Chalk Masha from bedbugs and cockroaches: composition, application, reviews. Insecticidal chalk from cockroaches Masha and reviews on its use

  • 14.06.2019

Domestic cockroaches are known for their vitality and high adaptability to different conditions environment. Although they do not directly harm a person, they are able to spread various diseases and worsen the sanitary condition of your apartment. In this article, we will consider a remedy for cockroaches, thanks to the use of which you can forget about these insect pests forever.

If you find a running cockroach indoors, you should carefully examine all the hidden places in your house to find other individuals. If pests have been found, measures should be taken immediately to destroy these insects.

Among the huge selection of funds, it is worth highlighting the Mashenka pencil from cockroaches. This crayon has been very popular for many years. Having low price, it is very effective in controlling insect pests.

The principle of the pencil Masha

One of the active ingredients of Masha's chalk is chloropiphos. Once in the body of an insect, it blocks the work of the intestines. Another component - the cementing material included in the composition, affects the entire circulatory system.

Both substances have a detrimental effect on cockroaches. An insect, running along a drawn white strip, touches it with its paws and antennae. After that, upon contact with water, the poison very quickly penetrates the body of the insect, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

Chalk Masha from cockroaches has many advantages:

  • it has no smell;
  • does not highlight harmful substances;
  • does not produce dust, which makes it quite safe to use;
  • it is easy to wash off the treated surfaces.

Many people remember him from Soviet times, they painted white stripes on the back of the furniture, behind the refrigerator and in other places.

How to use Mashenka in the fight against cockroaches?

This tool is very easy to use. It is necessary to apply greasy strips in those places where cockroaches were found, as well as behind the refrigerator, near heaters, near the trash can and at the sink. Use helpful tips by application:

  1. Draw lines on all the baseboards in the house, as well as on the back of the furniture. Pay special attention to kitchen furniture;
  2. Circle the trash can;
  3. Circle all the legs dining table.

These tips will help you in the fight against insects.

Chalk Mashenka from cockroaches today is one of the oldest remedies for these insects in the territory of the CIS countries. long time showed that this tool retains its effectiveness, despite a number of shortcomings. This drug was produced by Soviet chemists who made it from an analogue of Chinese origin.

Chalk from cockroaches is usually produced in packs of 20 grams. The chalk is in a plastic package, which protects it from moisture and sunlight.

The drug itself is in the form of a small bar white color, and the wrapper is blue. Chalk from domestic cockroaches "Mashenka" was made from a Chinese pencil. It contains strong insecticides.
Includes gypsum and chalk to hold the shape of the pencil to make it easier to apply the drug to the surface. They make up a pencil for 95% of its total mass.

As well as zeta-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, which have an effect on the body of insects. These chemical components belong to the pyreroid group of toxic substances. This poison has an effect after the contact of domestic cockroaches with poison.

Operating principle

The principle of action of chalk as a remedy for cockroaches is that the insecticidal components in the preparation have a strong effect on the body of insects. Since toxic substances are activated upon contact with the pest, it must be applied to the surface near the places of greatest accumulation.

It is enough for a cockroach to simply run through this tool so that toxic substances begin to enter the body. "Masha" has a prolonged action, and does not immediately show its effect. Signs of poisoning individuals may show up after a while.

The more cockroaches cross the path that was drawn in chalk, the stronger the effect will be. Insects are able to transfer the insecticide to their colony. If an individual dies, then it can become food for its fellows. Thus, the affected area a short time will increase significantly.

Thanks to the prolonged action of Masha, you can immediately get rid of a large population of cockroaches. After some time, the colony will be significantly reduced, and this may lead to the fact that they will begin to leave the living quarters, moving to a new place.

The effect of the drug on average can be seen 5 days after applying it to the surface. On the floor you can find the appearance of twisted corpses. The entire colony may disappear in a few weeks if, at the same time, treatment is periodically done in those places where there was the greatest accumulation of pests.

To enhance the effect of the drug, you need to apply tracks with a thickness of 2 centimeters. This will allow each individual that crosses the line to get very dirty. An abundant accumulation of toxic substances on their body will accelerate the action of the poison. As a result, the cockroach can die within 5 minutes.

Video "The impact of Masha's chalk on cockroaches"

The video shows how cockroaches relate to chalk and how chalk affects them.

Mode of application

The use of the Mashenka pencil is very simple. It must be unpacked so that the polyethylene part allows you to hold the drug on one side. It is advisable to use rubber gloves when handling to protect yourself if your skin is very sensitive.

The pencil should draw a continuous line so that insects are more likely to cross it, poisoned by insecticides. It is advisable to draw lines with a pencil near the trash cans, kitchen sink, near food cabinets, a refrigerator, a dining table, and also near a stove where food is being prepared.

