Why does the Internet speed drop through the router. What to do if the router cuts the WiFi speed and how to increase it

  • 21.10.2019

The speed of information transmission over any channel depends on many factors: the physical nature of the channel, the transmission distance, the presence of certain interference to the signal, the environment in which the signal propagates, and so on. Not surprisingly, a test of the same type of channels can give significantly different results depending on the surrounding circumstances.

Owners of household routers complain about the low speed of Internet access via WiFi. The speed of the WiFi connection is much lower than expected - the Internet on the laptop is functioning, but its quality is below the baseboard. This becomes especially noticeable when comparing a Wi-Fi connection with a cable connection. Performance is cut, almost at times. Moreover, this is observed immediately after the installation and configuration of the router, performed in accordance with all the rules. In our short note, we will look for answers to the following questions:

  • Who is to blame for the drop in performance: your router or provider?
  • Why does the router seem to be configured correctly, but the data transfer turns out to be so bad that it couldn’t be worse?
  • How to check connection speed practically.
  • What to do if the router cuts the speed?

In a word, like a classic: who is to blame and what to do? We also offer summary further exposition:

  • Dropped speed? Let's try another channel.
  • What's up with our drivers?
  • What about the cutter bar firmware?
  • Internet does not work? We remove barriers.

Transmission channel setting

As we said above, a lot can depend on the quality of the data transmission channel. The bandwidth of different channels, as well as the way data is transmitted via WiFi, is different for different channels: some have more, others have less. Therefore, having found a low connection speed, you need to try changing the channel. To do this, use one of the many channel setup utilities offered by the developers. software.

As an example, you can point to a utility called "InSSIDer". Generally speaking, this program is paid, but the free version for Android OS can be downloaded here: http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider/. There are other applications with approximately the same functionality, for example, "Wifi Analyzer" - look and you will definitely find something suitable for yourself. The "InSSIDer" window looks like the figure below:

The "Channel" parameter is exactly what we need. Some channels may be heavily congested - that is, too many devices may be connected to them. The drop in Wi-Fi network speed in this case is not surprising. If your router is cutting speed, try switching it to a different channel. If this was not enough, try changing the transmission mode “n” to the “b \ g” mode. Experiment with Wi-Fi in the program window and find the optimum.

Drivers and firmware

Let's say nothing worked out for you, and the network performance still continues to be cut, remaining lower than when connecting with a wire, such as a twisted pair. It is clear that Wi-Fi in such conditions is not very cool. What else can be done to overcome the problem?

First, there is a suggestion to check WiFi drivers for Windows. This is especially true on laptops purchased in retail chains. In their operating systems not always installed the latest drivers required for the equipment of this particular manufacturer. Plug-and-Play does not always work adequately, almost at random, slipping device drivers.

Find out which WiFi card is installed on your computer and feed it the latest native drivers. You can download them on the website of the card manufacturer.

Not only Windows, but the router itself may not have normal software. Router software update packages are called "firmware". Visit the website of the developer of your device, and download the latest firmware from there. This will be a regular file, which is installed from the router's web interface window - there is a corresponding section in the settings program.

Sometimes, although this rarely happens, the new firmware, on the contrary, reduces performance. In this case, you need to "roll back" to the old one. All these measures will not allow the speed of data transfer through Wi-Fi to drop.

Other reasons for performance degradation

We have not yet said anything about how to measure the speed of the connection. There is nothing complicated about this: there are many sites on the Internet specifically designed for this purpose. One of these sites: 2ip.ru - with a whole garland of measuring tools. What are other reasons for cutting?

  • Pre and post signal processing. It could be, for example, encryption. Although encryption provides better protection from hacking, requires time for its implementation.
  • Using the L2TP and PPTP transfer protocols - these protocols do not provide a decent level of quality.
  • The intensity of connections in this region of space. At large numbers active subscribers, the speed decreases proportionally.
  • Use of outdated router models.
  • Presence between signal source and receiver different kind obstacles.
  • A significant distance between the router and the subscriber, not provided for by the instructions.

