Is it possible to convert a change house into a bathhouse. Bathhouse from an old cabin

  • 15.06.2019

After the completion of construction, not only mountains of construction debris often remain on the site, but also various devices and temporary buildings that have served their purpose, which are no longer possible to use, and it is a pity to throw them away. And the house is one of them. It takes up a lot of space, but there is no sense from it. But the building is solid, so the hand does not rise to “write it off as scrap”.

And there is no need - it can be converted into an excellent bathhouse. And who would be bothered by a bath near the house, and even built with their own hands? This is a huge savings, and the confidence that everything is done soundly, with knowledge of the matter, from the best materials. In a word, if there is a construction change house and no one is going to live in it, then it is necessary to rebuild it into a bathhouse.

Where to begin

Of course, a reliable frame, spacious enough (at least for two rooms), installed on a reliable foundation, is the foundation. But first you need to do some preparatory work and take into account future stages of restructuring in order to plan the purchase of necessary materials.

Hydro and thermal insulation of the change house

After solving the main issues with the foundation, you need to take care of the waterproofing of the future bath. For this, the entire structure is sheathed with a special polymer hydrobarrier from the outside and from the inside. The seams and joints of the cladding are glued with double-sided construction tape. This stage must be carried out with special care, because the quality of the work done will affect the functionality of the structure.

For thermal insulation, you can use sheet polystyrene foam. It is better to glue the seams with glue-foam: it is not afraid of either temperature changes or moisture. If the thermal insulation is made using thermal insulation wool / mats, then it must be protected from moisture with a vapor barrier. It will protect the porous material from condensation and the formation of fungus. It is better to lay thermal insulation both outside and inside.

An important stage: communications

If there is a desire to make everything beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, then it is better, of course, to conduct water and sewer pipes hidden, hiding in layers of insulation. But in this case, if repair is necessary, access to them will be closed. You will have to embroider the skin, repair it, and then restore everything with your own hands. You can, of course, conduct communications from the outside. In this case, they can be closed with protective covers.

Interior decoration of the bath

The traditional finish of the bath, as experience shows, in any case justifies itself. It is best to sheathe walls and ceilings with wooden clapboard. The main condition is the mandatory thorough antifungal treatment of all panels. There are also ready-made panels immediately with impregnation.

It is also possible to finish the walls with drywall. From above it is faced with ceramic tiles. In principle, these 2 types of finishes can be combined. The wettest areas - the shower room and the steam room - are best finished with tiles, and the dressing room - with wooden panels. It is both more aesthetic and more practical.

External wall covering

Outside, a bath from a change house also needs special, windproof protection. To do this, OSB-plate must be hermetically laid around the entire perimeter. It will perform the main protective functions. From above, the slab can be sheathed with siding or a special clapboard.

With the correct implementation of all stages, the bath will last a long time and its maintenance will not cause any problems. By the way, even if there was no construction change house on the site initially, but there is a great desire to get your own bathhouse, then you can buy this change house and then re-equip it with your own hands. In this case, it is possible to make the foundation more solid, on a columnar basis.


Bath trailer is considered quite a rational option for mastering suburban area. In addition to enjoying healing procedures, you can just live here while it is being built. capital house. How to install a trailer and equip a bath in it - this is our article.


Let's start with the fact that such a bath has a good ratio of quality and price. Like a solid building, it gives an awareness of freshness and purity, promotes healing and improves mood after labor day. A modern bath-trailer is equipped with any equipment to choose from for a good rest. The lucky ones, whose hands come from their shoulders, are able to realize their most daring decisions in a decommissioned change house. But let's leave them a flight of fancy and dwell on our mundane principles for arranging a bathhouse from a trailer. So, to business!

Choosing a place for a bath from a trailer

First you need to find out if it is possible to install a trailer on the site at all. This may be hindered by the terrain or the inconvenience of access roads. After all, the delivery and unloading of such a bulky product from the platform is carried out using a truck crane with a certain reach. And it just might not be enough. Ordering such equipment is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, evaluate this opportunity in advance. If unloading the trailer is not particularly troublesome, you can select a suitable place for it on the site.

