Can a person live without a Home? (School essays). Can humans live without bacteria? Can a person live

  • 15.07.2020

As you know, even the slightest disruption of the brain can manifest itself in the form of severe mental disorders.

So, a lesion area of ​​several millimeters in size can, depending on its location, lead to impaired speech, memory, consciousness, perception, etc. However, our “brainless” clerk from Marseille, oddly enough, did not experience any special mental problems. Although he was, to be honest, a little stupid - his average intelligence quotient (IQ) was 75 at the norm (from 80 to 114). However, some types of his intellect were better developed. So, for example, his verbal IQ was already equal to 84, which is quite comparable, for example, to the IQ of US President George W. Bush, who is said to have 91. The clerk lived ordinary life: regularly went to the service, was married and had two children. If he hadn’t had problems with his leg, then perhaps no one would have known that most of his head is occupied not by the brain, but by liquid.

Something similar was already described in 1980 in the journal Science. Roger Levin published his article "Do You Really Need a Brain?" there, in which he described several cases of hydrocephalus from the practice of John Lorber, professor of pediatrics at the University of Sheffield.

Thus, he described the case of a student who, in the mid-1960s, went to the doctor complaining of a minor ailment. The doctor noted that the size of the young man's head was slightly larger than normal and, suspecting hydrocephalus, sent him to his friend, Professor Lorber, for a more detailed examination.

Scanning showed that the entire space of the student's skull was occupied by ventricles filled with CSF. The nervous tissue of his brain was only a thin layer of a few millimeters around them. However, this student did not suffer from any mental disorders (his IQ was even slightly above the norm and amounted to 126). He successfully studied (especially excelled in mathematics) and even managed to graduate with honors from the university.

The same Levin described another similar case from the practice of J. Lorber. In 1970, the New Yorker died at the age of thirty-five. When an autopsy was performed to determine the cause of his premature death, he was also found to be almost completely brainless (!). This man worked as a concierge and was popular in his environment. Residents of the house in which he worked said that he usually spent his time doing routine activities: watching the steam boiler, reading newspapers ...

The question arises, how is this possible? Why did these people live normal lives, interact with other people, go to school, go to work, fall in love, get married, raise children, when their brains were just a thin layer of nervous tissue near the surface of the skull?

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It is technically possible, although difficult. Initially, nature established that for a comfortable existence, a person needs two kidneys, but in order to survive, one is enough. There are even cases when a person is initially born with one kidney, and does not experience any problems in connection with this. As a rule, people who are completely without kidneys are forced to constantly undergo hemodialysis: blood purification. This is such a hefty bandura that pumps out blood, cleans it and pumps it back (of course, not all at once). The procedure is long, exhausting, unpleasant and expensive. Therefore, it would probably be more correct to say that one can exist without kidneys, but it is extremely difficult to live.

Signs of the development of the disease Chronic form of the disease Duration and quality of life

Throughout life, the kidneys, being the most powerful filter, constantly deal with infections, microbes, elements of toxic origin that enter the body. In 24 hours, they pass a lot of blood through themselves, cleansing it. After being filtered by the kidneys, it is freed from toxins and becomes again suitable for saturating every cell of the body with life. If suddenly one kidney ceases to perform its functions, its load completely falls on the second. But sometimes there is a pair of kidney failure. In this case, doctors mean the occurrence of kidney failure, and patients are concerned about the question of what to do next and what is the chance to survive.

Signs of the development of the disease

The kidneys perform very important functions: internal (endocrine), which consists in hematopoiesis, maintaining blood pressure at the proper level, and external (excretory), which is based on the production of urine.

Renal failure is characterized by a violation of the regulation of homeostasis of the physicochemical plan, in which urine ceases to form and excrete. The process does not develop immediately and not suddenly, but the consequences are irreversible. You should listen to your body, identify the first symptoms of kidney failure and contact your doctor immediately.

The signs of kidney failure are:

anuria (urine ceases to be excreted), oliguria (reduced urine output); vomiting, nausea, general weakness; the appearance of blood in the urine; soreness in the abdominal region.

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Chronic form of the disease

The chronic form, when the kidneys fail, is characterized by:

polyuria (frequent urination); edema; vomiting, loss of appetite; bleeding gums; muscle spasms, convulsions; the appearance of uremic frost (urea crystals) on the skin.

It is always easier to prevent a disease, its causes, so you should not ignore even a slight ailment.

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Length and quality of life

The main task of modern nephrology is to save human life.

Most cases of kidney failure are preceded by ailments that the patient has acquired in the past. This and diabetes, and a heart attack, and diseases of the heart, blood vessels, etc. It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question of how much is left to live. Often a person dies not due to kidney failure, although against this background, but from exacerbations of other diseases.

Experts say with confidence that a person can lead a completely high-quality life even after kidney failure. To save a person's life, symptomatic treatment is carried out. It is based on the process of artificial blood purification. For more than a quarter of a century, artificial kidney devices (hemodialysis) have been operating in the medical centers of our country. With their help, those who have lost their kidneys can live not for about 5 years, as it was before the launch of the equipment, but several times longer. But if you do not resort to the help of artificial blood purification, then the person dies in a few days. Statistics do not provide accurate information on life expectancy.

Approximate data are such that patients with renal replacement therapy live for more than 5 years, hemodialysis can extend life by 23 years. A conservative method of recovery in case of kidney failure is impossible for this period, but there is a way out here too - transplantation, which allows you to live well for more than 20 years.

Approximately 40 people die every year without proper treatment.

It is expensive and time consuming. It is difficult to find a donor organ, sometimes you have to wait for years. Therefore, given the difficulty of restoring health and prolonging life after kidney failure, it is necessary to take preventive measures and timely notice alarming symptoms.


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The question of whether a person can live without a pancreas is relevant for those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis. In violation of the diet and alcohol abuse, pathological processes in the pancreas become irreversible. The cessation of the outflow of the fermentation secret leads to inflammation and the onset of the necrotic process. The most severe complication of pancreatitis is the development cancerous tumor. In such cases, resection of the affected organ is performed. Depending on the severity of the disease, the entire gland or part of it is removed.

Pancreectomy belongs to the category of complex operations. This is justified by the fact that the pancreas is located in the depth abdominal cavity and access to it is very difficult. Nevertheless, today this operation is successfully carried out all over the world. But the biggest difficulties come after surgery. The patient will face the problem of how to live without a pancreas.

Consequences of pancreectomy

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts several hours. During the removal of the affected organ, a wide variety of complications can occur.

Most often, surgeons have to deal with such problems:

  • bleeding;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • infection in the abdominal cavity;
  • heart failure;
  • the patient's falling into a coma;
  • disruption of nerve connections;
  • damage to nearby organs.

But even if the operation was successful, the patient will have to face many difficulties. People after pancreatic resection experience severe pain, recovery from anesthesia is accompanied by incredible suffering. But this is not the worst thing - patients will have to continue life without a pancreas. This organ plays an important role in the digestive system.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only by doctor's prescription 31%, 1659 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 17%, 919 votes

    At least twice a year 15%, 808 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 599 votes

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 6%, 324 vote

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 230 votes


Pancreectomy causes such complications:

  1. The cessation of the production of enzymes that provide the breakdown of food for further digestion in the intestines. This stops the supply of nutrients to the body.
  2. Absence of carbohydrate utilization process. Insulin does not enter the blood, which inevitably leads to diabetes.
  3. risk of cancer recurrence. Soft tissues after surgery are damaged, organs are weakened. Because of this, the likelihood of neoplasms increases.

Until recently, the question of whether a person can live without a pancreas was in great doubt. Today, thanks to breakthroughs in surgery and pharmaceuticals, patients live without this organ. full life without experiencing pain or significant discomfort.

It is possible to live happily ever after without a pancreas, provided that the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor, refuses bad habits and will eat right.

Postoperative period

The first hours and days for postoperative patients are the most difficult and difficult. Their body struggles with blood loss and pain, adapting to function without a pancreas. The situation is complicated by the fact that a person can not eat normally. On the initial stage rehabilitation, which lasts 2-4 days, nutrition is carried out intravenously. The patient is allowed to drink boiled water in small portions. Gradually, the amount of fluid you drink is brought to 2 liters per day.

The pain syndrome is removed by narcotic and non-narcotic drugs. The daily dose of anesthetics is reduced so as not to be addictive and drug addiction. After two days of bed rest, the patient is advised to get up and outside help start taking small walks. This is necessary in order to prevent the formation of adhesions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Remember the hero of the popular book Robinson Crusoe. As a result, he was thrown into the uninhabited, for many years he was completely alone. True, without needing anything, because in a tropical climate one could do without warm clothes, and besides, they managed to get a lot of useful, necessary things from the ship. In addition, Robinson obtained food without much difficulty, since goats were found on the island, tropical fruits and grapes grew in abundance. So compared to the drowned comrades, he could feel like a darling of fate. Nevertheless, Robinson experienced a burning, agonizing melancholy. After all, he was alone. All his thoughts, all desires rushed to one thing: to return to the people. What did Robinson miss? No one "stands over the soul", does not indicate that and does not limit your freedom. And he lacked the most important thing - communication. After all, the entire history of human civilization testifies that only together, helping each other, people have achieved success and overcome difficulties. It is no coincidence that the most terrible punishment among people of the Stone Age was considered expulsion from a clan or tribe. Such a person was simply doomed. The division of duties and mutual assistance are the two main foundations on which the well-being of any human society is based: from the family to the state. Not a single person, even with colossal physical strength and the sharpest, deepest mind, can do as much as a group of people. Simply because he has no one to rely on, no one to consult with, outline a work plan, ask for help. There is no one to give instructions and no one to control, finally, if he is a pronounced leader by nature. The feeling of being alone will sooner or later lead to depression, and it can take the most severe forms. The same Robinson, in order not to go crazy with despair and longing, was forced to take a number of measures: he regularly kept a diary, made notches on his primitive “calendar” - a pillar dug into the ground, talked aloud with a dog, cats and a parrot. There are situations when when even the most proud and independent person just needs help. For example, with a serious illness. And if there is no one around, and there is no one to even turn to? This can end very sadly. Finally, no self-respecting person can live without a goal. He needs to set himself some goals and achieve them. But - such is the peculiarity of the human psyche - what is the point in achieving the goal if no one sees and appreciates it? What will be all the effort? So it turns out that a person cannot do without society.

Home is the place where a person spends most of his time. It is in a homely atmosphere that we feel safe. Each of us finds peace, comfort, harmony in our home. All people have many warm memories associated with home. Can a person live without a Home? Definitely not. People who have lost their home become truly unhappy.

Many works of Russian literature deal with the theme of the house, revealing a special connection between the owner and his house. Each story about such a connection is unique, so I read works that reveal this topic with great interest.

One of my favorite works is Alexander Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin Dvor" about the fate of the kindest woman and her home life. For the main character Matryona, the house is the embodiment of peace of mind, silence, comfort and harmony.

When Matryona is seriously ill, relatives, without waiting for her death, divide the house, taking it apart. At this moment, she is anxious, because Matrenin's native yard and house are being destroyed. Good-natured and righteous Matryona decides to help her relatives. She transports a log house, fusses and collects things. The destruction of the house and yard brings misfortune: during the transfer, Matryona dies. It is the loss of a home that gives rise to this tragedy.

No less interesting and beloved is the work "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, which reveals the grief of people who have lost their home. The action of the play takes place in the spring on the estate of Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, who, missing her home, can no longer live with her daughter in France and returns home. The main character has practically no money left, and the estate with its beautiful cherry orchard may soon be sold for debts. This news upsets Ranevskaya very much, she cannot imagine herself without her home, where she grew up, where her young life passed. Familiar merchant Lopakhin deceives the family and acquires the estate. He is going to cut down the cherry orchard and give the land to summer residents. The Ranevskys part with the place that meant so much to them. They, having lost their home, become truly unhappy people.

With great interest I read the adventure novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", written by Mark Twain about a funny and mischievous boy. Tom is a fairly wealthy boy. He is friends with Huck, who has a different position in society: his father is a drunkard. When the main character was forbidden to communicate with Huck, he decided that his family did not love him. Friends ran away from home. A few days later, Tom and Huck began to miss home very much and returned. The boys could not live long without a home.

So, a person cannot live without a home. For each of us, the house is our fortress, in which we feel calm and safe. All people love and appreciate the homely atmosphere of comfort and harmony.