Penoizol insulation. Insulation with liquid foam

  • 20.06.2020

In a previous article, we wrote about . Today we will talk about insulation with penoizol. Reviews of people who are knowledgeable in this matter indicate the importance of observing the rules for working with this material. It is important to observe the proportions when mixing, otherwise the material will not have its declared characteristics and may even be poisonous. Being a descendant of polystyrene, this material has absorbed all of its positive traits and surpassed it in some respects. At the same time, the scope of penoizol is somewhat narrower, due to its fragile structure.

What is penoizol made of, types

One of the methods is spraying on the walls.

Today, a new trend has appeared - this is insulation with penoizol. Reviews of contractors agree that the result primarily depends on the quality of the materials used for the manufacture. Penoizol is polymer material, which in its qualities is close to polystyrene. Its production, as a finished raw material, has not been established. Factories produce only components. For the production of penoizol is used:

  • resin - urea-formaldehyde, marked with the letters KFMT;
  • orthophosphoric food acid;
  • foaming agent - alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, marked with the letters ABSK;
  • medium hard water.

Wall insulation with penoizol, made from low-quality materials or with non-compliance with technology, will not give the desired result. So, for example, the KFMT profile resin can be replaced with a cheaper analogue used for the production of chipboard. It also negatively affects the non-observance of proportions and temperature regime. Wall insulation with penoizol should be carried out at +20 and above. The proportions of the components:

  • resin - 20 kg;
  • orthophoric acid - 400 gr;
  • alkylbenzenesulfonic acid - 100 gr;
  • water of medium hardness - 25 liters.

As a result, we get a liquid material that is poured into the cavities between the walls and ceilings. But this is far from the only method of insulating walls with penoizol. Reviews still agree that it is the most popular and effective, but there are other options. Penoizol can be:

  • liquid;
  • in sheets;
  • in granules (crumb).

Liquid penoizol is the basis for the production of sheet material.

In order to get sheets of penoizol, you need to pour liquid material into a mold, an ordinary cube. When the insulation hardens (polymerizes), it can be cut into sheets of the desired thickness. They do it both manually with a string and on special machines.

The crumb is made from urea foam. It is important that the fractions are not small - not less than 10-15 mm, and also sufficiently elastic. To make a crumb, one cubic meter of polystyrene is taken and crushed, resulting in small balls (grains), the volume of which is twice the original. That is, if you crush 1 cubic meter of foam plastic, we get 2 thousand liters of crumbs. There are some features at work, but the insulation of walls with penoizol, according to reviews, is more profitable when using crumbs.

Characteristics of penoizol

Another method is the pouring of liquid material into the interstitial space.

How effective is home insulation with penoizol? Reviews of those who have already tried the new product say that there is a benefit. It is associated with some characteristics of the material, which allow not to use additional heaters. In principle, penoizol wins a little in terms of performance from its relative - polystyrene. Main characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.028–0.038, despite the fact that for foam these figures reach 0.048;
  • density - from 10 to 30 kg / m. cube;
  • does not burn, at all;
  • service life of more than 50 years, which is twice as long as conventional foam;
  • better passes moisture, that is, breathes.

All these characteristics favorably distinguish penoizol, but only if they insulate the spaces between the walls, the ceiling or the floor. For example, it is not applicable for facades under plaster - it is too easy to crumble, it does not withstand even the minimum mechanical load.

In some sources, one can find statements that his mice do not gnaw, although this is not so. Even in mineral wool, sometimes mouse clans thrive, not to mention their favorite polystyrene foam and its derivatives. The ability of penoizol to pass moisture has a positive effect on the microclimate in the room. Thanks to this, condensation does not form and, accordingly, the problems associated with it: fungus, musty smell, the need for good ventilation or constant ventilation.

How to insulate a house with penoizol

This is penoizol crumb, transported in bags. Inflated with a compressor.

Do-it-yourself insulation with penoizol should be considered in three planes, since the material can be in three states, as described above. Let's start with the most common and convenient way - this is filling voids with liquid material.

To insulate a house with penoizol, you will need:

  • installation for mixing the components of the composition;
  • large containers;
  • compressor.

As you understand, the thermal insulation process begins with mixing the components of penoizol, since everything must be done in place. After the composition is ready for use with the help of a compressor, it is blown into the prepared cavity. If we are talking about roof insulation with penoizol, then the buffer zone between the roof rafters acts as this very cavity. In order to prevent the material from flowing out, a dense plastic film is stuffed on the inside of the rafters. The degree of void filling can be seen visually, since the film is transparent. If the distance between the rafters is too large, then to hold the insulation layer, you can stretch a nylon thread or wire between them in zigzags.

Penoizol sheets are similar to polystyrene, only the grain fraction is much smaller.

To insulate the ceiling with penoizol, simply spray it over the ceiling in the attic. The result is a monolithic layer of insulation that does not transmit heat, while moisture does not stagnate under the ceiling. As you know, ceiling insulation is technologically more complicated than walls. We wrote about this in the article: ».

The ceiling must breathe, so membranes are used that allow moisture to pass through, but do not allow heat to pass through. For penoizol, such membranes are not needed. Insulation of floors with penoizol is carried out according to the same principle as the ceiling. The required amount of liquid material is sprayed under the subfloor. After hardening, it is quite fragile, so the possibility of damage during operation cannot be allowed. What can not be said about extruded foam, which is quite rigid and can even fit under a screed. We talked about this in the article: ».

The use of foam insulation boards is justified only due to their low weight and absolute fire safety.

Although there are difficulties with this material. For example, because it is too fragile, it is difficult to transport it without losing its shape. Even a gust of wind can break a sheet, so they are made at least 10 cm thick.

Penoizol crumb at correct use It is slightly cheaper than the liquid counterpart. But there are even more problems with it:

  • need for accurate calibration of the equipment;
  • work only with absolutely dry material;
  • with incorrect calibration or fine grain fraction, the filling density increases, material consumption too;
  • Lots of rubbish at work.

Those who are engaged exclusively in crumb insulation do not recommend doing the work on their own.

The process has many nuances, non-observance of which will undoubtedly lead to negative consequences, such as the formation of voids or waste of material and funds.

Penoizol liquid insulation - where to look for the catch

Whether it is insulation of the ceiling with penoizol or walls, almost everything depends on the level of skill of the performer. Naturally, you need to look at the resin certificates, but does this mean that the certificate is issued for the resin that is used to insulate your house? Probably the main indicator of the conscientiousness of the contractor's firm is the willingness to conclude a contract with long-term quality guarantees. A negative result may appear in 2-3 years.

The main problems do not arise from installation or equipment, but from improper mixing of components:

  • busting with resin - too loose material;
  • an overdose of phosphoric acid - penoizol burns out and simply crumbles in the hands.

Also, if the proportions are not observed, formaldehyde is released - a terrible poison. Based on the results of all that has been said, we can conclude that it is possible to use penoizol liquid insulation if intelligent specialists work with it. Crumb and slabs are not very popular, and most likely will not be widely used. Although the composition of the material includes toxic substances with the correct dosage, they do not cause any harm.

Penoizol insulation

Penoizol insulation

How is insulation done?

For example, to insulate walls in a residential building, pouring occurs through small holes and allows the installation of insulation without disassembling building structures. And for the thermal insulation of houses under construction, penoizol is pumped into the voids of the walls, without joints and seams, thereby filling all the smallest cracks and cracks in the masonry. Penoizol has been used in Russia since the 50s to this day, and in the 70s and 80s pouring was carried out en masse. In addition to insulation by pouring material, it is possible to produce insulation with ready-made foam insulation in the form of sheets or crumbs (crushed foam insulation). This type of work is usually carried out on horizontal surfaces (interfloor ceilings, attics, floors, etc.)

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Roof insulation historical building pouring penoizol from the outside into the under-roof space. Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Two-story old building, early 19th century. The walls are timbered, plastered, insulated with felt from the inside. Roll pitched roof made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick. truss system wooden, attic floor insulated with sawdust. A vapor barrier is laid on a wooden crate. There is no roof insulation. During the operation of the building, significant heat leakage through the roof was discovered due to the lack of thermal insulation of the roofing.

The coolness in the rooms on the second floor could still be overcome by increasing the heating power, but freezing and the failure of the expensive automatic fire extinguishing system forced urgent measures to be taken to insulate the roof.

It was not possible to insulate the roof from the inside due to the lack of access to the attic space occupied by the air conditioning system. Insulate the roof from the outside traditional methods it was also not possible, because no one will take apart the roofing in the middle of winter. The only possible method of roof insulation in this situation was the insulation of the roof from the outside by pouring penoizol into the under-roof space. Penoizol was poured into the ventilation gap between the crate and the counter-crate from the side of the roof overhangs around the entire perimeter of the building onto the vapor barrier layer, which in this situation performs the function of a building envelope.

To access the roof overhangs, it was necessary to use a telescopic aerial platform (installing an aerial platform in a cramped Moscow courtyard turned out to be another problem).

For pouring penoizol into the under-roof space, a rigid and long tube made of pvc diameter 50 mm and 7 m long. The operator on the aerial platform inserted the tube into the ventilation gap and pushed it under roofing to the roof ridge. Then the supply of penoizol was turned on and the operator pulled the tube back as the under-roof space was filled.

All operations were carried out in a given sequence every 1.5 meters, along the entire perimeter of the roof overhangs.

The quality of the penoizol filling was controlled by tapping and visually, by the exits of the material through the ventilation holes. As a result of the roof insulation, the fire extinguishing system was restored, the temperature in the rooms on the second floor began to comply with the standards.

The cost of heating the building has been significantly reduced.

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye settlement.

Insulation of the walls of a multi-apartment 4-storey residential building. Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye settlement.

During the construction of a residential building, the project provided for technological cavities between the walls of the building, made of cellular blocks and the outer lining of silicate bricks. The filling of the penoizol insulation was carried out through pre-drilled inside holes. Holes were drilled through the walls of cellular blocks in a checkerboard pattern, with a step of 1 meter vertically and horizontally. The drilling depth of the holes was calculated in such a way as to pass into the technological cavity without damaging the layer of the outer facing masonry. After the completion of the penoizol pouring, the holes were sealed with a non-shrinking cement composition, inner surface walls prepared for further finishing work

Theater of Nations

Moscow, Petrovsky lane. Ancient building, 19th century.

The walls are brick, the ceilings are wooden, during the reconstruction they were replaced with reinforced concrete.

The truss system is wooden, the roof is roll pitched, made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick.

The roof has unglazed dormer windows.

The air temperature in the attic is almost equal to the air temperature outside.

There is no roof insulation.

The attic floor is insulated with a layer of expanded clay 100 mm thick and mineral wool 100 mm thick.

At low ambient temperatures in the autumn-winter period, the attic floor freezes through, because. insulation with expanded clay and mineral wool turned out to be insufficient for full thermal insulation of the interior. The air temperature in the rooms directly under the ceiling is much lower than the norm, which negatively affects their operation.

Insulation of the ceiling by pouring penoizol allowed us to solve several problems at once:

  • Qualitatively insulate the attic floor;
  • Comply with fire safety standards;
  • Make the attic room exploitable.

Filling penoizol was carried out in several stages.

On the initial stage mineral wool and expanded clay were dismantled, packed in bags and manually taken out into a garbage container.

Then, a polyethylene film was laid on the surface of the overlap, with outlets along the edges. The joints of the canvases were glued with adhesive tape.

According to the laid polyethylene film The frame was assembled from a wooden beam. On the wooden frame releases were started and a polyethylene film was laid.

At the next stage of work, a floor of 20 mm thick plywood sheets was laid on top of the polyethylene film in such a way that a technological cavity 200 mm wide was formed between the surface of the attic floor and the floor. Holes with a diameter of 20 mm were drilled in the plywood floor with a step of 1 m in length and width.

Across drilled holes a non-combustible insulation penoizol was poured into the technological cavity between the floor and the ceiling. Penoizol was poured under pressure until all cavities were completely filled.

Liquid foam in cylinders or penoizol, has recently gained immense popularity as a heater. And this is understandable, because with the help of such foam you can fill even the smallest gaps and insulate your house as reliably as possible.

Positive feedback from those who insulated the house with penoizol, its affordable cost compared to analogues and much more - these are not all the advantages of this insulation.

Today we will tell you what liquid foam is, what are its key characteristics and advantages for home insulation. In addition, you will read the reviews of those who have had a positive experience with penoizol.

Features and Key Specifications

Liquid penoizol made from resin polymer composition. This foam comes in several varieties. For example, if we talk about the classification of penoizol for its intended purpose, then the foam technical type will be more harmful and toxic. And the foam that is used for insulation residential buildings and apartments, differs from it in composition, it is harmless and well cleaned.

As for manufacturing technology, the safest insulation is based on frozen foam. Sometimes liquid foam can release harmful substances when solidified.

The safest penoizol in liquid form is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin.

Each foam insulation is produced by curing the material. If the foam needs to be applied directly to the surface that you are insulating, then adhesion increases many times over compared to installing a foam board.

The best option for liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the heaters, which has a foamed purpose, is formed by solidification of the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam plate is installed on the same surface.

For the preparation of liquid foam resin and hardener required. A special machine mixes the ingredients, it also beats them to a state of foam. Then the foam is pumped through a hose to the place of insulation. Finished products are sold in the form of a foam can.

Penoizol, after hitting the insulated surface, instantly hardens and provides heat in the house.

Main benefits of penoizol as a heater for the house are:

In spite of a large number of pluses and positive feedback About this heater, it also has its drawbacks. Among them:

  • linear shrinkage of the material, which is necessary if it is poured without the necessary pressure;
  • temporary bad smell coming from the heater;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so penoizol must be protected from all sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, penoizol is best used for external insulation at home or as an intermediate layer of thermal protection inside.

Areas of application for liquid foam

Inside houses, liquid foam is used less frequently than for external insulation. Most often, with inside the premises are equipped with:

Also with the help of penoizol containers can be insulated and use it to make all kinds of foam products:

  • baguettes;
  • skirting boards;
  • plates;
  • relief elements and much more.

When making such products with your own hands, you should carefully check all the materials. Do not use liquid foam from unknown manufacturers at a suspiciously low price. As a rule, this is a low quality product that can adversely affect your health. It is advisable to monitor reviews on the Internet about this or that before buying. trademark penoizol, and only then make your choice.

Liquid foam, which is sold in cylinders, can be used as an adhesive. In form and scope, it resembles mounting foam, although it has more high level thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

With the help of liquid foam, you can fix the insulation boards on walls and other surfaces. When working, you need comply with the following rules:

  • check the surface for defects. It should not have rust, chips and cracks, and it should also be smooth;
  • the surface is cleaned and all dust is removed;
  • in the places of contact of the foam with the plate, water must be applied to improve adhesion;
  • penoizol can be applied both on the full surface, and horizontally and diagonally in order to save money;
  • after applying the foam to the surface of the plate, it must be immediately pressed against the wall.

Also remember that if you do not take care of ventilation in advance when equipping the surface with liquid foam, this will subsequently lead to the formation of condensates.

Feedback from buyers of liquid foam suggests that one of the reasons for choosing this insulation is the absence of the need to carefully prepare the surface before work and the versatility of using penoizol.

So, with it you can:

Preparatory work

However, some things still need to be considered before using penoizol. So, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and sprinkled with water a little. It is also necessary to carry out work at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it is lower, but the mixture needs to be heated in hot water, if more, then it should be cooled.

Before use, the foam can is shaken up to 15 times so that the material from the inside is evenly distributed over its entire area.

Home insulation technology using penoizol

Filling the surface with liquid foam should be done right at the construction site, so everything happens quickly and easily. Penoizol does not increase, but may have a slight shrinkage. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks during the shrinkage process, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for warming houses using this material.

As we said earlier, carefully approach the choice of purchased penoizol or material for its self-preparation. Read the instructions carefully.

In a dry state, the foam is suitable for warming any surface. After pouring it, a seamless layer appears, which has excellent characteristics in terms of sound and heat insulation. Despite minor cracks, this protective layer practically does not let moisture into the house.

How to make penoizol yourself

Ready-made liquid foam is very expensive, if you do it yourself, it will cost you much less. But even if you prefer finished products, ask the seller about the availability of quality certificates and information about the composition of the product.

If you follow all stages of creating penoizol independently, the process of warming with its help will be of high quality and efficient.

In order to make penoizol with your own hands, you need to mix water foam with a hardener and urea resin. Then you need to let the finished substance harden.

After hardening, the material takes the form of foam. It should be applied to the surface in the form of a thick mixture. Thanks to this consistency, you can insulate even the most hard-to-reach places, take care of the method of applying pressure so that the foam can completely cover the surfaces.

After hardening, the material serves as a heater. Insulated in this way, the house does not need excessive heating, therefore, you can save on this.

First follows pour the material onto the surface to be insulated, adhering to all recommendations regarding the installation of the gap.

As a rule, to insulate a house with an area of ​​​​about 70 square meters you need to allocate about 6 hours to conduct repair work. If you invite a team of specialists for this, they may perform them better and faster, but on your own you will significantly reduce costs.

To insulate the surface with liquid foam, you need to fill all the empty sections of the walls with foam. To do this, you first need to drill holes and insert a hose into them. And the pressure is to ensure the tightest possible fit of the foam to the wall and will ensure that all penoizol and cavities are closed.

Is Liquid Styrofoam Safe?

Many are interested in the safety of liquid foam and its impact on human health. After all, as you know, formaldehyde, which is part of it, can harm the body. For example, in some US states it was forbidden to be completely insulated.

However, detailed studies were carried out, and it turned out that if liquid foam is used as a heater, then it does not in any way affect the health of people living in a cheap house. Unless, of course, you use a product from a trusted manufacturer, and do not buy penoizol goods of dubious origin.

The current production technology of this, used by the largest manufacturers of insulation foam insulation, completely eliminates the negative impact on the body. Formaldehyde is still present in its composition, but it is neutralized through special additives. And this, in turn, ensures the absolute safety of this for a person.

Liquid foam plastic is a modern building material used to insulate buildings or manufacture facing products (sandwich panels). This substance has certain advantages that make it in demand. Let us consider in more detail how it is used, manufactured and what differences liquid foam has from other materials.

What is a substance?

So, such a heater has a liquid consistency, which is why it can be used in any hard-to-reach places. Despite the pasty primary structure of the substance, the material rapidly increases in size and hardens. In this case, all voids are filled.

Liquid foam is made from expanded polystyrene with the addition of some additional substances that contribute to long-term storage of the material in a pasty state and change in properties during use.

What components are used in production?

In order to manufacture the presented product, it is necessary to prepare raw materials. For work you will need:

1. Water (it must be heated to 40 degrees).

2. Foaming agent.

3. Catalyst that helps solidify the material.

It should be noted that liquid foam is able to harden at a low temperature, which makes its use as convenient as possible.

Properties and benefits of insulation

Now let's see what advantages the material has:

1. Small weight. This parameter allows the use of this insulation even in those buildings that stand on soft soils. The material does not weigh down the structure.

2. Ease of use.

3. Low cost and efficiency.

4. Good sound and heat insulation properties.

5. Resistance to temperature difference.

7. Rodent resistance.

8. Fire resistance.

9. Reducing transportation costs.

10. Liquid Styrofoam, which has mostly positive reviews, does not rot, does not leak moisture and provides high energy savings in the home.

11. Possibility of application both in residential and industrial premises.

11. Use of raw materials in places where it is impossible to install other types of insulation.

Material disadvantages

I must say that liquid foam, reviews of which will help you decide whether to use it or not, has some disadvantages. They are few, but they are:

The unpleasant smell of formaldehyde, which eventually disappears. I must say that formaldehyde is a component that is unsafe for human health, but it evaporates quickly enough, so the final material is harmless.

If you use this insulation on horizontal surfaces, it can shrink up to 5%. Naturally, this result can be if you apply the material without pressure.


Usually liquid foam is sold in cylinders, so it is quite simple to deliver it to its destination. In general, this material is used in such cases:

1. For thermal and sound insulation of walls. To do this, you can pour it into the masonry, between the main surface and facing material, or apply the product to the outer surface of the walls.

2. Thermal and sound insulation of the roof and floors. The material can be applied under the floor covering and under the false ceiling.

3. Insulation with liquid foam can be carried out on pipelines.

4. Used in the production of sandwich panels. This allows not only to insulate the building, but also to veneer it beautifully.

5. This material is used in industrial buildings, dryers and cold rooms, storehouses of vegetables.

In any case, the presented substance is used mainly for sound and thermal insulation.

Features of insulation

In order to perform the procedure, you must first clean the surface to be treated. Insulation with liquid foam is carried out under pressure, that is, the material is poured into the necessary areas with the help of special equipment. Naturally, after processing it should be dried. Only in this case will it swell and dry well.

It should be noted that fresh foam has high fluidity and penetrates into the most inaccessible places. At the same time, it clogs even small holes well. At the same time, it will not be necessary to use heavy Construction Materials which are large and quite expensive. Bottled liquid foam can solve this problem.

It should be noted that this material can be made directly where the construction is being carried out. That is, you can make this substance with your own hands. A small layer of insulation can retain heat, like a very thick

Warming technology

Insulation with liquid foam, reviews of which are positive and contribute to an increase in the rating of this material, is carried out according to certain instructions. That is, it is necessary to follow the sequence of work. The procedure itself is not complicated, but requires the use of special equipment. So, the insulation technology involves the following steps:

1. Cleaning the treated surface from dust and debris.

2. Calculation of the amount of material. In this case, one should take into account all those voids that are in the walls, attic or under flooring. In principle, the cylinders indicate how much cubic meters heater is calculated.

3. Insulation with liquid foam is carried out using a special installation that is capable of supplying material under pressure. That is, you need a foam generator. It perfectly doses all the components. It is enough just to install the necessary program.

4. Actually pouring raw materials. Moreover, if there is a gap between the masonry, where the old insulation has already rotted or lost its functions, then you should not disassemble the entire wall. It is enough just to make small holes and pour the foam through them. You need to drill them in different places.

5. The foam should be poured from the bottom up in a checkerboard pattern. It is necessary to fill the void until the raw material begins to pour out. Do not be afraid that the material will begin to burst. The fact is that its density is very low, so it will not be able to destroy the structure.

Now you need to wait until the insulation hardens. After that, you can make wall cladding. If you are producing with liquid foam in the attic, then it is enough to fill the gaps between the beams.

What equipment is needed to make the material?

In order to produce this substance, it is necessary to have suitable machines. That is, you need to buy such equipment:

1. Compressor.

2. Installation for mixing gas and liquid. It will mix all the ingredients.

I must say that making liquid foam at home is quite simple. However, you will need a container in which you package the resulting raw materials. If you want to make solid insulation, then you will also need molds.

It should be taken into account that different installations can produce different amounts of material. Therefore, you should buy only the equipment that will produce the required mass of raw materials.

Insulation manufacturing technology

Making liquid foam with your own hands is quite simple if you have the appropriate equipment and raw materials. First you need to prepare the installation for work. Please note that the equipment must be of high quality, and all hose connections must be tight. In addition, the wiring must withstand the load.

The next step is to prepare the foaming agent. To do this, you need to make 2 liters of a concentrated solution and dilute it with 48 liters hot water. For the preparation of a foamy substance, 85% concentration (half a liter) is required. It should be mixed with water (45 liters). The liquid must be heated to 40 degrees.

Now both solutions can be mixed, that is, you must combine the prepared foam substance with 5 liters of foam concentrate. After that, the resulting solution is poured into the appropriate container.

A polymer resin is also added there, which helps to harden the foam. To improve the quality of the material, various modifiers should be poured into it. All components are thoroughly mixed in a gas-liquid installation under the influence of compressed air. If you want to reduce the cost of construction, then try to make liquid foam with your own hands right at the construction site. This will allow you to finish faster Finishing work and make them much cheaper.

Naturally, all actions should be performed carefully in compliance with all necessary safety standards. The fact is that you will be dealing with acids. Please wear protective clothing, gloves and a respirator.

Thermal insulation of houses with liquid foam can reduce energy costs by several times. In principle, these are all the features of the manufacture of liquid foam. Good luck!

Today, more than ever, the issue of saving is becoming relevant. family budget, he does not bypass those families who are building their own house. Home insulation is an important step in achieving the comfort and coziness of your own corner, saving money.

V modern construction hot topic is an proper insulation houses and the material used by builders for these purposes. It must be of high quality, affordable and reliably retain heat in the house under any circumstances. Widely applicable for home insulation.

Physical basis

Cooked penoizol

Penoizol is a carbamide resin reduced to a state of foam, used in construction for insulation and soundproofing. It is made by mixing carbamide resin, hardener and foamed water and then drying them.

Developed in the 30s of the XX century, penoizol firmly stood on its feet in the ranking of the most popular and versatile heaters. Its production in all countries of the world is about 30% of all manufactured types of insulation.

Consumer characteristics

Like any other material, penoizol has its own physical properties that distinguish it from other heaters:

Application in construction and industry

One of the significant qualities of urea-formaldehyde foam (the chemical name of penoizol) is its availability and low price, so it is used not only in the insulation of rooms, but also in industry (in the extraction and processing of oil) and gardening (as a soil heater).

Traditionally, penoizol in construction is used for:

  • soundproofing coatings;
  • thermal insulation in three-layer brick walls;
  • insulation of frame houses;
  • roof and attic insulation;
  • insulation for interfloor space.

Process Technology

Penoizol is used in construction for roofing and walls.

The technology of using penoizol consists of three stages:

Necessary equipment

Equipment for the preparation of penoizol

When carrying out work on insulating a house with penoizol, it is necessary to take into account the fact that penoizol is a material produced not in plates, but in liquid form. This, for the most part, is the main problem with insulation.

In order to carry out work on and ceilings, you will need the following equipment:

  • penoizol;
  • metal profile;
  • drill;
  • dowel.

foaming the walls

The walls are insulated from the outside and a protective facade is installed next. For this:

Roof treatment

You can insulate the roof in the house before installing the roof or after it. Features of pouring insulation depends on the type of roof. If the roof is made of slate or metal tiles, then it is necessary to fill in the empty space under them. If there is an attic in the house, it is necessary to insulate its floor with a thick layer of penoizol.

Before pouring the insulation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which consists of several stages:

  1. The surface on which the insulation will be poured is covered with a film membrane (instead of a film, you can take corrugated board or plywood). For vapor barrier, it is necessary to leave an extra 15 cm, which will overlap on the wall.
  2. The spread film is fixed with staples at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  3. After fixing with staples on the film, in order to avoid its sagging, special slats are stuffed.
  4. A heater (penoizol) is applied on top of the film.
  5. Wait 15 minutes for the material to become viscous, but did not have time to harden completely, level the surface. Leave for another 4 hours until the material cools completely.
  6. After that, you can carry out further work with a roof.

Foaming the floor

Insulation of the floor in the house with penoizol is a good solution, since this insulation has a liquid form, which allows you to fill all hard-to-reach places: cracks, seams, recesses, gaps.

The process of insulating floors with penoizol is no different from the process of insulating it with other types of heaters.

  1. It is necessary to install a rack crate.
  2. Penoizol is poured into all sections of the rack lathing using a filling sleeve.
  3. Wait 4 hours, that is, the time when the material is completely polymerized and hardens.
  4. From above, apply a plastic film with a margin of 15 cm on each side (which will overlap on the wall) and fix it with wooden slats.
  5. Next, carry out the remaining work - pour concrete or lay a wooden board.

Thus, the use of penoizol is a reasonable solution for those who want to get high-quality and reliable home insulation without spending a lot of money.

The list of properties of penoizol puts it, along with other types of heaters, in first place in terms of quality, environmental friendliness, availability and ease of use.

Keep in mind: this material has one important drawback - high vapor permeability.

That is why, when pouring penoizol, it is necessary to install waterproofing, otherwise mold and destruction of the insulation may appear if it becomes very wet.