you can brush off a couple of winged insects with the help of an ordinary fly swatter. But in the event that they have already built a nest on your territory, this is absolutely not enough - you should move on to more serious events.

Looking for a nest

How to get rid of wasps in the house? First, go in search of a nest. And here it is important to get acquainted with insects and what they are guided by in choosing a place for their home. So, they choose hard-to-reach and hidden areas. In wildlife, these requirements are perfectly met by hollows, a dense crown of trees. If your site has such old powerful trees, start with them. If we talk about traditional buildings, then they become an ideal place for arranging wasp nests. We recommend that you pay attention to the following places during the inspection:

  • rarely used household and utility rooms, sheds, garages - pay attention to areas directly under the ceiling;
  • niches under the slate;
  • cracks and places where the sheathing from old age has moved away from the walls themselves;
  • verandas, balconies;
  • thickets of shrubs and the so-called hedge.

Of course, it is very problematic to go around all the suitable areas, to look into every crack, the search can drag on for indefinite term. That is why we recommend using a little trick: put on open space piece of fish or meat. If wasps have settled on your site, they will gladly begin to flock to the delicacy. Your task is to track the route and the original point of their journey.

Let's start deriving

The destruction of wasp nests only at first glance seems like a simple task, but you must be extremely careful and attentive so as not to become the subject of revenge of angry winged ones. It doesn’t matter if insects are bred in a summer cottage or in a city apartment - they should be removed by the same means. Before proceeding with the operation, read some precautions:

  • It is unacceptable, it is strictly forbidden to use direct fire to burn out the nest, especially when it comes to trees and residential buildings. very effective remedy against wasps, but the flames of fire, especially in dry windy weather, can easily spread to residential facilities - it is better to abandon this method.
  • Considering the type of enemy you have to fight, take care of protective clothing in advance to help prevent bites.
  • Be sure to notify your neighbors that you are going to start getting rid of wasps - during this period of time it is advisable to stop all work on the street, close doors and windows tightly.

Nest burning

Do you want to know how to get rid of wasps in the house once and for all? To date, no more effective way than burning. Wasps make their home from the bark of trees. In turn, it is identical in structure to ordinary cardboard - it will take a few seconds to burn it to the ground. All that is required from you is to douse the hive with gasoline and set it on fire. At first glance, everything is extremely simple, but only at first glance.

We have already mentioned that it is strictly forbidden to use open fire - the probability of fire is too high in this case. This method is definitely not suitable for those cases when the hive is located in the casing of the house, under the slate or in the cracks formed. Use it only when there are no flammable objects nearby.

Insecticide preparations

If you do not know how to get rid of the house most effectively and safely, pay attention to the universal method. It is based on the use of insecticides. Currently, they are in sufficient assortment and abundance in hardware stores. You can choose any of the following:

  • "Executioner";
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Diazinon";
  • "Tetrix".

These are time-tested, affordable drugs. Recently, more and more often, a drug such as "Aktara" is used to combat uninvited insects. Its price is slightly higher than the cost of the closest analogues (100 rubles per pack of 4 g). But the efficiency the highest level. Of course, activities require some training primarily informative.

"Delta Zone" and all of the above drugs are available in water-soluble form. All that is required of you is to strictly follow the instructions on the package. After the miracle remedy has been prepared, prepare a tight plastic bag, making sure there are no cuts or holes. The package size must be identical to the size of the hive. Pour 200 ml of the solution diluted in the indicated proportion into the bag.

And finally, the most serious and crucial moment - the bag with the solution must be put on the nest as quickly as possible, and at the same time it should be carefully put on the nest, and in such a way that the possibility of the wasps getting out was excluded. If the home of the wasps is under a roof, then it is better to glue the neck of the bag to it with adhesive tape, thereby ensuring better fixation. The package with the hive and all its inhabitants can only be removed after a few days. In no case do not try to do this right away - then you will have to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of a swarm of wasps in the house, which will start attacking all your household members.

To be sure, before removing the package, move it - if the characteristic buzzing does not come, then the wasps are dead, and your goal has been achieved.

Special cases

Not always everything is so extremely simple. How to get rid of wasps in the cracks of the house or in its lining? Often you have to fight with a swarm that settled in the hollow of a tree. In this case, putting on a package with the drug certainly will not work. The same "Aktara" will help you, the price of which is very democratic. Can't find this product? Use any of the list. Your task is to try to pour the drug onto the hive, and in such a way that it gets inside it. It is important at this point to block the exit. This can be done with a dense cloth dipped in an insecticide solution.

Water use

If you can't burn the hive or use special chemicals and are still worried about how to get rid of wasps in your house as quickly as possible, water is your salvation.

