We make a floor lamp with our own hands: a master class and video instruction. Do-it-yourself floor lamp assembly guide Hand-made light manufacturing principles

  • 23.06.2020

A bit of Wikipedia.

Floor lamp(French torchère from torche - torch) - a floor or table lamp used in residential and office premises, as well as on the street. It is a kind of lamp on a high stand, with a lampshade covering the light source. Thanks to the lampshade, the floor lamp emits a dim, diffused light that does not tire the eyes. Also because of this feature, floor lamps are widely used in interior design to create an atmosphere of comfort.

Today I will tell you about how you can make a stylish floor lamp from available materials with your own hands. This design of a floor lamp is not unique, and the article does not claim to be original, since I collected it based on materials found on the net, while applying a little of my ingenuity.

Floor lamps exist in darkness, and their price varies from the lowest to sky-high. But all these lamps are united by the same design. Any floor lamp consists of three parts: stand, lampshade and light bulb with cable. For myself, I chose a type of floor lamp with three legs, which, firstly, I like, and secondly, you can make it yourself.

For assembly we need:

1) Three wooden handles for rakes (in my case they are 116 cm long and 2 cm in diameter).
2) Thick wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm (the thicker the better).
3) Black and white opaque fabric.
4) White thick cord.
5) Cable (in my case it is a white screw screw 2×0.5).
6) Light switch and plug.
7) Three screws.
8) Bulb holder.
9) Diode light bulb (in my case it is a 7 watt white light bulb).
10) Hot glue.
11) Metal rod from the magnetic shaft of the printer cartridge.
12) Soldering iron with soldering acid.
13) Second glue.
14) White paint on metal and matte colorless varnish.
15) Sewing machine or a needle and thread.
16) Screwdriver.
17) Insulating tape and heat shrink.
18) Three sheets of drawing paper and PVA glue.

If the list of components does not scare you, let's start the assembly.

On my farm, I found two bulb holders (see photo below). Having twisted them in my hands, I immediately realized that I could kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, the cartridge has a metal mount to which you can attach the tube and fix it on the stand. Secondly, thanks to the plastic clamping ring on the cartridge, it will be possible to fix the lampshade frame on the cartridge without any problems, using two clamping rings on one cartridge.

Then I began to think about what I should do or where I could get a metal tube, preferably in order to hide the connection of the cable with the cartridge in it, and at the same time it also served as a cartridge holder. And then they showed me a tube from the magnetic shaft of a laser printer cartridge, and it turned out to be ideal for my idea. The tube itself is very light and meanwhile very durable.

In order to attach the tube to the cartridge, I had to bend the lugs of the metal cartridge holder into reverse side, and on the tube itself from the magnetic shaft, I had to cut the thread for the nut.

Then I ran the wires through the tube. In it, I made a connection of wires from the cartridge with a cable ShVVP 2 × 0.5. Well insulated and neatly hidden, filled with hot glue everywhere. To center the structure, I put a plastic washer at the junction of the shaft and the chuck.

By the way, I chose the length of the magnetic shaft tube to be 8.5 cm.

Next, we make a support for our floor lamp. It will represent three wooden legs, removed at the same distance below, forming an equilateral triangle, and connected at the top with a wooden blank.

This blank was cut out for me on lathe, in it I only had to drill a hole for the cartridge holder and three holes for self-tapping screws for attaching the legs to the blank. Also, such a blank can be made without a machine. It is enough to find a round log or blank and cut off the “washer” with a hacksaw. To attach the legs to the blank, I had to slaughter them from above at a slight angle. After that, they began to fit snugly against the blank and formed the desired triangle from below.

Then I smeared the whole thing with hot glue to give even greater structural strength. I pulled the cable through the hole in the blank, fixed the cartridge holder and attached the switch with the plug. After all these manipulations, you can varnish the legs in several layers. I note once again that I chose a matte varnish, which, when light hits the painted surface, does not give glare.