The speed of wired Internet access depends on the quality of communications and network equipment. The speed may decrease due to poor cable connection and specifications equipment (computer network adapter, router, switch).

Wireless speed is affected

  • The Wi-Fi standard used by the router and the receiving adapter (802.11b/g/n/ac). For example, an outdated router or an 802.11g laptop receiving adapter apartment building reduces the speed to 15-20 Mbps.
  • The data rate used by the router and the receiving adapter (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz). Support for the frequency of 5 GHz allows you to significantly increase the speed of Wi-Fi in the home.
  • Area and configuration of the apartment, material and thickness internal walls. To cover apartments with an area of ​​​​more than 50-70 square meters with a wireless network. m or "piercing" thick walls often require more powerful Wi-Fi equipment, sometimes a combination of several devices.
  • The location of the router. Installing the router metal door, in a shield or in a cabinet, especially a metal one, negatively affects the quality of Wi-Fi reception in the apartment.
  • Interference from other Wi-Fi networks operating in the same band (2.4 GHz). The problem of reducing Wi-Fi speed due to interference from neighboring networks is solved by choosing the least loaded channel in the router settings, changing the router to a more powerful one or supporting 2 bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz).

Responsibility of the provider for the quality of communication at different stages

1. Parameters that depend only on the provider:

- congestion of the provider's channels;

- the quality of the provider's equipment at the nodes and in your home;

- the quality of the cable and its connections from the attic / basement to the apartment;

- the quality of network equipment provided by the provider for rent.

2. Parameters that depend only on the subscriber himself:

- the quality of home network equipment owned by the subscriber (router, network adapters in devices);

— the quality of communications conducted by the subscriber during the repair of the apartment (cable, Internet sockets, cable connections);

- parameters of the computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) of the subscriber - for example, support for the Wi-Fi laptop adapter of the Wi-Fi 802.11n standard;

- the presence of software that actively affects the speed of the Internet - for example, an antivirus or a working torrent client;

- the presence of hidden malicious programs (viruses, trojans) on the computer.

3. Parameters that do not depend on either the subscriber or the provider:

- capacity and workload of servers on the Internet;

- the quality of communication lines outside the provider's network (for example, an intercontinental cable at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean);

- in the case of Wi-Fi - interference from others WiFi networks and household appliances, walls, doors, the power of the router's transmitters and receivers on the client's device, the location of the router in the room and its remoteness from the area where the Wi-Fi network is used.

What is the maximum speed RiNet can provide?

The maximum bandwidth of the channel to the apartment is 100 Mbps. This is much more than is necessary for the real tasks of the home user. The channel can be expanded up to 200 Mbps - 1 Gbps upon individual request.

How to check the speed of Internet access?

If you want to understand what speed your ISP provides you, measure the speed of a direct wired connection. The Wi-Fi connection speed is affected by external factors that do not depend on the provider (see above - Parameters that do not depend on either the subscriber or the provider), and such a test will not provide reliable information.

The easiest way to check the speed of a wired connection is to plug an internet cable into your computer or laptop. If the results correspond to the tariff speed (deviations in the test readings within 5 Mbit / s are permissible - this is due to the peculiarities of the operation of Internet services for measuring speed), then if there is a problem, it is not related to the quality of the provider's services, but to the operation of the Wi-Fi network.

There are websites on the Internet where you can measure the speed of data exchange between your computer and servers on the Internet. A popular example is http://speedtest.net.

Questions and answers

– My router supports 150 Mbps (300 Mbps). Why is my Wi-Fi speed only 20 Mbps?