It's no secret that wasps are afraid of water in all its manifestations. If the hornet's nest hangs right under the roof of the house, for example in the attic, you will have to be dexterous. The essence of the method is to immerse the hornet's nest in water - for this it is better to arm yourself with a plastic bucket. Moreover, the edges of the bucket must be pressed tightly against the ceiling, thereby blocking the exit of insects. Moreover, at the bottom, the bucket must be supported with a heavy weighty object, otherwise you will have to stand in this position for at least a day.

Complexity of implementation this method lies in the instability and unreliability of the entire structure.

Bait use

There are cases when it is not possible to find a nest. In fact, it can be in cracks, sheathing, under the roof itself - those places where you simply cannot crawl. If you don’t know how to get rid of a swarm of wasps in the house that bother and threaten all household members, resort to using one of the safest and easiest ways for a person to use - using bait.

The primary task is to prepare the very bait. For wasps, beer with sugar or sour jam is the most delicious treat - such a bait will gather all the winged inhabitants of your house. But the secret lies in the addition of a few grams of insecticidal preparations, such as "Delta Zone". The bait with a deadly anti-wasp agent is best placed in an open place, providing unhindered access.

An important point: warn all household members, limit access to the place of bait for pets so as not to harm them. The use of bait is also a godsend for those who do not know how to get rid of wasps in the sheathing of the house. This is a proven method, and completely safe.

special services

Perhaps the most efficient and safe way, which does not require any labor costs from homeowners - call the pest control service. Professionals who have protective clothing and all the necessary tools will perform the work quickly and efficiently.

The cost of the service for the destruction of wasps in an apartment starts from 1,500 rubles, in a summer cottage - from 2,500 rubles. If you are not ready to embark on a personal fight with winged and still quite dangerous insects, wasps in the wall of the house, and it is impossible to get to them on your own, pay special attention to this option.

Summing up

We tried to answer the question of how to get rid of wasps in the house as detailed and detailed as possible, shared secrets and methods that demonstrate maximum efficiency. We hope they will help you not only get rid of uninvited guests, but also prevent the appearance of such dangerous insects.

After waiting for the night, dressed in closed clothes, he did everything as Nikolai Ivanovich said. In this article you will learn: how to remove a hornet's nest, what are considered safe methods of control, what drugs and traps are best to use, how to prevent them reappearance.

How to breed a hornet's nest: the main ways

Wasps rarely build a nest right in a house or apartment, but this happens. In this case, the use of pesticides in their pure form, without improvised means, does not best way out out of position. You will not kill all the insects, and the surviving wasps will be so angry that even fleeing will not help to get away from revenge.

How to remove a hornet's nest

Wait for the night (the wasps will sleep) or do it early in the morning, put on clothes that are inaccessible to the sting of insects, cover your face, neck, protect your hands with gloves. No one should be in the room, only you and the wasps.

  • Take a package (tight), very carefully put it on the socket, tighten it at the place of its fastening.
  • Make a hole in the bag and stick a spray tip into it (it doesn’t matter what you choose, it can be ordinary dichlorvos).
  • Fill the nest with insecticide.
  • Wait ten minutes. If possible, leave the bag for a couple of days to make sure the insects die.
  • Remove the wasp housing along with the package.
  • Throw it away or burn it.
  • Ventilate the room.
If the nest is accessible but the bag cannot be placed over it, try soaking a thick cloth with insecticide and wrapping it around the nest. Just wait, and then throw away or destroy with the fabric.

You can get rid of the nest, without the use of chemicals, using a washing vacuum cleaner.

  1. Make sure the hose is long enough and the holes in the grate are small, otherwise the wasps will fly out.
  2. Pour the soapy solution into the vacuum cleaner, about six centimeters.
  3. Attach the hose to the flight port of the socket.
  4. Turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  5. It may take up to an hour for all the wasps to get into the vacuum cleaner.
  6. Turn off the vacuum cleaner. Quickly restrict the exit from the hose, for example by plugging the opening with a cloth.
  7. Wait until all wasps are dead.
  8. Throw away the contents of the bag.

Drown the nest in water. The method is suitable if it hangs freely.

  • Wear tight clothing. Place a bucket under the nest, pour boiling water there or cold water.
  • Throw a bag over the nest (make sure that there are no holes in it).
  • Tie up the bag and pull off the nest.
  • Place it in water, cover it with a lid on top and place the load.
  • Leave for 12 hours if using cold water.
  • Destroy the remains of the nest. Before removing it from the bucket, tap on it for a buzz.

Folk methods of struggle

In addition to physical and chemical control methods, you can also use people's councils for the destruction of wasps.

  1. Gum and some other natural substances can scare wasps out of the house forever;
  2. In order for the wasps not to organize their colony, for example, under the visor of a summer house, or at home, you can wipe the desired area with kerosene or gasoline.