Its effectiveness will depend on the correct choice of the place for applying the drug. For this reason, before using a pencil, it is advisable to carefully inspect the premises in search of characteristic features clusters of cockroaches.

This tool can also be used in the form of a solution. To do this, one crayon will need to be crushed to a powder state, and then diluted with 20 grams of poison in warm water. For one pack of cockroach remedy, it is enough to take 5-6 liters warm water. It will be necessary to mix it thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Then the resulting solution will need to wipe the floor and other surfaces in the room where you do not need to climb with your hands. One package will be enough to process an area of ​​​​about 30 square meters.
Also keep a close eye on the children in the apartment. It is very important that they do not reach the treated areas, as this remedy is also dangerous for warm-blooded organisms (humans and domestic animals).

Pros and cons of the tool

The advantages of the "Mashenka" crayon include the fact that it is very convenient to use, thanks to its good shape. It is also very affordable and low cost. The advantages include the fact that it does not have any bad smell. Has a long duration.

The disadvantages include the fact that this tool has a hazard class 4. High level toxicity makes it an effective insecticide, but it also poses a threat to human health if safety precautions are not followed. Try to wear rubber gloves before cleaning the area, and you will also need to prevent the presence of children in places where the poison was applied.

Video "Home remedies for cockroaches and ants"

An excerpt from the TV show "Everything will be fine", which talks about several ways to deal with cockroaches and chooses the most effective one.

With the advent of insecticidal gels, all kinds of traps and highly effective aerosol preparations for combating domestic insects, cockroach sticks began to seem to gradually become history: in most cases, they simply cannot compete with more effective modern means destruction of insects.

However, Mashenka's chalk from cockroaches is a peculiar phenomenon in this sense. It not only continues to be actively sold in stores (including on the Internet), but moreover, it is often preferred to be used instead of aerosols and so-called microencapsulated preparations.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Chalk Mashenka really helps to get rid of cockroaches. And although reviews on this subject may vary to one degree or another, the fact is obvious - when using chalk, cockroaches actually die, and en masse;
  2. This pencil is very inexpensive. Even the most available funds from cockroaches of other types, for the most part, they turn out to be significantly more expensive than Mashenka;
  3. Very important point- Chalk from cockroaches Masha does not smell, does not emit harmful substances into the air and does not produce dust, that is, it is quite safe to use. Agree, when children live in an apartment, you don’t really want to poison cockroaches with some kind of Dichlorvos or other odorous (especially aerosol) poison;
  4. It is easy to wash off traces of the pencil from the treated surfaces (which cannot be said about the use of some insecticidal spray preparations);
  5. Well, and finally, Masha is remembered by the people. Mainly due to the fact that even in times of shortage in Soviet time it was she who brought out ants and cockroaches (and later analogues appeared, which, although they had other names, were still called Mashas in everyday life in the old fashioned way).

Not surprisingly, even today in some apartments you can see white stripes of chalk on the back walls of furniture and next to sinks. And sometimes dead cockroaches lie here, nearby.

About how Masha's crayon works (what effect it has on cockroaches), what important nuances must be taken into account when using it and whether it is possible to destroy cockroaches in advanced cases- about all this, as well as about some other interesting points, we will talk further and in more detail ...

“... I remember very well how my mother constantly bought such pencils and smeared them on the walls in the kitchen behind the refrigerator and stove. When we started a fight against cockroaches, I immediately phoned my parents, my mother said that she used Masha's chalk from cockroaches before and now. Somehow I did not dare to poison with one small thing, after all, we needed to quickly get rid of insects, and we called exterminators. The funny thing is that after processing, they advised us to anoint the walls behind the bedside tables with chalk so that the cockroaches from the neighbors would die as soon as they ran into the apartment.

Ilya, Moscow

The active components of the chalk

We must pay tribute to the manufacturer Mashenka: over the entire long history of the drug, its composition has changed several times and has more or less kept pace with the times: new insecticides have been added to replace obsolete ones so that the product continues to be effective and at the same time safe to use.

That chalk from cockroaches Masha, which can be bought today, has the following components:

Two different insecticides in the composition of the chalk are needed in order to significantly reduce the chances of cockroaches developing resistance to this agent (the probability of developing resistance in a pest population to even one insecticide with a competent approach is very low, and to two - almost zero).

On a note

Both deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin are used in some aerosol insecticides for insect control. And also sometimes these substances can be found in the composition of preparations intended for use by professional pest control services.