Here the rules are simple:

  • If there is a natural reservoir in your possessions, install a bath no closer than 15 m from the water. This will protect the trailer from flooding during the flood.
  • The maximum removal of the bath from the nearby highway keep you calm and ensure complete relaxation during wellness activities.
  • The entrance to the bath is planned from the south side - there are fewer snow drifts in winter.
  • The windows are located on the southwest side if you plan to visit the bathhouse in the evening.
  • Vegetation and trees near the trailer will add an ozonizing effect to the air and create a feeling of comfort.

Selection of a trailer for a bath

The dimensions of the trailers are relatively small. This facilitates their transportation from one place to another and adaptation to various purposes. Structural elements trailers and country wooden baths are practically no different. Therefore, in order to get a real bathhouse from a change house, it is enough only to reschedule its premises.

Change houses have two variants of execution - metal and wooden. For a bath, it is better to choose a change house made of wood. The main advantage that distinguishes it favorably from a metal trailer is low price, because wooden beam much cheaper than metal. When choosing a trailer, you need to pay attention to the integrity of its frame and the absence of serious damage to the outer skin.

A company that specializes in the manufacture of prefabricated buildings can make a custom-made country trailer for you. Such firms always finished projects houses for various purposes. You can select any of them and make the changes you need to the document. The company's specialists will take into account your requirements in the process of ordering.

Bath trailer layout

To convert the trailer into a bath, it is necessary to divide its internal space into several walk-through rooms. But that's not all. The steam room with a stove requires special attention, since it is it that distinguishes the bath-trailer from the usual garden house. But about him a little later.

The width of a standard change house is 2.3 m. Therefore, all its rooms will be walk-through. Door partitions the trailer can be divided into a vestibule, a locker room, a rest room and a steam room. Instead of washing department to save space in the rest room, a shower cubicle is installed.

Tambour will serve safety valve from the frosty air penetrating into the rooms through open doors. It can store a "duty" supply of firewood. The dimensions of the doorways are taken to be 1.9 x 0.7 m with the indispensable opening of all doors towards the main exit.

The dimensions of the steam room in such a bath are 2.2 x 2.5 m with a ceiling height of no more than 2.3 m. Such a volume of the room will make it easy to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air in it, and will not require the installation of a powerful and expensive stove. The furnace firebox can be brought to the rest room. Thanks to this, there will be no garbage in the steam room, and the adjacent room will receive heating.

Power supply, heating, plumbing, sewerage and ventilation systems are equipped in a bathhouse converted from a trailer, applicable to the conditions of an ordinary country house.

Do-it-yourself installation of a bath from a trailer

If you decide not to use the services construction organization, and install the bath from the trailer with your own hands, be patient - and you will succeed.

Preparatory work before the installation of the trailer

Preparation of the site for the installation of the bath includes cleaning the area from debris, removing the vegetation layer of the soil and uprooting the bushes. Then, the perimeter of the foundation is marked on the ground, corresponding to the size of the trailer. This is done with a cord, tape measure and small pegs. In the same way, the center lines of the supporting part are indicated.

Installation of a trailer for a bath

For a light trailer, it is not at all necessary to build a powerful foundation. In this case, its main goal is to ensure the stability of the bath on the support and create an air gap between the bottom of the trailer and top layer soil. Such a gap is necessary for ventilation of the base of the bath and convenient laying of its utilities.

For a bath-trailer, a columnar foundation will be quite enough. It is performed with a small depth and a height of up to half a meter. The material for it can be pieces of piles, rubble stone, brick and reinforced concrete. The columns are located along the marked perimeter with a step of 2-3 m. Their top is covered with waterproofing, and a wooden frame made of timber with a section of 150x150 mm is installed on it.

Before installation, its wood is treated with an antiseptic, and the parts are connected using metal corners. The horizontality of the frame laid on the foundation is checked building level. The device of the supporting part is completed.

At the next stage, the trailer is installed on a support consisting of foundation columns and wooden frame. This operation is performed using a truck crane. During installation, you need to create a bathhouse with a slight slope - about 1% - towards the steam room and fix it with gaskets on the frame. This will allow you to organize the drainage of water from the bath to the receiving ladder of the floor. With plumbing PVC pipes, the ladder is connected to drain pit or central sewer.

Communications in the bath from the trailer

Laying of electrical wiring in the vestibule, locker room and rest room is carried out in the usual way. The exception is the steam room. It uses a heat-resistant cable in a metal sleeve, which is laid under the insulation. There should be no sockets and switches in the steam room; the lamp used here is waterproof and explosion-proof.

