Repair of glass showcases. Replacing facade glazing What is the complexity of replacing shop windows

  • 29.08.2019

We are often approached with this problem, they ask a lot of questions, to which we will immediately give answers. First of all, we are interested in how much the service for replacing glass windows costs, but by phone we can only say approximately, since many parameters affect the cost. What exactly and how the whole process takes place:

1. By phone, you must tell the approximate dimensions of the broken display glass (for example, two by three meters).

2. If possible, its thickness.

3. It is simple or hardened (this is easy to determine, hardened is broken into small crumbs).

4. Does it have a tinted or anti-shock film on it.

5. In what frames it is installed, options: plastic, aluminum, wood, old metal corners times of the USSR

6. At what height from the ground is it located and where is it geographically (the area of ​​​​Moscow or the Moscow region outside the Moscow Ring Road)

And these are not all the parameters that affect the price, so the question "how much per square meter?" - just not appropriate. On average, the price for replacing a shop window with installation and delivery can cost from 15,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles, or 3,500-5,000 rubles per sq.m. Terms of repair and installation showcase glasses in our company is possible in one day. The scheme of work is very simple, let's say you have a simple display glass with a thickness of 6 mm and an approximate size of 2000x2500 mm.

A mobile team immediately goes to your site with a larger glass and cuts it on the spot to the right size. This is how we solved the problem of unnecessary trips and wasting time on measurements, negotiations, etc. We work both for cash and non-cash payments.

Window glass replacement price

The price for replacing glass windows starts from 15,000 rubles. This price includes measurement, glass production, delivery and installation-dismantling, with sizes up to three square meters. m. If the dimensions are larger, then you can approximately calculate for yourself, subject to the glass thickness of 6 mm, 4000 rubles / sq.m. Decide in advance if recycling is needed, it is not included in the price.

Much depends on the complexity of the installation, but it is different for everyone and is revealed only after our specialist has inspected your object. Someone has old frames, from the times of the USSR, which have rusted and, when removed, fall apart in their hands.

In addition to replacing the display windows, both the bead and the sealing rubber need to be replaced. For some, the windows are at a height, although not large, but installation is not very convenient. And so on, to each his own...


Glass replacement (urgent glazing) Emergency glazing Zdouble-glazed window replacement

One of the activitiesPRESTIGE STEKLOis the glazing of shop windows and the replacement of broken glass big size. Cracked glass never cheered anyone up. It can happen completely unexpectedly, anywhere and anytime - in the office or at your home, in summer or winter. Therefore, the urgent replacement of cracked or broken glass is one of the tasks of our company. Our specialists will come to any district of Moscow and replace the windows, so they will not cause you any more problems.

In order for emergency glazing to be completed promptly and at the highest quality level, it is necessary to provide the specialists with the most complete information about the breakdown, as well as the parameters of the glass structure, when making a call. So, for example, it would not be superfluous to inform the glaziers of the following data:

  • Etc measured dimensions of a double-glazed window or glass;
  • The shape of the opening, as well as the type of construction (window, door, showcase, facade, etc.);
  • The number of glasses that are used in a double-glazed window or glass structure;
  • The material from which the structure is made (PVC, aluminum, wood). This information is very important for professional glaziers, since it is by focusing on it that you can choose the most high-quality glazing option;
  • The presence of various decorative elements on the glass itself, tonir ovals, as well as parameters (impact resistance, matting, bulletproof

Only in the case of prompt treatment and communication to specialists of all the necessary data, it is possible to quickly and efficiently restore functionality. window construction, thereby significantly increasing the comfort of staying in the building. In addition, during emergency conduction, it will be possible to select glass structures with significantly higher operational characteristics- this, in turn, means that in the future, damage or deformation of them will be completely excluded.

When ordering emergency glazing from PRESTIGE STEKLO, you can count on the high speed of the process, as well as the high quality of both the work performed and the replaced elements.

The quality of the glass used for the manufacture of showcases is carefully checked by specialists. However, product operating conditions can subject this fragile material to a difficult test, as a result of which the glass becomes covered with a network of cracks or scratches, loses its transparency and breaks. Such a breakdown makes it impossible to further use the showcase and poses a threat to the safety of visitors to the outlet.

To relieve you of the need to purchase new equipment, the specialists of Optima Group are ready to carry out professional repair of glass showcases in Moscow. Experienced Professionals:

  • Completely inspect the product and outline the list of works;
  • Perform a turnkey repair and provide a product ready for further use;
  • Provide guarantees for the work performed;
  • During repair work take into account the features of the product, the specifics of the outlet and the wishes of the customer;
  • They will prevent possible further destruction of the showcase and give recommendations on its operation.

Repair of glass showcases in Optima Group is carried out using the same materials that were used in the manufacture of the product. As a result, the repaired showcase will fully retain its appearance and sizes. This will allow you to install and operate it in the same place, as well as to leave the chosen principles of display and demonstration of goods unchanged.

Benefits of professional glass showcase repair

The show-window is "face" of shop or office. Special attention is paid to its design and cleanliness.

If you have:

  • broken or cracked display glass
  • the showcase is not protected from vandals
  • it is necessary to protect the room from prying eyes and sunlight
  • fogged up the space between the panes in the double-glazed window.

Our company will help you!

We provide services for:

  • replacement of glass and double-glazed windows in the showcase
  • replacement of display windows with triplex glass, tempered glass
  • applying window tint film to window glass
  • application of anti-vandal film on glass

We also carry out: replacement of double-glazed windows of a large area, consisting of ordinary, tempered, tinted glasses, triplexes.

Our company replaces showcases with glasses of the M1, M4, M8 brands (Borsky glass factory), Pilkington, Glaverbel, Planibel, Saint-Gobain, AGS, Salavatovsky glass factory, Saratov glass factory.

Name of service Decryption unit of measurement Cost (rubles)
Material Works Work, old AL windows General General, old AL windows
1. Departure of the master 1.1. Moscow departure 350 350 350
1.2. Moscow region up to 10 km. departure 550 550 550
1.3. Moscow region over 10 km. km 50 50 50
2. Delivery 2.1. delivery in Moscow PC. 1350-3000 1350-3000 1350-3000
2.2. delivery within the Moscow region PC. From 1700 From 1700 From 1700
3. Display glass replacement
(ordinary glass M1 6mm)
3.1. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​less than 4 sq.m. sq.m. 2950 40% 70% 4130 5015
3.2. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​more than 4 sq.m.
sq.m. 3840 40% 70% 5380 6530
4. Showcase glass replacement
(hardened 6 mm)
4.1. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​less than 4 sq.m. sq.m. 4430 40% 70% 6200 7530
4.2. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​more than 4 sq.m.
(glass dimensions should not exceed 3210*2250 mm)*
sq.m. 5760 40% 70% 8060 9790
5. Showcase glass replacement
(glass triplex formula 3-1-3)
5.1. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​up to 4 sq.m. sq.m. 4500 40% 70% 6300 7650
5.2. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​more than 4 sq.m. sq.m. 5940 40% 70% 8320 10100
6. Showcase glass replacement
(triplex glass formula 4-1-4)
6.1. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​up to 4 sq.m. sq.m. 4830 40% 70% 6760 8210
6.2. replacement of a showcase with an area of ​​more than 4 sq.m. sq.m. 6030 40% 70% 8440 10250
7. Corners for old AL windows 7.1. Corners AL
(material, installation is included in the glass replacement work)
m.s. 500 500 500
8. Toning 8.1. toning sq.m. 1815 1815 1815
9. Anti-vandal film 9.1. 112 micron. (4mil, 7mil), protection class P1A sq.m. +1800 rub. to the manufacturing cost
9.2. 300 microns (10mil), protection class A1 sq.m. +2850 rub. to the manufacturing cost
9.3. 400 microns (16mil), protection class A2 sq.m. +3525 rub. to the manufacturing cost
9.4. films 600 microns. (24mil), protection class A3 sq.m. +4200 rub. to the manufacturing cost
10. Delivery in Moscow 10.1. Two sides of glass less than 1800mm PC. 0 1350 1350 1350
10.2. One side of the glass is larger than 1800mm PC. 0 3000 3000 3000

*Jumbo size glass is calculated according to the algorithm for calculating non-standard double-glazed windows.

Anti-vandal film of protection class P1A is used for shopping centers and offices to avoid damage by fragments. The glass stays on the film and does not shatter.

Anti-vandal film of protection class A1 is used at facilities that do not have significant material values ​​​​and are under centralized or internal physical protection (grocery stores, restaurants, bars, institutions, offices, industrial premises, protection from children, stones)

Anti-vandal film of protection class A2 and A3 is used at objects having material values ​​- jewelry, weapons stores, pharmacies, banks, etc.)

Anti-vandal films of protection class A2, A3 serve as protection against penetration.

If the two sides of the double-glazed window are larger than 1520 mm, then there will be a joint between the films. It is necessary to agree with the Customer on the joint option: horizontal or vertical.

Approximate cost of replacing a showcase 2000*2000 sq.m. triplex glass 7 mm in Moscow

Departure of the master 350 rubles
Delivery 3000 rubles
Manufacturing 4 sq.m.*4500=18000
Mounting 18000*40%= 7200
Total: 28550 rubles 00 kopecks

The exact cost of a showcase with an area is calculated individually, after the departure of the master and the measurement of the showcase, before that the cost of repair is INDICATIVE!

The cost of materials and work is given in rubles

Full price list for window glass replacement services

Full price list for glass replacement services

Why is it necessary to order the replacement of double-glazed windows in our company?

  1. We can change almost any display glass (double-glazed window), as we cooperate with all leading manufacturers of glass and double-glazed windows in Moscow. We can find the right glasses for double-glazed windows, choose the color of glasses, make double-glazed windows of an unusual shape, arched double-glazed windows, bent double-glazed windows.
  2. We work with organizations by bank transfer with the provision of all necessary accounting documents.
  3. We are responsible for the terms that we announce at the conclusion of the contract. You can always get information about the status of your order from your personal manager. You conclude a contract not with a private master, but with an organization with a 12th history.
  4. We carry out work of any complexity, including with the involvement of construction equipment, industrial climbers.
  5. We can replace double-glazed windows or glass at night or on weekends.

You can read about the organization of work of our company on the page

Did the hooligans break the window? Don't know where to order a new one? Are they asking too much everywhere? Contact us! We produce and install showcases of any size (including double-glazed windows) at any height faster and cheaper than others!

Showcase - the face of a store or office center. Unfortunately, shop windows sometimes break, due to environmental influences or due to the actions of third parties. Window glass replacement work cannot always be carried out by a conventional glass fitting company, as installers must have extensive experience in carrying out this type of work. The specificity of this type of work lies primarily in the fact that the display glass has a very large area. Cutting and shipping a glass sheet of this size is a challenge in itself. Well, installing it is even more difficult.

Replacing the display glass consists of the following steps:

  • removal of fragments of a broken display case;
  • cleaning and preparing the frame for the installation of new glass;
  • installation of a new translucent structure (the departure of our measurer is obligatory, since the dimensions must match perfectly);
  • final installation and fastening of the new display glass in the frame.