I’ll tell you right away what I didn’t take into account and after which I had to improvise. I decided to make the frame of the lampshade from thick wire, which can be bought at hardware stores. It is strong enough and can be given any shape. I decided to choose the shape for my lampshade in the form of a straight cylinder. From wire I made two identical rings with a diameter of 33 cm (by the way, the diameter of these rings must be equal to the diameter formed by the legs of the stand or more, otherwise the design will not look very good), one small ring to fix the lampshade on the cartridge. Then I cut off four even pieces of 24 cm each, which will connect the large lampshade rings, and four even pieces of 17 cm each, which will connect the cartridge mounting ring and the lampshade frame.

I placed all the soldering points inside the structure, not much thinking about how I would hide them later. And when it came time to make a stub out of paper inside the lampshade, I realized that the docking points prevented me from carefully gluing the stub to the lampshade itself. Because of this, I had to abandon the paper plug and replace it with a fabric that has better elasticity, and as a result, it better hid the junctions of the lampshade frame.

Below is the correct version of the frame, thanks to which you can not be tricky with the inner plug, but simply cut it out of whatman paper, insert it inside and glue it around the edges. But I really did not want to solder everything again, and I went further along the difficult path.

As soon as soldering is completed, the soldering acid must be neutralized. If this is not done, it will eventually corrode the metal at the soldering points. We take simple baking soda, dilute it in water and thoroughly wash the soldering points. After that, let the frame dry and proceed to painting.

To give the desired shape to the fabric that we will stretch on the frame, we need to make several cylinders from sheets of whatman paper. How many such layers are needed? Everything is very simple here. If you want the light from the light bulb to shine through the lampshade itself, then one layer is enough. But personally, I didn’t like this option, since the frame itself became visible in the light. Therefore, I decided to make sure that the lampshade did not let in light at all, and took three layers of drawing paper.

Then they sewed a cylinder out of fabric, the edges of which were also sewn with an elastic band. I put the fabric on the frame and got the result, which is shown below. It was possible to stop at this, but such a result was not enough for me and this lampshade did not look as cool as I wanted. Therefore, I decided to get rid of the elastic and wrapped the fabric inside the lampshade, gluing it to the Whatman paper with a second glue.

Next in inside lampshade, it was necessary to insert a plug in order to carefully hide the places of bending of the fabric and the frame of the lampshade itself. If I had made the correct version of the frame (see the diagrams above), then it would be enough to cut out another cylinder from whatman paper, insert it inside and glue it. But I made a frame of an ill-conceived design, so I had to make a plug out of white fabric, which I glued on top and bottom with hot glue, stretching it a little in advance.

Now the look of the lampshade suited me. I assembled my floor lamp and began to see what else could be improved in it. By chance I came across this video, in which the author winds a thick cord around the stand at the end. I liked the idea and applied it to my floor lamp.

The structure is ready. It remains to screw in the light bulb, fix the assembly flaws (remove traces of glue, go over the paint again where necessary, etc.) and, finally, turn on our floor lamp.

Hand-made creations are not only a fashion trend, but also designed to add a special originality to the design, and to the home - a warm and cozy atmosphere. To make a lamp with your own hands, it is possible to select materials and objects that are unnecessary in everyday life and have already outlived their expiration date, giving them a second life. Consider how to make a floor lamp out of such things yourself.

You can make a floor lamp with your own hands from any materials and unnecessary things.

Manufacturing features

Compared to other decorative elements, do-it-yourself lamps must first of all be functional. Their purpose is to provide illumination, which, for its part, will create a certain mood and comfort for the environment. The light effect emanating from such a lighting device can be: a light spot, a mysterious twilight, a bright glow. What definitely should not work is the hiding of light due to the use of opaque and dense materials.

Please note: the safety of using ready-made floor lamps must be given increased attention. LED and energy-saving lamps will eliminate the fire hazard, installed according to the rules of an electrician - a short circuit.

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Application of materials for electrical purposes

Stages of manufacturing a floor lamp (part 1).

Making a floor lamp on your own will not work without the use of electricians.