In order to avoid the construction of wasp nests in early spring, it is recommended to conduct a preventive review of places suitable for their comfortable habitation. First of all, these are various abandoned buildings (especially in the corners and under the roof peaks), on trees (in particular, in hollows, on branches and in hollow rotten stumps), in piles of boards, crevices of living quarters, in attics, etc.

The nest must be immediately destroyed before it reaches a huge size, and the wasp colony has not grown to several thousand individuals.

It is important to remember that the best time to destroy nests is late at night and early in the morning when all the insects in the nest are still asleep. Do not forget to protect the body from stings - just one wasp can sting 5-6 times in a few minutes. After deinsectization, grease the place where the nest was located with kerosene or gasoline - the wasps will stay away from it and will never come back.

Unsafe Methods

If a hornet's nest is hanging from something thin, or loosely attached to a surface, the following methods can be used to destroy it.

  • Insecticide bag
This method will require remarkable courage and dexterity. You will need: a tight plastic bag, adhesive tape and an insecticidal agent (for example, “Lambda”, “Delta zone”, “Kukaracha”, “Executioner”, etc.)

Insect repellent is poured into the bag in advance. At night, when all the wasps are sleeping, you need to quietly make your way to the nest, place it as carefully as possible in a bag and tightly seal the junction with adhesive tape. Within a few hours after the action of the remedy, all the wasps in the bag will suffocate.

  • Bucket with water

Sometimes, when it is necessary to act quickly and radically, the right insecticide may not be available. This method of getting rid of pests is even more extreme than the previous one and is only suitable for nests that are relatively low and easily detached.

All that is needed for this method is a bucket with a lid, water and lion's courage. For a more comfortable process, you can take an assistant with you, and add an insecticidal agent to the water.

Everything is done in the same way at night, when insects are least active. It is necessary to knock the nest into a substituted bucket of water with a sharp and strong movement with a stick and immediately cover it tightly with a lid. It should be borne in mind that a certain number of wasps will still have time to fly out of the nest, so before starting “Operation X”, you need to take care of protecting your body.

Safe Methods

  1. Preparation of poisoned bait
  2. The action of this method will have to wait a while. You will need insecticide and bait - for example, watermelon peels, or any piece of sweet juicy fruit. The baits are sprayed with poison and laid out in places where wasps are most concentrated. After a few days, the pests will disappear.

  3. Trap Cooking
  4. Special wasp traps are sold in many stores, but to save money, you can make your own. All you need is an empty plastic bottle, insect repellent and some sweet liquid (jam, kvass, or regular soda will work well for this purpose).

    About a third of the plastic bottle needs to be cut off, the cork removed and turned upside down, marking it in the resulting plastic “glass”.

    The "glass" is filled with a pre-prepared liquid with an insecticide. By placing this bait near the nest, you can get rid of these dangerous insects once and for all. These two methods, although they take some time, are very effective and are used in cases where the hornet's nest is out of reach - too high above the ground or in hard-to-reach places.

  5. Poison agents with microcapsules

Science has taken a huge step forward. If earlier Dichlorvos was considered the main remedy for pests and insects, today more effective drugs are on the market.

They are also safer for humans. These tools work a little differently. The insect is poisoned at the entrance to the nest, plus the wasp also brings the poison into the hive - 1-3 days and the poison will affect everyone. The main disadvantage is the high cost of substances.

Help from experts

Turning to professionals is not only a simple solution, but also the most far-sighted. Firstly, who, if not qualified exterminators, knows how to get rid of wasps on a balcony, in an attic, etc. Secondly, calling specialists will protect you from the threats described above.

And finally, thirdly, you will save:

  • Time. Self wrestling with pests can last for years, while our masters will take no more than half an hour;
  • Finance.
  • It is better to pay the exterminator once than to spend money on ineffective (and even dangerous to your health) traps and baits and remedies for the treatment and elimination of the consequences.

  • Strength and health.
  • It is better to let a professional with licensed preparations into the house once than to try to remove wasps on your own and receive a “bonus” in the form of bites and possible poisoning with household chemicals.

Source: ";"

What is a hornet's nest

It would be foolish to talk about how to breed a hornet's nest without mentioning what it is. In solitary wasps, this can be anything from a mink in the ground to holes in the trunks and stems of plants. With public affairs, things are somewhat different.

They make their nests from wood, which in the process of chewing is turned into a kind of papier-mâché. It is worth noting that, despite their apparent fragility, such structures are quite durable.

They consist of honeycombs arranged in horizontal rows and reliably protect eggs from wind and rain.

Harm from the appearance of a hornet's nest on your balcony / attic / etc.