– When connected to an 802.11g network, the maximum throughput is up to 54 Mbps. When connected to a network using the 802.11n standard, up to 150 Mbps. But this speed is not the actual speed of downloading or uploading, since part of the traffic goes to the technical needs of the network. In practice, the download speed when connected via the 802.11g standard is up to 23 Mbps, via 802.11n - up to 50-90 Mbps (depending on the model of the router and adapter on the client device). Separate expensive models routers are capable of maintaining a real speed of about 100 Mbps or even more.

- When I hover over the "Local Area Connection" label, I see "Speed ​​100 Mbps". Does this figure mean real speed?

– No, it only shows the maximum possible connection speed of your network adapter with network equipment (switch, router). This indicator is not related to the speed of the Internet at your tariff.

- I heard that for maximum speed, instead of twisted pair, you need to run an optical cable directly to the apartment, is this true?

– Maximum bandwidth of conventional 4-wire copper cable(twisted pair) - 100 Mbps. This speed is real, and more than enough for home use. However, using all 8 cores and connecting the cable to the provider's gigabit port, you can get 200-1000 Mbps. These speeds are achievable with a copper cable length of up to 100m. For distances over 100m, an optical cable is used. Inside an apartment building, the distance from the provider's equipment to the apartment is much less than 100m, so it is advisable to use an optical cable to lay lines between houses.

Using an optical cable to connect apartments is unjustified and very risky. Its main disadvantages:

- Optical cable is easy to damage and difficult to repair. It is brittle, and complex welding work is required to restore it.

- Unprotected from interference, a faulty receiver at one subscriber makes it impossible for other subscribers to work on this line (in one entrance).

- There is a tangible threat to the security of the personal data of a subscriber connected together with neighbors to the same fiber-optic line. Due to the peculiarities of modems and the network structure, it is easy to get access to someone else's equipment and someone else's information, for example, to make long-distance phone calls through a neighbor's sip account, at his expense.

- Operators, as a rule, do not allow any modems to be connected to the optical cable, except for those provided by the operators themselves. There are situations when a subscriber needs non-standard equipment (covering a large area with a Wi-Fi network, using a 5 GHz frequency to increase speed, connecting Apple routers), and the capabilities of a standard modem are not enough.

There is nothing worse for modern man, how slow Internet connection. A bad connection kills nerve cells, interferes with normal PC operation and surfing the net. Often Internet problems are caused by the router. It may be incorrectly installed, configured, or broken. Luckily, there are ways to find and fix the issue causing slow internet speeds.

Causes of low internet speed over Wi-Fi

A noticeable decrease in connection speed appears due to one or more reasons:

  • The router is located too far from the computer, the signal is weakening;
  • Wi-Fi router has a low bandwidth;
  • Several devices are connected to Wi-Fi at once, they use traffic at the same time;
  • The router settings are messed up.

You can detect a low connection speed with the network both with the help of special services and by personal feelings.

How to measure speed correctly

To measure the current speed of the Internet connection, several high-quality and free services work:

For the result to be reliable, you must disable all programs and browser tabs that select traffic. Typical examples of such programs are: torrents, client network games, download and download managers.

On the PC, only the browser and the speed measurement tab should be open. In other cases, the result is considered invalid.

Methods to increase internet speed

Depending on the root cause that caused the slowdown, different measures should be taken to correct the problem.

Correct location of the router

Signal improvement is directly related to the location of the device. Most owners try to put the router away, because the plastic box cannot be called beautiful. In fact, the lower and further the router is located, the worse the signal will be.

The ideal location is on a hill, as close to the center of the room as possible.

Using a repeater

Repeaters are devices that allow you to extend the signal of the router over a longer distance. If the room is large and the device's signal does not travel far enough, installing a repeater will correct the situation. It is recommended to install it according to the same principles as the router.

Update Router and Adapter Drivers

Slow speeds or network outages can be caused by outdated/inappropriate drivers. This issue is fixed within a couple of minutes:

Updating the firmware of the router

Changing the firmware on the router is a dangerous but useful procedure. Native firmware is written on the bottom of the device. The inscription "Ver. 1.1", the numbers may be different.