The Mashenka pencil works like this: a cockroach runs along a strip of chalk and gets dirty with its paws, antennae and abdomen in the smallest solid particles containing insecticides. In the presence of at least a small amount of moisture (from the saliva of an insect or from the environment), the active substances already begin to work slowly (contact action), penetrating through the chitinous cover into the hemolymph of the insect.

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test for them different means- See the results...

However, the main contribution to the poisoning of a cockroach is made by the fact that the insect tries to clean its paws and mustaches from impurities with its jaws, as a result of which part of the drug inevitably enters its digestive tract. Literally after a few minutes, the behavior of the insect becomes inadequate, then paralysis and death are observed.

All that the owner of the apartment needs to do so that a similar fate befalls all cockroaches is to use the remedy correctly.

On a note

Today, after some rebranding, Silver Masha appeared in the markets and hardware stores. You can safely buy it - this is the same crayon with the same composition, and, accordingly, it also helps against cockroaches.

Rules for using Mashenka: how to remove cockroaches

It is easy to use Masha. The main task is to smear the places most often visited by cockroaches with small pieces (these places are briefly listed in the instructions for using the pencil, right on the package).

So what needs to be done:

  1. Draw lines with chalk on the baseboards and the back surfaces of the furniture, preferably around the entire perimeter of the back wall (it is especially important to do this in the kitchen);
  2. Draw a bin around the perimeter with a pencil and put it later only inside this circle;
  3. You can make a solid line around the perimeter of the sink, from below. As practice shows, in an average apartment, it is from the sink that cockroaches mainly drink water;
  4. Outline the openings of all ventilation ducts around the perimeter (since single individuals of cockroaches may well come to you from neighbors);
  5. Outline the small legs of the tables around the perimeter (so that when climbing onto the table, cockroaches will certainly run along a strip of chalk).

The strips themselves need to be drawn fatter - 10-15 mm. Considering that this cockroach chalk is inexpensive and you can buy it everywhere, it’s better not to save here.

The longer Masha will be on the treated surfaces, the more cockroaches she will destroy. Therefore, it is not necessary to wash it off.

“But we didn’t get perverted at the dacha and just smeared everything with a Mashenka pencil. You can buy it from us in general everywhere, 25 rubles costs one crayon. We bought four pieces, thoroughly painted over all the cabinets at the back, painted on the baseboards, under the rugs. And what do you think? Helped! There are almost no cockroaches left. Maybe sometimes we will meet somewhere, but there is no such thing as before, when they constantly ran in crowds.”

Xenia, Tomsk

Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that the most effective method apply today the Mashenka pencil against cockroaches - use it in parallel with additional means (especially in advanced cases). If there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, then it is highly desirable to combine the chalk with the use of insecticidal gels, as well as aerosol preparations. Including a good effect is given by modern microencapsulated insecticidal preparations, sold in the form of concentrates for dilution and subsequent spraying from a conventional household sprayer.

With this approach, the main number of cockroaches die precisely when the room is treated with an aerosol (or spray), and the chalk and gel are already finishing off the survivors and, very importantly, do not allow new pests to breed if they sometimes enter the apartment from neighbors.

Protecting an apartment with chalk

In view of the foregoing, Mashenka's chalk is quite effective tool prevention of penetration of cockroaches into the room from the outside. It is quite obvious that for this, it is necessary to carefully outline all possible places for insects to enter the room along the perimeter - window slopes (if windows are often kept open), slopes entrance doors, ventilation holes. And also sometimes sockets and water supply pipes - although it is often easier to seal the gaps here with alabaster or mounting foam.

With this use, the insecticidal chalk performs the so-called barrier protective function.: in order for the cockroach to be able to get into the protected room from the outside, it will have to overcome a kind of barrier in the form of a chalk line. And this is deadly for insects, and most individuals will soon die after overcoming such a line.

By the way, even if you managed to get rid of cockroaches completely and they seem to be gone for a long time, it is useful as a preventive measure to draw Masha's strip on the back walls of the furniture. There will be no harm from this, and an additional protection factor will not hurt.

“As soon as we made repairs, we immediately poisoned the cockroaches in the apartment in order to move into it already without roommates. They used Karbofos, of course, they had to endure a terrible smell. And then they just anointed the floors and bedside tables behind the walls under the walls of Mashenka. It is inexpensive, it is easy to buy, but now even if some cockroaches come from neighbors, they do not live in our apartment for more than a few days.

Anna, Kharkiv

Safety when using Mashenka in an apartment

For safety reasons, it is better to apply the strips in chalk on those surfaces that children and pets cannot reach. Generally speaking, deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin are chemically quite resistant substances, and if the surface is not exposed to sunlight, then the effect of insecticides will last more than 2 months - this is also stated in the instructions for the pencil.