For those who want to know how to clean a hornet's nest on their own, as well as for those who do not see any problems in such a neighborhood, we want to remind you that wasps are, first of all, pests. Moreover, the damage they inflict from time to time can vary enormously: in one situation, spoiled food will be the price, in another it may be your life.

Don't believe? Judge for yourself, a hornet's nest in the apartment will cause:

  1. bites.
  2. Bites are the first and most obvious harm that striped pests bring. As already mentioned, most wasps are social creatures, which means that they have nest protection at the level of instincts.

    Therefore, if you do not take care in a timely manner of how to destroy the hornet's nest in the house, any subject who finds himself near it runs the risk of being attacked by dozens of the sharpest stings, even if he has no destructive motives.

    Add to this the fact that after a bite, these insects (unlike some others) do not die and do not even lose their sting, and the situation becomes not at all rosy. And also we must not forget about allergy sufferers, in whom just one bite can provoke not only an acute reaction, but also anaphylactic shock (a quite likely outcome of which can be fatal).

  3. Infections.
  4. Being known for their sweet tooth, wasps do not hesitate to look for sugar-containing foods even in garbage dumps and in cesspools. After such sorties, billions of bacteria can remain on their paws, including pathogens of various infections and diseases.

    Now imagine that after its slop "raid" the insect decided to feast on your food. We think now you have a desire to destroy the hornet's nest.

  5. Damage to food and plants.
  6. Thinking about how to get rid of the nest of wasps also does not hurt lovers to dig in the garden.

    Overcoming significant distances in a day, these insects are able to infect your plantings (or fruits) with mold and various bacteria that are dangerous for plants.

    Nurses may well first visit the nearest market (where products often already begin to decompose), and then your garden, carrying an infectious “surprise” on their paws. In addition, the wasps are quite voracious, and the danger also threatens a significant part of your crop.

  7. Death of bees.
  8. If you are fond of beekeeping, then you need to learn how to kill a hornet's nest immediately after the first pests appear. It's no secret that larvae of hornets (large wasps) are carnivorous creatures.

    For their full development, the “parents” are forced to regularly go hunting, which in a couple of weeks can turn into the death of the entire apiary for you. As you can see, the harm from these insects is very significant. Therefore, if a hornet's nest has appeared in your house, you need to think about how to destroy it as soon as possible.

Most often there are paper wasps (or social). They got such a strange name due to the fact that they build nests for themselves from paper, which they themselves produce. The second name indicates that wasps like to live in colonies, each of which has from several hundred to several thousand individuals.

Colonies prefer to settle near human dwellings, because they can always find food. More than 3000 species of paper wasps are known in the world, about 100 species of which live in the temperate climate zone.


If you find a hornet's nest, then, first of all, do not panic. You should not come close to him, examine him, and even more so try to knock him down with a stone or a stick. Wasps are already extremely aggressive, and when they enter their territory uninvited guest, then he definitely will not leave unharmed.

As with any object, the hornet's nest has its own guards who will fight to the death for their home. You can detect the presence of striped pests in this way - in places of their constant accumulation, you need to put a piece raw meat and track the flight path from the decoy and back.

So, observations showed the presence of wasps on the site. What to do in this case? Methods for destroying wasps are divided into 2 main types: relatively safe and relatively unsafe.

Wasps build their nests, which can reach several meters in height and width. And this is another good reason not to let them equip their own housing. For construction, they use old rotten wood, which they chew and moisten with saliva.

Rapid identification of the problem and the adoption of prompt measures are the key to the destruction of these pests. Most often, wasp houses are located in hollows of trees and on branches, but they can also be located in close proximity to a human dwelling.

  • favorite nesting places are dry warm attics. In this case, the wasps present the greatest danger;
  • wooden toilets on the street, sheds, any other premises that are little visited and seem safe to wasps;
  • space under slate on roofs;
  • under the canopies of verandas, balconies, terraces and loggias;
  • in the cracks behind the upholstery;
  • in other places: in the grass, on a fallen tree, in a rotten stump, in a pile of old boards, etc.


Safety measures when destroying wasp nests

First of all, make sure that your body reacts calmly to the bites of these insects. The test is performed by an allergist. In the presence of allergic reaction never remove the nest yourself.

  1. Take care of protective clothing. Cover all parts of the body as much as possible.
  2. Protect your eyes with regular ski goggles or wear a beekeeper mask.
  3. When using insecticides, use old, unusable clothes, you may have to throw them away after the procedure.
  4. Do not use ladder if the nest is high up, you could fall and be seriously injured if attacked by wasps.
  5. Whichever method you use, make sure that there are no children playing nearby, no pets before the start of the event.
  6. Make an escape plan, if anything goes wrong you have to retreat. You can repeat the procedure after a few hours.
  7. Act quickly before the wasps react to the danger.
  8. Warn neighbors about the event.
  9. They need to close the windows and, if possible, not go outside.