To update the firmware, you need to connect the PC and the router with a cable, this is a must. In addition, the firmware version must match the current one, i.e. search should be conducted from 1.1. and higher.

After connecting the device to a PC, you need to enter the website of the router manufacturer, select the model and download the firmware for it. After downloading the file starts, the firmware is installed in the same way as any other program.

Changing the channel of the Wi-Fi network

The procedure is carried out in the router settings interface. For different models appearance interface may be different. To enter the settings interface, you need to:

  1. Launch browser;
  2. Enter or in the address bar, depending on the manufacturer;
  3. Enter the device settings section;
  4. Change channel to another.

Changing the channel width

Configuration is carried out in the same router management interface. Initially, the devices are automatic installation, but the user can change this value.

It is better to increase the channel by an average. Most routers have settings:

  • 20 MHz - standard width;
  • 20 MHz and above - extension;
  • 40 MHz and below - expansion with a smooth transition to the maximum;
  • 40 MHz is the maximum width.

Changing the Wi-Fi network mode

And again, the user needs to go to the router settings interface. The operating mode is changed in the settings section wireless network.

The appearance of the interface varies depending on the model and manufacturer. The modes are assigned the generally accepted marking:

  • b - mode with the slowest operation, transmission rate up to 11 Mbps;
  • g - operating mode with an average transmission rate of 54 Mbps;
  • n is the maximum transfer rate of 600 Mbps.

Changing the mode on the router is the best way to speed up the Internet on mobile devices. When installing, it is recommended to select mixed "mixed" modes, the device will automatically select the most optimal one.

Changing the network standard to 802.11N

In Russia, this standard is practically not supported by devices, but it increases the connection speed by 4 times, compared with the usual settings of routers.

You can set the network standard to 802.11N by changing the firmware of the router to a custom one. This method is recommended for experienced users only.

Even if the router supports the 802.11N standard, there is a chance that the computer or laptop simply will not be able to connect to the Internet. The 802.11N standard features more stable operation, increased signal strength, and high speed. To comfortably use this standard, it is recommended to purchase devices that support this technology.

Changing the security standard

The security standard or type of encryption is what protects the router from third-party connections. Theoretically, changing the security standard can improve the speed of the connection, but this method does not guarantee.

Encryption is also configured in the router management interface. Routers support 2 types of encryption, TKIP and AES. It is recommended to choose based on the characteristics of safety standards:

  • TKIP is a type of encryption that was actively used on older routers. This security standard is now considered obsolete. It imposes serious restrictions on the data transfer rate.
  • AES is a more modern security standard that allows you to ensure high network speed. AES is compatible with the 802.11N standard.

If the router supports the simultaneous operation of encryption standards, it is enough to re-create a connection to the wireless network on the PC and specify AES in the settings.

In cases where the router works only on TKIP, but supports AES, the encryption type is changed in the web interface.

Router replacement

Like any technology, routers work worse over time. There is a possibility that a low-quality model was originally purchased. Network problems caused by the router will disappear after the device is replaced. This method can't be called budget.

The method allows you to update the device settings, reset the errors and overloads that have occurred. If network problems are noticed, rebooting the router is a temporary solution.

If a user is faced with the question of how to increase wifi speed, then he will find answers in this article. Internet visitors do not always complain about the poor quality of the connection. 75% of them have no problems with signal quality, but the remaining 25% may not even suspect that their lan router is capable of working faster.

If you have connection problems: low level signal or the router does not give out full speed at certain time intervals, after reading the material there will be a chance to enjoy the speed of wifi data transfer on a laptop or phone.

Users often look for opportunities to increase the speed, since this is due to the fact that the provider offers one wi-fi speed, and as a result, the parameters turn out to be one and a half to two times less. But you should not immediately blame the communication standard or service provider, most likely, the device does not give the maximum speed.

To check whether the Internet speed depends on the router, just connect the cable directly to a computer or laptop and use the speed measurement service. For example, go to the Speedtest website, after checking it will become clear where the problem lies.

If, after testing, it turns out that the problem lies in the equipment, in this case, you will have to iterate through a list that includes:

  • poor assembly of equipment;
  • low signal level;
  • wrong settings.

The router often “slows down” for one simple reason: the device is cheap, physically incapable of delivering the speed indicated on the package. If the user is the owner of a budget router like: Dir-320 (the entire line), D-Link, TP-Link, you should not be surprised at the "loss" of the Internet. Although the modems work perfectly in terms of price-quality ratio, a weak processor, small volume random access memory and budget network cards limit the speed of the Internet.

Sometimes the reason for the loss of Internet speed on the router is an unfortunate location and a low level of the received signal. In this case, it is recommended to place it elsewhere. The signal is also affected by powerful electrical appliances or power lines located near the router.

But even if you have a weak router that does not catch the signal well, you should not be satisfied with the constantly “dumb” and “braking” Internet. The article will teach you how to increase the speed wifi router ah, and among the tips there is an option that can solve the problem with “wi-fi”.

Tips for increasing the speed of your router's Wi-Fi network

To solve speed problems wireless internet The following are effective ways:

  • Choice optimal location for the router.
  • Checking settings.
  • Definition of a free channel.
  • Changing the channel width.
  • Select the network security mode.
  • Update the wireless adapter driver.
  • Updating the firmware of the router.
  • Transition to Wi-Fi 5 GHz.

Each item will be described and analyzed in detail, so users, following simple instructions, will be able to speed up wi fi quickly and for a long time.

Choosing the best location

If the Internet speed decreases through the router, and at the same time the Wi-Fi signal is at the level of one or two bars, then it is worth looking for another place to install it. The signal level depends on various factors that affect it, namely:

  • The thickness of the walls, the material from which they are made.
  • Wiring in the immediate vicinity of the modem.
  • Presence of other routers.
  • Increased humidity.

A suitable place to install the router is in the center of a house or apartment. Thus, the signal will "penetrate" into all rooms, of course, with sufficient power. Amplification also occurs by replacing standard antennas that are not built into the box with stronger ones.

If it is difficult to determine where the center of the apartment is located, and it is also unknown whether there is interference there, it is better to use special applications. For example WiFi Solver FDTD for Android or NetSpot for Mac. Hoatmapper is suitable for the Windows platform.

It is recommended not to install the modem near a bathroom or central heating pipes. Water affects the signal strength, so if you like to shower with music, you should turn it on on the speakers than on the phone in the bathroom.

Checking the settings

In order to enter the modem settings, you need to enter its address in the browser. Typically, this is: or Next, the authorization menu will open, if no password is set, by default enter admin and admin in the "login" and "password" fields.

The first thing that can cause the Internet speed to drop through the router is the activated power saving mode. Most often it occurs on Asus, but the problem is solved in the same way on other models. To do this, in the modem settings, you need to find the "Wireless networks" menu, the WMM APSD line. If the "Active" mode is selected, change it to "Off" and save the settings.

If you are using a laptop or PC with an adapter, power saving mode is enabled on the adapter itself. To turn it off, press Win + r (the key between Ctr and Alt), insert devmgmt.msck into the line that appears. In the new menu, you need to find the item "Network adapters". Then a list of several devices will open, you need to select the one in which the words occur: WiFi, Link, Realtek, or something else that indicates working with the Internet. Right-click on the line, go to the "Energy Saving" section. If it is checked, uncheck it and save the settings.

Free channel selection

Channels are used to transfer data, being a "bridge" between the device and the router. If the channel is "clogged", this is the main reason for the low speed of the Internet via wifi. How to determine which channel to choose. For information: on modems produced specifically for Russian market, 13 basic channels, on other devices - 11. The more users on one channel, the weaker the wi-fi speed. The “contamination” of the channel is affected by users connected to your modem and neighboring routers. Therefore, if within the range of the network there are several more access points transmitting over the same channel, the speed of the "wifi", as teenagers say, will be underestimated.

  • Wi-Fi Analyzer for Android devices.
  • InSSIDer speeds up channel selection on your computer.
  • wifi explorer for ios.

The fewer devices a channel uses, the better it is.

Changing the channel width

On newer modems, there is a "channel width" parameter. If such a name is not observed, there are 20/40 GHz parameters, the choice is made among them. Depending on the channel width of the router, the data transfer rate changes. But there is a big disadvantage of the new standard: if there are additional modems nearby using the same channel, the Internet data transfer speed will decrease. Therefore, you should carefully choose a channel, completely free or with a frequency of 20 GHz.

Choosing a network security mode

The speed of the Internet through the router can drop due to the fact that someone else has connected to your network. In order to prevent this, you need to go into security mode in the router settings and select the latest password and data encryption standard - WPA2. It takes a little time to guess a complex password. At any time, for example, in case of forgetfulness, it is possible to go into the device settings and reset it.

This is a special standard for those who need the Internet as entertainment. There is another name for it: wmm preamble mode. It is based on the 802.11e standard, but has some quirks. Equipped with a priority scheme used to transfer data in the following order:

  • voice: highest;
  • video;
  • normal;
  • background: lowest.

This mode allows you to speed up the transfer of certain data, and also saves the battery of mobile devices in the background.

By going into the router settings on the computer, it is possible to increase the Wi-Fi speed by changing the wireless network mode. By default, new devices are set to automatic or standard type b / g / n. Devices are not always able to determine which type of connection they use, and then the channel with the lowest speed is selected. Therefore, it is better to use 802.11N, the power of this signal is maximum, as is the data transfer rate over it.

Update the wireless adapter driver

It happens that the question of why the router "cuts" the speed is not in the hardware itself, but in the version of the driver for the wireless adapter. For a quality connection, you must own the latest version. Updating router drivers is only possible on a laptop or computer. To do this, you need:

  • know the manufacturer of the adapter;
  • to find latest version drivers;
  • download and install software.

To determine the type of adapter installed on a PC or laptop, the easiest way is to download the special HWVendorDetection application. After installing and running the program, information about the equipment and the supplier is released. Knowing them, just go to the manufacturer's website and in the "Soft / Drivers" section find the desired model, download the necessary driver.

You can do it even easier: install the DriverBooster program, it will automatically find outdated drivers on your PC and update them.

Updating the firmware of the router

Flashing a router for the first time is risky. If you do it wrong, you can break it. Therefore, we recommend using only a certified router. In such models, as a rule, there is a “rollback” point, in case of failure, you can return to the previous firmware version.

First, you need to download the latest firmware version for the device from the manufacturer's website. Finding the version for your model is easy using the serial number. Next, connect the router via a Lan cable directly to a PC or laptop. It is most convenient to do this procedure on an OS starting with Windows 7 and higher. Next, find the Firmware Upgrade item in the router settings, select it, specify the path to the downloaded directory, start the firmware upgrade process. Until the end of the process, in no case turn off the router and do not remove the Lan cable. After the restart, the device will be ready for further use.

Transition to Wi-Fi 5 GHz

Another way to increase the weak Internet speed through a wifi router is to switch to 5 GHz Wi-Fi, a new wireless data transfer method. This will require:

  • buy a dual-standard router;
  • have devices that work according to this standard.

The speed when moving to 5 GHz Wi-Fi increases due to two factors:

  1. The standard is new, the channels are free.
  2. The transmission frequency is increasing, so the problem of how to speed up the operation of the router has been solved.


As is clear from the above, the speed of the router depends on many factors. For greater efficiency, we recommend using several methods to improve signal quality. Some of the methods require a certain time, you should not rush, but approach the matter thoroughly in order to avoid equipment breakdown.