Lamps. Not the best choice for a homemade product - ordinary incandescent lamps. During operation, these lamps become excessively hot and may cause a fire. It is more expedient in this situation to prefer lamps with an energy saving function.

LEDs are an excellent alternative to lamps. Due to the easy-to-use and non-hazardous LED lamps in the home create unsurpassed lighting.

Electric cable. Lamps made by hand and having one lamp are connected with the participation of a 2x1.5 PVA cable. If present in the design metal parts 3-wire wiring is required.

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Features of project development and implementation

Stages of manufacturing a floor lamp (part 2)

If you want to make a lamp with your own hands, it is important to think over the place for installation and the intricacies of connecting to the electrical wiring at home, the operating conditions. The main requirement for the lamp is its safety in operation. To prevent a short circuit, all joints are securely isolated and hidden behind the details of the product.

Lamp manufacturing sequence:

  1. Connect the power cable to the cartridge and plug. Connections are insulated everywhere, the cable is masked behind construction details or the design of a floor lamp.
  2. They make a frame for a lampshade or a sconce body (in accordance with the project).
  3. Create and decorate a lampshade.
  4. Assemble the structure.

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Original design developments

The most fantasy part when assembling lamps is the lampshade. It is due to him that it turns out to achieve the exclusivity that distinguishes hand-made. Can be used as a lampshade various materials. Any thing can form the basis of man-made design. Woven and paper products are the most common methods, but not the only ones.

From rather unexpected solutions, it turns out to create original products. It is appropriate to use plastic or tin bottles, branches, building mixtures or old vases. The choice is limited exclusively by the craftsman's improvised means and his own imagination.

The floor lamp is lamellar. Polymer clay (plastic) is a kind of raw material for performance. It dries quickly and is easy to handle and decorate. From it it is possible to create a beautiful and unique device. For manufacturing, you will need a base for applying the composition. Such a base can be cardboard box(from juice, for example) or a roll of paper. The base shape will affect the configuration of the lampshade.

Polymer clay is slowly extruded onto a cardboard blank and allowed to dry completely. After removing the base material, the lampshade is ready for commissioning. But it will be much more interesting to look at a lampshade decorated with one of the well-known techniques, for example, decoupage. If there is no polymer clay, then decorative putties, putties, building sealants, liquid nails and other means may well replace it.

Large vase as a floor lamp. It is a little more difficult to make a floor lamp from a large vase, since you will need to drill holes in a rather brittle material. A metal cover is attached to the neck, where a pin is mounted, which will replace the tripod. In order to endow the product with stability, the lid is fixed with stops, the dimension of which corresponds to the widest place at the vase.

The lampshade can be originally decorated with paper flowers from napkins.

A cord is passed through a hollow pin and a hole in the lid and released out through another hole drilled at the bottom of the vase on the side. A cartridge and a plug are attached to the wire. To provide greater stability to the structure, sand is poured inside the vase. The lampshade is made on the basis of a wire frame, covered with an openwork or plain fabric.

Wooden lamp for a minimalist style. For a style in the spirit of minimalism, covering material and wooden slats. From the rails, the necessary segments are created, which are covered with stain and fastened with a furniture stapler.

From the covering material, a lampshade is sewn along a length slightly larger than the frame and gathered. The canvas is fixed with a stapler from the bottom and top of the frame edge. On the edges of the lampshade, the fabric is covered with wide corners made of wood, the staples are masked with thin slats.

The lampshade for the floor lamp can be decorated with fabric decor.