  10. Do not kill the wasp if it was able to fly out of the nest, killing the insect releases a substance that will provoke the whole swarm to attack you.
  11. Waving your arms, or whatever, only angers the insects.
  • Remember that when destroying a hornet's nest on your own, you can be bitten very badly, once again think about calling specialists.
  • If wasps are guests on your site, use spirals or fumigators.
  • The best time to fight wasps - the beginning of the year and at night.
  • Wasps are sensitive to light, you can not shine a flashlight into their nest.
  • In winter, throw out empty nests, and clean the surface where they were attached.
  • Inspect your home from time to time, eliminate holes and crevices in a timely manner.
  • Close garbage cans tightly, collect fallen fruits from the ground.
  • Place a couple of fakes in the form of a nest on the site. Wasps do not settle in those places where a colony of insects already lives on the territory.
Do not touch the nest if it is located away from your home or yard.

Virtually every insect ecological system, the destruction of which can lead to natural disaster. Wasps looking for food in your garden? Learn to live nearby, because they eat caterpillars and pollinate flowers in your territory.

Preparatory work before cleaning

Wasps are very aggressive. Noticing the threat, they will immediately attack violently. The inhabitants of the lair flying nearby will also come to the aid of the defenders. If this happens, then you need to calmly leave the territory. It is now impossible to brush aside, and even more so to kill insects.

To avoid bites and carry out your plan, you will need:

  1. Tight clothes;
  2. Beekeeper's mask;
  3. Durable gloves.

Before you stir up the nest, you should place a container with syrup a few meters from it.

This will distract the wasps flying in the area. Any of the presented methods is recommended to be carried out in the late evening or at night, when all individuals have flocked to spend the night. The optimal time to deal with wasps is the beginning of spring and the end of autumn.
Source: ""

Wasps: developing a plan of destruction

The appearance of a hornet's nest in the country is a very unpleasant moment. The situation is even more aggravated if one of the family members has a strong allergy to insect bites. In addition to the constant fear of getting a wasp sting, you are haunted by annoying buzzing from all sides and striped creatures scurrying back and forth.

At the beginning of summer, you may not even realize that winged pests have made a nest under the roof of a house or in a barn. The main activity in wasps begins in early August. At this time, their immense appetite attracts insects to the sweet smells of compotes and jams.

Being on the site, you forget about a pleasant summer vacation. All thoughts are directed only to how to remove the hornet's nest in the country forever and as soon as possible.

Living on the same site with an aspen family is not the most pleasant neighborhood. But if you decide to actively fight aggressive insects, you need to be doubly careful. Before you destroy a hornet's nest, you need to protect yourself and loved ones.

  • Protective clothing.
  • Highly important point. Before you fight wasps in the country, put on tight trousers, a jacket or sweatshirt with a hood, boots or boots that you can tightly tuck your pants and gloves into.

    On top of the hood, you can wear a hat with a mosquito net. If you plan to use chemicals, be aware that products can leave stubborn stains.

  • Using a ladder can be very dangerous.
  • Very often, wasps make their nest at a great height, for example, under the eaves of the second floor or on a tree branch. Be extremely careful when trying to reach the nest from the ladder. At the most unexpected moment, a swarm of wasps can fly out of the nest. The danger of falling in this case is very high.

  • Harm of chemicals.
  • If to fight wasps you opted for special chemicals, make sure there are no children or animals in the vicinity. At least during the day, no one should be on the site.

    In addition, after the procedure, you need to remove all dead insects in a bag and take them away. Otherwise, wasps infected with poison can cause serious poisoning of a cat or dog if they decide to feast on easy prey.

How to find a hornet's nest

Before talking about how to get rid of wasps in the country, you need to know how to find the main source of the problem. If the shelter of the wasps is not located in plain sight, then you will first have to look for it. This process is also unsafe. You accidentally, without expecting it yourself, can step on the nest or touch it with your hand.

In this case, the attack of aggressive insects cannot be avoided. Therefore, searches must also be carried out in protective gear and be ready for a quick escape. Where is the first place to look for wasps?

The wasp nest is often located in the most secluded and unexpected places. The first step is to watch the wasps.

Stand aside and look in which direction the insects fly after labor day. This will already determine which part of the house or garden to search. After that, carefully inspect all building beams, cornices, roof peaks, an attic, a shed for storing things and working equipment.

It is possible that you will find a nest there. But often wasps climb even more inaccessible places. If you see a small gap in the wall, on the floor or at the junction of pipes, you can safely assume that the wasps live there. In this case, the only the right way how to get rid of annoying wasps - pickle them with aerosol chemicals, and then seal the cracks tightly.

How to choose the right time

It is best to get rid of wasps at the beginning of the season, as wasps can be dealt with in wooden house closer to September is much more difficult. Firstly, the number of insects is not yet too large. Secondly, the wasps during this period are not as active as the sunset of summer.

But, as mentioned above, it is not always possible to find a wasp shelter in time. Active wasps must be fought at night. In the dark, their reaction is slowed down, so the operation is less dangerous.

In addition, in the evening all the wasps return to the nest and you can completely destroy the colony at one time.

Wasps are very vindictive insects. If you try to destroy a half-empty nest during the day, then the wasps that return after a few hours can greatly harm the offenders of their fellows.

Make an escape plan and choose a weapon

Do not neglect this, at first glance, ridiculous point. After spraying poison in the direction of the nest or an unsuccessful attempt to remove the shelter of insects, the wasps will fly out and attack. Willy-nilly, you will have to run very fast to hide from the bites.

It is better if the route is thought out in advance, and there are no unexpected obstacles in the form of a log or scattered children's toys on the way. Before proceeding directly to the destruction of the home of wasps, you need to thoroughly prepare, study various methods, and evaluate your own capabilities.

But at this time, the wasps do not stop attacking. Their bites continue to be a serious threat to the inhabitants of the cottage. How to be? Try setting traps to distract the wasps temporarily.

The easiest option is a container with a sweet liquid. Wasps flock to the bait. A bottle with a narrow neck is best suited for this purpose. Insects crawl inside the trap, but getting out of there is quite problematic for them. Instead of regular sugar syrup, use jam or compote. The fruity aroma attracts wasps much more strongly.

Some summer residents advise adding an ampoule of any insecticide that is designed for gastrointestinal poisoning of pests to the "delicacy". It is said that in this way it is possible to significantly reduce the number of insects.

  1. Water.
  2. One of the most common methods offered by summer residents. If you act strictly according to plan, then it is quite possible to exterminate annoying insects without the use of chemicals.
  • put on a prepared protective suit;
  • pour into a bucket hot water. The higher the temperature, the better;
  • take a tight plastic bag or package;
  • if the nest is on a tree branch, put on a bag and tighten the cord tightly on top. If the wasps decide to build a dwelling in the corner of the house or under the roof, holding the bag directly under the nest, knock the nest into a bag with a sharp movement with a stick and tie it too;
  • immerse the bag in a bucket, press it on top with a stone and leave it overnight;
  • in the morning all the wasps will be destroyed.
  • Chemical means.
  • Before destroying the hornet's nest under the roof wooden house, you can buy a special pesticide in the form of a spray. Aerosol bottles are easy to use and quite effective on wasps.

    But just like in other cases, safety precautions should not be neglected. Having prepared the poison canister, proceed as follows:

    • put on the right closed clothing, point the bottle at the nest;
    • direct the jet of pesticide at the habitat of the wasps and spray for 10-15 seconds;
    • leave the area as soon as possible.

    The best means for baiting these insects are those that say "from wasps", and not aerosols of complex action "from all species flying ...". Of those pesticides that are presented in stores household chemicals, “Mosquitol against wasps”, “Reid” and “Dichlorvos” (ordinary, not newfangled “odorless”) have proven themselves well.

    From the first time, it is usually not possible to cope with the entire wasp family. The procedure will need to be repeated in another day or two.

    This method is often used as preparatory stage before destroying the nest. After the action of chemicals, the wasps become intoxicated, their reaction slows down significantly. Therefore, further manipulations become less dangerous.

  • Burning of a hornet's nest.
  • There is another effective way to remove a hornet's nest in the country. The process is carried out with the help of smoke from a fire, diluted directly under the nest. It's better not to burn ordinary firewood, but needles. It is believed that this smell quickly intoxicates insects and makes them leave their homes.

    This option is suitable for those cases when the wasps settled on a tree branch. It is unlikely that someone will dare to light a fire right on the porch own dacha.

    Although some resourceful owners came up with the idea of ​​​​using a barbecue for this purpose. A lit fire must be left for a while. The smoke will rise up, suffocate the wasps, causing them to fly out. In an hour or two, all insects will leave their shelter. The nest can be easily removed and destroyed.

    There is another variation of the method of getting rid of wasps using fire. Without waiting for the wasps to leave the dwelling, you need to get to the nest. And also, as mentioned in the method with water, "pack" it in a bag. The package is quickly doused with gasoline or other flammable liquid and thrown into a bonfire.