The ventilation system of the bath should cover all its premises. At the same time, forced mechanical exhaust and natural air flow through the ventilation openings equipped with dampers work.

Pipes of water supply and heating systems are covered when approaching the bath-car heat-insulating material to prevent freezing in winter.

Sauna stove from a trailer

You can make your own stove or buy a ready-made one. A lot of drawings and photos of trailer baths equipped with stoves of various modifications are posted on the Internet and in print media - use it to your health. It is better to buy a finished oven from well-known manufacturers of such products, for example, HARVIA or ERMAK.

The wall of the trailer closest to the stove must be lined with galvanized steel sheet with thermal insulation. A metal heat-reflecting screen is installed above the furnace at a slight angle, thanks to which wood paneling the ceiling will not be affected by the high radiation temperature of the heater. The lower edge of the screen is attached to the wall, and its upper part - to the ceiling, with screws 80 mm long through thin insulating bars 30x30 mm.

For additional heating of the room adjacent to the steam room, a hole D = 100 mm is made in their partition for corrugated metal pipe equipped with a ventilation grille. It is located near the stove closer to the floor.

Heating of water in a bath is carried out from the furnace in a special tank. An alternative option is to install a boiler in the washing room.

Our bath will be heated "on white", therefore furnace chimney should go outside. Its passage through the wall or ceiling of the trailer is formed by a protective box or sleeve with basalt wool as a heat insulator. Outside, the joint is covered with a metal apron and sealed with an asbestos cord.

Thermal insulation of the bath from the trailer

Warming of the bath-trailer is carried out along its contour - floor, walls, ceiling. For outdoor and internal insulation change houses are used basalt wool, sheet polyurethane, ISOVER and ROCKWOOL. These are non-combustible materials of G-4 group.

For floor insulation, in particular, polyurethane sheets are suitable, which are then covered with boards. This protection does not cold air from the street, retains the heat of the premises and reduces the cost of heating them.

After laying the insulation, it must be covered with a waterproofing film. To do this, it is recommended to use a UTAVEK three-layer windproof membrane or its equivalent. It is quite reliable for protecting building envelopes from water and wind. You can buy such a film in rolls of 1.5x50 m.

In the steam room on the walls and ceiling, the insulation is covered with foil heat-reflecting paper. It is attached to the bars with construction stapler, and its seams are sealed with metal tape.

Internal cladding for the insulation of walls, ceilings and partitions of the bath is carried out by clapboard, which is made of various materials- plastic, wood, etc. The steam room uses lining made of pine, spruce, linden or aspen wood.

For exterior wall cladding, it is convenient to use ventilated hinged panels. They counteract the penetration of moisture and thereby exclude the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls.

To finishing work in the bath-trailer, the manufacture of shelves in the steam room can be attributed. If they are made in two levels, this will be quite enough, taking into account the height of the bathhouse. The length of the shelf is taken as 2.2-2.3 m for comfortable reclining on it. The width of the shelf - 0.6-0.7 m - will allow you to sit comfortably on it. For their manufacture, a board made of linden or aspen, which has low thermal conductivity, is often used. Therefore, getting burned about it is quite problematic.

Installation of a bath from a trailer, see the video:

That's all! We hope that general concepts you learned how to make a bath from a trailer. Otherwise, it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Good luck!

In a comfortable bath. I propose to go through the main design features that will allow you to use the change house as a bath.

Design revision. All plastic elements of the change house decor should be replaced with wooden ones. Plastic at operating temperature baths will poison people with harmful toxins.

Ensuring ventilation of the bathhouse. The structure must be installed at a low height from the ground. To do this, use a cinder block with a rib length of 25-30 cm. Cinder blocks should be installed in increments of 70-80 cm around the entire perimeter of the change house. This material is inexpensive and if one of the supports is destroyed, it will be quite easy to replace it.

The plan of the change house of the bath 7x2.3. Here is the entrance from the end. Consistently: locker room, washing room, steam room.

Reliable waterproofing design. The frame of the structure is covered with a special polymeric hydrobarrier. Double sided tape is used for installation.

Required thermal insulation. For this, sheet polystyrene foam is used, which is fixed with a special adhesive-foam. Both internal and external thermal insulation of the structure should be carried out.

Making the necessary communications. For aesthetic purposes, it is better to run water and sewer pipes outside the change house. Communications can be hidden in special decorative casings. Pipes and wiring are sometimes hidden under a layer of thermal insulation. This option can be used if there is confidence in the quality of communications. If it breaks, it will be more difficult to repair it.

Facing with a decorative and protective layer. finishing inner surface it is better to hold the walls of the bath-change house with traditional wooden materials. Can be used wooden lining, which has a special antifungal impregnation. A more practical way would be to finish with drywall with further ceramic tiling. The ideal option the steam room and corner with a shower will be tiled, and it is better to decorate the rest room with wooden materials.

External cladding. OSB-plate is ideal for external cladding of change houses-baths. This material is sealed and is not blown by the wind. Then you can finish the siding.

Complete set of change houses-baths

Of course, there are many options, below is one of them.


  • Frame - Beam 75 * 145mm dry or natural moisture, strengthened with dowels, interventional insulation "ECO (Linen)", beam joint angle "warm"
  • Building board 100*40 mm
  • Coniferous lining (interior decoration), aspen lining in a steam room vertical
  • Floor board 28*115/32*100mm
  • Roof-Metal tile, " soft tiles» (for dome roof)


  • Furnace - wood-burning heater "Ermak" 16 cubic meters.
  • Heat-resistant brick screen
  • Tank for heating water "On the pipe" 55 l.
  • Chimney vertical + umbrella
  • Bench straight 1.2 m in the Moika and the Dressing Room
  • Aspen shelf in the steam room 2.2m, riser 2.2m
  • Opening window 50*50 cm - in the Moyka, window 40x40cm in the steam room, blind window 50x50cm in the locker room
  • Floor board tongue and groove 28x115mm + drain
  • Insulated frame doors on hinges with handles 170 * 70 - 3 pcs
  • External wiring, 3 lamps, two switches, 1 socket
  • Antiseptic treatment outside.

It is believed that you can equip a steam room from anything, a change house - a bathhouse can serve as a vivid example of a folk principle. Simple and at the same time easy-to-assemble steam baths are usually made from construction trailers and mobile temporary huts. The level of comfort, of course, is lower, the sauna car is the result of a rework, and not a purposeful design, but you can bathe in it with no less pleasure.

What is the difference between a change house and a stationary bathhouse

The idea to build a steam room based on a finished metal box has been around for a long time. They are made from change houses, railway and sea containers, old car booths, decommissioned refrigerator trailers. Making a bath from a trailer with your own hands is no more difficult than from other types of mobile structures.

Change house or trailer, who calls it what small design on a wheeled trailer, a construction carriage, is an industrially manufactured room with the following characteristics:

  • The box of change house is made on metal frame from aluminum or galvanized steel sheet;
  • The walls of the trailer are a sandwich panel with foam-based insulation or mineral wool. The floor of the change house is reinforced steel profile, treated with mastic waterproofing and additionally insulated with a second layer of foam;
  • The dimensions of the future trailer bath at the base of the structure are 2.3x6 m, 2.45x5.8 m, 2.8x6 m or 3x6 m. Ceiling height 220 - 230 cm, depending on the thickness floor covering from boards.

Note! The floor in the change house, depending on the model of the trailer, can be made of pine timber, such structures are not put on wheels, but trucks and cranes are used to move.

Most often, change houses from a trailer have an entrance from the wide side of the box. Doors can be located in the center of the trailer with a division into two rooms. In the automotive version, the entrance is made with a folding ladder. This is the so-called sleeping bag.

For insulated versions of change houses entrance doors can be displaced or performed from the end of the box.

A bath from a metal trailer turns out no worse than one built from foam concrete or timber, but the room itself after laying additional insulation and wall cladding inside the change house turns out to be slightly cramped, especially in the steam room.

According to the reviews of the owners, there is enough space for one or two people in abundance, a company of three people will have to bathe in the bath in turn. For a larger team, it is better to immediately build a bath from two cabins. There is not much difference, in principle the scheme is the same as that of the single version. Beforehand, one of the side walls is cut off at each trailer, two boxes are joined, after which the outer wall cladding is made from the timber of the entire bathhouse - change house.

What to look out for

At first glance, build a bath from construction trailer you can do it yourself in a couple of days. The rigid frame of the change house does not require additional measures to strengthen the walls and floor. The room of the trailer is already insulated during the manufacture of the box.

In theory, you will need to do with your own hands for a bath from a change house only a small additional equipment:

  • Lay electrical wiring for connecting lighting and ventilation systems, heating, if an electric heater is used in the steam room of the bath instead of a wood-burning stove;
  • Supply water, make a drain for the shower and steam room, connect communications to a septic tank or sewer;
  • Finish and install the stove.

Important! In practice, everything turns out to be more complicated. Before you make a bath from an iron trailer, you will need to solve the problem of arranging steam and thermal insulation.

The problem is that the steel or aluminum walls of the trailer, as well as modern sandwich panels based on bakelite plywood, absolutely do not let water vapor through. The task is not even how to make a bath from a change house, it is important to ensure maximum comfort and durability of the building.

In such a situation, you have to choose - either build a bath from a construction trailer with metal walls, durable and reliable, able to stand for 20 years in the middle of a swamp, but at the same time rack your brains and look for the best option for warming. Or look for a finished change house, assembled from a bar. In this case, the construction and insulation of the bath is no different from the scheme for arranging a conventional frame steam room.

How to convert a change house into a bath

First of all, two words about the price. Solid wooden change houses, which are currently littered with the market construction equipment, cost about 1100-1200 dollars, without foundation and delivery. The best option for building wooden bath from a do-it-yourself change house, photo, it will be difficult to find.

The design of the trailer, the presence of a strong frame made of 150 mm timber, allows you to easily transport a two-ton “blank” for a bath to any place accessible to a truck.

Characteristics of a change house for the arrangement of a bath

Structurally, the trailer differs little from a frame-type bath; the building has everything you need to organize the washing process:

  • A room for a steam room and a dressing room, the total area of ​​the steam room and washing department is at least 12 m 2;
  • Built-in shower with electric boiler, water collection system built dirty water, a 120 l boiler is installed;
  • The body of the future bath is insulated with mineral fiber panels, double-sided vapor barrier is laid. The walls of the shed are lined aspen clapboard 12 mm thick.

The dimensions of the box are 2.3x5.8 m. Building a change house from a bar of a similar size and a device, “from scratch”, with your own hands, will cost about 2.5 times more than re-equipment from a finished box.

From two trailers it is already possible to build a real bath complex, while part of the premises can be set aside for a full-fledged rest room, and the second toilet has been converted for storing firewood.

Foundation for the installation of a household bath

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the foundation system for the installation of a wooden change house. The frame's own structural strength is enough to lift the box with a crane and transport the building without any additional reinforcement struts. Therefore, the bath can be placed on almost any soil. Previously buried in the ground sewer pipe in 50 mm. The entrance to the pipe is left above the surface, after connecting the drain corrugation from the bath, the unit will need to be closed and insulated with polystyrene foam.

The best option is to install concrete slab or column foundation. It will only be necessary to make a storm drain, level and compact the soil within the dimensions of the future bath.

For a columnar foundation, it may be necessary to backfill the site with a mixture of sand and fine gravel.

What needs to be converted in a change house

The only drawback of the above design is the inconvenient location of the toilet. For an ordinary room, the division into residential and sanitary zones is only welcome. In the case of a bath, it is recommended to sew up an open mini-terrace at the entrance to the room with clapboard and install entrance doors from double-glazed windows.

In addition, you will need to additionally install a partition that separates the steam room from the common change room. For internal walls baths usually use a "Thermoplate" with a thickness of 100 mm, rolls of 50 mm thick are additionally laid on the ceiling and floor under the vapor barrier.

The stove in the bathhouse is installed according to general rules adopted for wooden steam rooms. The chimney is led out through the side wall at a height of at least two meters from the floor and 35 cm from the roof overhang.

How to make a bath from a trailer

Usually the idea of ​​​​a bathhouse from a working shift comes to the owners after construction works on the suburban area. A decommissioned metal box with insulated walls is very cheap, and a bath from it turns out to be very decent.

You can make a bath from a trailer with your own hands in two ways. In the first case, the box of the metal box remains unchanged, it is only insulated and retrofitted with a shower cabin and a heater stove.

In the second case, all the side walls of the metal trailer are cut out, the surface is sewn up with siding or a block house. Thus, for a bath, the problem of combating water vapor and condensate that falls on the steel walls of the room is solved.

Foundation for the trailer

Unlike a wooden change house, bathhouses from a trailer can be built directly on the ground. Of course, in practice, such options are not resorted to due to excessive hypothermia of the floor. It is considered optimal to install a bath on a strip shallow foundation. For loamy soils, a steel box is often laid on columnar supports.

The design of the trailer is designed in such a way that the main load falls on two beams laid in the base of the floor for the entire length of the body. Therefore, for reliable fixation, it will be enough to install the body on two rows of concrete blocks.

Such a solution will make it possible to insulate the space under the trailer by backfilling or sealing the basement with red brick. Improving at the same time appearance baths and reduces the risk of metal corrosion.

Laying insulation in a metal box trailer

The insulation scheme is selected based on the design of the side walls. If the box is made of a profiled sheet, then to lay the insulation, it will be enough to open the inner lining and lay an additional layer of Teploizol in succession on top of the mineral fiber slabs. After that, the surface of the slabs is covered with glassine and upholstered on the crate with clapboard. For interior decoration baths from the trailer are used alder or linden.

On the walls of the trailer within the location of the steam room on mineral insulation additional slats are stuffed onto the existing crate, foil polyethylene foam is laid, and only then the finish is stuffed.

Sheet polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polystyrene is usually laid on the floor, the insulation is poured with mastic waterproofing, a reinforcing mesh is laid and cement screed. The usual one is laid on top ceramic tile, which in the conditions of the bath is much more practical than a tree.

The second option for warming the trailer

For the manufacture of metal boxes of the old design, unprofiled, smooth sheets of aluminum, galvanized or plastic were usually used. In this case, the insulation of the bath must be carried out with a ventilation gap. A galvanized profile is sewn onto the walls inside the bath.

Next, a lattice of wooden planks, larch or aspen is stuffed, thus an air gap is obtained through which water vapor will be removed from the steam room and bathhouse. The rest of the insulation is mounted similarly to the previous option. Must be taken to the roof ventilation duct from the gap between the walls.


It will take at least two weeks to build a change house - a bathhouse, and materials for 6-30 thousand rubles Money, Depending on the chosen model of the shift, the material used for finishing and the method of heating, the bath can stand for up to 15 years without a major overhaul.

A wooden structure is often purchased for temporary residence. But after the completion of the construction of a full-fledged house, you do not need to throw away the change house. It can always be adapted to business needs. For example, use it as a barn for storing equipment, a temporary hut, a summer kitchen, or a room for taking water procedures.

Making a bath from a change house with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you just need to apply ingenuity and properly equip the interior space. We will tell you how to properly carry out a set of measures for the refurbishment of the building.

How to make a bath out of a change house?

When retrofitting wooden house or a metal block, some points should be considered:

  • The building must be located at a certain distance from the residential building, the fence, the external fence and the nearest green spaces;
  • It is necessary to determine the direction of the wind so that the smoke from the steam room does not go towards the dwelling;
  • If there are hills on the site, it is desirable to install the building in this place. This will ensure good stock.

If ordinary change houses are installed on foam blocks or tires, then for the bath it is necessary to make a solid columnar foundation with a height of at least 50 centimeters. It is also worth taking care of good ventilation and installation of a ladder in the floor. For a high-quality drain, it is desirable to install the structure at a slight slope so that the water flows into a strictly defined corner of the room.

After laying the foundation with its complete drying, you can install a change house and proceed with the main work on the conversion:

  • Montage internal partitions for dividing the premises into a dressing room, a dressing room and a steam room. It is also desirable to provide a place for storing firewood;
  • Summing up communications, including plumbing and electrical cables. Special attention should be paid to the arrangement of sewerage for the removal of water into cesspool with antiseptic;
  • Waterproofing of surfaces of a change house in rooms. The material must be selected based on the planned temperature and humidity level;
  • Installing shelves. For them, it is better to choose hardwood;
  • Furnace installation. The wall to which the equipment is adjacent must be lined with steel sheet. This will help prevent a fire and improve heat dissipation in the room;
  • Removing the chimney to the street through the roof. From the outside, the pipe should be covered with a metal apron.