Ceiling-mounted energy-saving chandelier. To make such a lamp, you should refer to the metal fittings from which the chandelier was once made. You can make a lamp in several ways:

  1. They take a thin wire and a lot of glass beads. Reinforcement is wrapped with wire with pre-strung beads. In this case, the order of winding is chosen arbitrary.
  2. They take thin PVC (transparent or milky matte) and cut butterflies the size of a matchbox out of it. Thin PVC is cut with scissors. A hole is made on each butterfly, for which a fishing line is tied. The second end of the fishing line is tied to the upper circle on the armature.
  3. It is possible to use tulle. For example, lilac color with glitter. The dimensions of the fabric cut: 2 m wide and 4 meters long. You can choose any tulle, but it must be hard and be colored. Next, cardboard template circles are prepared, of which there should be seven. The diameter of the circles is from 40 cm to 160 cm. In the central part, a hole is made on each element (20 cm in diameter). After that, they are stacked. Laying starts from the largest, and they achieve the imposition of gaps in the center. The circles are connected by sweeping. The edges of the tulle can be left unfinished. Tie in the center with a thread. After threading the cord and tightening, the thread is fixed. Next, straighten all the folds like a big bow.
  4. A living sconce is made from a climbing living plant (for example, ivy). The plant must grow in light plastic pot. Sisal is used to decorate the pot. A rigid and durable wire frame is fixed to the reinforcement. The pot is inserted in advance, because there will be no space later. After the construction of the frame, the branches are straightened. Ivy is unpretentious to watering.

Homemade spotlights. To make such a lamp, you will need a garland, organza and beads, as well as a CD and a well-bending wire. The length of the organza is selected depending on the length of the future product. Beads are glass in the maximum possible quantity.

If opaque beads are used, then this model will look less beautiful and only when it is turned off.

In the on state of the product, such beads will take the form of multiple dark spots.

Making lighting fixtures from improvised materials is a limitless field for the creativity of a true master. Using the proposed descriptions, you can not think about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. If you have imagination and creative thinking, you can add individual features of the decor to each type of design, leaving the technical part as it is.

Everyone can make a modern floor lamp with their own hands from improvised materials at home. Use the tips and decorate your home with a new stylish lamp.

A floor lamp is an indispensable piece of furniture that adds special comfort to your home. Under its warm, diffused light, things take on a completely different, fabulous sound. The room is completely transformed, there is a feeling of comfort.

On the market for interior decoration, there is a great variety of floor lamps made of a wide variety of materials: with lampshades made of crystals or fabric, original solutions made of fish scales, gold plates, wood shavings. One thing is invariable: only 4 things are needed for a floor lamp - a stand, a leg, a lampshade, a light bulb. From what you can make the necessary spare parts, how to put them together, we will consider further.

Necessary materials

It is not at all difficult to make a floor lamp on your own. The only thing that will definitely be needed is knowledge of the simplest electricians plus compliance with safety requirements. There are no special rules for creating a floor lamp - it all depends on your imagination. The lampshade can be knitted, glued out of paper, pasted over with sparkles, shells, flowers. DIY lamps are an opportunity to have fun with family and friends, as well as update the interior of the room without leaving home.

We make blanks

To begin with, we suggest doing a stand. If you didn’t find anything suitable at home, for example, supplies from an old broken fan or floor lamp, we will make a stand ourselves from gypsum. Gypsum is a heavy, durable and easy-to-handle material. For a heavy stable stand, 3-4 kg of dry gypsum is enough. Conceived a large, heavy lampshade - increase the amount of plaster for the stand.

Now you need to choose a shape for the future stand. Perfect for this baking dish. large diameter with removable sides. Silicone is inconvenient: it does not hold its shape well, and hardened gypsum simply cannot be pulled out of iron with non-removable sidewalls.

Pick the "right" stick. The most practical are metal tubes. They are not very heavy electrical cable can be stretched inside, and not left hanging out. So the floor lamp will look more aesthetic, modern and stylish.

For the lampshade frame, prepare a mesh about 200 cm long and a width equal to the desired height of the lampshade. Start bending one edge of the mesh to make a circle. Choose the diameter of your choice. After cutting off the rest of the wire, begin to bend the protruding pieces of wire, creating a single frame. Do not cut the tails, fill them inside the lampshade. Pass the aluminum tape along the perimeter for the strength of the form (so that the circle does not turn into an oval). From the same tape, folded crosswise, make a frame for fixing the lampshade with a ceiling. Do not attach the frame to the lampshade. First finish the design, then with the lamp on, determine at what height you will mount the lampshade.