  • Kerosene or diesel fuel.
  • Any of these liquids should be poured into a garden spray bottle and sprayed liberally on a hornet's nest. After a while, the insects will die from the poisonous smell and you will have no problems cleaning the nest.

    But there are pitfalls here. Few people decide to voluntarily pour kerosene on their house. After all, the slightest negligence and fire can lead to instant ignition of the building.

  • Recently, those who nevertheless decided on this method often complain that kerosene does not help.
  • Experts suggest that the insects have mutated, and their body has become more resistant to the effects of such liquids. So instead of killing insects, you can only make them angry.

  • Insecticide dust.
  • Insecticide dust is effective in cases where the wasps have built a nest directly on the ground. This behavior of insects is typical for large hornets.

    If you are affected by this case, proceed as follows:

    • take a quarter cup of insecticidal dust (you can ask for Sevin 5 Garden Dust in the store;
    • at night or in the early morning, sprinkle the hole in the nest with this powder. Do not forget about protective clothing and gloves;
    • no need to cover the nest. Let the wasps come in and out unhindered. Poisoned dust clings to the paws and is brought inside the nest, infecting all other inhabitants.

    Usually one or two days is enough to destroy the entire swarm. If it's not the third day you still notice live wasps, repeat the process.

  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • The appearance of wasps in the house or in the country is accompanied by a lot of worries and troubles for the people living there. In addition to being quite painful for a person, wasps can be carriers of diseases and infections.

    Wasp nests begin to build in early spring, as a rule, choosing secluded places indoors for this. After that, the female lays eggs and already, a month later, one can observe the appearance of the first offspring of insects, the proximity to which becomes noticeable and brings anxiety.

    Therefore, it is necessary to know how to deal with and protect yourself from wasps if a wasp nest is found in the house or in the country.

    How to deal with wasps in the country, in the house?

    Wasps choose human dwellings for building their nests, as there is always enough food there to attract their attention. Often you can find ordinary paper wasps, hornets in the house or in the country, sometimes there are earthen wasps.

    As places for arranging their nests, wasps usually choose attics, balconies, cracks in the wall and other places where they will be protected from winds and rains.

    Wasps must be fought and their nests must be disposed of, because in their neighborhood a person is always in danger of being attacked and getting stings, which are very painful. Wasps can contribute to crop damage, as they use ripening fruits for food. They can carry intestinal infections.

    Protection against wasps in the country can be provided in a variety of ways, the most common of which are:

    • Removing wasps by completely destroying the nest;
    • Use of special traps;
    • Harassment with poisonous baits;
    • Access to specialized services.

    If the wasps in the house are present in not in large numbers, you can use or sticky paper for flies. It is necessary to calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the wasp control methods and choose the most suitable one.

    Tired of pest control?

    Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

    Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

    It has the following properties:

    • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
    • Safe for children and pets
    • Mains powered, no recharging required
    • No addictive effect in pests
    • Large area of ​​action of the device

    How to find a hornet's nest?

    When wasps appear in a residential area, you need to think about finding and destroying their nest. In order to find a hornet's nest, it must be remembered that wasps use places that are hard to reach for humans, hidden from prying eyes, to build it.

    In the country, a hornet's nest can most often be found:

    1. In rarely used utility or household premises, for example, in sheds, toilets, attics;
    2. In niches under slate;
    3. On balconies, loggias;
    4. Among dense thickets of shrubs or hedges.

    However, it is rather difficult to check all possible nest-building sites even if small size site. Therefore, you can use effective special methods aimed at tracking wasps.

    The essence of this method is as follows: it is necessary to put on open area a piece of meat or fish, the smell of which will attract insects. Then all that remains is to keep a close eye on the wasps, as they will fly from the treat to the nest, making it easy to spot their nest.

    In houses, on balconies, finding a hornet's nest is also not difficult. Long-term observations will certainly help to determine in which place the insects fly most often, therefore, their nest will be located there.

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    How to get rid of a hornet's nest in the house?

    There are several main methods used to get rid and destroy a hornet's nest in the house. So, how to get rid of a wasp nest in the house? It is necessary to consider the essence of each method in order to choose the most suitable one.


    The use of water to get rid of a wasp nest is possible, when the nest is found in the ground or is under a canopy or in the attic. If earthen wasps are a source of concern, then it is necessary to find their “burrow” in the ground, and then fill it with such an amount of water that it begins to flow out of it.

    For this purpose it is recommended to use garden hose, since the volume of any limited container with water may not be enough to completely fill the "burrow". After the hole is filled with water, you need to cover it with a stone.

    Sometimes this method may not have the desired effect due to the absorption of water into the soil or in the case when the wasps react quickly and make a new exit from the hole to the outside. If the hornet's nest is under the roof of the house, then the use of water to destroy it is also possible, however, it is more difficult, this requires special training.

    This method consists in filling a bucket with water and completely immersing the nest in it, pressing the edges of this bucket tightly to the ceiling. Support the bucket from below using a ladder or a board of appropriate height. Usually insects under water do not withstand longer than a day.

    However, before using this method, you should make sure that the entire structure is stable and that there are no gaps between the bucket and the ceiling, as in this case the wasps can find a way out of the trap.


    When a wasp nest is found in the ground, it is quite simple and effective ways for its destruction is the use of any product of petroleum refining, for example, gasoline or diesel fuel. It is required to fill the nest with gasoline, moisten a rag in it and close the exit from the hole with it. This contributes to the death of wasps after a certain amount of time.

    Also, one of the methods of dealing with wasps is burning the nest. To do this, you need to douse the object with gasoline and set it on fire. However, this method is only suitable for destroying nests located in the ground or on a stone surface in the absence of flammable objects nearby.


    One of the most common means used to combat wasps is dichlorvos. With its help, the nest is processed, which must be repeated, since it is almost impossible to destroy all insects the first time.

    The use of dichlorvos requires a number of precautions, such as:

    1. The destruction of the nest is carried out at night, when insects have little activity.
    2. Be sure to wear protective clothing that is tight enough, use thick gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

    Thus, with the help of one cylinder of dichlorvos, you can relatively quickly get rid of a medium-sized wasp nest.

    Special preparations

    In addition to the methods of mechanical destruction of the nest, insecticidal preparations with a large spectrum of action are widely used.

    Among them are the following funds from wasps in the country and at home:

    1. Karbofos, which is a fairly inexpensive and safe drug, often used to combat other insects.
    2. Insecticide preparations based on chlorpyrifos having a contact effect.
    3. Executioner- a tool with which you can effectively get rid of wasps and hornets;
    4. Tetrix is a professional product used for pest control, however, its acquisition can be quite difficult, especially in small quantities.

    Before disinfestation with insecticidal preparations, it is necessary to provide protection open areas body from the danger of being bitten. It is necessary to carry out disinfestation at night.

    Call for special services

    One of the least time-consuming ways to destroy a hornet's nest is to call a special pest control service, which is a team of professionals who have all the necessary tools at their disposal. protective equipment and special preparations. They provide fast and effective disposal from wasps.

    What if the nest is not available?

    The task of destroying a hornet's nest is in itself very difficult. If the nest is located in a place inaccessible to humans, then there are even fewer opportunities for its removal.

    For this, it is recommended to try lure insects into pre-prepared special traps. As bait in such traps, it is better to use meat or fish. At the same time, one must not forget to change the bait and remove insects from the trap.

    You can also try hanging a few red pods near the nest. hot pepper. There is an opinion that wasps can change locations themselves, as they do not like bitter.

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    Rules for removing wasps in an apartment building

    If the wasps settled in apartment building, then the destruction of their nests is carried out using the same methods that were used when there were wasps in the country.

    However, there are a number of rules to follow:

    1. It is not recommended to use poisonous chemicals;
    2. The destruction of the nest should be carried out at night, while it is desirable that all residents of the apartment leave the premises for this time;
    3. To prevent wasps from moving into neighboring apartments, it is necessary to install mosquito nets and sewer grates and periodically treat them with vinegar, peppermint oil or citrus fruits;
    4. Be sure to notify all neighbors about the procedure for destroying the hornet's nest so that they can take precautions.

    Precautionary measures

    When destroying a wasp nest on your own, you must definitely take care of your personal protection, since wasp stings in large numbers can lead to serious consequences for human health.

    1. Prepare thick clothing, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
    2. The procedure for destroying the nest of wasps should be carried out at night, when all the wasps are in the nest and do not have much activity.
    3. If during the procedure a wasp or several wasps fly out, they cannot be killed, since when they die, special substances are released that excite relatives and create the danger of an attack by the entire swarm.
    4. If at the first attempt it is not possible to destroy the nest, and the wasps begin to fly out in large numbers, it is necessary to leave without making sudden movements and without succumbing to panic. Before the procedure, it is imperative to think over your retreat path in case of failure. After that, wait a few hours and try to repeat the procedure.


    Wasps building their nests in residential buildings can cause a lot of anxiety to the people who live there. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the hornet's nest on your own or with the help of special services. For this, it is possible to use the most various ways– from mechanical destruction to the use of special preparations.

    To prevent the appearance of wasps in the house or in the country, you need to ensure that the mosquito nets installed on the doors and windows are in good condition. It is also recommended to regularly collect ripe and rotten fruits that have fallen from trees in garden plots, since they can attract wasps.

    If, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent the appearance of a hornet's nest in the house, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the rules and precautions before removing them.