It is advisable to carry out the processing with gloves, and after it thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water - although the active ingredients in Masha's composition are not highly toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals, however, if swallowed, there will obviously be no health benefits from them either. Accordingly, in places accessible to pets and children, it is better not to apply Masha.

“I once read reviews that the cat ate half of Mashenka’s chalk at someone’s house. Nothing like a terrible thing happened then, saliva only flowed strongly, but I somehow fear. I have already smeared all the cupboards, tables, the refrigerator at the back with Masha, but the baseboards on open places I don't decide everything. I hope that the cockroaches will disappear anyway ... "

Irina, Kremenchug

Analogues of the remedy and what to do if Masha did not work

The closest analogues of Mashenka are:

  • chalk from cockroaches Chisty Dom;
  • chalk from crawling insects Tornado;
  • insecticidal crayon Titanic;
  • chalk from cockroaches GloBal;
  • as well as Chinese cockroach pencils.

It is believed that Chinese crayons are noticeably more toxic and more effective in destroying cockroaches. True, they are more dangerous for pets and children.

It must be borne in mind that in cases where there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, even the correct use of Mashenka may not give the desired result - many insects simply will not run through the strips of the product. In this case, you will need to combine crayons with other types of tools (as mentioned above):

  1. Insecticide concentrates (Xulat Micro, Delta Zona, Get, etc.), which are diluted in water and applied with a spray gun to walls, skirting boards and furniture. This will eliminate cockroaches in just a few hours. If the area is small, then you can use aerosol preparations in cans (Raptor, Kombat, Dichlorvos of different brands, etc.);
  2. Gels from cockroaches, some of which work, although not quickly, but very effectively (Exil, Dohlox, Fas, etc.).

Many pest control services use complex treatment when removing cockroaches, using both fast-acting preparations and preventive (barrier) preparations.

If you have experience in using Mashenka cockroach chalk, be sure to share the information by leaving a review at the bottom of this page (it doesn’t matter if this review is positive, neutral or negative).

They eat whatever comes their way. They will not miss the opportunity to taste the chalk applied to the baseboard or furniture wall. When a cockroach enters the body, the insecticide paralyzes its work, and the insect dies.

Among the advantages of chalk:

  • availability- you can buy it at any store, and its price is the lowest compared to other cockroach drugs;
  • economy- one crayon is enough to process several rooms;
  • ease of use- you do not need to have special skills to use chalk;
  • insect treatment will not interfere with the usual way of life and will not require eviction from home.

IMPORTANT: Although the drug has low toxicity, it should be stored correctly - keep in a dark place at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Its disadvantage is ineffective in case of severe insect infestation.

And here you have to choose - or you are ready to be patient and wait until the remedy works on cockroaches. Or you will have to choose a more effective drug.

The drug is dangerous for young children. Therefore, you should always hide the crayon so that children do not confuse it with chalk for drawing. But for prevention, chalk is indispensable. It will save you from neighboring cockroaches who started a fight with them and get rid of the unpleasant odor that is often characteristic of aerosols.

IMPORTANT: Masha's chalk is popular. It has proven to be inexpensive and effective. There is a version that it was developed to preserve military supplies in the early 80s. Products created by order of the Ministry of Defense showed their effectiveness and soon went on sale.

How to use crayons from cockroaches

To achieve maximum effect, it is important to follow the instructions. It is better to work with chalk in gloves. Make sure that the microparticles of the powder do not get on the mucous membranes or in the respiratory system. Be that as it may, we are talking about a chemical substance that can cause poisoning.

  1. Chalk is used to treat skirting boards, thresholds, window sills, crevices, areas under the bathroom, the inside of cabinets, ventilation grills and all places where cockroaches are expected to accumulate.
  2. The width of the drawn line should not be less than 1 cm.
  3. It is important that the drawn lines are continuous. This will not leave the cockroaches even a small chance of survival.
  4. The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on the places where the product is applied. It makes sense to pre-examine the apartment for insect nests.

The tool is used not only for "drawing". The chalk can be crushed and used as a cockroach powder. A solution is prepared from it. Dilute in 5-6 liters of warm water. The resulting product is sprayed on the surface or wiped the floor. But traditional method the safest and most convenient.

IMPORTANT: Remember that cockroaches can not live without water. Wipe the sink at night and do not leave wet sponges. Chalk the bottom of the sink and walls nearby.

The crayons of different manufacturers have a different duration of action. It varies from one week. If the cockroaches do not disappear, the treatment should be repeated.

Chalk from cockroaches is used as preventive measure and is suitable for those who want to secure the house from "uninvited guests". It is not suitable for instant action, but it is relatively safe and easy to use.

Useful materials

Read other articles about cockroaches:

Below is a list of well-established drugs:

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