Assembling the lamp on the leg

We begin to prepare a plaster stand. Mix gypsum with water to a state of thick sour cream. Cover the baking dish plastic wrap put plaster in it. Upper layer align. Mark the middle and stick a pre-prepared metal tube-leg into it. Be careful! The leg must stand strictly vertically in plaster, otherwise your future floor lamp will turn out to be crooked. Gypsum will take about 10 hours to dry. During this time, you can decorate the lampshade for the future floor lamp.

Lampshade Ideas

Since you have already decided on the frame of the lampshade, its height and diameter, it remains only to decide how to decorate it beautifully. Do not forget: the floor lamp should organically fit into the interior of your room. It can be one of the following types:

    Remember your grandmother was once fond of knitting and macrame? Such lampshades hand made were very popular in Soviet time. This work is slow, painstaking, requires skills and abilities. You can simplify it by tying each cell of the grid with fluffy threads and imposing flowers on top. Don't know how to knit? Just wrap the mesh with fringed knitting threads. Get a gentle plush lampshade.

    Marine style lampshade. To decorate it, all small pebbles and shells, carefully brought by you from vacation, are suitable. They can be glued directly to the mesh or hooked with wire rings. You can paint the base red, imitating a fishing net. Magnets also fit perfectly into this composition.

    Glamor lampshade. Rhinestones, sequins and glass beads are wonderful decorations for your lampshade. Transparent and translucent materials unequally transmit light, making the floor lamp the center of attention.

    Floor lamp for nursery. Styling a lampshade for a children's bedroom will help plush toys, stickers, luminous stickers. If desired, suitable plastic toys can be glued to the leg, then painted in one color, achieving unity of the composition.

    Hi-tech design. Take chrome paint and paint the leg and stand with it. Braid the lampshade with black wire, leaving small gaps. Cover it in black matte paint from a balloon.

    rope ornament. Original and unusual lampshades are obtained from a twisted rope. It can braid the existing frame, or you can create a more original design. Rope balloon lampshade different colors looks very nice. To create a rope ornament, inflate balloon, rub it with petroleum jelly and lay out on its surface an ornament made of a rope soaked in advance with PVA glue. Let the glue dry, pierce the ball - that's it, the lampshade is ready.

    The easiest way to change the design of the lampshade without changing anything in the design of the floor lamp is to cover it on top and sides with painted silk scarves. You will see the effect immediately, and the design will not change. Be careful not to overheat, this can cause a fire!

Whatever you decide to decorate your lampshade, follow one rule: flammable materials should not be near a heat source. We recommend using energy-saving light bulbs in the floor lamp. They do not heat up, are economical and will please you longer.

Construction assembly

The gypsum has dried up, you can remove the sides of the mold and remove the stand with the leg. Since gypsum usually has a matte, faded color, we recommend painting the stand and leg with spray paint. When it dries, you can begin to mount an electrician.

We fasten the electrical wire to the wires of the cartridge and pass it through the pipe down. We take it out from under the stand and mount the switch. It will be most convenient to use a foot lamp so that you can turn the floor lamp on and off without bending down. We cut the wire to a length convenient for you, mount the plug. Then we screw in the light bulb and check if your device works. We try on the lampshade, determine the height of the bulb, fix the lampshade. That's it, the decorative lamp on the leg according to your own design is ready to use.

New life for an old lamp

Do you have an old floor lamp lying around in your garage, is it working, but not modern? Give it a second chance: change the design and enjoy the new piece of furniture.

Remove the damaged lampshade, leaving only the frame. Paint the base with fresh paint. Take an ordinary white fabric and sheathe the frame of the lampshade with it. White fabric is a limitless field for creativity. Color it in acrylic paints, stick sequins, dry flowers, ribbons - whatever your heart desires.

Wallpaper illuminated by a lamp of a floor lamp looks very beautiful. You just need to pick the right ones. To do this, take pieces of existing wallpaper and see how they look. Finding the right ones, brush old lampshade wallpaper glue and glue them. Cut off the excess with an overlap of 3-4 cm at the top and bottom. These overlaps then need to be glued inward so that the old lampshade is not visible. Let the glue dry, then install the updated lampshade and enjoy your work.

Work with the leg of the floor lamp. The winding of the legs with a rope or rope looks spectacular, which will fit perfectly into sea ​​style. Winding with wire of different colors will add originality to the floor lamp. If you want more brightness, stick rhinestones on the leg and on the stand. Glamor will definitely be provided.

Making things with your own hands is always a pleasant and creative activity. A floor lamp created from scratch or an updated old one from the garage will delight you and your loved ones on long winter evenings. If suddenly you get bored with your idea, you can always add something new or repaint your new leg lamp.

What could be nicer than a cozy armchair, soft light and an interesting book after a hard day's work?

It is this atmosphere that is conducive to rest and relaxation that the floor lamp creates, enveloping the room with a muffled, pleasant light that does not hit the eyes.

A floor lamp is a floor or table lamp on a high stand with a lampshade, with soft diffused light.

This type of lamp has changed over time. In pre-revolutionary times and in the early period of the Soviet state, this is a classic look with a fabric lampshade and a wooden stand.

In the 60s of the last century, the base was sent to be made of metal, and the lampshade was made of plastic. With the advent of "European-quality repairs", the classic floor lamp with a lampshade was not justly forgotten, but came into fashion modern models, unusual shape and configuration. Today, there are a lot of lamps of this type on sale, various in design, which will fit into any interior: from classic to hi-tech.

In any interior, it is, first of all, a symbol of comfort, because soft light creates an atmosphere of peace, conducive to relaxation, reading, needlework, communication over a leisurely conversation.

Classic floor lamp on a wooden "leg" with a fringed fabric lampshade, one light source (incandescent lamp), the light is directed downwards. Some models are supplied with small mini tables where you can leave a book, glasses or knitting.

A floor lamp and a table lamp, made in the same style: a metal base and a cone-shaped plastic lampshade, harmoniously complement each other.

The original solution: a floor lamp on a curved arc base - nothing superfluous. Such lamps are suitable for the interior in the style of minimalism.

A modern model, quite brutal, with a pyramidal black lampshade and a base decorated with elements that repeat the shape of the lampshade.

Models that combine "two in one" are interesting: both a light source and a rack for storing decorative interior items or books.

Another modern representative of floor lamps, where the lampshade is made of rice paper and occupies the entire area of ​​the lamp, representing a single volume. Such a lamp can be found both in a classic interior and in a Japanese-style interior.

This cylinder-shaped model with a bright print of rich and bold colors on the lampshade is a representative of a retro style that is very fashionable lately.

Today's floor lamps and table lamps very different from their predecessors. Decorators and designers work tirelessly to create unusual models, making them not so much light sources as whimsical interior elements.

A table lamp made of many balls collected in a single volume - either a cloud or a mini tree - creates an atmosphere of lightness and weightlessness.

Floor lamp, the stand of which is made in the form of a man sitting on suitcases. Agree a very unusual and original design solution.

The stand of this floor lamp, made of wood, also resembles a person politely leaning over an armchair. The artificially aged wood of the stand and the simple white cylinder of the shade are a godsend for a vintage-style interior.

Animal lovers will pay attention to these models. These lamps, made in black, are suitable for modern monochrome interiors, where the main colors are white, gray and black.

And these representatives of light sources, as if aliens from outer space, will undoubtedly enliven the interior.

Sometimes the most ordinary plants, which do not attract many people, become the subject of design thought, turning into an original thing in skillful hands. A faded dandelion is a source of unpleasant fluff, and how original a floor lamp looks in the form of a fluffy dandelion.

In order to revive the interior, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive designer lamp. Sometimes it is enough to transform an existing floor lamp or lamp by performing a series of manipulations on it: decorate or replace the lampshade, change or refresh the color of the stand, and add accessories to it.

A hand-made lamp will not only decorate your interior, but will also become an object of admiration for friends or relatives who come to visit.

Based on the old lampshade, you can make a new one by completely changing appearance lamps, for example, create it based on a collage of your favorite photos.

A table lamp whose lampshade is made from an ordinary tin can. Done with a drill openwork pattern. You can paint the ceiling with spray paint.

The lampshade can be sewn, knitted, woven from newspaper tubes, straw, branches. As a stand, use driftwood, supports cut from plywood, even ski poles, idle, stored on the balcony.

Show your imagination, and perhaps your design idea will help decorate the interior, and not only yours, but also your friends.

Making a floor lamp with your own hands is not at all difficult if you put a little imagination and creativity. This task will certainly require some time, special tools and materials, but the end result is sure to please its owner. A lamp made by yourself will have personality traits and features, since no one will have this. Such a creative process allows you to create floor lamps of any required size and the style that best suits the space. Often found on sale suitable option it’s hard, and it won’t be cheap, but in order to make a floor lamp with your own hands, you can use any materials at hand. Some difficulty may lie in wiring it for lighting, but even the fairer sex can do it. So, we will consider step by step all the processes of making a lamp at home, as well as Various types lampshade decoration.

Do-it-yourself floor lamp: preparatory process

Before starting work, you need to draw up a sketch of the proposed lamp, decide on the desired height, the shape of the lampshade and its design, and make the appropriate measurements. A standard set of tools that you may need include: a drill, pliers, a knife, scissors, a screwdriver, special glue, a pencil and a tape measure.

We say “basic”, because, depending on a particular model, additional accessories may be needed. The individual elements from which the floor lamp will be assembled with your own hands are: a wooden or aluminum tube for the frame, fasteners, an electrical system that includes a cord with a plug, a switch, a cartridge and a light bulb, wooden planks for decorating a stand, a body (mesh, an openwork plastic bucket, etc.), material for decorating a lampshade and decorative elements.

A beautiful stylish lampshade can be built using a wide variety of materials, such as colored wire, fabric, paper, unnecessary plastic bottles, wallpaper, etc. A do-it-yourself floor lamp (the photo in the article demonstrates this) can be made of a completely original design if decorative clay is used in the manufacture of the lampshade, which is a rather plastic material, dries quickly and lends itself perfectly to decoration.

Beads, beads, shells, rhinestones, appliqués made of fabric or paper are often used for decor, while the decoration is carried out taking into account the stylistic direction of the room in which the floor lamp will be located. The simplest approach when creating a new lighting piece of furniture is the reconstruction of the old one.

How to update a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands

No matter how beautiful this or that piece of furniture is, and, in our case, a floor lamp, over time it may lose its aesthetic qualities, or cease to correspond to a new repair carried out using a different style. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to buying a new model - it will be enough to re-register the lampshade for the floor lamp with your own hands, and there are many types of implementation for this.

The simplest of them is to paste over the ceiling with wallpaper. All that is needed for this is, in fact, wallpaper and special glue for them, which can be purchased at any hardware store. It is worth choosing wallpaper by illuminating them with a light bulb in order to immediately understand what kind of light the floor lamp will give when turned on. Having previously measured the circumference of the ceiling, cut off a suitable piece of wallpaper. The cover must be removed from the leg of the floor lamp and wiped with a degreasing compound. After such preparation, wallpaper glue is applied to the ceiling, then wallpaper is applied and fixed on the surface of the ceiling. It is not worth pressing them strongly, as unwanted tubercles may form, which are difficult to eliminate, and the aesthetic appearance of the lampshade will be lost. When the design dries well, it is returned back to the leg. The updated do-it-yourself floor lamp is ready.

An excellent way to design a lampshade, as well as its partial restoration, is to use the decoupage technique. For such work, it is recommended to take napkins with a solid pattern that have shades that match the interior of the room (for example, you can prepare napkins with the image of fruits for the kitchen, cartoon characters for the nursery, etc.).

The shade of the lampshade, initially, is primed with white matte paint. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion to the napkin. After drying (approximately about 1 hour), we begin, in fact, the process of pasting itself.

It is worth noting that, in the case when the napkins are multi-layered, it is necessary to carefully separate only the layers with a pattern. Glue (PVA or wallpaper) is gradually applied to the prepared surface of the lampshade and napkins are glued. You need to act as carefully as possible, since it is quite difficult to fix an incorrectly fixed napkin without damaging it. When the ceiling is completely processed and a drawing is created, it is left to dry, and then it is treated with glue again and left to dry for a day.

At the final stage, you can cover the lampshade for the floor lamp, decorated with your own hands, with acrylic varnish to give the finish strength and moisture resistance. Such a floor lamp cover can be decorated with beads by gluing them with a glue gun.

There are actually quite a few lampshade design techniques. Some craftsmen braid it with satin ribbons in a checkerboard pattern and decorate it with bows, use appliqués and embroideries. One of the extraordinary and original solutions on how to update a floor lamp with your own hands, and, in particular, a boring white lampshade, is to paste over it with used photographic film (in this case, the ceiling must have a cylindrical shape). Refracting through the frames, the light will cast bizarre patterns into the interior.

Do-it-yourself floor lamp

The independent production of this floor lamp involves three main stages: the construction of a leg with a base and electrical wiring, the design of a frame with a lampshade, and, in fact, the assembly of the entire structure together.

Having undertaken to design a floor lamp with your own hands, the first thing you need is a stand. You can make it from gypsum, the amount of dry mix of which is about 3 - 5 kg, depending on the size of the lampshade. As a leg you will need an aluminum pipe. Some savvy craftsmen use a fragment of an old tubular metal cornice as it.

For the frame, you will have to purchase a grid, the width of which will be equal to the height of the desired lampshade. The mesh is folded in a circle until desired diameter, the excess part is cut off, and the edges are fixed by bending the wire. For structural strength, aluminum tape can be run along the entire circumference. Thus, the basis for the lampshade turned out.

Now it's all about fantasy. You can process the frame of a floor lamp with your own hands from a metal mesh in a variety of ways. For example, tie it with fluffy threads using the macrame technique, and tie flowers on top.

In the middle of the last century, things made by knitting macrame were very popular, and, as they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. If a floor lamp is made for a room in modern style high tech, best solution will braid its frame with black wire, while leaving gaps, and then paint it with black spray paint.

Do-it-yourself floor lamp made of fabric

You can also make a floor lamp with your own hands from fabric. In this case, the frame will be a thick wire structure. Any material can be used as a fabric, but opaque (so that the frame is not visible), such as cotton, taffeta, dark silk, etc., is better. matching colors will become blue, yellow, orange, green or red - they will give warm light. If you choose a fabric with a floral print and decorate the lampshade with elegant ruffles and bows, you can get a wonderful floor lamp for a room in country or Provence style.

Do-it-yourself wooden floor lamp

If the interior of the room is decorated in Scandinavian or eco-style, which is quite popular these days, you can make a floor lamp out of wood with your own hands, or rather, from tree branches, which can be found in any park or forest. A massive, tripod-shaped branch will serve as a good base for a floor lamp, and the upper part will serve as a place for a lampshade attached to a rope. Or, on the contrary, the trunk can be mounted in a plaster stand, and several lampshades can be fixed on diverging branches. The trunk can be decorated with multi-colored threads and lace. It should be noted that wood is a flammable material, therefore, for safety reasons, such floor lamps are equipped with LED or energy-saving light bulbs.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone can make a floor lamp with their own hands from improvised materials. Using the tips posted in this article, you can completely decorate your home with a new stylish lamp without investing special financial costs. See photo below beautiful options decorating a floor lamp with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself floor lamp: 30 photos of beautiful options for making a floor lamp updated: September 27, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina