Connecting two routers dir about. How to set up a Wi-Fi router at home yourself: connection tricks

  • 21.10.2019

Many people face the problem of a small wireless network range, which greatly complicates the use of tablets, smartphones and other devices connected to the network. Such situations arise in apartments, offices and other premises. Buying a second one will not change the situation, because it requires a free Internet cable. Therefore, you need to know how to connect a router through a router and whether it is possible at all. It is advisable to choose a second router to connect the same company as the main one. So you will not be affected by the problem of incompatibility when connecting.

Connection methods

Of course, connecting one device through another will increase the scale of network access. You can connect a router through a router in two ways:

  • via cable;
  • via a wireless network.

Both methods are fairly easy. Choose the one that is more practical for you.

How to connect router to router via cable?

This method is the easiest. The only caveat is that the routers must be nearby. Let's find out how to connect router to router via cable. For this you must:

  1. Purchase a UTP cable of the correct length. On both sides there are special plugs for connectors in routers.
  2. We insert one end of the cable into the router, on which the wireless network is already connected to the “Internet” connector.
  3. Insert the other end of the cable into the LAN connector on the second router marked Lan2.
  4. We go to the "Network Control Center" through the control panel.
  5. Click "Local Area Connections", then call the properties.
  6. Select the connection type "Dynamic".
  7. Then set up the network WiFi connections in the usual way.
  8. Save your settings and reboot your main router.

It is possible that this connection option will not work due to a conflict in device addresses. Therefore, consider another option on how to connect two routers via cable:

  1. We connect the ports of the device with a cable.
  2. Disable the DHCP server in the connection properties.
  3. In the "Local Network" section, change the IP address of the main router to the second one.
  4. We save the settings and restart the routers.

How to connect router to router via WiFi?

This way of expanding the network is more correct. To do this, WDS technology was installed in the routers, which allows you to connect the router through a second router. Each router is a station of this technology and must be properly configured to connect with other devices. If you do everything right, then the question of how to connect the router to the router via WiFi will be resolved quickly enough.

First, make sure that your router model has the ability to connect via WDS. You can find out about this on the website of the model manufacturer. The router that connects becomes a repeating device. Set it up with these steps:

A notification about network distribution and connection will appear on the screen. Check for a wireless network in other scales and connect. If there were no problems, then you were successfully able to connect the router through the second router and you can use the Internet. If you could not do this, then completely turn off the routers, reset the settings and reconnect. Contact the manufacturer's website for help, because in the new models of the router there are some deviations from the usual schemes and their own nuances.

A problem often arises: how to properly connect a network router to another regular home router? Suppose the Internet is received by a neighbor who has a router, and the user decides to share all the traffic and the monthly fee with him in half. In fact, the user's router must be configured for the simplest connection option - "DHCP", you just need to take into account one "subtle point". We are in the example - we will connect the D link router to another, abstract router, and consider how to configure it. Let's get started.

If there are two different routers, then in each of them - by default, the DHCP server will be enabled. Devices in the local network - receive IP addresses from the server. So, we will connect the routers according to the “cascade” scheme, but if the main IP address of the two routers is the same, by default, nothing will work.

How to fix the problem that is mentioned here - we should consider. "Router 2" is configured in two steps (and, on the first, its WAN port must be free). Not in all cases it is necessary to set it up in this way, but such a method always brings positive results.

Sequence of preliminary actions

Connecting a computer to a router

For example, we will take a 100-megabit D Link dir 655 router as “Router 2”. The rear panel of the device is shown in the figure, Ethernet ports are installed here, including four “LAN”:

Using a patch cord from the router kit, connect any LAN port to the computer's network card connector (you do not need to connect power now). The PC network card is then configured as follows:

Lastly, turn on the router, restart the computer.

Important to know: if you purchased the router after setting it up, you need to perform a "master reset". Why, after turning on the power, wait 1 minute and press the reset button, holding it down for 15 seconds (no more than 20). After half a minute, the device is ready for configuration (you can restart the PC immediately after pressing reset).

Opening the setup interface

For the dir 655 router, the web interface address looks like this: In any browser, you need to open this address, and when prompted for a login with a password, set “Admin” in the login field and click “Log In”:

Going to the start tab, you need to select the line "NETWORK SETTINGS" in the left column:

Now we will consider what needs to be changed on this tab.

Device setup

We change the parameters of the local network

We will change only one parameter - this is the starting IP address of the local network. The “NETWORK SETTINGS” tab looks pretty impressive, however, we are only interested in one numeric field:

Instead of 192.168 ... you need to make 192.169 ..., well, then click "Save Settings". After waiting a bit, we will see a tab with a single button - “Continue”, which must also be clicked. After that, you can immediately send the PC to reboot. When the computer and router are booted up, you can try to open the interface at a new address (we have

Setting up a WAN connection

How to connect a D Link router (or any other) according to the "cascade" scheme, we considered above. The cable that comes "from the neighbor" is connected to the WAN port.

If you managed to enter the web interface, you must do the following:

  1. Completely power off the router
  2. Install the Ethernet cable into the WAN connector
  3. Power on the router
  4. And most likely send the PC to reboot

After connecting the router and loading the PC, open the web interface in the browser. Go to the "INTERNET" tab:

Here you need to set the connection type: "Dynamic IP (DHCP)". You don't need to configure anything else. Click "Save Settings". It is not recommended to uncheck "Use Unicasting".

The connection should work in a minute. Actually, the setup is complete. There is another connection option and further configuration (when the router becomes a switch equipped with an “access point”).

And now - we wish you a successful setup!

Another connection option

Router - you can make a switch to connect it to the cord with the Internet through the LAN port, not WAN. Such a device, if it has a Wi-Fi module, is switched to the "access point" mode.

Nevertheless, we give an example of setting for this case (as a "experimental", "D-Link dir 655" is used again).

A small video review of DLINK:

You can expand your existing wireless network using special device- repeater. It repeats (broadcasts) the WI-FI signal of the router. With the correct placement of the repeater in the room, the network coverage area expands. Reception can be performed at a greater distance from the router.

You can solve the problem in another way - use an additional router by connecting it to the main one. How to connect two routers? This issue is discussed in the article.

Ways to connect routers

Routers can be connected to each other in two ways. The first one provides for laying cable line connections between them. The router that receives the Internet from the provider is the main one in the local network. Another, designed to expand it, can be considered additional.

The second way is to organize a wireless bridge. It uses the WDS technology introduced recently by manufacturers - a wireless distribution system. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Connecting with a cable

With this method, one has to resort to additional installation work along the lines of communication. It depends on the location of the planned location of the additional router. Over time, it may become necessary to change this place. Special care must be taken when using fiber optic cable. It does not tolerate bends at sharp angles. The cable line allows you to place an additional router at a considerable distance from the main one. This distance is limited by the attenuation per unit length of the cable type chosen for the connection.

If you connect two routers into one network with a cable, you can achieve stable operation of the network expanded in this way. The connection speed does not change compared to the network speed of the main router. There are no disadvantages inherent in the connection by radio waves.

Wireless connection

The advantage of this method is the high mobility of the connection. The user can independently select by experience the location of additional equipment, based on best quality network exchange.

The optimal location is considered to be the location of an additional router at such a distance from the main one, at which the signal is still reliably received. The determining factor will be the power of the WI-FI transmitters of the range of both devices and the gain of their antennas. It should be possible to orient them in different planes to achieve best conditions network operation.

The exchange rate in a network organized in this way drops due to the appearance of a repeater. In addition, the influence is exerted by surrounding objects, which may be an obstacle to the propagation of radio waves.

Network setting for cable connection

How to connect two routers together in this way? First, they decide which of them will be the main one, and which one will be additional. The router with the higher specification is usually designated as the master router. The role of an additional router is performed by a device whose performance is inferior to the main one. Both of them must operate in the same frequency range and be compatible with each other in terms of software. This can be achieved by using routers from the same manufacturer. Two types of connections are used:

  • LAN-to-LAN;
  • LAN-to-WAN.

In the first case, any LAN ports of the main and additional routers are connected by cable.

An ISP cable is connected to the WAN connector of the main router. With the second type of connection, the LAN port of the main router and the WAN port of the additional router are combined with each other.

The Internet is delivered by the provider via cable to the WAN connector of the main router. The second type of connection is more widely used when organizing a local network for the home.

In the settings of the main router, you need to make sure that the DHCP server is enabled. It is used to automatically assign IP addresses on the local network. If this is not the case, then in the router interface on the page of the DHCP section in the settings, mark the "Enable" box with a marker and save the changes.

Before setting up an additional device, a hardware reset is performed with the RESET button located on the rear panel of the product. It is pressed and held for (10-15) seconds. The manufacturer's default settings are set.

After that, in the interface in the "Network" section on the WAN page, the connection type is indicated - "Dynamic IP". On the LAN page, you need to change the own IP address of the additional router and save the entered values. The change is made in the last group of numbers. Usually the increase is made by one. This prevents a possible conflict of identical addresses with the main router. Now, to enter the interface of an additional router, you need to enter a new assigned address in the address bar of a browser on a computer.

Setting up a wireless connection

How to connect two routers via wifi? As in the case of a cable connection, the main or master router is assigned. It is initially considered configured. In its interface in the "Wireless network" (Wareless) section, some changes should be made. The static channel of work is set instead of the previously set "Auto" (Auto).

The user can have routers from different manufacturers at his disposal. In their software provided with different functions. Therefore, the setting wireless connection routers is considered for major manufacturers separately.

Connecting a TP-Link router

The first step is to change the additional router's own address (similar to the case of a cable connection). A transmission channel is established, the number of which matches the data of the main router. Check the box "Enable WDS". After that, in the added field, you must press the "Search" button, which starts scanning for currently available wireless networks.

In the list that opens, select the one with which you want to install a wireless bridge (expand it), execute the "Connect" command. After that, the SSID and MAC address fields will be automatically filled in with the values ​​of the main router. It remains to manually fill in the "Encryption type" field and enter a password that protects wifi network from unauthorized access. They must exactly match the values ​​of the main router. After saving the entered values, you need to go to the DHCP section and disable it. The reboot completes the wireless bridge setup.

Connecting an ASUS router

To switch the ASUS router to repeater mode, go to the "Administration" section in its interface. On his page in top row tabs, "Operating mode" is selected and the item "Repeater mode" is marked with a marker. After saving the data, the router reboots. On the next step in the tab " Quick Setup Internet" from the list of wireless networks found by the router, you must select the one to which you want to connect. This will be the network of the main router. In the "Network key" field, enter the password and press the "Connect" button. An IP address is obtained on the network and subsequent broadcast signal from the main router.

Connecting a Zyxel Router

How to connect two routers via wifi when a Zyxel device is used as an additional one? The manufacturer designated the wireless bridge mode as WISP. After selecting in the interface of the router on home page icons with the image "Globe" on the page that opens, click on the tab "WISP 2.4 GHz", tick the box "Enable". After switching to a new page and pressing the "Browse networks" button, the device scans its environment and displays the result in the form of a list. The subsequent user actions are described in the previous section for ASUS routers.


All the methods described in the article allow you to answer the question of how to connect two routers into one network. They are effective, proven in practice and allow the user to expand the existing local network both using an additional cable line and by creating a wireless communication channel.

Greetings, our dear readers. V modern world almost everyone is faced with Wi-Fi routers. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to set up a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • the presence of a wired connection to the Internet;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • connection cable to the network board.

Wi-Fi router setup.

How to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router for home? Initially, you need to connect the equipment. For all routers, it is the same, for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers just draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider's cable should be inserted until a characteristic click into one of the ports on the device, which differs in a different color from the rest.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connection via web interface.

Now almost all network routers are managed using a web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first enter it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting the basic parameters.

In the Wan / Basic settings / Main settings (or something similar) tab, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • IP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used; for clarification, you can find it out from the contract with the provider or in the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often it is automatically connected there desired type connections, if not found, skip.

The username and password are entered from the documents provided at the conclusion of the contract.

We leave the IP parameters as Disable, or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions that the operator provides you.

Set the connection mode to Auto so that devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save your settings! =)

After that, we proceed to setting up a WiFi connection.

Open the tab Wireless networks / WiFI or something similar. In the tab of the main settings of the wireless network, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

We set the connection type based on the data in the contract, most often as an "Access Point". Sometimes given parameter simply no.

The network mode is set to b/g/n or g/n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards will be able to work in it. So if you have an old phone or laptop, then it will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi of the modern standard. If you have a modern device, then it is able to work in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example, "My_WiFi".

The channel can be left auto.

However, if devices will not connect in this mode, then you should change it manually to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that in our time there may be several routers nearby, for example, in high-rise building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And at the final stage of setting up Wi-Fi on the router, we go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the performance. Next, you need to correctly change the network card settings in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Setting up the network card

To fully answer the question, they say, how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to correctly configure the network card itself. You can perform manipulations in the "Network Connections" menu.

  • The easiest way to get into it is by entering the network adapter parameters through the command line, using the Win + R key combination, then executing the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network settings;

  • Next, open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After that, you need to go to the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)";

  • Where it is worth putting a checkmark in front of the IP and DNS items, allowing them to be automatically received in this way.

  • After that, we connect to the configured WiFi network of our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye bye everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Modern home appliances are getting smarter (and bolder) every year. If yesterday only computers and mobile phones needed to connect to the Internet, today, perhaps, only irons can do without the World Wide Web, and even then not all. Of course, this is progressive, but how to ensure an uninterrupted network connection to such a bunch of motley devices, especially in a large apartment? One router is clearly not enough for them.

Do not rush to buy an expensive multiport router. To solve this problem, a couple of simple home routers are usually enough, which will work together in one local area.

F1comp already talked about how to connect two routers to one network, and today, in continuation of the topic, we will talk about wired connection methods.

WiFi is good but cable is better

Cable communication is considered by many users to be a relic of the past. Why, they say, is it needed if today 95% of routers and the home segment are equipped with Wi-Fi modules? This is true, but except when the router is simply not designed to work in wireless networks, there are many situations in which you cannot do without a cable. For instance:
  • You need to connect your device to the Internet without a Wi-Fi adapter.
  • The area of ​​the room is very large, and the distance between access points is more than 30m.
  • You are about to connect a set-top box or Smart TV to the World Wide Web to watch high-definition movies. A wired connection, especially PLC (Internet over the Household), provides much better transmission of such a signal.
  • The room is too noisy or there is a lot of Wi-Fi interference.
  • You want to reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation from the access point.

When creating a local network with one Internet source, one of the two routers will perform its immediate functions - traffic routing. Let's call it conditionally leading. The second one, the slave, will work as a link that collects and forwards traffic from connected devices to the master router.

Methods for connecting routers with a network cable

1 way: LAN+LAN

And so, to connect two routers into one network (for example, let's take TP-LINK Archer C7 devices), you will need a patch cord - a segment copper cable type "twisted pair", having RJ-45 connectors on both sides (as in the picture above). In the first connection option, both connectors are inserted into the LAN ports of the routers - master and slave.

The master router (1) is connected to the provider's equipment via the Internet or WAN port and is configured to work in its network. You do not need to change anything in its settings, except for enabling the DHCP server (if it was disabled before).

After that, assign a different IP address to the LAN port of the slave router, different from the address of the main gateway, but included in the same subnet. For example, if the IP of the main gateway is, you can write instead. Just make sure that this address is not in use by other devices connected to the same LAN.

If the slave router was previously used as the main router and contains any settings, first restore it to the factory state, otherwise errors may occur during connection.

Method 2: LAN+Internet

With this connection method, one of the patch cord connectors is inserted into the LAN socket of the master router, and the second into the Internet or WAN socket of the slave.

The settings of the master router, as in the previous version, are left unchanged, we only enable DHCP. And on the slave in the section " Net» – « WAN» – « Type of connection toWAN» choose « DynamicIP address". After saving the settings, the Internet should appear on it.

If LAN ports will be used on the slave router, also make sure that their IP addresses do not conflict with the master's addresses.

After that, a separate access point can be launched on each of the routers. If everything is done correctly, both will be connected to the World Wide Web.

Connection with PLC adapters

PLC(Power line communication) - the transfer of network traffic from device to device via a household electrical network - the best way to connect Smart TVs to the Internet (it was said above why), as well as other devices that do not support wireless communication. The main advantage of this method is that the reliability and speed of the connection is no worse than that of an Ethernet cable network, and there is no need to lay a cable. Another important plus is ease of use: insert the wire, plug it into the outlet - and you're done, no drivers or settings for you.

What this type of connection is and how it works is shown in the figure below. I think it is clear without explanation.

PLC adapters are sold in sets of 2-3 modules. Outwardly, they look a little like charging device from mobile phones, but instead of USB sockets, they have 1 or more RJ-45 connectors, where the patch cord connector is inserted. The second connector, respectively, is connected to the device, in our case, to the LAN or WAN port of the router.

The electrical cable between two plugged-in adapters becomes the transmission medium.

To use the PLC, 3 conditions must be met:

  • Good electrical wiring in the house.
  • An unbroken line between connection points.
  • The presence of an electrical outlet near the device (router).

Setting up routers connected to the same network via a PLC is no different from setting up a cable connection.

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How to connect two routers to the same network using a cable updated: December 16, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic